He Wasn’t Ready! The Boost kicked In.

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now we're really testing this pfi whole thing bro what's in this one well this one hector was the one i'm not sure supposedly it's built but he bought this car and we just got it fixed oh nice so we get to find out we'll see what we're learning today it looks like some good stuff what's up very cool all right all right guys welcome back to pfi speed the guys at virginia tech tested yesterday it sounds like it went pretty good so saturday should be on goofy's over here working on derek's hot rod getting some stuff done there and shawn's over here grinding on the bully looks like he's still working on the fuel cell figuring all that stuff and uh battery tray and whatnot so pretty darn cool i got the shifter all done yesterday oh you did yeah shifter moves forward and up all right let's see where it is now it used to be back here so that's definitely a better location staging break is yeah it was on the outside right so i moved it inwards flip-flopped the two and then moved it forward and up to 20. okay i see what you mean because on that one time when your push button didn't work you went to go find it hitting your elbow and not finding it so i made it right it's great but you can almost see it out of your eye with a helmet on yeah it's looking awesome i dig that man we've needed that and then sean has been working on his own car as well as you guys know you got a couple things done on that he got his hoop all bent up this morning kind of hard to see but it's a good tight fit you're getting excited yeah and last night jamie finished his pump stuff here got that all running so the brother-in-law is ready to rip got all the fuel system now that's for sure yep that's how come when we so when we started it was at two degrees when he locked it at sixteen you went all the way and i made it to seven locked at sixteen so that tells us we gotta look at something here okay so definitely looks off on the intake gear frank you want to double check me on this but it looks like the intake gears two thoughts it's definitely worth checking yeah yeah let's yeah let's dive in there and check that out cool so we'll crank below luckily it was perfectly right you know that's why i said it like that see you're thinking when you set it to tdc it's up top set it on the table so we don't lose it kick it or anything um 14 wrench real quick please probably that long one oh okay way better so we so we basically found while we were thinking it that the belt was off a tooth so got her fixed sink this out all right so we're gonna set the timing down good all right so right now that it's disconnected to the ecu too so it's something with the have you tried main relay yeah i think i did swap it too you did swap it i did but we can try you know i'll probably have it look it's just i have no power at the ecu grab uh grab my power probe and quickly look it up i might probably swap it for a i don't want to do what i think the fastest way to test the ecu power will be like check the injectors or something out there you know i mean if you unplug an injector real quick because the black with the yellow stripe is the same one that powers ecu so we're going to start it and we're going to see if it does it they do it while you're driving i haven't driven too long dude or that reason um you grab this door hey that's it that's it yep let's test uh the power at the injectors real quick 2.9 what was that what was it the one time we found i was doing that it was a wire over on this side it was coming was it coming out of the main relay or into the main relay there was something remember that car it came out of the main relay like that yeah remember it had it had 12 volts in but it was only like three volts or something out three volts and it's two nine out there right now let's uh i guess we'd try a main relay then okay because yeah just crapped out and see which one it is this thing's hot too this made release oh yeah well look it's all like smashed up i probably look at all the corrosion in there hmm all right yep maybe there let's try one can you give me that one jamie i just want to check and throw it so far all right hold on let me download it i got fuel pressure and it was getting sparked it was chugging a little bit it pissed off my computer whatever this did it just made it mad all right kick the key on real quick it's on oh eleven five see you later all right try it i think it's that we'll know pretty quickly shut down on me and it shut off all right let's check some stuff out main relay was a culprit but not the culprit again we don't we must lost power yeah look inside that yep looks good nothing looks burned or corroded in here you want to pull me the probe is a 525 pump does it have a relay i don't think so let's check that um keep the let's bring the power probe to brent i don't know you probably just want the meter don't you yeah so what he's thinking is the fuse for the fuel pump might be in and out because it's a 525 and it's probably stock size fuse because it's not relayed yeah so it pulls so much a lot of times on the first couple starts it'll just blow that fuse okay and usually so while you go if you put in 525 you go up in the relay just put it really put a relay i'll show you one of our fuel pump relay kits you'll probably want to buy some and keep it shut you'll like them they're easy to put in yeah and it just makes it all work don't even have to change the fuse nothing you'll get a little more out of the fuel pumps too yeah i know about that uh you use the older all all the p pumps at the max yup the black with the yellow the main one doesn't have power look out there in the fuse box out there okay so i got it started again running it again and see if it's gonna die on me gotta get a little faith in all right what did you guys change that time nothing nothing yeah okay yeah i try to look it up but i can find it yeah well you got the man on it now that's why i will believe the cars here so all right so you were losing power when you were started driving after a while right yeah yeah so we lo we lost some power after it ran and got temperature in it and uh we just dived into the main relay we noticed the wire that came from the fuse outside the fuse box after a while this wire would go dead so we ran a new wire um to the main relay and it seems like it's solved my milliseconds on cranking and i'll fire right up all right let's try a baseball and see where we're at all right we just got to put a little fuel in before vtec and takes them out when we get involved that's where we're starting then 220. not bad all right so we made some changes see if we can get somewhere all right we're on the right track now we gotta tighten this up everybody and tighten up the nut here it almost came off that pull right cool there you go sweet all right let's go what cams are these do we know um see how late they want to come in wild right i was like wait for it wait for it yeah and i moved v-tech way out that time because the where it was before you know those big boost loading stickers so this thing's spooling pretty slow so i went in here and tried to build a boost curve moved vtec around and see if we can't make any gains graphs looking pretty rough at the moment but we're working on how much 356 356 okay add some more boost it looks like he just wants to rev the movie it might be worth smoking i don't know it may be worth a smoke check just because of how it comes so we might grab james and see if we're getting something so brent wanted to smoke it so we hook it up we got a lot of smoke right here if you look back here it's coming from the housing where the housing actually mounts onto the turbo so it might be an o-ring style or just need some silicone on that machine surface it doesn't look like it's coming from the coupler or anything at all we're gonna pop that off because if there's that much smoke then it's that much boost yeah i mean and this is like no pressure behind it the smoker doesn't put a lot of pressure i got nothing on the intake manifold size all right what up um you see the coupler mm-hmm oh oh oh let me see this that ain't helping anything either okay so we're finding a lot of stuff right here that's beautiful it ain't round supposed to be round bro i don't know my shapes okay yeah yeah so we need to round that back out we need to get this coupler good yeah this clamp needs to be you see what i'm talking about with that that coupler see it's clamping down and it's not even so see it's beyond yeah so it's beyond the lip there and then up on the lip around this side and then back off the lip over here okay so we'll need to fix that and then we probably just need to put silicone all the way around all the way around that's when we put it on so what we'll want to do is we'll want to take an 11 and loosen this guy up then we can put all that together you want to grab some silicone todd jonathan made this round again which will help with a lot of things now they're getting some silicone on here she's warm i got sweet i gotta switch fingers she's on fire rotate here line that's that's what i do when i grab the bolts like this i grind them down they're super thin but you can screw them in and tighten them up but there's not much that we can do at this time with that unless you take chain might have a different bolt and then the only way to put that one in is taking the return line off or put the bolt in tight it all up and then put the return line back on i might do it good it's like half see cool it didn't even get hot so we got all the air leaks fixed let's see if we can make some more power um working on it man just trying to stand her up hard hey how many pounds is that let's take a minute look real quick it's around 12 pounds yeah like wants to rip the 10 grand you know uh-huh i gotta go into nine oh all right guys i'm gonna hit this thing hard with boost control and see if we can't get just a little more power band 482 482. hitting that really hard so yeah i think that area yeah yeah you can't hear the transition it was way harder i've pounded it i've pounded it with boost control it is hitting it super hard so it's got to be in the gator in that adapter right that's the only thing that could be i mean uh at this point he knows he got to fix all his uh turbo kit and all that you know yeah yeah you can see it so once all that is done it's all gone i just wanted to make sure you know the motor is actually kind of healthy yeah yeah yeah it's gonna work degree those cams probably you know set up everything correctly how it should be yep let's see how much boost that was because like i said i was hitting it hard but i didn't hit my cut so it could have been that crazy 16 pounds that's good yeah that was actually what i was thinking i don't think somewhere whatever it makes but yep but i got me yeah i just had to like i said just had to ramp it in super hard and seem like it worked out for us and that'll do that's good right now all right i'm gonna call you back because i'm gonna go record it now we're really testing this bfi whole thing um so like it friend killing it like always looks like they had a good rip in it and that was pretty rad those guys were flat out ripping so that's going to do it for today it was a pretty good day i've got stuff lined out for showing off i'm going to start getting the turtle manifold all put together the intake manifold all put together and then i'm start stringing some wire and trying to get this thing going so i'm going to work on that sean's been working on the bully and we're gonna have some of that content coming up for you as well and we appreciate you guys watching give us like subscribe and we'll see you guys all tomorrow
Channel: PFI Speed
Views: 103,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PFISpeed, BoostedBoiz, Street2Track, PFI, Boosted, Boiz, 1320, Cleetus, Mcfarland, Brent, Turbo, Sho'nuff, Honda, Civic, Acura, Integra
Id: eHcG8m3s--E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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