The Worst Cards In Hearthstone History

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every hearthstone expansion there is usually a couple of cards that are well extremely questionable why they were made and i thought it would be fun to look back at the worst cards from each expansion and kind of see how far we've come from all the way from classic to fractured in alterac valley if you enjoyed this video you want to see more like it make sure you subscribe and i appreciate you watching starting off in classic i perused through all of the cards and there's been a couple nerfs and buffs and changes to cards over time but i think the worst card overall in my opinion is milhouse manastorm who the hell wants to play this card for maybe a slight upside for potentially just losing the game yeah it doesn't seem super great next was curse of knox rammus and curse of next ramos was actually a really good set overall there is a lot of cards that are currently still being used in wild today but one card in particular really stood out to me being stone skin gargoyle the issue of this card is that it just wasn't really good tempo-wise and it wasn't really good value-wise wasn't really great overall first real expansion was goblin vs gnomes and this was definitely one of the more powerful sets to ever be released but there are also still a couple of cards in here that are really what the hell were they thinking i think the worst card is the ogre warm all it's a 50 chance to attack the wrong enemy just never really saw any play just kind of bad so next adventure we had was black rock mountain and this had a lot of really fun cards one of my favorite cards being emperor thorson but still brought some cards that were why would you make this red blackhand is easily the worst card from blackrock mountain it's a really bad legendary and its effect is so so specific that i don't think i've ever actually seen it be used the next expansion was the grand tournament and this expansion was kind of weak because of the keyword inspired that they were trying to push there is a lot of bad cards to pick from so funny enough i'm not picking a card that has the inspire keyword on it i'm picking both ram shield so both ram shield kind of sucked because it didn't really do anything even though it does take the damage for your hero it turns out just losing 6 mana to do nothing is pretty garbage so leave explorers is the next adventure we got and this one was really cool because they kind of just released it out of nowhere there wasn't any theory crafting and this is also the first time we got the highlander cards but there was one card in particular that was questionable fossilized devilsaur is an extremely bad card because not only is it an eight mana 88 that does nothing unless you have a beast in your hand it only gives you taunt what did you want this in i have no idea whispers of the old god was the next expansion and this is probably my favorite expansion but that does not mean there was not any bad cards in it and in fact there's one that comes to my mind immediately silithid swarmer has got to be the worst card in whisper of old gods i have no idea what this card was for and quite frankly i don't think i even saw this card played in all my years of playing this game one night of karazhan was the next adventure that was released for hearthstone and there was a lot of great cards in this adventure it turns out that if you just make a lot of good cards people will play them but there was one card in particular that was so memeable that you know it still holds up today on how memey it actually is this card was purify i still don't know why they made this card and apparently there was some unicorn priest deck that might have existed but my god this card was absolutely atrocious next on the list we have mean streets of gadgetsen and this was arguably one of the strongest expansions in the game but there were still a couple cards that were not inherently great now the card i'm picking as the worst one is sea devil stinger it's basically murloc warlock which has never really existed and i don't know why they made this card at all because it didn't really go with any of the archetypes made in this expansion next to the list we have a journey to ungoro and this expansion was phenomenal arguably one of the best design expansions that we've ever had in the game and there was a lot of interesting mechanics in here but there was one card in particular that was really bad this card was frozen crusher and if you did not know this after it attacks it freezes itself which froze for two turns which made it even worse yeah even an arena this card was questionable next to the list we have knights of the frozen throne which is the first time we got to see hero cards in an expansion so this was an extremely fun set but like always there's always going to be a couple of cards that are very why did they even print this oh card does that better the death axe punisher which i didn't even know this card existed because i've never actually seen it and even going through the cards i thought this was a custom card give a random lifesteal minion in your hand plus two plus two is the most specific battlecry i've ever seen yet this was really bad next we have one of the most broken expansions ever cobalts and catacombs and my god the power creeping here went really high up compared to a lot of the previous expansions but like always a couple cards were just why the card that came to my mind as the worst one was toothy chest because it starts as a three mana zero four that your opponent just kills and you just wasted four mana to do absolutely nothing and on top of this the reference of this is fantastic i think it's a dark souls reference but even then this card is just absolutely horrible next on the list we have the witchwood which introduced us to baku again and if you were there when those cards were in the standard set you already know how strong these cards were now the witch would was really interesting because it was the first time we saw the mechanic echo but you know what's also echoing in this entire video bad cards and no worst card in my opinion from the witchwood is the deadly arsenal six minutes reveal a weapon from your deck until it's attacked to all the minions this card was atrocious don't ever play it it's just not worth it then we got the boomsday project which was definitely one of the more fun expansions especially the cinematic if you have not watched it my god you should definitely go and watch it for old times sake but like always there's always a couple of cards that are just my god blizzard please this is just getting ridiculous at this point ectomancy definitely shined as probably the worst card from the set because it was so hard to pull this off and getting a bunch of demons for six mana usually was not worth it at all especially because what even deck do you want this in a big demon deck no do you want it in a small demon deck probably not next to the list we have rastakhan's rumble which is often regarded as the worst expansion in hearthstone history so you already know this was a pretty hard decision to make because there were so many bad cards in this set and in my mind there was no worse card than surrender to madness a three mana card that destroyed three of your mana crystals to give all your minions in your deck plus two plus two yes this is a real card and yes it was as bad as you're thinking it was next on the list we had rise of shadows which is probably my favorite year of hearthstone because they had this really long storyline of the league of evil and the league of explorers which was really cool but rise of shadows was just like every other expansion there was some pretty mediocre cards but this one was a little bit more special my mind the worst card of the set was zale shadow cloak which was basically whiz bang except for just so much worse because the decks that you received from this were absolutely atrocious this card probably saw zero play and i honestly don't know why they made this card at all following that expansion was probably my favorite expansion of the year savers of uldum and savers of oldham was really interesting because it brought back the highlander cards that a lot of people love from the league of explorers but there's one card in particular which was really baffling why they made this card in the first place and that was generous mummy i can't even explain to you why they made this card maybe it was to make pharaoh cat worse but the idea of making your opponents cars cost one less while you're not really getting a really big tempo advantage is not great next we had descent of dragons which is when the real power creeping really started to hit in hearthstone this expansion was extremely powerful and had probably the best cards that we've seen in quite a while but do you think that means that there's no bad cards absolutely not so for this one i picked firehawk and i think the card is just really bad because you're relying on your opponent's hand which is not great to begin with and on top of this it's just a really weak stat line overall but on top of this this was actually a really hard expansion to pick a bad card from there is a lot of good cards here and not a lot of weak ones so hope you understand where i'm coming from ash of outlands was the next expansion that we got from blizzard and this was the introduction to demon hunters so this set was really good and especially from the demo hunter side there was arguably zero bad cards but as always there was some cards that were just yeah and that card for me was vivid spores the issue with this card is that you never really had a good enough board to spend four mana to resummon them and even if you did you probably got this card off a discover which usually means you never really wanted to put it in your deck in the first place next we got scala man's academy which in my mind is the strongest expansion that they have ever released because the card quality here is absolutely insane and this one was actually pretty hard to find a bad card in because it felt like this expansion was fantastic it was very powerful and there was a lot of very powerful things to do but as always blood herald is this card that i still don't really understand the logic behind it's probably to deal with some token diva hunter thing but that never really panned out because why would you do that when you could just smack your opponent in the face with a large weapon this card is awful and feels really bad to get off janus then we had darkmoon faire which was a really cool expansion thematically and had a lot of quirky and fun characters in but this expansion was really weak compared to united and stormwind and it felt like a lot of the cards were just not gonna see play speaking of a card that saw zero play saddle master three men and three four after you play a beast at a random beast your hand i wonder if this card saw any play if you guessed no it did not you were 100 correct this card this is very weak and it costs too much mana and i don't know why they baby forge of the barons was the nest expansion and this expansion was actually pretty good in terms of what they were going for it was also the first expansion of the new year so this had a lot of expectation on it to really shape the meta you know it didn't shape the meta though these caravans especially tiny finn's caravan which is so bad for shaman and just oh my god this card should have just been at the end of your turn draw murloc why didn't you do this blizzard next we had united in stormon which people often find either really good or really bad because of how impactful the class lines were for this expansion and even though a lot of people look at this expansion as one of the best ones like normal the quest could not hide all of the bad cards in this expansion there actually wasn't a lot of bad cards in this expansion but dreaded mount was just yeah three mana to give a minion plus one plus one and you basically just get a one one dreadsteed when it dies was really bad never saw any play but it also just might have not seen played because most of the decks in this metagame or just kill you from hand so the last expansion that we got for this video is fractured in altarok valley and this is the final expansion of the year and quite frankly this expansion is pretty great there's a lot of really fun cards and even though it is following united in stormwind i feel like it has made a big enough impact on the metagame to be a pretty great expansion but there is one card in particular that really stood out to me as bad and that card is cobalt task master which just gives you two armor scraps in your hand that cost one mana to give a minion plus two health this is a very specific card and the fact that it's not even good tempo is just absolutely garbage anyways that has been my list for the worst card for every single expansion i hope you guys ended up enjoying this video and if you did i would really appreciate a like and a subscription and i hope you have a very great day you look fantastic
Channel: Rarran
Views: 183,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, hearthstone gameplay, hearthstone united in stormwind, hs, hs gameplay, best hearthstone deck, hearthstone mercenaries, hs mercenaries, hearthstone new, hs new, hearthstone expansion, The Worst Card From Each Hearthstone Expansion, alterac valley hearthstone, hearthstone battlegrounds, hearthstone expansion trailer, hs expansion, worst card in hearthstone, worst cards in hearthstone
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 30 2021
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