THE TRAGIC TRUTH About Alastor's Deal! - A MASSIVE Hazbin Hotel Season 2 Theory and Analysis!

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please do guess I'd love to know the theories okay do you want them in alphabetical order or from most likely to least likely this one's my favorite box bites if there's one thing that the hasb been Hotel fandom can unanimously agree on besides well pa of this it's the fact that the mystery of alist supposed leash is pretty cut and dry survey says that he's most definitely under the stylish heel of the underworld's number one milk you know Monarch I'd likely fear seriously this girl is terrified but if I can add some spice to the gumbo before it serve to the masses I think that this supposed Lilith lead is a big old red herry I do believe that Al and liil have some kind of relationship going on and potentially one that involves mutual benefits but in my eyes she is not the one who has the radio demon soul in Chains in fact he's not the only one in Chains period there's a much deeper looming truth in regard to who owns who in the land down under and the answer may very well make you scream so sadle up your shoes and give the edges of your sea squeeze cuz this airwave news's got one hell of a doozy for you tonight let's get right into the [Music] show let's begin by talking about the very bizarre power sets of our two broadcast buddies starting with Lilith now we know from Charlie's story book that when Lucifer and his wife were cast down into the fire and the Flames Lucifer confidence was snuffed out while Lis burned brighter than ever using her magical music and songs to inspire the people of hell and essentially create a functioning civilization from a brimstone Laden Wasteland of nothing but there's one question I've always had how in the literal hell did Lilith get this kind of power we know from hasb been Lord that human Sinners which Lilith is essentially start off with nothing but they're able to move up the ranks of society by either making deals for souls or taking them by force like there's no way that she magically got these Powers just from showing up Lucifer has power sure but those were just carryovers from when he was an angel it's not like they were a random welcome gift when he set up shop in the fiery pits maybe she made Soul deals with every single sinner that entered the underworld but then if she already owns every single soul in hell then no one would be able to make deals for them since she'd essentially have dibs on everyone plus the way that the story is framed it makes it look like Lilith already had these Powers before hell's population got super big as if she was capable of the sinful singing from the very start of her queenly career I'm in hell and I'm singing not to mention the Thematic Clash of old Lily being a symbol of Independence so having her harboring The Souls of everyone she rules wouldn't make much sense there's a similar issue in play with Alis the second my dude set his Hooves on this sadistic cess pit he was armed with nothing but a devilish smile and a professional demeanor a DTI demon at best or so they thought cuz out of nowhere he started piling up the bodies of Hell's biggest bosses with strength that seemed to come out of nowhere I mean the dude is a serial killer so he probably knows how to skillfully Slit a throat or two but that doesn't explain the giant freaking Shadow tendrils he can somehow manifest at will he had to have earned these powers from an outside source and in a speedy fashion too considering how quickly he made waves and then broadcasted them I also want to point out the unique aesthetic of aleister's powers real quick every time this guy does something Fantastical it's accompanied by these small symbols known as V ve are used primarily in Haitian Voodoo and later Louisiana Voodoo to act as a beacon for summoning entities known as the Loa who act as a link between humanity and Bondi who is essentially the god of the voodoo religion it's possible that this is just an aesthetic Choice since Big Al is confirmed to be a Louisiana lad but in a weird way it kind of implies that every use of alistair's power involves channeling the strength of some higher deity in order to pull it off further suggesting that he's essentially just running off a battery of much higher power instead of just possessing the power himself so long story short we essentially have two human Sinners who reached immense power extremely quickly with no known reason as to why and the only reasons I could come up with are immediately shot down either due to story or thematic reasons so what exactly is the deal with these two or more specifically who made a deal with these two well to answer that question we need to introduce a brand new character that was created by Vivy poop herself and shelv for later use hi this lovely specimen Right Here is known as Rue and was stated by Viv to be a looming threat currently waiting in the shadows of the hasbin universe apparently there is no character in the show that she is more excited to get into than her but it's going to be a long time before that happens at the moment we have no idea what she is where she came from or what she could do all we know is that she's presumed to be a future big bat in the series she's a demon by species and her name is short for root of all evil now this is all just speculation but I like to imagine that based on her name which means origin of all evil and her extremely monstrous design that Ru is the first ever time that evil was given a proper tangible form Ru is essentially evil incarnate if you remember the opening story in Overture evil technically did exist before the Earth was even created so was always around you can even see it with a creepy redyed menacing grin if you pause and look at it but only after Eve's little fruit snack were the forces of evil able to spread their influence to the realm of humans allowing for the first ever demons to actually emerge in a newly formed Realm of Darkness now I did see a lot of people predicting that Ru actually is Eve and in a way that does kind of make sense but personally I think it would be even more tragic and cruel if Ru actually based her newly formed identity around Eve as a twisted way to both thank her and kind of mock her for her foolish Choice like imagine Eve getting sent to Hell after she dies which I think we all expect to happen and when she eventually meets up with Rue she sees a cursed reflection of her own identity the same gender same body and same face with a smile much like the one she had on the de she bit that fruit but all of it is gnarled up in Unholy knots and morphed into a demonic Abomination Ru gives their sincerest thanks to Eve for if not for her the world would not be a fertile playground for their Sinister roots and they would not have their glorious new form nor would any other demon for that matter it's all because of her then Eve stricken with fear guilt disgust and pretty much any other emotion a person could feel ends up fleeing to the outskirt skirts of the pride ring away from pentagram City away from civilized society seen by very few and remembered by even less to the point where she is all but forgotten aside from being a footnote in Hell's greater history until Charlie and the main cast eventually find her and maybe ask her for her help but hey that's a theory for another time so let's get back to this one so if my belief is correct that Ru is essentially pure evil taken shape then she would have existed even before Lucifer and Lilith were sent to Hell themselves when the couple eventually do hit rock bottom though that's where things get interesting Lucifer obviously becomes a depressed Crush dream sad boy which I'm sure a lot of people can relate to and while he technically does still hold the title of regality and of course still has his Angel Powers he rarely partakes in many Royal duties and just coops himself up in his Workshop meaning it's up to the power of women to pick up the slack being a human sinner Lilith doesn't really have any power at first then despite her hard work kind-hearted motherly energy and encouraging voice she's barely able to get anything done and with the population that's rapidly rising and a husband who's as useful as damp toilet paper she's completely strapped for options that is until she hears a very quiet voice speaking in her ear as if it's whispering right to her it tells her to go to a certain location in Hell far away from where she and Lucifer are currently living and after following those directions she comes face to face with Rue when speaking to Lilith for the first time Rue gives off the vibe of a very comforting warm person who just wants to help and Lilith after everything she went through at the hands of heaven and Adam desperately needs that right now they get to talking and the first thing that Lilith asks is how she was able to do that thing with her voice how was she able to speak to her from such a far distance away Ru says that it's just the power she's always had in fact she has a lot more where that came from problem is she's kind of stuck stuck where she is literally rooted to the spot that she's in and unable to move around like a half woman half tree situation she wishes that she could use her abilities more effectively to help others but I guess that's just not in the cards for someone as stationary as her but then Ru comes up with an idea Lilith and her clearly have the same motive of wanting to help demonkind as far as Lilith knows anyway and maybe with ru's power and L's more mobile form they can turn hell into a much more thriving place all lth would have to do is make a soul binding deal with her so she can transfer her power over to her lth is a little skittish at first since she's never made a deal before but then she thinks back to all the demons in her home how lost they are how in need of Hope and Leadership they are and she decides that this is all for the greater good the deal is made and as a result Lilith is gifted with the unique set of demonic Powers most notably a boost to her beautiful voice allowing it to not only reach all across hell but Inspire hope and strength in its Denison kind of like a warped version of ruse's little widespread speaking ability but more customade to fit Lilith's talents and with these new gifts Lilith is able to grow hell into a thriving civilization with homes businesses and future prospects not exactly a pristine place but at the very least a livable one and one that she hopes to only improve with time as more subjects enter her queendom okay okay definitely explains how Lilith powered up but what exactly does rue get out of this deal I mean she's obviously not doing it for the reason she says she must have an ulterior motive right well this is where things get creepy one of the biggest mysteries in both Haspin hotel and hell of a boss is what exactly happens to the souls of demons when they die heck angel dust even blatantly references this in the pilot well continuing on with ru's little root Motif I actually like to believe that when a demon or sinner dies in Hell their soul actually gets absorbed by Rue and gives her more power every sinner that dies a second time allows Ru to rise in strength and even gain new abilities similar to how Sinners gain power when they obtain living Demon Souls it's as if the blood of the Fallen demon corpses is watering the roots of her Mighty tree and their decaying bodies fertilize her and give her nutrients that would definitely be a unique and horrifying answer to this age-old question another use of her Roots could involve the ability to tap into the minds of anyone with original sin human or demon so she can influence them in a devil on your shoulder kind of way this would make sense if she was actually evil incarnate since sin is almost always about giving into temptation she could be the little voice in your head urging you to make the wrong choices and it would also explain how she was able to speak to Lilith from so far away so once again if you're wondering what Ru gets out of this deal she essentially just hired a groundskeeper to tend to a garden of constantly repopulating power sources for her Sinister needs the more the hell natives reproduce the more souls will be wired to her account when they eventually fall to the chaotic nature and debauchery of their home turf Heck if you also consider that both Lilith and Carmela had kids despite being human Sinners this means that Sinners are able to reproduce as well which just adds even more potential fuel to ruse little fire in a tragic turn of events the woman that made the old choice to flee from a garden that was oppressing her ends up tending to a New Garden of food for a new evil oppressor even when Lilith eventually finds out that Ru is not as selfless as she first appeared it wouldn't even matter a deal is still a deal and Rue technically owns her soul she could force Lilith into silence tell her to pick up the pace even torture her if she wanted their contract is binding and all lth could do was just make the after lives of her people as decent as possible before they eventually die again again and are doomed to be absorbed by ru's Roots you might think that I sound a little insane But Not only would this make the fact that Lilith has power is both plausible and thematically tragic but it could also explain some minor things that we see throughout the series as well like why does she want to keep Charlie away from Lucifer as much as possible it's presumed that she wants Charlie to grow up to be a dignified and Powerful leader and avoid being too much of a dreamer like her dad but maybe she's also training Charlie to harness her natural demonic powers to a point she never has to make a deal with a demon like Ru essentially saving her daughter from a lifetime of servitude that she was sadly forced to endure due to her lack of power but despite her best efforts Charlie did eventually grow into more of a passionate dreamer than a by the books leader coming up with crazy schemes about redemption or rainbows or whatever and while she doesn't say it to her face Lilith does start to lose hope that Charlie will ever be able to lead her people properly it seems like it'll just be her wearing the Queen's crown for all eternity until it's ripped from her head or it falls right off of it something that at this point she'd kind of be okay with as hell continues to evolve and develop so too do the Sinners that enter it so much so that certain Sinners actually start making unique names for themselves crafting their own deals with the Demons of the depths and becoming more powerful than the average Joe hence the age of the overlords emerges creating an entirely new tier in heal social hierarchy has its Denison rack up souls for themselves root takes notice of what these ambitious Sinners are doing and is not only impressed but actually thinks of a way to use this to her Advantage what if she had an Overlord of her very own a Hitman of sorts that could challenge these big shot Soul harboring Helens but in this case Every Soul that they gain through deals Andor Force goes directly to her that's way more efficient than just waiting around for demons to die but she's not going to go for an Overlord already in hell she needs a piece of freshh FR meat with no horse in this race that she can craft into the perfect sidearm so she decides to reach out to a still living human Center Incognito with just her voice and essentially talk them into making a deal with her under the guise of being some kind of deity or Supernatural entity that humans are known to worship but which human would she pick it had need to be someone already experienced with Taking Lives someone cunning yet still carnivorous someone bloodthirsty but not meat someone she can work together with and give advantages to in exchange for potential servitude maybe I don't know a serial killer radio host from down in New Orleans just a thought yep at long last aliser finally enters the picture as confirmed by Viv aliser is a notorious serial killer who originates from New Orleans Louisiana with the mixed cre Heritage he died in 1933 during his 30s meaning he was around for most of the early 19 century and one of the most noteworthy religions back then even existing to this very day is the voodoo religion now it's never been stated if aliser believes in this religion at all but given that he grew up in the area I imagine he'd at least be aware of it and might even know a bit about it its deities its impact on the culture Etc and Ru sees this as the perfect way to speak with him while keeping her identity a secret at one point when alistair's all alone maybe asleep in his bed or something Ru begins speaking to Alistair in his head much in the same way that she spoke with Lilith long ago she claims to be aloa which we already talked about before and wishes to strike a deal with him as their interests of punishing wrongdoers coincide since Alister is a killer of mostly cruel-hearted people this Loa agrees to help Alistair in his murderous Endeavors in exchange for any Immortal Souls that he reaps aliser as we know is under the belief that most of humanity has already had their chance and failed miserably so he's more than happy to deliver more Justice than he already has and besides what is he going to do with a bunch of souls anyway take him and torture him for all he cares so for the rest of alistair's mortal life the Loa and him work together as a team Rue being able to tap into any sinner is able to tell aliser where they're going to go at any given time so that he can plan his kills much quicker and more efficiently in a weird way it's almost like he's tuning into the radio signals of Sinners and using that to his Advantage his body count almost doubles in half the time thanks to this new one holy assistance and he still manages to keep as lowkey as possible and just lives his best life as a radio star viv's words not mine eventually though the unfortunate moment happens where he's burying his latest kill in the deer hunting grounds and he's shot by a hunter by [Music] accident when he eventually wakes up in Hell he's a little peeve that that he makes such a rookie mistake as he could have done a lot more during his lifetime but then Rue the Lowa begins speaking again and reassures Alistair that his job does not have to end with death the afterlife is chalk full of people even more cruel and Sinister than the ones that died by his hands and with demonic powers on their side they're capable of even worse wrongdoings however they can be killed again with the proper strength and planning wouldn't it be nice to get rid of these rich beings once and for all have them suffer and die a second time they'd certainly deserve it wouldn't they and luckily now that Al is no longer confined to the Mortal plane the Loa can offer him much more assistance this is where aliser gets his signature dark Powers taking on a voodoo aesthetic to keep up the illusion that this is from aloa and with ease he starts picking off Heavy Hitters faster than you can say That's all folks Ru provides Alistair with all his power poers as well as some Insider Intel on what the overlord's weaknesses are just like back on Earth while Every Soul that he reaps goes directly to her for a time things seemed to be going smoothly that is until one fateful battle that changed everything a conflict with a certain TV face Titan yeah remember that fight against Vox where alist quote unquote almost beat him well I like to think that Ru actually had a bigger hand in that defeat than you might think we know that Al despises Vox he hates his modern technological aesthetic he hates his widespread popularity he hates his stupid dumb face so when aliser made the choice to try bringing him down and claiming all the turf and souls he had earned Ru once again tries to give aliser some info in order to make the fight easier but Alistair fueled by pure ragent ego more so than ever before actually dismisses Rue outright and states that he can handle this fight himself during the fight Ru continuously warns him that dismissing her is a foolish Endeavor that he will pay dearly for but he continues to ignore her so as a way to solidify who's in charge here Ru momentarily weakens Al's powers during the climax of the fight allowing Vox to gain the upper hand and Alister to end up in a near death situation forcing him to flee from combat as he lies beaten and bloody in an Alleyway somewhere he hears the voice of the Lowa once again maybe you don't quite understand our relationship you're hellish intelligence was provided by me your powers were gifted by me you belong to me you put Cooperative so far but if you even dare to step out of line again for a minute assume that you can operate without me a small glitch in your power set will be the least of your problems this is where their Dynamic devolves from a symbiotic relationship to a straightup master and slave situation aliser Twitches with anger and fear at this chilling speech and eventually passes out from exhaustion and blood loss Ru initially plans to bring him back to full health right away expecting him to be more obedient now that he knows who's in charge but one person stops her offering to try something else Lilith now Lilith was not an idiot she was able to pick up on ru's little pet projects pretty quickly despite Rue never revealing them herself when she caught wind of an OP andler Overlord trouncing around and swiping Souls easily despite only being in hell for a short while she recalled her own experience of gaining massive power despite a short time in hell and a certain someone became Prime Suspect pretty quickly she was also made aware of a certain rumor that was being spread throughout hell about an overpopulation problem which eventually caught the ear of Heaven leading to a yearly extermination event she was never able to identify patient zero of this rumor but when she really thought about it who would benefit more than anybody from a bunch of sinners in the ground maybe the demon who feeds on their souls when they're double dead but even when Lilith confronts Ru about these things and she admits to them there isn't really anything she can do about it Lilith is still under Ruth's control so she's basically unable to say anything to anyone heck maybe if she tries to bring it up to someone Ruth threatens to take her voice away completely considering she's the one who empowered it in the first place she's now stuck with this knowledge of Ru rigging the game without any freedom to tell anyone at this point Lilith is starting to lose all hope her kingdom it was okay before but now ruse got her fingers on so many strings that this once livable place is devolving more and more into chaos and the worst part is that there's no way for her people to escape this torment for good or is there yeah on top of hearing what ru's been up to Lilith has also been keeping tabs on her daughter with her whole redeeming Sinners project at first she thought this idea was completely foolish but the more she thinks about it the more she starts to realize that this may be the only hope that hell has to really end the suffering of its people if Sinners do get sent to Heaven they'll be free of exterminations free from all the violence free from even greater suffering when their souls are absorbed by Ru this could actually work but at the rate that Charlie's going at it's likely never going to happen she needs some assistance or protection or something if she's ever going to have a chance to get on Heaven's good side she initially thought about helping Charlie herself but Ru forbids it saying that she's not going to allow someone on her payroll to willingly help a cause that could weaken her so instead L decides to meet her master in the middle okay fine she won't go and help Charlie herself but she will send someone in herstead Ru was initially against this as well until lth points to Alis she says that she will send aliser to go and help Charlie in her Endeavors instead of immediately springing him back to life she will nurse him back to health however long it takes and show him as much kindness as she can muster she will not force him in any way there will be no deals or contracts of any kind she will simply ask him to help her once he's fully healed and hopefully he will take her up on that offer she's obviously doing this for hell's overall benefit and to help her daughter out too but there are some other reasons as well she honestly feels really sorry for Alistair being in the same exact tortured servile position that she's in and she really does want to give him a period where there's no stress no torture no chains just healing this will also give her some peace of mind in regards to Charlie's process too like if she can redeem one of the most loome sinners in her kingdom then she has no reason to doubt that Charlie can do the same for a bunch of lesser Sinners too Ru laughs hysterically at this proposal she more than anyone knows alist Soul she's seen that he shares the exact bloodlust and sinner ideologies that she does so there's no way that he'll agree to do anything the queen of Hell tells him Ru smugly accepts this deal but on one condition Lilith is not allowed to interfere with this plan in any way aside from rehabilitating Alistair once that radio host is back on his feet she will essentially have to disappear from the big picture altogether and let her good will do all the work she keeps the details mostly vague but assures Lilith that it doesn't involve any death Lilith accepts these terms and the healing process begins I won't go into super deep detail here but basically once alisher wakes up he realizes that he's being cared for by the queen of Hell herself he initially has no clue what to do at first but he soon realizes that there isn't anything he can really do especially in his weakened state so he just surrenders himself to his bed for seven whole years L takes care of Alister and the two Strike Up many a conversation aliser does his best to remain prideful and grinning showing as little weakness as possible despite being very physically weak lilth does try to reach out to him emotionally by opening up about her own problems but Alister just doesn't seem to crack at all to be fair she pretty much knows everything about him already thanks to but she was hoping that he would admit it himself despite spending literal years with her Alister doesn't exactly buy into lit's little kind and generous routine since again queen of Hell plus his ability to trust others wasn't exactly strengthened after his little arrangement with the Loa but near the end of his recovery he does start to question this mindset and has a few fleeting thoughts that maybe she's actually doing this genuinely they're just fleeting thoughts so obviously they don't stick around but the fact that he thinking about this at all shows that some of this kindness is starting to get through to him at the end of the 7-year period Alistair is back to full health his powers are still intact as well but he notices that he hasn't heard a single word from his ex- business partner only radio silence this actually instills a little bit of fear in him because he knows now that this Loa can take away his powers at any time and if they're not talking anymore he won't know the time or the place but he does his best to keep his cool and is about to be on his merry way but before he can leave Lilith pops the big question he doesn't have to but as a favor to her could he please go and watch over her daughter to ensure that her hotel project goes well and that she's taken care of Alistair just glares daggers at her he knew that this was all a sham he knew that wasn't genuine of course she wanted something in return and frankly at this point he's kind of sick of being used initially he would have said hell no but he decides to do her one worse he actually accepts her proposal under the guise that he's happy to help but he secretly plans to somehow get Charlie's soul in a deal of his own so he can use her as a bargaining chip and possibly get the queen herself to serve him heck maybe he'll end up with so much hellish power that he can break his current contract himself those parting words don't exactly put Lilith at ease even with that smile on his face she can tell from his tone that Alistair is not completely on her side here heck the first thing that he does when entering the hotel is try to make a deal for Charlie's Soul Ru relays this information to Lilith and that's pretty much the last thing she's told before departing the last ditch effort to save her people is already off to a terrible start but oh well a Deal's a deal so she asks Ru exactly how she's meant to disappear and Ru says that there's no better place for the queen of Hell to hide than her Kingdom's polar opposite Heaven Lilith asks how the hell that's possible and ru brings up an interesting point she knows that Adam the lead Exorcist is a very simple-minded shallow and self-absorbed man as he's been in Hell many times and if Lilith offers herself to him as a sort of servant he'd be a fool to say no he'd have an attractive woman in his back pocket and with hell's now flimsy leadership executions will be much easier it'll make his job more fun and his downtime afterwards better too so that's what she does she goes to heaven in secret and tells Adam that she's basically given up on her kingdom at this point she desperately just wants wants to escape it for a while she'll serve him in any way he chooses if he lets her stay in heaven for a while and tells no one about it Adam agrees to this and while he lets the word slip to a few folks in his inner circle like loot pretty much everyone in Heaven Is Blind to the fact that the gal who made hell what it is today is sitting right under their noses and that's pretty much where the story's at right now alistar's been showing signs of sentimentality throughout the series revealing that he may have gotten a bit attached to the hasb been gang but that with Adam was a grim reminder that not only is he still under the foot of the Lowa but this deal badly cripples him because all the souls that he collects goes directly to them he is unable to grow his power naturally like other overlords can he's stuck with the same power set for all time impressive but unable to evolve and because he cannot grow his strength by himself he is doomed to have many more defeats in the future just like the one with Vox and just like the one with Adam and it's driving him nuts he does have that IOU from Charlie though so maybe that'll come into play later meanwhile Lilith is still in heaven being well cared for and away from all the chaos but needing to be at Adam's beck and call every day and unable to see the progress of her previous home and whether or not her family is okay at least she gets this one day off from him during the extermination which explains why she doesn't want to do anything but relax and I don't blame her but when loot drops the news that Adam kicked the bucket their deal is off and as the only other person who knows Lilith's secret she's got to play by her rules now I'm glad that they obscured Lilith's face with sunglasses and whatnot so we can read as little emotion as possible this leaves things up to interpretation when it comes to exactly how she feels about this news I like to think she's a combination of shocked happy and relieved I mean her daughter is actually turning things around for the better and her obnoxious Punk of a master is finally gone but much like aliser with this smile she remains stone-faced and emotionless to keep the people around her guessing and eventually we'll get to see her true emotions when the second season eventually arrives well that's my theory while I don't expect it all to be right it would be cool if Ru was essentially a giant looming threat pulling multiple strings at a time like Vivy implied that she would be alistair's feelings towards his leash holder would make sense as a combination of fear and seething hatred his 7-year absence alongside lth would make sense if they spent it together and that bizarre aesthetic of his powers would make sense as well being stylized after an entity that he was tricked into believing that he's serving luckily we won't have to wait too long for season 2 according to Viv herself but until then what do you guys think do you think that the root of all evil is behind much of the show's conflict or do you have some other predictions that I haven't even considered yet leave your thoughts in the comments below thanks for tuning in everybody and I hope to see you all real [Music] soon [Music]
Channel: finnthepony
Views: 826,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hazbin Hotel, Hazbin Hotel season 2, season 2, Hazbin Hotel season 1, season 1, Hazbin Hotel Alastor, Alastor, Hazbin Hotel Adam, Adam and Eve, Eve, Adam, Hazbin Hotel theory, Lilith, Hazbin Hotel Lilith, Roo, film theory, theory, animation, cartoon, dark, scary, soul, the show must go on, overture, Charlie, Lucifer, voodoo, hell, heaven, angel, Hazbin Hotel episode 8, finale, songs, stayed gone, radio, radio killed the video star, Hazbin Hotel songs, deal, overlord, Vivziepop, dad beat dad, root, evil
Id: IG7guz-m5EU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 16sec (1936 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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