Heaven's 3 BIGGEST SECRETS REVEALED! - A Hazbin Hotel Theory and Analysis!

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I'll get Heaven behind my plan like that's ever going to happen box bites in the world of hasb been Hotel there are angels and there are demons there is pure good and there is pure evil there is black and there is white and if you actually believe any of that I've got some top quality real estate to sell you yeah despite what these feather flying foul mouths with their ironic Cravings might tell you this concept of absolute morality where one group is solely right and the other is solely wrong is complete and total toss when you look at the characters in the show whether they hang out on the top floor bottom floor or main lobby of all existence the general moral spectrum of each group is greater than a retirement home on Bingo night regardless of how much some individuals may try to object how I absolutely loved to pick apart every word of the Angel's dialogue and explain why they're wrong today I'm going to focus on just one quote Angels don't make mistakes mistakes you don't make mistakes huh really well aside from the various onscreen accounts of deadly sin you guys have already shown so far I'm going to make a bold play here and actually flip that statement entirely on its head not only do you guys make mistakes but you might actually be responsible for the biggest mistake that this Show's Universe has ever seen all that holier than now garbage it's all one massive cover up for their biggest screw up ever what do I mean by this well allow me to shed some Holy Light on the subject and break things down Adam by Adam let's begin so the backstory were given for this world Allah Prince akmed style visuals stated that once upon a time heaven was a thing and it was ruled by Angels Lucifer had some radical ideas for the universe but the elders told him to stay in his Lane and butt out so all he could do was be a spectator while the other Angels did their handiwork they created the the first two humans Adam and Lilith from the dust of the earth created from the literal ground up to be equals despite this though Adam demanded control over everything and Lilith decided to bounce as big a was getting way too big for his non-existent Bridges she met up with Lucifer fell madly in love with him and the two of them together presented Eve with the fruit of knowledge this supposedly brings evil into the world so the Angels get salty and throw Mr and Mrs Lucy Into the fiery pit of their own creation Lucifer loses a spark while litts only get stronger and Heaven decides to even the numbers through mass murder leaving the fate of everything in the hands of best girl and that's pretty much it so first things first you might have noticed a massive exclusion from this little story where the heck is God he clearly exists in this universe if hasbin Canon sister show is anything to go by we see posters of his supposed quotes on the walls of heaven and Keeny makes a statement about using the lord's name in vain which would make no sense if there was no Lord so wouldn't it make sense for him to play a part in the story of creation or at least have a passing mention or something I'm okay with the angels creating the earth and the universe and everything or at least claiming they did but you're telling me that the man upstairs Charlie's Grandpapa did nothing of note that's worthy of being put in a history book well my belief is that in this universe God existed before the creation of time and space itself similar to most religions and it's during this period where such Concepts don't exist yet that he created heaven and the angels hence why those two things are the first to be mentioned in all recorded history he tells his children to go and craft the universe in goodness and light with his holy teachings to guide them he has the utmost faith that they'll make him proud but the more things that the Angels create the more power they accumulate the more they start to practice arrogance and megalomania and self assurance in their seats of power one could even say that they start to exhibit symptoms of a certain prideful nature oh yeah I'm going there I like to think that the angels in this story were the actual original Sinners the more control and power they gained without God's influence or help the more they started to see themselves as above him and decided to just do whatever they wanted to do even if it was technically sinful and even worse they nurtured future generations to behave in a similar way and possibly even Twisted God's words to fit their own self-serving agendas it's totally fine if we behave like this see just look at what the Lord taught us why didn't God say anything why didn't he try to correct his children in their misled ways well we'll get to that later but first let's talk about the OGD i k in more ways than I want I'm obnoxious we're told that the Angels created both Adam and Lilith from the dust of the earth technically making them equals because they were both birthed of the same material and means but Adam clearly wanted to run the whole show while Lilith refused to comply Now take notes of what I just said Adam demanded control he believed that he was entitled to The Obedience of someone else for no other reason than because he feels he deserves it he acts like he's above it all that's just straight up Pride right there I can't even think of any other way to explain it despite the story claiming that evil only entered the world after Eve's choice to try an Apple product here's Adam himself In the Flesh exhibiting signs of the supposed first ever sin before that tree was even a thing Lilith you could say to a lesser extent is prideful as well even though I mostly see her choice to ditch Adam as an act of self-respect rather than straight up Pride but you could still make the argument that because she sees worth in herself above someone else she's technically prideful in some way as well now I mentioned before that the Angels more than likely grew up to become prideful beings themselves after gaining all this power over the universe they created adopting other sinful behaviors too as time went on but because they were beings born of pure light and good nothing catastrophic ever came from them misbehaving just because their influence was so strong it's kind of like if you create a sum between a huge positive number and a small negative number the solution still comes out as positive and I like to think this is similar to what happens when an angel does something sinful one force is just greater than the other however when these angels created man in their own image similar to how God did in other religions and place their sinful Tendencies on a ground that is neutral this is where the holy crap hits the fan now without Divine protection evil finally has a place where it can manifest itself and in doing so opens up a pit of Eternal suffering for those that are doomed to be damned the vain Servants of God are the actual beings who indirectly caused the creation of hell and when the Elder Angels witnessed what they did they were probably like oh oh shoot did we do that luckily with all their divine power and influence they're able to keep this newly manifested hellish hiccup a secret from the other holy Denison below them for a short while ensuring them that everything is fine and to just go about their days but now they've got a massive problem to deal with there's no way they're going to be able to keep this under wraps forever eventually something's going to give or someone's going to find out so how the heaven are they going to weasle their way out of this one well luckily back down on Earth the angels are gifted with their ultimate out at the moment Lucifer is currently busy warming up to his lady love and when he makes the choice to give the gift of knowledge to Adam's new bride the elders realize oh hey that's the guy we don't like this is perfect we can blame this whole evil emergence thing all on him hooray for scapegoats so that's exactly what they do they reveal the existence of Hell to the Angelic public claim that it's all Lucifer's fault banish the couple to the land down under and thus their hands are officially clean this is all Lucifer's fault now and no one is any the wiser all right everything seems to make sense so far the angels are as prideful and Untouchable as ever Lucifer's flame flickers out while lit grows into a bonfire cool cool cool but there's still one major plot thread just hanging there how and why did Adam become an angel why did they allow this jerk wad to enter Heaven let alone lead a portion of it well don't worry I've got a reason for that too when it comes to Adam as seen in the show so far there are two unique details that stand out to me more than anything else first of all when we're shown the backstory scene of Eve accepting the brain food Adam is absolutely nowhere to be seen we don't see him accept the frood and eat it like he does in other versions of the story it almost seems like it's just Eve partaking in this little event and second one of Adam's most standout quotes that he says to Charlie during their meaning is that he's never made a mistake in his life I've never made made a mistake in my f life at first I thought that he was lying knowing fully well that he sins all the time but what if he isn't what if he genuinely believes that he's never done anything wrong throughout his entire life yep my prediction is that in this version of the story of creation Adam actually doesn't eat from the Tree of knowledge at all Eve probably ate it first and when she saw the sinful things that Adam was doing with her newly found info she tries to tell him that his actions are immoral and if he consumes this fruit he'd be able to see why but Adam in all his prideful arrogance and a little myth that she had the gall to say that he was wrong in some way rejected the fruit entirely and just lived his whole life in ignorance sinning to his heart's content without empathy or remorse and just doing whatever makes him comfortable entertained and happy regardless of the feelings of anyone else okay okay now wait a second if this prediction is true wouldn't it make more sense for him to go to hell why would he go to heaven and be given such a prestigious seed of power well I like to think that Adam didn't come into heaven because of his moral uprightness he was actually brought into the prated kingdom because the Angels had two important uses for him first of all the Angels wanted to test the true limits of their holy power before they began their first ever execution with heal strength and spirit growing thanks to L's leadership they weren't entirely sure if their current Heavenly might would be enough to combat these newly strengthened forces of darkness and they wanted to be a sure as possible before sending any other people down there to clean up so as a sort of science experiment they used Adam as a guinea pig to see if heaven was capable of overpowering even the most sinful of sources so when Adam died they took him up to heaven to see if their pure light magic was strong enough to turn this Darkness laced apathetic indulgent trash stain of a person into an angel like them and in the end the experiment was a total success the darkness within this misogynistic Pig wasn't too much much for them to handle after all and if they're able to bring the original corrupt being up to their domain and transform him into one of them then handling lesser beings of sin should be a cinch they now have proof that heaven is still the most powerful force in the universe even with hell's expanding influence send the armies down there it's time to even some numbers as for why Adam was recruited to be the leader of Heaven's Army well really think about it this is literally a guy who's never been able to distinguish good from Evil right from wrong he has no sympathy no empathy no moral compass to speak of a person without a merciful bone in their body who will mercilessly slash through hordes of demons and instruct his soldiers to do the same all for the sake of his own wants and needs like Mindless entertainment and preservation of his comfy status quo you could not possibly ask for a more perfect person to lead an army than that a guy who will kill harm and insult insult anyone without a filter as long as he gets what he wants out of it the perfect ruthless commander plus he plays a sick guitar as for Eve I'm not entirely sure what happened to her I assume that she was sent to hell since the Angels probably shov the blame onto her just as much as Lucifer when it came to committing the first sin so they likely casted her down with the other damned Souls when she died if that's what happened maybe we'll be able to meet her at some point in the series and she might even be willing to help in the final fight against heaven like maybe she actually saved the piece of forbidden fruit that Adam had rejected so long ago and when they feed it to him in the modern day his eyes finally open up and he starts to feel bad for what he's done over the years willingly joining hell's team to take down the other angels I don't know sounds like a cool idea all right so we've covered the Pearly Elders they gated community and a bigger tool than the music he probably listens to but I did mention I'd get back to one topic later on so grab your holy books and and you and your pews y'all it's time to talk about God now if God exists in this universe which again there's evidence to show that he does how come he didn't take the Reigns when his children and their Creations clearly weren't abiding by his holy teachings and making a mess of everything why didn't he speak up why was he so hands off well if you're willing to hear me out one more time I not only have the perfect way to integrate God into this series but also an ideal way for this story to end I like to believe that similar to other depictions of God this God is omnipotent and omnipresent meaning he definitely saw and heard everything that's been going down since creating his Divine children yet despite being a witness to all of it he still said nothing the Angels acquired a festering sense of Pride and he said nothing the Angels accidentally Unleashed evil upon the world and tried to hide it from others while figing ignorance and he said nothing multiple Dennis of Hell many of which were damned for unfair reasons and would be more than willing to trust try again are killed in the streets by the thousands and he said nothing they basically rewrote history and scripture practically erasing him from the bigger picture just to further their own selfish Egos and he said nothing now none of this was due to aathy or sloth or anything like that it's just because of the person that God is he is the ultimate good an entity of the purest light and in the end he's just too nice of a guy to try and correct anyone he doesn't want to upset his by trying to tell them they're wrong that would be mean and no matter what happens he always holds out hope that they'll eventually get back on the right path and realize what they've been doing wrong all along he has the utmost faith in them even if they've done nothing but go against him and his work I'm not going to lie the idea of the almighty creator of existence and time being a goody two Sho cinnamon roll pushover who never spoke up because he doesn't want anyone's feelings to get hurt would definitely be a subversive depiction that could make for both some great comedic and character possibilities but that's not all think about these two character flaws that I mentioned misplaced optimism and failure to throw down the hammer when someone is doing something wrong who does that sound like to you exactly Charlie is very quick to sugarcoat every single word she says or at worst not say anything at all when trouble strikes and she's willing to see the best in every single person even if they're the literal scum of the earth assuming that my depiction of God is the one that they end up going with this would essentially be a onetoone character parallel between Charlie and her grandfather and if handled properly it could also open up the doors for the perfect conclusion to this Show's main conflict I'm not going to go all out and write a full series finale I mean we'll be getting one in a few weeks anyway but i' like to believe that in the last few episodes Charlie manages to find her way into heaven maybe with the help of some holy allies like this Angel who seems to hate the happenings of Heaven as well and UL UL imately get to have a one-on-one discussion with the big G himself he reveals that he did Bear witness to all the Grievous acts of his angels and the humans they created and essentially did nothing to Halt them or correct them he didn't want to come off as some kind of imposing Tyrant who forced people into his ways of thinking he said before time began that he fully trusted them to do the right thing and he doesn't want to go back in his word like that so instead he just held on to faith that eventually they would find the right path and end up in the right place by themselves but after seeing what occurred due to his inaction he admits that he was fully in the wrong in this case regardless of intent he made a huge mistake even if the story doesn't play out exactly like this I would like the series to involve some sort of lesson about how being too nice can be a detriment to yourself and others a person going too far towards kindness can be just as dangerous as someone going too far in the opposite direction heck maybe by the end of the show Charlie will have gone through a bit of a character Arc where she learns this exact same thing and then she's able to sympathize with God when she realizes that he suffers from the exact same flaws as her but then she can establish a glimmer of hope when she says that it's not too late to set things right and the first step to fixing our mistakes is admitting that we made one then the series would end off with God coming down to Hell probably in the middle of the Demon versus Angel War that's bound to happen and admitting to everyone that he's screwed up and he is sorry he apologizes to Lucifer for not stepping in when the other Angels belittled him he apologizes to the angels for not correcting them in their sinful ways when he had the chance and he apologizes to the Denison of hell for the suffering they had to go through even when many of them wanted to repent and change their ways this would all put a nice cap on the main lesson of the series seeing the world through Shades of Gray I'm sure everyone can agree that it's vital to observe both intention and action before or you judge someone if you look at a mistake or an action at face value without any other context you're doing it wrong sure someone might have stolen something or harm someone but why did they do it were they trying to provide for their family did they do it in self-defense were they ignorant to a situation and just didn't know any better and when they do realize the magnitude of what they've done are they truly sorry and want to repent if you shun someone just for an action without taking anything else into account following the belief that they had their chance you're doing them a major disservice this can be said about a lot of the sinners in hell in this series and I'm sure many more to come this can work in Reverse too if someone does an action that is harming others or themselves but does it with the best of intentions that doesn't make it any less harmful you shouldn't be praised just because you meant to do something good if your actions result in the opposite and if my portrayal of God ends up being Canon it would feed into this lesson beautifully so the war eventually ends God promises to be more dominant in his domain Charlie is revered for her actions Sinners who wish to seek Redemption are permitted to do so and it turns out to be a happy day in both Heaven and Hell after all the credits roll and maybe we get an epilogue with the reveal that Charlie and God now have regular visits ending with them embracing in a great big hug Heaven yeah overall if the story ends up going in this direction it would cover a lot of interesting ground explaining why the lead Angel is such a sinful arrogant Big Shot giving the morally grey moral of the story some interesting twists and turns and setting the stage for a sure to be Godlike conclusion I don't expect all of this to be right and I'm no substitute for the real thing so I guess we'll just have to wait a few weeks before we see what ultimately Becomes of our Peppe princess and her beloved Double H but until that day let's hear what you guys think do you think my ideas about the Angels might come to fruition or have I been hitting the angel dust a little too hard leave your thoughts in the comments below thanks for tuning in everybody and I hope to see you all real [Music] [Music] soon
Channel: finnthepony
Views: 406,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hazbin hotel, hazbin hotel episode 1, hazbin hotel episode 2, episode 1, episode 2, hazbin hotel Adam, Adam, Adam and Eve, heaven, hazbin hotel Charlie, Charlie, angels, angel, Hazbin Hotel theory, film theory, theory, animation, cartoon, vivziepop, helluva boss, cherub, hell is forever, god, hazbin hotel god, Morningstar, hazbin hotel songs, songs, comedy, funny, indie, hazbin hotel pilot, hazbin hotel review, review, reaction, Lucifer, hazbin hotel Lucifer, Lilith, Eve, hell, dark, pilot, overture
Id: v9iFgLiV9o0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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