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Oh [Music] [Music] come on what make any noises was your mouth scratch yourself or fall over furniture isn't it he tried to be a lady good afternoon would you tell her says a man that Froylan dieter heartless here and a relative of his hair says the man isn't home madam I wait he's in Paris when do you expect him back perhaps the governess has had some word from him will you come in please have a seat let's go on DJ be quiet ID please don't make me stay hard ed you will have every advantage here a tutor servants pretty close your own room you should be grateful for this opportunity I am what a Hansel and relative how do you do this child is he'll say saman sneeze the offspring of his deceased brother and my deceased sister what's your name Heidi since the death of her parents Heidi has been my responsibility now other arrangements will have to be made other arrangements I cannot longer take care of Heidi the time has come for her uncle to take her in I do wish her sessom and we're here I'm not in a position to say yes or no and he may not be back for several months can he get in touch with you several months would be too late you leave me no other choice than to take her to dorfli and to leave her was her grandfather I'm sorry will you leave your address I'll tell her sermon as soon as he returns forgive me come along Heidi [Music] [Music] so Davey here found a husband why not hold the wedding hand off him thank you Father my gentleman has made other arrangements what's he like this gentleman a good man a man of strong convictions he wants to have a family of it he's not prepared to accept the child which is not his own that makes a problem for Heidi doesn't it I have no choice but to leave her was my father they did as the years have gone by your father's become a complete recluse he lives alone up on the mountain they call the album he sees no one needs no one nevertheless it is time he did his duty he and I were never close I don't want to see him it was my hope that you might take her to him so bead harshly with me hide it [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] good day Jonathan Jonas this is Heidi DITA can no longer care for her go on back down the mountain father take the child with you Heidi are you a brave girl no sir it's enough still I'm going to ask you to do a brave thing yes sir I'm going to leave but I want you to remain behind right here will you do that just remember what I told you he's a stubborn old ox but he'll not let you sit out here in the cold all night what shall I do when he comes out just be yourself you'll be all right [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] huh who are you I'm Peter oh yeah I'm Jaime are you lost no then you shouldn't be up here there's a mean old man who lives in that Hut he hates everybody especially children I know at night he changes into a great big black eagle and swoops down across people's houses screeching like a werewolf it's almost night now well I guess you can't stay here come on [Music] [Music] [Music] you're a meat boy that's my grandmother she's blind always been a painter a girl I found it up on Yonge note houses huh what were you doing there child he's my grandfather come here hi V isn't that your name yes madam you look like your mother my fingers remember your mother was an angel so sweet so thoughtful she never went to the city that you didn't bring me back to soft white rose because she knew I loved them so different from JT how is that one he's going to get married dated marry who would want that onion her host islands her but he doesn't want me so she gave you to your grandfather he doesn't want me either all he wants is to be left alone but why because he's an old fool something hurts him years ago and ever since he's been sitting up on the I'm nursing his hurt like a sick goat he doesn't talk to anybody except maybe father Victor you see child your grandfather was once one of the greatest organ builders in all of Switzerland took him years to build the org and often music was everything to him but then one Jonas remember she's only a child [Music] [Music] you sleep up there [Music] [Music] yeah you'll need this grandpa you hear my prayers say your prayers to God they need no intermediate [Music] [Music] come with me I have to ask grandfather he's gone down to dorfli I passed him coming up cannot come which is her mother for mother's dead and she'll be two before long why oh she's sickly a mine seat heater now I have her so right with me but don't expect her to live can I carry her alright [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] sometimes at night the wind whistles through these pipes and makes a ghostly Museum the villagers always say grandfather has died on the Elm and his spirit has come back to the organ are you ghost or flesh you shouldn't have left the child I can't keep her if you want who will oh she seems strong enough surely some family could be found a good put her into service is that a fitting destiny for the daughter of Adelheid our tonight is dead and the grand daughter of Jonas hassel dared also Jonas give yourself to life again they are Richie is left share them with Heidi I thought I made it plain when my daughter died that I could not raise the child but there is no one but you even data has deserted her are you going to find a place for her in the family or shall I start making inquiries why are you so stubborn - my nature very well I will see what I can do in the meantime however I trust and you will see that she has a place to sleep and enough to eat I'll send up some clothes for her I may not be with you Peter yes how did you get to be a goatherd my father was on his father and his father's father that what you will always be I hope sir and you all I want is a place a place at the table well when everybody sits down to eat they point to it and say Heidi's place something all my own that no one can ever take away you're cuckoo everybody's got that I never have without detail we're we're always moving must have been fun we move because we couldn't pay the bills it was awful I never got to finish you're great at school still can't read I can't read all right that's nothing to be proud of when I grow up I don't expect I'll marry you why not because you're silly maybe when I grow up I won't be silly poor thing she's hungry so am i let's see I didn't bring any food good go stick [Music] Yatta isn't there any other way you're going to be silly you should have got to come [Music] [Music] yes [Music] Jake is my mother she's cooking away yeah [Music] enough yes thank you [Music] [Music] where'd you get that visa gave it to me well you can't keep it in the house grandfather she stole it and then has no mother no sleep outside with the goat [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] father if you have no objection would you like to come with me a long way to go free little honey [Music] [Music] [Music] Heidi it looks as if the Alma agrees with you your cheeks are filled with Alpine roses I just hope I can stay here always father is that the or get my grandfather built yes once people came hundreds of miles to hear that organ played did they come anymore no music has been heard in this church since long before you were born why not this was your grandfather's masterpiece he builded for dolefully with such passion just perfection such love that part of his soul escaped into it can you understand that I D he plain and beautifully but the one who really filled this church with your ease music was your mother she played like an angel that must made grandfather very happy Mary and then one day she met and fell in love with the young man from Frankfurt your dear father and the day she went away your grandfather tried to destroy the organ but some people of the town stopped him Pro grandfather that day he left awfully he went up on the hill you wouldn't see or speak to anyone he's still that way he won't say anything unless I ask him something idea the important thing is to keep asking [Applause] what else should I feed her grandfather there's some young sweet clover by the upland pass we might like that what do you do up there all day grandfather I meditate sometime can I come up and meditate too meditations best done alone I am wishing for dreams to come true [Music] I'll save my big wish for one day when I'll find a place of my own if I can only have one wish come true if only one dream can find me I'll dream on some place where love is where I'll find a place where did you hear that I guess that boy's married it was her mother's son can I come with you grandpa [Music] [Applause] [Music] is this way meditate grandfather this is one of my places [Music] there's an eagle lives off there on a rocky ledge each day he appears opens his wings to the wind and soars round these Peaks like some wondrous ship on an ocean of air I sit here earthbound still he and I are companions my thoughts go out to even come back to me what kind of thoughts grandfather legal seems to think that God did a better job of making mountains and he did of making mankind and yet imperfect as man is he can come here stretch his soul and glimpse if only for a moment some of the magnificence of his creator Peter says there's magic on now there are a lot of people who have that superstition they believe that there's something something mysterious here a power of some kind that can work miracles do you believe in miracles grandfather hey I believe in the eagle grandfather hmm what does this say well those are easy where'd you tell me I can't read nonsense I can't say Richard scheme they tried to but they said I was too much of a dreamer don't you even know the alphabet the letters little you abcdefgh is it no not took men thousands of years to evolve an alpha daily each letter is a separate and unique individual and I recite together and so lately Hey e c d e f g h o if I'm interrupting do you realize that this child has never been taught to read go on did it I did my j k l m n o l l ll stick more sharply more clearly oh oh oh excuse me father is your visit of some emergency in a way huh I found a home for hiding a family injury I D already has a home she's staying here huh pick it up again Heidi go on pqrstuvwxyz [Music] welcome said evening father Thank You Sebastian and how is my daughter anxious to see she awake oh she's awake [Music] my little girl yeah I miss you too did you think of me think of you no not once not been instant no fun instant well maybe once tell me where you were what you're doing what you thought I was in Amsterdam I was in Copenhagen I was like no where were you when you thought of me oh that was in Paris under Rio Royale just around the corner of my hotel you want to know everything yeah all right it was that time of afternoon where everything goes quite grey and people are rushing home for their dinner suddenly I turned around and in the window of a little toy shop I saw a funny little man was trying to tell me something What did he say he said good evening Papa please take me to Clara and I'll make her laugh what a silly face no no no no - silly face I'm not silly just sweet resently John he speaks French you know yes is here give him to me papa you know I can yeah what have you done with yourself while I was away nothing nothing as enthroned rosenmeier taking you for walks in that wheelchair I hate it and you didn't go for your carriage rides either hate people looking at me all the time you shouldn't hate Clara alright yeah come in sit down thank you I'm rather concerned that Clara has been allowed to sulk in her room didn't I leave specific instructions that she has to be taken for daily walks yes you did sir but Clara finds it painful to be stared at well how does she spend her time then Oh she reads a great deal and did she see her friends Frog Gruber came to visit with her daughter one day but Clara was not well-behaved she only spoke French to the little girl and during lunch she squirted grape seeds at him she did well I don't blame her I never cared for the groovers myself anyway tomorrow I'd like Clara to spend at least one hour in the fresh air I'll be on hand to see that she raises no objection so during her absence a woman by the name of Herzl was here she wanted to leave a little game called Heidi Heidi well the woman said she could no longer take care of her and that she was going to leave her with her grandfather I adore flee I believe I know the place all right I'll look into the matter thank you good night [Music] you [Music] hello hello Richard Siddhartha thank you how'd you find Paris well how does one find Paris call the dam as usual that's not the Paris I know it's Paris I know I heard of a bone specialist in Paris Niedermayer he's belt a good man Niedermayer Cara's troubles none of the vogue because there's still some pain from the injury but she can walk and she must walk soon for if our mind becomes convinced that she plans she very likely crippled for the rest of the day look burned we know each other right well enough you can tell me the truth do you think there's a chance she'll never walk again it's entirely up to her and to you you must make her try you know Richard you spoil Clara you and that lovely governess both Clara's not a child anymore waiter thank you what effect do you think another child in the house might have am lhara why do you ask my brother's story is in need of homes you're the big house why not it would be good for Clara well I think I'm going tomorrow to the yarn and I'll bring her down the iron amount little deathly deathly a village near mine fell my intent well never mind a violent I think that the purpose of your visit concerns the child yes I wish to make a home fired in Frankfurt no well I thought it was my understanding that Heidi was a burden for you it's not a burden even so I think it's best for the child if she came with me no I do not and I'm sure that my brother if he were alive would think the same you need not remind me who Heidi is father was took my daughter from here I can promise you I will not allow ID to suffer the same fate what do you think you're a little bit selfish selfish strikes in here of course she likes it here any child would like it here but you and I must decide what's best for her I know what's best here Heidi has something real something that she can hold on to yeah on the other side you're depriving her of every possible advantage by schooling food clothing and the governess to see that she grows into a proper young lady I very much doubt whether that is one of Heidi's ambitions but please think if you use a head of it what do you think would become of her she would be raised under dear Constance's give her some chance I can't give her into the hands of strangers we are not strangers we are relatives - who love and provide for her and I must admit I have a selfish reason to have a daughter but same ages hiding she cannot walk but I think she needs her I only want to do what's best for the child isn't that what we both want I must make one condition yes if Heidi isn't happy I wants to come back here on the arm she must be given permission to do so agreed you have my promise [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good evening front row tonight so this is Heidi and this is your new governess we've already met welcome Heidi thank you what do you think she's pretty hmm why don't you go upstairs and say hello to your cousin Clara hmm and say hello from me too it's the second door on the right name five countries bordering on ancient Mesopotamia what what did the end with Marie Antoinette stated revolutionaries when they came over bread I don't know name five European monarchs who were beheaded what's a monarch they told me were ignorant and countrified knew all right are you cousin Clara come here let me see you why you Tristan funny I'm not dressed funny this is my best dress you smell fine too what's that funny smell I do not smell funny you smell like cheese you smell like medicine get out of my room I don't want you here I don't want to be here either I was just trying to be nice because they told me real crippled Heidi tell Sebastian to fetch the doctor you want to be in bed young lady I waited to see how guys she'd be fine in the morning was she always named No and the llego clara walked as well as you do and then one day and a family outing on a lake their small boat turned over Clara and her mother were drowning my uncle was able to save only one of them and since that day the horizon walked maybe she hurt herself there was some injury and there still is some pain I'm sorry that I yelled at her I am NOT I'm glad you did when I went into her room just now Clara was still fighting man she was thrashing about to the arms and her legs so you see her legs are not as useless as she tells herself there Heidi you should be in bed I was just leaving good night while altameyer good night doctor so my darling be happy come on [Music] when I was a little girl they told him to be happy isn't easy is it it's just that I miss my grandfather and my place on the out [Music] it isn't ladylike to cry as perhaps not but ladies always do [Music] foliage Gold oranges glow soft wind hovers and the Myrtle is still well done Clara now get on with your needlepoint when I listen to Heidi's with Heidi [Music] once upon a time a long time ago I lived in a small Oh fine village a girl named Ellen every day she would climb to the high meadows and play with the goats who came there to eat this week over one day and I met her she found a great golden eagle [Music] what's the matter with Heidi Heidi tell them were you looking for something up there Mademoiselle yes I want to see the mountains how do you open the window Sebastian this way well where are the mountains to see mountains I suspect you would have to climb all the way to the top of st. Michael's Thank You Sebastian what are you doing running away no I'm trying to find save my crease well I think therefore nothing broom-hilda here might charge you a penny I haven't good a penny somebody in there must the rich aren't they someone will give me a penny when we get back all right to st. Michael's [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] none of up here where do we go to all that trouble for I want to see the mountains when my grandfather lives you can't see mountains from here well why didn't you tell me before we climbed all the way up here you never asked me [Music] [Music] what's so great about mountains anyway it's just a place where I was happy oh look a kitten somebody just throw them away just let the media die the story cats the world anyway oh no they are not well we're too knocked back home yeah and as fast as we can it's much later than I thought [Music] all right sit down what's that I think this time it's a monkey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here is your penny and now what's so funny Heidi the whole thing is that's never been so full of life until you came not the friends you have to share Oh plum thank you and we have exchanged secrets like what deepest darkest secret you know all right but you first but you promise not to tell I promise close your eyes tight well I'm Rotem I've in love Fraulein wrote in my with my Volvo how do you know oh by the way she looks at him and flutters about whenever he's near why don't they get married that would be a terrible scandal why governess Magna man she works for Heidi don't you know anything what's wrong with the governor's marrying the man she works for well it just isn't done that's all anyway you haven't told me your secret Oh Club please don't make me tell but I told you mine it's a baby in there anymore what's going on here oh we were just playing sir Oh forgive me for unload my head in know you were yeah rabbit good night good night aha nighttime Gretchen thank you very much you are a dear Heidi and you are a dear Lara and I love you both and what is this minute for you let's open it yes oh you're beautiful to open what's going on here again it's for much my birth paper part oh how nice happy birthday what are you going to be with us no I'm sorry I'm invited for dinner well Paul I dr. rebo's not another one of dr. rebo's dinners yes another one of dr. rebo's dinner Oh Papa please stay home I would love to but I'm sorry I can't I'm already late happy birthday again Frank rothmeyer and that's you tomorrow well aren't you going to having a present yes Oh lovely you must have said all the way to Paris for this no he didn't we send - no to the dressmaker and fini there by Sebastian I just hope it fits we had to guess the sign oh I'm sure it'll be perfect I really am quite overwhelmed happy birthday Zoila Thank You Sebastian on his way oh it has says a man stopped and asked me to serve you this with his best wishes to you Heidi did you Clara and two hair sessom [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Heidi yes is there something you want to tell me no [Music] and within what struggling come on nothing [Music] and miserable feeding three homes for my notes and my I tried not to show it everyone's been so good to me here but all I can think of its grandfather and Peter and his grandmother and I place on the arm I just can't help it I miss them so much you'll see them again one day but I want to be with him when you can't always have everything you want in this world Heidi but uncle Richard promised he said if I was unhappy here he'd let me go back to the ow all right then I'll talk to your uncle you know he's a very busy man and sometimes he just doesn't notice things [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Oh forgive me I I was waiting to speak with you and I must have dozed off no no no stay stay why huh I oh I brought you something for your birthday I found these on the table of dr. rebou actually I stole it I'm very kind I must also thank you for the champagne it made you know quite festive you look quite different tonight ah it must be the dress a gift from Heidi and Clara oh yeah a bit it smells becoming very extravagant OPLAN yes I wonder where they got the money from I find that out tomorrow it was your birthday did you make a wish yes all right Tate first cast oh I would like to have danced danced oh I'm afraid I'm a very bad dancer but if you wish you insist all right let's try without music I told you I'm a very bad answer 3d city [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning sir morning where's everybody well I vote mine doesn't care for breakfast Heidi well she's home sick again shall I serve your breakfast sir no I think I better see our ideas I'll be back in a moment I did what's the matter with you hmm please uncle Richard I want to go home you promised yes I did please just for a little while oh wait perhaps two weeks please two weeks perhaps two weeks oh thank you I'm good morning I called you because Heidi is leaving for Delhi to visit a grandfather and I'd like you to accompany her yes sir and about last night how did you sleep not very well oh me neither I owe an apology to you you see it's only a year ago that my wife dies I do understand thank you though I feel it's better for all concerned if I look for another position no please I think it's best I'll pack Heidi's things followed Maya could you stay until we find a new governess of course one I'm leaving now clap please say goodbye no I wish you were going to I miss you oh no you watch you'll have that dojo what is danger play with fields of plaster Rhine and the grand mother to visit and the grandfather to tell you stories you might even think of me coming nah what I let you keep the baby girl I don't want your smelly old goat I'm leaving her anyway Sebastian's fixed to place up in the garden for her [Music] [Music] miss you bye-bye lady goodbye phone goodbye howdy back [Music] [Music] [Music] I do believe of goals and this is not imagine our incredibly lovely place thank you it didn't bring her up on the owl please for my road tomorrow now run on the head I'll meet you at Peters it's quite simple you go straight up I'd hide you go ahead thank you [Music] who is there Heidi grandmother let me see you yes it's her hair her face did you run away didn't they treat you when they couldn't have been nicer grandmother but all I could think of was home has my grandfather just says he's very lonely I must go to him but first I have a present for you Oh rolls of white bread just like your mother used to bring I saved one from each meal there are dozens in the basket what a thoughtful child you are Heidi I knew you want to see your grandfather but can back soon I promise grandmother [Music] not yet follow me [Music] I [Music] [Music] you've got very thin didn't they feed you in the city they were very nice to me grandfather but I wanted to be here oh you mean you you ran away no problem Rosen my I brought me but why because I asked uncle Richard to let me so you weren't happy in the city sometimes Claire was cross at first but then we became friends uh-huh uncle Richard and Fraulein rosenmeier were wonderful I started having bad dreams I'd try to find you hmm I get lost I'd wake up crying Heidi yeah this is my grandfather I'm so glad to meet you not a day passes but what Heidi speaks of you thank you for bringing her home we will miss her but after the holiday I'm sure [Music] holiday didn't how do you explain this is only a holiday assessment felted for two weeks and size I have some things to do he wants me to stay and you Heidi what do you want [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Peter hiding you're different what happened to you they educated me when notice the shoes aren't they beautiful and look at the dress I've got eight three of them have lace on them they didn't just educate you I ruined you can I go with you to the high pasture come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] why are you so quiet hiding what's the matter nothing's the matter grandmother I'm just happy please the power like you talk nonsense not on such a beautiful day so beautiful outside come you must tie this tie for me you're the only one in the world and do it probably and have a very important business lunch today I should look neat and correct you know I might buy you a little bird Canaria scent hmm you can talk too are you going for right this morning no fun without Heidi Haile will be back soon I'd even Wednesday to get out can you manage good wonderful thank you you welcome why were you going to get Heidi not Fraulein rottenmeier is afraid of the grand I know she's afraid that won't let her go but Heidi's got to come back she will she will don't worry I'll get her Oh you're as bad as Heidi finding out my last hiding place you're quite safe up here I doubt if I could make this time off from enough to disturb you your seclusion you've taken a lot of trouble for a social visit or do you intend to deliver a sermon I just saw Heidi in the pasture below I've never seen a child so happy she's forgotten what day it is by my calculations the holiday is over tomorrow yes you should never have let her go the first time Jonas it was a mistake one that can still be corrected too much time as slip by I'm just an onlooker now let the world go its own way I'm just a ragged old beggar on the fringe of life Heidi needs you to be more than that so you did come to deliver a sermon you're a bothersome old man why don't you go back down there and tend your flock I'm a stubborn old man and I grieve when one of my flock wastes its god-given talent what would you have me do move back to door fee I suppose to be a man of God you must first of all be a dreamer of dreams great visions often start small dreams [Music] well Hyden where's that smile of yours god you just reminded me tomorrow my holidays [Music] [Music] Meeta so sure about pine noses for car she can put it under her pillow and imagine she's here on the other one for me [Music] I hope she has plier house for my nose in that everybody is fine and we all missed you very very much good morning sir sit down Arizona thank you thank you for your kindness I'm afraid you've had a long journey for nothing I've decided that Heidi should stay here with me permanently well that does present the problem I've already started proceedings making me hide his legal guardian and numa stop them well could be at least discuss Heidi's future there's only prefer the discussion I've made up my mind but hearts to your being gay and reasonable perhaps down in the village of dorfli they know me as a wild eccentric irrational irascible old savage perhaps I should advise you to leave here before I justify that reputation grandpa Lupe's I must go why because Clara needs me give me another reason [Music] if you only had to consider yourself and not Clara where would you like to live oh here on the Elm of course sometimes claw gets very angry at me and pushes up with her legs maybe one day if she gets mad enough she'll walk then let Clara come here Oh grandfather that would be wonderful could she uncle Richard please that's very very kind of you sir of course of course you could win grandpa Oh whenever she likes but as long as she likes when I'm great whenever arrangements can be made when would that be when I come back from Paris when will that be two weeks one week one week [Music] [Music] the dog [Music] a reading from the holy Gospel according to Saint Luke and he spake this parable unto them saying what man of you having a hundred sheep if he lose one of them does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and who after that which is lost until he find it and when he hath found it he lays it on his shoulders rejoicing and when he cometh home he call us together his friends and neighbors saying unto them rejoice with me for I have found my sheep which was lost [Music] there's not a car well I'll keep yourself busy a time will pass quicker that way I've already washed the dishes and scrub the floor and made the bed I've run out of things to do I'll go and sit down near me you wear yourself out that way why don't you play the organ anymore grandfather have you ever known an unreasonable fear a fear of falling of my place is a fear of the dark since I left the organ my hands have learned such a fear they're afraid that when they touched the keys of the music that was once they're both gone what makes them afraid grandpa oh the things that destroy most of us hatred bitterness waste time neglect stupidity you haven't got any of those things when father until you came to me idea they were all I had it is beautiful is nice just to my house my uncle Richard I thought you'd never get here I couldn't believe them apposite I could come what do you think of the young take my breath away Claire's been so excited she hasn't slept a wink neither of io4 line notes in my you look and what about me you look beautiful - I'm pretty I'm going to keep you here forever and ever I hope you had a pleasant journey yes thank you we had welcome Fraulein rottenmeier Hottel grandfather this is Klara Lara I've made something for you I want you to try it yeah I've never written in a go-kart before yes well Peter yes will be your wagon master let's see how you get along yes I'm looking a princess never had to find a carriage no way to go anywhere oh thank you grandfather Oh welcome child Heidi remember the sachet of Alpine roses you sent me yes where did you pick them come on I'll show you don't worry they'll be all right and now you you must have some of my coffee oh yes you're marvelous coffee I'd love to but I'm afraid I miss my train oh then then I'll say goodbye here's this man goodbye grandfather thank you and you oil I note my have you also a train to catch no sir I'd love some of your coffee [Music] you will come up from time to time to check on time yes but not too often this will be a good chance for both of us to grow away from each other it is beautiful isn't it you still insist on leaving I will not return to Frankfort I'd accepted a position in England I wish you would stay please I cannot I see [Music] are you alright no sir the coffee will help if you find a place to stay it dorfli a little Ponce young oh yes it used to be a good place they tell me you're something of a legend that was a long time ago more recently I've lived shall we say aside from life how pleasant that must be to simply brush the world aside take my advice if you want something you must reach out fluid is it too late to try again [Music] I think so [Music] what's the name of that mountain the tallest it's called Falcon's nest cuz I haven't really nest there no an eagle he's a friend of grandfather's you're achieving no grandfather says the eagle tells him things like what well the Eagle says that mountains make people better because it brings them closer to God I wonder if imagines could make me a better person [Music] sometimes you mean but you're never really bad I'm bad all the time I had dr. abou talking to Fraulein once he said I could walk if I tried but I won't tracts on punishing Baba he said that the reason why papaya doesn't marry again you wouldn't do a thing like that he said that by not walking I keep reminding the pilot in the accident he saved me and not my mother I don't understand that neither do i but the doctor said it was all because of the way I feel as I'm alive my mother is dead that too I know it's when I tried to walk it hurts [Music] [Music] [Music] maybe if you try big we could help you buddy oh come on your legs back no you I'm never going to walk [Music] good afternoon grandfather when I'm loading my car the girl just look [Music] different you look wonderful dear is Claire what have you been feeding her well milk cheese bread well I know tomorrow I lovely and now gave that depressed foot Clara there's been a change in your father's plans he's coming today instead of next week but I'm not ready to go home we almost discuss that with your father please would you speak to him plead it in the letters stay also I've been offered a position in England but you can't take it I've already accepted I leave in a few hours why I must why must you oh my reasons are terribly grown-up and complicated because you love my father isn't it it may be partly that but it's also because I love you too I think another governess might be better for you I've been much too indulgent with you platter much too permissive know someone stronger might have forced you to depend on yourself first you possibly to walk I've been much too soft with you could be anywhere you like but please stay you see the die there is how you will write many member want you I want you to stay too curious in locking on the same void village you just wouldn't - sure absolute you don't need to make I want you to go without you I'm a tone wait for me [Music] I've made this for you what's it for it's to walk with I can't walk you know that who can the must Clara for yourself and for all of us who love you what is called magic up here on the arm is really strengthened drawn that strength Clara [Music] where you going why are you going [Music] don't leave me here don't leave me alone [Music] you Dunkel Richard come Oh who's with Clara Clara is alone no wait Heidi is something else that I've learned from the Eagle you see in all living beings there is a courage a strength a daring that we do not know we have until suddenly one day we need them and then when we find out that we are no longer the cowards that we thought you were hearts and minds are open and ego for what you might call of a miracle for all of his grandfather's Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] remember what the Eagle said grandfather [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] come on and what made any noises was your mouth scratch yourself all over furniture isn't it he tried to be a lady [Music] good afternoon would you tell her seasoned man that Fraulein dieter heartless here and a relative of his hair says the man isn't home madam I wait he's in Paris when do you expect him back perhaps the governess has had some dirt from him will you come in please have a seat let's go on deta be quiet I do please don't make me stay are dead you will have every advantage here a tutor servants pretty close your own room you should be grateful for this opportunity I am what a Hansel and relative how do you do this child is he'll say saman sneeze the offspring of his deceased brother and my deceased sister what's your name Heidi since the death of her parents Heidi has been my responsibility now other arrangements will have to be made other arrangements I cannot longer take care of Heidi the time has come for her uncle to take her I do wish her sesamum were here I'm not in a position to say yes or no and he may not be back for several months can he get in touch with you several months will be too late you leave me no other choice than to take her to dorfli and to leave her was her grandfather I'm sorry will you leave your address I'll tell her says sermon as soon as he returns forgive me come along Heidi [Music] [Music]
Channel: ampopfilms
Views: 1,719,628
Rating: 4.6891193 out of 5
Id: yG1e8_8PV-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 51sec (6531 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2009
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