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my feet fruit is pineapple juice open the front door I'm coming through it you got two options brother I got footprints up here but when I asked yours in that room you hesitated this is called you gypsy brother business jujitsu zoo bounty hunting is all about folks I see it there's like a take a body bag here swear to God surprise mother put it down so you throw like a girl lay down right here I was the one in the cave press into making the making of brave don't take another step like I said what's up guys I'm patty mayo welcome to the hunt sitting here with my partner bounty hunter D aka Coco Crisp coconut butter big boom bull BPC where you Goldie be in the hood what's good bounty hunter D but boo why is it I know we do this let's go on this doofus understand that my name is is real short bounty hunter these three no I when I say your name know how you get so excited by a little rushed you look oh yeah you can just keep I've been doing it for two years I don't expect you to stop now but before we get into who we apprehended today we want to tell you about a special offer at patty Mayo TV while it lasts we have three offers going cannot be combined only one offer per order you can get a free BD with any order just use code free beanie don't worry about what I have on my computer this is my office sir I'll have you know this is my god I'm sorry it's your cleaning guy yeah what are you doing over here I am but hey why don't you go when you go DP something that make this look good so change the drone footage to the scene that we're actually on guys come on if we're gonna talk about talking making a John but I'm not even looking at drone footage because Annie's a potato is this right back to work no he's right bro we have that that was it but what was the last one was this last one it was it was it was it hold on hey got me all messed up my drone footage hold on and he does god damn it okay yep that was no that was that was the other guy's house let me find this guy's house he's right over we didn't even talk we'd even talk we didn't mention okay look this is his house dude Andy is such a potato look at this he's filming the inside of this car what is he doing that's starting to the house that's something I'll see you there that's lemon house okay anyways we have a surveillance team his name is Andy I hired him off Craigslist he's a bit of a potato but it's good because when he's on doing surveillance no one get any information out of him because doesn't remember his own anyways finishing up these offers get a free beating with any order with code free beanie get free shipping on any order of $50 at code free shipping and get one item and get another buy one item get another item 50% off by using code BOGO what's the code again BOGO and now on to Andy this little wife beater code looking mother-effer let me tell you about Andy mmm I found this guy in a very dirty place very dirty that D couldn't fit into couldn't get down there we thought we had this guy in custody because I'm fellow when you because of yeah yeah it's our know yeah fat use the big use a big boy you know puss it was dark down there we could've got you lost and it was just enough light to see the bright that's right yes so this little adhere put up one hell of a fight God D how much do you weigh I wait 210 pounds actually 215 215 6 I'm 150 so 360 something pounds okay this guy lifts us up together unbelievable together I've I've never seen it stacked your stats as well as life just what that looks like it's an Oreo it looks like an Oreo doesn't hold on ready that's an Oreo ready hold on hold on yeah now it's a s'more that's okay crack you're on top and when you do that okay I'm wait but anyways this guy this guy drinks like Hercules yeah I mean either I think he was on something he was definitely on something something cuz yeah he was high on life baby something he was but he lifts his gun like we weighed 10 pounds it was it was insane I actually got nervous while apprehending this guy at one point I was like I'm getting exhausted he's getting exhausted and this dude is just like that sound trying to hold his legs and I got stuck in the hole I get stuck in the hole deez wrestling with them I'm like oh DS big when they get out of the hall yeah and he's kind of handling me a little he was handling bro yeah I had a locket oh and then the cat the cat took a shot and it smells oh my god so we stepped and I I stepped in dog outside and then I clean my dog off with his whiskers no no with he had a tool for his barbecue and I used the barbecue tool to scrape off my shoe right which is awesome so then walk inside and I thought one of the camera people drug inside the house cuz when we got because wouldn't we apprehended him all of a sudden the whole house it was just boom smelt like a Dookie boom like what it smelt like everybody dropped and with someone right in the middle of living room so I was like oh my god we've ruined this guy's house I was thinking that yeah my god patty pooped his pants that was the first thing I thought I thought I may have and that's the smell was pretty pungent but this but it wasn't my brand honestly though the scariest part for me is when you had to go in that hole that dark place bro there was I swear to God you watch the camera down there it was like whoa you won't see it on camera but there was like there was mud but then on top of the one cuz they had a water leaking problem there was mold growing in the mold was like this high bro I had never seen mold grow like this it was like a mound and then like a little burr it was something out of like a movie it was crazy anyways you're gonna love this Hut we'll see you in just a second because I got to do a u-turn okay because of you obviously I don't know where we're going right so I'm being quiet I'm looking around I can't we got a description of the guy with the window over there everything is black so it looks like it's two addresses here so it's this one on the fungus on the left eight six eight six it's a nonviolent nonviolent okay so I like when they go easy this is a ringing ringing pop a ring a ring and ding OH bail bonds bail bonds come to the door g-guys on no ice I just heard his voice bail bonds come to the door I guess I'm back back here to Patrick what's up Jimmy go over on the back yeah bail bonds I got someone at the front door open the front door I'm coming through it you got two options brother open the door what's your name not my not my just not my defender what's your name Jake where's Jack I'm what I'm with the Bail Bonds company where's Jack at I'm sorry can you open the door please yes I do I have a warrant to search the house for Jack if he's not home I'll search the house and I'll be on my way I'm sorry you want to cook you want to come out to my truck i'ma show you a warrant okay I'm telling you I have a warrant and I'm gonna forcefully come through this door here in a second and put yours in handcuffs for aiding a fugitive he's here I don't see any movement in the back partner gobby just open up the front door for me yeah I'll show you the war Pro why do you let me search the house then we can go outside you can see my warrant if you don't see a warrant and call the police to have me arrested how's that you fine with that you can be cool what's your act bro you're acting hella suspicious right now and it's making me nervous cuz someone grabbed this door for me Oh stay home back stay on back stay I'll bet I heard you yell what's your name I already told you and he's not here okay well do you mind back it up and not acting like you want to fight me when I'm coming through your front doors and you weren't I told you I'm done searching the house I'll go back and you can see my warrant I'm saying you know this is my scene right now and if I want to put you in handcuffs my safety I will and right now you're acting very suspicious and I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here so just relax bro give me some room are you gonna go in handcuffs in the back swap copy I get entry I got entry at the front if you want to join me in the front they got one one guy here just kind of weird on my way you get a problem law enforcement what's your problem with us you boys on bond okay well Mott the police I'm mighty I charged you with a crime I'm here cuz your boys on bond okay can you give me just a little bit of space I'm here cuz your boys on bond he didn't show up to his court date this is real simple he used to come back to jail get rebooked in process and let back out this is the business okay we're with the bill bonds company not with the bail bonds police you understand that works d search this room for me I'm just gonna keep an eye on you bro wherever you go all we're searching the house all right who else is in the house with you nobody who lives here who lives here he searched in the garage my sister's okay what do you think we're doing think we're coming to steal you think I want your ladders new Cheerios yeah he's opening up looking under a bed hey hold on he said there's nobody here in the stores moving stay right there who else is in this do you put him in handcuffs get on the ground get on your knees if you run I will you see this tattoo on the ground now it's a dog on the ground now all the way face down put your hands on top of your head see just like that Andy cuffs partner don't you move don't shoot I'm not gonna shoot her but when I asked you what was in that room you hesitated and you're not being completely honest you're being detained for our safety right now because I believe that you may be harboring a fugitive we'll sort it out in a minute your cuffs all nice and loose for you we don't want you to be uncomfortable we just want you to be no we just want to know where your hands are at D this door here no hold long on me right here hold long just be still my man what kind of dog is where is the floor where is your dog okay it's in the bathroom nobody into the bathroom with the dog just the dog what kind of dog is it what kind of dog is it so we still have to check there what's the mutts name sage sage okay so sage is in the bathroom hey sage hey sage I can see the whole bathroom to the mirror nothing's in there nothing in there okay going into the living room partner where's Jack at one's the last time you saw him okay if that's the case you'll be uncuffed and be all set to go stay down stay down stay down did you check under the porch I did not I couldn't get entry they're gonna stare it there hold on him i'ma hold on him okay yeah hold on him might be a bait hey a basement or a crawl space under here where's the yet here what's you see partner I see dog down here's what I see be still man I'm right here hold on trying to be nice to you not drag in your house right here DOB J the bounty hunting is all about folks hold on des think I'm pretty good okay trying to be nice to this young man got some poop on the back of my shoe trying to clean it up this room right here man we took this one now you clean we walk right past it this one right right there on the right huh the room on the right man relax did we check that I checked that wrong you did hey you have a you have a crawlspace under your house and look like a crawl space under the house look into looms maybe they have a crossface in the attics moved and there's a fresh print right there yeah I see and look at this looks like somebody here get a camera kiddo down no that's fresh that's fresh insulation someone just came down here hey brother so I'm gonna bet that your buddies up here in the Attic because you got some fresh debris on top of this washer and your attics moved what do you think you think he's up there hey if you up there come here ass out right now okay he ain't here okay well when I find him you got your cover I got a cover on you but don't stick your head up there we don't know - Jigme head up there I don't want to lose you tonight baby I thought this will be even better just use that hold on he took off no were you thinking he's not going nowhere I'll keep an eye on for one sec yeah but be careful you need me partner no surprise mother bear buds you better come out are you doing something no they help us come on up we ain't going away I always get a little nervous on these Patrick cuz we don't know if that guy sitting there with a [ __ ] al if I had a nickel very [ __ ] addict I've stuck my head in right now right here I know the good thing is when they're an addict sector and hide popping off shots a little careful just stand on the washer hey Lou path clear hold on D I got you okay I'll just shoot through this drywall if I have to take camera camera behind you Patrick pull your firearm out man d yo I got footprints up here okay to the straight ahead left to right what's up straight ahead left all right so I got footprints up here going going right and going deep is it like lucky there's some sections up here no I don't know that he could leave the house them up here but it's definitely like fresh footprints up here so I'm gonna I'm gonna there's like a second second separating wall and I'm gonna try to get past that wall right now copy under staring out the fall through the insulation papi what the [ __ ] there are no footprints over here all right so I got footprints I don't assume it's from when they installed the damn house could be because they kind of disappear all points yo man answer me yo you I'm trying to my radio I'm not getting a signal up here I so i got these prints bro they got a dead bird is a dead bird up here like literally I swear to god the bird is fermented in this so I guess these footprints but that doesn't explain bro down there that there was fresh fresh litter all up over bro there's no way he's hiding up in this right he must not know that insulation he's gonna be itching for days scratchin itching that's what I'm saying yeah I don't think he's up here bro because he may have thought about going up here because that would put some insulation on that washer we're coming down I got you so what what you see well some footprints in a dead bird but what if that doesn't explain that doesn't explain why they were all over this so he got a thought about one up there so when we're talking to him no because the footprints just disappear where is he where is he where is he bro he's got something bro that doesn't explain anything why is there insulation on top of your washing machine I told you but why would you need to go up there there's a bird up there yeah it's a dead bird up there yeah like like like preserved it's weird I'll show you later probably don't want to see it then that bat you can stick your head in that bathroom one more time hold on stick your head in here D with me okay there's a dog in there then wait a minute is there okay he's a dog but what if he's in there with the dog dog's name again they go say nobody in there okay just a dog did you just put that in there when we were showing up I appreciate that if you did be I mean be in D what letter are you you're the D letter I'm the Bhd we checked under the bed over here to check the bed I didn't you came in I checked I checked under the bed check out back again because no because I saw under his house and we're how do you get to the under the crawlspace no there is one because I just went out in your backyard and for sure Bulaq who keeps locking this door I don't believe this dude's story I don't believe it at all it is a crawlspace so how do you D hey Dee so look on the where do we step in poo I don't do it again that was a nightmare did I do it again I don't think I did it again dad do it again budget right there there's nothing under here watch out for pool over here okay so you see this yeah what about it well I talked about it just oh my god there's so much poo there's so much poo I don't wanna lay down in it but there's so much poo so see these right here yeah there's a place in his there's gonna be with these types of under undercarriage things whatever you call it means there's a there's a inside the house there's gonna be a floor a part of the floor that that gets lift that gets lifted up okay okay and that's going to give us sort of make sure I didn't get anything else on my foot here that's going to give us access underneath so we need to go little snug huh let me look for a panel where's your underfloor panel where's your underfloor panel burrow you're not gonna tell me did somebody step in some dogs someone did watch your feet da right D just start looking for it Patrick he keeps looking over by the bathroom bro he keeps looking at this bathroom right here no me I don't know I checked in there just know there's nothing in that bathroom in there no you need to look for and at this door and this door it's this right here here it is okay this is why he's looking over here what are we gonna find over here he's acting more suspicious now Patrick be careful more suspicious yeah there's a hole there's a whole underbelly look at here Wow watch your hair baby hold me I need to go down a little further D that's as far as I'm gonna go can I go a little further that's it bring me up stuck you can't get to there's a place that there's a place under there I can't it's a place under there I can't get to I'm gonna have to go down D I want to go back to Hollywood good good do you want to go back to Hollywood they get a water leak problem I see one place he could be Jack let me see your hands day I'm gonna be moving to the front of a house but under the house because there's like some footprints and over here and it moved I see it there's like a looks like a body back here swear to God back right jack come on brother I'm just gonna fire some taser darts your way hope for the best mother need a son of a hey Betty's over there - yeah yeah that's it just this hole bro okay I'm crawling over jack I get over here and you're here to which I know you are mother dee I don't know I don't see anything moving I'm just gonna grab it this solderers is PO what do you think Jerry do you think it's dirt I think so [Applause] what is that [Applause] [Applause] mother I feel your foot di Gotham I will shoot you I will shoot you stop moving I will shoot you stop moving you're gonna get shot stop moving I'm good dad got him at gunpoint lay down right here next crawl to me with your hands straight out towards me crawl to me lay down right here lay down don't move you have anything on you no give a gun on you have a knife on you my pocket where's your knife you partying which one wonderful ice is you don't can start crawling until I tell you to bro don't be moving your hands dude put your leg out straight it's in this pocket right here on your keychain okay and that's all you got yeah okay crawl with me in sight Hey crawl that's face first last Oh for real you know no you don't get enough where you going you don't need bounty hunter D you're gonna get enough where you going crawl hey dirt D I got him coming up wait wait wait so slow hold on D you got them I gotta make up point I want him to see it though DZ this right here go nothing good deed go hands looks like okay it's called a 9-millimeter yeah D I got a gun on them mm-hmm go nothing go nuts it in your hands just bring them up and put them on the ground you got cuffs partner yeah hold on all right good slow all I want something let me know keep your hands right here touch that keep your hands there I search them so I'm putting my I'm nothing - we're we're hands-on start standing up bring yourself this way bring your hand on keep your hands out here this way this way keep your hands right here and what you gonna do them who are you on the ground no come on up come on up come on I got you come on I do uh-huh turn over on your face on your face ah don't get up don't get up jiu-jitsu this is called jujitsu brother this is jujitsu you see yeah you got it okay you don't know not about you let your hands go let your hands go let your hands go hey God no no he's good bro I don't wanna get shots put it away we get hands put your hands out broke hands out put your hands up turn your face deep see put your taser away hmm describe is grab his legs Oh turn over turn over over over over term overuse bottom you spin them it's been a monster constant D I got again I got left if you can help me pull it probably post I got his head [Music] hold on d I'm crying yep got that one [Music] huh-uh I got one who do you got I see his other one I already searched him he's putting his hands together can you get him on the stomach d Oh on his stomach I'm going right go right on his stomach is he his legs up okay I'm trying not to I just poked his leg but the baton can we spin him on his stomach yeah wiry left just control him Dee he's spinning up he's just spinning up he's trying to get on his side okay fat he's flat he's flat he's flat he's flat I get his legs separated he's flat you got legs he had legs and lower you know you trying to do I'm trying to get his head on his back you swing over your swing over hmm okay well stop stop resisting stop resisting don't your hands behind your back poke you out put your hands behind your back give up give up I got one hand he's going limp her flipping out okay he's giving up he's giving up he's giving up other hand other hand all to help him because he's probably stuck talk to us if you're trying to comply he's not he's not he's giving it he gave me this one hand bro see okay nobody's trying to fight yeah no he's trying to fight turn over turn it over turn it over I got one hand right here yes thank you hold on oh I want to keep you right here give his hand give me ten give me the other hand put your other hand behind you I have it I have it hold on give it give it let him to give it back let her give it back in the back in the back give it I got two hands he's toast you got gear make sure you got off make sure you breathing in [ __ ] you okay well Anthony nose up your mouth she wasn't here right yeah now he was here where my hat he's right there he's still here you want you okay Dre you dragged him out this way if I stand you up to go behave now that my partner's gone I'll tase you cuz that's what I wanted to do but he didn't want to tase you but I'm gonna do it now I'm this letter you know no more games okay so I'm gonna beat you up you understand you gonna behave yourself okay you gonna book it okay okay here I got something for you here no no just turn over on your face no no it's okay it's okay come on come on you gonna buggin go let's go here you go keep your hands up so you test cuff won't get tight you'd like to book it yeah how you gonna book it like this are you gonna book it you still gonna book it oh you trying to get them underneath you try to get them underneath Patty tell me when you're done tell me when you're done tell me when you don't tell me when you do you ready tell me when you're done tell me when you're done tell me when you're done so what we're gonna do who's going first who's won first how do I get both out we'll take him first it's going to of us on him ain't got no cage well can we just pull him yeah where's he gonna do just stand them up right or dry your or dish grab grab that leg D walk have a seat in a safe space boy goddammit have a seat I locked him in the garage I don't know what else to do with him oh my god huh you get out of that Jesus you mutt you little monkey and you little monkey will go down bro I'm gonna tell you I don't we don't need to tase him we don't need that use of force we look good right now dude I'll get them for you hey be on your back hand behind your back good give us that hand give us that hand I don't wanna let him go give us that hand hey pink minds come cook tuck tuck tight hooked hard he's hooked hard no Roma you so tired stand up stand up sir stand up bro come on Brock for you who where's your glass after you worry about we're gonna get them come on time to go to jail come against the car over here huh right here I don't put um up against my car I'll put him on us on the side huh bring on the side you hold it like this so I can drag home his homeboy I'll sit right here I don't want you upset sit mr. Johnson I didn't search him yet what's this it's a lighter what yeah also he's gonna poke me stick me stab me no okay why don't you hang it right here against my push there you go all right guys as you can see if this guy just came out and dealt with us like a man he wouldn't into the situation that he's in but that's what we do is we get paid for so we're gonna get Barnum out what's the bottom out with your bottom out okay so we're gonna get sorry we're gonna get two grand on him we get nothing on him he's just he's just for fun so we get two grand on him in about an hour and a half it's a good day for us bad day for these tolls remember we catch a new pair of [ __ ] like these guys almost every single day I'm petty man with my partner big black boom boom cocoa butter dak a bounty hunter D we'll see you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Patty Mayo
Views: 3,884,044
Rating: 4.8957291 out of 5
Keywords: patty mayo, slbh, season 10
Id: F_acRFLM9q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 42sec (2622 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2019
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