Henry Cavill Threatens to EXIT Amazon's Warhammer 40K?! + Woke Feminists Swarm Stellar Blade

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what's up everyone it's emion and there's quite a bit to talk about today from Warhammer 40K going absolutely nuclear in the last few days and there's a new rumor that could explain why this is all happening and there's some dire claims being made Beyond this Stellar blade is apparently awful because it was made for the male gays and Niantic has turned Pokemon go into an androgynous slop simulator but let's first start with this rumor about Warhammer I should preface by stating this first that this rumor has not been confirmed across the board and it does come from the website forchan however the claim is allegedly being made by someone who has signed an NDA and has chosen to break their silence anyway they also claim that they work at either Games Workshop or Amazon to some capacity and have some knowledge of the behind the scenes that are going on but again if this ends up not being true or anything I would just like to state that again this is a rumor I'm not going to mic zero myself into making six videos in a row about things like the voices in my head telling me something just so we're clear I'm very much someone who likes to only report on facts with actual proof but this rumor was really interesting so that's why it's here anyway according to this anonymous source which by the way I'll share the link to this 4chan Post in the description in case you want to see it yourself Games Workshop is allegedly being strong armed by Amazon Studios into implementing things like female custodians into the lore Games Workshop is also also allegedly only mentioning the existence of these female custodians within lore indexes but has zero plans to actually create figurines or any actual product that depicts a female custodian in any form the reason for this strong arming is allegedly Amazon after signing the papers with game's workshop for the partnership was not happy with the fact that Warhammer 40K is very strict when it comes to its lore and they wanted some level of Freedom when it comes to how they adapt things going forward in Warhammer of course you have roles that are specifically one gender or the other like the sisters of silence for example obviously they don't have men because well it has the word sisters in their title so that makes sense it's pretty simple really and that's why people like it Anyway Amazon doesn't like that at all despite what fans think and they want female characters in power armor as well alongside male ones too for no other reason than apparently to Virtue signal and show representation and likely the main reasons for this change was simply because Games Workshop went into partnership with a massive corporation like Amazon somehow not realizing that their IP would be changed to some degree once negotiations were finalized and actual brainstorming on potential shows and so on began to me the only real reason Amazon would push for female custodians is simply because if they didn't show female representation they fear the series would suffer in critical reception from reviewers who would undoubtedly complain and then lower the scores of potential shows because they don't have proper representation on screen apparently they want to do the Eisen horn story and wanted to inject more women into leading roles within the Amazon Prime liveaction universe and this has allegedly again I cannot confirm this but allegedly Henry caval is very much against all of this and he has allegedly behind the scenes according to this threading to walk away from the project completely if lore is not respect Ed with the utmost importance which we all get because look what happened to Netflix's The Witcher he clearly doesn't want a repeat of what happened over there allegedly within the next month or so we'll start seeing articles pop up about Henry caval moving forward with Amazon on this project but there is apparently severe tensions behind the scenes where caval is threatening to leave to some capacity the anonymous leaker does State later on in the thread that they are putting themselves at risk of even saying any of this and if they get caught they would likely get sued into Oblivion by workshop and Amazon alike there apparently a grunt within one of these companies and according to them one of the main reasons Amazon wants female custodians or just more women in general in Warhammer altogether is they want moments within the series that spark huge social media reactions like for example they want something like a custodian fighting a battle and then they pull their helmet off to show that they're actually a woman this entire time which would obviously leag caused the entire Warhammer fan base to erupt like a million Super Saiyans at once so in a lot of ways What's Happening Here is Amazon doesn't seem to care a lot about the lore and instead sees Warhammer as another property that they can mine for viewership numbers and subscriptions at Prime but what worries me is what always did from the Inception of this announced partnership which is that Amazon has proven they can absolutely disregard critical lore and ruin things in the names of virtue signaling I mean rings of power does exist after all and even Fallout to a certain extent features a female character in the leading role even though realistically she would be dead within minutes of reaching the surface or worse but having a female lead is more ESG friendly than a male one especially one that is white for example Reacher on Amazon of course didn't help Amazon's ESG rating and actually let's go look at their ESG rating to show you what I'm talking about on sustain analytics.com you can actually search comp ianes and see where they rank on the ESG leaderboards in case those of you watching don't know what ESG stands for it means economic social and governance basically think of it like a credit score but for companies and your credit is based on how woke you are and how much representation or diversity you have in your company so if you ever wondered why companies always go out of their way to tell you they open some initiative that's aimed at certain groups to uplift them or something it's to raise that ESG score anyway ESG score scores are ranked from 0 to 50 0 to 10 means you're doing good because you're not highrisk and 50 obviously means you've been a bad company and need rectifying Amazon apparently ranks at 30.2 on the ESG risk rating score so they are not doing well enough when it comes to ESG this means other investors will look at Amazon and not want to invest in their company because it could affect their social credit scores by doing so if this all sounds insane and really stupid to you you're right it it is this entire concept is moronic and it goes directly against what makes a product or company actually good and profitable and welcome to 2024 fellas I've been fighting this nonsense for two years now and it's not stopping so as you can see Amazon's ESG is not the best in fact they're in the lower end of companies when compared to their competition which obviously looks really bad for investors and woke weirdos who virtue signal the reason why I'm explaining this to you is to show you that the implementation of more female representation where it doesn't need to exist in Warhammer is not being done for genuine reasons it's simply being done to get that ESG risk rating from that 30.2 that it's at to a more acceptable 10 to20 or even lower risk rating and the more pandering Amazon does like changing your Warhammer 40K lore to fit their agenda the better it is for them sure they'll lose money and viewership numbers but to them million millions of dollars lost is worth making that arbitrary score go down just a little bit more but I think what this alleged rumor claims is that it's not games workshop's fault entirely and clearly they know that this lore change would upset the fans I mean take a look recently at their stock prices and yeah it's not looking good but it seems that game's Workshop is attempting to mitigate the damage and write out the storm of controversy by simply stating that there is female custodians all along but they're again not actually going to make any figurines or any actual product that depicts this in physical or promotional form allegedly anyway so they're trying to appease Amazon in order to get this liveaction series to happen but are taking what they see as necessary evils in return to make it happen but of course the alleged claim that Henry caval is not happy with these changes and has threatened his exit are not good no matter what because if caval were to leave Warhammer prior to even a teaser of a show or something happening it would signal to the entire internet that Amazon's 40K liveaction series is Dead on Arrival and they would be starting their marathon with bullets in Both calves bleeding out while assuring everyone that everything is fine but this does give some level of credibility since Games Workshop has a New Codex about the adaptis custodians being released in 2024 which that parkplace.com was kind enough to Chronicle the relevant pieces within their latest article that's titled numerous Warhammer players cancel their subscriptions and announce a boycott of Games Workshop after announcement of female adep as custodes some of the excerpts from this upcoming codex confirm that female custodians exist like this one where they say custodian kaladis torva cash stood upon the bridge of a cobra class destroyer named Vigilant Flame the warship belonged to the mighty battle Fleet solar she lingered in the shadows at the back of the bridge positioned at a spot where she could observe the actions of every crew member be they in the instrumentation pits or the Armament shrines or in the case of ship Master lewick stood ramrod straight before his command Throne there's more it continues to say cash was warned before anyone else abroad sensing a sudden empiric energy Spike coupled with the surge of over pressure and sharp temperature drop that paged a Teleport strike her guardian spear was leveled and armed before the first Cry of alarm or howl of a clack rang through the bridge so as you can see in this upcoming codex they are indeed changing critical lore that has remained untouched for so long and allegedly it's only being done in order to appease Amazon Studios pretty much because of the liveaction series before I move on just remember this is all rumor so if it ends up being fake or something I apologize but I figure that I let you know all that we can know at the moment just in case it becomes relevant but at the very least I can confirm that yes they are changing the lore going forward and that's already alarming will Henry caval leave I guess time will tell I hope everything works out though but now let's head into the next big story here with Stellar blade that game is selling out everywhere as pre-order Skyrocket across the board and like I said it would happen websites are already starting to run hit pieces against the game prior to its release next week the latest is from inverse and it's titled Stellar blade and the male gaze there's a lot of of toxic feminist nonsense in this article but I want to read the parts that are the most relevant in verset and I quote Eve doesn't seem to have any reaction to her own sexiness there's no knowing facial expressions no flipping of her long ponytail which players can shorten in the options menu she has no Idol animation except when she's on a ladder she just stands there she's sexy but doesn't know it she's athletic and acrobatic but entirely controllable if she did know if she could move for herself it would shatter the illusion of many of the gamers champing her because she'd have the agency to be able to reject them rather than simply be controlled by them the way we gaze changes in video games as it often depends on the differences present between gameplay and cutscenes a lot of the time we aren't really looking at the Avatar we're looking through the Avatar and with the Avatar this is most obvious during Stellar blades combat all eyes are on the enemies waiting for an opening to counter or Dodge Eve is a blur defying any gaze that would seek to isolate one part of her body from the devastatingly effective hole during cutscenes the perspective and the Gaze changes there's something there in showing the physical potential of that body type with combat and athleticism it's not just nice to look at then you get to the cuts scenes and every single one of those narrative sequences starts with the camera pointed at her bum that's doing something different there's also a robot who follows Eve around during exploration segments shining a light that frequently highlights her behind Eve's body is both a sight of empowerment and objectification depending on how we're invited to look at or through it based on the social media responses to news about Eve's body and outfits clips of her way her bum and thighs jiggle as she climbs ladders all this amids the pushback against games that feature diverse characters and bodies a lot of straight men seem to be assuming themselves as the rightful target audience of not just Stellar blade but video games in general statistics show that this just isn't true as of 20203 around 50% of people who play video games are women shift up assuming an audience of men and leaning into the male gay so explicitly is in essence a marketing move that purposely others a huge number of potential players if producers want to create video games that are only intended for male audiences It's really unwise because they are alienating a huge demographic with gamergate it was this idea of you are taking away our culture it's not your culture it's everyone's culture women Gamers aren't new women have always played games there's a struggle for dominance where actually there has never been dominance the truth is a lot of people men women non-binary straight queer find Eve attractive however the way Stellar blade is being marketed is drawing in the new gamergate 2 Crow and Eve is being used as a cudle by which to bash other feminine protagonists and even women journalists like kaku's Alysa maranti rather than just catering to the male gays and creating hourglass figures and jiggly bits why not consider the muscle mommies the dad bods disabled people greater representation in body types doesn't have to mean less attractive it's not about making games less sexy it's about making games more sexy for more people end quote okay there's a lot there that ending part especially is hilarious to me that they're mad that Stellar blade apparently only adheres to the male gaze and they're upset that developer shift up has not considered making characters within the game more representational of other body types they even unironically state that shift up is wrong in not having disabled people or people with Dad bods in it however the game is not out yet as of the making of this video anyway and we don't know if they don't adhere to those sorts of body types but disabled is a blanket term I mean there's the old guy in one of the trail who looks like the village Elder but he's all part machine too he doesn't look like he can walk or anything I could be wrong the game isn't out yet so maybe he's disabled too plus there's people in the trailer that you can talk to who are more machined than human so they're technically disabled cuz they're not really human anymore and I guess they have Dad bods but they're robots honestly why does any of this even matter already they're running their hit pieces like I knew they would and they're attempting to bring this game down because of what it represents to the game Community the fact that inverse.com stated earlier in the article that they're discussed that Eve can be controlled by the player then they state that if Eve could control herself she would be insulted by the player like what are you even talking about all this inverse writer is doing here along with the people they interviewed for this article they are just attempting to push their politics and ideas into shift UPS characters and they're mad that they don't adhere to their ideology Eve would not be disgusted to be controlled by the player as if that is even an argument because she's a video game character every character in a game that you can assume control is different men women robots cats dogs whatever to pull this woke feminist notion into this is moronic but it's not surprising sadly either they are just trying to pain narratives to hopefully cause enough people who read this article to feel disgusted with themselves for looking forward to something like seller blade and if they manage to succeed in that regard then maybe they can affect the game sales and overall cultural impact by effectively shaming players who want beautiful women in video games but clearly it isn't working like I said Stellar blades pre-orders are insane and the game is out of stock physically across the board already and if anything articles like this will just embolden more people to reject their nonsense and embrace big boua Korean babes instead I said this quite a few times in the past but mark my words fellows when this game's reviews do come out which if you're watching this prior to those going live they're going to mention the sexuality of Eve in pretty much every review this game's release will be the Hogwarts Legacy of 2024 maybe not as nuclear per se cuz you know JK Rowling isn't involved but they will attempt to suppress it and I will be interested to see if Stellar blade gets any sort of nomination whatsoever come the game awards or any other site if it doesn't that wouldn't surprise me since they only nominate stuff that has right thing or if it's so good they can't deny it like Elden ring or SEO but I am expecting lower than expected review scores for Stellar blade by these Western games journalists on purpose I also like how inverse attempts to say Stellar blade is being promoted to the gamergate 2 crowd as some sort of gotcha but this strengthens what I previously said they're trying to shame you into not buying the game they want to demystify Stellar blade and make it some sort of cultural stain upon your public Persona if you say you enjoyed the game or bought it the very same thing as Hogwarts Legacy I wouldn't even be surprised if they even make a website like they did for legacy where they have records of which streamers or YouTubers played or streamed the game which by the way that was a real site that was called have they streamed that Wizard game and it was made to compile everyone who played Hogwarts Legacy in order to publicly shame them or use that gotcha so they could lose sponsors or opportunities because they bought something that they deemed wrong thing but this is how far these groups are willing to go they will shame you attack and attempt to belittle you for wanting to play something that they don't like by the way I platinumed Hogwarts Legacy and I loved it I didn't stream it but if they want to update their list and put my name on it go right ahead just remember it's in Demon with a capital E and the TV doesn't have a space it's all one word I just want to make sure I'm properly categorized for apparently being a bigot so thank you and if they do the same for Stellar blade please add me to that list as well so everyone can know that IND demon TV is absolutely an enjoyer of tig old bitties and sexy women which I am by the way guilty as charged after all I am a lesbian I love women of course other companies have made updates to their games that have also divided fans we have Niantic which I never know if I'm pronouncing right which makes Pokémon go and they're a company that's based in San Francisco which is obviously one of the wokest places on the planet and this ties into Stellar blade as this is what places like inverse want to happen to things like Sellar blade or even Warhammer 40K also from that parkplace.com we have this article titled Pokémon go players demand Niantic reverse newly rolled out Avatar changes why y'all make everybody ugly you can find thousands of replies to Niantic changing Pokémon Go's body types where people are demanding that they change it back gone are the hips or feminine qualities of characters and now everyone looks ambiguous when it comes to their gender like look at these side by side comparisons it's not even Up For Debate dude they cooked your avatars like this user who said their Avatar now looks like a lesbian and I mean they're out of line but they're right they do look at these users avatars who said please tell me how you think the new Avatar looks better in any way gone are their hips they don't look feminine anymore and if you do go look at their replies you'll notice that the people complaining about these changes more often than not are actually female players cuz despite what inverse and Niantic and others believe women actually like playing good-look female characters because what woman out there wants to be ugly well unless they're a crazy person the answer is very unlikely most women go to the gym and wear makeup and buy nice clothes for themselves to take photos of their looks so that they can feel confident and there's nothing wrong with that either by the way we love good-looking women who take care of themselves over on this channel but these companies hate you ladies and it's evident your individuality ities being stripped from you and you're going to be labeled bigots if you disagree with them they don't want diversity of body nor mind anymore because they want you all to look like amorphous gender beings and then you'll be happy or you'll get banned and it's just as I said in a video around I think two months ago when a ex Naughty Dog artist kind of just blew this whole thing open and they said that these changes to gender and whatnot are being done to only a piece to trans people cuz if characters look to male or female it will offend trans players but really what this does is just make trans players only able to identify in games with ugly characters which in a way is more insulting than anything else cuz it means these companies think every trans person can only identify with a character if that character is ugly and shapeless and is that not more offensive than anything else ideally they would make proper good representation for male female and trans players instead let the female characters be curvy and show their proportions and be feminine let men have broader shoulders and big muscles and be tall and even to my short Kings let them be what they want as well and if a trans player wants to have some combo of that then they can have that happen as well but no instead all actual diversity is thrown out the window and replaced with designs that appeal to absolutely nobody now instead of properly representing anyone nobody gets anything and then you all look worse for it including these companies who prove that they're ton deaf it's not surprising though considering Niantic has all sorts of initiatives to Pander in different ways to increase their ESG score I mean after all Niantic makes Pokémon go right which is a Nintendo product let's go look at Nintendo's ESG score and voila they're sitting at a 16.6 which is considered low risk which means investors are far more likely to invest in Nintendo because of that so this change by Niantic is only being done to get Nintendo's ESG score into that 0 to1 area where they enter the upper echelons of woken again for comparison sake let's compare Amazon from earlier to Nintendo and as you can see it's a big difference in their ESG risk even looking further Microsoft has an even lower risk in terms of ESG than Nintendos which explains all the nonsense coming out of Xbox from Dorn that ugly Fable protagonist in Halo infinite and Starfield being full of Amorphis ugly people too it's all being done to lower that score and that's what Nintendo wants which is why your games must suffer and tying this back into Stellar blade and even Warhammer this is why this is all being done these companies are not concerned with profits and consumer satisfaction if they were they wouldn't care for these things but this is all a deliberate attempt to Pander as much as humanly possible in the glory that is ESG unfortunately so with Warhammer 40 K's own Games Workshop allegedly not wanting to bend the knee but having two things to Amazon Stellar blade being incredibly problematic in the eyes of game games Media or Niantic destroying Pokémon go with ugly body shapes as you can see fellas ESG is hitting on all fronts simultaneously the only real answer to any of this is to vote with your wallets and spend your money time and engagement wisely always ask questions stay vigilant but I thank you for watching and please let me know what you think about all of this as well thanks to my patrons there's quite a few new ones I've gotten lately so please join my patreon Discord as well so we can all chat thank you like subscribe and share the video If you enjoyed it and have a wonderful day and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: ENDYMIONtv
Views: 366,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical drinker, rant, woke, endymion, woke media, nerdrotic, woke disney, culture war, marvel, endymiontv, woke tiktok, open bar, South Park, woke bad, exposed, Henry Cavill, reacher, yellow flash, woke character, baldurs gate 3, Asmongold, suicide squad, kill the justice league, rocksteady, stellar blade, model, the last of us, Sony marvel, mcu, Spiderman, disney, elden ring, tifa ff7, final fantasy 7 rebirth, sweet baby inc, sweet baby, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer female custode
Id: xkFdxBwwSyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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