Heidi (1965) English Audio

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Miney who's down in the Sun's up [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] fine bright day again Oh something in the morning everything's even - eyes are brighter though the world will be silver and gold you're gonna wash it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] has very good breakfast [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] good morning food I'm sorry good morning uncle Matthias where is it we want you to be at home about 10:00 this morning oh it does it who is he the pastor that's who the pun I'm ready do you have your sausage and cheese mm you and L as fat as I am the way you can think about food all the time don't be home too late no my ID [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you will today can we go see where the springs time soon or aware obviously we could go soon as it got was enough and it's warming up today if I don't know where water come from how can I let chocolate you'll be so hungry after you find all that way we won't worry about you jogging okay what good is that to me I may have my sandwiches tonight hmm there are still sausage there maybe you'll get it but only when we get up there my grandfather sitter has my back they laughed of all with those we are going huh mm-hmm gone where I don't tell lie [Music] [Music] well we made it merciful [Music] ever go up further roll over all those rocks now no thank you but we could get to the top not today no way why not because I said so oh you said I could see the very start of this friend this is the start of this bring easy where does the waterfall come from all the way up the mouth there's a lake there yeah Wow let's go there do I get another sausage oh yeah if I could eat up inning of the waterfall tomorrow then it's too late now you must go home [Music] I didn't Peter tell you I was coming yes he told me I want to talk to I thought you'd wait for no time to talk I have what you all have work to do I review the time walking up here to think up next enter seven eight no it's on taste Oh chapter 21 verse 19 oh yes oh yes any old patience possess ye yourselves that's right yes yes that the fun may I help I'm sure you didn't come here to help break the grass I will mind it's healthy work there's a little dung yes grass is so lovely up here I've come to add the paper yes Susie will be raising the new church bells next something it's customary for the children's do it your granddaughter will set me in joy I'd like her to take part no ID will not go down to the village Oh but in September she'll have to go you should have enrolled her in school last for this time there can be no excuse and hoops I say the losses lon do you believe that I would send my Heidi down the mountain to school through snow and storm on winter mornings and then her to come up the mountain at night of course not and nobody is asking her to do anything at all like that but face the fact she must go to school it's for her own good come and stand the village live with the people there where everyone there hates me it's mutual we keep our distance and we're all a lot better ah but you can't let a little like a hermit Heidi is mine my responsibility I'm the only one who can decide what's good for the only one I know how good you be that's not the question but when her aunt Dina brought it to me over two years ago nobody asked me then if I could care for her or not but I can and I will Mathias he could take her to court and prosecute you for negligence what I've saved up enough money to fight every court in Switzerland if I have to don't be foolish know what I'm doing I don't believe Heidi alone she's happy here with me well this is the beginning of the waterfall it's so beautiful that's the water come from Peter from the start but don't get the idea I'm gonna take you up there too this is as high like oh did that mountain have a name yeah it's called echo echo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Fred don't link sausages Apple Jesus mad at you for being so greedy it's better go now come on eat this all very angry I know what you really came to a pastor sit down and rest you must be tired I think I will thank you you think that the new village bells will ring out peace on earth and goodwill toward men they'll feel kindly toward me you think I'll forgive or forget that's so easy pastor it's too bad tell me the truth why are you so bitter I've never heard your side of the story you know I came to the village long after whatever it was caused this trouble yeah I know I don't blame you for not understanding I wonder if I do human nature look so strangely but up here I've been by myself so long I've had time to think roses I am now between the mountains in the sky I try to understand the difference between right and wrong how about some wine yes well I'll tell you the story make would you willingly probably over Dallas toys image imagine if I did all the world room yes I'll tell you the truth Bachelor promise it's not a long story my wife died when she gave birth to my son Tobias I'm not much but I thought that was a pretty good father John I told him to go to church how to make his own living he was 18 your boy hardly shaving he came to me and proclaimed it you got married I refused to see it never saw him again and I never saw her because two days after Heidi was blond they were both killed in the car accident I'm sure I understand you'd been hurt very deeply decided to blame yourself and God so you went into seclusion but you mustn't put Heidi into seclusion the fires she's yours but she's part of the community he belongs to me and to the ups and the village and all who love her we must go now goodbye they could widely I know what the water runs out of this village Peter what happens in Graham then opposed to the Ron where's the wrinkle and falls into the Boden site does it stay there then I wouldn't know that well who would oh I guess the future he gets it out of books I'm not worried no I not need it we should stop asking questions the person must make up his own mind either you go to school or you live in the Alps but you can't do both together and I won't plan to read eat [Music] of course pastor means well bad don't wanna bother with anyone the verge do we Heidi tell me other bells heavy Oh depends how large they are can the children really do it alone if everyone goes together of course I suppose one of the children get sick so mother will take this place but if everyone is there to begin with there's no one to take over grandma please I really think we ought to go down to the village just in case I mean I could just stand and watch just in case anything happened Jacquetta we'll see we'll see now after bed Heidi goodnight [Music] [Music] would you like a bite oh thank you you know when my husband was alive as we lived on the mountain we brought new fresh rolls from the village every Sunday morning it was a special treat for it they get hard on sometimes they did but then i toted them in the fireplace and they tasted better than ever when I'm grown up I'll bring you fresh rolls every day you're really a sweet child you hear we must mark this day on the calendar makai that's wonderful Wow is that placed alloys huh anybody lived in goodness no nobody could possibly live that I think any winter now it'll blow away or fall completely to pieces don't you know what to do with a hammer nails no one caught him anyway every morning I have to tell my goat there's nobody else we'll have to repair it you might want to take in a boarder for the winter maybe someone could use it yes you never know actually not free I believe I know who you have in mind with this fellow I haven't minded let's think it over carefully come Heidi goodbye goodbye come on is it true uncle Matthias has come down to the village yes it's true enough he's been lent a house by Bridget he's been working on it for some time it's about a hundred yards up the hill there you just keep walking and you'll see it it's an old ruin you can't miss it thank you very much oh if you want to make the afternoon train I'll take you I have to be at the station 4:30 myself Heidi Heidi hurry up your auntie Vivian Franklin Oh Oh go quickly and say hello to her she's been with your grandfather for two hours please don't tell me I came here from Frankfurt for nothing to this godforsaken place and with such an uncomfortable trip that's too bad once overall the child stays here Heidi doesn't belong in a city she belongs here in the mountains [Music] hello Antigua so you haven't forgotten me hello Heidi either lovely present for you a dress I hope it fits I ever thought you'd grow so much in two years thank you come Heidi let's go and unwrap I really must say I don't understand your attitude why do you want to deprive the child this is a chance in a lifetime I they belong ready yes yeah she's not yours no and when my sister died god rest her soul she put Heidi and my charge don't forget that's quite true he was supposed to take care of it except you dropped her like a bag of potatoes and brought her to stay with me but I had to take that job in Frankfurt I had no money and no place in my own but now Heidi can stay in a beautiful house and have all the beautiful things that go with it she'll have a governess and begin to learn anything's possible it's really so fortunate but the console season it was trying to find a nice girl to be a companion for his daughter Clara you're wasting your time Clara need Heidi the poor child can't even walk she's paralyzed I can't believe you treat Heidi like that it's so selfish no wonder everyone in the village hates you that's enough Heidi remains with me you better go home and don't come back oh this is the nicest dress you've ever had does it fit oh yes thank you I wish I didn't have to leave now Heidi dear but I must be off shall we walk a little way together if I may of course why don't you do that you can tell me all about life in the Alps I have a night trip oh thank you come Philby too long now Heidi will you alright the grocer is going to take me to the station would you like to come along for the ride I have to ask grandfather also gonna go come along we'll get a little surprise for him you come I'm a present I'll give you the money oh yeah I'll get him a pipe like hurry up where are you going Heidi I'm going to station with my aunt come let's go honey we must hurry what's going on [Music] you certainly took your time you played well Heidi yes here's the list don't forget when is hiding coming back any minute now but it's pretty far to the station who says she went to the station Heidi did I just talk to her oh god the fire the fire I need you enjoying it right yeah have you seen her who who you're talking about Heidi that's what I'm talking about what's going on here she's been taken away my husband drove her to the station with her aunt that's all how was he supposed to know she didn't have permission huh hurry hurry [Music] you plant your shutter catch the train [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'll go and see do you sell pie please no we don't carry them I'll be back in about 10 minutes I'll take Heidi home huh she says they don't carry pipes here no surprise for grandfather I know where you can find a lovely pipe Heidi where I knew in Hanford Heidi why don't you come with me I'm sure you'd have so much fun wouldn't you like a beautiful train ride but I'll come home tonight well night I'd worry grandpa Albert II wouldn't worry when you find out you with your hand come on sure I can come right back come along and have a look if you don't like it you can always go back to all right you go Heidi come on darling [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] be careful now don't forget I expect you to behave just like a little baby quiet and polite Oh housetops hi Sebastian is this it she's my niece and she's not an itch she's the little girl Sebastian then take her straight to Miss rottenmeier she's been waiting for you he's consul Seideman upstairs went to the Opera yeah good evening Klara miss rottenmeier I'm sorry we couldn't get here earlier but the train was very late this little liar this is Heidi how are you I see so this is the child come a bit closer what is your name you were asked a question Heidi Heidi it's actually Adelheid after her mother I see Adeline and how old are you eight eight Sebastian give the child something to eat over you your your name is Clara yes this is a wheelchair mm-hmm can you move around in it yes everywhere no not everywhere come hide here it was very hungry a long trip there ah let's take your jacket off house is always so warm thank you hey come read fresh rules not bread hey why did you say I said those fresh roll can I have some yes of course I'll take one home for Bridget Bridget actually what I wanted was a young girl who could study and play with Cara Athens did you bring me an 8-year old farm girl oh but I'm so lazy when I'll tell you tomorrow what he intends to do I'm positive you'll send the child home rose yeah please take care of the room for the little girl yeah I hope she's new completely go ahead your dessert thank thank you are you a train conductor to us the man on the train had shiny buttons just like yours she says such funny thing yeah you may go now Sebastian of course was wrong why as you wish I think I must inform you out of hide of the type of behavior in sister during the time you live in this house no matter how brief that may be Oh miss right now please don't interrupt me Clara that man who just left the room is a servant here it's quite improper to conduct a conversation with him you understand it please remember that what are you doing there I like it this way just like a peasant who taught you that my grandfather did it's nothing to laugh about you must try to remember that you are not in your little village nor are you in a chicken coop feeding him watch Clara and learn to be a miss rottenmeier what is it Lera I would like a little more dessert of course we don't expect anything of you expect did you behave properly you have a great deal to learn about manners and general behavior honey why am I saying it a little eight-year-old girl on her first day in a gentleman's house she couldn't possibly understand no Becky now how rude of her she must be very tired miss root admire after that long ride she has a lot to learn Sebastian will you please call Rosie tell her to put her to bed very well Heidi come along oh it's been quite a day for this little girl [Music] [Music] the better hurry up Heidi come wash get dressed everybody the breakfast where's anteater she's in the kitchen work he put tar asleep oh thank you when you finish dressing come down right over here I should have known she'd be late for breakfast you'll see for yourself what a package oh she is not bringing at all well it's all my fault I suppose I shouldn't have relied on the cook now Miss rottenmeier I'm sure you're exaggerating what's the child's name Heidi of course we're called her odd why but why Heidi is a charming name I should think we must look strange there and meet mama of course well Clara you're so quiet do you like Heidi yeah she's fun oh really what a wonderful way to be he can't stay silent I'm very proud of the responsibility you've entrusted me with in my opinion this little girl does not fit in with our way of life and you mean you'd rather not take the responsibility for that little girl's living with us oh please don't misunderstand what I think miss Rhode Meyer I understand completely however on the other hand my daughter once Heidi to stay here and my mother will be here soon yes in just two weeks I would like to have her opinion she's pretty objective she'll decide whether Heidi stays or not I will respect her opinion come in good morning so glad you could come doctor good morning dr. glass honey miss rottenmeier isn't it time for her lesson yeah I'm very glad to see you again I'm just finishing breakfast have you had your oh yes thank you have see you later please sit down I want to tell you something I'll clear this away as things stand I'll be abroad for about three months oh it depends how things develop only my business associates know it no one in the house knows about it I don't want to upset Clara if I can help it I want you to keep an eye on things and look after Clara you know what I mean doctor you know I wish Karl would try harder she's been so awfully passive lately yes you're quite right she seems almost given up trying I wish I could think of a way to give her some hope yeah ah our little house guests come in come in and have some breakfast she's going to stay with Clara good morning Heidi did you sleep well would you like hot chocolate or milk or you can have both look of course that's what she drinks at home give me a cup ID heart there's bread and rolls she likes rolls Clara told me thank you hi Susan no I'm the Consul this is our good doctor but I don't think you will be needing him you're a healthy girl you've grown up in the mountains yes yes nicer than he could be right I like the mountains I really must go now we still have many things to discuss will you come along with me of course pleasure good Heidi when you finished your milk you go into the other room with Clara all right I'm sure I don't have to tell you my stable is at your disposal why horses need exercise and so do you Oh I've been waiting for you where are you P you're bringing your breakfast here with you next time you better eat it at the table alright then Tommy don't just stand there good morning Heidi good morning here this is your plane now listen up hi beginning tomorrow morning I expect you here at precisely 9:00 o'clock where's I'm Tita this is not the time to ask questions and especially when your mouth is full of bread you must pay attention to your lessons now let's see where shall we begin what have you learned so far here read this hmm we are waiting for what for you to read out of hide read what is the matter I'd rather be in the Alps oh you're here now so start to read but I can't read what I do you must be joking you can't read no I'm Peter can't read either all right will you try to be quiet now please try reread your composition the lightning-rod for centuries men have tried to control our light Oh Klara and I have one of those pipes for grandfather please this one's beautiful will you let those things be and go back to your seat do you hear go on now Clara continue for centuries men have tried to control the power of lightning because it causes such terrible damage perilous perilous lightning storms and winds have killed thousands of Madrid ha ha Society is nicer Clara please go on and women and animals and cause terrible destruction human ingenuity however has largely succeeded you come back here oh but why is in a cage well Heidi women take care of it it's so dark why it has wings it can fly aah [Music] Heidi you wanna help me you've lost your tongue well then what's the matter you throw my love in me to talk to you what do you mean miss rockmar has forbidden you to talk to me ah I see of course now I understand I'd like to look out of our window huh now tell me what do you see Heidi no just a lot of houses yes Franklin's a big city nothing but houses I know what you and I will go to the roof would you like that you'll see the entire city come this wrote my ratar-o I've gone downstairs so they both can't just well I see the mountains from there why not yourself come Heidi hey more beautiful isn't it there's the cathedral spire and from there can you see the mountains maybe I never got it on top myself you must go back to your room how come yes yes don't argue we don't want them to find us good ouch [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good evening into the library is Heidi up there yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] not a single mountain I just disappeared she must have run away how could this happen Sebastien Rosie come down here council a sermon will be furious with all of us it's unforgivable you say it's unforgivable it's you scared the child away Peter how dare you speak to me like that go back to the kitchen what where's Heidi she's disappeared what I I don't think she can be far I'll go and look for you'd better stay here Rosie you go and find her yes I'm go finding fine thing come on I'm going to show you the way home I know very well where the salesmen's live can you imagine that a nice little girl like you climbing up to the top all by yourself you could have been hurt or something ah I'll wait I'm going to show you something you'll like aren't they sweet why don't you take one there he likes you I can't stand this much longer they must have happened to her well do you think she couldn't there's been no report to the police honor I've been calling all the hospitals in town nothing Oh phoning them what good does that do they never give you any information why did Rosie go looking for her instead of you but you said it Sebastian please go and look for her I wanted to but please do [Music] there you are Heidi come on you've no idea what a scare you gave us now don't bother to tell me I know where you went there was still no mountains anyway don't say a word to miss rottenmeier or anyone else about me taking you up to the roof or show you with a spire of evil all right now not a word come in she's back hi God where have you been all day I went to the top to the top the top of what Heidi Cathedral the Cathedral you really mean you went up there alone where did you get that idea come on Heidi someone must have put it into your head now why did you go to the Cathedral tell me what were you looking for up there I wanted to see my mountains again your mountains and I want to say something I can't help it I want to go home today why do you want to go home yeah oh but Heidi I want you to stay with me I don't mean to hurt you oh do you think you can go away whenever you please yes that's what she told me who told you Antigua are you sure of that yes she told me I just stay a few days and she said I could go home whenever I wanted to and I want to know because I want to stay with Clara but there aren't any mountains here or trees or goats and besides which I want to live with grandfather I see one thing you can talk when you want when I ask you something important you won't open your mouth are you trying to make fun of me no throat man I mean quiet I don't want to hear one more word I'm just about to lose my patience Oh Sebastian Sebastian will you get rid of this animal oh can we eat the entirely out of the question take it away no I won't you don't be mean Heidi nothing's good I happen to you're kidding I'll find the place for it sure you will depend on me don't we trust each other you'd better go inside now oh yeah hard listen I promised you didn't I would you kindly explain how you could tell Heidi she could leave whenever she wanted I'm sorry I brought her yeah no more sorry than I am though if that's how it is I'll send her home right now good you do just that detail I believe you've forgotten your place I suggest that you leave this instant may I ask what you're doing now isn't it obvious looking for another job there are plenty of want ads ah here's one yeah a good job at the University don't be ridiculous oh go on get back to the kitchen only if you promise to be nice to her I didn't bring her here to get hurt I hope that's absolutely clear right Heidi you told me a lie but I could go back to grandfather oh please don't go away Heidi I said you'd be like a sister to me Oh enough I can't bear these scenes I've been trying to think quite objectively mrs. Desmond I don't mean to imply that the child is unintelligent I wouldn't say that quite the contrary she learns quickly and she's articulate simply it's just that she's wrong in this house a farm girl and so stubborn - mmm y-you think of a proper young lady worthy of our Clara we want to study learn to read hit things they don't read in the out well that does seem strange I was so certain that you'd understand me and I understand bring Heidi to me at once if you please as you wish mrs. Clara oh grandma please don't send heidi away she makes everything such fun even the lessons are more interesting no you haven't forgotten what I told you yesterday but when mrs. Phelan asks you a question you must answer politely yes miss Rock Maya and if she asks you if you want to go home you should tell her the truth you can be honest with her yes in heaven's name what thing don't worry my darling I'll see what we can do come on honey yes here's that little house yeah uh-huh good evening mrs. hagermann no Heidi don't address me like that call me grandma all right Oh to illustrate what I told you just a while ago I found these in her closet just now and she says she's saving them for someone in her village Oh My heavens my poor child Arnaz rocks how do you expect anyone to eat me they'll be all right Bridgette toast them on the fire then they're even better that sounds very logical but tell me Haley do you mean to say you don't want to learn to read that's very peculiar well you see Peter says that if I learned to read I don't belong in the out ah I think that Peter was wrong you mean that grandma's always speak the truth no now would you like me to read to you the story of the wise old Shepherd he do don't go away with half a mile you may listen to it now then once upon a time there lived a shepherd who was known throughout the land for his wisdom and honesty and one day the king was riding through the country his golden crown and his head when he met the child and said can you answer the following three questions if you're truly able to I don't know ward you generously do you know the number of stars in the sky without a moment's hesitation the Shepherd said there are as many stars in the sky as there are grains of sand along the beaches of the whole world nobody account of that that's right and now tell me how long would it take a man to journey all around the world well what do you think the white shepherd answered I'll tell you if the Sun is always of your head no doubt you will be back in 24 hours and here is the last question and no man hath answered it correctly to this day exactly how long is eternity how can one measure it the Shepherd had to think for a moment then he said somewhere on this earth is a mountain a mountain is higher there coal is higher than any mountain in the whole world and every thousand years a bird flies over it and it sharpens it big on the top and then the bird has succeeded in grinding the entire mountain into pieces then exactly one second of eternity has passed ah I see you enjoyed that fairytale oh yeah he's good this book is full of stories like that here it's a present wouldn't it be wonderful to read books for yourself hiding tomorrow miss rottenmeier will start teaching you to read in a few weeks I'll be here again I'm going to see how much progress you've made by them you're going to learn to read so that you can home and teach Peter to read I will enter II you'll see [Music] I have a letter for you it's from Branford oh how do you know my mother knows she could tell by the postmark my mother sends her regards she said you must come and visit us again hmm she says no one in the village is mad at you anymore here's a change keep it pure thank you is it from that aunt of hers no who is it Brom man mr. Sager she's the sick girl's grandmother do you think Heidi will come back soon no she misses Asma says how did you read yourself but it's your letter but I would like to know what it says perhaps about how Heidi was homesick the first few days very homesick maybe she seems to be a lot happier you know with us making excellent progress education and she's especially good at figures lately she's even developed into an avid reader I guess I'll go now do you think this means that Heidi is for gardeners that's where you may have to forget Heidi go on Sebastian June the bastard has something wonderful to tell you something really exciting has happened a hole was born last night really well until now console salesman has always chosen the names of his horses only he's far away now isn't he I thought children you two might choose a name and after you found a beautiful name for our new horse you can visit this table oh how about Roland Roland is charming a little horse is a young lady I'll find one for you in the book the grandma gave me there's a story about a white host here here just as the morning rose young prince Dagobert went to fatted his magnificent horse called Astrid yes ice cream ice trike that's wonderful Astrid I never thought of that it is a nice name first thing in the morning John will take the two of you thank you where is she John back there can you see yeah Astrid come over here come after it come over here I believe this is your kid oh it's grown so big have a good time I'll be back hmm hmm I think I'll go in there maybe you shouldn't they might take you oh they wouldn't do that go on eat sugar no see Clara how gentle she is you know how its you Astrid your mother should be proud of you good girl you're standing you can stand I'll go call John leave me I believe I can be nice to him yes help I'm gonna try it again your anything hmm why are you crying oh please hiding you wasn't breather work to anyone [Music] excuse me ladies for interrupting your song and dance but there are a few equally important things to be done around here in the morning we begin our spring cleaning console salesmen will be returning at the end of the week and I want everything immaculate ooh spotless is that clear go on if you can stand then you can walk Clara well the tables pretty close isn't it come on try good you can do it wait I'll bring the chair closer now you'll see you can walk ya can but it makes me so tired up I'll try once more tomorrow and what will Clara and you can walk you can come to the Alps to visit me what was that it was Clara's room something must have fallen how cozy all right I'll help you back to bed hmm Oh Rosie Sebastian hole dr. Claussen [Applause] baby is John salud oh hello nice of you to come good to see our little Swiss friend is here to know I have a present of you it's in my baggage yes let's get home quickly we don't want Clark wait she's all right oh yes fine that's good yes yes [Applause] Sebastian is everything all right where is Clara Rudolph yeah oh come on in Miss rottenmeier [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my good friend class will pay for this great such a joke on me anymore just today the last time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody might have let me know we thought we'd like to give you a big surprise oh well you succeeded yes come and sit down but I can no no he wasn't trying to do it all at once so my friend now tell me how did you accomplish it I would like to take the credit only I can't you must thank Heidi she did it Heidi hey Heidi let me give you a hug now first a little token the rest comes later oh this one yes this is for Clara thank you papa you're welcome these these two are for you hunter consolation you mustn't say console say something from now on you must say Papa to me you belong to us you are my second daughter will never let you go that's what I want tomorrow I'll see my lawyer and have him get to work on it beautiful Oh Johnny thank you very pretty Road Dave Hattie up to bed thousand dreams good night good night Heidi good night Heidi come good night oh look isn't she sweet yes Rosie yes do they mean it that I'm staying here they mean it you're very lucky there are mountains and it ate how in mine going to Switzerland but before then we've got a New York Rosie yeah you get undressed and then go to their alright i good night [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's plenty of good wine and beer in the kitchen would hardly be appropriate I hold it a miracle calls for champagne and you really are in earnest about adopting Heidi of course I am why not you're quite certain but it'd be the best thing for her why it must be joking the daughter of console salesmen would enjoy certain advantages and soon Heidi will realize the opportunities were offering her to you daughter yes what is it so sorry to disturb you it's Heidi she's tossing and turning and talking her sleep it probably too much excitement for it I thought maybe dr. Classen could take a look at her I hope it's nothing serious she seems to be very feverish ash must be running a high temperature but why so suddenly she was alright earlier on I think this might be the reason homesick for Switzerland of course it's only an assumption can you do anything to bring the fever down put cold compresses on her forehead at times the old fashioned remedy is a better medicine alright not bad must you do that when you know Heidi's rest sorry miss how is she she's been sleeping continuously for three days right now the doctors with it hmm did you sleep well you must have had a nice dream yes I was dreaming good what about a little house I see in the mountain pastures tell me isn't it too quiet and lonely up there Heidi ah I must see it for myself will you come with me well we must arrange a tidy I believe you'll be alright pretty soon what's the news from Milan hmm thank you Telegraph Grimaldi we accept very well I can't speak I'll call later well what's wrong with her I'll tell you quite simply you don't have to study medicine at all she needs to go home but she has everything she wants here and what will Klara do without her I'm afraid you don't understand Heidi is just as sick as Clara was early it's here I understand but there must be a remedy how about psychotherapy the remedy exists her prescription isn't necessary one ticket from here to Switzerland send the child home what about Clara out of the question anyway I've arranged for adoption already there's a train leaving every morning at 10:35 and I guarantee the treatment will work 100% goodbye forget this on the way so we can have more room why are you looking for the poor the poor grandma gave me here it is this is very important to me and the rolls Bridget you'll be there yeah right father doesn't even know it coming with me to the station No why not I might start to cry and Papa doesn't like it he always wants me to be brave ah but there's no reason to cry after you finish the exercises you'll join me in Switzerland you'll let me sleep in your hand of course you can there isn't any other place you love everyone there and nanny and Billie what do you want without old hat always wear hat me out alright children come with all right Sebastian you'll be in charge of everything Peter you'll take care of Heidi on the trip train leaves at 10:35 John has the tea you're doing fine goodbye her now my dear Heidi well that's enough we don't want too many goodbyes by Heidi about everything I think your pardon I think we have to hurry okay Sebastian can I take this the grandfather please they don't sell them at the station anymore of course it's perfectly your grandfather and say hello for me hey all right remember her and I have a deal with you we'll be going to Switzerland to join you in a couple of weeks how do you like that we'll vote I promise fine and now what did you promise me go ahead [Music] [Applause] yeah I think first we ought to see and bridges alright first we can't carry the luggage all the way up there alright I'll go ahead and wait with you think of Matthias knows and Heidi's here I don't think so we better go and tell the pastor about it yeah oh what a beautiful coat you're wearing you look just lovely in it and your hat hmm yes but it's not for the apse I brought my old one is this all yours Heidi and this is for you for me roll you didn't forget no oh and this is for you it's a sausage why don't you stay here readiness oh no Andy huh we have to go and see grandma yes do it go honey only I'm not used to these Heights I'm afraid I'm dizzy already know why Frankfurt there aren't any mountains only how's it hmm if you don't mind why don't you go ahead by yourself huh mm-hmm I think that Heidi is old enough to go there alone and Peter will follow you later with all your luggage yes that's right give my regards to grandfather one day I'll come back and we'll all be together I I wanted you to be happy in the city hiding but Andy you mustn't cry anymore and everything's all right I'll see your aunt on her way hi my dear [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so you come home yeah why don't you walk it no no Heidi look he doesn't know that you're mad you go ahead you to the house do it why these in the stables and I [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good evening with us what is it we don't want it a stiff just thought that you've been alone for a while tomorrow is Sunday we all thought that you'd join us good idea raining don't you want to return their greeting we've all of us come here together nice we never understood why you were so bitter towards everyone so we kept away from now we understand much better the Bester told us everything I think it's time we made up come on let's shake hands and what are the women say what we all in the village say tomorrow come to church and you'll see that you're welcome we'll expect you there it's time to forget now and don't count on it come let's go he knows now how their diamond has I wish you'd come to church it would take America [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] hi [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] boy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: kodt
Views: 156,048
Rating: 4.7377048 out of 5
Keywords: Heidi, Gustav Knuth, Rudolf Prack, Werner Jacobs, 1965
Id: fV4YZ7uPb3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 55sec (5335 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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