Healing the Father Wound | Pastor Jabin Chavez

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John 8 verse 31 and the Bible said this to the Jews who believed in him jesus said if you hold to my teaching you are really my disciples now notice this they believed in him and their disciples you can be a believer and a disciple but now notice this and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free you can be a believer and a disciple and not be free hello you can be going to heaven but not be free you can be a disciple and not be free Jesus said this and what we won't look at it this week and we're get this is just our foundational text they respond and go where Abraham seed of course we're free so that means you can be a believer a disciple not free and deceived this is kind of freaky because we could be I mean with love Jesus going to heaven God is good but we got issues that are holding us back but jesus said I don't I don't want you to just be saved I want you to be delivered I want you to be sent free I don't want there to be anything that the enemy has over you that would stop you from everything I have for you so we're gonna talk about this for honestly about eight weeks and I'm just in I'm pumped but we're gonna start here Matthew chapter 3 because this is where freedom starts freedom starts right here and the voice from heaven said this is my son whom I love with him I am well pleased we're gonna start today by talking about the healing of the father wound healing the father wound father speak to us now in Jesus name I thank you you love us I thank you were your children and I think thank you that we that you are well pleased with us in Jesus name and everyone said amen and amen and amen I believe that most cycles have sinned most strongholds most wrong thinking they start with a need for our own validation acceptance and approval most sin does not start because you're just a bad person that wants to do bad things most sin starts most cycles start because we have a desperate need for approval a desperate need for validation a desperate need for acceptance and out of that comes different issues in our life I'll never forget being six years old I'll never forget I was six years old in a tree house in Belen New Mexico on Michigan Road in a tree house and my neighbor friend handed me an adult magazine and at six years old I saw pornography for the first son I remember being sick to my stomach I remember tears filling my eyes I remember being so uncomfortable I knew it was wrong no one had to tell me it was wrong come on somebody I just knew I was six and I remember him seeing my fear and he was probably eight or nine and I remember him saying you need to like this I remember this it was so weird and him telling me that I I need to like this and I need to enjoy this and in that moment I didn't like it I was so uncomfortable but I also had a need for approval I also had a need for acceptance I also had a need for validation so I looked I didn't like it but I did need the approval I don't know the first time I drink you know when you're 13 14 years old you don't like how beer tastes come on somebody you're not like this is so refreshing it's better than a coke no it's awful it's bitter it's gross tastes like sweat and tears come on somebody's like oh Jesus you you know one is born with an acquired taste for beer you're you have to acquire I mean you know and but you do it because when you're 1314 this is what you do to be cool I remember the first time I got high I was not gonna be the the punk in the room with ten other people and I'm gonna be the one that passes the joint come on somebody I'm gonna take a hit I didn't want to I was scared out of my mind I was convinced I was gonna die come on you're like I'm like 14 like okay well this is it fear it's like latest you know whatever that you know it's late ah here we go we do it anyway someone asked to the tent did you inhale yeah a no Punk come on kidding but I did and so but you do it for acceptance for approval for validation no one joins the gang because they're like yeah I want to destroy society they join gangs because they're looking for acceptance they're looking for family they're looking for approval you know that most people who are in prison are fatherless most people who are in drug rehabilitation centers are fatherless most people who are addicted are fatherless most people who are homeless are fatherless I'm not I'm not beating anyone up I'm not condemning anyone I'm just saying it is a it is a go pattern in society that where the father is missing society is destroyed that I'm not I'm not saying that moms can't raise their kids please don't get me wrong I'm just saying there is something in society that means a father and there are so many times that we are searching for significance that only the blessing of a father can give and if you don't get it you're gonna keep looking for the approval of father and you're gonna try to find it in a bottle you're gonna try to find it in drugs you're gonna try to find it in a slot machine you're gonna try to find it and if I could just make a little more money if I could just live in a little bit of a better tip code if I if I just drove a little nicer car if I mean I like my car but if it was just the better model if it just and there are so many things that we are we are trying to fill a void that only a father can heal we are trying to heal something in our own heart we are trying to find significance in something that only the father's approval can give us and this isn't just for people who are fatherless this isn't just for you who are in this room that go yeah I didn't have a dad or I had a deadbeat dad or my dad walked out on us this is for everybody because I believe everyone in this room on some level deals with the father wound even if you had an awesome dad even if you had an incredible dad every one of us feels with this on some level and I'll end up preaching what you want to hear instead of what you need to hear so that you give me the feedback I need to heal a wound that you cannot heal and I'm preaching today and we're trying to find significance and if I can't get it from a dad I'll try to get it from a drink and if I can't get it from a dad I'll try to get it for more money and if I can't I'll get it from a spouse or I'll get it from a guy or a girl some of you will even try to get it from your children you can't so we have this unbelievable blessing as a Christian we get to go to a Heavenly Father but even when I talk about it it's challenging because when you think of father you think of your dad when you think a father you think of disappointment when you think a father you think of a wound when you think a father you think maybe of anger or impatience or or or different defiance or abuse and so it's hard to see God his father it's easy to see Jesus as Savior it might even be easy to connect with the Holy Spirit because well it's kind of a spiritual element but God is my my father but friend you can receive God as father and find the healing that you cannot find anywhere else so listen the words of the father to Jesus are the words of the father to us okay so God says this is my son whom I love and whom I'm well pleased and God says it about you you're his child he loves you and he's well pleased with you now that's hard to believe and for some of you go I don't know how does that work it works like this Ephesians chapter 1 verse 4 even before he made the world God loved us and chose us in Christ in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes in Christ notice that in Craig everyone say in Christ though your right hand in the air say I am in Christ okay one more time like you believe it come on I am in Christ okay here's what that means it means that you are now covered by the person of Jesus so when the father sees you he sees you through Jesus so how he sees Jesus he sees you how he loves Jesus he loves you how he is pleased with Jesus he's pleased with you but Jamie and I didn't do anything to earn it I know you're in Christ it has nothing to do with what you did it has everything to do with what Jesus did the term in Christ in him or in whom are referenced 130 times in your New Testament so now look at Romans 8:29 for those God foreknew he predestined to be conformed to the image of his son so that he might be this is Jesus Jesus might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters Jesus is the firstborn son of many other sons and daughters Jesus is the first son to show future sons and daughters what our relationship with God could be you are just as much a son as Jesus no one said any man cuz you don't even believe me you're like I don't know about this I don't know what I walked into this is church that's the gospel that's in your Bible I send your Bible you are just as much a child of God as Jesus and if you believe it and if you can receive it you can break cycles in your life because you know you're approved and accept it by something greater than what the world can give you notice this on the screen our voice of approval comes from heaven not from Earth o friend you just got to know it today our voice of approval comes from heaven not from Earth and we're all deal with father I can tell sometimes with our team I can say one thing and it's like oh oh we still got some issues come on somebody have you ever been there you think you're healed you think you're free you think you forgave and one post one picture wants any uh I'm still ready I'm still ready to cut your tires and cut your brake lines what oh my god did I just say that cuz cuz you think you're healed but one little thing can still expose pain when when Jesus our excuse me when when God was taking the children of Israel into the Promised Land he told Joshua I want every man circumcised and then he said and you won't go over until they're healed and so my pastor Jentezen Franklin said Jabin how did they know they were healed they knew they were healed when they didn't hurt anymore and listen you can't enter into your promised land until you've been healed you can't enter into the fullness of all God has for you till you've been healed but you don't have to let God heal you come on come on somebody you're gonna have to let the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit heal me God I need to know you're my father because I'm tired of running to fake sources to get something that I can only really get from you and I can't get it from a person I can't get it from a pastor I can't get it from money I can get it from job I can get it from significance I can only get it when I hear the voice of my heavenly father say this is my son so let me give you three things very quickly I am a child of God by birth not by worth hey it's gonna help me preach today it's my birth not buy worth by birth couldn't earn it don't deserve it I was born into it the moment I got born again the moment I receive Jesus is Lord the moment I gave him my sin in my shame my past and my present and my future the moment I said Jesus be Lord of my life I was born again John 3 says and in that moment I became a a son by birth not by worth when God looked at Jesus and said this is my son Jesus had not done one thing this was before his ministry notice that Jesus got approval for you ever tried to minister to anybody Oh some of y'all trying to fulfill destiny without approval and if you try to fulfill your destiny without approval you'll start walking in your destiny but because you're not approved yet you're gonna try to find approval by the people God's actually calling you to serve and instead of certain I'm not some about a minister up don't buy anything you're called to do instead of using it as a ministry to serve people you use it as a tool to get approval I'm not trying to be dr. Phil up here okay but I'm I'm telling you I'm helping somebody right now I'm helping somebody right now and so Jesus receives approval before he ever ministers anyone and the father approves him before he heals the sick before he raises the dead before he preaches messages before he multiplies bread and fish before he turns water into wine before he does any miracle he receives approval and before we do anything else before we do anything we must first receive something before I try to be a good husband I must first receive sonship before I try to be a good father I must first receive the approval of the father before I try to be a good pastor I must first go to the Shepherd of my soul and receive something from him and the same for you jesus said your earthly fathers you earthly fathers Luke 11 being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more your heavenly Father who is perfect gives good gifts to his children Jesus is saying your love for your kid is evil in comparison to how much I love you he's crazy about you God is not mad at you he's madly in love with you even praise somebody come on see anger starts with shock I can't believe you would do that but since God knows everything you can't shock him you can't surprise him so God I'll never go oh my gosh I can't believe you would do that he saw it he saw it eons ago and he still loves you okay we didn't earn this position we didn't pay for this position we did not achieve this position we received this position we have a little daughter she's here on the front row watching cartoons she needs Jesus amen she's back slidden up here on the front row and and she brings no don't be offended by this but like she's - she brings no value to the house yet come on somebody she ain't cleanin she's out cooking she's not taking out the trash she is a Tasmanian devil she say Ford she's a hurricane of destruction she got into my wife's lipstick the other day did it get on our white restoration hard workouts no comment all I can tell you is you know we feed her more food falls on the floor then gets in her belly but one little grater ice gets in her mouth were like oh my god hear the bass we're so proud of you she does nothing to earn it but she's my child by birth and you are his child by birth we set the table and Goldie eats listen watch this on the stream grace sets the table faith eats God is saying can you stop striving can you stop trying to achieve this can you stop trying to earn this and can you just eat what's on the table can you just enjoy my goodness can you stop trying to earn something that you can never earn and can you start trying to receive something instead of trying to achieve something listen the tables been set the food is out God's Amy stop trying to earn this thing stop striving start receiving stop achieving start eating stop working and start worshipping that's why we worship we don't we don't worship - kiss the ring of the mob boss and make sure everything's okay some of you also condemn even in worship you can't even worship we're over here worshiping giving God all the glory and you're over there all religious on TV forgive me for everything I did Jesus father God Father got off on the guy found a God you know someone's all jacked up and they say father God more than 500 times in a two-minute prayer all father God we just Oh mother God forgive me Father God father god father oh my god we love you crazy feeling how you look constipated oh oh stop it we worshipping confidence setting God you've already paid the price and I love you and I'm so grateful when I think of worship I can't I cannot think without thinking of my daughter because my daughter we pay for the electricity we pray for the Internet we pay for the Netflix we pay for the TV we pay for the lights we pay for the AC we pay for everything and and the table set and then she comes at me the data shock shock dead a shock shock and what she's saying is shark she's she's telling my baby shark where my parents at what my toddler parents say don't know what I'm saying baby shocked it did it did baby shocked it oh I feel you Jesus baby shocked listen mom shocked it okay stop she loves it and I love watching her love it I probably would never listen to baby shark if I wasn't a parent promise on my life during the 10 a.m. I was talking about it someone accidentally like you know was pulling it up and right in the middle my message you hear dawn on dawn on time like could you not wait 10 minutes my god I said enjoy the presence of the Lord amen so that's what we do on Sunday he paid the bill he paid the price he paid all the work he did all the heavy lifting we just come in here we start worship I'll come on somebody we start clapping we start praising we start rejoicing we're not working for it we're just thanking God for it come on take a 10 second price break and thank God [Applause] and I'm just thankful for it number two my father loves me now if you're taking notes I want you to write that my father loves me because he's your father my father loves me this is my son whom I love first John 4:17 this is love perfected with us so that we may have confidence for the day of judgment some of y'all you've been in church your whole life and you still don't know if you're going to heaven you still think it's up to you when you're doing good and you're reading your four chapters a day and you're and you're tearing up your Bible reading plan and you're praying through your prayer list oh yeah I'm totally totes going to heaven but if you got lit on Friday night and you turned up on Friday night and you decided to have a little relapse on Friday night you are here today like underneath the altar call because I need to come back is God's grace that week is God's grace that Jeep is God's covenant that easy to break my god I got his stuff our God is strong our God is a warrior I got it's amazing and we don't have to worry every other day if we're going to heaven what are we doing and preachers will preach you into that because if they can keep you scared they can keep you in the seat okay I got a little attitude the last couple weeks you noticed that two weeks cuss preached in chango's he kind of got close to the lioness I don't know I stomped on the line but I my bad my bad I just got a mongrel in me I just got oh it's not me okay we got keep reading because he because as he is he who's he Jesus so are we in this world you think Jesus is worried that he's going to go to hell you think Jesus is on the right hand of the Father going to hope the father still loves me hope it's settled and as he is so are we not in heaven in this world there is no fear in love but perfect love drives out fear for fear has to do with punishment and whoever fears has not been perfected by love and you go a perfect left casts out fear all awesome yeah Jean and that's my word I gotta love God perfectly oh please we don't love God perfectly we couldn't isn't it amazing like how we are so self-righteous right like we still pray prayers like God I'll never do it again you don't leave me hanging this okay you'd be stuck up God I'll never say it again we're shocked when we sin like we get mad and we're shocked I thought that old man died didn't think I could get road rage anymore I do you think I can less than a woman you're still a dude we're shocked where's the practice week cuz we think we all that we can't love God perfectly let's JB be careful now we don't want to give anyone a license to sin okay first of I still don't know where you get one of those like I know where the day is I know where to get a license to drive still haven't found a license to sin don't know where you get them don't know someone actually sent me a funny meme in between services of a license to sin it was hilarious we should have put it on the screen but anyway I like what are we talking about I'm giving no one a license to sin but preachers who preach a hard message no one's free in their church everyone's just scared preachers get up angry counting the you know freaking out they're just mad at themselves and they're so mad at themselves because of their own disappointments they try to take it out on you instead why don't we live by grace and realize yeah we don't want to fall this whole series is about freedom we're gonna get set free but but in the process of freedom when you've sinned you better run to God but if you're afraid of God you won't run to God and how you see God you see his family so if you'll run from God you'll run from his family and if you're running from God with your issues you'll never be honest with another believer about your issues so you come here I'll praise the Lord pastor god bless Oh hallelujah I'm not hungover at glory to God praise God I don't know everything our marriage is fantastic we just love the Lord a praise the Lord and we're lying and we can't be vulnerable with nobody we can't talk to nobody we won't even talk to God about it and gods going I'm a big boy and my love for you is consistent and it is perfect so talk to me and stop running from me every time you make a mistake and start running to me because I believe that the cycle is broken when we stop running from God and we start running to God when we stop running from the church and we run back into church when we stop running from community we run to community and in that moment the cycle breaks are we perfect no but are we free yes I'm not perfect but I'm free but I've had to learn how to run to God last thing this one's gonna be hard for a lot of you to even get but my father likes me and see it's easy to think I think it's actually easy for some of you especially if you're Church to go yeah God loves me he's God he has to but like we all have family members that we love huh that we don't like like I love you but I really don't want to spend Thanksgiving with you you walk in all right the icons and you look so good okay I don't know why I'm Puerto Rican right now it's just coming out he's got a little attitude ain't it true like you don't want him to get hit by a bus but you don't want to eat turkey with him come on somebody like you you love him but you don't like him but listen to me it's the keys come God likes you my father he likes me this is my son whom I love in whom I'm well pleased now what does this mean what is pleased mean what is this well pleased means it means to find pleasure in it means to call it good Jesus calls you good the Father calls you it's good you're good it means to be approved the father approves you it means to be favorably inclined favorably inclined this is why you'll see a son in court and they're going to jail for something they did wrong and the mama will be in the court going that ain't my boy he didn't do that he's innocent why because she's favorably inclined it's her son listen when the devil the accuser of the Brethren accuses you the father goes that a my kid they're under the blood they're in Christ devil you might see him that way but I don't that's not my child not that because he's favorably inclined if our kids workers came to me and said hey Goldie's being real mean and kids ministry she's pushing kids I'd be like they're punks I don't know they're I don't know what they did but she's right come on somebody I favorably inclined right I mean we never say it but we're thinking it like if you if your if your kid ever get you know you get you know text and you got to go grab your kid immediately you're going there idiots I don't know what they did but my my baby's perfect come on so much we're favorably inclined the father's favorably inclined towards you that means that his his hunch response his his natural instinct is not judgment its favor okay it means this word this word please means to be decided God has decided listen and you can't change his mind Romans eight nothing can separate you from the love of God that's in Christ Jesus this word this word please means willing the father is willing I don't know if you've ever read through the Gospels but you'll find this a lot people walk up to Jesus and go if you're willing make me whole Jesus response every time is I am willing because they knew he was able because they saw the miracles they just didn't know if he was willing a lot of us who know God is able cuz he's God but he's willing and here's my favorite one this one's fire I love this one it means to be contempt and this word content means that God is in a state of peaceful happiness well God's content with me God is in a state of peaceful happiness towards me this is crazy so God's not nervous here preaches God's in a hurry no he's not he's in a state of peaceful happiness God's not wringing his hands gods aren't shrugging his shoulders God's not rolling his eyes not God's not huffing and puffing God's not sighing God's not shaking his head God's in a state of he is so calm when he sees you he is so calm he's in a state of peace for happiness and he's crazy about you and that doesn't change depending upon what you do and this crazy Oh what's my response preacher fall in love with Jesus this this kind of preaching will make you hungry for the book this kind of preaching will make you want to worship this kind of preacher will make you want to live generously and give big and serve people because it's already done so now I don't live for approval I live from approval I'm approved I'm in I'm in the club I can't get out I had to look at that dirty magazine cuz I was trying to fit in I had to drink that alcohol just try to fit in I had to hit that joint so I was trying to fit in I could tell that stupid joke as I was trying to fit in every time I take a picture I hope people like it on my Instagram cuz I'm trying to fit in I'm trying to do the right thing so somewhat ahead of proves to me and says he's proud of me and I'm living my whole life to fit in I'm living my whole life for approval I'm living my whole life on a journey that is so dumb and so meaningless and so empty but then I could go to God and I don't have to live that way I could go to God and it doesn't make sense through the American system I can't go to God and it doesn't make sense to the politico I wish someone help me preach it doesn't make it doesn't it doesn't compute up here but something in my spirit says thank you God can I get like ten people to stand on their feet and shout I just think God just clap your hands and god I'm just so grateful that you love me you like me and I'm a son by birth or not by worth [Applause] all right I got hyped stop sit down this is so cool you know why this is so cool because my wife and I are not doing this church this is gonna freak somebody up we're not doing this for God we're doing this with God for the city so like we're not like oh I hope God isn't no God gods like yo we in this together he's holding our hands we're doing this for the 2.2 million people that need the message of Jesus we doing this with God we're on a journey with God and you can live your life with God for his glory absolutely for his honor absolutely for his fame absolutely but I'm doing it with him I preach way too long I got quit I want you to if you feel comfortable can you just close your eyes I want you lift your hands up to heaven [Music] father I thank you father I thank you that you love me I thank you that you approve of me I thank you today that you like us that you love us I thank you today that you are not mad at us but you're madly in love with us and I'm praying that our response to this would be Romans 12 that in view of God's mercy in view of everything we just talked about we would offer our lives a living sacrifice holy and pleasing to you not because we're trying to achieve anything earn anything but we're just so grateful to be in the family I thank you I thank you today the perfect love casts out all fear thank you today that we will not run from you but we will run to you I thank you today that every cycle of sin secrets strongholds lies we've believed I think you that they will be broken in the name of Jesus [Music] you
Channel: City Light
Views: 4,238
Rating: 4.8928571 out of 5
Keywords: city light church, city light vegas, jabin chavez, church in las vegas, Cycles, Healing the Father Wound
Id: nrhHjPTfnZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 52sec (2212 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 08 2018
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