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now this could be a serious problem [Music] you know this thing's such a waste of money and it's like no it is a toy did the experience you can't put a price on it [Music] [Applause] so much stuff in this oh my gosh you gotta get this coach we got to fix this problem right now now this could be a serious problem and even if you read the manual there's like forum that thick [Music] last time I sat in this prego Liberty coach Rob you just bought this coach it was about three or four months ago we were down in Phoenix Arizona now we're here in Bend Oregon rob has shared a lot about his ownership experience on his YouTube channel pravo life but today I want to ask you here and kind of go over there good the bad the ugly of first three or four months of owning this 18 year old pray vote coach how's it been man how's everything gone for you so far well actually thought about selling it but that's part of getting used to taking on something like this in fact the first day I left to head home the alternator mounts the mount the brackets that actually hold the alternator on the motor both snapped literally snapped and so it was down for about five days in Vegas so that was a shock and of course the previous owner you know nobody has any idea that happening it's not something you can you know you can predict so I got it home and what happens is you're hyper sensitive to these things when you first buy them you know you're you just really wanted there's so much and you really want to learn everything cuz you have alarms go off and things go off you don't know what it is and even if you read the manual is like forum that thick so alternator brakes so much did that cost you to get that alternator fixed what was your cost you just took delivery now you think the coach is zeroed out and ready to go boom your first couple hundred miles you're getting hit in your wallet yeah how much of that hit you for uh twenty nine hundred dollars now it's just getting started so let's keep going then the frigerator wasn't working properly first bid we had on it with something like fifty seven hundred including parts but I did a little bit of shopping and I found a local place that did it for what was it 2800 it's working great now you've gotten hit with fifty six hundred burr fares so far how was the experience how did you enjoy what you know that's a lot of downs were there any ups in the first part of that journey oh there's a lot of good but um you know Kara as the of this coach kind of let me take you know become captain of the ship and there's so much to learn so I have been more focused on maintaining it and paying attention to things and learning how things work then actually enjoying it so to be honest with you over the last three and a half four months the good times we had or it's like it's completely worth it but it's a very it's been a very small percentage of joy really it has I appreciate your honesty and a lot of people - they won't admit it but that's the truth with a lot of new our viewers out there there's a learning curve and you you know bought one of the most technical coaches that has the highest learning curve so this isn't uncommon and RV ownership I'm going through some of the same stuff myself right now a lot of people don't want to admit it but there's there's problems that happen that these RVs and if someone tells you that their RV doesn't have any problems they're not telling the truth because every single RV new use doesn't matter they're all gonna have little problems of some sort fifty six hundred so far between the refrigerator and getting stuck roadside and you posted that on your facebook Rob started a Facebook group called pravo life as well on facebook if you want to follow up Revo life as well as this YouTube channel where he shares a lot of this stuff kind of assets happening what happened next though next we hooked up tow bars to the new Jeep we bought and we loaded up very excited and we hit the road and we headed north to Sequim Washington we stayed at this drive-in theater RV park that's in Oregon and the best time I've had in the coach so far is we stayed up in deep in the woods and Washington at a friend's house a new friend's house is right on this lake and you'll see that in one of my videos I can't remember which one but that made all the concerns and the breakdowns and things not work and that for days that we were in that spot made it all worth wild it really did then you've seen it some other RV resorts I've seen you know you were down at Las Vegas motorcoach resort I think you forgot some of those good times because they got drownded in some of the do but yeah I was stranded at a five-star RV resort because the whole snigger breaking so and I kid about that in my video so it was a great experience that's my favorite RV resort so far as the Las Vegas or the Las Vegas motorcoach resort lost yeah that's what it is so I had a detailed we paid the money up somebody to come and actually watch the coach in detail it sat in storage no rain you know for like two weeks and then we had a ticket to the refrigerator shop to get it fixed and that was a day it was pouring rain so there's this this thing where you really want to keep your coach clean I'm talking like after I got a back from the feet refrigeration repair company I spent 10 hours detailing everything you know and really getting to know the coach and then I discovered some issues that we had our tank monitoring system wasn't working correct and I wasn't able to read our black gray water tank level and poor Cara was taking a shower and she was yelling that it's a it's not draining and come to find out that it was overflowing so she was literally standing it yeah that needed to get fixed quickly so I took it a coach Pro and we had a bunch of stuff that we had to look into the tank monitoring systems weren't working correctly I had a minor leak underneath the coach which you want to get fixed wasn't it a big deal my windows in the back weren't opening correct properly the wind sensors up on the roof weren't actually they were torn off because I'd never got up top there to see what it looked like so I started finding all these you know little stuff here and there and I'm a perfectionist and I think anybody who owns a coach you know is to have something like this they you are a perfectionist you know especially something of this magnitude you really want to take care of it you know so that was another five thousand dollars for that to get these little things fixed and those are now working great but your your first billet coach Pro is just kind of fixing all that little stuff just under five grand okay so and come to find out that me not I wasn't knowing how to work the city water fill and and all the stuff down below there because it's actually very complicated on this coach with all my steampunk copper piping you know underneath there and all the buttons and everything it was a owner operator error I do I didn't know what I was doing they helped me learn how to run that so how much of the bill was them teaching you and then how much of the bill was was from owner/operator air how much of it was from well that's the tricky part is because every coach is different there's no two coaches alike they have the same hardware on the same products but how they climb everything in is different and liberty coach is notorious for being very technical they put stuff and tuck things very tightly inside of them so the majority of my bill was I'd say it was 80% labor 20% parts material because they had to figure out my system as well yeah so they had to figure out my system to teach me how to run my system yeah so most of it was uh you know they had a staff of people on it researching they were on the phones that were calling some of the out-of-date stuff and trying to figure out what to do come to find out was one of these ultrasonic or no pressure sensor that's in the tank that's out of date and so they had to call the manufacturer and they had to do a lot of work I mean this is like when these guys dig in this coach I have so much respect for them it's not like you have the 2018 Ford pickup and you take it in and they and all that everything is the same you know the engine is exactly the same theory or might be a different color and a couple little things but these coaches are complete every coach is different so they have to figure out where everything's at you know and that takes a lot of time you know it's it's it's a little bit more like rocket science to work on these things yeah agree oh you're at 5600 and then now another five grand or so so just north of 10 grand so now what happened next what's the what's the next step here Oh miss of fibro here's the most positive stuff or even before that cuz we are at fifteen before the mouse plug her and we have the paperwork at home that's bad when you're missing five grand when you can't even remember the five grand you spent there you know it's it's part of the program oh it was the air system the air compressor was part of one of the Reapers we had to have done because the pocket doors the air doors you know run on air and so the compressor was going off like every five to ten minutes all night and so we had an air leak in there and they headed you know hunt that down it was very difficult to get to where they could fix it they repaired that so that was another two grand and and now I had the coach dialed in you know I'm feeling good with everything I know how to run my water system the electric system you know I know how to do things in my coach the coach sat in storage at home for about two weeks took a motorcycle ride ventra motorcycle ride for about a week and I came home and I open the bays and there was field mice droppings inside my bays oh my god oh my gosh so I just got home I woke up that morning and said we gotta take that we got to get this coach we got to fix this problem right now I want it out of the storage element now this could be a serious problem so I took it a coach Pro immediately and we installed Mouse blockers actually seven of them they have two different types and actually they have three different types and no we installed the big supersonic strobe light system up front in the the 12-volt bay the twenty four bay and then where we would store food underneath and also in the back of the engine compartment and then they are the smaller sensors for some of the other bays so this thing is radiating frequencies I think it's a hundred and eighteen decibels right now and I hear they work we're gonna find out but I did find some wires chew you know they have the cruise air system data wires were chewed our inverter wires are they actually severed one of the wires of my inverter so I wasn't able to boondock like I wanted to on this weekend but they got that all fixed and so here we are now yeah mice can be a huge huge problem and I'll leave a link in the description below for the Mouse blockers I've heard really good stuff about them they're the the top of the top of Mouse prevention Rob is gonna keep everybody updated on his YouTube channel if you've watched this YouTube channel at all you know he does not sugarcoat anything he's gonna tell it straight how it is so he's gonna let you know about this mice problem and it's definitely worth subscribing to his channel just to keep up on that but I definitely recommend a mouse blocker and I'll leave a a description in the link below there this mouse problem and everything else you fixed about where you had budget wise what have you had to spend on this coach I know you're forgetting a couple things and I know and and it's all documented on his YouTube channel so you can see the whole story this he has long vlogs about each one of these issues but what do you think you're at total right now in three months about $20,000 it's right in that area well I appreciate Rob being transparent but that's kind of part of the RV ownership of your perfectionist like Rob and you want to keep everything perfect it gets expensive and I've got some repair stuff coming up on my Tiffin fate and I'm gonna keep you guys in the loop on that cuz gotta get some stuff fixed but yeah I mean what else some else I'd like to share a third yeah it's part of my my desire to vlog about the experience with these coaches you know I'm not doing it to make money on YouTube I'm gonna tell you the truth because I've had a passion for these coaches my whole life and I used to work in this industry for about a year with silver leaf electronics and these things are amazing but you never hear the truth because very prideful people usually don't like to share their problems and so I've had a lot of mechanics in different shops and a lot of people that are professionals in this industry told me don't tell people about the mice don't tell people about this and why well it would just you know makes people nervous and they might decrease the value of your coach so if I ever try to if I decide if Kara decides to sell this coach cuz I wanna see it's for a coach I don't care I'm gonna enjoy this you know if you can't afford the toy don't buy it how many use it by the time we're done with this it might not be sellable but we're gonna stay on top of it because I am a perfectionist I appreciate that and that's something that's you know with the internet and wraps just being completely transparent it's something that's really kind of hard to do and something I've tried to do as well and and you get a lot of pushback and so many critics and everybody wants to tell you that well if you would have done it their way and they know better there's so many monday-morning quarterbacks out there that want to tell you about it and I just really commend Rob for having the courage to share all these problems a three to four months you know going back is there anything that you would do differently in this whole purchase I mean you're in the toughest part cos you've had the learning curve that's like you know anything that you do the first part the learning curve is gonna be the toughest if you can go back in these first four months of paraĆ­ba ownership is there anything that you would do differently no this is part of the program you know is there a lot more involved than I thought there would be yes but I tell you what I know my coach now we're getting ready to take off again and I feel like this is an extension of my body now I know the sounds I know the alarms I know what to look for there's the craziest stuff that you know they don't tell you it's impossible for them to tell you everything so the adventure of owning one of these things is is really the joy of owning one of these things this is not a hobby this is really a lifestyle and you have that rollercoaster ride of like what's your experience who went there slide you know yeah that it's like oh my god are you kidding me what am I gonna do and then we fix it was like that's great you know I had somebody write in my facebook the Prevot life thing that I'm sorry your luck hasn't been as good as all of ours and you know the way things work in life is I had a lot of stuff hit me at once with this coach but I I know this coach better than anybody and so I anticipate this Challis roller because dominoes affected challenges to start tapering off now and I don't see why it wouldn't definitely agree so in any any Prevot owner they all have theirs I'm when this stuff hits oh and you're almost a two part of this is you're a perfectionist too and and part of those problems too with the mice was just that's not that's not an owner err that's not a Prevot err that's just that's the elements so part of those expenses you know end the learning curve to you know that big bill when you had to learn the whole water system that wasn't it wasn't anybody's heir it's just an expensive learning experience so you know the more the more you are you learn through Rob the better that's why you got to keep watching all these YouTube videos because there's guys like Rob out there that just share a ton of great wisdom so participating as we go through the next episodes you're gonna start seeing more of the romance of molding relate things to the elegance the class the lifestyle it's very just pleasing atmospherically there's something that's very graceful about everything follow Karen Eyes episodes on prey of a life because you're gonna watch us go from oh my gosh what did we buy you know we could have bought a house with that and and sold it you know and fixed it up you know this thing's such a waste of money and it's like no it is a toy in the experience you can't put a price on it so I'm anticipating here in the next few episodes after the mouse one and my interview with Andrew Steele that's coming up next there we're gonna have a lot more just this is absolutely amazing lifestyle so stay tuned for that really looking forward to it and Rob's videos are highly edited just somebody's got a really cool sense of humor throw some kind of quirky cool stuff in it but it's it's really enjoyable that Rob can kind of not take this stuff seriously so I can't thank you enough for sharing the really hard to share experiences with everybody on YouTube appreciate all of you watching and subscribing to my channel and Rob's channel we greatly appreciate all of you and hope you're all having a great day thanks again thanks everybody I'll see you on my channel [Music] [Applause]
Channel: RVing with Andrew Steele
Views: 375,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rv, Prevost, Prevost motorcoach, liberty coach, Prevost life, rv owner cost, cost of rv ownership, how much does an rv cost to maintain, how much does a Prevost cost to maintain
Id: rUgeE3bKbXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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