Can You Beat Genshin Impact Using Only Heizou?!

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engage in fact there are two ratings The Character can be there are four stars and 5 Stars most of the time a five star is better than a four star but in some cases a 4 star could perform better than a five star and I feel like one of the best examples of this is Hazel he is without a doubt one of the strongest four stars in the game with that being said how much can he do on his own that's the question I wanted to find out the answer to so today I'm going to be trying to beat Genji back to using only Hazel here are the rules I can only use Hazel in battle any episodes that require another element can be completed with another character no Co-op while fighting enemies and all catalysts are allowed now let's see if you can beat Genji back using only Hazel the first thing we have to do is go into the three domains first one we did was Amber's domain and this one was trivially easy one thing I realized in this domain is that Hazel cannot swirl the Pyro torch like the traveler can so for that part we had to use Amber to light up the Pyro Monument next domain we did was Kai's domain we were able to walk around the fire and then jump over the water last domain we did was Lisa's domain we did the skip in the domain and we were done next thing we have to do is get to AR-10 to be able to continue the monstat archon quest but instead of doing the quest right when I get to AR-10 I will try to get all the XP I can which is what I did in physical damage only during this AR grind a lot of Revelations were made first off eyes of the storm we literally cannot deal any damage to them without swirling something onto them this will be a massive problem in Act 2 monstat because it is necessary to fight one of them for the eye of the storm near Don Winery I tried a lot of things to try and beat it but nothing was working after giving up on that a while later I realized I could swirl the Pyro flowers and hit the eye of the storm using that tactic I was able to beat it second thing I realized was not to charge heja's punts every time third thing is that we need to get eye of perception during the time of playing this eye of perception was on weapon Banner so I tried everything I could to try and get it but until I got it I just stuck with Emerald orb for the nice swirl reactions fourth thing is that hazo does really well against Abyss Mages this might be the first play through a challenge that I've ever done where Abyss Mages are not a problem in the slightest swirl is a very useful reaction to use against them and this will be important for a later Dane's leave Quest also my voice to text actually got Dan's Leaf right fifth thing I can't get onikawito or runic things Oni Kabuto is only found in Inazuma and we can't get there until we complete the Liu at Arcon Quest and get to ar-30 and the runic fan can only be gotten by beating the ruined serpent which we can't fight until we unlock the chasm we will be level 20 for a long time Sixth and final Revelation I became a YouTube Partner sometime into doing this playthrough challenge I'm just going to sneak in another one of these thank yous you guys are crazy somehow you mainly go from absolutely nothing sitting at 300 subscribers and no attention to 3 000 subscribers at the time of writing the script and a bunch of views coming in every day I'm absolutely shocked that some people come to this Channel and actually enjoy these stupid genshing challenges that I do you guys are the reason that I'm able to find motivation to do these absolutely grueling gangster back challenges I've done other challenges in other games and never have they been as grueling as doing these challenges just because of how long they take but seeing my recent Channel growth it's obvious that it's all been worth it once again thank you guys so much for my recent Channel growth and let me reiterate these challenges aren't not fun they just take a long time back to the challenge we did a lot of story quests and a whole lot of trial grounds of Thunder which was able to push us to ar-17 I think now's a good time to start the second monster at Arcon Quest the first challenge we run into is indeed the eye of the storm I didn't have the eye perception at this point but I came up with a plan I would lead it to the river running through windrise and swirl Hydro onto the eye of the storm after a while it did indeed work and I was able to continue with the story without needing the eye of perception next we sneak into the cathedral still the holy liar meet the perfect male specimen and then we go to The patui Hideout one thing that's very nice about hazel is that he's able to very successfully stun lock people the agent was barely able to get any attacks in and we were able to take him down next we have to go teardrop Crystal hunting and the first one we decided to get is the one that requires fighting the ruin guard Hazel was able to turn this fight into an absolute joke a character with a catalyst is great against enemies with physical resistance next we decided to do the domain to get the teardrop Crystal none of the enemies in the Snowman were tough for hazel next we casually strolled through a hilly Trail camp and stole their teardrop Crystal venti plays his music at Star snatch Cliff which goes terribly and that's the end of act 2. we're essentially already at air 18 so we can continue right onto monstat Act 3. before we did that we did a few polls well we didn't need it anymore but it'll be nice to have for some random enema enemies act 3 starts with us fighting a hydrobus Mage and two Hydro basal materials I can't emphasize enough how nice it is to be able to quickly take down the abyss major Shields with no problems now we can go into stormtro's Lair and activate the four light actuators to be able to fight him they were all activated with minimal problems now we can fight tavalin and like always this fight is easy he was able to do a lot of damage for this early on in the game up to 1000 damage at ar-18 is really good that's enough to overcome most enemies early game after a very uneventable fight the vollen is defeated now I have to get to ar23 so it can start the Leo argon Quest I decided to get one of my biggest fears out of the way early in order to do we will be reunited you have to complete Razer story Quest you might know that you also have to fight The Wolf of the northern rays of story Quest The Wolf of the north is immune to animal damage so that means that all the damage that I deal will have to come from the eye of perception the good thing about this fight is that the story Quest you don't have to fully knock down is HP it took about seven minutes to beat him but it felt a bit longer than that it didn't take that long for us to get to ar-23 so we could start the leeway arconquest basically this entire Quest consists of us going to all the a death die and telling them about Rex lapis's death for moon cover we have to fight a bunch of middle-less soldiers I managed to complete the fight without even getting hit for Mountain shaper we have to find this guy's brother and usually I find him within the first three pieces of Amber but this time it was literally one of the last Amber pieces I could break for cloud retainer we did the really simple Skip and that was that finally for Zhao we had to fight a ruin Hunter which was pretty easy that's act one complete and now we need to get to ar-25 to be able to start acts 2. coming up is going to be a very interesting challenge the World level we cannot level ourselves past level 20 until we get to Inazuma so that means that while the enemies will level up we won't enemy damage and levels will far outscale Us by the time we can start actually leveling ourselves speaking of which we now have to do the Ascension domain the domain itself is really easy but I can't wait to see what Ripple effects this causes on the challenge is difficulty we start Act 2 by meeting Zhang Lee then going to heat up some rocks at the pot in monstat this was a key part in the entire playthrough because I realized that about 5 five hits from normal hilly trills would kill me basically we're a glass Cannon right now we deal a lot of damage but we are super frail next thing we have to do is clear out Granny's teapot which have the potential to be a difficult part but I played it smart and it was really easy to clear later we go to the guaijong ballista and clear out the treasure hordes there I suspected that this fight would be a lot more difficult than it was but it was a really simple feed down Hazel's burst is really good at grouping up enemies now we get to go on a date with Zhang Lee and my fantasies of hazley will come true never mind because the quest is over now we have to get to ar28 to be able to continue to act three which is a simple manner of doing the trial grounds of Thunder 47 times remember when physical damage only when I said doing it 25 times was bad yeah past me ain't seen nothing yet either way with that and a few other things we're at ar28 and we can start act 3. the first fight in act 3 is a perfect example of how frail we are we're at half HP then by two attacks when you're knocked down into red HP other than that concerning Revelation it was an easy fight next we have to sing some flowers for Zhang Lee [Music] foreign after we do that three cryo Whopper flowers appear and while this battle wasn't easy it definitely wasn't as bad as I thought it would be now we can fight Shield basically this entire fight is just don't get hit once ever because if I get hit once he will tank my HP bar we have less than 4 000 HP so every hit point counts phase one was a bad sign of things to come in when he knocked me from Full HP to Red HP by the end of the phase oddly enough phase tune phase 3 were a lot easier afterwards but child isn't really the thing I'm worried about what I'm really worried about is osail I know that sounds like an absolute joke but I mean it before you get your Buffs the vatuity members can still tank your hits pretty well and deal a lot of damage to you especially when you're still at level 20. for the first time ever playing gentian osail took me more than one attempt it actually took me three attempts and also some buffing items once we get the Buffs from the Adept die there's basically no risk of dying we were able to beat up style and that means leeway is finished before I can start in ismo we have to clear both Dane's leave quests first was block keeper Dane's Leaf which wasn't really that tough when Hazel attacks the shields of Abyss Mages it causes swirl this can cause other Abyss Mages next to it to lose their Shields faster for example when you attack a cryopus mage next to a hydropist mage for that reason this Quest was easy but next is we will be reunited and you fight more than just Abyss Mages you do fight a lot of Abyss Mages but they're often paired with other equally difficult enemies like ruin hunters and Abyss Heralds during this Quest I died once twice I expected the worst group was going to be the one with the ruin Hunter but things went pretty well with that fight for a while until [Music] yeah that seems about right also the final fight of the quest no matter what playthrough I'm doing is never easy it wasn't horrible on this account because of the before mentioned swirl but it definitely wasn't easy by any means now we can start into Zuma never mind because we have to complete the prologue Quest even though the enemies are almost 30 levels above us they are not difficult that's probably because they were only treasure hoarders and slimes in this Quest but I digress with the prologue Quest complete we can start the actual inezuma quest in act 1 you can't actually get out of Rito until you reach a certain point in the Arc of quest so I tried to speed through the early part of the quest it's just a bunch of running around in retail so there's nothing worth covering until the escort mission for some reason I thought that this fight was going to be a massive problem for me but it was overall pretty easy since we were right next to the ocean we could cause squirrel to get a little bit of extra damage now that we're done with that we quickly raise off to get them small purple bugs we only need three to ascend and after getting them we could finally Ascend ourselves and nearly double our HP as a result I have a feeling that this challenge is about to get a whole lot easier from here on out after getting accommodated with all their new friendly faces we have to break somebody out of jail while fighting our own kind technically if you think about it the archon quest in this playthrough is about hazel rebelling this domain wasn't hard but there were some enemies that gave us a bit of trouble that's basically excellent complete now we can move on to act two the first thing we do in Act 2 is play Whack Your Boss and fight the ride and Sheldon at the beginning of this fight I wasn't paying attention so I automatically got hit twice cool Ryan chugging always seems like a boss that would be difficult but never really is she attacks really slow and it's really easy to get a lot of hits on her after a pretty short battle we are done with that and now we have to go to the resistance camp at the resistance camp we have to do the archery demonstration which we can't do so we did a secret trick called going into our party setup grabbing a different character and doing it with that character now I have to go to the front lines and fight some absolutely pathetic Soldiers with that fight Hazel has quit the 10 real commission and is now the detective of the resistance we go to watatsumi Island and meet kokomi our first task is to clear the running around watatsumi which went well because they were all around the ocean you know what we say about the ocean the ocean helps us trigger swirl next we have to do the electro Monument puzzle and we did some more magic to trigger this Monument after triggering them in electrolateral appears I feel like now is a good time to talk about Hazel's first passive talent and how good it is every time you trigger a swirl reaction you will get a stack for hazo's Elemental skill that makes it so you can have a fully charged Elemental skill for hazel every time you use it in certain situations like when it's raining or you're fighting an abyss mage using this we were quickly able to take down the electrological we get the luxury of watching Tepe die and now we have to go to the delusion Factory on my first attempt I died pretty fast because I had no healing items so I did just a bit of preparation and then we were able to clear it with no problems at the end we meet a fellow animal Catalyst user who makes this pass out taken in by another Catalyst user but this time not of the animal variety so we run away to go find the Tamriel commission once again Hazel's element to burst shined and its ability to group enemies was really useful in this domain now we have to fight Senora who is an absolute joke and was not difficult at all it's kind of funny that in all these play through challenges the biggest problem is never the bosses now he's just a random enemy like the Geo Bishop the order of Senora's attacks in the second phase are really predictable so you'll never be caught off guard afterwards we have to fight our boss this was even easier than the first fight one of the things that I noticed at this point in the challenge is that Hazel deals a lot more damage than other characters I've done solo challenges with even D Luke these numbers will only increase as we level ourselves more anyway we were able to defeat the Ryden Shogun and that marks the end of Inazuma now we have to get to AR 35 include the Dane sleeve Chasm quest to be able to start some marrow to do the Danes leave Chasm Quest we have to do the chasm World quest first there was nothing really worth commenting on this Quest what's more important about unlocking the chasm is that we can now finally fight the ruined serpent the ruined serpent is the boss that we need to level ourselves past level 240. the nicest part about this is the ruined serpent is pretty easy so we can Farm it quickly to get ourselves to level 60. all I have to really say about the Danes League Quest is that Hazel is such a good character man using swirl to our advantage we were able to take down the abyss enemies really fast the quest in its entirety took less than 30 minutes which is so nice after the hell that was physical damage only now we can do some Arrow but before that we did a few wishes on standard Banner [Music] foreign [Music] I think this is my fifth time getting in on all of my accounts not including constellations dude look always finds a way to seep into my gameplay moving on from that we can start sumero first bit of combat in act 1 is at the withering Zone all that were there was just a bunch of fungi and they were pretty easy to deal with after doing a bit more stuffing in darwinville we go to Samara City there's nothing worth pointing out when we go to Samara City so let's skip to when we go to Port ormos we meet the hot dendra man and he helps us test out our knowledge capsule the fun guy we fight were all one Shots by hazo's Elemental skill now we have to fight the aeromites of the dock and they were also pretty easy to deal with that's the end of act one but next is act two which is just a loraken quest we're just going to skip to the only instance of combat in this quest which is against some airlites there were more animates than last time and they gave us a bit of trouble but not much trouble act three starts and we meet the doctor for the first time and then we try to escape to gandaravaville but we were ambushed by some more aeromites one thing I don't get about the samaroark on quests is why they don't use any stronger Airlines they only use the same like four aramites and none of them were tough ones either way this fight wasn't any kind of challenge we go to Party City and learn about scaraduk nahida gets stabbed but we ignored that and didn't go to the desert in the desert we find some Rift towns and the only reason they dealt so much damage was because of corrosion either way that's the last fight of act three so now we move on to act four act four starts with us fighting more freaking eramites these ones were even easier than the previous ones because none of them were big boys at the front of the elizar hospital there were some hilly trails and then a lower Trail they were all pretty easy to take down and now we have to do the dendro Monument puzzle you might think that we can't do this but we actually can what we have to do is teleport to a place with a dendro granum then quickly go back to the dendril pillar and then charge attack it if you're just fast enough you can make it to all of them now I have to go through the king deshra domain and I want to announce my hatred for these dendro flying fungi they deal too much damage and it's not easy to knock them down when you're using a melee based character and coupled with the hydrophone guy it could trigger Bloom which meant I also had to be careful of the bombs I would also like to announce similar hatred for the Geo fungi their attack patterns are unpredictable and unnecessarily strong I also probably cleared the puzzles faster than I ever had before which is nice that marks the end of act four the first fight in Acts 5 is gets more aeromites for literally every Quest besides act 1 the first fight is with aeromites the group had the most all of all with nine but they were still pretty easy also for the first time during this fight the NPCs actually got a kill at Party City we fought some fatui members Hazel's passive Talent was nice to have for when they got their Shields except for when we fought the Geo one oh yeah I should also say that Hazel's second passive Talent he gets is useless for us we meet the bona fide God and then shuffle through a lot of plot after all that plot we have to do the DS Foundry for possibly the first time in these playthrough challenges this domain was pretty easy I used some tricks to make some fights easier but in doing one of these tricks I had forgotten to do one of the puzzles I had to redo some of the domains so I can get to that puzzle after that domain is complete we can fight to Bonafide God Scaramouche is a pretty easy boss especially in this playthrough he can basically deal no damage we can do a lot of damage and we can sacrifice nahi to the one shot move after that the Neo wakasha terminal is able to do all the damage that we need after a pretty quick fight Scaramouche is defeated and now we have to go through the polluted part of Herman's soul the rift hounds are back to pay us a visit way too much damage we were able to beat them though and on the boat there were only a bunch of hilly drills we took out the first wave and then against the second wave uh that was unexpected we try again and it was a lot easier only the electro log trolley respawn so we were quickly able to take it down and save Urban Soul with that act 5 is complete and for now the challenge is over my takeaway from Hazel only is that it was a really interesting challenge I'll definitely need a break from doing solo challenges within Azuma characters but this was definitely a fun change of pace for my normal solo challenges on the tier list of difficulty I'll place it right at kind of difficult my justification for this placement is that before Inazuma it got really difficult at later parts of leeway during and after in Azuma we were finally able to deal good damage which made the difficulty of the challenge drop a lot I have two ideas for the next challenge I know I said the next challenge would be Geo only but I want to wait until a Geo character is actually on the raid up Banner so I don't have to rely on luck so the two ideas I have for the next challenge are gentian impact using only one star weapons and gentian impact but a character dies after every archon Quest say which one you want more in the comments but until then I'll leave you with that [Music] foreign
Channel: Killer Kokomi
Views: 58,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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