GOD on COVID: Eric Clapton's "Disastrous" Vaccine Experience

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the minute i began to say anything about the lock down here and my concerns i was labeled as a trump supporter in america and uh i got some pretty heavy feedback when it came to the beginning of this year and and and and the barrington guys were talking about the vaccine as being the the deal breaker you know and i thought okay i'm not i don't like i have a terrible fear of needles i hate needles i don't want to be and i don't even like blood samples you know anything like that um but i believe them i followed that that path and when they started to talk about rolling out the back i smelled a rat again you know that just the way this the the focus was on this and there was a race and then it became political and national and uh i thought here we go again it's the same old [ __ ] but i was diagnosed with emphysema um a couple of years ago and i thought well i fit that bracket that's pretty vulnerable i mean i'm over i'm 76 and if if i if if there is such a thing as this and we didn't know anybody you know where i lived there was nobody that we could even friends and friends of friends were um it was thin on the ground i don't know well i ought to have this vaccination for my kids you know just so that i don't i don't want to drop dead on them or i don't want to i don't want them to lose me i don't want to lose them all these that the normal natural responses i think can and then so i i went and i got the notification you can come and get and i was holding out for astrazeneca because it came from oxford and so you know that i'm pretty naive about this stuff and i thought well that's and also i'd heard that was old school method of inoculation uh and i and i and i went and had the jab and i got a little green like a library card and i thought that's that's what i'm going to show to people when i get on the plane it's so um a lot of funny stuff about it and and within within several hours i was shaking like a leaf and uh i went to bed early and i couldn't get warm and i did and i thought i'm running am i running a fever i was boiling hot and sweating and then i was cold and i had i i was out for the count for about a week and and i had been preparing for um a project where i was going to be playing acoustic guitar with a couple of musicians and we were going to film it that week knocked knocked me out and i had to start again from scratch and uh and i was okay but but it wasn't it didn't come off as well as i would like to in terms of professionally i was it was a huge setback and it frightened the [ __ ] out of me because i didn't know how long it would last i then started to find out more and it was about that time that i ran into somebody i said well here's my name we stopped swap numbers he was on telegram so i contacted him and he told me about a channel where i could find uh lots of information and a lot of support and so i i logged on to that there's a chat called robin minotti who who runs a channel and it's for anybody that's concerned or is looking from in my case looking for support for me i felt so alone up until that point i really couldn't talk to my family and my kids my teenagers were it seemed like they'd been brainwashed and and there was a lot of that kind of going on from from other um protests that were happening earlier they were really it was the first time i'd seen my kids passionate about anything and i thought it was great but i was being ostracized and and i could feel that everywhere i could feel alienation because i held a different view so i was trying to uh keep my mouth shut but i did i was following the channel avidly and bit by bit i realized that i i probably shouldn't have had the first chat but then i was offered the second and i thought well what have i got what's the point in you know stopping now so i went and had the second and that and then it got really bad and i within about a week i had lost my hands didn't really work they were i suffered from a condition already called peripheral neuropathy which is nerve damage pain really which means that you know i can get numb or pins and needles when i had the second jab that was it's and they do say that condition by the way is progressive and it's incurable so i had expected it to be it's manageable i expected it to be something that would gradually grow worse as i got older into my 80s or whatever but always you know i could get some ice pack or whatever it would be fine this went ramped up from on a scale of 10 say from three to eight or nine agony and uh chronic pain is not you know when you know the cr that nothing will work there's no medication you can take that will will help um is very very frightening and the worst thing is you don't know when it's gonna uh wear off or when it's gonna go away so that that was you know that that that was what frightened me the most medically health-wise and it still does because of me and i have gigs to do i have recording work to do but i can't to touch the guitar to play the guitar it's not fun and it's something i do you know then i when i put it down it's there until i go to bed and i take sleeping bills because i can't sleep because of the pain and that's not it's not a good way to live but um and it's not all due to the vaccine but the vaccine took my immune system and just shook it around again and that's still going on so and that's then i read you know a lot of the evidence that i had been reading about with people that were having adverse reaction that was on the list was you know uh damage to the immune system do you feel like you were made aware of those risks beforehand oh god no god no i didn't even know there was a yellow card report i didn't know there was any such thing my doctor said oh you should my my gp here in london uh said because i had to get it done on nhs with an nhs doctor that i've known too from in the country for a long time he didn't say anything they gave me a leaflet or for the first jab which i didn't really look at but they didn't say anything about adverse reactions they do say you might feel a bit sore or you know like you'd say for a but they did say also they're safe you know it's effective and safe and uh i called my uh the nhs doctor after the second jab and i said i've been told there's a yellow card system that where i can complain about um after effects he said yes have you they still go because i told them about yeah and he said well i'll fill in the the the report and center i never saw yellow i mean that apparently that's stays with the doctor but i didn't you know that stuff was not made known i lost the use of my hands uh for about three weeks so i thought i was um in real trouble uh and that's about that point i just i was invited by robin minotti to talk about it because it and it was easy um to say yes because i i realized that that i may i'm definitely by then i realized i wasn't the only one that was suffering adverse reactions and uh and you know i wear i can't touch anything cold or hot i have to use these otherwise my hands will begin to burn and they'll stay burnt all day whether or not i'm i have gigs to do in the autumn i know maybe vitamin d will help uh there's not much else that does do anything other than being really careful and that you know that that's my experience from having had the second jab and and and and i went to my doctor that pretty quickly and said you know the i can't have any more vaccinations this is this is not possible for me because i don't know what will happen i don't know what will happen next and from what i read and from what i've been told uh there would be a booster in the autumn and i said i have to have a document that says i can't i'm allergic i can't have covered vaccine which i have in my backpack next door and um and i don't you know that i don't know what where well that will lead me because the next thing i'd be you know but through it all actually the point that i should have made earlier is that i believe most of all in free speech and freedom of movement choice of movement and and and life um and love and kindness and uh been with all of this exposure to the polarization of the politics and the medicine and the science i found it very difficult to be uh neutral uh because i've seen scorn and contempt from both sides and uh and i get caught in the crossfire a lot but i'm not gonna i don't really feel um uh educated enough to know enough about either of these areas so i'm talking today on behalf of people like me who may have been maybe lost maybe need to hear someone talk about it from a human point of view without condemnation and i have you know when i come to work there is i need to know about for instance whether i'm not i'm playing to a a welcome audience or a discriminated audience i can't play to people that only have vaccine passports i can't play to people that only follow you know that anti-vaccination there has to be a way to bring people together i believe music can do that uh but it's a long way away and uh and maybe that's good because uh there's still time i believe for us to come together i still follow the the teachings of of the oxford group of the barrington group because i think they're good people but um i don't know how that will resolve with the movements the way they are there's very it's very polarized and alienation doesn't work it's not going to help what happened with me and van was he he sent me some songs and i recorded uh one called stand and deliver when that came out in america when it came off his website really that's what pete that's what i took the the flak i got i didn't understand and i was trying to say well this is this was against the uk government i don't know what's going on over then he's gonna plow right on when i heard the next couple of things that he put out oh my god this man is fearless and i would love to be fearless but i'm not i i'm really you know i've i've caught this anxiety syndrome i have it bad and i don't have it as bad as i had maybe two or three weeks ago when i was devoutly following the six o'clock and the ten o'clock news or talk radio or trying to get find someone who's speaking a language that i can uh identify with um and but now i've stopped watching tv one of the cartoons was a little drawing of a guy interviewing two quakers and saying how come none of your community has got covered and they said well we don't watch tv it's so true man there's so much of the sicknesses is in in our heads now uh we we become weak you know if we're talking about freedom of speech freedom of movement freedom of choice with the vaccine for instance then um the opposite of that is what we're expect if you take that away what we're experiencing that disturbs me most is coercion and i had said to my friend the doctor my my doctor i said do you think this vaccine thing is ever going to become mandatory it seemed ridiculous ridiculous they could never pull shut i mean they'd never pull that off well i got a funny feeling you know and bit by bit it's it's that and to see her celebrities especially what really got me was ethnic minority celebrities guilt-tripping their own community that broke my [ __ ] heart and made me so angry i have a lot of friends in that part of the world and uh to see them preyed on like that it is it's just so there we step that's where it steps into sadism for me the the photographs of the people on buses with masks on saying don't let their sacrifice be in vain phew that's bad that's bad it's very dark it's very dark it's victimization is what it is i was reading 1984 all through this and uh and there's something he says he says how do you have full control over people and he said fear he said no not fear suffering is how you get full control over people and that's what it's come to but it's psychological suffering but it's amounts to the same thing and i i i experience it when you get caught in the trap well can you believe what your heart tells you is right or is it go is it going against the narrative can i talk about how i feel to my family man it's uh it doesn't get riskier than that when i made that little statement i was pleased to see that it went around without too much of a flak i did get some fla from the people i least wanted to get flack from the um but but that fed you know i i get it was that bringing back to what do i do if i go to play for an audience do i say i'm not playing to you like you've had the jab uh and and and and to be honest and most of my audience will be comprised of you know 60 year olds and older and if those people haven't had the i mean i don't know how they would have held out you know the um so that that has to be something that is acknowledged forgiven whatever i don't think it's like an actor of betrayal i was i've been i was asked to do a private gig in the caribbean aft after not playing for a long time and i was in bad shape recovering from the second jab and i had to fill in this government my questionnaire because i was going to work again and uh and at some point during this i had my phone and my assistant was showing me how to do it on his my laptop and on my phone this app appeared and it said digi id and i thought what the [ __ ] they can't do that you can't make me buy an app the government app and i deleted it but and that's then i thought now this is this is where it's going to stop uh i know you that's what van says this has got to stop and i i agree i agree it's going to stop but where's it coming from reprisal you know i i i i've been around a long time and and and the people that i would probably come to see me play will come to see me play they've seen me play drunk they've seen me play sober they've seen me doing rational things behave badly and uh they come for another reason so i'm quite secure like my fear is about what will i do to my children my my fear about vaccination is what will it do to my children part of the reason maybe the biggest part of the reason why i'm talking here here today with you and and that is you know they may go ahead i there's no way i can stop them once they've turned 18 that's their choice i think they see it as if you as a short-term problem that if they want to go to the med or they want to go to another country that something to do you just got to do that to get it get clearance they don't i don't think they you know to to talk to my daughters about they may not be able to have kids they don't probably care you know at that point in time in your life it's not an issue oh yeah i i yeah that's one of the risks i take by doing this is that you know they're gonna they're gonna look at me like why don't you just keep your mouth shut down i tell you the best bit about it for me is that i might be becoming a nuisance for those guys i'd love to be an annoyance to suffer them let's sit around that table that would give me tremendous satisfaction but my my greatest fear is what will happen to my kids i mean i don't want to lose their trust and love you know the trick they had they got together with their with the propaganda was making it so that you're responsible for other people's life so you're i can be labeled a murderer uh and people would really believe that that's powerful it's very clever i don't know what it will take i i i agree that it would there would be i i've tried to reach out to fellow musicians sometimes they don't i just don't hear from them anymore my phone doesn't ring very often i don't get that many texts and emails anymore it's it's quite noticeable you know so you noticed that since you started speaking out yeah yeah yeah association but then again on the other hand you know there are a lot of people on robin's channel who've been incredibly kind and supportive and uh and you know they make me out to be a little bit of a hero behind mike and van mind you well behind hi this is marcus singletary please subscribe to my channel [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Marcus Singletary Dot Com
Views: 2,276,770
Rating: 4.8121133 out of 5
Keywords: COVID, COVID-19, Pandemic, Vaccine, AstraZeneca, Eric Clapton, Clapton Cream, Ginger Baker, Jack Bruce, Tears in Heaven Eric Clapton, Moderna Vaccine, J&J Vaccine, Pfizer Vaccine, Are Vaccines Safe?, Anti-Vaxxer, The Yardbirds, Derek and the Dominos, 100 Greatest Guitarists, Post-Vaccine Deaths, Delta Variant, What is COVID, My Vaccine Experience
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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