Every Hazbin Hotel Song RANKED (Including Addict)

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how's it going boys girls and squirrels we are not done with hasbin Hotel just yet one of the best parts of hasbin Hotel arguably the best part of hasbin hotel is its multiple musical numbers per episode I have always loved shows that will commit to having a musical number each episode like it's such a great added piece of production value that not a lot of shows are willing to do I just love anything willing to do something special willing to do something to set itself a AP from its competition I also respect a lot of YouTube channels like this as well a lot of channels I follow will put like an insane amount of production value into a random one-off episode out of nowhere and I've always respected that a ton which is why I've also put musical numbers in my videos in the past and the Nosa video I have a be star musical video couple assassination classroom videos I've made have musical numbers in them shockingly the one reaction series I've done for a musical show doesn't have any of my own musical numbers in it but I feel like that's for the best I feel like I don't want to be competing with some of the great songs that are featured in hasb been hotel and they really are great I'd say between 60 and 70% of the songs in this show are unmitigated bangers but you know what they say every Banger bangs differently that's what they say it's in the Pledge of Allegiance you don't remember cuz you weren't paying attention but it's there so we're going to rank the songs I got dressed in like my best boy bandes get up in honor of this music themed episode check it out I even got like the white pants and everything even though you can't see them during the entirety of this video it's pretty good pretty good dedication I'd say so let's get into it I do have a tier list of all the songs pulled up here uh the tier list doesn't include the two songs from the pilot or addicted um and I haven't reacted to addicted before so I'm going to do that here uh and I'm just not going to include any of those on the physical tier list I'll talk about them I'll rank them I don't want to do any extra work though so you'll just have to remember where they place first we're going to start with the opening song of the pilot and I'll be honest with you guys right now a lot of you aren't going to like my takes on like the first four songs of this tier list I can promise you that right now chasing rain watching clouds Drifting by listen it's a very beautiful song it's well saying it's boring as [ __ ] sorry my bad I forgot I was still listing off compliments there but it is it's boring as hell a big factor in how I'm going to be ranking these songs is based on how frequently and How likely I am willing to listen to them ever again I have no musical background I know nothing about music octave what's that it sounds like an e-hand hand job to me it sounds like what happens when you get an octopus real excited and then you just start taking off your clothes and you see what'll happen so anyone expecting me to approach these songs with any sort of like musical expertise or respect stop expecting that I know every lyric to Shaggy's Mr Boombastic it was genuinely my most played song of 2023 that's a real fact my genre of choice in high school was pop punk from the early 2000s until I replaced it with &m now I listen to music by really really angry women anybody out there like Royal and the serpent that's the level of musical judgment you can expect out of me the X Factor isn't going to have me on their show anytime soon to judge musicians you shouldn't either all that being said uh this one gets a d demon is a rainbow inside every C is a shiny smile inside of every creepy hatching Maniac is aolly Happy cupc the second song in the pilot though that's a different story I've said before that like 90% of hasbin Hotel songs are like Dark Souls 3 bosses they start off decently fun sometimes pretty lukewarm and then they get into a second phase and they just go nuts this is one of those songs the first half of for this song is very whatever it's very tame and then this thing switches into like eighth gear so hard it almost feels like an entirely different song the only thing holding this song back is like the autotune and I don't even know if it's autotune again I know nothing about music this video was a mistake but her voice is just a little too like chipmunk ified for me in this second half it's like a little grading like I can't listen to this on repeat like I do with some of the other songs in terms of Animation though which is apparently something I'm ranking these on as well this one does go very hard I'd say this is probably the best animated sequence of the pilot her hair flip still blows me away with just how cool it [Music] looks so while you're Cor it's fun it's really fun dude i' I'd give this like a b like a high B possibly High B I don't think I'd give it the full a but I do like it with some old CL and show be simple T some proper class style oh here Bel the ground your planet sound oh my God I totally forgot Alistair has a song in this episode that sentence should probably give you a sense of where I'm going to put this on the listate with some old and show be simple some proper class Style again this is one I'd probably never listen to again and haven't this one's a little bit carried by the animation I like the style I like what they're going for I like this like rag time Jazz kind of situation I like that the genre of music kind of contradicts the visual like I don't know why they went with this like UV light like laser tag kind of look for the visual aesthetic but I do like it it's a weird jux position it's a very like kind of nothing song for me though if I'm being honest I'm going to give this like a c I guess C just because it's a little better than the opening one I it's really it's just like noise to me a little bit I told you wouldn't like these opening takes I promise you you can't be mad yet if you start hating my takes Beyond this then you could start getting upset up next is addict which everybody has been telling me I need to watch and that it's like a companion piece to poison so that is very exciting I'm interested to see what this is think deserve some praise for the genuinely thought he was going to ask for a raise I think I deserve some praise is not where I thought that line was headed um but wow yeah this sure is a [ __ ] poison companion piece it doesn't feel like the prequel or sequel to poison it just feels like poison [Music] also I have heard that there's a lot of controversy surrounding this song and poison and Angel and Valentino's characters just in general and I do get it but at the same time I think it's more nuanced than what people are giving it credit for I've heard people say that angel dust and poison and Val are all like glorifications of abusive relationships and that the show is like trying to like sexify the kind of situation that angel is in and I like don't see that at all I get where people are coming from I just think that they're wrong because I don't think that the show glorifies abusive relationships or like addictive behaviors I think that it just showcases those elements from the perspective of somebody in them the problem is people will see depictions of abusive situations where the victim is like making excuses for the abuser and like saying that they love the abuser and love the lifestyle they're in and they will take that to think that the show is advocating for abuse or that the show itself is making excuses for abusers and I obviously like can't speak for everything and I'm not saying that like every depiction of like an abusive relationship is a good wellone depiction of it but in hasb been hotel's case I think what they're doing is showing how somebody could get into an abusive relationship like people fall into these because they see positives of them you know what I mean for example being addicted to heroin is not good well I'm I'm sure we can all agree to that but doing heroin I assume does feel good and so to the person using heroin and who's developed this toxic addictive relationship with it obviously if you ask them they're going to say that heroin is a rad even though it's destroying their body even though it's destroying their relationships and it's like the same with abusive relationships people are manipulated by the abuser into being in that relationship either they feel like their self-confidence is so low they don't deserve anybody better than the abuser or the abuser like floods them with really high highs to mitigate the low lows that they give them much like drugs the abuser will make the victim feel like an absolute piece of [ __ ] 90% of their life so that that 10% when they're praising their victim the victim is like on cloud n and they get like dopamine from it they start to chase the thrill of making their abuser happy so when you look at angel and their relationship with Val with drugs with sex obviously they're going to speak highly of all of those elements because all of those elements have manipulated them into speaking highly of them I just think people are sometimes too quick to get angry at like a depiction of an abusive relationship because in order to depict it accurately you do kind of need to glorify the abuser to some extent to show how the victim could have fallen into their trap you know what I mean does that make sense nobody would ever fall in love with an abuser if the abuser wasn't good at manipulating people's emotions if they weren't good at like reeling the victim in with some sense of like Charisma you know but anyway that's my huge take on the angel dust controversy I think the fact that angel keeps going back to Val isn't meant like isn't the show being like Oh you know whatever that we're just depicting a silly goofy abusive relationship I think it's meant to be seen as a tragic flaw of Angel and and it it like you know addiction isn't easy to just instantly get over Angel is addicted to the thrill to the high that Val gives them which is drugs and money they're dependent on Val and dependency is not easily gotten over and so I think people are mad that angel didn't get over it like episode four of the show didn't just like tell Val to [ __ ] off and then was like well that's the end of Angel and Val I think people were mad that angel went back to Val but like that's just sometimes how it goes it's a long process to recovery oh oh what a coincidence this is a show about rehab maybe maybe we're setting up a long Arc of Angel getting over Val and becoming more independent maybe cool sick glad I just spent like 15 minutes explaining what the show just did in like 7 Seconds that's sick that little bit was super cool real small nitpicky bit real quick I don't like that it like blinks in and out I kind of wish it like here I'll show you this sequence has black frames in between has two frames of black in between the like these cuts and I wish it didn't I wish it just went like this straight to to this but again super nitpicky and I get I think the intention is maybe to make it feel like a blink where it's like I close my eyes and I'm like one way or another I don't know it's either I close my eyes and I'm back here in this hell or I close my eyes no I think it is that I think it's like when they're on stage if they let their mind wander for even a second they will end up back in this misery and so they do all these drugs to not think about this I think that's what that is and so the blinking thing does work I just aesthetically it makes me want to have a seizure [Music] though it's like sufficiently catchy I would say this is way more of like like a clubbing song than poison is I don't think I like it more than poison I think poison is better than this in my [Music] opinion yeah it's not bad it's just I I think poisons a little catchier and I think Poison's visuals keep me engaged a little longer like as a music video I think poison is way better than this as well poison also has that moment at the end of it which we'll get into where his like voice drops and that gives me chills and like chokes me up every time where he like starts sing crying and that's great and I did like the blinking sequence in this but it doesn't come anywhere close to that bid in poison poison also has a part where he just [ __ ] goes go go Schomp on a dude's dick and it's really good this is solid B I'd listen to this again I definitely would it's nowhere near poison be I I'll give it a b out of 10 my God I spent way too long on like the non-canon songs on on the show finally first up we got happy day in Hell which at first I was ready to give this like a c or a d like the opening song to The Pilot but I just listen to a bit of it again and it's pretty good it's pretty fun it's it's a very like generic kind of basic musical theater song but it's like fun it it's a good time I like Charlie's voice actor singing it's less grading than that one from the pilot but again it's very kind of I it's a b I'll give it a b it's very like it's a very safe opening number for the show then we got hell is forever which [ __ ] rips hell is forever is the first time I was like Blown Away by one of the songs and I think songs later on in the series blow hell is forever away for here's the reason why I'm going to put hell is Forever at a for Adam and the thing keeping it from being an S is that it starts with a happy day in hell it starts with what is essentially a reprise of Happy Day in Hell which again is kind of that like Dark Souls boss mentality where like the first phase of this song isn't nearly as good as the second phase however thankfully the first phase of the song isn't very long and the second phase I've listened to on repeat like so many times all that being said none of that discounts the fact that the first half of the song I have skipped so many times so I think a is a comfortable spot for it but there's no def in their face yeah [ __ ] dude this goes so hard this is so good I love I love Alex Brightman are you [ __ ] happy I do man I wish Adam had more songs I love the way cuz he sings He sings in the way that I pretend I can sing like I love that he's like what's the lyric hold on their CH to behave better yeah where he's like had their chance to behave better now they boil in the pot I love his like I love that he growl sings and that's why I thought every [ __ ] character was a voice by him because every character everyone's been [ __ ] blowing me up being like no one else sounds like Alex Brightman what are you talking about they do if he stopped growling box sounds just like Alex Brightman if he stopped growling which is proven by the fact that when Vox sings his song he [ __ ] growls and he [ __ ] sounds like Alex up next is Alex Boral song and it actually has the verse issue kind of it has a weirdly unique issue for me whereas most songs in season 1 start off kind of lukewarm and then get really good this one starts off really good and then gets kind of worse and then ends really good I love the opening to this song I even love like the introduction to this song like the talkie bit where the piano comes in it's like D I'm not going to do that anymore the SEC I got one bum in and I was like this is stupid already like this part [ __ ] is back yeah I thought he was gone for good too it's been seven years you're telling me that doesn't sound like Alex Brightman but like this part I love every time it like plays on Spotify like this part's included and I love it I love his like it's been seven years like he's got a good growl about him then he's like it's time to show that [ __ ] who's really in charge now and he's got a great laugh like it's so Sinister and then it goes [Music] into gone I sing this part so godamn frequently I love this part so much I invent lyrics that don't exist to extend it in my mind it's so it's got such a great flow to it it's so like Sinister sounding but then so the radio demon is back in town why is he hanging around what does that mean for your family all this [ __ ] happens I don't know I'm sure again this is included in people not liking whatever takes I'm about to say I'm sure people are really into this part but it's nowhere near as good as the opening even like the rhyme scheme gets kind of worse for me where it's like the It words are rhyming like every third word and it just feels like '90s hipop to me where it's like yeah I'm feeling good here in the hood just like I know I should and it's like dog [ __ ] like lay off the Rhymes we music has evolved since then you know give it like do a rhyme at the end of each sentence again another nitpick I know I've never raided or reviewed songs before but then it's so weird cuz the song [ __ ] wrangles me back in Ro as strong as he Bas support even this like I'm already getting dragged back in at like this moment it's still not as good is what's to come but this is a little [Music] better let's begin yeah this is another thing that I'm just constantly saying to myself in the shower just like the [ __ ] like when everyone was imitating Bane in The Dark Knight Rises I'm just like let's begin I'm going to make you wish that I'd stayed gone anyway um another a I'd say because I do really like it a low a high B this one's behind hell is forever not as good as hell is forever because the parts I like are way too short I'm going to be honest I don't even remember how it starts with a smile goes I have no I know what this image is and I've seen it in the Spotify playlist I just skip it on principle I don't know what this song is begin you know what not going to lie better than I remember or better than I didn't remember I this like I expected this to be a d because I I really didn't remember liking it at all it's not bad it's really not bad I like we get more Alex Brightman and if you listen close you can really hear them which is good I like it here's the thing though I like it in the way that I Like A Whole New World from Aladdin you know what I mean good song I'll sing it sometimes am I going to like hop in the car right now blast a whole new world no it's one of the better Charlie songs but also I'm lying I don't think it is it's maybe the worst Charlie song If I don't include the ones from the pilot I'll put this I don't know it's like adjacent to Happy Day in Hell these both might be C's to be honest I'm going to put these down here real quick cuz I think C is going to get neglected both of these are like adjacently good though I wouldn't say one's better than the other necessarily they may get promoted back to be though we'll see you got it twisted not the attitude I don't know why but I do hate this song it's got It's got elements that I should like it's got my girl Hornet from Hollow Knight it's pretty decently catchy I like hate this Bratz doall character though I hate this actual literal Monster High character it's got the line I'm a hashtag [ __ ] which is just bad and way too late I don't know but again hold on give me a sec give me a goddamn second scar fight I I like it more than I initially did this is like an instant skit for me when I'm listening to this album I'm liking it more than I remember liking it originally it's too like it's do it with the Emojis and the hashtag I hate her and that's tainting my perception of this song I'm going to give this a c it's maybe my least favorite song but that's not entirely true because I know one I don't like even more for right now this will be bottom C possibly D we'll see as we [Music] progress this song is also an instant skip whenever I listen to the album but it but it's for everybody else's safety I almost exclusively listen to music while I'm driving in the car and if she [ __ ] busts into this note while I'm on the highway No One Is Safe this goes so hard the transition in the second phase of this boss fight just makes me want to floor it and drive all over every goddamn Lane of traffic if I listen to this song in a grocery store I'll strangle someone I'll just I just will I'll just do it if I'm just like getting my reron and she hits the like but who's to say I'll [ __ ] throw that [ __ ] down and I will throttle a [ __ ] it's just so hype this song also made me start to like vaggie it didn't last but like this song was when I was like oh [ __ ] at least vaggie can sing I I've said before I think vaggie and Charlie are like the weakest characters in the show and not that I don't like them but they are like if I'm tier listing the characters they're at the bottom but vaggie's part is so good the lyrics in this are really strong not all lyrics are created equal in this show as displayed by the previous song but these ones are great this song works as its own song separate from the show like I feel like I could play someone this song and if they don't listen too hard to the lyrics they'll be like oh this what [ __ ] uh what's her name oh my God I can't I'm blanking on everything now why do I want to say Christina jizelle oh my God the princess switch what is her name dude I'm not even close I'm not even close I I want to say Jessica it's not Vanessa hudgin feel like I could play this for someone and they'd be like oh Vanessa hudgin just come out with a new Banger because uh vaggie kind of sounds like her this one rules this is our first s tier at like I love this song this was my favorite song of the whole show maybe end of sentence s tier first s tier baby judging the s's is going to be really hard cuz the next like this like this is when the show kicks in overdrive in terms of the songs here's what's good about that one too is that it does start off slow it starts where I'm like oh you know this is going to be a whatever song but because the switch goes so hard it makes me appreciate the slow opening the change from like High School Musical Like Love Ballad to evanesence [ __ ] like Rock ballad goes so hard and The Rock ballad bit only works because it comes in as such a surprise yeah big S Tier Energy up next is poison wonder where that's going to go God I like don't even want to listen to poison right now I got I got that last song so stuck in my head but who's to say like s right like definitely s both in terms of visuals I I me talked about the visuals of the last few songs but [ __ ] them the visuals are way better than addict which is fair cuz I'm sure like they had the budget for it now this one I'd say more so than the last song and I shouldn't have even said this about the last song cuz the compliment works way better here this is a song that 100% stands on its own aside from being a part of the show like you can't play somebody happy day in hell and not expect questions you could play somebody this and they'll just be like oh [ __ ] this is a fire Kesha song I've listened to I've watched this dude like sing this song Live on YouTube so many times and like the best part of the song that I will replay constantly isn't the one you're thinking of or maybe it is my favorite part of the music video is this part coming [Music] up like that's just so brutal I talked about my reaction of the episode it's so brutal it's so well done and it sh like the music and the visuals and the lyrics All all just come crashing together in Perfect Harmony but the best part of the song is this [Music] part similar to what I said about the last song This switch up hits so hard because of what comes before it I love him switching in like the cry singing It's so well done it's so brutal and sad this is also one of the very rare songs of this season that isn't in the boss battle format I genuinely think like every bit of this song works really well there isn't like a first half that I have to kind of like scrub past or that I'm just like waiting for a certain part of this song I do think this last bit is the best part of the song but I've never like skipped the first two minutes to get to it yeah this is great this the best song in the season we'll see s tier maybe above this one maybe above the last one for one I I know its name I don't know the name of the last one for two I've listened to it more times I'm more likely to replay it and there isn't a slow moment in it you ready for my Redemption Arc here I did not give loser baby the due Justice that it deserved when I reacted to do it loser baby at first I thought was like a filler song I thought it was like a c tier song when I first started listening to it like in its first half I was like oh you know it's cute that we get a song from Keith David I didn't know he could sing but it's kind of slow it's kind of like waltzy and then without me even noticing a switch in my mentality loser baby somehow became my most listen to song of This Album it's just so good isn't it it's so weirdly deceptively good because the visuals are very fine and like the lyrics are also very fine but it's so [ __ ] catchy and Keith David's voice is so good and it doets really well with angel's voice I think I said it in my last hasb been Hotel video but like the two parts that just massage my brain really well are the first chorus when he just first slides into that like you're a loser baby a loser goddamn baby I'm singing way too much for this video like for a man who can't sing but that part's great and then I love another part that I'm constantly singing myself is when Angel's like I'm a loser honey a loser and a dummy hold on I can do that better let me listen to it again loser hone never mind I can't do it better I'm like what was I even thinking trying to compete with this it's also just so sweet it's like adorable it's an adorable song and it really like drew me to husk and this relationship and then it does have a third phase where it's like I got an appeti [Music] this part this part's great too it's yeah this is an S this for sure an S is it better than poison I don't know I have listened to this one more so probably that seems weird to say I don't know oh man I hate ranking things for a man who ranks so many damn things I guess loser baby in front of poison and then this is like too far from front though is my beef up next we've got we got some interesting ones I think things are about to get very very complicated and interesting in ranking these from here on out all those are like easy S's and even though I feel weird about the placement of the s's it didn't take me too long to decide on that these next few as I'm looking at them have me confused all right then looks like you could use some help from the big boss of head himself I like just don't know where to put this it's really good it like belongs in a at least but where in a you know what never mind I just figured it out this was way easier than I thought actually you know what no it isn't cuz I remember what the rest of the song is this is an interesting song because there's controversy behind it which is weird to me this song I would argue and feel free to argue in the comments is at its best when Jeremy Jordan is singing and then it gets worse when Alistair is singing and then I don't care that Mimsy stops it there's like weird controversy about Mimsy breaking like cutting the song off short I heard who cares I heard the fandom doesn't like Mimsy for that reason I think she's fun she's a silly little gal and I think Alistair was ruining the song Alistair just doesn't have a great voice to me unless he's doing his like menacing unless he's in like a menacing tone unless he's doing his like let's begin then I don't care and Jeremy Jordan's firing on all cylinders with this one and then Alistair you know what Alis is my Mimsy cuz he cuts this guy off I man I was going to say there was no there were no bad segments of this song but I was wrong cuz I don't like alist let me hear it again I'm your day to don't tell he's not as bad as I made it out to seem I don't dislike it but I do get bitter that he robs the rest of the song from Jeremy Jordan it's not bad it stays an a huh all right I think it's at the top of a because I like I like alistair's segment it's more of a complete song than hell is forever like hell is forever the beginning of that instant skip every time I won won't always skip alistair's segment of this song but I will be like I will go back to Jeremy Jordan's before finishing the song I think this is where it belongs I do think it's an a it's very well done and alistar's part's not as bad as I was giving it discredit for you know what as man this is tough because I'm looking at the rest I think I think Alistair and vox's song needs to go into B because there's nothing in B and I think they they're not all a like I don't think that one's an a cuz I only like probably 20% of that song and the big middle chunk I don't love man that sucks though cuz I really like that beginning and end but as we go into this next song I'm like something's up like the quality is like everyone who's in a doesn't belong in a is what I'm realizing you don't know that I do this is like without a doubt the most passionate sounding song in the whole show like Jeremy's killing it we didn't even get to the song yet and I'm already like choked up like when he's when he does is like you don't know that this is a trick this one's so tricky though because I don't really listen to it that much it's like a good musical theater song it reminds me of something in like next to normal you know but I really don't listen to it that much there's one moment I really like and I wish there was more of [Music] it [Music] been this is where the song really kicks in for me and as I just skipped past all the rest I realize how much I don't really care for this song that much it's not that I don't like the song it's that I don't ever want to listen to it that much it's just not catchy this just isn't my type of music it's very well sung so I'm going to put it at the bottom of a it's so well sung that like I will enjoy it and listen to it and I do love this moment of like I've been waiting wanting the same thing like I like when it gets a little bouncy but it's no loser baby it's certainly no hell is forever I'm starting to think I put hell is forever too low now also cuz I really dig hell is forever we'll see we'll come Backes [Music] no you know what's weird I heard people don't like welcome to Heaven this like and it's fine just someone told me they were like I'm so shocked Danny likes welcome to Heaven everybody hates it I'm so out of touch with what the people like I will say this is the definition of a song that I like will never listen to or remember in like a month I have like nothing to say about it it's Poppy like I said it's like a chip Skylark song this like definitely belongs in C and I man now C's looking weird does happy day in Hell belong in C if the Vox song is in B I don't know but I like the Vox song More we're I'm going to keep pressing on it's [Music] not yeah this is like the final boss of the goddamn series I can't believe this isn't the last song in the show they went so hard with this one this is like a six-phase boss and most of the phases go really hard I'd say this first phase is the weakest but as I'm listening to it right now the buildups really good I love the like it's not fair Sarah like that's good this does have a moment that I will skip to frequently I think all of you could tell what it is he is shot like a cops in his mouth this discussion is senseless and pett we need more [ __ ] songs from whoever this is this girl is so good I love this is also like the closest I ever get to a musical fight scene in this show because at least it's like big conflict also that's not true I just remembered there's another musical fight scene in this show we'll get to that one but this is like such good conflict I like that we're getting every faction singing and they're all singing motifs of their song like I like that this bleeds into hell is forever and I like how Charlie and the angel girl both sing their like version of hell is forever it's like a really good amalgamation of a lot of the songs previously sung but I will say I do skip the Sarah part I don't know this part's the strongest like the whole [ __ ] thing should be sung by this girl it definitely belongs in S I think maybe below poison just out of like sheer I listen to poison more and it feels I like that poison I do like when the songs have multiple parts and key changes but it's usually because it assures me that the song's not going to be bad the whole time you know what I mean most of the time in this show when I'm like hyped about a key change it's because I wasn't liking the song that much and I'm hyp that it gets a second chance for me to enjoy it and so even though this song has only good key changes they're not I don't know if I even want to say that like I appreciate that poison and loser baby don't really have big key switches but it's because the entirety of the song is good you know like if the whole song If this whole song was just that like in the key of that like come on Sarah bit this would be like a b at most so yeah under poison I think above that one whose name I don't know but love this next one I'm not incredibly excited to talk about I have gotten so many comments of people being like man Danny's going to [ __ ] love out for love and I received those after recording my reaction to out for love and I do like it but that video where I react to this song isn't out yet I don't know what the reception to my response to out for Love Is is so I'm nervous I I like it was it's not my favorite one it's silly it's like really it's really cringy to me I do love that Hornet sings it like I love her voice her voice is great but it's like I don't feel as bad being like oh this isn't my favorite one because she has they have another duet that's really really good and just way better than out for love let me listen to some of this by your Det St with anim it's good I definitely like it it reminds me of hit me baby one more time if I'm being honest I love this singer I love this voice actor the character is hot as hell the lyrics are just really funny to me they're really cringy and I'm sure that's part of the appeal but it's so like it's too edgy but not in like a good way for me this is like a bee this so I i' call this a bee I've never listened to it after watching the show it's just like a very fine song for me it is the closest thing I get genuinely this time to an action scene musical number but like not really it's not really like the essence of a fight scene musical number cuz the conflict is less desperate than in the previous song I love the confrontation in Lay Miz because it is two characters with opposing ideologies fighting via song and that is what the court scene in The Last Song is whereas this it's like a training montage which is cool and there's kicks and punches happening but it it's like lyrically a worse choreographed fight scene than the previous song does that make sense it's like if we're equating it to actual fight scenes it's like the difference between like a Marvel movie fight and a John Wick fight like Marvel movie and we'll say cuz they're not all created equal but like we'll say like you know a fight from like one of the Tom Halland Spider-Man or like an Ant-Man one out for love is like an Ant-Man fight sequence where like technically yeah they're fighting but I'm not going to like remember the choreography and like the fight doesn't make me feel anything but a John Wick for fight scene is like more emotional it's choreographed beautifully it's desperate it like knows what makes a great fight scene it's not just that there is fighting it's that it like invokes tension and hype within me all that is to say be underneath Vox that feels so fitting that feels so [Music] right I like this song I like this song A lot it's just fun you know it doesn't blow me away it's just is good it's like not too tough of a competition I like this more than out for love but underneath the Vox one this is the best God what am I doing did I put this at a I don't think this belongs at a anymore actually this is under the Vox I I don't know this is okay here we go the song between Charlie and her dad is a better song than everything in B I would say but I don't like it more than everything in B I'm going to put it behind the song we just listened to and maybe the Vox one goes back the Vox one goes back because I think the song we just listened to deserves to be at the top of B it Bel it's a good it's a good fun song but it's new it's very recent to me cuz I just recently watched uh the finale of hasman Hotel so maybe that's like part of it like I haven't gotten the chance to listen to it much I guess this is just where it belongs I hate doing this I don't like this anymore I'm afraid people are going to get mad at me I'm afraid that I'm going to get mad at myself and be like what the hell you you put [ __ ] poison below loser baby you know I'm going to wake up in a cold sweat being like the Vox song is at the bottom of a are you crazy I'm pressing on maybe some new Clarity will come to me by the way the next two songs I think are bad many lives you Chang yeah I'm I'm just bored you know it's not bad again I don't know anything about music and like me this as far as I know this could be like the most well- constructed song on Earth it I just like don't care yeah it's just more than anything again but without Jeremy Jordan which is a big mistake and without uh without the cool key change so D this is like my least favorite one so far I don't remember what the last song is which should also tell you a lot this one's going into D which again is making me really reconsider where more than anything is cu it's really just that key change and the fact that I respect how well they're singing but I don't like listening to it in the car I I kind of like listening to Jeremy Jordan's bit though honestly he's so good more of him what even is the last song of the show I was too mad about Sir [Music] penes yeah this is like in the same way that the opening song what was that one even called I don't even remember it oh happy happier in Hell happy day in hell in the same way that that is kind of a safe opening song for the series this is a very safe closing song like it's a very generic like end of a musical kind of song it's so fine I will never listen to this again happy day in hell that's where that is huh yeah that that's all about right I guess down here it's not wor wor than more than anything without Jeremy Jordan though I feel pretty okay about this list to be honest considering this ranking is entirely based on like if I like the songs how who's going to argue I don't think no you know what this is wrong hell is forever belongs at the top of a and then that's probably correct and then we got loser baby poison yes yeah yeah I can't man it's tough I think this is my list though all of the songs I'd say are at least pretty good the ones at C and D are just forgettable at worst I think I got to relisten to it starts with sorry because I feel like that one's going to start growing on me I could see that rising to midb levels I could see that beating back out for love cuz I think it does I think I want like out for love to be like here and then these kind of become be contenders happy day in hell I think this goes above here yeah I think this is right because it starts with sorry really grew on me out of nowhere but anyway that is my list until it isn't uh in like five minutes when I decide I'm wrong again let me know uh what your give me your top five no give me your top three and bottom three songs in the comments below let me know what else you'd like to see me watch react to just make a video on it's kind of atypical of my usual videos um but it was fun I liked it and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Danny Motta
Views: 250,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hazbin hotel, angel dust, hazbin hotel episode 1
Id: UqGK7wCzDvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 5sec (3005 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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