Hearthstone cards you forgot existed

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has been a lot of cards released in hearthstone in  fact there are so many cards in hearthstone that   i bet you forgot a lot of them in this video i'm  gonna showcase the cards that you probably don't   remember existed and probably won't believe they  actually existed but yes these are all real cards   starting off with goblin vs gnomes we have a  1 mana 1 3 warbot for warrior and it has plus   one attack while damaged i guess you probably  don't remember this card because you know it   never really saw any play whatsoever just too weak  we also have stone splinters trog which is the 2   minute 2 3 neutral minion whenever your opponent  casts a spell game plus 1 attack this was also   just extremely weak and saw literally no play just  the worst version of its bigger brother trogzor   goblin zapper is another really weird card from  goblins vs gnome which had plus four attack while   your opponent had six or more cards in hand but  why would they make it dynamic why not just the   battlecry i don't know there was also the scarlet  purifier a three but a four three battlecry deal   two damage to all minions with death throttle  such a specific card that you know didn't see   any play so that's probably why you don't remember  it another really weird card was wii spell stopper   a four minute two five mage card adjacent minions  can't be targeted by spells or hero powers   interesting idea but the way that mage panned out  in goblin vs gnomes did not have a use for it at   all so it never saw any play probably the weirdest  card in goblin vs gnomes was the enema golem   a 6 mana 99 warlock mech at the end of your turn  destroyed this minion if it's your only one which   was so weird because if there was nothing  on board and you played it it would just die   the next expansion we have is the grand tournament  which introduced us to the inspire mechanic which   basically made you use your hero power for a  benefit no car did this worse than argent watchman   which had a little bit of a premium stat line at  a 2-mana 2-4 but couldn't attack so you basically   had to use your hero power which was a 4-mana  2-4 come on that was bad we also had the master   of ceremonies which was a 3-mana 4-2 neutral  minion with a battle cry if you have a minion   with spell damage gain plus two plus two this was  a very specific interaction and it saw virtually   no play because well you're losing so much  tempo just by playing a spell damage minion so   the tempo benefit of those master ceremonies was  almost never worth it we also had a warrior card   the magnator alpha a format of 5 3 minion also  damages the minion next to whomever he attacks   this card just seemed extremely out of place  in the set as warrior catered to be more of   a control deck with the justicar true heart  card warrior got another really random card the   sea reaver a 6 mana 6 7 minion when you draw this  deal one damage to your minions this is actually   just a strictly worse boulder fest ogre i don't  know why they made this another really random card   was fearsome doomguard a seven mana 68 minion for  warlock it was a demon i guess but it had nothing   to do with anything and it didn't have any text i  don't know you probably don't remember it next we   have the curse of max ramos and i know i did this  in like a backwards order but this was the first   adventure that hearthstone received which had a  couple of really good cards in the set but there's   a couple cards in here that you probably do not  remember because they saw a little to no play   one of these cards was the enuber ambusher a four  mana five five row card which the death throttle   returned a random friendly minion into your hand  it was like reverse tempo but like a worse shadow   step another really weird card was wailing soul  a former three five neutral minion battle cry   silence for other minions this did see play but a  very niche amount the next adventure we're gonna   talk about is the league of explorers and this is  the first time that we saw the highlander cards   which was extremely cool but that meant a lot of  cards got overshadowed because of the popularity   of these cards one of those cards was animated  armor a 4 mana 4 4 mage minion your hero can   only take one damage at a time super cool unique  effect that was brought back for the bulwark of   azimuth later but didn't really see a lot of play  asian shade was also another really weird card a   four man a seven four neutral minion that had a  battle cry to shuffle a curse into your deck that   deals seven damage to you when drawn next we have  the whispers of the old gods which is my favorite   expansion which introduced us to obviously the old  gods but they also introduced us into some of the   weirdest minions we've ever seen one of them  being the dark speaker which was a 5 minute 3   6 neutral minion which its battlecry was to swap  stats with the friendly minion usually wasn't that   great and often just was not good enough to put  into your deck minion that i completely forgot   about was grotesque dragon hawk a seven mana five  five neutral beast with wind fury this was yeah   grotesquely bad am i right another really weird  card was hogger doom of elwynn which was a seven   mana six six whenever this minion takes damage  summon a two-two null with taunt this card barely   saw any play and was like a worse version of  the original auger so that's pretty cool next   we have one night in karazhan which was a very  flavorful expansion and going through the card   lists i actually remembered quite a lot of them  but there was two that i found really strange and   couldn't really remember them at all one of them  was fool's bane which was a five minute three for   a warrior weapon which gave you unlimited attacks  each turn but just couldn't attack heroes i mean   cool card but didn't really see a whole lot of  play another really weird card was wicked witch   doctor a format three four shaman minion which  said whenever you cast a spell summon a random   basic totem now i want you to guess if this car  saw any play if your answer was no you get a point   congratulations next on the list we have the mean  streets of gadgetzan which introduced us to the   gangs of hearthstone but because of how cool this  expansion was it really overshadowed a lot of the   random cards that were also added into the game  like blubber baron a three mana one one neutral   minion whenever you summon a battlecry minion  while this is in your hand gain plus one plus one   so this card was kind of cool but you know it had  to be in your hand for it to be good and how many   battlecry minions did you have to play for it to  be good probably quite a bit a really interesting   card was pilfered power a three minute druid  spell which you gain an empty mana crystal for   each friendly minion what deck did you want this  in i don't remember this seeing any play but   i didn't even know it existed there's also the  lotus illusionist which is a four minute three   five shaman card after this minion attacks a hero  transform it into a random six cost minion yeah   this exists next we have knights of the frozen  throne which introduced us to hero cards for the   very first time and just like a lot of these sets  those hero cards really overshadowed a lot of the   cards in the set a card like light sorrow a 4 mana  1 4 paladin weapon after a friendly minion loses   divine shield gained plus 1 attack was just  so bad that you didn't even know it existed   what about the vrygul a 3-mana 3-1 neutral midian  which had a death throttle that on your opponent's   turn could summon a two-tool ghoul yeah this was a  card what about the death axe punisher a four mana   three three neutral minion which had a battlecry  give a random lifesteal minion in your hand plus   two plus two and arguably might be the worst card  they've ever printed in the history of hearthstone   next we have cobalts in catacombs which is  often regarded as one of the most powerful   sets in the history of hearthstone but does  that mean it didn't have cards you forgot about   absolutely not card like bladed gauntlet a two  minute zero attack and two durability weapon for   warrior which had equal attack to the amount of  armor you had but also could not attack heroes   which was super redundant as a weapon there's  also the windshear stone crawler a five minute   five five shaman minion which battlecry if you  control all four basic totems you summon alakir   the windlord guess how many times i've seen that  happen absolutely zero it's also the hoarding   dragon which was a format of five six with a death  threat to give your opponent two coins i bet if   you remember this card you only know it from the  solo adventures or the boomsday project next to   this we have the witchwood which introduced us to  again in baku who was later hall of famed in the   record amount of time because of how good they  were but that means there were cards that were   forgotten about for sure like the totem cruncher a  four mana two three shaman minion taunt battlecry   destroy your totems and gain plus two plus two  for each destroyed it was also a beast what the   cauldron elemental which was an eight mana seven  seven your other elementals have plus two attack   super niche card i just want to give an f to  anyone that opened up dusk fallen aviano when the   witch would released my heart goes out to you next  we have the boomsday project which is a pretty   fun expansion thematically but there was also a  super amount of random cards in this expansion   the crazed chemist for rogue a five minute four  four combo give a friendly minion plus for attack   i don't think i ever saw this card get used  so the electro write which is a 3x33 neutral   minion battle cry if you're holding a spell that  costs five or more would gain plus one plus one   two specific two niche saw zero play there's  also the unpowered mauler which is a 2 mana 2   4 mech can only attack if you cast a spell  this turn imagine having not premium stats   and yet you need something on top of it that is  yikes next we have rosticons a rumble which is   arguably the worst expansion ever printed but my  god the cinematic for this expansion is absolutely   peak but the cards were most forgettable out of  any other expansion we had a arena treasure chest   which is a four mana zero four neutral minion  deathrattle draw two cards yeah this was a card   we had the gurabashi offering which was a one  mana zero two minion at the start of your turn   destroy this engage eight armor wish i kept this  card repressed in my memory we have the slightest   ranger which was a 5 minute 3 4 neutral meeting  with rush overkill summon 2-1-1 bats if you don't   know what overkill is it is overkilling a minion  so if it has two health it would get the overkill   think about how niche and bad this cart actually  is it's forgettable anyways that's gonna be it   for me i hope you ended up enjoying this  video and remembering some cards that you   probably didn't remember if you ended up  enjoying this make sure you subscribe like   the video and comment below how many cards you  actually remembered i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Rarran
Views: 69,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, hearthstone gameplay, hs, hs gameplay, best hearthstone deck, hearthstone new, hs new, hearthstone expansion, hearthstone cards, Hearthstone cards you forgot existed, hs cards you forgot existed, hearthstone alterac valley, hearthstone alterac valley decks, hearthstone alterac valley best decks, hearthstone best legendary to craft, hearthstone best cards, hearthstone battlegrounds
Id: YPM6rTGU0f4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 05 2022
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