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you're and the motives that image of you and were the greatest little girl anybody could possibly imagine thank you did you know about that I mean do you know about the image said that you were projecting are we just working I was working oh I think I would have paid the studio for the privilege of working and I think I did I don't think I could have had a better life as a child than the one I had [Music] how did did did you get in the movies well my mother put me in a neighborhood dancing school the [ __ ] in the kiddies [Music] [Music] [Music] now children take a break she's [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody looks so happy in there they sure don't look happy now you make them smile people feel happy when they want you to dance you were wonderful wasn't she boys yeah people forget their troubles when they go to the pictures they come out it's back to putting food on the table okay no one wants ice cream right I thought you were great kid but the movie was corny you should be in real pictures I couldn't take my eyes off her she really shines on that string thank you I appreciate you saying done I bought that for you I'm sorry she was hungry that's all right sweetheart you didn't do anything wrong times are hard that's a two-cent ice cream I'm sorry the names corny Jay Gorney I'd like to audition her at Fox I beg your pardon Fox the movie studio yeah I'm the music producer bring her in tomorrow 9:00 a.m. sure kids so what do you say you're ready to strut your stuff yours are old they'll tear up the floor trade Thank You mr. Gordon can she dance start slow and check it as far as you can okay kid can you do that [Applause] where'd you learn to dance like that she was a dancer before she met me she studied at mrs. megwin's famous Kitty's dance studio can you sing as good as your dance you bet how about you leave Shirley with us mr. Sheen wants to talk to you I'm prepared to offer around 150 a week for one year and twenty-five for you that's to cover hair and babysitting here at the studio 175 dollars a week we treat our talent right it's a long shot but you never know till you put them in a picture with the usual 70 year option just in case your daughter's the next Mary Pickford do you need time to think about it welcome to Fox how old did you say she is five we'll get you a new birth certificate she's for every year counts with the kitty actors oh and one other thing no Megan school no training no lessons nothing we sell her as a natural I don't think anybody's going to believe that she's untrained you'd be amazed what people believe leave it to our publicity Department here's to surely turn around honey we're having a toast Jesus Billy we have to wear a diaper costume like in the baby burlesque's you know do you have to kiss any boys no grown-ups I could dance by myself really ah 175 a week the bank teller doesn't make that in six months we can get a bigger house a new car honey this is a celebration let's let's talk about money okay I didn't order another bottle compliments of mr. Hall the director Alexander Hall pleasure I saw you in the frolics of youth pictures you were very good thank you I'm directing a picture for Paramount called littleness marker I wonder if you'd let your daughter audition for the title role sure what time mr. Hall gone it's the same 9:30 a.m. tomorrow morning that's when I start at Fox okay 7:30 is that too early that's fine great I'll see you tomorrow I've marked the audition scenes we have the contracted fox she's exclusively children eat what's the harm in auditioning she could get the part so we'll ask mr. sheean for his permission it's a title role George one two three four five six seven eight good girl one two three four five six seven eight smile yes enjoy your dinner at the Brown Derby mrs. temple mr. sheean wants to see you in his office [Music] [Applause] yes I got a call from a dog Zukor at paramount been Schulberg wants Shirley for there Damon Runyon picture Little Miss marker he does I I told surely we would need your permission if she were offered the role I had to let her audition mister she and she was so excited a title role of course we understand if you say no well a good businessman would say no but I'm going to say yes do you know why because it's the best kid role in years and Shirley is perfect for it this studio is a family family's only one what's best for their kids I don't know how to thank you Shirley will be so happy I'll see to it did that thief zuker pay Shirley her full contracted salary the whole time she's over there not a penny less that is very good of you yes so we understand each other we're family you don't do anything behind my back again of course not I'm sorry should know I know now at the Paramount right after stand up and Cheer [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right baby take a bow all right now baby think about hear them whispering [Music] y'all just a minute ladies I'm presenting all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you some cream a little please that was excellent can't we do it one more time oh I think our usual three times is enough it's a very good picture isn't it it's very funny guess what I just heard on the radio what daddy Amelia Earhart it's gonna fly across the Pacific Ocean and after that around the world I'd like to fly around the world one day it wouldn't surprise me good night my little miss marker good night daddy say it like this No thank you bangles I don't care for any one for well you used to say thank you and no thank you I used to be a [ __ ] now where did you get that and come and I don't want no much don't you like me anymore wow you used to like me when I was Lady Guinevere oh yes there is dear just like you the charger there ain't no charger but your song they took them away maybe they'll bring him back if you'll remember to say thank you that was wonderful miss showing your wonderful mister oh I could just eat you up with a spoon his child frightens me you've seen stealing where a crime should get life scenes she's stealing the picture Adolph you should get down on your knees and tank her she's going to make this a hit be smart do like me and get on a good side she's Ethel Barrymore at 4:00 I just came down to see what mr. Schewel Berg's getting for $1,000 a week he's getting his money's worth I believe very nice work young lady thank you mrs. temple oh my is everything okay what did Sucher say that was him that was zuker he said very nice work young lady the man who runs paramount just gave you a compliment he only gives three compliments a decade is that all for the day mr. hole oh yes it is but only because we have one take temple in the lead bright and early surely I'm the bull mr. house did you hold this for me darling what's the matter mommy nothing stomach is a bit upset beautifully she also answered a burning question from thousands of her fans around the world what is she eating in that tiny cabin day after day Otsu pilot is reported planning but bums let it go let it go we're still getting our 175 a week it's not about the money mr. Sheehan made a whole speech about family and doing what's right for surely when the truth is he has Sumter he's making a profit from her he has her under contract he didn't do anything illegal just underhanded we can't trust these people we have to remember that okay so now let's get down to business I'll give you 50 thousand for her contract I'd have to be crazy sugar don't give me that action I know you are two quarters away from bankruptcy Chase Bank is ready to take control away from you so what's one kitty actin this particular kitty is gonna be worth a whole lot more than fifty thousand eight of thanks to you doing me a favor and putting her in a hit-and payin me a thousand a week for a chopper laugh while you can she how long can Atlantis get the best writers for missile polls best lyricist Reuben sobs the best choreographer see you're getting my drift I think so it's gonna cost that and this business you watch your asset or it's grabbed thank you you want to be in my police first Charlie huh okay I'll get you back piracy good afternoon Sheriff hey sweetie hey Shirley look at it the kid eats too much she has a sweet tooth mr. Shan and I don't want her mixing with a riffraff [Music] this is my house best bungalow on the lot goodness [Music] goodness [Music] playroom some backyard and a picket fence just for you what's going to happen when I don't grow that's an aura this is your teacher clammy she'll do your lessons with hi Shirley it's nice to meet you hi hello clammy mrs. temple mr. sheean this is beautiful and so generous isn't it Shirley yes mr. Shi thank you this is where she stays until call for filming a reverse no roaming around the lot I don't what a spoiled by too much attention well we should begin your lessons I guess so Shirley I think you're such a good actress do you enjoy being in the movies yes but when I grow up I'm going to be a pilot like Amelia Earhart she's my hero I think that she's incredible me too I have an idea why don't we use her flight as a way to study geography and history like going around the world exactly I have an idea let's get a map [Music] my fellow Americans the success of our home great national program depends of course upon the cooperation of the public on its intelligence support and the adjustment of our financial system [Music] all is lower than at any other time during this depression it is a splendid thing that for just fifteen cents an American can go to a movie and look at the smiling face of a baby and forget his troubles people must have faith he's talking about you surely the president of the United States what does he mean he is saying that you make people happy all over America all over the world anywhere people have a few pennies to buy a movie ticket do I make you happy every single day [Music] [Applause] cut okay surely we're gonna do it one more time fathers been lying to you he's a jewel thief you feel terrible cry like your heart is breaking okay okay mr. Hathaway I'll try good action cut I'm sorry I can't cry mr. Hathaway don't worry about it happens to everybody who tried again later no I'm a good crier in the morning but I can't cry after a lunchtime my tummy's 4 sorry we'll have to wait on you tummy then won't we that's a wrap get this tomorrow [Music] it's okay sweetheart [Music] it's very late you should be sleeping what if I can't cry tomorrow you've cried in other movies you can do it and if you can't cry I'm sure you'll think of some other way to play the scene but mr. Hathaway wants me to cry you're a little girl you're not a machine and if he gives you a hard time I'll just pop him over the head with my purse so don't Shirley how's that tummy Shirley not too full I hope you ready [Music] and my grumpy whatever this happened to your neck yeah daddy and you said I'm too bright to me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] five million dollars there's a lot more coming where that came from this is a very dramatic gesture mr. Shin and five million dollars in cash is still a very impressive sight even to a banker but the red ink and your loan account with Chase Bank is still many many times that Shirley Temple is the greatest money maker the picture business has ever seen and there's your proof you mark my words Chase banks investment in the Fox picture company will return a greater profit than you ever dream I hope so mr. sheean but large as they are the profits from your Shirley Temple pictures are not large enough to offset the losses of your other pictures and your scheduled own payments you'll see a profit trust me I have to answer to a board of directors that's losing patience I wouldn't leave that lying around [Music] say surely what's that you've got there with me the latest Shirley Temple doll with it yes it's the best one when look some kind soul is but you a cup of delicious chocolate milk from islands chocolate syrup yes Ted I'm very glad because tuck me on the radio always makes me thirsty it's delicious and now I'll surely will sing a song no personal appearances if they want to see surely they buy a ticket to her movies mr. Shin $3,500 for one radio appearance paramount has made some to me mrs. temple if the audience gets bored with her and stops going to her pictures how many appearances do you think you'll get no one knows how long this thing will last not even me the only thing we can do is keep it fresh as long as possible because sooner or later the audience will get tired up and then we'll both have nothing good would we stand to make $10,000 a week from her appearances maybe more and if she ins right and it shortens her career so we'll make more in a week than she does in a year of acting it's not about the money Oh God you sound like a child we're in the middle of a depression money matters George we have more money than we ever counted on how much is enough and when people stop buying tickets to her pictures what will you say to Shirley never mind sweetheart we squeezed every last dollar out of you hulking dolls and toys that's not fair and you know what I love her as much as you do then don't ruin it for her I'd never do that you're a good father but you're a banker I think we need help I'll find us a lawyer if he doesn't agree Shirley withdraws the services until we get a contract we like she made four films at two studios in the first half of the year minor roles in six more believe me you've got the upper hand I've read your proposal mr. Wright a thousand a week two hundred and fifty for mrs. temple 7 option years that sounds reasonable and you want Shirley to receive a $35,000 bonus per picture that money would be placed in a trust managed by Fox and not reported as current income agreed of course we have a few stipulations of our own complete artistic control you see the approval of all personal appearances licenses and endorsements to the studio and you forego any further right to seek modification of the contract or salary increases and you are not allowed an agent and finally she is not allowed in the commissary except on special occasions no spoiling not at these prices this is terrific I don't know how to thank you enough the trust account was genius Shirley's provided for after she stops performing if she ever does it's great isn't it but do you think we gave up too much you can't expect to make a rich deal like this without putting something on the table mrs. temple to hire an agent or change her maiden age you got a lawyer and believe me you're getting top dollar [Applause] are you serious mr. sheean we're on a roll we gotta keep it going we're gonna stay one step ahead if this thing slows down it's dead there's no doubt he is a great dancer but he's a negro yes son of a gun it's the best tap dancer in the world in the picture on screen Shirley and Bojangles in the act meaning a few of those Negro pictures at RKO makes you want to put Shirley Temple in a Negro picture I want to put Bojangles in a Shirley Temple picture would cause a sensation there's never been a black man dancing with a white girl on screen before he's 5 years old 6 ok ok she's fine mr. Robinson i'm winfield sheen I run the Fox Food Corporation yes mr. Chia I know who you are Shirley Temple mrs. temple meet Bojangles pleasure and honor to make your acquaintance miss temple same here mr. jingles oh well with Robins is my real name Bojangles is just my stage name can I call you uncle Billy I'll sure you can then I get to call you darling all right okay last step nice once again let's make sure we get that see this is too much fun well let's do it but we just do it a little slower okay stand straight loosen those hands that's it limp wrists now in the shoulders loosen the shoulders come on yeah yeah copacetic now let's get your feet attached to your ears well every tap has real crisp and clear and you want to listen to every one of those tests because that's how you know how you doing you get it done you've outdone yourself it's budgeted at nearly a million it'll be their biggest hit yet if it tanks you'll go under the bank is left holding the bag it won't tank I swear on my mother I love my mother you won't be able to book this in the south in the south we'll just cut the dance [Music] oh that days are gone with you t break my heart change when my dream of life from morn till night was love scale [Music] but there's nothing and so sweet in my love's young dream oh there's nothing have so sweet my as love's young dream [Music] that was your grandmother dear and that was her song you just sang I know my mother teaches it to me this was my grandmother's name line and he was Ventus I've been in this business 30 years maybe you'd like to play both parts cut anymore and you're like that and I will want to move sure we found the set [Music] he didn't have to get mad he was embarrassed he thought you were making fun of him smells like an alcohol maybe he is or either he is a famous actor you need to be respectful will you help me out surely I need you to go over and apologize I didn't do anything wrong I need you to say you're sorry I helped him that's oh I'm not sorry Shirley please he's threatening to leave the set just apologize and let's get the scene [Music] surely [Music] uncle Lionel you're the greatest actor I've ever met in your whole life such as it can I have your autograph didn't your mother teach you the same please please June my favorite little niece your uncle Thank You uncle I know I'll keep this always you're a 50 year old [ __ ] aren't you let's get it done [Music] now when I give you three quick squeezes what does that mean we're coming to a hard part right and no squeeze at all means we're doing really good and when I give you one long squeeze keep going even if because the camera is rolling oh that's my girl ready Shirley I don't want to go there why everybody's got to go upstairs miss Lord if they wants to go to bed I don't want to look here will you go if I show you a brand-new way how to go upstairs how could there be in the way to go upstairs now you just watch I went to the market or to get some beef and some tongue and couldn't get that I paid $5.00 for a great big hole and oak so fat and couldn't get back [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I want to do that too all right are you ready come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you so much Josephine the Academy is pleased to present a special Oscar to a towering figure in the world of cinema a giant amongst the troopers for magnificent achievements in 1934 especially in her groundbreaking hit the little colonel a special award for Shirley Temple [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh thank you very much mr. Cobb [Music] anyone else then shouldn't my asker be the biggest one ladies and gentlemen is the end of the awards and now it's party time how many years can she have left five pictures a year there's still money to be made I'll call chase about Rafa in the morning [Music] happy four acres it's link of park that goes in the master bedroom sure we can afford office you married an investment banker I've invested give it to me surely you're gonna hurt someone I'm just shooting flipper balls they don't hurt [Music] go upstairs [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Fox has accepted our offer to merge with 20th century pictures the new studio will be called 20th Century Fox I'm the new chairman and mr. zanuck is the new head of production and mr. sheean he's moved on I'm assuming his responsibilities we're gonna take very good care of surely mrs. temple don't worry I'm giving you a raise in salary and a driver send in Griffin John Griffith he's a retired policeman I want your family to have a bodyguard is that really necessary your daughter's a public figure mrs. temple and that's true Gertrude think of the Lindbergh baby you don't think anyone would want to kidnap surely of course not but I'd rather be safe than sorry sure surely this is mr. Griffith he is going to be your driver and bodyguard pleased to meet you surely you can call me Griff what's a bodyguard do is it like gangbusters on the radio or like the shadow will you shoot me bad guys if you're done oh I sure hope not that would be exciting though if you did a bodyguard job is to make sure it doesn't get exciting too bad this is William Brown Maloney famous editor of this week magazine sends it by plane to the little star who is getting along in years she is 7 so by the stye route to Los Angeles it's pretty birthday cake to you seven years seven candles and all good children go to heaven back to New York tomorrow morning you please tell all my friends that I'm sure that they can't come to my birthday party but will you thank you for the lovely cake can we open it now like an humming wait I am beginning to think that Darryl zanuck might actually have a beating human heart underneath all that ice and snow yes ma'am you may be right surely you want to play the hiding game okay where's my blanket [Applause] [Music] [Music] Olly Olly oxen free everybody see me not a soul surely you went again that is an excellent game Grif this surely celebrates your seventh birthday with her little friends here on the Fox lot she has received 135,000 presents and her friends and fans around the world wish surely yes mister Nanak there anything you'd like to say to your fans around the world all of you are wishing you a happy birthday today yes thank you very much I think it's very nice to have a big party like this would you like to cut your tape now sure [Music] uncle Willie's outside mr. zanuck with a race cars have what you need yeah yeah scigirls got your present Shirley yeah [Music] happy birthday darling [Music] when you want to go you just push down on that pedal and when you want to stop you just pull back up on that lever [Music] [Music] now it's there way too long darling it's rude all your friends mr. zanuck invited them [Music] it's Shirley Temple and she has a brand-new play toy a real automobile so tiny it might have been made for Tom Thumb off she goes on a cloud of smoke but no smoke what at any rate she's the Barney Oldfield of Hollywood they won't let Shirley drive on the open highway they're afraid of those road homes in the studio she travels from stage to stage every cup has special orders to give her the right of way over all traffic even the fire department now back to the bungalow dressing room and after all my phrase surely starts and stops the car all by herself you see she gets out behind to stop it most cars you get out behind to push well so long surely invite me for a spin someday [Music] you watching now now that's the double deal did you see at that time yeah sure but it'll be a while before you can do it your hands aren't big enough yet diploma card you know Grif I do feel safer having you around yes ma'am that's the idea I've got a friend another one sure [Applause] as your music star let's get going next Friday night you're all invited to dance from 8:00 to 5:00 all the vicious still alive are having a boy they'll be there from the herring to the whale and follow me like this already [Music] [Music] she's growing I know growing and depreciating keep the dress short the baby doll for how long she's still America's favorite star fourth year in a row Locke Gable and Sonja Henie are very close behind and Mickey Rooney is catching up we want to keep her on top we're gonna have to grow with it put her with a good director give us something to do besides winking Brendan let the public see she can act you have someone in mind John Ford you're gonna convince John Ford to direct a Shirley Temple movie I got a picture of Ford in a dress [Applause] [Music] Amelia's making your way over the ocean to India that's where your movie takes place can I jump yeah Miami to Brazil I'm from Brazil to India so well I mean we really thank you pretending amelia is really there [Music] I've been learning about India mr. Ford did you know that India is half the size of the whole United States we've got a long day let's start with your song in the sickbay no your lyric yes I hope so how do you want me to play it it's not how that man is dying he is afraid to die now you don't know anything about death but maybe you know something about fear yes sir then use it don't you let him die scared [Music] before we commence treadle you please repeat recruit his mother their God under the green shoot straight keep clean very good Lassie classy Vinnie sing me the song went more acquaintance be forgot and never brought to my should auld acquaintance be forgot and sorry my dear for we'll take a cup o kindness yet before sign so here's a hand might trust me read and give us a hand of well me again some are for the days all the lang syne Shh you sleep cut our little talk was useful to you I see yes good it seems you may be an actor after all let's set up for the next one it's a great night for stars the premiere of wee willie winkie and a glittering constellation is there what more shining master of ceremonies then any canter presenting victim AG Lachlan 20th Century Fox star Sonja Henie and Tyrone Power just before the opening of Hollywood's latest triumph and there's Sophie Tucker so long my songstress Jeanne Hershel gives a country doctor's prescription to the radio patients Jack Haley from musical comedy to motion pictures Alice Faye anything to smile about Alice Darryl zanuck in charge productions for 20th Century Fox the man behind the picture and proud of his little star Shirley Temple attends her first premiere it's Kipling and charm and she's wee willie winkie I said Hilda if you like it that much by the dam aim so how's the fish I enjoyed it I enjoyed the company to the pump is primed what do you want I want Shirley Temple for a film let's not spoil the meal ask me for something else I'll give you ten thousand a week what do you want Shirley for you got on Janos all over Deanna's gone to Universal and the garland girls not right for it right for what frank Baum's book you got the rights to The Wizard of Oz you give me Shirley I'll give you Clark Gable sell me the rights to wise Shirley is number one number one female gable beets are over all by your hair you get Gable and Jean Harlow I get Shirley I've been trying to get the Wizard of Oz for surely surely would be perfect for Dorothy it's been our dream mr. sheean tried but he couldn't secure the rights either could I Louie be mayor beat me to the punch I'm sorry I wanted you to hear it from me who's going to be Dorothy MGM has Judy Garland it was good of you to come all the way out here yes thank you for trying mr. zanuck we appreciate it well don't thank me yet see I think the garland girl is all wrong for Dorothy and I said so too mr. mayor in fact I bought him an expensive lunch talked his ear off and convinced him to drop garland and cast Shirley no you can say thank you is yours any thank you [Music] but you promised Judy you've always been my first choice for the part helped me agrees you've got a great track record with the public then why it's just it's just in New York office they've won Shirley Temple you know they've never spent this kind of money before and they want some kind of insurance policy and Shirley's being the number one draw for the last three years yeah well I don't like it either but it's not my studio listen it's not even my picture anymore alby's turned the whole thing over to Mervyn Leroy I'm just a I'm just a supervisor now so they've sent Roger over Fox - here's really sing believe me he didn't want to go I'm sorry Judy I'm sorry you heard about Jean Harlow yes a terrible tragedy she was part of the deal surely the deal my agreement with Mayor was gable and Harlow for Shirley sorry mrs. temple it's off the table I don't understand I can't trade Shirley for Gable it would give Mary the advantage Shirley stays here she doesn't go to MGM she doesn't play Dorothy that's right you're serious this isn't another one of those conversations where you spring a little surprise at the end these things happen I'm not responsible for Harlow's death but you are responsible for Shirley and I'm taking her career into account trading Shirley for gable without Harlow makes people think she's not worth much what people I don't expect you to understand studio business mrs. temple men like you and Louie be mayor like to play games you want to beat him so you treat my daughter like she's a chip in a poker match is that what you mean by studio business I won't argue with you mrs. temple I realize you're upset yes I am I understand no need to apologize now if you'll excuse me I'm late for a production meeting you remember how we talked about poor Jean Harlow yes she was supposed to come work at Fox so you could work at MGM but now you have to stay at fox you can't be Dorothy oh I'm so sorry it's not that they didn't want you but you have a contract at Fox it's just Studio business mr. zanuck wanted you to know that he was so sorry he couldn't even find the words to say how sorry I know it's an awful disappointment don't get your dream my dream for me to be doing well I thought you wanted to be Dorothy that's the only reason it was my dream I need to make you happy Melissa nice to sillies I wanted it for you you wanted it for me you really don't care that if you don't not if you don't since we both don't let's forget it and have a repair we were very disappointed mr. Zanna we were all disappointed when Shirley wasn't able to play Dorothy but I've got something for her that will out gross us I bought you a classic play what classic play is that mr. zanuck ever heard of the Bluebird raiderlink story I've got the film rights it's a guaranteed smash the longest state show in the history of the American theater six acts 133 speaking roles surely will be the star excited are we spending too much you always get this way before a picture comes out I'll stop worrying there's just so much riding on bluebird profits were down on our last picture and you know the ideal toy company in New York where they make the Shirley Temple dolls sure I heard they turned off Shirley's billboard sales are down this year but this picture will change all that what zanuck stake his reputation if he had doubts he knows what he's doing if he knew what he was doing he wouldn't have taken her out of Oz he'd have had a contract player with a box office hit Bluebird will be bigger than ours and surely she'll be the only 11 year old with two Oscars 12 years old you know she's 12 [Music] hello you me too and tell him how do you know our names that's not very surprising I'm going to be your little sister what our sister oh you come to live with us yes when oh I don't know just friend every year perhaps that's wonderful yes in a way in a way now we three of us will have lots of fun not for very low why not I've only be with you a little while you point away yes Charlie would while you coming at all is it what seems open we can't pick and choose [Music] that's time this is the are children were born to take it out to what's the trouble here you're holding us up please let me stay behind with her can I go with him impossible I'd rather not be born then you cannot choose please we love each other and I said we weren't too late I won't be gone before she comes down that is no concern of mine don't you understand we shall be alone in the world i united part as I'm told come I won't be born I won't [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they didn't like it did they no they didn't but it's just one picture surely you've made more movies in the last six years then on most actors making a whole lifetime and people have loved you in them that's what you have to remember Bluebird lays an egg most of the reviews just think that Fox was trying to outdo Oz and failed people will still come to my pictures even if they didn't like this one one thing just because the critics don't like it doesn't mean the public won't the public will always love you surely and it's never been about your movies it's always been about you we've been to London's Piccadilly but it was time for tea we walk along the sun's alizée the pride of gay Paree you've been rave about your wrong way and come on alone and let me show you the brand isnora hop a bus take a car hail a cab and there you are on Fifth Avenue every job where they stop window shop and their home so high [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ladies and gentlemen this isn't a regular curtain speech do you see this is our last performance and tonight we're saying goodbye to stage and show business and leaving for our farm up in New England but before we go we want to say goodbye and justice once short we think of you will everyone please stand up it's hard to say goodbye to a good friend and that's what you've been to dad mom and me you were plotted when you liked us and even given us a little hand when you didn't you've been swell and we'll never forget you because honest-to-goodness we could never have brought you as much happiness as you brought us so no it's our turn to applaud you [Applause] [Music] the final item of business between us is the dispersal of the trust fund consisting of Shirley's deferred income over her years at Fox the gross amount was three hundred thousand this check is for one hundred and twenty five thousand one hundred and seventy five was advanced to mr. temple I took it as a deferred income it amounted to an interest-free loan I also want to remind you that Uncle Sam gets one hundred and twenty thousand with a dissolution of the trust the full amount is now taxable [Music] [Music] we spent more than we earn I took the advances to square off accounts at the end of each year it kept us debt-free without incurring interest there was no risk involved I just didn't think it was going to end I really didn't none of us did I suppose I don't what to say to you are we going to be alright we have assets if we're careful we might be able to keep the house [Music] well we have enough to send her to a good private school or sacrifice whatever is necessary that's all [Music] [Music] [Music] my seventh birthday it seems like forever you take this from clammy no it's yours I've got others you take it thank you I can't imagine not seeing you every day let's not say goodbye you will both start crying and then nothing will get done you know what I was remembering just now the day mr. sheean brought you in here and you had a slingshot in your pocket and I thought oh oh this one's trouble but I like do Oh clearly what did I tell you oh it's a pretty dull life that never changes graduation time time to move on I'm sad but I'm excited for you to a real school with classes and games and people your own age you know what Amelia would say she'd say it was a great adventure that's my girl [Music] all done just about Thank You clammy for everything thank you see you soon see you soon let's go [Music] you [Music] what fools these mortals be I mean I was just thinking how nice it was to hear such fun good morning dr. Kent good morning Kathleen I'm glad to see that you're Betty good morning Lorraine good morning miss Bennett won't you sit down I'll have Java set a place oh no no we're having breakfast on the way into town your father was going to call for me but I waken and here was this sparkling handmade sunshine and I couldn't resist walking on you suppose I could have a cup surely even though I don't deserve it I know what to do of course miss Bennett Kathleen explained that it was an accident she told you she was sorry of course you saw her she's terribly sorry but that doesn't help my food Duke forgive me I'm afraid I'm an awful beast but the coffee was Hana this is my pet brand new suit I know there was an accident do say we're friends good morning darling we had a little accident I spilled some coffee clumsy me oh I'll get you a whole pot of coffee at the end oh good I like that thing you're wearing dr. Kerr what do they call them pinafores no shall we go yes whatever it is it's most attractive isn't it or in bother are you coming to dinner I'm not sure got a hold of what part of my desk I'll call they don't tell Jarvis goodbye Danny too bad up to Canada by the Martin the flame I Kathleen it's absurd there's certainly nothing math like about your father he seems awfully Marty to me your father's marriage doesn't concern me it does if you love him but I couldn't be concerned in this even if I did love even that as I told you 10 times is nonsense isn't love worth fighting for Kathleen women cannot run the men why not men can run after women why is it different someday you'll learn why it's different I want to know now how controlling get educated at four ups always stop talking just before they say something worth listening to for the last time I cannot give you a father that kind of advice they didn't give me something that's what I've been trying to do if it's nice breakfast all right kids now you're going away to boarding school this fall you must try to make satisfactory friendships with the other girls and with your teacher you must cultivate strong interest ports or penny perhaps or even a collection of sometime like stamps to me yes books these other interests will keep you from depending too much on your family vacations will pass quickly you might even study a new musical instrument is that all you can suggest or Kathleen it makes sense give it a trial it'll work then it comes down to this the problem is mine I have to work it out yes make lots of school friends collect stamps forget about farther in the rain and learn to play the trombone I'll Kathleen I never said that [Music] surely [Music] mom what are you doing here did you have to honk the horn I was at the grocery I thought you'd like a ride home I'm staying after school I'm on the decorating committee for the dance what about dinner Holly later I'm she ready to go almost she's fixing her hair 56 pin girls I remember when she and told her not to grow should I Drive her or should we both go better if you take her it'll embarrass her if we make a big thing out of it first dance it is a big thing wait till you see her in that dress she looks like such a lady you've done a great job Gertrude she's a terrific kid of course I'm the one who got my tonsils out like it or no luck [Music] Marty Yellin how could you do such a thing I'm simply furious yes explain yourself young man well I have a surprise for you surprise mother this is Annie miss Rooney miss Rooney my mother I'm so happy to making this place but I feel as if I'd known you for years and years Marty talks about you incessantly really but so nice of you to invite me my what a charming home [Music] [Music] are you sure you're having a good time Marty I was invited to your party it wasn't sure I invited you myself didn't I your mother she didn't send my invitation did she what makes you think that yeah what orchid is dude it's the first one I ever got I was wanted to get just one I'll send you one every day you corny well that's strictly from hunger Anna you wrote the book on jitterbug come on any let's put the show on the road please not here I could panic them later can you heat it up yeah man hit it boys one two [Music] [Applause] [Music] would you like a drink yeah great Thanks got anybody in the war my brothers both of them I'm planning to enlist as soon as I'm a team in the Air Force my dad's a test pilot at Douglas Aircraft did he know him idiot Earhart I think he met her once [Music] boy it's hot in here probably cooler outside [Music] Annie do you realize that tonight is our second anniversary we've known each other two whole weeks it seems like a lifetime and filled with such beautiful moments just to think of it we've got a past already but some people don't get memories like ours for years and years and we have time for adults more it's funny how a little thing can change a man's whole life two weeks ago I was just Marty white with practically nothing to live for and then bingo you I guess it's just faith Marty a red light what wire that was wasn't it yes it was isn't it Annie I'm sorry I couldn't help oh I know what you're thinking I'm just a CAD there you were and I wanted to so I did don't be mad okay I couldn't help it I'm not mad it's just that well your aim was a little off how is the dance it's amazing I met a boy well he kissed me huh and you let him almost 14 years old mother actually my darling you're almost 15 when he's talking about Fox faked your birth certificate Gian wanted you to be 4 not 5 what he never told me when you were little it just didn't seem to make a difference 15 you don't miss acting at all do you haven't really thought about it much well the reason I ask is because you got a phone call from David Oh Selznick he wants to give you a part I'm really happy the way things are right now I like being in school I am perfectly happy if you want to finish school and go to college and be whatever you want don't do it for me then again it is David or Selznick it's based on a series of letters written by a woman to her husband in the ward there's a girl in it a daughter her name is break she's 14 and she's a tomboy she shrewd lonely she misses a father and she's determined to helping the war effort but she's all mixed up it's called since you went away and you're my first choice for the role surely it's a dramatic role oh yeah I haven't forgotten what a talented actress you are I've been going to school mr. Selznick I haven't been acting just having fun you have a gift Shirley then that kind of thing it doesn't just expire I've got an all-star cast here I got Claudette Colbert but if Joseph Cotten lionel Barrymore Hattie McDaniel Jennifer Jones and I want Shirley Temple what do you say yes it's wonderful yeah years contractor 2200 a week Thank You mr. Selznick it's a real girl and it's a film about the war there was any other picture or any other producer I wouldn't do it and you said yes we shook hands on the deal doesn't matter you're a minor you'll still have to negotiate with mr. right he does matter I shook hands on it one year at 2200 a week that's not a bad offer I thought it was very generous all things considered what's the matter mom you don't need us anymore I do need you I need you to believe in me the way you always have I'll never [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Tomy9878
Views: 313,964
Rating: 4.7367721 out of 5
Keywords: #Shirleytemple, #judygarland, #biopic, #fullmovie, #colorized, #songs, #lyrics
Id: pnXWEvxZvAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 2sec (5882 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 15 2018
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