Flippin' Treasure: Found and Opened a Lost Safe!

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I just thought this helps of the flip house in it one of the things the guy left behind is this safe so we're watching a video on how to open this and looks pretty simple and we shook it around and there's some stuff like there's some keys or some changing something there so we're going to get a guy okay.thank what they were doing is you need to pull that up at the same time you drop it and I think it's all about timing or like pull it up right after you drop it don't break that handle though yeah I can hear it okay and working those it we tried some YouTube techniques didn't really work here that yeah cool so we tried a couple YouTube techniques that we looked up by picking the safe up and bashing it hitting it on top of the hammer as you're jiggling the handle to try to get the latches unhook and really nothing would work and I started getting worried as the more jingling I heard in there that there might actually be something valuable that we just totally screwed up by bouncing up and down and dropping it and throwing it and hitting it so anyways I have this safe loaded up in the back of my truck and I'm going to take it home and maybe take an angle grinder the hinges although somehow I'm doubting that that's going to work as I start thinking about it they probably have bars going on both sides of the doors just to prevent the hinges from being cut off because they look really flimsy and I I have a 5 foot pry bar 3 foot pry bar as well and hopefully one of those I can just pry the door open what else do I got I got some diamond wheels that will cut you know all the way up to sapphire or corundum so it'll cut any kind of cement that they have in there and yeah I think we'll be able to get this thing open and see what's in it I know that sounds totally cheesy or like some kind of reddit crap that you know for like to get like a bunch of karma or something like that but I swear to god this is real and this is probably one of this one of the cooler things I've ever found in a flip house so I'm excited to be able to get it on video and yeah what's up there's something cool in there in a few yeah as I thought there's probably you know a bar coming in this hinge side too so you know as you as you try to open this handle or close it there's probably bars come in that way and bars come in that way cos it's not pulling open like that so yeah let's try to get the 5 foot bar out on this I'm going to flip this sideways and resituated camera here to get a better view brute force this well fullness peel up I can see some kinda here like plastic in there a second blast [Music] I hope I'm not giving any kids bad ideas about cracking six [Music] [Music] now take your clothes off here so it looks like I've just been digging into the wall I think we're sorry about that looks like I've just been digging into the wall I think we're I needs to be big in here yeah we'll do some prying [Music] [Music] oh we got her we got her what's in here got about 50 cent oh my some safe papers some owner's manuals well that's a letdown well if we do have a name anyways if somebody maybe we can get some of this stuff back to them some pictures so I shouldn't show those on YouTube though yeah not much in here oh well here we're still going genuine diamond and pearl although we're going to try to get this back to the original owner I'm sure there are people on that paperwork there so more stuff in here I probably should get all these looks like they used to work boy there's a bunch of personal information I'm not gonna ought to blur all this stuff out that's um that envelope says put away money $200 it's empty the change is not silver but a nice silver locket this stuff is worth way more to the person who actually owns this than it is to me so hopefully we can find who the owner is and get it returned back various up is a fly in some kind of handmade medallion that's been sitting around for a while these are from 2002 key to something some kind of envelope we're in the jewelry box box otherwise the jewelry boxes I don't know if they're empty actually all those are real those are some real pearls Wow not too bad I'm not sure if I'm in frame there alright some stuff went flying here that one's empty that's empty boy guys you know what now I'm thinking is we hope it a lot of stolen is what I'm thinking I don't know this stuff is pretty low quality though too so those pearls were pretty nice and the gold thing little heart ring 50 this one's got something oh just be a box it's empty any mini boxes ooh that one's that's like some Black Hills Gold there cuts broken now dang algorithm breaks up and check on this around so much buzz that's definitely gold that's got some heft to it this little ring yeah it would be nice if we could find these owners now it's 15 years ago it looks like that one's empty that one's empty more personal stuff [Music] yeah this here I don't want to show this but it says eye it looks like this came out of a bank because it says location safe box of course that's a different name than why I saw on that paperwork there so I'm almost wondering if some of this stuff is stolen I know I said that already but I'm gonna have to look through these personal items here if I can make some IDs and none of the coins are there's another key to something maybe we'll find something else in the house later the coins all seemed to end about 2004 so I'm guessing that's about here's another one it seems like such a random assortment that jewelry click to imagine what this these ones also our personal names on them oh those are the same names at least this time I'll say location and safe box which I'm assuming means it came from thank there was that little bit of change oh that looks like about it we've got a couple other pieces of change in here little that's a little flower beret right kids or mountain sharpie another break yeah that looks like it well it was interesting never know what you find with these houses anyways I know we've mostly concentrated on mining up to here I've been living full time in the field but I doing these flip houses and this is something I've been doing for 20 years since I was a little kid again and I just took a break to go mining full-time but you know if this is something that people find interesting I know there's always just random little treasure hunts with these flip houses so I might make some more videos doing this stuff so I think those stickers that I was looking at I don't want to show them on the camera again have personal information but I'm pretty sure that there were some kind of pawnshop sticker like all this jewelry have been pond and then recovered again anyways um hopefully we can get it back to the owner one of the things I didn't get on video they must when I pulled that shelf out these are pearl earrings I was only able to find one of them though but they must have flown out when I pulled that shelf out and you can see kind of some boxes flying out and I thought I had broken this ring but it's obviously been squashed and I'm pretty sure this is a wedding band and those are some diamonds and focusing here those are some diamonds and sapphires on there I think boy it won't focus for me there we go but it looks like it was squashed and squishing it broke this and I I used the glasses and that's s 14k this is some sort of handmade medallion I'm not sure what it is probably has some value to her though and these are real pearls one of them broke off I think that was broken before I started jiggling the safe around it's missing the other side of the clasp this one says the 9 to 5 I'm not sure what the stone is inside but little heart ring and this one says if I can open this again with one hand says any beep see that on there I'm not sure if I'll show it I don't know what that means no value probably not about it maybe I don't know anyways I'm pretty sure that one's silver but I don't think those are diamonds around it I'm not sure what those are and then the last one was this one which is going to show genuine pearl and diamond and this of course is gold as well but I don't see it I don't see a stamp on so I'm not sure what purity it is but anyways yeah hopefully we can get this back to her alright everyone thanks for watching but
Channel: USMiner
Views: 3,151,171
Rating: 4.1795859 out of 5
Keywords: treasure hunting., house flipping., opening a safe, jewelry, metal detecting, gold, silver, pearls, safe cracking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2017
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