Literally Unplayable! Howlfiend Lorewalker Cho Combo! | Hearthstone

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oh right dick intro time and this time we're taking away the opponent's cards and we're not giving them back so for this combo we're first going to start by playing how themed then we treachery that how fiend over to the opponent then we play int gang boss and possessed villager then we proceed to defile which should discard the opponent's entire hand and destroy their entire board then we play summoning portal and Glinda and then we proceed to quintuple lorewalker Cho and finally we play a double power overwhelming and since the opponent's hand is completely clear we give them ten copies of power overwhelming and since we've also cleared their board those power overwhelming are completely unplayable to them which locks them out of the game entirely so beyond needing triple emperor Thoris and discounts for this combo to work which we do as Ola Emperor Thoresen and Drakkar e enchant remember Thoresen we also have to make sure that the opponent has six or fewer cards in hand when we go for the combo and we also have to make sure that our defile is capable of clearing their entire side of the board or this combo simply won't work so I think that's pretty much it for the deck enter this time guys this is actually a 10 card combo so hitting early bail dress is absolutely crucial to your success so best of luck to you and thanks so much for watching not the best thing in the world but the aldress certainly helps a lot he's not quest mage that's good pull Mulligan - you know right as long as he isn't SuperDuper aggro he should be relatively okay that could be asking a lot I don't care about ice block that much either which is nice so no tip probably will not play since diamond so I guess I could only draw one now hopefully that's ice block it wouldn't have mind if that was counter spell Leslie gives you something to play next turn what in the world that's not good golden mage playing hoarding dragon may have to coin the defender the ex I mean you try to go to file out of this somehow pretty good hate to waste at least one of them it's probably ice block or flame word could be ice barrier I guess I'm gonna try to play it and get a mil oh never mind okay that's pretty helpful layup record this post onto it's good hopefully he's in a trading mood home in 2020 holy God that's like the worst like the worst spell you could read right now like about you there's a word spelled with that honestly also that was icicles that isn't freeze the mountain giant okay sure it's double to worry about his burn situation but actually that was vital drink I shouldn't play that first but whatever I don't care for Dyson I don't care as our Myrtle not one bit that should be okay prom is at the end combo with these someone's a water elemental but the lowest health thing I have in my board is four so I should be okay in theory I'd have to be careful about that now certainly do that's really annoying actually just got a ping don't nobody dies summers I thought everyone was gonna survive doesn't actually I probably go to darks guys first yeah whatever Amy hills fine I probably should darks guys first though because those what 11 yeah we had enough I should talk to scratch first oops woopsy doodle one one park so what am I missing I'm missing treachery portal and Thoresen and trickery but that's later down the line get a water elemental here off the win one it's a random cold or a drink it's pretty nasty my hand is also becoming unplayable the only playable card in my hand right now is Godfrey I don't have to play anything this turn I probably will not but so if I draw Jakari or summoning portal here I'm screwed like a plague Godfrey but again not a good thing to do definitely a good thing to do they hit the face and of course I can play that for sure [Music] Chris missing in a portal can i play that so it costs to be zero zero this will be absolutely even less than that it's three that would cost one right one zero I think I can play it five yeah should be able to it should be okay he did they got fur here biggest thing of course the other ones and now to the moon should be able to get a Godfrey here cuz you not have my face to deal with one whose hand though well that's not good I have most of my jobs are pretty good here honestly portals fine well actually it's not fine anymore Club seven cards i neva play some more cards it's actually okay if I can draw my somebody for Prezi bump there hopefully he'll bump the 7/6 into the 88 in the hero power you know a couple more cards it's the bigger issue course not this game is killing me to have enough mana I'm going to assume that I do without actually counting I think I have just enough by my frozen heart that question now is can I kill him in time before you someone's a lower limit oh I think I can see some mints I want a relevant oh we lose but I'll have the Sealy X next turn so I can do nine damage a turn so I should be okay that was really close Oh chef I'm moving back to you haha he just found out that power overwhelming is only friendly minions yeah you can't play any of those your hand is stuck play it up [Music] actually I should have spread out the power overwhelming so I could get to Zilla X he's actually going to get there but that's fine [Music] it doesn't really matter you didn't put them on well right I'll take it okay let's do this you you you
Channel: MarkMcKz
Views: 93,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, lorewalker cho hearthstone, howlfiend hearthstone, howlfiend treachery, howlfiend warlock, glinda hearthstone, glinda crowskin, handlock hearthstone, valdris felgorge hearthstone, warlock deck ashes of outland, ashes of outland hearthstone, treachery warlock hearthstone, fun hearthstone deck, meme hearthstone deck, otk hearthstone deck, markmckz, mark mckz
Id: sddU6DS1qRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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