Do You Know Hearthstone? W/@Kripparrian Again!

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this is due you know hearthstone the reason why you're brought back so fast is because you embarrassed me in front of everyone i mean someone's got to do well you know i i i don't i don't feel like i'm towering over you as a pillar of knowledge here you know i just i did my best i've i've been told that you're ready to humble me back now is is that is that right yes so this time i actually looked researched what was played in arena during most metas because i think the issue that i had was a lot of the time most people don't play arena and you have this huge knowledge of the arena play style what cards were played so i had to find this really weird niche middle ground of cards that were kind of played and constructed but not really played in arena and this is what i came up with okay well you might fail too i still did play constructed i did like kind of like a once-over on all the major decks and maybe overplayed some of the fatigue and combo decks that's kind of my constructed experience over the years just a quick little recap so this is do you know hearthstone anything on a card can be changed this includes the mana cost the stats the text the emblem the gem potentially the art uh for this one because you did say it was okay this one is from classic all the way to savers of old i didn't go to scented dragons because i looked at when battlegrounds was released i don't think i played that so it was like right before i think decided dragons came out battlegrounds came out so i didn't that sounds about right so we're gonna do a little fun section of this i'm gonna give you the artwork and you're gonna have to tell me what card it is from oh can i just go the general description i'm really bad with names i picked cards that you would probably know for this section i wasn't like let me pick the most ridiculous card i'll give you two hints for each cards if you need it nah this is this is babbling book this is the get powelled card yeah that is correct this card is an auto include in any mage deck actually this might be the most played mage card it would have been mana worm if they didn't nerf it right what about this card um it's definitely a troll i think it's pretty likely to be a card that again i know very well this is like super staple arena card it's the amani berserker i'm gonna go with monty berserker it might be like some legendary troll i don't remember but i think it's the right colors for monty berserker it is a modern berserker okay these are hard because the picture is not a lot going there but as long as you're picking cards i've played like thousands of times i mean i i can probably get these and this is your last one for this pants huh all right i don't know what this is give me two hits it's from an adventure and it's a legendary i actually was gonna say reno but it he's like green i don't know i guess it could be finley yeah it is fiddly wow dude nice well no i needed hints for that one i was not getting that out of the blue that was not happening i do not have like a list of cards that have pants on my on my brain up here but the the green set me off i actually didn't think of finley but now that i look at it again the little string is is like the monocle actually that wasn't that wasn't too bad now that i see it but it's you know the after the fact is is not doesn't count i guess i tried really really hard to think of cards that were super niche for both of the times you play or both of the game modes that you played let's see what we got so this is this is the real or not real segment right now it's only just a special segment is this a real card unlucky warlock when you discard a card this one is discarded instead i have zero recollection of a card like this oh wait it has the classic symbol no this is not a real card you should have gone with a different symbol to send a dragons or something this is not real card absolutely not yeah so you're right this is a completely fake card if you remember from last time i gave you unlucky cripperian oh okay you start everything like this question for you would this card see playing classic yeah i think so oh classic i don't know i think it would see some play throughout the different metas we've experienced if it was a classic card because classic has been part of the core more or less throughout the last like eight years or something like when you play warlock and you miss the one drop you're screwed this being a one drop even though it's a bad one it's fine and then it has like a pretty powerful effect later on to protect other cards yeah i think it would have it would have seen some play at some point over the the last few years i think it's i think it's a decent card i think it could have fooled me if you stuck a more recent label on that actually so yeah as you could tell that this wasn't actually a real card what what about this one celestial emissary two two one your next spell this turn has spell damage plus two have this in booms day i do believe this is a real card elemental it was a mage yeah i'd say this is a real card so this is actually a fake card the art is off that card you saw was the four mana four three the heads okay okay changing up the art with a different similar minion is definitely sneaky you're going hardcore on me here now that i see the real version of celestial emissary i think i barely played this card i think i maybe played and constructed on some of like the combo situations but that's that's really it like this card sucks right like i'm not yeah i don't remember it being played this is a perfect example of a card that i researched to say this wouldn't be good enough in arena but it was also super niche and constructed what about this card chewed it's chew weed no it's not it is not this is like a meme terrible card you can't go too mean if you go in like magma rage or territory the cards are pretty well known because you know you laugh at them and they're memorable when you do i don't know what this card was called but it wasn't chewy uh it was like blightweed or something it was called biteweed for biteweed as well the two words were attached just the way that they i guess they decided to name it oh i see i didn't think to call it chewy i thought to call it chewed and i'm like there's no way there's no way dude there's not making a card called chewed okay maybe they are i mean who knows you know in hindsight now that you said that out loud i immediately thought to myself you're gonna say chewy but you said shoot and it sounded so ridiculous that's a no-go on that one what about this card did the arsenal reveal a weapon from your deck due its attack to all minions this was again pretty mean card i think it is fake because you have the kobold symbol i think this card was like a year after or maybe even two years after i think this card is much more recent than the kobold expansion because kobold expansion was dungeon run and i played a ton of dungeon run and this would have actually been pretty good in dungeon run i don't know when this is released but it was like years after kobold expansion it was actually the very next expansion it came out in the woods was which would right after yes it was oh yeah because we got monster hunt right yeah why did i not play this in monster hunt oh cause monster hunt didn't really had classes right they had like tests and stuff you would have wanted this in dungeon run and that's how you do this card was it froze they had like some pretty crazy weapons and dungeon running like most of the treasure cards are from dungeon run and they're pretty fun to play but my logic for this card was that all the weapons came out in cobalt and catacombs and i was like this fits so perfectly into that set i thought it came out way later i guess that's really a testament to how little play this saw what about this card cave hydra something about it looks off well yeah i guess it's not a battlegrounds card this is like a card card but battlegrounds cards were based off of card cards it's weird seeing a mana symbol on it jesus god i think you might be faking me out i'm not sure if k hydra was a real card the thing is the original battlegrounds release had almost entirely real cards and i don't remember cave hydra being a fake one at the time so it had to be a real one but i actually don't remember it i don't know if it's a hunter card i don't know it makes sense that it cost three mana it's obviously a beast i have to say it's real but i'm lukewarm on this one i feel like it's it's a decent likelihood it is a hunter card i just don't remember i'm gonna say it's real as it is it was a hunter card ah yeah everything else about it is real don't know in battlegrounds if the cave hydra is a hunter card i actually have the the cards oh my god it's a hunter carton battlegrounds this is a shameful fail my ocd was triggered but it was triggered on everything else too like the formatting of the card the fact that there's a mana cost and a rarity trigger overload you got me imagine that first battleground card getting wrecked what about this card death revenant battlecry gameplan for each damage friendly minion no i don't think it was that i think it was all minions i think i played this because it was like around the time where they killed off like frothing so we try to figure out other ways to play like the damage dark type i think everything else is fine though i think it is a five mana three three warrior card i think it is all minions i don't exactly know how it's worded uh yeah you're correct it's uh for all yeah we gave this a go i think it was a bit of a fail but i think i think we gave this a go a few times i probably played like three times as much warrior as any other class in regular play didn't know this card existed until this morning what about this card um explore un'goro replace your deck with copies of your chosen choose your path what is choose your path it was definitely um angaro i mean it says angaro on the card of course it was no it was something else i don't know what choose your path is this was not an ambiguous card choose your path is fake so choose your path is the card that basically turns all your cards in your deck into but it says discover a card on this one all right more warrior cards bring them in more warrior cards only warrior cards all right i'll give you the last one i have here king mosh destroy all damaged minions angoro legendary 997 beast so that's fake this has to be a beast yeah you are correct it is a beast yep i did not know that almost 90 percent of the dragons not actually 100 sure if it's all of them but they are beasts dragons sorry dinosaurs big guys they went they went back to to redo some of them like they they missed some originally even north sea kraken wasn't a beast i don't know if you know this but like i was like a bit upset about this when they made north sea kraken like i could literally go in in world of warcraft and hover my mouse over the damn thing and it would say beast and the other one was icehal okay it was a beast when when the raid came out in world of warcraft and i i knew that and it wasn't like an off-the-wall thing because that was my most crushing dps record in world of warcraft i was playing hunter and hunter was pretty good at that fight i had a number of dps records but part of the reason why that one was such a large difference was because i played a troll hunter and even though i was like hyper competitive trolls were actually worse than orcs but i insisted on playing trolls just because they're really cool trolls in world of warcraft do five percent extra damage to beasts so the fact that icehal was a beast and that i was a beast of a player at the time meant that no one was touching that record when when they made some of these cards from these instances i actually pestered the devs a lot i'm like what the hell it's not that i'm i know for a fact that those are beasts and you don't have a beast on the card it was like you know kind of important to me but actually they didn't change eyes hell because a few months before i started complaining they changed ice how in the game they made ice hell in world of warcraft not a beast like four years after i stopped playing world of warcraft so they went the other way on that one but they did change north sea creek when these expansions were launched yeah you're right i'm sure i'm sure they missed a few we're done with that all right next next more warrior cards more warrior cards i'm all out here's a random question for you though since you brought it up if you didn't play world of warcraft do you think you would have played hearthstone yeah but i wouldn't have done it so enthusiastically i mean this is gonna sound pretty weird to some people but the first time i played hearthstone what really drew me in is that they nailed down the uh voice lines and theming of world of warcraft because world warcraft had become a game i wasn't too interested in anymore but the warcraft ip was so strong so like first time i play hearthstone i play like the tauren warrior he's like earth mother watch over me and i'm little that was that really really hit the member berries and yeah i think i wouldn't have been that enthusiastic about playing hearthstone if it wasn't a world warcraft themed or if i had not played world warcraft but i think i would have caught on just like not on the initial you know wave what about this cannon barrage deal three damage to a random enemy for each of your pirates yep no no it was different this wasn't useless if you didn't have a pirate yeah something's off the way you have it written it does nothing if you don't have a pirate that it doesn't do that okay i don't know what it is but it's not that yeah you are correct it deals three damage first and then repeats the effect for every pirate that you control how is it worded that sounds like a bit too much text deal three damage to a random enemy repeat for each of your pirates oh okay so it's about the same amount of text okay yeah that was a bit tricky oh god rogue cards though there better not be anymore rogue's definitely my least played class in her stuff what about this tempest eight four six six elemental your elementals would win fury have megawind fury no i think it's your minions with wind fury you have mega win fury this was uh this is a battlegrounds card i don't know if you messed that one up yeah you're correct it's all your minions i actually just learned this morning though this is a bg card i think this is actually a card in constructed i have never ever played i think it is absolute garbage one of the worst cards and it's just it's really hard to have a meme at eight mana two like you can you can't even try to play meme eight mana cards it's also really hard to build your deck around like it's almost impossible yeah i don't know why they removed it from battlegrounds it was pretty short-lived but we did we did have this card in battlegrounds and it was mostly used with the with the the crackling cyclone but what about this card stampeding roar summon a random beast from your hand give it rush this is drood card you give me this false hope like i like you're all like yeah this looks correct and then you're like third card combo druid card next to warrior combo druid is is is my jam protect mall battle cry give your minions taunt three for two two there's no car that does this there was a weapon like this it just like when you drew it it got like a random effect this is maybe one of the random effects there there's a weapon that when you draw it becomes another weapon or something i think one of them gives you like one ones and the other one gives you like divine shields i guess one gives you taunt i think there's a fourth option but i don't remember the fourth option this is like a cart of a card okay i actually don't even know that i think there's an option for a time i think maybe this is a card of a card but this is not a collectible card i don't think no yeah so it's not a collectible card you're right it comes from unidentified mall that's what it's called and it is the same stats and everything now this effect is actually real it is one that you can get it's not called protective mall it's called sacred okay i was gonna see how much knowledge you actually have because i feel like this card would be playable in both cons i don't know about this card this card probably was played i'm gonna have to consult my lawyers and go for a ruling on this one because as far as i know we were going with only collectible cards so i called this fake based on its collectibility standard so i don't know i'll see you in court okay i will say for other people what i've done is for instance there's no missions experimenter he he draws a card and it transforms if it's a minion it transforms it into a chicken right that chicken is a token i have tested people to see if they had the gem on the the card or not jesus that's doing people dirty man holy crap is it doing people dirty because every generated card for the mo there's like a very few exceptions don't have a gem on it yeah i don't know you could you can rank that as you may i would i would not have known the name of this is wrong i wasn't even sure this was a real option but i i i knew where it was from we don't actually do like a point system like this is just clearly for fun like to see your commentators race me on that one then what about this card jumbo imp costs one last so never a friendly demon dies well this is in your hand this is dalaran heist i think some is that the symbol for downer rides of shadows that's the one yeah this is a giant all the giants are epic i'm quite sure this is a giant even though it doesn't say it's a giant i think it's epic card yeah you're correct it's an epic oh my all the giants are epic right every single one i believe so yes i thought maybe imp would be like okay it's not a giant maybe i'd get away with it eight eight giga mana that's a giant what about this one drink bought whenever a friendly mech dies game plus two plus two i mean not only did you pick a meme card but you picked a meme card in battlegrounds i guess this is not a battlegrounds card so i have to basically guess if it was actually four mana i have played this in arena as well it's just been a while for sure it's gadget sand for sure it's a mac definitely a one five definitely epic it's definitely neutral does it cost more than four mana like i have played it i think if it cost five mana i wouldn't play it guys it's pretty high power level i'm like 80 sure that's four mana there's no way it's three maybe it's five i think it's four i think it's a real card we also got like a bajillion fake cards in a row you got you got to give me a real one every now and then right yeah for sure dude but unfortunately this is not real it is five minutes you said you played this in arena did you draft it yeah so when gadson came out uh at first it had like the occurrence bonus so like every every deck had like 10 mechs in it okay basically play this attack a couple mechs and then it's a snowball card it's actually pretty good but i guess i misjudged the power level of that time so yeah if i played this at five man i guess the power level was a bit lower than i expected it constructed it was just garbage right if i remember correctly yeah so in arena like i said they had the occurrence boost on on gadgets and but it wasn't just that gadsden was broken like you'd pick every shredder like if you're playing mage which most of anywhere playing mages arena every snow chugger there's like the 3-3 with one spell damage that's actually a good card for that time so yeah if you're like 15 cards deep have 10 mechs and you see a junk bot just like yeah it's not bad what about this card okay am i just like blindly saying it's real because we got like nine fakes in a row at this point there's just a folder of cards and i'm just actually just randomly picking them there's no sequence it's just all random so you could play the odds here and say it's a real card if you wanted to yeah meyer rothstein battle credits cover this armenian also gain its death throttle i mean that sounds about right boomsday expansion this is about as obscure as it gets for me rogue legendary it's like yeah i think actually i may not have ever played this card but i think i've had it played against me a few times i would say that it looks pretty real and i'm also kind of playing the odds here but uh yeah i'm not super experienced with this one yeah it is a real card i kept it real because it has a really weird sentence like it just has also gained its death rattle it feels so awkward to read oh they could have ordered that differently right rogue legendary is really when like when you played arena up until maybe very recently where they started going super heavy on like discover you just didn't really encounter legendaries a lot of the time this would actually be pretty decent in arena though right yeah what about this card ink master solia battle cry if your deck has no duplicates the next spell you cast cost zero the manifest five that's correct i did play this quite a bit i do not believe that this was a rolling effect this fake it's this turn only like the next spell you cast this turn cross zero something like that the next spell you cast uh cost zero for this turn only my logic for this one was normally when you play ink master you're playing the spell regardless summon two splitting roots which would eight mana four four death deathrattle people use this with the seven mana three three that pulls a death throttle eight drop from your deck so this this blade both arena and construct i'll be honest i don't know what the hell the tokens were called if you got me on the tokens that's good i don't know what the hell they're called so i don't know i guess we're lacking real cards so i will say this is real it's not real if they're called splitting saplings not splitting roots i mean okay i did this one because i felt like this card would see it like a ton to play in arena like this seems like a very solid card oh yeah oh no it's super strong in arena it's just the epics you wouldn't you wouldn't encounter very often yeah fair enough all right this is your very last card hammer of twilight this is actually a really good card it was five it was a four-two it's a shaman card that looks like a shaman color it kind of looks a little discolored that's a shaman color can i like verify this yes yeah it looks almost like rogish it's like really dark blue again i think this is a fake card because it wouldn't say a 4-2 twilight i don't know what a twilight is i think you're overestimating like how many obscure things there were in the game there's definitely some but no this is a card where you saw it and you know what it did i don't know what the hell the twilight is so yeah it's fake yeah so you're entirely right for the right reason too it just said four to elemental i mean okay that's fine yeah the logic behind it was that this card's literally called hammer of twilight so i thought like i'll just translate one to one but yeah you were totally right and this is actually the card it looks pretty close i think great for the color i guess it does i guess shaman weapons are a bit a bit strange looking to me i think at the time they didn't have like the colored borders on weapons right wasn't it just like a black card for the class and then they had like in like near the text it was like that's what described what class it was from oh yeah maybe you're right maybe the frames were added later that's the end of this curve thank you for doing it again you did well thank you okay you know what at least i made you think a little bit more that's what i was going for you definitely tripped me up and i guess if you want to completely shame me next time it'll just be like full-on rogue legendaries where you change like three pixels right i i feel like that'd be so dirty if i said the artworks three pixels to the left would be so me literally don't think i could post that on youtube without just getting destroyed um you hit me with i think three battlegrounds cards and i got them i got two of them wrong like i actually suck at battlegrounds it's surprising i think that the battleground card kind of like overwrote my memory bank of what the card used to be yeah i think the battlegrounds ones were actually really smart in hindsight just because yeah you're so used to what they look like now like it's aw it was really awkward looking at cave hydra even on the website like even me yeah i don't play it nearly as often as you do just looks weird
Channel: Rarran
Views: 346,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, card game, new expansion hearthstone, new expansion hs, kripp, trump, regiskillbin, zeddy, hs, hearthstone battlegrounds, hearthstone rotation 2022, hearthstone new, hearthstone gameplay, thijs, thijs hearthstone, sunken city hearthstone gameplay, review, hs review, hearthstone review, core set, year of the hydra, hearthstone core set, new core set, colossal hearthstone, tier list hearthstone, regis hearthstone, trump hearthstone, roffle hearthstone, roffle
Id: CS4757CzBy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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