Rating the NEW Hearthstone Castle Nathria Legendaries

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all of the legendaries are out currently which means we could do a tier list for the legendaries in this set we'll start off with our boy prince renithal prince radnathal is a pretty great card okay it's a pretty great card it is meta warping it's arguably the most defining free Legendary that they've ever given us in Hearthstone turned out the ability to make your deck 40 and your health start at 40 is pretty great and it probably will see play for the entire time it is in the standard format I think it's very easy I'm just gonna put it at s myrlock Holmes I personally don't think that murloc's homes is very good problem with murloc homes is that you have to get all three Clues correct to get anything if you get one wrong you don't get any cards and you're playing a three minute three four into your deck most of the time you probably don't want to use this card whatsoever and I don't think it's going to see playing standard it probably will never see playing wild it's just very very slow I think it's pretty safe to say that unfortunately for murloc homes he's uh he's a little bit of a d tier D because you can still play in the Highlander veteran player I don't think it's gonna be good enough decimator Olga for a six Mana three seven to basically potentially do absolutely nothing it's a bad stat line if your opponent has like a big minion on board this potentially does absolutely nothing for six Mana now it does have charge in a sense because you can hit your opponent's face this card is completely based on how good the of like the damage Warrior deck is gonna be but I think most of the time this card is not going to be good enough to actually be like winning you the game but there are going to be moments I think that this card might actually win but I don't think it's going to be super good it does have potential I don't think it's unplayable I think it's gonna be more like C with that weapon there must be a package if there's a package doesn't necessarily mean that it's gonna be good I'm gonna go see I I don't think it's gonna be that good I I personally believe that the package is generally not great out of all the legendaries I've seen this one is definitely one of the ones I think is going to be meta warping this card looks really good there's a lot of very powerful effects with evolve Shaman right now and this is a must kill card if you don't kill this card you're probably losing the game it generates value too fast it generates Tempo too fast and it curves so nicely into that location it's like insane so I think it's very hard to argue that this card is not at least an eight here now Chad the question is do we think it's an S tier I don't know if it's on the level of Prince radical I'm gonna go with it I don't think it's gonna be metal warping I just think it's gonna be very good kalthazar the inevitable kalthazad's whole game plan basically result revolves around the fact that you can play volatile skeletons or volatile skeletons gonna be good well let's go take a peek shall we so this card's good like a four Mana to summon two two volatile skeletals and get skeleton sorry volatile skeletons and get four armor is pretty decent I think actually the location is pretty great for this if I'm being honest I think this card is kind of weak but it really depends on the meta but I do think that this card is very strong if you freeze a minion and summon a 2-2 volatile skeleton that's not horrible right and if it's rain to your game plan and because they print solid Alibi I think that's fine I don't know if this is better than mortarish if I'm being honest I think most the time I'd rather play mortarish but there is the potential for this card to be very good and I think I better put it in B like it's definitely better than ogre in my opinion so B seems fine I think there's enough tools for it to make it work it at least gives you a game plan like unlike over yeah start distort three Mana three three death bottle give the next silver hand recruit you summon plus three plus three in this death run this card is very powerful if you are able to draw it in the early game the problem with that is if you don't draw it in the early game I think it's arguably the worst car in the game it's bad if this card was an epic then I would think it would be one of the best cards in the set but because it's a legendary and you don't have a guaranteed way to actually draw him it makes the card worse than it actually is the bigger problem with this card is that you would almost rather play carry all a thousand percent of the time and carry On's hero power replaces your silver hand recruit one so this card's probably not going to see a ton of play and you guys can disagree with me all you want but I think it's here I don't think it's unplayable 10 minutes Hand Tan lifesteal Battle Cry deal 5 damage amongst enemies and let's confuse each time a minion dies you get one more infused it deals one more damage I think this card's really bad arguably only playable in Druid the issue with this effect is that it has to be in your hand you never want to keep a 10 minute 10 10 in your hand there's not a single deck in the game that wants to keep this in your hand it is so hard to make this card work now the only reason I think Druid can do this is because Celestial alignment works and they have scales of inyxia scales of enixia for seven mana and unfortunately for a lot of us uh we're not only Druid players is it C or is it D I'm pretty sure it's D I'd arguably put it higher than Olga but it's probably around here we're gonna calvest for zero Mana though yeah but that doesn't make the nathrius a good card we're only doing that because of calathos Rush after this attacks equip it and then once you once you attack it becomes a weapon and then once you attack with the weapon it becomes a minion and then once you attack with it as a minion it goes back to your web the problem with this card though is how often is that gonna happen because that's like the best case scenario for this card now you can buff it I think this might be the hardest card to evaluate because we've never had effect like this I would argue that it's probably better than it's probably better than sire danathius right it's probably here or here but I don't know where else I would put it I don't think it's better than vosh so it has to be like here it's arguably better than siren and Athena so maybe it's here but I think it's here thank you to Firestone for sponsoring this video if you want to level up your Hearthstone game make sure you're using Firestone Firestone helps you keep track of your deck what's in it what you've played and what's in your hand Firestone also keeps track of what your opponent has played what potential Secrets they could have and so much more information that will help you win more Firestone also keeps track of every single game you played and you can also watch each individual replay to see what exactly went wrong and how you won or lost the game Firestone also keeps track of your entire collection to let you know how much of each set you've actually completed it also lets you know how many packs you opened over the years in case you were curious how many classic packs you've actually ended up opening there is a bunch of achievements that you can go for in Firestone to show off to all your friends Firestone is the perfect companion to have while playing Hearthstone so make sure you download it with the link in the description six minutes six six Battle Cry resurrect 4 friendly imps and fuse 5 give your M's plus two plus two this card on its own is enough for this card to see play you don't need to run any other imps in the deck this card on its own is enough for reform to see play so if this card is playable reforms playable and I'm pretty sure this card will be playable is it a better win condition than kalth is odd I believe so I don't know if it's a but I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a b all right hunt man altamore 7-54 summon a gargan companion and then you infuse four you summon another one and then if you say you you add another one hectis basically it's the Animal Companions this card suffers from the same issue as sire danathrius which is this needs to be your hand for it to be good I would not play a card that is a seven Mana five for summon an animal companion if you get a fuse four and summon two Animal Companions then we get a little bit but kante I just don't think that this effect is gonna be worth running majority of the time it feels like a very Niche legendary to actually see play this card is like bottom C might be better than Olga actually arguably it's probably better than the store in my opinion the main thing about Call of the Wild and why it's a good card is that it doesn't have to sit in your hand for it to be good if you top deck this card it is great if you top deck the legendary it's absolutely garbage there are going to be Niche cases where obviously playing that card for seven man and summing all your Animal Companions is great but call the wild is a better card hella ghost scream at a one six for priest after you cast a spell on a friendly minion set its attack and health to the higher of the two this card looks spicy man it's a good card for priest priests will probably use this effect in some decks for sure this is one of those cards like vosh that if you kind of leave on the board it gets a little bit spooky it gets really spooky actually right I mean if there's a deck that makes this card work it's probably pretty great and we've seen another card in the set that works really nicely with it so this is a card that is arguably a must kill card is it an 8A with one wig you have a Minion plus one plus two if you hold a Naga while holding this add a serpent wait to your hand okay so it's a it's an eight eight for four Mana that's pretty good I mean if that's the case then uh it's a must kill card and it reminds me a ton of wash I don't know if it's asked here but it's definitely a tier then like that's kind of insane so high pre-saw play because you made really big minions and your opponent couldn't answer it and then you'd use Divine spirit and inner fire and you would kill your opponent with it it was a really good card necro Laura Draka against certain matchups you just play this on four Mana hopefully you get a decent amount dagger and you fight for board and against a lot of decks this card's gonna be your win condition you play an insane amount of cards on turn seven turn eight and you get a really big dagger and if your opponent does not have weapon removal you probably just win the game right there because of that it's pretty great if your product doesn't have weapon deck it's pretty it's pretty great basically good in every matchup right against an aggressive deck as long as you get like a three through weapon or even a 2-3 weapon at some point might just be good enough because you also develop a 2-4 or sorry three four I think the longer the game goes and the more time you have to gather resources my God this card can be insane I personally think this as an a tier card the stone rate for a Mana five four Battle Cry for the rest of the game your totems have plus to attack this is one of those legendaries man where it's like come on dude what were we doing guys don't know why they made this card in this set maybe it's just fit really nicely into the the flavor but the problem with this effect is that you your hero power to actually make it work is your win condition really going to be summoning a totem every single turn yeah I don't know about that one so this is what we're going for so we have anchor totem probably wouldn't see play with that deck flame tongue totem maybe might be a little bit better Mana Thai totem probably still too weak this card's not bad but I could see this card scene play because it's a totem that your opponent must kill the bigger problem with this effect if you don't draw this card your deck is totems that don't do anything uh uh uh it might be worse than the murloc actually uh artifexer zmox I again I'm gonna butcher this name all the time zymock zmox whatever we need to look what relics are in this set the relic of Extinction it is two Mana do one damage to a random enemy minion twice and it improves your future relics we then have relic of Dimensions which is a five Manos uh Relic draw two cards and reduce their costs by one improve your relics every time you improve you this Relic it goes up in damage when you improve this Relic it reduces the Mana cost further for this one it's summoned two one one spirits and proven future relics they go plus one plus one like Jades all three of these relics do have potential to actually be pretty relevant the benefit of a card like this is that if you play enough relics It Could Just Kill two minions for two Mana that's really good this card is almost as good as solve Gildan but if you play enough relics again it is great for this one again you could summon two really big boys also yeah sorry there is the location which does cast your next Relic twice if relics end up being good this card will be insane if relics end up being absolutely garbage you're probably not playing this card it is extremely unlikely that you get the Infuse on this effect does location make it so the second Relic is improved yes it does yes it does I think Jace is a better card right Jace doesn't have to be in your hand I put it like here I don't know if we're gonna play this effect over Jace we might just play the relics itself maybe even a c it really depends on how good relics are but again it kind of reminds me of uh the warrior weapon hard to really evaluate a card like this the Harvester of Envy after you play a card copy from the opponent steal the original the problem with this effect is that there's just so many Hoops you have to go through and I just don't see a world where this card sees play over another legendary in this set not only do you have to get the components you have to play card from your opponent that feels pretty weak I'm gonna put it here I don't think it's unplayable the only reason I think it's actually has potential is because there are some moments where you can actually just kill a deck straight up with this one card in the right matchup unfortunately for Hearthstone so this counts as its own Minion for this so you only have to play two other or basically one other minion to get the third minion to zero the really good thing about this card is for nine Mana you can go this card into bran and play a really big legendary for those of you Justin case you don't remember what bran is bran triggers your battle cries twice there is a lot of very powerful battle cries that can be used that are usually like 10 Mana or nine Mana or that just can't be played with Brands califoss kind of bypasses that whole thing I think most of us could probably agree that this card uh could probably get nerfed so I mean I'm pretty sure it's metamorphic banded wild Speed Run true double relics pretty great right double kel'thuzad pretty great maybe double hook Tusk if you're feeling extra spicy crisis the voracious four Mana seven seven Battle Cry discard your hands that's right I'll draw three cards like all you discard your hand but you're probably gonna put this into a deck where you play a lot of cards early on and then just play a seven seven and then if your opponent kills it they draw three cards you also just put this into a deck that can be cheated out with the death rattle minions this card can pull voracious out and you're crying I would imagine that death battle Demon Hunter is gonna be one of the best decks in the format because that's a really powerful card uh the question is Chad do we think it's a nest here is it a meta warping cards it's never an ass interesting making death metal top tier this metal is warping The Meta we're gonna assume it's gonna be tougher we'll have to wait and see I'm comfortable putting it as an a though seven minute five five battle card for the rest of the game after you cast a nature spell summon A3 through welp with rush and it's a dragon this is gonna sound really stupid but if it was like in any other class besides Druid this card would be atrocious but because it's in Druid and there are so many good nature spells and we literally just saw this card we saw this card which is really good really really good I'm gonna go they it's probably somewhere around here once it's online my God and it's I'm only putting it so high because Druid can actually play this you know what actually in hindsight if you don't draw this card pretty early on it's like not that great so I'd probably go with the B we'll go with me I'm gonna be I don't think Drew needs that many three threes but um maybe in some ways it would I don't know maybe an eight eight taunt death row minion reduces cosplay she is uh she's a little slow and uh I don't think this card's gonna see a ton it's like why would you pay eight Mana to get this effect when you could just pay eight Mana to do anything else unless you're going for some spicy combos it's not unplayable the location's not bad because you get the you get the product death battle immediately I'm gonna go with like a d or sorry A C it's not a d it's not unplayable but it's not great it's probably somewhere like here maybe even here I'm gonna read the sword up to see it to be lady dark vein five minutes three six Battle Cry summon two one Shades each gains a death rattle to Cast Your Last Shadow spell okay I personally think that this card is really good in the right deck this card wins you a game like if curse warlock is good this card scene it works so well into a slower worldwalk deck right so I mean I'm gonna put it up here I'd arguably put it here the the more Shadow spells there are in the game the better this card gets it's just such an easy card to fit into so many decks that I think is really good theator the Mad Duke now this one might be the most controversial card of the entire set I think this card is the best card we've seen allows you to pull a win condition from your opponent's hand it gives you a way to win an unwinnable game and that's insane it's a neutral card too and afterwards the opponent steals it back with its own Duke I mean if that's the case if that's how the game is going to go that's how the game's gonna go it's not like you could snipe their wincon 100 the fact that this card exists in the game means that your opponent always has to play around it if your opponent is not playing around this card and you have it you win the game so you always have to ask yourself now can I hold this card to win a game if my in my opponent has the Duke in their deck you don't get card Advantage but you could get card quality I am pretty confident this card is the best a card or it's an S tier card like imagine you play this on Turn 4 against the Druid and you steal their goth dude the Druid Deck becomes infinitely worse I'm gonna put an S I think it's meta warping it doesn't matter how you pronounce this card because it's absolutely garbage the bigger problem with this card is that you not only have to play it but you also have to have a secret on the board and you also have to have your opponent proc the secret there is a slight benefit to this card which is it's cool the bigger problem with this effect is that you need not only to place secrets into your deck but you also need to draw this card and if you don't draw this card and you don't have a secret on board it's a four and a five four and we're never running a five out of four four five four man five four sorry I don't think there's even a reason to really discuss this I just think it's a d it's probably the maybe like here maybe it's on not unplayable I just don't think five fours are how you're gonna win with Rogue four minutes three five for mage after a friendly secret is revealed cast a different made Secret in game plus two plus two cat this card is bad this card is bad for almost the same reason as the last card which made secrets are three mana and they're also pretty easy to proc unless you're playing a very specific secret but then on top of that if it's a very specific secret and your opponent doesn't proc the secret this card is a four Mana three five it's so slow of course there are gonna be moments where you actually proc this and then it keeps going and it's like oh my God but bro come on it arguably should be down here too but I think it's better than this card at least so now I want to a good legendary for one five out of four or five Battle Cry seven one of each dormant wild scene you got a bunch of minions for five minutes kind of insane to be honest you got a one minute three one with Rush after one turn and then two turns you get a two minute two five with taunts or after three turns you get the Stag Spirit wild seed which is the three meta five for it and you get a 4-2 weapon with that this could also basically slot into almost every single hunter die but maybe it's six man it was too slow I don't know but I mean it's like high as dear I think it's I think it's higher though so much value for five minutes in the same seven Mana seven seven the Countess for Paladin battlecry if your deck has no neutral cards add three legendary invitations to your hand and a legendary invitation is a three Mana spell discover a legendary Minion from another classic costume biggest problem with this card is that it's a seven minute seven seven do nothing and you also have to build your deck around it it's not like zephyrus this is kind of a card where if the meta warrants this effect pretty great how often can you get away with running a seven minute seven seven that does nothing in a deck that you kind of have to build around I'm gonna go with C I don't think it's gonna see a ton of play but it's maybe like no I think it's like around here I can even see it being like worse it's probably worse than this card I don't know it's probably not on that card anyways chat that is my tier list
Channel: Rarran
Views: 95,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, wild hearthstone, the best hearthstone deck, hearthstone new expansion, how to get legend, hearthstone gold, hearthstone battlegrounds, hearthstone mathmatics, hearthstone duels, hearthstone 2022, best hearthstone deck, legends of runeterra, lor decks, best legends of runeterra decks, legends of runeterra gameplay, lor gameplay, voyage to the sunken city, hearthstone voyage sunken city, hearthstone vs legends of runeterra, hs vs lor, runeterra, card game
Id: pzsqbtjORR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2022
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