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yup here we go [Music] Heather's getting ready to drive the coach now Heather you've driven the coach before but what is your experience to drive on a rainbow straight only I've never turned it so you guys are all gonna go on the first day that I actually turned the steering wheel [Music] I only been her mileage to date she's probably got almost a thousand miles under her belt believe it or not but it's all been straight miles cruise control she's a she's a capable driver she's Monaco she's driven some tight corners but this will be a first so you guys get to ride along for the day one all the things if I have some explosives we'll definitely keep it G rated for the folks on on YouTube but this could get a little stressful here folks and when I thought they couldn't get any cooler from showing us how they dumped their tanks now we're gonna go through the most stressful part of Provo ownership and see how this goes here brake on I'm in neutral just to make sure and my also my what do you call this the emergency brake is on so there we go okay check your air pressures make sure everything's up seatbelts everybody dangers on your right you've got your your two primary tanks and then your auxilary knock salaries up you're up left well over a hundred and ten psi yeah you are ready to go Heather Drive so much acceleration I get that for that lady yes Heather tends to drive her vehicles like a light switch either on or off so I'm a little concerned here today but I think she's nervous enough to take it a little slower than normal yes so hug a little bit for the right side again don't worry about the tag lifting it is my tag down it is it's not anything so you're good and this one you kind of same deal it's kind of gradually turn it with the goal to keep your right front tire near the edge of asphalt crank it I always have to remember what you told me in that my tire is not essentially right with me it's a little behind me so doing it I don't know what makes me so anxious about this bus because we had a 43-foot Monaco executive that I drove everywhere for miles so not really sure why I think that this one is any different it's so many ways this drives remarkably easier the coolest thing that this does have and I am NOT going to tell you what the right thing is but that the or what is that it has a trans brake so it's a six-speed transmission retarder and this allows you to unlike your dual phase Jake brakes that everyone typically has our dual speed I guess Jake brakes or exhaust brake or engine brake this allows you to actually transfer slow your coach down off of the transmission and it gives you six different speeds so it you don't always need a hundred percent you can always bring that down a notch so it's very it's pretty rare you even never touched the actual service break I want to point out here too we're on a really bumpy road here so there's a little bit I hear just a little but my coach would be like my coach would be all over the place on a road like this very very minimal noise so right now I'm just using my mirrors Court did teach me on all my long straight stretches to line myself up with the beers and the painted lines on the road so that I don't hit the ditch so thankfully we've got great little I don't even know what those little mirrors are called but they can set them in two different locations so at all times I can see where I'm at on the line so I'm coming up to a stop sign and I can use this yeah to also slow myself down which is awesome that is a lot of confidence right there knowing that I don't have to use necessarily the brake on the floor because sometimes I always feel like that I'm pushing it too hard freaks me out a little bit but no so you gotta know you go full stop and yeah that's uh that's kind of cool now do you worry like on a left turn here do you worry about your tail swing or how bad is the tail swing on a prey Voe its wings as good as most other coaches there isn't a dramatic overhang in fact the new x3 is a little less tail swing I know because of the longer wheelbase this one a general rule of thumb for me is to leave at least 2 to 3 feet on the right side that should compensate or give it any turn even the sharpest out of room to not swing and smack that pole or the wall or whatever may be there all right so I've done my race card duty I've gone left left left we're going to try to take a right and see how that works out yeah follow that Jeep sure Oh Caesar and monkey are back at home yes sadly our coach has been in storage so we've kind of just taken up stretches stretches legs today and give Heather a little bit of a lesson in the process up here just always keep an eye on that left ear to see what's coming up for traffic we're lucky it's a little late today right about here I like to hit my signal so they know you're coming for those that are blind on the road they can't see 45-foot coming in right anyone that's driven a large motor home or locked vehicle understands that there is lots of drivers in the world that treats you like a little sports car so sometimes you just got to kind of just let everybody know your intentions and if they don't get out of the way just a little slower and they'll often dodge out of your way not always but that general rule of thumb they all get here lined up feels good Heather yes yes take a peek at your gauges make sure oil temp everything else is in the realm so I have some people coming up here on the it great for me to get out of their way let them come on if there is room on the left by all means but I think we're good based on them accelerating beyond safe that is one reason Heather when there is three lathes I tend to like to hang in the middle lane if I can just so that I'm not in that constantly where someone's trying to merge onto the freeway position so it gives you that buffer zone and so these are moving with traffic I don't think anybody gets too upset this is a cool background this is one nice parka coming to live in Arizona so in a view who come up here and spend the winters and wear snow shovel removal is optional this is we're kind of coming into I'm gold candy right now which is a lot of snowbirds and people that enjoy abuse do a lot of hiking back in here I think this is called silly mountain where it's just like a new movies you know get out stretch your legs kind of deal I am feeling I'm feeling pretty good like that either you you've made a couple left turns now a right turn how how do you enjoy our how do you feel maneuvering this coach in all honesty I don't know really what I worked myself up about why I was so anxious about it it actually turns really easily and I feel like I feel like it's you know just like driving not driving a small car obviously but that it is manageable and I really like this brake thing I feel like that to me I always just feel like the forward motion of 50,000 pounds I always feel like if somebody stops really abruptly in front of me that I'm not going to be able to stop in time but the brake on the my foot brake in this brake I really feel is very helpful to develop my confidence that I won't plow somebody I had to me but I do like to keep my safe distance contrary to in the car where I can just you know in and out of traffic but this one gonna be a lot more cautious and respectful of the space and distance between me and the vehicles ahead all right you ready to do the scariest move and any Motorhome a u-turn yeah let's do it okay all right we got an open left lane over there Heather's gonna do a u-turn here this is uh this is one of the chillest guys I've ever seen there this is where you're gonna see the turning radius of the so with this you've got kind of a short median here so I don't mind hanging right about here until you know you're gonna be free turn or you can roll it in a bit if you like I don't want to annoy anybody potentially in this group of cars that just came through the light so I'm gonna wait just to see if they're gonna do you turn or not they shouldn't be I just don't want to pinch a car if they come around and I'm like a little bit encroaching yeah that makes sense right now it's me in the UPS truck I see so if you would have been right out here right now this car would have gotten painting yeah the danger of parking here though Heather is you blocking their blind spot so I probably would like to sneak up in here because that blue traffic is clearing now and they don't see anybody in this way I try to speak okay now wait for your opening and if my wheels are still cranked yeah you'll make the turn easy to speak for both lanes to open up okay UPS is awesome he just gave me the thumbs up that I can go so I'm gonna head out after this car here and that ladies and gentlemen is a u-turn in a 2003 pravo millennium coach this is an excel - so Heather after making your first you turn in your prey veau how does it feel ah I'm ready to go let's go where else you guys you guys wanted me to take you around in the parking lot like I think I can get through the narrowest of stuff let's do it though - yeah downtown Phoenix there's a lot of crowded stop-and-go people on their breaks so you've only driven into the highways you've never driven and sit in the city in your promo at all no this is the first time I've actually been in like stop and go traffic usually I'm just out highway freeway for miles and miles giving court a break and then once I usually chicken out and give him back the wheel as soon as any sort of any sort of traffic stop boat traffic comes through and just it flusters me a little bit but I feel now after doing a couple of you turns understanding where my spaces in this coach and knowing my break is really strong on helping me slow the bus down I definitely have a lot more confidence today yeah good thank you part it's so thank you Andrew for being brave enough to come along for this ride because again being in the RV parks and in the RV world for as long as I have I've met all kinds of couples and I've seen a lot of couples that are very kind of disgruntled and agitated towards each other after driving the motor home and doing what you guys are doing so I'm very thankful for you guys inviting me along with and one of the most stressful things you can do while Arnie Excel we're on best behavior because you're here Andrew that's actually a good strategy yeah that's not always true I'm very grateful Court is an excellent driver he gets us we travel a lot together he's very aware we tow the truck a lot too so I mean that's just another added stress and he always seems to keep his wits about him and make sure that we get to our place destination safely and I'm very grateful for that for sure Heather do you have any advice for any other females out there that have thought about driving a 45-foot pray beau any advice for for any gals out there do it do it get some get a partner get a friend get a buddy get an RV salesman someone with some experience to guide you through it and just get behind the wheel learn your switches learn where everything is and then go for don't be afraid I own this coach now for a year and a half and like I said no two years I've owned this coach for two years and this is the first time that I've actually built up enough confidence to get behind the wheel I'm not really sure why I think it used to really overwhelm me because I used to think that it was so much bigger than our 43 foot Monaco that I had before this and I couldn't be more mistaken and I just want to say usually I'm really good because what if something were to happen to court that I needed to drive the coach somewhere and I have to be self-reliant on that and I feel like everybody should be able to land the plane and drive the coach pretty simple so just do it girls I can't tell you enough how much better I feel today after having you guys with me and I will say I was a little nervous putting this on camera because I don't know a dented bumper could be a real issue but I've driven big vehicles before and even if you haven't driven big vehicles before start you know take wide turns in your little car you know what I mean put out some cones in it in an empty parking lot you know just to start small and work up from that and I think that you will be pleasantly surprised at your ability to work to get behind the wheel and and take the bus first myth yeah I'm actually really comfortable with with Heather's driving here corn I think maybe mean you should crack some beers in the back those here and yeah no this is a you're doing a great job Heather and we're on narrow we're on really narrow roads too I want to point out like look this is a fire truck passing us on a narrow road like that that could have been very stressful but I am shocked that she chose this direction that she was going left under the main Boulevard but we'll see where we end up this is a so you know Heather this is a little bit of a concerning effort because you you're lucky I think you know where you are but in the unknown areas of our travels all of us motor homers you got it you can get into tight predicament here because you can't exactly turn around everywhere from previous videos I remember you guys saying that we can go anywhere a fire truck can go right right Oh watch what way oh yes sir watch your swing sorry it was a four-way stop sorry I'm over here backseat driving I closed it the car kind of came over the diamond hill and they're gonna come down I did too I started I was like oh wait this is for weak and I only know this road like this is Broadway right and folks how beautiful is it out here this is the Superstition Mountains in front of us this time of year just absolutely beautiful when there's snow on the ground in the rest of the country this is the place to be oh my goodness don't go in here this is buses only okay it says buses only except there's a car turning in over there well it says buses only he's gonna have to back up swing wide well alright this is the perfect thing like what happens in a situation like this this is a very yeah so I've just motioned to her to back up and she's thankfully backing up schools are closed right now this person man you never know she may work here and she's like one of these people doing this so I'm watching because there is oh I didn't swing as much as I thought I was waiting to know so I just want to point out she's doing a great job back she is that yes I got one swing a little bit wider than he left it for gone right thank you she's getting out of here that was an odd that was very weird okay this is about as tight as it gets there there so be careful on both corners so I'm clear on the back my swing is good I've got a lot of bushes up in the front here but I'm gonna just take it real careful so don't scrape I'm clear how's your rear right I'm still good I've got about six inches on the curb in the back so I'm gonna come straight perfect letter let's guys you have no idea this is way better than I thought it was gonna be I think I'm more nervous because I thought I was gonna have to polishing out some scratches yeah if you do get in this situation like that where you do end up needing to get some scratches polished out I do know a good detail guy just a beautiful day oh yeah why not you're here and listen if I got stuck there's a park there's a park and a break and then I would just get up and you would get in there and you would figure it out so I feel like I have a little bit of false hope because I know that you can get me out of any tight squeeze and you coached me through it so it's your choice here where you want to go do another it's kind of a difficult left turn with that stop sign there and a tight approach so let's do it okay I got a little bit of a blind but I'm on a four-way stop so I'm get your nose as deep into the intersection as you can constraining item and B if there was a car there on your side what she's totally good see we got some good traffic here you notice how he stops thanks my dad being a farmer and a truck driver for through the winners up in the north part of the country he always said you're bigger than most on the road so if you're discourteous and moved slowly typically people will yield your way not always but it is a fact that most people will respect your size she didn't know what I was doing she probably had a few choice words but I mean I wouldn't want so yeah how many years have you guys owned RVs for and what's the worst situation that you recall getting into her the tightest situation you recall getting into I know 17 years ago at a water-ski tournament in Montana I learned a lesson on my swing we were in a country coach at that time 40-footer and I must have barely touched a light pole where we were camped on this lake side and it was enough to crack the lens and that was it so I call that a very cheap inexpensive lesson on swing I don't remember anything being too tight we've always we've had to make a you know six seven point u-turn a tack on occasion but the probably the most predicaments are due to my somewhat elevated confidence on being able to get in and out of anywhere and that was in tight gas stations where unlike most we're not we're not truck Stoppers we tend to find you know gas station somewhere nearby or something that's close we find the pricing is a lot less than it is at gas stops or sorry truck stops and truck stops tend to be a dirtier environment so yeah we tend to chase down the where I would fill up mine my pickup truck so Google Earth is our number one friend even Google Maps now they'll show aerial image and you get a feeling for how big the the gas station is but most of our tight squeezes have been in gas stations and that's a moving environment where people are coming and going so sometimes it just involves waiting and another couple minutes when someone leaves a certain Bay or Heather's out directing traffic while we get out yeah like this one right here would be a tight and he's tucked in there so it's always a possibility and it I think it adds to the fun of it all okay so I feel pretty good about this and I know Andrew details a lot of these prey votes but not really sure that you've driven one lately so it's your turn well I've never driven one before but hey I'm always up for a for a surprise surprise here I'm very honoured here so now I will well I know I've got good instructors here so I will hand the camera over to you Heather all right so what what do I need to know that's different about this compared to your coach Andrew there's not a lot different the big one is this transit Carter which you'll see and feel it's in the off position being up same thing you've got air gauges you got to make sure your airs up we're not running CB or anything crazy so oh it might adjust window oh it just turns off and if you want to see you just tap it you see the standard Allison Transmission what's this that is our tire pressure monitoring systems if you want to basically you can see it's got our towed which is our f-150 we tow behind and it's obviously nothing but there's our pressure starting to roll through and our fronts and rears and okay thanks so it's a little break little ebrake and where's the ebrake just back left Oh big old big yellers give it a firm push down oh I did the same thing real firm all the way yet in the just push to yellow oh just the yellow okay I think it works alright the lair wow this is cool I'm a little nervous right now I'm not gonna lie you're good even though when I'm nervous I'm gonna put my foot down on the gas really wanted to feel whoa this is like a race car compared to my Tiffin like wow wow this is pretty incredible race cars are stretch but they're divided I'm running that 8.9 liter Cummins and this what do you know what motors in this this is the Detroit 60d deck for with the I guess a twelve point seven liter so you're definitely the big-block yeah 500 horse 1550 pound-feet of torque Emily it's a good it's a really good engine it's my first Detroit Diesel I've always had Cummins the 500 is m's and such oh the other thing I really like is the air right seat you know my coach does not have that air ride seat yeah it's similar just a big coach again but I mean you'd probably hear the best to kind of compare yeah so it's definitely much more firm than my than my Tiffin if that makes sense you know my Tiffin I almost feel like more body flex where this like it literally I understand what everybody means about like being on Rails like it's just like I don't know hard it hard to describe it yeah you've never driven a pray though you definitely got to get behind the wheel of one of these this is this pull your trans brake down six so that's all the way yeah and you didn't even you wouldn't even need to touch the brake even turning left here but the acceleration though that's the end of smoothness of the transmission like it's just so smooth and accelerates so quickly and this is a 2003 this is uh oh so so I turned the brake off then the only what we tend is my practice and it's not by all means the Holy Grail or anything but or the but I tend like oh sorry you go back out right if you want okay I like the coast so like right say right now I just let off the brake let everyone do it Oh like I said I didn't ever touch the brake it sounds silly but literally I'll coast all the way up here and I'm getting closer to that of this made it pull it back to 10% right it's 20 percent but 20 40 you can see it just hugs you back nice and smooth there's no noise the trans retarders are super quiet you know that yes not as hard on the engine I almost have to keep I literally took my foot off the gas and the coach was stopping yeah that's what I was referring to and I said it gives me a lot of confidence to that I'm not going to go blasting into the back side of somebody yeah well I was always taught to you got to kind of think way ahead yeah does it feel as long or as long as your Tiffin does it feels about the same and I treated about the same I'm just more nervous because it's yours that's not all right that's uh good and of course you're gonna get a little bit of traffic here to merge into Wow I can't believe like at this speed just that's where I really feel the difference and I'm just gonna get right off here but I really feel the difference at this higher speed where in my tip and I would probably be feeling the wind more or just more reaction through the steering wheel of the road there's a little bit of trans brake test yeah just pull that back maybe a couple more notches so that's the difference to like you can pull it all the way back now is what I would do yeah and now you feel it and then if you tap on the service break it'll just give you that extra little hit it's a really nice system I'm surprised more don't use it I understand there is some concerns with them overheating an occasion but we've never experienced it yeah my coach I usually have just the engine break and I have a high and a low so basically as soon as I take my foot off the gas it immediately applies the brakes so you don't have that Coast period right so I like that you kind of have that Coast period because I did it just feels like it's harder on the equipment when the second you take your foot off the brakes the engine is braking so this is just a little the coaches or stopping itself the other nice thing is when you do engage the trans retarder trans brake it hits your signaling first are your brake lights so when you're going so when you're coming off that ramp or if you're getting ready to slow down here someone's behind you if it's often you're just coasting that's fine but as soon as you click on the trans retarder your rear brakes will go on and you'll see it on the dash screen so that's kind of a nice though our prior coach with the I believe was a Jay crank it did not engage the brake lights don't send you all the way down and you can drive with it on it's just you can't let off the gas as soon as you let off the gas yeah well yeah and that's what my that's how my engine brake is but you have like six different levels of braking where I have all right Anders so we both driven today we both have this confidence what's next I think we should race yes now we need to find an undisclosed location or we we may need to go to Mexico to race the coaches or we may need to get a racetrack to let us race coaches but I want to work on that for sure that's definitely in the in the plans here and like what I started to worry if this guy was gonna go out in front of me and I it was a little learning curve because I the brake is kind of here so yeah it's definitely a little bit of a learning try go straight here go straight through that next stop sign - I can tell you without a doubt though that that this coach is gonna smoke my coach in a race I just I already know it's I don't know maybe we should get one of Kyle from border coach Lee seems one of his entertainer buses and see I think that goes again that's a good Kyle we're calling you out I think I'll almost has enough room on his property with we can almost make a track strip there yeah so it's not totally immune like to all of these little on a break I'm running a lot of pressure in the Front's to right now okay so if you softened the air pressure you wouldn't feel that as much yeah just to kind of help Kyla a little bit he's getting some pricing for me to do the 365 front upgrade nice so this doesn't even have the 365 upgrade yet this just has the 315 great tire we're just we're close to the number where I think we're within five six hundred pounds of the max for that entire size on her front wait so we I'd like to have a little more cushion there which would allow us to go from basically 125 psi fronts down to about a hundred the edge would soften the ride even further up front yeah I have everybody that I've talked to you that's done that 365 upgrade on the steers just really really preaches it and that's the cool thing about your coach is you can just you've got the Freebo shelves so this is a million-mile shell I saw it let's look at a 121 thousand miles on it I am you know rather than buying a new coach you might as well just keep investing in this College and keep it rolling because it's gonna be hard to replace this or kind of go up from here because you've got the right bones throw some goods at it all the coolness now Oh was I supposed to go right there no no yeah we're that trucks all right so well so I was able to do that kind of sharp turn there well the one camera died so his switch to another camera on the fly there we've been having so much fun today that that we burned up a whole camera battery already so the second okay not this one sorry I'm like so so nervous here there's trees and it's you know it definitely can be fixed but it's not easy if you scratch this paint definitely hours and hours of holding a polisher right here yes oh cool like it it reminds me like a good comparison I think would be so much power to like when I just needed that little extra power I'm going a little slow but a good comparison would be the difference between a Mercedes and like a Ford or a Chevy or like a BMW kind of a Porsche like that a really strong solid feel yeah solids pull right in there yeah well I still have we're good I'm like so nervous all right court let's get you back all right that was a cool experience I can't thank you guys enough for letting me drive your pray bus now how cool are Heather in court for letting me drive their pray bow the first people to let me drive up a bow you guys got to see it on on camera here my first time driving a paper pray bow so I pull the e brake neutral neutral you were so good all right honey I'm home hey my first time driving driving a pray though I came out unscathed I think it's a good day we should go buy lottery tickets hey absolutely [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: RVing with Andrew Steele
Views: 185,908
Rating: 4.8353601 out of 5
Keywords: DRIVING A PREVOST, rv driving, driving an rv, Prevost, prevost motorcoach, midlife prevost, prevost millennium coach, millennium coach, rv lifestyle, rv living, motor coach lifestyle, superstition springs, Mesa Arizona, Apache Junction Arizona
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 28sec (2428 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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