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[Applause] [Music] turtle why do they put me on a cross [Music] control the ticket on coffee she's a cop [Music] got anything wrong your logins taking a shower a hotbed of activity tonight your video sounds like that toddlers any unit and I'll respond to a 415 group fight at the bar downtown RP is the owner and stays the possibly six males are fighting no weapons at this time respond code 3 it's another six point control extra tens in the area responding code three adam-11 also that little touch me to the call gloves on yeah it's at the downtown bar control-m 1097 multiple fighting inside the bar Sheriff's Office everybody on the ground on the ground on the ground on the ground everybody on the ground on the ground on the ground let's go let's go we do Jeff on the back what do you do in hands behind your back don't move [Music] give me your [ __ ] hand bro who's the other guy what's going on who's this dude you fight with you involved here watch him we got one more what's going on you see something run back here sheriff's office every inside make yourself known now Sheriff's Office said he'd been inside make yourself known right now Dirk could four out there she's she's go for now it looks like a 415 with Good Samaritans so he was with this other guy yes you're gonna be cooperative miss your hands let me see your hands go straight down on your stomach down on your stomach straight down on your stomach control x-ray ten we have one gunpoint in the back theater room one in the back theater room put your hands out to the side like an airplane give any weapons on you I'll give commands like it's commands walk out here crawl out here on your hands and knees crawl out here on your hands and knees into this aisle hands and knees don't stand up don't stand up you're gonna get tased ones hands and knees mean other hand on the ground stay on the ground lay down lay down with your hands out to left and right of you don't move cross your ankles over each other just like that don't move your arms all there to the side stay just like that you got cover I got cover I'll cover less you hook will tell you that in one second why are you hiding back here's what we're gonna figure out stay just like that yep let go bro let it up let it up let it up resisting you currently are right now go limp stop resisting keep knocking them down good are you good push pushing away wait no cold on to him push away push away hands out to the side heads upside your stomach you're gonna get it again on your stomach you're gonna get it again taser deployed where in the back change deployed you know I just figured you know just wanted a quick hookup or something I didn't know all this gonna go down like I didn't know these people were gonna be here being told about the whole thing I I'm pretty good we're pretty good friends you know I didn't know you were gonna miss the trip princess situation mystery Brooke you code for cuffs yeah ass company absolute peace these are the only cuffs to get stuck ask them no not that I know if he's never got in trouble yeah say you want to go grab some drinks with some girl and I was like okay why not yeah all right well I didn't know that I'm sorry I don't like confrontation okay that's why you're in here yes okay why'd you freeze it I hear ya okay you have two prongs inside your body I need to check those out are you gonna be calm for a second yes sir I owe you you owe by the way [Music] Heidi is never honest okay and so apparently that guy's been harassing the bartender online so maybe it's more information okay he's claiming the heat I taste like okay just go check on him real quick nice hey Pat send me back to the medical jack mister medical I'm still trying to trace the leads bolted down all right tell you what brother is he being cooperative so far he wasn't in the beginning you rename one more time he's in here you're not going anywhere bro what's your name well no you do you absolutely do cuz you're under arrest right now Marcus what you said yeah okay we're gonna sit you up we're gonna put you in one of these theater chairs gonna check you out sound good hey Ethan yeah I want you to know that if you resist us at all right now you're gonna get tased again does that make sense yeah okay he's a little nervous he said that he hit some friends in front of arguing harness cuffs yeah we you need to loosen we need double cuff as soon as we go back here let's do that now are you having any trouble breathing we're gonna loosen up your cuffs okay see this you guys don't mind hanging out over here yeah your drinks and stuff hang it over there copy thank you x11 you code for back there sit up don't stand up to sit up x11 adam-11 you code for stand up and I want to see what's going on back here you guys cooked for back here code for yeah Brady Tuesday on for sec hey guys every copy he's got poor cap refill so we got it we got a deal with that right now okay so we're good is being cooperative a little bit scared but he's being cooperative you have another set of apps yeah that's clear yeah it's just cotton sweatshirt right now really you got to find the other lead she's knocking yeah Jean medical attention right now no okay I understand listen her Department go home all right all right this apartment kind of has crappy cuff so we're just deal with that so just be patient well this is nice ones apparently well kinda is right now hey well yeah he's filming you did you committed a crime I didn't well we're gonna figure that all at one second what's your side of the story what's going on which girl okay this guy right here you bring him down because you can talk to the bartender yes yeah one point do you end up on the ground with those guys on top of you I said to the girl at the bar that was true yes but it sounds weird when the context is like this I meant it as hey we could get off yeah my friend will be waiting table for when you guys want to hang out because I don't know what caused them to put their hands on you because I tried to escape because the cops were coming I didn't know why okay so they tell you they're calling the cops you try to run any grab you and detain you yes okay hey undo his jacket let him get some get some air on him we've been talking for a little while yes on Instagram not wool I saw her on tinder and then we started talking on the Instagram so you saw her on tinder and you found her on Instagram yes yeah did you approach her on tinder what's going on out here yeah she we were in a match all right so why don't you guys tell me what's going on how do we get to how do we get to Ibiza here half the conversation it's it starts off nice and it gets pushy and the guys leaning what she did she'd push you to hurt him towards it the girl yeah and and one gets a bit handsy and she backs out she's like no no no you know and then which one was that the one that the one that went to the back bigger beard yeah the one that ran in the batter exactly okay and and then the other guy just just got even weirder this is not really a quiet place so it's just very ordinary so what what point do you guys decide to put your hands on and put him on the ground that buddy come up to her and said I saw the whole interaction and she wasn't having it like I saw her body language like pulling back from him every time he tries to touch her and [ __ ] so he tried he tried to put his hands on you did he ever grab you but this friend comes back while I'm still with my friend and I overheard this I heard him say he's going to be waiting for you when you get off work so my whole thing is this is a young lady at work and and so it's like what would you do in that situation so I'm trying to hold him there it's like what the do you mean and then you start pushing at me so I take him downs like you're not going down nowhere and we heard that a cops are coming under there you who caught who call the police my friend we've been we've been friends for a while I mean we ran into each other but this is a whole different circumstance I know of course no of course and so did you feel threatened by either one of them which one or both okay do you have those in your phone right now I see um your name Donny yeah so we've never had it we've never had a good time together where's your sit Zach you tailor and happen to your hair all right he said you got a phone number in the DA what would you say if I told you that that she is terrified of you and has never met you before and it's terrified that you were here at the bar and they've been that you tried to put your hands on her okay she's never mentioned that to me for anything any medications no history of mental illness any anxiety depression PTSD all right we're gonna figure that give those you have any fun and then just tonight he was like I love your hair down I was like like how does he even know that I've never met this guy in person until he showed up today I just feel like I'm in a different world right now oh yeah that is him look at that my thoughts or some kind of auditory hallucinations going on no nothing like that any medications no where do you live mm-hmm how close how close how close by five or six miles what do you do for work are you a parent oh we're good okay there's only two involved here everything else is good everybody else seems to be a good Samaritan at this point questions for us when do I get to go to these this young lady at the bar is very scared of you would shirt why you sweat so bad you okay yeah okay what's up with uh with with this bartender check you've been talking okay we've been talking on Instagram on Instagram and what he been saying on Instagram were you saying anything sexual related no not really no no so you wouldn't you didn't ask her if she wanted to have sex with you or if she liked anything in particular about you there she liked anything in particular in general okay so it was all British power pretty clean conversation as if they're a thing yeah okay is there anything that you need to tell me that is gonna lead me to believe otherwise okay so how would a group of guys out there think that you guys were creepy or thinking that you guys are up to something else that that guy out there was saying something about how he was reading for money okay yeah how would you how would you read her body language tonight was it was she receiving I'm a little buzzed and I wasn't paying attention okay I thought they were just hanging out I got you know let us say that here is your right to give us the ability to see it or not story lines up I would think you'd be way better situation than you are now just so you know I've already seen all the Instagram messages where you asking her if you liked hot dogs in her mouth and things like that so if you want to start coming clean and start bullying before I put your head through a plate-glass window that's again it's really up to you you may just want to just cooperate at some point and tell the truth because when you don't tell the truth oh did you ask her if she likes hot dogs in her mouth tell really like really really think about that one considering that I just told you that I've seen the messages you see how this is positioned in my hand right here what does it look like to you does that resemble this no where's that resembles yeah brass knuckles what do people typically do with brass knuckles yeah okay so I can't why not who's stopping me anything wrong oh you've done something wrong right oh you've done something wrong what well I'm gonna let you know that when I'm finished with my investigation but from what I'm hearing from other patrons at this bar first of all we have you on I'm not even I'm not even gonna go there quite there with you at this point you facing some very serious felony charges will tell you that okay when you make statements that you're going to wait for somebody outside a bar in a manner that sounds like you might want to kidnap them that's a crime okay there's right now it sounds like you're stalking this girl that she has wants nothing to do with you because she's not responded to your Instagram messages because I read the Instagram messages and all you're talking about is putting hotdogs in her mouth okay among other things we can read through those if you'd like but you know of nothing on that phone is gonna help you all right then secondly you have the patrons up here at the bar overhearing your conversation with your friend tell him that you're gonna wait for her to leave the bar later on and then what why you can't wait for her if she doesn't want to wait for you and she's wanting to with you why why did you make the statement you wanted to wait for her because I I just needed to talk to her I you did talk to her at the bar and she expressed zero interest in you she was busy she didn't have questions we talked what about on the Instagram message when she's not responding to you there she could have been busy how do I know that without seeing her because she responded to you one time and it wasn't friendly maybe she was having a bad day what to you and in reality would equate to somebody not being interested in you does that exist in your mind so we were you planning on abducting her I was I was planning on taking her home you you were gonna you were gonna convince her when she left to take you and what if she said no I don't think she will I don't think she'll say no oh she did I don't think she will was she saying no have you seen a device have you seen a demise in his psyche in the last X amount of months or anything okay is he on medication hands on her at the bar you grabbed her wrist did you not know Lydon well there's cameras in this bar I think the sake of God I will turn these cameras off and I will put these you're not in trouble if you did if you did see this innocently having a couple drinks at the bar and you saw that what's up I got you well let's separate ourselves real quick they're gonna have a little bit of a deeper conversation back here okay and risky give him that privacy okay I step out here just keep looking for it you don't need to get involved all right okay we're gonna step out here I think we are on camera shy or not [Music] he's gonna shoot them okay the cats are free yeah four days you build a cat food mountain they're good for day [Music] for what hey man didn't realize what was going on they hang out from time to time but you kind of freaked out by this right hang out here you may or may not be under arrest what do we think we got on this guy I don't think I have anything this guy so he said that he came he drove his buddy here about seven miles away from his parents house okay yeah good friends ten years hang out maybe twice a month for Less Technos yeah but a lot of these dudes grabbed this dude I have no idea I haven't talked to those guys yet I talked to them briefly and it was mostly like we heard they were trying to plot they were trying correct so what he said he said is that his buddy was trying to get trying to hit on her awesome gradual grabbing her wrist which is why is they and Marcus says he doesn't he didn't see that say he's had a couple drinks to realize what was going on but after high insight can see how she was uncomfortable with his presence yeah it wasn't being received he had heard that he had this love interest out here that he wanted to come see he doesn't drive doesn't Drive so Marcus drove me down here to see his girlfriend then they were then they were waiting for her to get before to meet her after after one possibility that it might not be why why wouldn't it be do you have a history of mental illness in your family no have you ever suffered any trauma as a child any abuse any sexual abuse no all right and you ever heard of somebody just losing their mind you ever heard of that yeah sometimes that just happens it's not and it's not anybody's crazy okay I'm not well that's you get to have that discussion with somebody else okay I'm trying to blow it to you gently right now okay so if you cooperate with me then I can I can remove you from this room okay anytime Marcus thanks for your cooperation man I'm gonna remove one yeah chairman remove that bone in your leg any more prongs in you so we just had to talk about delusional thinking schizophrenia mental illness we're digesting that currently we probably think it wasn't a good idea to grab the bartender's wrist right I was just trying to talk to her I was an actress right okay I appreciate your honesty now that goes a long way anything else you want at all you ought you want to get some fresh air yeah ya know Ethan's kind of position around here but I just wanna come back over and talk about Marcus dark hair so why why did you guys describe why did you grab him as well because dude comes up to the old lady right here yeah it says he's gonna be wait and I saw the whole interaction between her and his friend okay she was obviously being a creeper yeah I saw him come up and I was talking with my friend and he says he's going to be waiting for you out back and then I saw that shocked as hell yeah yeah okay okay this is not okay this you really really want to do this again you want I want to say something what is going on what say it well in front of everybody I'll bring you back in the from I really keep going keep it going [Music] [Music] that's fine I like this way it's an all the way okay I'm gonna go finish talk to these guys yeah we're cooked okay let's continue sorry about that one my dick you harassing that girl you're causing brain trauma to her emotional distress how did it get you out of the bar the last thing I know you start kicking at me trying to get out of your handcuffs I had to put you in the ground you me dragging yeah dragging you I don't recall that you drugged me through the whole bar I didn't when did that happen I remember you trying to slip out of your handcuffs and get to the girl again and I had to put you on the ground talk to her oh I was trying to talk to her okay I suggest you remain quiet she's not you are under arrest you have the right to remain silent anything you say can will be used against you in a court of law you can stop intimate questions at any time you can exercise any one of your rights at any time if you cannot afford a lawyer want to be appointed for you do you understand these rights awesome than me is trying to get back to his friends so I like to stop him there okay and so we start tussle in everything that's when he walks you guys may walk through the door and I just have him there and tell him to get him because these guys are obviously planning something like sinister okay and so that's when you guys showed up in this not cool well thank you guys for for jumping out on that that's really good is just a misunderstanding yeah yeah you did I was walking him and then I think you try to step out of his cuffs an attacker that's what I saw yeah what are we doing with hoes B yeah he's he's yeah you see my to the cage there don't even want to look at him right now I don't even like seeing him through the window yeah so so tell me tell me how did you how did you guys meet initially this is literally the first night we have ever met she found me on instagram I guess and he's been sending me messages for like over a mine it's tonight he knew I was wearing you knew what my like my hair was down and then he came in and he was like you need a lead like my heart is strong and what kind of messages well that was beautiful and that we were meant to be together and he was looking my pictures like I want to be in it's so weird and I've literally never met him until tonight and we walked in my heart hanging drop you recognize ya this first time I ever saw him in person I was like you need to go iego and I went to grab my manager and then he got pissed because I was like you're disgusting because he's been saying disgusting things to me so you eat laughs and he was like I'll be back so that just really made me nervous and then it's Brendan about to me and he was like you to not go out to your parlor tonight because I think his friend was already in play I'm warning you I think his friend was trying to help when we subpoena you from arcus you're gonna show up to that court case you're gonna work with the prosecutor because it tell you what's gonna happen if you don't work with the prosecutor you don't work with the DA what's gonna happen is you're gonna get charged in his accomplice you understand yes so your cooperation means your freedom we're gonna tell you what he's looking at so you understand what it accomplished what is happening right now conspiracy to commit to commit a crime conspiracy to commit kidnapping lewd and lascivious harassment she's got two felonies okay and a couple misdemeanors I don't have the full list of charges we're gonna bring them on yet but we're definitely gonna get them on at least two felonies at this point which kind of which carry mandatory minimum sentences okay so if you want to jump on that train by all means jump on the train but it's not going nowhere okay great I'm gonna give you my car to my information if we're gonna exchange information and then you're gonna be suspended into this case you're gonna send a witness affidavit for me for all your statements tonight fantastic but bartender likes you have to be really careful about you do have information you find there so signals about it really close to here so if you were well my suggestion is to call them family or crying and it's not this is not your fault he tried to back them off flip um I try there they were making out for that I try to stay off the internet that's a good a a off trade like this yeah I'm cool with that all right why don't you uh take the want the long way around okay cool thank you guys yeah pick better friends man if you're drunk I'm gonna pull you over your day up let's give her some very some privacy you stop you sure you want to go he's this dude here he's going to jail his friends walking he's gonna cooperate I got nothing on last thing you that I want him him coming after you for battery battery on you cuz that dude you know what the best ride you can you just grab them we have anything all you started shoving me when I was like whoa what are you going to be doing so I mean I at that point is just defending myself and so it's like I just I just don't want to see this little bro like nothing works brother I hurry I mean just find everything that happened between us and everything like that that was a different circumstance I'm not I'm not a criminal at all I was just trying to do the right thing well we have a difference in opinions and some things get a get a game plan going to where somebody walks you out to your car and you know get some safety measures in place so that you don't have to worry about that happening to you yeah I mean you think I should like contacted you guys when who was sending me all those messages or you contact the police department and then you can get going you can get charged as soon as you tell somebody stop contacting me I'm not interested in you the second they contact you again it's harassment then get formally charged we can issue a warrant for harassment very easy no you did know you have the very end but he's still message you after that that's the harassment part right so now we have intent and we have his harassment then we have the battery on you at the bar so he's going to get charge of the multitude of felony tonight in addition to the statements that these guys heard and that his friend heard he's going to get charged with conspiracy to commit kidnapping yeah so he's getting he's getting it no hold you probably won't I'm safe definitely because psychos do psycho I can't I can't be around you 24/7 right so but the police are here you know if it happy if he contacts you any the slightest way even through somebody else it just goes back to jail and who knows when he's gonna get out this time anyways it's gonna be a while you cool the understand was going on any questions the this has a case number and a cab number on there for you has his information as well so just save that you're gonna need that if you want to get a report you bring that down to the sheriff's office anytime after Monday you really get a report any questions you all concern how'd it happen to you good thing you had good good good patrons all of them [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Patty Mayo
Views: 8,687,723
Rating: 4.8447175 out of 5
Keywords: patty mayo, dbso, season 1, southland bounty hunter
Id: gtxolLcp5TY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 39sec (2559 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 10 2019
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