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jump ahead on my left [Music] put it down put it down [Music] get on the ground on the ground what's up guys I'm patty Mayer welcome tonight if you want to see tomorrow's video and next weekend's two episodes right now click the join button below this video become a member on YouTube today you'll get to watch three brand-new episodes right now yep [Music] and now before we get into the hunt want to give a shout out to all you fantastic people to keep this show going by buying merch like this digital camo hat I'm wearing right now if you want to shut up and submerge of your very own click that link in the description or go to petty IO dot TV giving a shut up to art s J still burg Allison mayo hollows my girlfriend Nicole suck at Joe supercalifragilistic expialidocious ganache ski happy birthday Alan Rambo please love the work takes zero skill twitch TV Tyler summary David Chavez Anna Emma 2.08 in Hobbes metaphysical kid metaphysical kid again Chris boys aka Big Daddy Joe come out happy Father's Day dad love HP Bob app in Indiana I'm 10 and I dunk on Patti yellows YouTube Bob app in Indiana again fan Newman ching-ching Johnny no rug father cheers from Canada Emmy interceptor Michael Morrison da hood sock King Michael the third win Kevin Stern its key happy birthday the great Alex Lawrence 79 gator in the mountain grand overlord Molokai grand Overlord Molokai again Turlock love you Vince Clarke from Bracknell UK love the attitude you have Carter Wally qawwali again Nugent from Wisconsin hey petty sign from North Dakota at JDM gus-gus rolling stone tucks macaques Engine Company 39 obi-wan Kenobi CL Brandon H daddy Alex blue J fan Patti hope we can work together one day man hi Nick chasity and last but not least West Barbara he asked my dad thinks you're awesome thank you guys for purchasing merch if you want a shout out and submerge of your very own click that link in the description or go to petty Mayo dot TV and now on to the hunt set up down the street from trade in south and I broke my taser platform yesterday in which I'm very upset about and I'm carrying my taser in my cargo pocket before everybody comments why patty are you carrying a Taser in your cargo pocket that is why second we are set up down the street from trade and South Street has a warrant for failure to appear so we're gonna do a little knock and pop at his residence that's about it any questions comments concerns no fantastic let's get it in you know Zack in two hundred episodes I never broke a holster my taser holster however is always the one that starts to come unscrewed and I'm loose you need to get you some Loctite yeah that's what I need for it now I need a whole new a whole new holster all right in that pocket if a suspect get your taser it's a tricky situation there's two of us so it's a little bit different but typically if you're if you're by yourself and a suspect gets your taser you gotta shoot him I'd shoot him because he could tase you out and take your gun for me exactly but he can't take both of us no unless we're holding hands tradin has a semi long criminal record a couple pages he's the felon though isn't he yeah he was in the felony stock convicted felon I think we had burglary of a dwelling GTA resisting I mean so he's got a good criminal record is this his house six-five yeah it's yeah it's got the wheels in front no trespassing hunting or fishing or technically hunting ah so just passing times - oh there's a female on the deck how you doing ma'am matching with us bail bonds my partner Zack we're trading at where's the at okay we have a warrant so we're gonna go ahead and search your house please stand up for me I'm sorry no you don't have to see it no we're not with the police department the bail bondsman company so the paperwork to trade and receive when he was bonded back out that's our warrant he missed Court so this is my warning to you get out of the way cuz I'm gonna search your search your house you can sit back back down right here don't interfere with my investigation okay which work am I going fortunate I can't connect the paperwork that says it's with the bond paperwork that was given to trade him when he was bonded back out trade he was given bond paperwork when he was bonded back out it's a civil contractor to him in the bail bonds company that's unfortunate so get out of my way okay exact cover the windows you interfere with my investigation I'm telling right now you're gonna go in handcuffs if you don't get out of the way it's a two-year felony of harboring a fugitive just so you're aware okay put your phone down no ma'am put your hands behind your back you're under arrest grab that hand yep got it have a seat okay so now we're straining that don't know okay don't move from the seat actually know what I'm gonna make sure you're not gonna move from the seat trading if you're inside make yourself no bail bonds we have a warrant gun bail bonds we have a warrant clear bathroom in a bedroom Bail Bonds gonna be inside make yourself known we have a warrant clear clear and I've got two more two more rifles Pat it possibly BB guns but two more rifle copy the way cover the left got it clear yep happens click clear check back there looks like an exterior door yes I can see the lights an exterior door search the property is that that hard to let us search the house okay so here's how I know he's here they drove by five minutes ago before we got geared up and ready to come down here and we saw him so where'd he go so where'd he go you were sitting on the porch and he was walking up the driveway you remember that at all so you're just gonna lie to me okay cuz you're gonna go to jail for that right this side of the roofs clear where does your property end the property okay a couple different structures to search it's good and start with this one right here you check under the house no I did not look there looks clear it goes pretty deep fat I don't see any fresh drag marks or prints or anything but it goes pretty deep under the house he's got a phone right also easier so he's here and you let me know that he's here that your way tell me he's here so he's good at hiding men okay that is a big teepee back there - giant teepee yeah it's it's like pakrac conditions pets it's totally stacked with crap is that door open it's just a storage out shed back up back up this is block from the outside as well Zach tradin if you're inside come out now with your hands up clear this is pretty cool huh yeah lights are on though hey Pat it was an interior light on here dog hey hey stop stop stop No hey how's it going this your dog mail you get your dog Oh get your dog you live out here you live out here in the teepee we're looking for trade in don't know him well we just saw him here okay keep the dog outside please we don't wanna hurt your dog looks clear you don't know tradin you never seen him code for [ __ ] Katy does Katy have guys over all the time like some big fella he lives here you know who he is where's the app okay you're lying when I find him I may decide to arrest you for harboring a fugitive and man please keep your dog inside thank you yeah in your TP dude that Doug has red eyes yeah I almost put one in that dog that would have been exciting yeah I tried to hurt dogs so I love dogs that have been a lot of paperwork hey Pat the building with the seven on it we still haven't really made access so once we get these two we'll double back over there okay yeah I figured what let's check all the stuff that isn't locked from the outside first and then we'll start breaking locks hey Pat yeah she's still up there okay Alan's here is that your trailer right there maybe it's good enough for me that looks like it's on an adjacent property this is this electric pet don't touch it that's electric you just see this line right here yeah that'll zap you that's good now we're good I remember an open window - you know I didn't notice that we can't throw oh yeah I was in this bedroom I checked this better all right just find out where that property line is okay whose trailer is that you said those horses of yours right okay so that's your property over there how do I get to it how does it get right there you're gonna be little smartass huh hey hey Zack she's texting with him he says I'm I've done this before too fast baby oh look at this oh look at this what's the plan honey look at this oh yeah oh he's definitely here they're coming in so he's not just a friend he's like the boyfriend oh yeah he's coming in I've done this before too fast wait hold on watch this you did he say if he tells you I'll lose it oh if he says where he is all losing he's around somewhere keep your eyes peeled unless he beat it off the property we'll find out right now in the RV but we don't know if that's on their property no she said this cuz she said that's why I asked if she said she own the horses the horses on the other side of that fence to get ready there's a gate right there yeah good catch man that's great yeah you're kind of good at this whole bounty hunting thing I think you've done it a few times once or twice all right he'd answered and he's like hello hung right up yeah see if he got that text he's calling [Music] they say right I said where are you he has an answer he's calling back unless he sees us only two places he could be at this point the only two we haven't checked there the trailer got here I just don't want to go to one and then right then he takes off where where dumbass he's hiding [Music] so hard to text with the gloves on so I'm suing the cuffs I tried to say I'm slipping the cuffs he says just said hiding a [ __ ] just tell me where she said she was sliding out of the car huh no I said that to try to get him to think that she's going to come to him who's the teepee lady all right he doesn't say where he's at oh I wish you could watch what I'm about to do I'm sweating my nuts off right now it's got to be the trailer see I got out tell me where you are so I can come to you what's your name you going down to Johnny wait I'm gonna find out who you are what's your name dammit that was almost texted that to him some bus no man what do you think we have a bedtime alright if he giving it one more depart from and then we'll to start searching we'll start with the trailer and then we'll start and then we'll go to there cuz that has the outside locks we haven't checked that yet unless she already knows where he's at and that's why he's so he do it I'm gone no one is going to find me gone for okay yeah put that in your yeah yeah that's a good idea let's start with the trailer because he's sweating his nuts off she's got to be hiding in under something right yeah he's calling her again I think hey Pat you know we should do hang on Pat if we call him from her phone it'll ring won't it LM silent I'll hang on watch that because it's there's electrified fencing here this is the connector that's why there's an insulator here okay yeah just don't get zapped you got always touch it with the back your hand so if you do hit it it'll pull back here undo this yep just do it trade and if you're inside make yourself known we got a warrant yo I got legs I got legs trade and I see you come out with your hands up come out with your hands up he's holding something he's in the front area tradin come to the door let me see if I can get an eye on him doors locked tradin come out with your hands up you're not getting away I don't know he's holding he's holding some type of cloth there's a bucket below him and he's got his hands in front of him I don't know if there's a weapon I haven't seen his hands yeah let me get the truck I'm gonna grab the whole truck you want to come talk to you boyfriend out before he gets hurt trade it tried it he's moved he closed the door a little bit but he sees in them there's a door right there like that yeah but he's in there and he's got like I said he's got some kind of some kind of cloth that he's holding and he's just standing like he was facing us but he had that cloth in his hands was really weird really really weird oh yeah scare the crap out write it come out with your hands up yeah he's writing this room right here trade and can you hear me trading partner what a block is exit pad you want to put the push bumper against it or what well we're gonna have to get in there one point right I just don't want to be able to go multiple ways right I mean I'd back it up so we can see a little better that gives good visual yeah yeah that's good I couldn't I couldn't see his hands at all yeah do you think you might have a weapon or what I I mean I didn't see his hands at all and we saw what free guns on the way in come on trade and trade if you can hear me you need to come to the front door with your hands in the air you need to open the door need to walk toward us slowly train you need to come out to the front door and exit the RV you cover his door then you could come out of you know like a bathroom where's Ian it's that little back room yeah got the pry bar well you got the pry bar you can probably do off with the whole door yeah I don't think it the whole door off no I'm saying the inside door the interior door well because he's inside that interior door then interior doors swing it open a little bit can you hit it from the other side um maybe let me you know what let me take that front window and get a look in there through the curtain where'd you put the rake right there at door so we can open a little bit trade in trade and you got to come out with your hands up man Pat he's right there he's right there let me see your heads he's got a blank it up let me see your hands let me see your hands let me see your hands I got less I got less power trading you need to come out with your hands up hands bro try and talk to us come out with your hands in the air I'm gonna beanbag that trading hands or we're gonna beanbag the towel do you understand drop the towel drop the towel drop the blanket drop the blanket drop the blanket let us see your hands got that boy let us see your hands show me your hands he's block himself yeah so my idea behind him equality isn't the bad or something so here come back here I was more worried that he would come out of that door with guns blazing right I figured let's just block him in let's take that taser tap him out get him down humping and just plot move agenda decimal thinking yeah and then I'll back the truck up we'll go in and get him okay guys I've brought him through the window we can hold him down there until you can you see in this front window Casey runs somewhere you know what I mean I don't think you can really get out of there's just that front one here I'm trying to get the rake where's the rake you got me covered yeah I got you I got you he's in the middle he's holding the blanket with both hands Pat I don't think he's a son of a [ __ ] he was no blanket huh yeah Zach come here that dork treyton this is your last warning trading this your last warning to come out pass movin [ __ ] you call them out you got shocked watch off that top line oh right Zach were you out yep I don't think he made it up here I think he's done by the teepee but the dog wasn't barking sexier she called him out I don't know if he made it this far but the dog wasn't barking so you might not be in the tepee hey Pat did we leave that open I don't remember standby standby second let me get read geared check it no it's got two dogs now well ran in there where'd you lose him right over the fence he got over the electric fence and he was coming up but I didn't see him I didn't see him really past there I was stuck on the corner he made it around the back of the tepee why don't you taste him when he came out of the rocket RV I was too far for the pronged up next to the truck I was too far I don't think he made it in the teepee pad we can check it again I got a look inside but I didn't clear it and he didn't come up past here cuz I went up here so if he isn't the teepees still in there I thought I saw them way past the teepee could have doubled back but it's your call what's over in here yeah I mean I'm pretty sure he went this way Oh Pat oh no that's the female I didn't see him come over there because I would have seen it because the back of the teepee I was on the corner so I could see this whole field he wasn't here he's definitely going this direction which way did he go there's no way he went back over the fence Zach you know it's electric clear TBS clear path teepees clay let's walk it this way the bunch of [ __ ] in this tree what he's leaving through a two-foot area it was too far to Prague him it was not you have 52 foot per all you're right on my truck I don't want to miss him I miss my teaser truck you flip out dude then you call them out like hey my partner's body should have said my partner's moving the truck if you want to escape now's a good time I'm gonna kick this Hillbillies ass when I find him where is she she's still there yeah where do you go did you see him you're not gonna tell me anything you're an ass check under that back porch No hey Pat come here what do you got oh yeah you didn't close that window did you know they gonna hit it from the front go background with she's out you wanna hit it from here here's a door right here it's probably locked you reach it yep traded we know you're inside come both your hands up we're starting was this all destroyed in here Pat yeah cover here yeah but he doubled back into that effin trailer you think he's back in there will you that he took off down the road BB kind of stupid to be hanging around wouldn't it yeah he's probably back in there cuz he felt safe with a blankie C all the way he would have yeah let's double back check our checks and then we'll just and then we'll check down the road here bring the truck for light of a bet gone let's check the roads bro he's gone if he's sticking around he's a dumbass there's no way he's on the property Jesus in Christ check your homework yeah I was gonna say it was that poping yes it was yeah he's gone bro just step forward to going to jail stand up Zack he's gone he said I don't want you in the middle of this so I left where's your ID yet not here you don't have an ID no you're gonna sit down in jail a lot longer without the ID fantastic I don't give a [ __ ] Zach yeah meet me at the truck let's go stay right here you any pockets on you what do you got on you nothing what's in here what's in your ID proof in yeah what about here nothin okay good see maybe a texture Tom you're going to jail if he doesn't come back we're toast bro that's it have a seat it's nothing over there she can get no sit in the front sit in the side next to her alright guys well looks like our fugitive got away I think we can all review the video and see what happened freshest legs so uh we're gonna take her down to jail for harboring a fugitive because she obviously knew he was here by the evidence we have on her on her phone through the text messages and he's not gonna get along for you know won't get away forever he's got to come back at some point probably to bail her out unless she's got a friend to do it but uh we'll take it from there and we'll come back and get this guy another day remember we try to catch a new fugitive like this missing almost every single day I'm patty mayor that's my partner Zack we'll see you on the next one the goal here is not to look like a woolly behemoth the lawn mower has a built-in guard that's adjustable and fits perfectly in your hand for tight spaces just pull your skin taut and trim as much or as little as your heart desires see it's really easy to do and I'm going to show you how to do it get the lawnmower here I'm gonna sit in all the way skinny because I know you'd like your monkey really shaved nice feel that that's really nice that's a 4000 rpm motor for manscape good can hate doing this manscape [ __ ] one of the best things that manscaped offers is their trimmer it's a lot one of the best things that manscaped offers is a lawn one of the best things that manscaped offers is a one the cup manscaped also offers manscaped offers the crop Reviver a pH controlled spritzer that you spritz your nuts with keeps them from sinking sickie using are used to using your mom's Jerkins lotion well that's fine because manscaped has a moisturizer of their own for your face or for your balls it makes your entire body feel very smooth keeps your skin hydrated it's a moisturizer every it's a great moisturizer this smells nice alright your no good if your balls are clean but the rest of your body is dirty that's why manscape offers the convenience your no good if your body is clean you're not good if your balls are clean but your balls are just you're no good if your body is clean but your balls are dirty that's why cut you're not good if your body is clean but your balls are dirty you're not good if your balls are clean but your body is dirty that's why manscaped offers the crop cleanser it's a bare Minsk it also offers your unrefined men's cologne doubly believed how does this go doubly believe DubLi saying Kayla I don't know and it has a tight citrus breeze as soon as you spray it what one of my favorite things from manscaped is their nail grooming kit don't be a weirdo with long nails trim them and I'm gonna prove to you it works really good right now because I haven't trimmed my nails like a week you know what I like to do I could get the whole nail off in one piece it's more satisfactory that way and last but not least wanted what we do what and last but not least want to tell you about the plow it's mint scapes very own razor it's a chromoly I keep saying this every time it's a chromoly bladed but nobody knows if you look at if I do that [Applause] last but not least Manta last but not least manscape offers the would open last but not least manscaped offers the plow it's a sink why isn't this opening I'm just gonna leave it halfway open I leave it half cocked can you see when I open it last but not least manscape offers the plow it's me I lost the razor blades for it now nice nope no they're in here they're in here still a little cool if I do that or I got to do with one hand so just with heavy-duty raise it uses one blade like a man should it'll clean you and last but not least manscaped offers the plow it's a single handed heavy-duty razor blade uses one razor like most men god damn it just sounds so stupid there's got to be something in here about it I could just say safety safety razor oh that sounds [ __ ] cool safety razor to reduce razor burn and irritation okay last but not least manscaped offers the plow it's a safety razor that helps reduce burn and irritation snow can irritated or burned get manscaped right now go to manscape com use code Mayo 20 get 20% off your first order you're gonna love it I love it I guarantee it actually seriously guys it's a great product you're really gonna love it please check them out at manscaped com use code Mayo twenty four twenty percent off your first order I'm petty Mayo we'll see you on the next one today what take one take one take
Channel: Patty Mayo
Views: 5,112,802
Rating: 4.8715763 out of 5
Keywords: patty mayo, southland bounty hunter, zak homan, season 9
Id: nF5-O4V1B2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 46sec (3526 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2018
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