Why Buy a Super C Motorhome

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Hi i'm chuck with IWS motor coaches (IWS Sales) and  today i've been given the challenge to   help people understand why we feel that owning a  class c is is so much better than a class a and   i thought i'd really start out with you know why  i even own an rv to start with or a motorhome and   as i was making my notes for this one thing that  kept coming through was life changing i've told   people that it's absolutely changed my life and my  family's life you know i'm a type a personality so   traveling was kind of a little bit frustrating for  me because i always had to make hotel reservations   and we had to be at each destination on time and  it was pretty stressful for me and once we got our   rv all that went away um now i had the freedom to  bring my you know my wife she has her kitchen and   all the food with us and we have our own bathroom  and it's just so nice to when you're traveling   down the road to not have to go into a rest area  or go into a into a restaurant and stand in line   or go to a truck stop and use their restrooms  you've got them right there with you   it's nice to have all your own medicines  i have a little bit of a stomach issue   so eating food eating the right kind of food is  important to me and having my medicine and then   you get to take your family with you and it's  just so nice to be traveling down the road you   don't have to plan anymore you just find a wide  spot pull over eat lunch you know we even use our   motorhome kind of like a pickup so a good example  is a friend of ours got married and we just drove   the motor home over to the wedding venue and and  we were able to go in and enjoy the wedding and   have a few drinks afterward just hung out in the  motor home got up the next day and come back home   we'll use it at christmas time we will i don't  like to shop it's hard to believe but no i don't   like to go to the mall but if we have to go there  and my wife's doing something and i get tired i   can just go out in the parking lot and hang out  in the motor home until she's done don't hope the   kids don't watch us but we hide christmas presents  in the compartments underneath the motorhome   up until christmas works out great if you have  guests that come over you got a place to put them   but but all of that only works if you have an rv  that works and one of the things we do here at iws   is we really try to set your motor home up so  it's easy to use you can put all your food in   the refrigerator it's just simple a 110 outlet  plug in the refrigerator will stay on and then   anytime you want to go you just go out and jump  in this thing and and take off so it's just really   i mean without uh even a shadow of a  doubt it's completely changed my life   at the time we're filming this the covid um  pandemic i think we're in about week eight of it   and to have my own personal space you know we're  able to still go camping we're able to travel   we're already uh scheduled to go to the sema show  and and show some of our products later on this   fall and the thoughts of booking a hotel room  just is not very appealing to me and my family   now that we are having our own motor home  that's not a care in the world we can just go   and and social distance on our own i don't know  of any other way that i could recommend you go   see the country than in a in an rv so once you've  made the decision to buy an rv the question is   what type of rv to buy and you know we always like  to start out with find out what's important to you   and then we kind of work backwards so an  example is if towing capacity is important then   we kind of understand you know based on the  size of your trailer do we need to start you   out in a single axle motorhome do we need to go  into a tandem axle motorhome you know do we is 350   horsepower okay or do we need to go up to six and  then all of that has to be balanced out with the   budget because things can get very expensive but  at the end our ultimate goal is to make sure when   we see you five years from now that you don't say  geez i wish i would have done this differently we   want to make sure that you're completely informed  along the way and so that's kind of my goal with   this video is to kind of show you why i personally  chose a class c and why um when friends come up to   me and they say why did why a class c over a  class a i'm going to just give you my opinion   so one of the first things is most of your time  when you're not using the motorhome is going to   be traveling and to be able to drive with some  confidence and comfort was very important to me so   one of the things i noticed me and my wife is in  a class a is that we set way far apart in a class   a motorhome the seating position is way to the  outside in fact before this video we were going   to try to shoot it here but we couldn't even get  the shot wide enough in this room but in a class a   i'm going to kind of step here to my left i'm  completely on the left side of the motorhome my   wife is on the right and we had a hard time  communicating back and forth to one another   when so i would say in a class a motor home  i haven't put a tape measure to it but you're   about three to four well you're probably at least  four to five foot apart in the center so if you   figure this thing's 102 inches wide you know that  puts you at about four feet center to center away   from each other in a class c motorhome the ones  that we sell the seating position is a lot closer so you're you're in board of the tires and so now  you're really about 30 inches apart so it's a lot   easier for us to have a conversation another thing  that we like about a class c and we're going to be   putting up a graphic is drivability so in a class  a motorhome you're sitting on top of the wheels   so the the front wheels are going to be right  underneath you in the seat and they may even be   slightly behind you and when you're driving that  get that gives you a complete different sensation   it's kind of hard to explain unless you've  driven one but it can be very unnerving to a   lot of people when you're driving down the  road it's really hard to reference where   the tires are because they're underneath  you and and to the outside in a class c   the front tires are forward just like when  you're driving a car or a pickup and you have   that hood so for me personally in my family  we feel the transition to go from our pickup   to our motor home is very natural everything is  about the same the steering wheel's in the same   spot the engine's in the same spot the mirrors  are in the same spot and that's another thing   when it comes to backing up a class a motorhome  the mirror location is typically farther forward   when you're in a class c the mirror is back  further just like we were in a pickup so it's   very natural to go from one to the other a lot  of people complain people that have traded in   their classes the person in the passenger  side say they says they always feel like   they're falling off the side of the road and  that's due to a seating position the passenger   and the driver in a class a sit way apart from  each other to the very outside of the motorhome   so when you're going down the road the passenger  is sitting right over the top of that right   hand wheel and that right hand wheel is running  about this far from the edge of the road so it's   very uncomfortable sitting out there in a class  c because you said inboard of the tires the   tires are running on the outside and you're  in board so it's a lot more natural feeling   my wife said in a class a she always felt  like she was in a fish bowl because of the   huge windshield and she said that she felt very  uncomfortable because there was never anything   to put her hands on so we knew you know while  i can't make any safety claims i definitely   you know being the patriarch of our family  it's my responsibility to try to put my   family in the safest position i can and i feel  having that big engine out there in that hood   as well as a dash is a lot safer for me and  my family now again that's my personal opinion   but i can tell you right now  if i had to hit something   head on i definitely would rather do it in a class  c than a class a the technology in the class c's   has really come a long way right now we have lane  keeping we got crash mitigation devices in them   personally i'd rather drive our motor home  than a pickup and so would my wife on these   long distance trips because we sit up high we  get to see the scenery in a whole different   whole new different light so it's it's very very  appealing to us the other thing we got to talk   about when we're talking about class c is the wide  range of chassis selections and in just engine   selections so for the sake of this video i'm going  to go right to the top so most of our premier   chassis that we're building are the freightliners  with the detroit dd16 engine and that engine   is it's the largest engine on planet earth  that we can put in a motorhome current state   in the year 2020. it makes 600 foot pounds  of torque or 600 horsepower but what's so   impressive is it makes 1850 foot-pounds of torque  at 975 rpm that's just off an idle this thing   it's like driving a locomotive when it  when it comes to power and performance   why is that important well from a safety aspect  those of us that have been in a motor home that's   been underpowered you know you come to a hill  and all of a sudden you're the slowest person   in traffic and and it can be very uncomfortable  when you've got that horsepower to carry you and   and get you on up out of uh traffic it  can be can be a very good feeling to have   another thing about the engine just  staying with this detroit and and granted   there's all kinds of engine options that we can  put into these but it could get very confusing   so in staying with the detroit dd16 it  has a 1.2 million mile b 50 life rating   so that's a standard set out an industry  standard a b-50 rating and you can look it up   on the internet but basically what it's saying is  detroit has to prove that at least 50 percent of   their engines went beyond 1.2 million miles before  they had any sort of catastrophic engine failure   and being awarded a 1.2 million mile b 50 rating  is just incredible that's basically saying you can   have extreme confidence that this engine will  go over a million miles before you have any   any major engine catastrophes do another  interesting thing and and i've printed this   brochure right here because some of the stuff  that i'm going to say people will argue with me   on the internet so i really want to make sure you  know everything we talk about we we validate it   and that is maintenance interval so on  a dd16 under long haul which is what   you would be in a motorhome or short haul if  you're running short distances stop and start   in and around town the oil change interval is 40,000 miles if you're a person that gets out on the   freeway and runs you know from Idaho to Arizona  and then stays a few months and then jumps in and   runs you'd be in the longhorn long haul category  and the oil change interval is 55,000 miles it's   like the guy on king of the hill said he changes  his oil every 3,000 miles or when he gets bored   that's probably what you'll do with one of  these motorhomes you'll just change it for   the sake of changing it another thing  is is a lot of people ask about the def   the diesel exhaust filter and the change the  normal cleaning of the depth filter is 500,000   miles so these things are they're prepared i tell  everybody i said i think the worst thing you can   do to one of these renegade or show haulers does  not drive them they're literally meant to get out   on the road and start living and i tell everybody  life is for the living get in this thing and run   it use that generator put put five six thousand  hours on that generator it should be a badge of   honor that you're out living and enjoying life  most of you that have bought these of a little   bit later in life you put in your time it's time  to get out and start living again now that we're   done talking about the engine a little bit we got  to move back into the transmission and there's   all kinds of options there typically we've been  putting in the Allison automatic transmission   the drivability of it is just like driving a  pickup it's designed to take the horsepower it's   again all of these things are designed to go  a million miles so just incredibly well built   another thing to talk about is towing capacity  many of the class a motorhomes that you buy can only tow about a 5,000 pound trailer they  build them on such light chassis that there's   no more capacity left on most of our motorhomes  we we range from about 12,000 pound   trailer capacity at the lower end up  to 40,000 pound towing capacity   and and that's just incredible i just say you  know we almost have more chassis than we have   motor home these things are just incredibly well  built and and keep in mind you know this chassis   that we're building these on most of them were  designed to haul 80,000 pounds all day every   day up and down the freeway for millions of miles  um they're they're just a whole different animal   but when you add all of that up nothing matters  if you can't stop it and that's where the design   components really come in so let's say you  take a tandem axle motorhome and it has a   50,000 pound gross vehicle weight rating so that  means we could put the motor home on a scale   and the manufacturer said it could weigh up  to 50,000 pounds so most of ours come in at   around 35,000 tandem axles 37,000 pounds so let's  just say for the safe discussion it comes in at   35,000 pounds that means we could put 15,000  pounds of weight in the motorhome and the brakes   are still designed to stop that where i'm leading  to is if you have a 50,000 pound or a fifty   two thousand pound gross vehicle weight rating the  manufacturer of that chassis has designed it to   stop that much weight so if it's designed to stop  fifty thousand pounds and you only weigh 35 000   pounds you have way more brakes braking  capability so i hope all that computed   the other thing is is all of our chassis come with  air brakes air disc brakes and on the gauge we're   going to have an air pressure application gauge  and as you're applying the brakes this gauge is   going to record for you or show you how much  of the usable braking that you're using up   another great feature is the jacobs  engine brake and we equip that on   all of our motor homes that that it's available  on so let's talk about engine braking and you   know i hope i get this right but i'm trying  to talk and just kind of paraphrasing here   so the jacobs engine break on the dd16  based on the research that i found has 600   braking horsepower um when the engine brake is set  to the third stage you have full engine braking   horsepower so a guy once explained it to me is  that if it takes 600 horsepower to go up the hill   you're going to need at least 600 braking  horsepower to slow you down coming down the hill   and so the way this engine compression brake works  and and i would invite you to go on youtube and   just look up jacob's compression brake but it's  a true it's not an exhaust break it's a true   engine break and it's designed right into the  cylinder heads and it changes the valve timing   to build compression inside  of the engine to slow you down   so i'll give you an example on a really steep  hill there's three settings on the engine brake   and let's say it's super steep and i'm really  heavy i want to use a hundred percent of that 600   braking horsepower i'll set the setting to three  and as i'm coming down it's giving me all 600 horsepower in braking to slow me down but let's  say it's slowing me down too much and i only   want to use 300 horsepower braking horsepower i  switch the brake setting to position number two   and then i'm only going to get 300 brake  horsepower so if it took me 600 to go up   i'm only going to use 300 to and then i can  keep a nice constant speed as i go down the hill   then if i'm on a shallower hill i can set the  number one setting and maybe i only get 100   braking horsepower i hope all this makes sense but  ultimately you know it's it's it's unbelievable   to have that type of braking to have the engine  braking or it's also known as an engine retarder   as well as air disc brakes  you're able to stop this thing   and then let's go even one next step further after  we've stopped and we got to set the parking brake   a lot of the class c or class a motorhomes use a  cheap transmission parking brake and with these   you get full air brakes spring cans that are  setting the parking brakes if you have a tandem   motor home you get a parking brake in each of the  rear axles so you can really hold this thing steel   the one thing that nobody wants to talk about is  breakdowns and you know i've always said for years   here in business being in the towing business and  now in the rv business for the all these years   things that are mechanical can break down  but we can always fix things that break   when it comes to serviceability  with a class a motorhome   if you were to just try calling around  or when this video is over just jump   on the internet or the yellow pages and try to  find somebody that'll actually work on a class a   engine they charge more why do they charge  more because they're so difficult to work on   most of the big class a's have the engine turned  sideways in the back and they run a transaxle   and you got to be houdini to get inside of there  to work on them when i had my repair shop i just   refused to work on class a motor homes the other  downside to a class a that people don't understand   is when you break down in a class  a let's say you're in a remote area   and you you're well it doesn't matter where you  broke down if you're at the repair shop and you're   going to stay in the motorhome the technician  is going to outside access typically access your   engine compartment from inside of your motorhome  so it's kind of awkward to be in there trying to   cook breakfast while the technician's walking in  out of your motor home with a class c motorhome   we literally just open up the hood and they  can perform all the work from the outside   while you're inside your your motor home  kind of away from all that distraction   another thing that i want to point out about a  class c or our super seas is that they're serviced   by Freightliner or Volvo or Western star or  Peterbilt truck shops and these are shops that are   typically open seven days a week 24 hours a day  this is what they do when it comes to class a   chassis they're kind of like a unicorn  they're kind of out there on their own   and it's very hard for technicians to get  good solid information on them because the   motor home manufacturers pointing their finger  this way the chassis people are pointing it   but when you're running a Freightliner truck  the buck stops with Freightliner if you're   running a Peterbilt chassis the buck stops with  Peterbilt all of these are all reasons that have   aligned themselves look i've been selling tow  trucks here the same location for over 25 years   we know a thing or two about trucks and that's  why we've always had such a hard time you know   when Ford came out with the f650 years ago we  really struggled with selling them because they   didn't seem to have a dealer support network  that would really uh accept responsibility for   that class of truck they've really evolved now  they're a lot better with that but international   forward or excuse me International, Peterbilt,  Kenworth, and Volvo, they've all been in the truck   business for hundreds of years and so this is  this is nothing new to them this is what they do   then heavens forbid you break down that's  really where we can uh really add a lot of   value to because we sell tow trucks all over  the united states all over the world in fact   we've even sold tow trucks in trinidad so we're  very connected i would argue to say here on video   that there isn't another rv distributor in the  united states that has more connections than we   do in the towing industry or more abilities  to help you if you break down on the road   because you're never going to break down a home  you're always going to break down on the road   towing just pick up the phone and call a towing  company and ask them how much they were going   to charge you to tow your 40 foot class a motor  home i have dear friends in the towing business   most of them won't even tow  class a motorhomes anymore   because they are so challenging to hook  up that the risk just isn't worth it   now call the same towing company and say hey i  have a freightliner motorhome class c and it's no   problem because to a towing company towing a class  c motorhome is no different than towing a truck   a class a motorhome again it's like a rare  unicorn they require specialized trailers   there's no towing attachment points on them  i know this for a fact i was a wreck master   instructor and taught classes all over the  united states and hooking up to these class   a motorhomes is challenging there's people  that make specialized adapters there's   towing forums where people are trying to  figure out how to tow these monstrosities   um but a class c it falls right into that  wheelhouse of of just being a truck now that i've   gone through serviceability we've gone through the  chassis we need to talk a little bit more about   the motorhome itself and what it means to own  one of these for me i've always been a bit of   a rebel a guy that likes to stand out from the  crowd and i kind of go my own way and if you   just jumped on rv trader and right now just after  this video look up used Winnebago or used Jayco   class a motorhome all good motor homes but look  at the sea of used motorhomes there's pages and   pages and pages of these used classes i'm going to  make a pretty bold statement right here on for the   world to see but if you have a class a and it's  over 10 years old we don't we don't even have the   ability to take it in on trade because the value  has diminished so much in 10 years on a class a   that it's too risky to take them now we have  wholesale buyers but for us personally we're   not comfortable and another reason is is just  getting somebody financed on a 10 year old motor   class a is very challenging however we are on the  hunt for 10 year old renegade and show haulers we   love them we have a list of people waiting for  a good used 10 year old renegade or show hauler   to show up because there's still hundreds and  thousands of miles of life left in this thing   so there's a really good value there having a  used motorhome and being able to stand out you   know when i went to Alaska with my wife we were  there for 30 days we never saw another Renegade or   another show hauler on the whole trip i i really  like being in that kind of exclusive owners club   and the service that we offer goes right in  with that i always like to say we sell luxury   motor homes and we're going to give you luxury  service and that's why we've come up with our iws   advantage package when you buy a class c from us  we're going to give you an ipad and just like i'm   making this video we have our own recording studio  and our own videographers on staff i'm waving at   Zach right now and we go out and make these little  videos called advantage videos on how to use the   microwave and how to use the directv and how to  set the air conditioner how to dump the sewage   and we put all of these videos on an ipad and  we give that to you when you buy the motorhome   now you can search the internet and you're  not going to find these because these   are very private and very exclusive it's  just like our repair shop you know we had   Parker Johnstone who was an Indy car racer here  and he was blown away by our shop he said even   Roger Penske himself would be proud of it but  the thing that you need to know about our shop   is we only work on our customer motor homes we  don't work on anybody else's so we reserve our   spot for you so it can be a very unnerving you  know when you're out on the road and you don't   remember how to do something you just grab  our iPad watch the quick video the tutorial   and then you should be able to get through  it we also have a private website for   our customers an exclusive we give you a uh an  access code so you can access the videos there   and it's all an honor system we ask everybody  to not share the videos people come in and   want to buy our advantage videos and we  just don't do it it's a very exclusive   service that we offer another exclusive service  we offer is that somebody here at IWS Sales carries a   phone with them 24 hours a day seven days a week  and we only answer our rv customers phone calls   and are towing customers phone calls we want to  make sure that you have a voice there on the end   of the line so much of what we do we don't share  with the public because it's very exclusive in   other words another example is when you get your  iPad we have an emergency checklist so if you're   involved in an accident you can open up your  ipad and we have numbers for you to call in order   to be to be able to make sure that we're getting  you taken care of in the fastest possible way   you know after all most of you watching this have  worked very hard your life it's time for you to   enjoy it and and get the service it's really not  that hard to give good service well in closing um   i hope i really kind of helped understand a little  bit why i think owning a class c or or a super   c that the advantages far outweigh those in a  class a and i hope to see you out on the road you!
Channel: IWS Sales
Views: 307,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Motorcoach, luxury motorcoach, renegade rv, renegade classic, renegade Verona, renegade explorer, luxury motorhome, IWS, Idaho wrecker sales, rvs for sale, iws motorcoaches, luxury rv, Idaho, motor coach, rv sales, custom motorcoach, customrv, renegade, freightliner motorhome, freightliner chassis, class c, class a, toterhome, horse trailer, racing trailer, dynamax, renegade sportsman, ATC Trailer, ShowHauler Motorcoach, Show, Hauler, RV, tow truck sales, why, buy, guide, chuck
Id: EjBWidZkvik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 42sec (1782 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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