What Happened To Jax In Episode 2? - The Amazing Digital Circus

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episode 2 just released and we saw a lot more about Jax's personality where in the majority of the time he acted way meanor in episode 1 even though beforehand we thought he was going to be depressed because of this scene where we see him moving his finger in the water but when we actually saw the episode we saw that he was actually being cruel and he's actually had a little bit of character development in some of these scenes like where we saw JX interacting with zubal and after Kane announces the new adventure says she's not going and Jax asks her if she doesn't want to mess with the new Ai and their Dynamic seems to be interesting while Jax can manipulate others like GLE or Raga it seems like zubal does not care what Jax has to say but he seems to also respect her and after zubu leaves Jax breaks the fourth wall by looking at the camera and shrugging which I didn't even notice until now and after the scene Kane pushes the circus members through the gate and into the candy Canyon Kingdom where Jax only gets excited when he sees the truck that the princess provides them and he says ooh violence and that was the line that goose workk shared out of context and now it makes perfect sense why Jax said it we can also see how after they're left alone and all of the main characters are sitting in the truck Jax immediately starts to act like he was in charge he pulls out the candy shotgun which we saw in the trailer as well and he points it to gengle telling her what to do and it does seem like Jax is trying to keep himself sane by being mean to everyone and causing chaos cuz in the the next shot he grabs pomy by her neck and throws her out of the roof of the truck so I'm thinking that he would literally sacrifice any of the other circus members just so he can keep himself sane and that is why Goose work said that there is nothing heroic about Jack he's completely self-absorbed and in the next scene where he is again he's telling gengle to Ram into the other truck and ragi tries to warn him that pne's on top and he just pushes ragath out of the way and says to GLE do it it'll be epic Jax also says do it or I'll tell ragath about the figurine thing and this seems to be blackmail which makes me think about how Jax is probably involved with the lives of the others in the circus and probably knows a lot of the little details about everyone else so he can use that information to his Advantage if he needs to which of course is blackmail like if you remember back to episode one when Jax py and Raga went to see kfmo Jax pulled out the key to kao's room and said that he puts centipedes in reda's room and so it also makes sense that Jax has a key to gle's room as well well but as for why gangle doesn't want to know ratha about a figurine thing I'm not even sure what that is maybe gangle makes figurines of the NPCs and circus members and for some reason the one she made about ratha might be embarrassing or weird or maybe what she does with the figurines is weird and maybe she doesn't like ragi I'm not 100% sure but it is interesting that Jax is manipulating gengle by saying he will snitch on her not only is Jax evil but he will use other people's secrets to his Advantage but the thing is Raga is super kind to everyone even after pomy left her to die twice so I'm not sure why gengle would be worried if ratha is going to figure out about the figurine thing what I'm thinking is that JX doesn't really care about telling ratha gle's secret he cares about gengle into a state of panic where she would do anything he wants which is really twisted and if you look at it I think this is the only time that gangle smiled while she was sad and the fact that he would also kill palley if it meant to make the adventure more exciting is actually crazy however I think that it is true that the circus members can't die in the circus world because ragath literally got stabbed through the heart and when they were looking for pomy I'm pretty sure kinger said we can just ask Cain to find pomy if it comes to the worst but he still was willing to abandon palley and let stuff happen because it is true that the circus members do still feel pain and I'm sure the part where Raga got stabbed through the heart was excruciating pain but the part where they fell into the chocolate Lake and the fudge monster tells a story about eating the town people raged says that it's murder and the chocolate fudge monster says is it really murder if it's delicious and Jax says great point so we see how JX actually thinks about himself in this situation where he gets enjoyment out of seeing others suffer or even die that's just nasty and if he really justifies his actions by these morals that means that he's not remorseful well there actually might be some character development here if we fast forward to a later part of the episode where the characters are back in the tent and they're having the funeral for kfo Raga explains to pomy how they like to hold these ceremonies to remember those who abstract and kinger says it's the least that they can do and when it cuts to Jax you can actually see Jax's face softening for a split second and then he returns to his room and doesn't attend the funeral and what I'm thinking is that maybe Jax GW to like kfmo but he can't just let himself show any emotion to the other circus members except for being annoyed or violent which is his mask to protect himself because when the circus members give their speeches we can't hear what they're saying we can only see that everyone liked kmo and they feel like they lost someone out of the group because when you spend a lot of your time with someone you start to care about them so even if kao's jokes weren't the absolute best as we know from episode 1 it seems that the character still loved him so they had a funeral for him and we can see that how Jax had a nickname for kmo and he has his bowling ball in his room so maybe Jax and kmo were spending time together and that's why Jax cared about kmo he just didn't want to show that to portray this tough guy act and interestingly when we saw the scene where Jax is sitting alone in the sunset looking all sad that wasn't the character development we thought of instead of J being remorseful about his axe he's just sad that the adventure was boring because nothing violent happened and it's weird to see how gengle and Raga are towards Jax when he said he was disappointed with the adventure ragi told him that maybe the next one is going to be more in his favor but she must known that would mean that she would suffer for even more cuz thanks to Jax ragi got a knife in her head and we know how the characters can feel pain so I'm thinking that they're used to Jax's cruelty or maybe ragi just wanted to comfort him just because she didn't want tension between them she does say a lot of things that she probably doesn't mean putting her own feelings aside and wanting everyone to feel loved going to show her motherly figure and it is very admirable to see how much raged cares about everyone even if they don't care about her for example when palley and gummy goo are bad ratha immediately runs over like a mother wood and asks if pomy is okay but in the next episode I'm thinking we'll figure out a lot more about Jacks because we're seeing his personality unfold even more and I'm happy that he didn't shoot anyone with the candy shotgun he had but I'm hoping that he'll also try to become a better person and I think that we might see him be even more evil in the next few episodes but I do hope that we'll see a little bit more of his relationship with kmo because based on his face it looks like he got a little bit emotional about kmo abstracting and it makes me wonder maybe Jax had something to do with kmo abstracting and maybe that's why he's feeling a bit sad because he did look a bit annoyed after we saw the bit of emotion come through his face so maybe he remembered somebody else who didn't get a funeral maybe it's possible but honestly I don't think that he made any real friends in the circus yet as it was said by gooseworks no one in the circus actually likes Jack however ratha still loves him and is super admirable I would not be able to do what ragi does or maybe I could but I'm going to be struggling we actually do know that ja got in the circus when he was quite young but gooseworks also said that he deserves to be in the circus the most out of all characters so that would mean that his personality wasn't that nice even in his human form while he was younger so what I'm thinking is that acting this way is his way of coping in the video game of The Amazing digital circus which is understandable but in a Twisted way obviously and so I'm wondering if the other circus members might snap at one point and start to match Jax's attitude and I think that he would be very taken off guard if someone acted the same way to him as he is acting to others and hopefully he will change and we see a trailer for episode 3 where Jax is nicer for once but we did assume wrong with the episode 2 trailer but that's besides the point but let me know what you think about Jax in episode to me personally he was cruel thanks for watching subscribe and click on this video here [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Circus Master
Views: 880,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FV3NRlc6VWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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