Recover All | Jabin Chavez | City Light Vegas

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first samuel chapter 30 verse 3 last week we talked about good grief and it really struck a chord with our church i think it really helped a lot of people was that word for anybody last week did that help you and so i want to i want to continue this thought this theme and i want to look at what david did in a tough situation what david did in a while he was grieving and i'm gonna i'm gonna unlock something for you today i i don't really talk a big talk when i preach but i got something for you today that can literally change your life can i talk that talk for one moment okay i've been walking with jesus for a long i don't know since i was 15 i'm 30 gonna be 38 this week that's however long that is i'm not a mathematician i'm a preacher amen uh but i'm going to share a key with you today that could really i mean for real change your life so i want i want to show you this david and his mighty men have just gone to battle they're now going back to their city and here's what they find when they get back to their city david and his men came to the city and there it was burned with fire and their wives their sons and their daughters had been taken captive then david and the people who were with them lifted up their voice and wept until they had no more power to weep and david's two wives okay that's the old testament okay don't get any ideas okay praise the lord okay let's keep it moving i had been taken captive and david was greatly distressed for the people spoke of stoning him now notice that his men his writer dies the guys that loved him and were with them are now thinking about killing him okay because the soul of all the people was so grieved now notice they're in grief every man for his sons and daughters but david everyone say but david but david strengthened himself in the lord his god or encouraged himself in the lord is god then david said to the priests bring me the ephod so they brought the ephod to david david inquired of the lord saying shall i pursue this troop or shall i overtake them and god answered him the lord answered him pursue for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all right come on somebody i'm believing that we're gonna recover all in jesus name i don't know what you lost in 2020 i don't know what you lost in 2021 but our god is a god of restoration our god's a god of recovery our god is a god who when the enemy comes in in one direction he has to flee in seven directions and whatever the thief stole from you he's got to pay back to you seven fold come on recover all we don't we don't end in grief we don't we don't just live there forever and die there no we recover and step into all that god has for us anybody believing for this besides just me come on hey we got three months left in 2021 i think the next three months should be the greatest three months of this year miracle months answers to prayer i need i need a good amen in the house right now i'm already preaching but mountains are going to move heavens are going to open [Applause] okay we're going to recover all in jesus name father bless your word now everybody said amen amen thank you brother appreciate you so david is in a moment of loss he has just gone out to battle and he has now lost his his city is literally burned down his possessions have been stolen his families have been taken and all of the mighty men have now turned on him so he is dealing with grief on many levels and that's a little bit of what we talked about last week that grief can come in in different ways and in different levels so he's dealing with the yeah he's lost his possessions but that grief is nowhere near the grief of all his men turning on him but that grief is nowhere near losing his family so he's he's in a moment of grief he's in a moment of loss and he now has to make a decision listen every moment of grief every moment of loss and every moment of pain in your life is a moment of decision because if you're not careful you'll die in it you'll get stuck in it now again we're not in a hurry if you if you need more context from last week please listen to last week's message such an important message we're not in a hurry but we also don't want to get stuck in something forever and never walk in what god has for us can i get a good amen right there so so here's what here's what david does david gets alone with god and he asked for the ephod now here's what's interesting this word ephod or ephod however you want to say it was the priestly garment now david is an interesting character in the old testament he's this he's this old testament picture of a new testament reality david got to walk with god in a way under the old covenant and under the law that no one else walked in and he is a picture to us of the new covenant believer so david was a king david was a shepherd and david was a warrior and it would have been against the law and would have been an abomination to the lord that he would wear an ephod that he would wear the priestly garment but god allowed him to you'll read in the in the old testament other kings tried to do priestly duties and god cursed them for it uh that happened with saul that happened with others where kings tried to become a priest and god went nope that's holy you can't touch that but david was able to be not only a king but he was also able to be a priest because it's a picture for us of a new covenant reality revelation chapter 1 verse 6 says that we are a kingdom of priests to serve his god and father to him be glory and power forever and ever amen and so now under the new covenant you're not just a businessman you're a priest you're not just a stay-at-home mom you're a priest you're not just an investor you're a priest you're not just a pastor you're a priest unto your god you're going a priest can i still get married i'm not talking about a catholic priest a priest in the old testament was this it was the person that represented god to the people and the people back to god the priest was the intercessor the priest was the middle man and we are to be priests unto our god listen dad before you even provide physically and financially for your family you have to provide spiritually for your family you are the key to your children seeing god and god seeing your children you're the priest at that workplace you may never say it you may never put on an ephod amen but you are that intercessor you're that middle man that represents god to the people and the people back to god our world needs intercessors our city needs kings and priests who can amen so before i'm a preacher before i'm a theologian before i'm a bible teacher i am city light's chief intercessor just as important that i study and show myself approved is that i am to pray and to hear from heaven on behalf of our church and lead us in the right direction and make sure i don't lead us into air this can only happen when i when i put on the ephod as it were and i get before god and i talk to god and god talks to me and i represent city light to god and god bring and i represent god back to city like this is this is my most important call and this is your most important call you're going wow a lot of pressure it's not a lot of pressure but it is serious notice that david is in a moment of pain and he turns to god and i want to say something for a lot of you this is the missing key to your walk with god i i want to say it like this that we i got a key here and this key has two sides and they're different and they're both important and they're both needed to unlock a door in your walk with god there are two sides to a key that you must have you must have public gatherings and private devotion you got to have both and if you only have one side of the key you don't unlock doors and a lot of you are at walls in your life and a lot of you are at closed doors in your life and a lot of you can't get a breakthrough in your life because those two things are out of balance because to unlock what god has for you it needs both sides of the same key it's one key but has two different sides and when this is out of balance your life is going to be in chaos okay let me let me try to explain this if if your jet let's put it back up for just one moment if your life is just private devotion let me tell you what's going to happen you're going to be independent you're going to be prideful and you're going to have a bunch of knowledge with very little spiritual authority you're going to know weird stuff about the greek and hebrew and you're going to know weird little tangents about the bible that aren't really relevant and you're gonna you're gonna know a lot of stuff but you're gonna be a a pond taking in but god called us to be a flowing river out of your belly will float rivers not a pond rivers and you'll get you'll get people they have a lot of knowledge but they're very independent they're very isolated they have they have no one that knows them no one that can challenge them no one that can that can correct them and rebuke them they're they they they figured out one side of the key but god can never really use their life now now you're in the room so you're not a part of this group but it happens there's people that are going to watch me this week and i i thank god for it i'm so humbled that people watch me online thousands of people every week download our podcast and and watch our youtube sermons i'm so humble a couple came here from uh they were on vacation and just came to church today because they follow my ministry that's that's very humbling but i hope they have a pastor because man cannot live by podcast alone man doesn't live by youtube alone you got to have a covering you got to have someone that when you're in trouble they can lay hands on you and rebuke the devil off of you and your family and tell the devil to go back to hell you better have somebody you don't just you don't just give wherever you want you better have a house that you give to you better have i'm just telling you that's right okay now you're i'm preaching to the choir because you're in the room but i'm just telling you and if you're watching online right now in some random city let us help you find a home church they're talking they're shutting me off right now they're gonna watch somebody else but i'm telling you the truth you gotta have somewhere you gotta have a home okay you gotta have a pastor you gotta have people who can go oh let's work on this let's grow in this let's let's get you serving let's get you using your gifts okay okay but on the other side though you can we have people who all they know is the public gathering those people usually have very little bible knowledge they're usually very immature and their only connection to god is the church so when the church disappoints them they disconnect with god listen i am a man of god but i am a man that's right and if your only connection to god is the man of god the man of god will disappoint you and then you'll lose connection with god i'm not your final authority all i can do is show you scripture and go this is what god says well what should i do i'm not your authority like i'm not i can't at the end of the day go buy that house do not buy that house don't move there you cannot date that person i can't do that you have to hear the holy spirit you have to know the word and if you're not careful you'll only know the public gathering so your life is limited your spiritual life is limited by one hour on sunday but david knew that he needed both sides of the key so just read the psalms i love your house oh god i love gathering with your people i was glad when they said let's go into the house of the lord better as one day he he knew the public gathering but he also had the private devotion that when he was in a challenge he knew to be a priest unto god and connect with god see he had both and this according to revelation chapter 3 check this out this is powerful revelation chapter 3 verse 7 this is the key of david the words of the holy one the true one who has the key of david who can who opens and no one will shut and shuts and no one will open listen if you have closed doors in your life if spiritually you can't get a breakthrough you're probably out of balance on one side of the key we must have the public gathering and the private devotion and when those two things get together i'm walking with god monday through saturday but i'm using my gifts and i'm under in in community and i'm under leadership those two things together will release the miraculous in your life it's what david knew it's what i know and it's what you need to know when you can get these two things together and what happens for a lot of us in the public gathering side is you love jesus on sunday you got faith on sunday you're believing god on sunday but by tuesday you're like what is going on because you haven't figured out the private devotion you must have both okay so i want to talk about this private devotion side i'm gonna i'm gonna give some language today to some things that i've never talked about i've never given language to that are really it's really going to help you today and i want you to open your heart to this because it may sound like stuff you've heard before but i want to tell you again i i listen to sir i literally listen to sermons every day of my life and there's some things i'm going to tell you today that you've never heard before i'm just telling you and it's not because i have some wild revelation it's i've done this for years but i've never given language to it so this could really be important to you and i think it could be the key to really getting strength in the spirit okay so you all ready for that give me an amen give me an amen okay so so david has to go to god and when you go to god here's the first step when you encounter god when you meet with god you could call this a quiet time a devotional time you could do a soap a devotional like our youth are doing on wednesday nights whatever you want to do you could get a u version devote it doesn't matter when you go to god you have to give that's good god actually said in the book of leviticus you never come before me empty-handed jim are you talking about money i brought a friend i'm not talking about money so relax when i go to god i go giving david encouraged himself in the lord found strength in the lord he put on the priestly garments which would have been worship and connecting with god and before he asked for anything he worshiped and a lot of you go to god you you think it's faith it's not it's actually fear you go to god in urgency and with emergencies but you have no faith and you go to god with a list you go god fix all this but you have no faith i told you you never heard this before and faith is born in the presence of god i'm going to say something i don't ask god for anything until there is faith in my spirit to ask and i don't ask god for anything until i feel his presence again you go to god with your 10 things and there's no answers because you haven't given you've demanded in fear so what does this look like well romans 12 says that i plead with you to give your bodies to god because of all he's done for you notice that to give your bodies to god let them be a living and holy sacrifice the kind that god will find acceptable notice that you have to give and that god has to accept if those two things haven't happened there's no power in your prayer you give and then he receives and then you're in the presence of god well isn't god everywhere he is everywhere i'm talking about his tangible presence where things begin to happen and things begin to change okay so yes god is omnipresent but there is a difference between the omnipresence of god and the manifest presence of god so so before i ask i give well what do i give number one these aren't points but let me just give you some you you give praise and worship matthew 69 hey jesus how do i pray pray like this before you ask for anything our father in heaven hallowed be your name that's just a fancy word for holy is your name i worship your name i give glory to your name i honor your name i give praise to your name jesus says before you before you ask give that's right that's right you don't go into god's presence asking you go into god's presence giving this is why it is so important this is why we ask you to be on time for church i'm not a stickler i'm not because if you're going to receive the word you first have to give worship is this blessing anybody else is this microphone on okay i'm telling you this is a key let me give you another one psalm 100 verse 4 enter into his gates with thanksgiving his courts with praise give thanks to him and bless his name god says there is a protocol if you're going to come into my courts there is a way that you come into my presence there is something i require i don't require perfection but i do require praise so if i'm gonna ever receive from god i first must give give god your praise and worship number two give god your yes james 4 7 submit yourselves therefore to god resist the devil he will flee from you give god your yes don't go to god with just a list go to god with a yes john 3 30 he must increase i must decrease what happens after i hallow the name of the father what happens after i worship the name of the father the next verse says this your kingdom come john 6 10 your will be done so i worship god and then i surrender to god this is why one of the ways that the in the the jewish culture prays is they pray on their knees they pray bowed down why because it is something in the natural that i can do that reminds my heart i don't i don't go to god puffed up i don't go to god chest out i don't go to god's shoulder so i actually go to god on my knees it's a it's a picture of surrender if you've never prayed on your knees before if you've never bowed before the lord i'd encourage you even this week get a little time in your office in your bedroom wherever kneel by your bed kneel by your chair and and just put yourself in a position of surrender i'm not being legalistic about it i'm not i'm not saying you have to but i'm saying this might be a very powerful thing for you to just remind yourself when i come when i come to god i give him my yes look at this prayer this would be a really good prayer for you to pray every day we're going to pray it out loud if you got the guts okay okay if you mean it pray it repeat after me lord jesus the answer is yes whatever you ask whatever your word commands wherever you lead the answer is yes my hands are open and all that i have is yours i trust you i love you i surrender all to you wow give god your yes give god your yes i don't pray with clinch this paul said when you pray lifting up holy hands without wrath or doubt without wrath without anger god where are you no i left my hands this is a this is something outward that is conveying something inward a lot of you have never had a breakthrough in personal prayer because you've never given god anything you go to god with demands but you've never given him your yes give him your cares we talked about this last week i won't go into a lot of details but psalm 34 4 i sought the lord and he heard me he delivered me from all my fears i give him my fear i give him my care god i'm carrying this i don't want to carry it i give it over to you i trust you i give this to you how about this give god your sin just give god your sin repent talk to the lord about what you're dealing with if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us but if we confess our sins he is and that word confess means say the same thing if we'll just get real with god and come into agreement with god god you call it a sin i call it a sin i agree he is faithful and he's just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness if we say that we have not sinned we make him a liar and his word is not in us so when you go to god confess your sin to him lord i've been dealing with this anger i've been dealing with this lust i've been dealing with this pride i've been dealing with this whatever it may be and you just you get honest with it listen you can be free or you can be in denial but you can't be both the choice is yours i can be i can be free or i can be in denial i can't be both i give god my sin i i i ask the lord for forgiveness i i tell the lord i don't want this in my heart i don't i don't want to do this i don't i don't want these patterns in my life and there's freedom in that now for a lot of you because you've never done this and if you'll take me seriously this week you won't even get past point number one you're just gonna give to god and it's gonna be so powerful and it's gonna be so freeing and it's gonna it's gonna be so liberating you're gonna feel the presence of god you're gonna worship god you're gonna turn on praise and worship you're gonna sing and you're gonna feel his presence and you're gonna feel this pleasure it's gonna be so powerful you won't even get past giving and you'll learn to love it but then number two here's what this sets you up for now you receive giving positions me for receiving giving creates space for god to fill see a lot of you you go to god with all your stuff and then you ask for stuff and he goes your hands are already full you come in you come into church with all this junk that's why we want you to engage in worship because we want you to let all that go let that fear go let that worry go let that anxiety let all that go and worship god now you are a vessel that he can fill so now when the word goes out you can actually receive it in worship i give in prayer i receive in worship i give in prayer i receive so here's what happens you give god praise and now you receive his presence you give god your yes and now you receive his direction you give god your cares and now you receive his peace you give god your sin and now you receive his forgiveness but i cannot receive until i give and a lot of us want god to add to our life but what we must do is empty our life so that god can fill the void am i helping anybody so far is this this is real this is a key now this is a key this is a key to your walk with jesus and then you learn how to receive from heaven okay matthew 11 verse 28 jesus said come to me all who are weary all who carry heavy burdens and i will give you rest take my yoke what does that mean i got to give him my yoke if i'm going to receive his yoke i got to give him my yoke let me teach you because i'm humble and gentle at heart and you will find rest for your souls for my yoke is easy to bear and the burden i give you is light see i give god my yoke and burden and then he gives me his prayer is an exchange i give god what i have to receive what he has because what he has is a lot better than what i have come on somebody so so i give god what i have it's not perfect it's not enough but i give him what i have and then i receive what he has but i have to empty my hands to receive what he has for me and this can be listen matthew chapter 11 can be and should be the testimony of every person who prays that should be your testimony i receive from heaven i receive from jesus it is light it is easy i enjoy my walk with god i enjoy the presence of the lord i love the voice of the holy spirit i i love the presence of god that becomes not i have to now i need to become a better person i get better get my family in church oh i guess i need a tithe well i get no no i love god it's easy it's light it's fun it's an adventure wow that's the joy of this thing right that that's what that's what gets me up in the morning that's why i love pastoring a church not not because i want to just teach you principles but because if you can ever learn to love god your life will never be the same first john 5 14 this is the confidence we have in approaching god watch this confidence look at the confidence you can have when you approach god if you do what i'm telling you to do this is the confidence you have that if we ask anything according to his will what's his will the word how do i know god's will god's promise god's promise is god's will god's word is god's will so now from an understanding of his promise and will i can ask and he hears us and we know that he hears us whatever we ask we know that we have what we asked of him this another scripture that would go along with this would be mark 11 when jesus said believe that you received it and you will have it notice that believe you received it then you will have it so i believe i receive in prayer it's done then i will have it i don't have it yet but i have it i got it i just don't got it but i got it because i got it here and having it here is more important than having it here so once i have it that's why whenever anytime we order anything for goldie every day she goes can we go look for packages if we order something online we go look for packages because she already has it listen she's turning five in november she already she already has her birthday presents here because she wrote us a list she knows what and she we're going to get it for her because she's five and she wants some lol some doll something playset she's got it it's done more than it being done in us it's done in her because because she knows that her parents are good how much better is our father come on somebody say amen give god some praise oh come on anybody know they serve a good god so i so i go to god and i give and then i receive and then number three i act on the word david goes do i pursue god said pursue and without fail how can i live a life without fail it's going to take more than a good church service it's going to take this he said without fail you will recover all does that mean we never have battles nope it just means we always recover does it mean we never face challenges no but it means we always get the restoration does it mean we never go through anything no we go through things but we come out restored and anything god restores is better and bigger than it was before he said if you catch a thief they have to pay you back not what they still they have to pay back sevenfold he said in deuteronomy he said if if the enemy comes at you one direction they're gonna have to flee in seven directions that means that anything god restores comes back to you in a greater amount and a greater value than you lost case in point david didn't just get his family and possessions back he got the enemy's possessions back y'all think i'm preaching a fairy tale or something this is not harry potter this is not star wars this is the word of the living god and what god did for david he'll do for you god is the god of restoration god is a god of recovery god will give it back to you good measure press down shake it together running all over come on somebody we believe i believe this okay so he gets the word from god he goes out he recovers and here's what i want you to see with obedience his obedience was not just a blessing to him though your obedience is a blessing to you his walk with god and the word from god was not just a blessing to him though it will be a blessing to you it blessed his world do you know that your world needs your obedience doesn't god doesn't need anything but your world does hey dad you know your family needs your obedience hey mom do you know that your kids need you to hear from the holy ghost they need you to hear from the spirit of god not just a blog not just your favorite uh influencer on instagram your kids need you to hear the voice of the spirit of the living god because you know what your kid needs and god's going to tell you what your kid needs and they're going to tell you how to lead them they're going to tell he's going to tell you where to send them to school he's going to tell you what what classes to put them in and what sports to put them in what not to the holy ghost is going to talk to you while he's reading this block no you need the voice of the holy spirit mama dad you need your business owners you need to hear from god for your business well you know this guy said this and this oh awesome you need a word from heaven for your business you're like i'm not that spiritual you can become that spiritual and frankly in the times we're in you need to become that spiritual [Applause] this world needs a spiritual church this world needs a spirit-filled church this world needs a spirit-led church and your world needs a spirit-empowered believer that can talk to god hear from god give to god receive from god act on what god is saying our city will only reach and will only will be limited by our obedience our city needs us to hear from heaven our city needs us to prosper our city needs us to recover our city needs us to get a word from heaven our city needs us to be spirit-led and spirit-filled our city needs us to walk in the love of god because when david got his word it blessed his family and when david got his word it blessed everyone else's family and when david got his word it blessed generations are y'all hearing me this is why it's a big deal that see i don't take myself seriously but i take god really seriously and i take the call of god really seriously and i take my time with god really seriously because i know that it will directly impact everyone around me [Applause] not just because i'm a pastor i'm talking to day traders i'm talking to real estate agents i'm talking to stay-at-home moms i'm talking to retired people it doesn't matter what you do work at starbucks it don't matter what you do our world this is how romans 8 says it says the world is groaning for the manifestation of the sons of god but if you got a what if you got a god idea for your business we've got a god idea for your family what if you got a god idea for your marriage what if you got a god idea for your kids and you weren't just trying to figure it out but you got the whisper of heaven and he said pursue do that don't do that wow can i tell you if you learned this i would never have to ask you for an offering again ever that's right that's right we're gonna have to do offering at the end of service why because you don't hear from heaven so i gotta make sure you hear me no i'm serious and i got to tell you the needs and i got to tell you where we're giving and i got to tell you how much we really appreciate you and love you but if you heard from god you wouldn't need me you wouldn't need to be reminded it's the first of the month oh it is the first thing i might know this is where i'm telling you this is where the joy is you're going to recover all can i tell you you're going to recover all i have a prophetic word for our church because i feel it from the holy spirit the next three months will be marked by the undeniable favor of god move of god restoration of god i'm talking about in your family i'm talking about in your finances i'm talking about in your spiritual life i'm talking about in your walk with god without fail we're going to recover all without fail we're going to see the goodness of the lord for anybody this is for i dare you to receive it right now because we are about to see it with our eyes we're about to hold it with our hands we're about to walk in something we've never walked in don't you dare limit where you've been don't you dare limit god don't you dare limit god because it's a pandemic or because of coronavirus or because of the economy or because of what's going on in politics no god is going to do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or think we're going to see it we're going to walk in it we're going to step on it we're going to hold it recover all right recover all anybody with faith say amen right there come on say amen amen let me have somebody play me out of here i gotta finish this is why we need a building by the way so that we don't have to do a thousand services on sunday and then we could just flow right now have the worship team come back up we could start praying for people we could it's coming it's coming i got it's already done in here you think goldie's excited about our lol playhouse i got a building in here it's right here it's right here [Applause] you want to talk about hearing the holy spirit because i got to receive the offering um someone texts me this week he goes hey i know miracle offerings in november but i just already know what we're going to do i feel like god spoke to us can i give now i said you never ask a preacher if you i said yes this is the lord you're here from god and so someone already gave their miracle offering offering this week because they just said we can't wait joel sims i'll just tell you this i'm gonna i'm talking about people giving us money when i'm receiving an offering which is kind of counterintuitive because people are people teach you that if you're gonna receive an offering you have to you know sound like you have a need you know like you're struggling joel sims a couple weeks ago was so moved by what god is doing at city light he goes i want to be a part of the miracle offering he goes i have to wait till november i said no so joel sims and word of life church in mississippi they sowed fifty thousand dollars that's the largest check we've ever received one-time gift jared neiman was here a couple weeks ago he goes i'm so moved by what god's doing can i be a part of it he said can i give ten thousand i said yes you can yes you can so he gave ten thousand then this week i was talking to um the executive pastor of new creation church in singapore joseph prince and they're very dear friends of mine and we were talking about some things that god is doing in our church right now and he goes i'm just so excited can we sow twenty five thousand say let me pray about it yeah yeah you can let me tell you that's 85 000 all going hallelujah towards why would god provide and then not give us a building it's done it's done i don't know how it's gonna look i don't know when it's gonna have i'm just saying it's done i need somebody to get fifteen thousand a day take me to a hundred thousand okay let's do it today amen let me give you a promise let me give you a promise this is a scripture that scares a lot of people and it shouldn't scare you context galatians 6 paul is receiving the offering from the church of galatia he's not warning them about sin he's not telling them you know if you have a secret get ready you're gonna you know you're gonna reap what you sow that's not what this scripture is but people have heard this text and it frightens them and it shouldn't it should build your faith paul's receiving an offering and he goes hey just just remember this don't be deceived god isn't mocked whatever you sow you go reap this isn't a warning this is an encouragement don't be deceived oh i don't give to get don't be deceived no farmer so seed into the ground and goes you know i don't give to get i mean if it works it works but no farmer plants tomatoes he goes i mean i'll take mangoes whatever i don't give to get neither do i but it doesn't change the principle [Applause] okay when i give it i'm not i'm not you know pulling a lever this isn't this isn't a slot machine but this is a promise from god this is from the bible and it's about giving it's not about anything else read it in context read any bible study you want on it this is about giving he goes don't be deceived god will not be mocked if you take care of god's kingdom you will reap that's what he's saying what you sow you'll reap you'll always reap more than you sow always because he's a god of restoration so when i when i take the deficit of ten percent and i tithe it into god's house i now have a gap of ten percent it's now god's responsibility to fill that and he will never fill that with 10 percent that's my testimony you can argue with me all day i have a testimony you can argue with me all day i've experienced this is what god has done i'm not saying i'm some multi-millionaire i'm saying god has always made sure that i reap more than i sow hey but but here's another thing what you never sow you never reap you you cannot take a bag of tomato seeds today and put them in your closet or put them in your pantry and pray and anoint with oil and speak in tongues and go i just really hope this works you got to get it in the dirt and you got to water it and you got to expect a harvest you you don't just some of you were like well yeah i'd like for god to bless me but you got to give this is a part of it okay jamie why are you giving us because a lot of times i get up here and i go hey we're doing this and we're doing this and we're doing this we're doing this and all that's very important for you to know what we're doing with you know how we're ministering to people but it's also important that you know bible promises about giving that this is this is scripture this is real and you you can believe god that as you sow financially into his kingdom god will make sure that you reap he just will i didn't come up with that i didn't make that up this isn't the prosperity gospel or whatever i get accused of all the time this isn't giving to get that's not this is just the truth god is a god of seedtime and harvest it's just it's what he does genesis chapter eight he said as long as the earth remains that's how it's going to work and it'll work for you so there's a lot of ways to give give as as the holy spirit leads you and i pray he does and expect expect god's provision expect god's blessing expect recover all expect restoration expect god to do a great work in your life and i'm not saying it'll happen overnight but but it will happen the the trajectory of your life will go upward not downward if it's little by little but i'm going up not down in every area of my life amen
Channel: City Light
Views: 908
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: YhOnyD_rD6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 53sec (2753 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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