Heartwarming Talk w/Mormon Couple

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energy hnu of false price you're on public property now sir but God says I am the lord I do not change so what gene clay Bible says he done he doesn't you believe in the Bible believing oh I believe in the Bible yeah Oh what you wish with translation do I use Oh King James Version I can't with a quixote King James 1611 English translation I I prefer because the English is really old I personally prefer like an English standard version or nasb I like a more modern English translation personally but King James is great yeah yeah it's great translation um well this isn't like what past lives I hear this in the Bible I'm sorry I say one more time what Christ did yeah this patchen's we're not is all in the Bible well here's the thing and and I'd like to hear what you have to say about this where's this where's the part of the story here where Heavenly Father has sex with Mary to produce Jesus yeah no I know it doesn't it's not in the Bible that's what Brigham Young taught or some prat taught that where's the quote sure I know it's nuts it's not something that is commonly taught when you walk into the Mormon Church today hey we believe it but it is in fact Mormon doctrine yeah this is called this is called where does it say that and it's photo reprints of Mormon documents that so it's actual photocopy well these are your Journal of discourses that's it's your books Journal of discourses Journal of discourses history of the church its photocopies so and the reference is by the way or here you can go look them up later okay but I'll give you a couple examples Brigham Young 1860 Journal of discourses vol 8 okay do you guys have these at home Journal of discourses no okay you can get it though on an app did you know that you can get Journal of discourses on the app oh yeah for real the birth of the Savior was as natural as are the births of our children it was the result of natural action he partook of flesh and blood and was begun if his father as we are of our fathers so they born of a woman from a woman how are you begotten of your father through his actions but right the woman is natural right but he's saying that he was begotten of his father as we are of ours so how did your father we know but but well there's there's there's more though Matt and Matthew ya know I'm here on you I'm here in you Matthew 1:18 it says he was found with child she was found with child by the agency of the holy spirits so it was by the Holy Spirit not Heavenly Father producing him sexually here's another one just plenty to show you but I'll give you another one this is um this is I think a pretty clear one this is from Orson Pratt the seer okay and says the fleshly body of Jesus required a mother as well as a father therefore the father and mother of Jesus according to the flesh must have been associated together in the capacity of husband and wife hence the Virgin Mary must have been for the time being the lawful wife of God the Father because Heavenly Father in order to have sexual relationship with Mary had to be married to her that's what Orson Pratt talk amen she's not the Virgin Mary anymore that's a denial of what the Bible teaches about Jesus yeah you can go now it's fine yeah and there's many more I can show you but I think that's just an example of where's that in the story it's not there but it is more official Mormon doctrine and by the way you gotta at least have this tell me you do were you born and raised all yes okay are you from okay so do you guys ever do guys ever having yourself Bruce are McConkey Mormon doctrine did you okay well if you have a copy that when you go home look up Bruce are McConkey Mormon doctrine on Jesus and his birth and and Bruce are McConkey teaches the same thing it is in fact Mormon doctrine okay but this is the most important thing we talked about the Book of Mormon tonight we talked about a number of things tonight guys it matters that you have the true and living God the right God and Joseph Smith taught a different God than the God of the Bible another example as I am the first and I am the last besides me there is no God Joseph's deny that he's the first denied that he's the last deny that he was the only God you know there's a scripture so that oh this is it yeah my god that's that's the powerful thing is that what's your name again Ben Ben that's the powerful thing Ben in 1830 when he published that Joseph Smith was influenced by the Christians in his area so you have in the Book of Mormon instances where it says there's only one God and then you have Joseph Smith later saying that there isn't only one God there are many gods his his his belief even changed over time and I don't mean this to wound you Ben I'm not here to be your enemy I'm here because I love you and this is the most important thing I think to think about in terms of Joseph Smith this is not an attack on you or you but this isn't it this is just something that I'm going to say have you done this in Deuteronomy chapter 13 long before Joseph came along long before you came along army Deuteronomy 13 God says how basically how do you know some is a false prophet it says even if they have signs and wonders it looks legit but they lead you after other gods then God has already revealed their a false prophet Joseph Smith taught people a different Christ a different God and God says that's how you know they're a false prophet even if it looks right and in the bible does teach that if you have a false gospel you have you do not have a gospel that saves you will not be reconciled to God this church teaches you that it's through Christ's atonement and your obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel that you'll be saved to make exaltation what says to be saved it says it says to be that's the article of faith I'm sorry but okay second d520 523 by grace you are saved after all you can do so it's your it's grace plus your works so that God can accept you but the Bible teaches therefore Romans 3:28 we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law when God saves a person he drew me brings them to his son by faith and by faith we are joined to Christ made new but it is by faith and faith alone that we were reconciled to God any works would condemn us right I'm a sinner well in get this way I'm sorry don't tell me what she's tell me good give me give me a shot I'm just in the old New Testament okay faith without works is dead it says James James tempter - right Henry what are your thoughts on Thank You um that's a good question okay I'm going to ask you the same question I ask all my Mormon buddies that ask me that okay and I don't please don't take this in any way like a jabs I really want to know Ben have you read James - okay do you what would you say is the context of James - hey okay no you're a guest that's good that's actually a pretty sweet answer okay that's big so James 2:10 it says in that same passage Bennett says whosoever of you shall keep the whole law right yet stumble in one point you are guilty of all of it that's in the same passage that says faith without works is dead but in the passage James isn't even discussing how a person is is justified before God because he doesn't know how he didn't know he does know it's faith alone he's asking the question not it's not this watch it's not is it faith plus works or just faith alone the question for James is which kind of faith saves is a dead faith or living faith so in other words does fake faith dead faith save and the answer is what no and so he says faith without works is dead how do you know if somebody's faith is alive if it's real by what they do James isn't even saying how a person is reconciled to God Paul answered that in Romans and he says we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from works of law Ben what was your name sweetie Rochelle I love the name I love you guys and I'm serious I have such a burden for you and here I do because this church is teaching you a message that is faith plus your own righteousness and works in order to be reconciled to God and that is a false gospel it's a message of death the Bible says that you are under the curse of the law who saw a review attempts to be justified by law you've fallen from grace it's not just a false Christ it's a false gospel and you can never kids you'll never make it and we're not here trying to rob you of your faith I don't want that for you Rochelle I don't want that for you you're gonna gamble with your soul what about David Koresh in Waco he had a lot of personal experiences spiritually yeah he was a nut case Heaven's Gate cult they were the cult in San Diego that went out to Marie Callender's got turkey potpie and lemonade came home drank poison put sneakers on and five dollars in their pocket for the spaceship that was going to come and get them they felt they were more committed to that Rochelle than you are to yours because they went they went and took the poison and put the money in their pocket for the space toll and everything that really happened and they gambled with their life and you're gambling with yours you can know the true Christ was I think it's got a different eye whether what they did it dries well I know some it was false though but it was false sure yes but but that belief it's crazy why though let's see I think we would agree on this four thousand and now they changed it to a double a yep but but here's the thing guys but it been Rochelle we would all agree on this how do you refute the Jehovah's Witnesses you go to the Bible to refute the Jehovah's Witnesses you don't you don't you don't go to your own personal interpretation oh this is a hundred four thousand sure sure yeah yeah they said strictly and then they changed it so they're going through a lot of struggles right now but here's the thing Jesus says thy Word is truth if I'm so glad you agreed to that if your belief Rochelle contradicts his truth it's not it's not him that's confusing or him that's wrong it's you and me that are wrong and you can have life well here's the thing in order to know you have to go to the Word of God and I showed you guys tonight a few passages a few where God says he's the only god none before none after and guys I don't mean this because like I'm trying to win an argument with you I want to share the truth you had no answer and I'm not saying guys you got to have an answer I'm saying you guys I'm special but I'm saying guys what I mean it by this is that if you go to those texts it you can't answer it because God is so clear there he's the only God none before not after and Joseph denied that with his whole heart he said the gods created the heavens and the earth he says you've got to learn to become gods yourselves no he said God's been knows that's true is it not written in your law that you can become dogs that's a condemning passage to false to bad judges it wasn't it's the text saying you can become a god okay maybe I wasn't clear so I'll take the blame for that um Psalm 82 got it's it's a judgment passage where God is condemning the unjust judges of Israel he condemns them they were supposed to act in his place justly and he says I said you are God's you will die basically God is condemning them you were supposed to act in my place you unjust judges and by the way there's a Mormon apostle that did a commentary on that passage he said exactly he was right he said it's an irony reference where God is mocking the unjust judges of Israel Jesus uses it against the unjust judges of Israel who ought to stone him why because he said he was equal to God why were they going to kill him because he said he was equal to God but there's only one God and the end they were going to stone the Messiah himself who was God in the flesh they were unjust judges then that passage does not mean you become a god God says he's the only one alright so the Bible contradicts itself alive right so the New Testament conservation Sophia no I I would I would reject that because it would mean that God contradicts himself but give me an example if you just see how it does it so what do you know what that means though Ben yeah it would mean if it were true it means that God is not who he says he is it would mean the gods false because God cannot lie to contradict yourself would be to engage in the nature of lying God cannot lie that's what makes it harder for it to be able to understand what that is meeting through the Scriptures no God is clear that doesn't mean it's always easy but it by God is sufficiently clear because most of the stuff came from it no it says in the scriptures well it says in the scripture is that holy men of God spoke as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit so yes it was written by men under the guidance and inspiration of God so it's God Himself who's responsible for the revelation but but the important thing to recognize here is that God said been that he would give his word he would preserve his word and that it's from him and so if you and I say that God's Word contradicts itself were saying that God contradicts himself now I I'm sure if you and I sat down together we can go through every alleged contradiction and I could show you that God does not in fact contradict himself the problem then isn't us not in God yes and so here's the thing do we trust ourselves and our own sinful thoughts and desires and we trust his word well wait what do you what do you believe about your Jesus there's only one God he says there's none before none after the teachings and the Bible says that God exists eternally as father son Holy Spirit three persons one God right so that's what the Bible teaches he's been gone from all eternity and that salvation is only in Christ and Christ alone through faith apart from any work of law and the call the gospel Ben and Rochelle is to turn from your sin to God and to put your faith in Christ and in Christ alone for salvation and for forgiveness not in your own righteousness not your works but in Christ and in his work alone what about what Christ did on earth you set the example sure he did he's righteous and blameless he's my substitute but why did he show that he had to get baptized even though he was perfect well his baptism was by John the Baptist who was a priest and that was necessary as part of the law for him to be anointed as a priest as part of the law of God and you're right Jesus is a perfect law keeper and he did all that perfectly and believers by the way I want to say this when we say that we are saved by grace through faith in Christ it's because that's what the Bible says but if we're truly saved it means that God has given us a new heart and he lives in us he's raised us to newness of life so the good works that follow in my life follow because God saved me I don't do the good works to be saved I do the works because I am saved but Mormonism teaches the other way it teaches that you are saved by grace after all you can do and now you are saved through the atonement of Christ through in through the obedience and laws and ordinances the gospel it's a different message would you do this okay do you have a pen does Emma have a pen where do you say you guys drove 19 hours yeah we're asking what's wrong with you guys what is it well you did what Oh you--oh you drove to Nebraska yeah we both drove and then came back okay so you just finished 19 hours of driving okay okay well I'll tell you what can you add you guys let you guys live here yeah and you guys are married yeah yeah you're the young couple so how old are you you are not 25 are you kidding me you look I would I was totally thinking I was talking to like I thought you guys were like I thought maybe you were the returned missionary and you were like his high school sweetheart you were like I thought you were like 17 maybe no you're younger than you're younger than her yeah 24 24 25 okay and you live where do you guys live together we little Chandler and she we're out I used to live in Chandler it's Kelly on the borderline but you know where yes okay okay yeah yeah okay excellent I used to live it I still live it's a McQueen and Ray so not far from there okay would you do something that would bless my life in a serious way I'm going to write my number and my name on here and as a couple if you guys would go through some of these references in the scriptures you can call me you can email me I share the truth with me I'm willing to listen if you guys believe you're in the truth I want you to go into these texts and show me and then send it to me you've seen that I'm not a monster and a mean guy I love you guys okay and I want you to go through this and show me show me that I'm wrong and if you're in the truth okay and there's no rush I promise not to send you nasty emails and mean-spirited to you I'm going to love you but just just if you would go through that and and just review it and maybe even just kind of correspond with me okay okay so you 19 hours man that's a lot of driving is it really that's it well I I don't want you to feel obligated right now to talk but I'll take you out to dinner I'll buy you dinner okay I will buy you dinner I'll buy you dinner I'll say I'll buy you I'll buy you how about for hot chocolate okay all right I thought okay so why did Jesus choose his followers to be apostles and they were doing good works if I'm pressed example Amen why because that required works sure oh yeah this is important okay Ben Christians do not believe the bible does not teach that though we don't do good works we a matter of fact we believe that good works are the identification that you truly are saved because if the good works aren't there that means that you're not really a believer because there's no real faith so Jesus called his apostles they did good works because Jesus says if you love me obey me but the only way for us to have peace with God is through faith in Christ apart from any work of law it's because of his righteousness here's the ultimate thing I'll send you off with this okay the Bible teaches that Christ is the righteous one not us and that we are credited his righteousness as a gift by faith and when God's when we stand before God we don't stand before God we don't stand before God with our own righteousness we stand before God with Christ's righteousness as a gift by faith the father never sees me in my sin he sees Christ in his perfect life and that's a gift but the good works if they're not there that means that God's not there okay so we believe in good works as a matter of fact if you wanted to do one thing tonight before we go to bed if you could hang like after 19 hours of driving read Romans chapters 3 through 6 okay with no one talking to you no one like pointing stuff out you two together read Romans chapters 3 through 6 together three chapters okay and then get back to me bless you man you're awesome god bless you read the book yes yeah um I'm Scripture squeeze okay read Mormon Mormon 9 is this the one about brain no okay more more midnight you got it I will do that I give my word okay all right god bless you guys thank you so much you spent so much time talking to me
Channel: Apologia Studios
Views: 185,122
Rating: 4.8487778 out of 5
Keywords: jeff durbin, mormon, mormon temple, temple ceremony, i am mormon, mormon conference, mormon conference 2016, apologetics, apologia radio, apologia church, apologia tv, mormon debate, christian debate
Id: 1lyQibl1pac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2016
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