HEIZOU RAISED! I Like Him A LOT! (Genshin Impact)

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hi moglets today we're raising hazel well we were gonna raise hazel but now he's dead if you happen to watch my summon video i was freaking out a lot about uh his requirements uh in terms of mats we would need to farm i was farming a lot in the background so he shouldn't have too much to do uh got a lot of the oni kabuto beetles which is horrible but we have like no animo stuff for some reason so going to get some of that had to uh convert some geos because we had a bunch of geos but basically no jade so oh and a special bonus is animal damage that's kind of cool there's level 50. i forgot to say anything for 60 so uh here's 70. so we could stop at 70 and then no farming would be required otherwise we'd need like five runs in the ruin serpent i actually never even checked what books he needs that's right oh no i hope they're open today but i know i have a lot of inazumab books so as long as he doesn't need the same as the last inazuma character kooky shinobu i believe we should be fine for now let's just see about that um okay no thankfully he doesn't we have 99 of these so we're definitely good in that department we should be able to easily get all the skills to six as we do for raising i guess in his case they're actually all important i haven't really played with him yet but it seems like he can definitely classify as a main dps so we are gonna raise all of his talents for god mode we can maybe decide if we wanna stick you know with basic or just ian burst or just e yeah i mean it wouldn't really be a raising video if there's no farming so let's get him to 80. first drop we got here is three already so yeah maybe like three or four more runs for lucky pretty bad flower and i guess while we're waiting for him to respond we can start preparing a little bit for god mode i mostly farmed bones beetles so i could still farm my own and there are some pretty decent clusters of them like under shogun's house and here in this tree and over here are a good chunk as well but let's head back to the chasm first pretty bad sands two more runic things halfway there i didn't know you could actually stand on these floating rocks that's pretty cool but that also means you can die on them bad hat two more runic things four to go actually could be a solid sands double crit lines attack percent hmm four ones three running things regardless one more run and final run oh no we're going to wait those 10 minutes in the meantime let's do a talent overview straight off the bat hazel is a really interesting character even from his normal attack his strikes are fast he is melee but he wields a catalyst his charge attack is also unique in that it only costs 25 stamina where most catalyst users require 50. but yeah his basics are essentially a series of punches whereas his charge attack is more of a kick also like catalyst users when you plunge it'll deal animal damage unlike other melee characters where it'd be physical and his skill heart stopper strike i think is what his kid is mostly focused around is basically a stronger punch you can tap or hold it if you start holding it with no decline stacks it actually takes a quite a long time to get the full stacks and the full damage thankfully there are things within his kit and constellations that make that faster at the end of the day though it is nothing other than a damaged skill there's no utility here it's pure damage and that's totally fine i mean you can see the multipliers here they're actually pretty insane even at level six the tap will do three hundred and eighteen percent each stack at around eighty percent so at max stacks you're essentially doubling that to six forty and if you get all four stacks the multiplier under that conviction will automatically apply as well also increasing its aoe so just at level six you're already looking at around 800 multiplier here which is pretty good but his burst is pretty cool too it's a very very fast burst it's also very cheap to cost at 40 energy with a 12 second cooldown and it also has a respectable multiplier at 440 percent and then an extra 30 percent per win muster iris and essentially those irises happen when he swirls with his burst the iris is essentially a status that is put on the enemy and after a while the iris will explode doing this extra 30 damage his burst does also pull in enemies from my short time with him in the test run at c0 it's not a big pull but one of his constellations do help with that his first passive here is really nice he can gain the decline stacks for his heart stopper strike very quickly as long as you have some swirls going on so a sting cho or a yolon or anyone that does like off-field elemental damage could pair nicely for him to continually get these stacks and then his last passive basically the only thing in his entire kit that is support based he'll increase everyone's element to mastery by 80 whenever he hits with his skill i think this one is slightly out of place considering everything else about his kid is incredibly selfish but that's what it is his c1 helps him get these declension stacks even faster he'll have his attack speed increased which with his passive can gain those stacks with swirls and just for swapping into him once every 10 seconds you get a free stack so we're going to go ahead and grab that one the duration and pulling effect of his burst is increased with c2 i want to wait to get this one so we can kind of compare c0 to c2 his c4 can refund him about a third of his total burst cost in energy depending on how many enemies you manage to swirl with his burst and because of that caused the iris explosions and then c6 is another buff for his heart stopper strike his skill up to 16 extra credit for it and 32 crit damage again very selfish constellations but that's fine for a main dps oh the blossom went away okay yeah i kind of forgot they have a five minute duration all right one more fight here pretty bad circlet we have the required runic things to get them up to 80. let's let's go ahead and do that and there we go in terms of build let's go and talk about the weapon first of all i was kind of thinking sacrificial because his skill is kind of like you know the core of his kit but i feel like you're gonna be so busy doing like all the other stuff with him on the field trying to get those declension stacks with his normals you know swapping out to an off-field damage unit to help with those swirls and getting his stacks and then punching and then you know getting the stacks again so i'm not sure if it would even really help i imagine the cooldown isn't even that long 10 seconds yeah and then there's the main stat problem like element of mastery it doesn't seem like he's really going to need any of that actually i mean it does help swirls do more damage but i still don't think i'm gonna you know build a ton on him i think mapping mirror would be pretty good at r5 i guess that would be around 32 percent elemental damage bonus and since he's gonna be swirling a lot he should be able to permanently keep this buff more or less obviously width op four star solar pearl is a battle pass weapon but definitely a contender as well we'll decide between wid sith and solar parallel depending on how our stats go if we need more crit rate or crit damage for now we're going to go verdessen focusing on general dps stats curry crit damage attack some energy recharge wouldn't be bad but his burst is pretty cheap it is also on a short cooldown so you'll you'll need naturally more energy to continually do it so there he is all built up here's a quick look at the sub stats on each piece none of them are really perfect but is what it is i guess and with that build we are lacking a bit of crit rate so i think we're going to go ahead and give him solar pearl for now width probably does have a higher potential especially it being r5 versus r1 solar pearl but we'd have to raise it also the buffs are insane but you can only have it for 10 seconds out of every 30 seconds really nice like speedrun bosses or something but it might be annoying in a longer fight and with that i would say he is more or less built i always like to start the showcase with them solo no party members or anything we can also take a look at that that plunging attack real quick there we go but all right let's go ahead and start uh punching here we're not getting any stacks currently because no swirls but there we go there was one ah he can do a charge attack to kick those guys off that's pretty cool damage wise it's pretty much what i expected nothing too crazy especially when he's just by himself here but now we have max stacks without having to charge so we're gonna go ahead and do a punch it should be pretty quick even if we hold it there we go nice 25k actually not bad at all for having no buffs or anything right now well we're gonna go and get a jungle shield because he's almost dead let's try a kick because he is currently the kick did as much as the fully charged oh well he was standing in bin earring at that point should be able to get those stacks really easily on this abyss mage here because it's just constantly pyro um so yeah there we go already full stacks let's go ahead and try it nice little 28k very cool and and again you can see him getting the stacks back very quickly now it'd be pretty much the same if we had like elon out here on any enemy always applying the wet status now it has no shield let's go ahead and do another kick yeah and you can see the little explosion from the thing from the iris all right pretty cool he's a very involved character there's a lot of little things to pay attention to really all right let's go ahead and try everyone now um just some basics here yeah can't really see anything because the enemies are too weak we have a full punch ready boom yeah we already kind of get that it does 25k with zhongli shield 36 damn why does that do so much more we really only have zhang shield now i didn't realize it was so so so op here we go again 33 yeah pretty much the same get off of here with two stacks it still does 19. so dang the fully charged one doesn't do that that much more that much more than i kind of thought it would but i guess at least at c6 you do get a crit rate and crit damage increase to it as well if you fully charge it 56k with the punch there i mean that's already pretty crazy considering he still has a lot of room to grow level 90 5 star weapon higher talents blah blah let's try a couple weekly bosses we're sticking with this team for now i think i think it's a solid team um we have yell on there for some consistent uh whoops well that was just a tap there for a 30k and he's actually still doing some pretty incredible damage and he has the full stacks now but we have to wait till she is uh into her next mode here all right let's give that another look-see here he should still have full stacks so we're just going to we should be able to just do bump ah that wasn't a crit are you serious all right let's do his burst he has full stacks again but now he's outside of bin earring here we go yeah we got a 32k that first one would have been a lot more impressive but yeah no no crit very sad let's get everyone's bursts back oh she's doing the tornado stuff oh my god bad timing yeah pretty much messed up everything we're just gonna have to probably kill her now uh but yeah let's give good ol rock frog a try so everything should be more or less set up i should have done some basics first that was my bad but we got a 61k there that was pretty nice all right if we can just get vinnie's burst real quick here then we can start basic attacking until we have those four stacks there we go and now we can punch and again it wasn't a critical how annoying uh he's stomping again already all right last rotation here oh gee i always forget to do basics first so we had to fully charge that and again it wasn't a critical i don't think he has that low crit though 70 that that should be fine should not not crit that often c6 should help that we couldn't even get him to c6 if we wanted to uh we could get him a little higher though actually like at least maybe c3 or something i do want to look at the burst kick though before we do that uh see how much better it sucks enemies together when i was trying him in the trial run it was very hard to even see that he was doing anything honestly in terms of like pulling enemies together so we have a couple of decently spread out enemies here let's just see that yeah like it really didn't do that much so with that in mind let's go ahead and get into c2 or i guess you know we we can get into c3 maybe we can see some bigger numbers it was always been like 25k when he has a fully charged versus any normal enemy so it might be interesting to see what three extra talent levels due there all right we already have his bursts ready i'm trying to get them like kind of close to how they were before yeah that didn't i couldn't really see anything there we're gonna have to check out the next ley line all right here we go here we go yeah i mean i do i don't really see a lot of difference to be honest oh 34k though just from those three talent levels i don't think i had any other buffs that's about the same we had with johnly shield so let's try that now here 43 jesus let's try his burst again all right yeah i'm not seeing a big difference from c0 and c2 honestly c3 though that made a big difference but i guess i'll pretty much do it for the razing again just to check out his skill kit really especially because god mode will probably be finished like early next week so it's like i feel like doing a massive showcase wouldn't really make sense i couldn't really see how to use him more as a support he seems definitely fully focused in the main dps a lot like of course with four psvr descent you could use him just for swirls i suppose he probably can do that the fastest considering you can just punch and then swirl something and then we iridescent will happen but i feel like because he doesn't really have many support like things going on with him it would be kind of a waste to force him into that role but yeah make sure to tell me what you think in the comments down below dropping like or subscribing if you enjoy as always greatly appreciated as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 354,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, heizou, shikanoin heizou, genshin impact 2.8, genshin impact heizou, genshin 2.8, heizou build, heizou genshin, genshin heizou, heizou gameplay
Id: xdw9ZVHJQws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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