YuGiOh! Player Tries to Rate Hearthstone Cards w/ @StevieBlunderReal

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Stevie welcome back third time let's see how well you do this time you're gonna guess Hearthstone cards that are not super popular and honestly really hard to judge so uh this is gonna be your hardest challenge yet I hand pick these cards for you to suffer your thoughts All I'm gonna say is that if I get us if I get anything less than a 10 out of 10 I will never appear on the series ever again well the 11 card so oh yeah it's impossible to get so I guess regardless you're uh you're not coming back perfect perfect score or I'm out of here forever okay all right you ready to go let's roll this is your first card keladon the breakers destroy a minion if drawn this turn instead destroy all means except this one like we're talking about if keladin was drawn this turn right if you top deck its effect is the the whole board clear inside of just one card or one minion there are like very very few scenarios or like top decking this uh unless like people are deciding this in as like a tech card versus like an aggro like a super aggro meta uh it probably won't ever see play outside of exactly when aggros are around and you're just like oh yes I will kill it in on six and Hope I will draw to Caledon on six and I will pray but yeah this card is probably terrible okay so I wouldn't call it terrible it was probably like less than good but I wasn't bad they did see play the the benefit of warlock is that warlock can draw a lot of cards with their hero power so you're basically drawing two cards a turn on top of that warlock at the time did have ways to just Shuffle their hand into the deck and then just redraw their hand oh yeah so this this actually ended up being a lot better than people thought it was going to be also a six bit of three three just destroy a minion sometimes are just pretty decent all right you ready for a spicy one let's let's see let's see four men at 12 12. oh my God flamingly faceless Eat Your Heart Out doorman dormant Battle Cry someone three one three enemy Wardens uh when they die destroy all minions and awaken oh wow so you remember what Dortmund is right yes just to be clear keep you sleeping uh so the first idea that comes to mind is uh Play mag therion uh you summon a bunch of guys for your opponent and like maybe you combo that on the same term like a spell powered Blizzard or something like that uh the second idea that comes to mind is again uh my favorite class uh aggro uh and just basically summoning this like turn four against aggro and like maybe just using a turn five like board clear and then like you're honestly using that just for the the board nuke effect but is this card good oh my God I can't tell it seems like it should be good this is either like the most win more card of all time that you will immediately start to lose as soon as you resolve the effect or but even if you resolve it it just gets like Big Game Hunter or like any spot removal ever I'm gonna say this card probably saw play it was probably like the the definition of like middle of the road like it was okay okay so first of all you called aggro a class which is just wrong okay okay so we don't talk about that uh Second of all this card was actually like I would say it was pretty decent but like on average just did not see a lot of play the circumstances a lot of the time for this card just weren't needed there was just other stuff that could do the same thing but like it's more efficient for other classes because you need to play this and then you need to have a way to actually deal with their one threes uh the one threes that you summon for them so it didn't see a lot of play but it wasn't a bad card whatsoever yeah that's it's very yeah that's definitely sort of what I was thinking in the sense where it seems like like it was probably like a like a it's probably stop playing like its own right but they're probably just like a lot of issues with it in the sense where people experimented with it you probably remember your uh the Paladin live stream last time let's see how well you do on this one oh it's her again uh URL battle cry if your deck has no neutral cards gain Rush lifesteal taunt and divine Shield uh wow this card looks bad look if you're telling me that my queen the Countess who adds three whole legendary minions to your hand is bad how you gonna tell me that wait hold on hold on you gotta remember you're playing a seven seven do nothing to the board the same turn you're playing this card this card actually does something with the board what you talking about I got three cards I gotta draw three cars that's crazy so the first thing that comes to mind is this card kinda reminds me of like ragnaros light Lord in the sense where again like you kind of just have like on-demand healing was this card good I have deluded myself over years of uh self gaslighting uh this card is this is kind of just a question of whether or not Peter Paladin was ever good and if my performance last time was indicated anything and my self-delusions uh it probably wasn't so this card was probably the best card in pure Paladin but it was all but pure Paladin wasn't good and that's my answer yeah that's pretty dead on let's go yeah that's pretty dead on I wouldn't say it was the best card there was actually like some pretty good cards in the pure Paladin deck but generally speaking the biggest problem with this is just it's not a game-winning effect it would just clear a minion often then that's all you really do with it uh what about this one sword eater damn he'd be munching taunt Battle Cry equipped with three two sword fiery War actually uh and that's Todd you forgot you've got that oh it's got taunt too oh my God this card is oh my God just fiery War ax on legs like how do you go wrong with this two Mana three two was too good four Mana two five with a three two Like It's gotta be good like every control Warrior is just like salivating at the the thought of like munching on some sorts all right this card is probably really really really good yeah this card was nuts actually actually like arguably one of the best cards Warriors ever received uh people didn't think it was gonna be very good either actually no I can't remember people thought it was gonna be good but they didn't think it was gonna be like broken like it was it was played in like almost every single Warrior deck just because of the fact of how good it actually was all right this is where the real stuff starts coming in let's see this is all games okay there you go far watch post can't attack after draws a card it costs one more up to ten so like if you draw like a 10 Mana card like it's not gonna put it to like 11 right no it takes a ton okay so this card is giving me two Vibes either one this card is absolutely useless and it sits as a river Chronicle that can't attack or you play this in the most frustrated control deck of all time and you just Mana drain your opponent out and if they don't have a way to remove this like you basically win the game by just being a sociopath and sitting on this or two of them oh my God two of these guys it's quite freaking two of them yes maybe this is maybe this is the greatest card of all time this probably saw a ton of play in just about every control deck at a point where again aggro wasn't like hyper relevant so yeah this card is probably insano banana mode uh this card was not insane of banana what uh but it was good it was good it was good so I'll give you the I'll give you this I'll give you the story so this card actually started with a two minute two force that one at two Mana two four disgusting like like you said broke it like because you're the problem with this card came to be that your opponent literally couldn't answer it at four health because the breakpoint was so awkward so quite literally your opponent would just be falling behind the second you played this card because they would have to use two cards to kill this or two or two turns basically to actually answer this and then your opponent will fall behind well this card was there for three Mana or three Health which is the card I showed you um it saw last play uh quite a bit because at three Health the break point was a lot easier to actually deal with and most decks would be like you play this I kill it immediately and then you just played one card to uh make one of my cards cost one more mana and if you get two on the board it gets really juicy but for the most part uh it's probably just about average at the moment at four four Health though yeah you were completely right the card was disgusting all right light shower Elemental taunt death rattles or eight health to all from the characters damn uh her son really given priest whatever it needs huh every day I wake up and I just look at a priest card and I'm like this is probably gonna be the most boring card on planet Earth and this just proves to me that the theory is always correct dude there's no way you wake up like that every day that's a thing I wake up and I'm like oh boy I can't wait to read power world Shield again if I Collective memory oh boy okay five meta four or five restore five Health uh priest cards it's important for the game I don't know if that's true or not mine's a straight my hot take is that priest should just be removed entirely uh six out of six six uh good enough stats it's got taunt so anti-aggro death rattle anti-aggro yeah this card's probably a really really good priest card it's priest good probably not but this guy's really gonna priest because again priests have the most generic boring cards of all time that are just like yeah these are good enough so yeah this card is probably played wait sorry how good was the card though oh yeah yeah uh this card is good this card is like a very solid card like a seven out of ten seven out of ten yeah okay maybe I maybe lead them down to make it like a six or a five it does see play but it just warrants this like our particular deck I should say so like for instance there's a deck Called Quest priest which needs a six drop this six drop fits the void pretty nicely it's pretty great and if there's not a lot of lethality from hand this card is obviously really really really good because uh you know your opponent has to get through and then they just can't and then they can't kill you anymore and then they're sad and then that's where the priest actually comes out and says people like let's just ban this class it's ridiculous so it's probably around like a five or six it's just an average priest card it's like it looks really good just because of what it does but it's not like the best car in the deck by far okay it's not even close it's not gonna lie I kind of thought it was the best part of the day I can't wait for this card I can't wait to hear the reaction on this one what you started the game with a different class until you play a rogue okay okay so how does this work so you you would queue up as Rogue uh you start the game you know that screen that goes like Mage versus Warrior yeah it would say like it wouldn't show Rogue would show a different class and you could also use the class as hero power if you play any card that discovers a card it would lean towards that classes not Rogues uh basically just your R you are another class until you actually play a road card and this this part in your deck by the way so you will draw a two Mana three two at some point okay so this card is probably terrible on ladder because uh in my opinion so the way how I look at games like Hearthstone the games are like an infinite ladder system is that you only really want to play cards or Decks that contribute to like an overall 51 win rate and if you're playing like an infinite number of games I think that this car just doesn't really contribute to anything outside of like uh yes your opponent will Mulligan slightly different which is actually much more important in competitive Hearthstone this card is probably really bad otherwise scar is great and like competitive if Rogue was ever relevant but it was probably terrible on like ladder all right dude so you're completely wrong what uh yeah so this the thing that you didn't consider whatsoever is that Rogue really likes to take opponent's class cards for a benefit of their own so for example there's another card called wire while Paul Knoll which obviously had to give you the context for this so I don't I don't expect you to know this particular card but you do know Thief Road existed I'm pretty sure because you've had I feel like you've mentioned it to me before so the idea behind this is like you start the game as another class you add cards to your hand that are from a different class also known as rogue rogue cards but they count as a different class for those other cards that want that benefit so it actually discounts your null for instance like for each card that you add to your hand because it's a road card still and you're a different class so this card is actually the pivotal card in that archetype that it probably would not exist nearly as odd or it wouldn't be nearly as good if it wasn't for this card so it's a cool card and it actually is pretty great all right well damn well this one lady prester my beloved Battle Cry transformed me the first time you've seen this card hold on transform your deck into random what the random dragons they keep their original stats and costs I would probably say this card is really good in a deck that probably needs like an alternate win condition or honestly playing pressure is the win condition yeah like lady Preston kind of just fits a really nice roll of just well the minions in their deck that are kind of dead or you use them for like combo to get to the late game like uh not complicated like ramp fodder to get to like the late game like something like Druid you probably put lady presser and it's just like a finisher and hopefully just like out value your opponent so yeah she's pretty good okay so this card for 99 of its existence was unplayable oh uh oh okay so the bigger problem with this effect is that you need to draw oh if you build your deck and this card's your win condition and you don't draw it and you draw your minions absolute trash uh it's really bad what about this great Smosh the YouTube channel yeah he's turned this is in your hand transform Anthony Padilla into a five five copy of a random legendary minion uh this card looked terrible how do you look at ladybruster and go that card looks broken and then you look at this car to go wow it's absolute trash okay okay uh let's just say the artwork does a lot but also Okay Legendary minions are like really cool damn who would have guessed uh get obviously being able to like cheat them out early or like just for like five Mana is like really really good for a lot of them because most of them are like pretty high Mana static but you could also just get like the world's worse like one Mana one one legendary that like I don't know like draws a card it kind of reminds me of the camellios in the sense where you don't really like uh how do I describe it you don't want Randomness to be a factor and like usually if you leave Hearthstone up to like Randomness more often than not unless you're like the exception being babbling book uh it's gonna be pretty bad so I'm gonna say that this card was bad uh was this card bad I don't think about bad it wasn't really played though either you're right in the fact that often random legendaries are just not super great for a game plan the problem with that is that often random legendaries are just catered to an archetype or they do a very particular thing that you have to build around like like we just saw earlier with that pure Paladin legendary right yeah so that's like the main problem with this card right if it was like random Shaman legendary it actually probably would have been insane this card was put into like Highlander decks so you would put this in like the Singleton like the Reno type ducks and sometimes you just get the payoff sometimes you just use it as a value engine if there was like a slower archetype you just hold this in your hand until you actually got something that you could use just to give you value so it wasn't like horrible it wasn't like unplayable people did try this out now did it actually stay in competitive decks for long ah I mean it wasn't unplayable it was a super interesting card though like it's so random that they made that all right um what about the skirt Cobalt spelkin Battle Cry at two one cost spells from your class to your hand that looks gross the first thing that comes to mind which is like the worst analogy is this kind of reminds me of like a three Mana three five just like generate two spell okay nevermind just cut that out that was a terrible analogy no leave it oh my God okay uh five man up it probably saw filet in like a specific kind of deck it'd probably stop playing like a Highlander deck where he like you kind of just wanted more card advantage to probably self-play index where he kind of just wanted Big Value I think that this car is just kind of slow but it definitely did does see some sort of play in like Highlander or some sort of like mid-range control deck I guess that's my answer this card was actually really good oh wow uh so the bigger thing about this card is the quality of One Drops kind of like you said and and some classes had some really good one drops and and the the other like obviously you you haven't played the game when Demon Hunter came out but Diva Hunters cardpool was really small because obviously they didn't have those extra expansions and they didn't have like the classes set built around them so they only had a certain density of one cause spells so during the time when like I think it was like the second expansion after Demon Hunter was released this card was nuts because you were able to generate like really powerful cards priest had really good one drops there was just a lot of classes that could just utilize this effect and it turned out that a five minute three five generate two spells is actually pretty decent it wasn't a Tempo loss necessarily like you weren't like falling behind obviously if you're going against an aggressive deck this card does literally nothing for you but majority of the time when you play this card you felt really good about it and it saw a lot of play until it rotated it was just a good card man this is telling me that my Countess that eight Mana do nothing but this five man I do nothing is good all right man well okay I don't even have to talk about the couch this guy in this Countess oh my God okay this is your very last card all right let's see uh this one's very picada high priest Ahmed two Mana four Mana two seven whatever you summon a minion set its Health equal to this minions wow that's not great okay let's think about this let's think about this let's go let's get the neurons firing so theoretically you play this on four your opponent either has an answer to it and you lose the game because you did nothing on four or you win the game because your opponent didn't have an answer to it if you play a dude you play like a Northshire cleric wait is that his health oh that was like attacking hell okay never mind this card sucks just get it out of my face it's quite terrible I don't even know I don't even need to look at it anymore um I'm pretty sure inner fire no longer exists uh surely inner fire is a well-designed card uh but outside of exactly inner fire decks which I've never ever been relevant in the history of man except for like maybe a two week period uh yeah this card looks just absolutely awful like it's just hell this is good I hate hell this is great this is man this card this card was 10 out of 10 banger better defining actually so bad so the logic behind this card is you put this so there's a deck called combo priest for when this expansion was released okay so when this card was released there was a deck that basically like you said used Divine Spirit which is doubling your health and it used inner fire so you were right that card did was like the anchor for this deck one of the reasons why this deck was so good was because of high priest omit and the reason was it because you play minions it was like in a kind of like a mid-rangey it was called combo priest because you needed cards to actually win but you'd put this in like it was kind of like more aggressive with like a huge finisher so you play minions your opponent has to answer those minions otherwise you're just gonna Divine Spirit inner flower kill them and then you play Ahmed and if they literally can't deal with the aument every one of your minions now has seven health and you just are constantly pressuring the Divine Spirit inner fire and this card single-handedly with Divine Shield inner Divine Shield Divine favor inner fire made a deactaria one and it was the best deck for like the entire expansion it was nuts it was a ridiculously powerful card it was better defining how the hell did Hearthstone ever let Divine Spirit inner fire exist for this long that's my that's my main gripe I will tell you after that year a pretty confident Divine Spirit inner fire rotated out let's go pretty confident finally because they they made this card and they're like hold on a second uh this is pretty spicy now they actually brought another card back it's called bless it's literally the exact it's like Divine favor Divine Spirit mixed with inner fire which is give your Minion plus two health and set its attack equal to its health so you just only have one card and there is a deck that actually utilizes that but yeah that's on my card hella spicy bro and you said it was unplayable bro [Applause] I didn't know what those cards were 100 I'd be like oh that's reasonable dude okay literally every single time I have seen a shitty little Trump SC or like reynad like Tempo storm highlight video of him going like double divided Spirit like I'm going a little power world Shield power rangelo Divine Spirit Divine Spirit inner fire otk I was this was the you YouTube combo of like 2014 and like you're telling me that that YouTube combo got turned into a car dog and they just didn't bother to remove the the inner fire just nuclear bomb uh good good job Hearthstone Dev team please hire me I will make better card design than you do to be fair I that like that combo wasn't utilized for so long like no one really thought of it and then the second this card was introduced it was like hold on a second like there's actually something here dude that deck like if you go look it up um it was disgusting like it was so freaking powerful like you had it was it was like a combo deck mixed with an aggressive deck so you were constantly in threat like you were always thinking you were gonna die every single turn you have to remove every single Minion otherwise you just lose and it was nuts what a powerful card it's it's so scary I'm not gonna nuts effect I'm not gonna lie uh Hearthstone you have my resume I got the uh I have the thumbnail ready to go so this is perfect excellent thank you so much thank you so much I appreciate it and um yeah dude thanks for coming it'll be fun like always thumbs up
Channel: Rarran
Views: 112,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, card game, new expansion hearthstone, new expansion hs, kripp, trump, regiskillbin, zeddy, hs, hearthstone battlegrounds, hearthstone rotation 2022, hearthstone new, hearthstone gameplay, thijs, thijs hearthstone, sunken city hearthstone gameplay, review, hs review, hearthstone review, core set, hearthstone core set, new core set, best colossal hearthstone, tier list hearthstone, tier list, grapplr, yugioh, yugioh master duel, yugioh gx
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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