Dori Took My Mora And Gave Nothing In Return (Genshin Impact)

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hi moglitz today we're gonna be raising dory the first half of the video is an edited stream uh where we go and you know collect all the stuff she needs and whatnot as it usually is for the showcase though i will be back as i prefer to not stream those um but without further ado i'm gonna hand it off over to stream moga there are apparently only 59 kalapatella lotus and they're all on mountains i guess oh god that's gonna suck we can take a look at our current dory i raised her a little bit because i wanted to see what book she needed now she'll need i already got this preemptively from the shop because i had zero and i was like oh god those things lotta lotus i have gotten three total ever in my entire life so we could get her up to the first star that's going to be a pain even for 70 it's going to be a pain i'm probably need to borrow some worlds first thing is going to be these yeah first i'll see if i have any will to live after i farm my own lotuses and then i'll ask for other lotuses if necessary i guess we just have to climb there there's going to be a lot of climbing christ where is it can i teleport up yeah i didn't realize i mean maybe this is higher i don't know the first one is already a pain and no we're not really higher it's probably somewhere on this giant mountain i don't even see it from here is it down oh my god i can't find the first one dude bro is there anywhere we can stop and rest i'm just probably gonna give up on this one to be honest they can't all be this bad what is even at the top of this mountain i mean we may as well go up here no we're dead wait um i can't eat more stamina food i guess we're not gonna actually sit here and wait for 260 seconds right i'm gonna give up on this stupid plant because like it's nowhere anyway it we're at the top it only grows on cliffs doesn't it it's probably in somewhere stupid it's not on the other side but i mean i guess to get to the top at least god mode won't be for a while since it took us 110 pulls to get our first dory so all right where are you you little bat you son of a really really right here you piece of garbage and i didn't do my beep oh my god everything is going bad already one down like 80 to go almost 20 minutes into stream and we've collected one flower i'm sure that was the hardest one the hardest one in the whole game to get so we you know it's only uphill from here oh there's two here let's go beep oh there's a waypoint i'll just grab that first what the i didn't realize that was water i don't know how i didn't realize that don't tell me no no how how do i have to go through a five hour quest mechanism oh that thing man i well i guess i have to do this now but usually i want to save this stuff for ex the explore part but i kind of uh need to do this so maybe maybe i'll just get these that i came here for i think there were only these two or three beep beep beep another double oh a triple let's go beep beep beep is there another one holy oh another triple eight triple eight beep so that was abundant that was nice honestly it'd be cool if i could just join like 10 people's worlds and literally only farm this area that would be fast as hell anyone who doesn't have these farmed [Music] what are we missing ah just these three purple things every character always has to go to 69 before 70. i think they did that on purpose because using another blue book wastes way too much xp then you have to use a tiny one there she is level 70 though uh talents yeah i never thought about it really i assume her burst is the most important as far as i am aware yes energy regeneration goes up healing goes up burst is most important i guess her healing kind of scales off of max hp all the small characters are like all healers except clee so guess we're gonna start with that well let's go ahead and start with burst i would i would like to get them all up to six because that's what i do for raising burst is the only important thing captain says apparently physical dory is is good but i assume it's just like one of those things where it's good for not being a damage dealer type of deal she's not gonna out dps eula i guess razer tier razer is is a solid physical dps if she can like stack up to physical razer that'd be pretty interesting because razer just doesn't heal anyway we have to transform all of these things don't think we need these yet oh man don't tell me we have to go farm we're definitely gonna have to farm some of those some of those dudes probably well we can get her burst up to five that is a start honestly i'll probably farm these off stream and we're back uh we did farm some of those enemies i don't know if quite enough as i was talking about earlier in the stream uh her burst is definitely the most important um it's even been said it's the only important skill to raise and that's mainly because you're not really gonna be basic attacking with her until maybe c6 and then that might be interesting and her skill no matter how high you raise it is just going to do extra damage and its damage is pretty bad anyway so this is just essentially for reactions i guess which again is unfortunate as she is an electro and we have so many electro applicators already so just for fun we're gonna see how she works as a physical so we are gonna raise this one up to six as well but i'm probably gonna leave her skill alone and we can only get her basic up to five without farming some more so i'll be back in a sec thankfully these guys are a lot easier to farm than i originally thought they come in pretty good clumps of like three to five so i think that'll probably be enough alright miss dory that should do it if you were gonna use her a lot i'd say getting it up to six would be all right extra damage is extra damage after all as for build it seems like we finally have someone that can use the bell i'm thinking that this is the only reason gentian actually created this character sacrificial greatsword is another strong contender like i said her skill isn't all that powerful but it will give her extra orbs so she can do her burst which is the most important thing in her kit we're going to start her off with wolf's gravestone though because i kind of want to explore her physical capabilities to start with which i know is kind of weird and since we are starting with physical we are going to give her a pale flame i think i'm just starting with this because it sounds more interesting to me personally than just another sort of okay healer uh especially until she's c6 i think her healing is only going to be all right of course while we're looking at that we have to keep in mind she is level 70 with only a level 6 basics so considering dory can also heal if she can do some decent damage she might be pretty interesting for a newer player units that can fill in multiple roles are always quite strong and as usual before we get started with the showcase we're going to do the talent and constellation overview her basic is pretty funny she doesn't really wield the sword herself that slime thing below her does pretty small three hit combo and her charge attack much like other charged attacks with greatswords she turns into a beyblade of sorts in most cases greatsword charge attacks just aren't that great has a 90 multiplier on it so it might be okay if you're like completely surrounded and you can hit everyone around you every time but otherwise yeah pretty basic normal attack her elemental skill functions a bit like tignari's burst where after it hits there'll be two extra little things that come out and hit again so again could be a pretty solid electro applicator in that way but yeah at the end of the day it doesn't do anything besides damage and then its skill multipliers are pretty low obviously at level one here but it's not going to go up a ton by the time you crown it and finally her burst by far the most interesting thing about her kit she'll throw an object aka ginny on the ground and you'll be connected to this ginny up until a certain distance while connected you'll restore hp energy you'll imbue yourself with electro and enemies between you and the genie will be damaged again it's not a massive multiplier at 22 there so i'm gonna go out on a limb and say this is more just for electro application purposes as well her first passive here reduces the cooldown for her skill whenever you're doing electro reactions wild connected to the ginny up to one second every three seconds from what i can tell it's not a super interesting passive but okay depending on how much energy recharge she has she will gain extra energy after doing her elemental skill for every 100 energy recharge she has she'll gain 5 energy up to 15 extra energy per skill usage her c1 adds a third after shot to her elemental skill c2 is another extra small attack when connected to the burst every time it heals you and i think c4 is the only really good constellation while connected to the ginny they get extra bonuses based on their current status under 50 hp you get extra 50 healing bonus and under 50 energy you gain 30 energy recharge so some nice little buffs there to help you heal up faster or to get your burst faster c6 is pretty interesting but i just now saw that it only lasts for three seconds so if it lasted a little longer i could see this being very cool but three seconds i don't know if that's enough but essentially she'll gain electro infusion and she'll heal the the whole team by four percent of her own max hp per hit so i could have seen like maybe even a clam set being quite useful and maybe it still would be but i don't have her at c6 to really look at that and test so maybe though if you also had sacrificial you could do it get some attacks off and then do it again for another three seconds alright physical dory we basically just need a cryo for super conduct but yeah honestly while i was doing a little overview trying her charge attacks actually i think that might be her strongest potential i'm not sure if it's her in particular but the charge attack actually hits quite fast so for physical dory it might be actually quite good and i would like to use binny but unfortunately she's a claymore user so she would get infused gonna use star to boost we'll make sure we get super conduct i guess also for rosaria i basically just want to make sure we have the full crit rate boost from her to give to dory there we go that's good i guess so as usual starting with daily quests here trying to uh see what we can do with a solo dory gonna go and just drop her cue down and start if we can do if we can get a charge attack starting that would be good but there's no way in hell because we're just bumping up okay here we go finally um i mean we're getting like 5k hits but they're pretty quick with this charge attack there 8k at the last one the fact she infuses herself with her burst is kind of annoying sometimes because she's getting blasted around with this uh whatever it's called electro plus pyro attack and obviously when we run out of stamina we can't do anything anymore and have to go back to the slower basic attacks here uh so that one went okay i guess here we have a balloon quest i guess i'm going to go zhong li plus dory i will help her not get blasted around all over the place all right let's give that a try yeah 62 hundreds with the wolf gravestone proc there i guess we'll throw a burst here uh yeah this might be a better showcase of her charge attack as there were a bunch of enemies surrounding us and they're all dead now so that was pretty cool but it definitely still does more actual dps than her normal attacks all right we're gonna go ahead and use the full team just kind of looking out for for the numbers there and again it's worth keeping in mind that she is level 70 and such so um let's see back to dory now and here we go um let me see seven i'm very surprised it's barely higher than it was before i am potentially doing something wrong here but let's start the rotation over i guess yeah there were eight 8900s that seems more like it i probably messed something up 78 criticals i oh here we go maybe 96 okay yeah i don't know that's like almost like best case scenario really they are pretty fast ticks so she could do some okay damage as a physical i guess i can't really recommend it i guess i mean she is built quite not free to play she has an r4 gravestone decently solid four-piece pale flame uh 120 crate damage doesn't sound like a lot but then you have to realize she has gravestone so she has you know 2300 attack unboosted 83 physical damage bonus uh which i guess probably makes up for the fact she's only 70 with a level 6 basic i don't know what i'm curious about is how much she actually heals because i wasn't really paying attention to that so far what does she do as a healer 14k on the last hit there yeah you know it's something it is quite unfortunate she can't only heal with her burst a lot of healers can heal on their e as well but let's see if she can heal our zhang lee up because at the moment until c6 she only can heal one at a time whoever is connected to this thing so we're getting 2500 ticks obviously she's not built as a healer at all the ticks are decently fast i don't think we're gonna get full health though not not quite so then let's go ahead and build her as a healer as i don't really need her for her damage and built out she is she wouldn't be a good healer anyway maybe at c6 maybe at c6 but until then not really so as you can see her healing is based off of max hp let's just try and make her the best healer we can which means lots of hp lots of energy recharge and that's about it probably some healing bonus thrown in there as well maybe on circlet here although i have very few of those raised three all right more than i thought actually this one has 22 energy and uh nine hp so that's probably gonna be the one we're gonna go with honestly i'm not sure if i have a single hp goblet raise probably one and not a good one we're probably gonna only have a two piece set but i can't give up 28 energy in exchange for nothing yeah she has more or less a broken set minus two piece i was mainly going for sub stats there of course we'd also swap the weapon as she definitely doesn't need wolves gravestone as a healer again i'd probably more prefer sacrificial over belle but bell is a solid choice honestly i just prefer to be able to do the skills more often get the burst back because her burst is like the only thing and that's really important and this has energy recharge i would raise it but it'd literally only be for the showcase because how shall i say this i'm really not that impressed with dory so far which is very sad because i so love her design i just don't feel like she's really that useful um again at c6 perhaps but that's probably a long ways off considering how hard the first one was to get so that's now 27k hp minuscule attack but it doesn't really matter we're not going to try and do damage with her no real offensive stats 50 healing bonus nearly 200 injury charge so i think one of her passives will give her like 10 energy with every skill usage which is cool and yeah nothing down here of course i'm probably not going to really explore her as a reaction character right now anyway maybe i'll do something like that for the god mode but i just really don't feel like it's something worth exploring that much because there are so many good electro applicators anyway all right let's go ahead and try that again with a healer dory and are generally pretty much at the same hp he was a second ago uh now we're now we're getting 5 400 ticks i think we will be able to heal up to full now it'll be kind of closer though it's kind of a shame she can only heal one at a time especially because she can only do it with burst but yeah we got the full hp with the last tick so i mean even though she she needs 80 energy she actually gets her burst decently fast because of sacrificial because of one of her passives that gives her this extra now she gets about 10 energy extra per skill because she has 200 energy recharge but yeah one other thing i wanted to look at besides her healing was in fact the energy regeneration so zhang li here needs 40 energy like the lowest cost burst possible uh we'll see how much we get there i think it procs every time it would heal if he wasn't at full hp as you can see it is climbing up pretty slowly up over there or so uh we got to about i don't know a quarter maybe a third so it's just for a little bit of extra energy it really doesn't do that much it's 2.1 energy per proc i don't know how many times it procs but it can't be more than like six that also means we're getting 12 to 14 energy over the course of the duration yeah it's just not a lot it's just a little extra thing there but there was dory anyway i know it wasn't a huge showcase or anything i just don't think there's much else to go over anyway obviously she'd be a lot more interesting at c4 she gives the energy recharge boost and the extra healing effectiveness whatever and then again at c6 for the party wide healing it's only for three seconds but if you time it right you can get a lot of attacks in with her charge attack but yeah at c0 i don't really see too much of a point uh tell me what you think though in the comments down below dropping like or subscribing to the channel if you enjoyed it is always greatly appreciated as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 228,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, dori genshin, dori genshin impact, geshin dori, dori, genshin impact game, genshin impact graphics, genshin impact good, genshin game, genshin impact 3.0, genshin impact dori, dori gameplay, genshin impact reacts, genshin 3.0, dori genshin impact leaks, c0 dori, bloom reaction genshin, genshin impact voice lines, genshin dori
Id: KKiEpgp7qQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2022
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