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what's in your fireplace bro [Music] is that important that people pelvis [Music] what's up guys I'm Patti Mayo welcome tonight and it's Sunday for crying out loud that's the new t-shirt I'm wearing right now your favorite quote of last season and if I got a deal for you 50% off these t-shirts while they last get it now at petit mayo dot TV also want to give a big shout-out to our sponsor of today's video survey compare if you guys are bored you guys want to make a few extra bucks from your home check out survey compare link is also in the description basically what survey compare does is they partner with companies that want to know what you think about their products and services so they'll pay you to take surveys and give them your honest feedback it's a pretty cool service check them out link is in the description earn a few extra bucks and hey buy yourself a it's Sunday for crying out loud t-shirt for 50% off it's a win when all the links are in the description and now before we get into today's hunt want to give a shout with all you fantastic people to keep this show going but buying merch like this t-shirt I'm wearing right now in this hat I'm wearing right now if you want to shout out and some merch of your very own click that link in the description I sound like a broken record giving a shout out to the fluffy possum spanker Dillon Josh Packer Epstein from West Virginia Joyce Mike Burke little heard you're welcome Scott Meghan and Sam love mom best mom ever Justin Patti's the man Matt ah style Jack brands California the Joker Eli wolf happy birthday to me dan the man at zouri JP boo gate Sabrina Botwin sunray Becca JJ patty is a fatty Whaler nation 33 ps4 dr. pickle one two three rod glob Eriksson from New Jersey please mayo on Kayla Dillon Reese hey shut up Jessie Acosta Chris Trent Isaiah smooth coupe and snoop big dog babes Des Plaines Illinois I bought the shirt that says my safe word is pineapple juice plain Henderson shoutout to my boys Luis Justin Matt drew Josh Nate and Anthony from rah tres XL Cooper snicks Nader get boy Cory dad's DJ Brian be Justin Murphy John Henry and last but not least Kevin Blake thank you guys for purchase emerge I sure do appreciate it remember this t-shirt is Sunday for crying out loud and it's a pretty cool t-shirt we got the grunge flag on the right shoulder check it out at petty male TV 50% off while they last they'll probably be gone in one day get it while you can and now on to the hunt why why is he always gonna stand a foot behind me I don't care huh yeah but you're always behind me that makes me nervous what's up guys welcome to the hunt right now we are staged up down the street from Josh's house josh has a warrant for failure to appear got my partner here bounty hunter dak a big black boom boom cocoa butter cheesecake ding hey that's just too long what just regular bounty hunter day and the boom boom no but bone nothing yeah boom boom no I'm not boom booming I'm just gonna be just buddy hunter D in bounty on a boom boom D how's that it is short bounty had a boom boom D I don't know what we got how long think we doing like I like bridge a big day big big like big boom boom deep slight you know your buddy Gary yes no more like my gotcha I like my body infiltrator too anyway that anyways well we're here you know playing around with each other josh is at home probably preparing to avoid our attempts to apprehend him so we're gonna pop on over here do a little knocking pop Stevie Solomon if he is we'll be taking him into custody today are you ready I'm ready let's do it babe are you ready let's go no boom-boom stuff not when when can we do boom-boom stuff just regular stuff you know I want that boom boom PAH oh that was the gum for the car you just scratched my car did you just scratch my car you my car did you just scratch my career my car no that's my rabbit that I killed don't touch this like and that's rabbit intestine oh really Cody throat Oh bro get the handy-dandy get the Massachusetts like you said get in the car get in the car man why don't you get in a caddy so hot I'm so hot cuz everyone looking at this neighborhood is the most sketched out neighborhood everybody stares like mean-mugging to grilling every and everyone's like oh like a little scrying white kid in this neighborhood it's two two streets up on our left and it would be the last hey hold on before we what's the number on the house two four eight on the house yeah what's that there's a lot of people out so probably not yeah let's just judge it when we get over there if we need to like block you know block ourselves in or something yeah but let's try to let's try to go incog-negro because there's just a lot of sketchy whites around you incog-negro that's your term yeah let's get it you say better did you say better were you from alright let's go there's gonna be careful of all these sketchy whites they're just like coming on everywhere like they hide in the bushes red door okay got you oh sorry they got a back door now it's just not the front there's another fence back there I can't see is there another fence Oh - like if you ran out the back okay if it's taller than well we'll just knock the faster this is his car what you see no side door okay watch these windows okay yeah yeah bail bonds what hey what's going on what's your name hi my name's Kyle that was Josh he went out from where did he go he went with my uncle they were going to get some stuff for my birthday okay expecting to come back soon all right my name is Patrick with Bill Vaughn's I'm here to stop the peakers and bell buzzes bonkers get a warrant for failure to appear you might have come in to search the house you said you had a Warren right that's correct can I see it I know you cannot okay no I'm not obligated to show to you or not with the police department when he was bonded out he was given a contract with the Bail Bonds company that's our warrant oh it might love to see that no you're not allowed to see anything you're not my defendant and I'm not entitled to show it to you do you live here yeah is this your house no right okay so he's on the lease with you I would assume so okay what about your uncle you all three live here no my uncle okay so just you okay just you and hit just you and Josh yeah okay we're gonna come in and we're gonna search through the house okay make sure that he's not in here and then if he's not we good we good all right so when I step all the way for me okay where's his room at D yep deep door left stair here open that door we can close that door get off the house now I want him out of the house Ronny sit down right there open the door Josh Bail Bonds if you're inside make yourself known who's out that who's out back Josh bail I can't tell Josh bail bond with I'm Patrick with bail bonds Josh let me see your hands put chains above your head put your hands above your head as Patrick with bail bonds I have a warrant for your arrest put the hose down bro yes face down on the ground Josh face down on the ground I got a warrant for your arrest we'll talk about it but face down on the ground for right now stay down resisting hands up stop resisting not are you done behind your back hands behind your back stop resisting hold on stay on stay on ha but don't close partner yeah I got you this arm secure fifth-years already back you need double nope come on he's secure watch out for this line over here she went wherever he went here Drake D drag him folk drag this drag him forward track him forward to making seclude this Johnson explain to you who I am is Patrick Bail Bonds get a warrant for your arrest for failure to appear you alright you want to stay with him real quick yeah all you want to call me to lock him up we could secure him first yeah we need to go back into the house me what do you wanna do but this is one trial he was a baby yeah what's his what's his deal he told me you weren't here and you know you were here it's up to you no I don't want him coming out on us he's very lied to us once so oh you want to do with him you should I was thinking that we would just go and secure him then we'll put him in the car then we can um clink let him go what's that yeah so talk to you should talk to mr. he was a piece about holding your fugitive yeah I can't put him in the car if you want yeah you got any weapons in the house you're touching your side man turn your side turn you got your weapons in the house find out on your own you got anything that's gonna poke me stick me stab me bro you got a glass battery no I don't go anyway come on when a partner - searching - watch your elbow blood he's good yeah Josh may ask you this again it's important you answer me honestly you have any weapons inside that house yes and no you might have to figure that one out all right I think we miss Brett let's bring him through the front of the house right yes he doesn't know where we're gonna come let's just bring him to the front of the house secure both of them so we know everyone's hands are at and they will put him in the car copy good there hold on a sec I just got a call make sure it's not PD all right pick one tuck your knees up to your chest checking these all up to your chest as far as you can we're gonna roll you onto your knees don't stand up patrol on your knees ready head to your right need medical you're right okay I'm just asking sir you're a big dude too making sure you're all right you helping a puffing over here so I think about to have a heart attack okay okay all right Hulk Hogan what we gotta do is we gotta try to get you up and get you to your feet okay so we're gonna need your help all right okay these cuts hurting you you all right okay I want to make sure you're comfortable that's all all right double lock these so they don't cinch up on you all right where's your ID at Josh okay why don't you walk through the house let's go get your ID you got yeah I got we don't know who I am I told you like three times [Music] yeah yeah I put him it just put him in this chair put in this chair behind UT hey Kyle come on side put your hands up turn around put your hands on top your head interlace your fingers don't move be covering yep if you move you're gonna get tased and it's gonna hurt do you understand that the house right now you're being detained for interfering with our investigation harboring a fugitive you understand that okay why'd you tell me he wasn't here well you knew he was here thought so okay you guys both live here together you're both on the lease talk big man you guys both live here together or what no my son yeah he lives here okay cuz you told me a little while ago that you were roommates so you're now you're his son where do the lies stop did indeed he not tell us then he was a roommate and that your own head his uncle came to pick him up he made him sound like he was just your roommate so why you lying to us why you look like lying to us right but you told me that both of you guys lived here and that you're both from the least like your roommates we can go back and review the taste but it's obviously you're lying to me so why you lying to me because he wants to go to jail that's why I think yeah I think that's why you want you want to go to you on your birthday okay so this is it so so the taillights too tired there the truth is gonna set you free so why not tell me the truth the truth is you're talking about like let's still live with my parents okay so you basically recovered for your father because you don't want to go to jail your birthday is that is that fair to say yeah you knew he was here the entire time yeah okay and you know who we are not really okay we're bounty hunters do you know do you know that your dad's on bond no you don't does he had any knowledge that you were on bond that you got arrested I don't tell him jack okay all right that's fair my partner not gonna search and clear your house and as soon as you do we're going to come back out and speak with you drugs or anything other than I because he can't he can't because out on the pond he can't be around weapons or anything like that's correct dick yeah we should been like that Missy you're stuck even see a second set your said of course yeah that have been planning to get your son shot right is that wasn't funny may you don't but you don't know what Elise is no sir which desire what's your name again Kyle the best thing you can do right now is stop lying don't lie to us because if you do you're going to jail okay harboring a fugitive is a serious crime you can go to jail for that you go to court you could serve prison time you understand that it's two years just serious offense yeah probably tell you two years you're gonna go to jail for two years over that crap relax dad relax you're putting your son in the bad position right now I don't appreciate that so again are we gonna find anything in the house no you sit tight don't try to run or anything okay because you're already in deep do you have ID on you just in case a partner decides to take you to jail yeah you have ID right here yeah alright and just give him a path to pat down real quick my house break-in yeah rut you write again you let us in you screw with his break-in he led us in he needs to stop lying to the police into law enforcement because I'm pretty sure you're the one telling them how to act how old are you okay give a job what do you do okay you get your up out of that chair you 100% going to jail right now you could have a chance and he barrels on the house make yourself known clear clear clear clear nothing else is hiding all right let's go talk to weapons No right here you find him all right you already came around and set this side right alright fellas what are we gonna do from here what do you think is gonna happen from here I'm gonna leave sure with you know why should I wash I think I should let you go just cuz it's your son's birthday hmm why don't you show up the court porch power doesn't work yet Court four days ago that that like brand-new looking escalate or that Dodge Charger doesn't work he didn't have a car yours as the charge is that correct no that's yours why'd you put your son's car on your bond so he got arrested about a month ago and when you get arrested to get out of jail you have to bond out and if you can't come up with the entire amount of the bond you hire a bail bonds company to bond you out you pay a smaller amount to the court race parties pay a small amount of the bail bonds company because of the amount of your father's bond he was required to put up collateral so you put your car up as the collateral what that means that if he defaults on his bond which he can still do we can come and seize your vehicle we can repossess your vehicle and becomes ours we then sell your vehicle and use that money to pay for his bond to see so I think it may be more honest with your son because it seems like he's I I half believe his story and I half believe it's bull so I understand maybe he's scared because you haven't let him in on all the information all the things that are going on in your life and I also think that you know he's just kind of young and naive at the same time is that fair to say because you know you put your son and written real danger here today right no no no let him go for his birthday no I go yeah I've been lying to the entire family including your son yeah I think he's just scared and maybe maybe scare to you is why things possibly going on here you scared your father what do you do I can't tell you what he did if he wants to tell you what he did that's up to him you want to tell what you did no it's not bad didn't kill anybody it's a misdemeanor charge okay at the end of the day your dad's looking at maybe some community service and a little bit of probation but he's not gonna go to jail he's probably not gonna go to prison unless he keeps acting like this and doing done like this like running from us did you pay what no he paid he paid he didn't show up to court yes sit back down for me you got his property partner watch it you take your hands off your head just sit and relax you're good good yeah okay you give this property back we'll get your pants dirty a little bit okay got your face dirty too though right use your car's collateral okay just let you know that where is this car from where is this yeah wouldn't you like to know it's his car no isn't his car the kit he just told me his car is the Cadillac in the garage where's the where's the many ok so whose car the Cadillac ok where's your mom at she's she live here yeah why'd you tell me that it was just you two if you're scared and nervous it's fine to say that she's not here right but she still lives here right yeah ok just don't tell your son to shut up he's a grown man he can make his own decisions he can decide if he wants to talk to us or not just so you know you're not obligated to talk to us or answer any of our questions alright he's over 21 over 21 so I guess that's true yeah he can say anything he wants I don't think you need to listen to this knucklehead you call a father though cuz you're not really being a father figure right now are you being kind of a knucklehead right I was talking about that collateral yeah yeah now if he misses any payments then God company's gonna come after your car just so you understand that that's the next step hi that's how it works but I mean he has a car right right but you put your car up as collateral however it seems like it's false collateral if you put it up without his nagi the only person on the on the title my mom is you and your mother yeah but he's not on the car at all so he had no right to put the car in the first place right see there's a bondrée vocation on that yeah yeah so we're gonna have to do for you is we're gonna revoke your father's bond right yeah he's got other cars so you may be able to get bonnet back out with us it depends what he thinks about all this run and stuff we may just tell you to sit back down in jail find another company you come up with another 10% or 5% whatever the arrangement that you made was right if you think it's why'd you put your son's car up for collateral if you knew that you had no rights to it why not put your own car up because if I lost I needed a car but doesn't your son need a car oh you don't care really you here what you saying how's that make you feel on your birthday what do you think we should do to your dad well yet would you have planned for your birthday okay we have an opportunity and all that stuff you haven't even gotten the cake yet 6 o'clock on your son's birthday have you picked up the cake yet no look at that is your dad always been there for you pretty much yeah yeah is he a good dad I understand does he do what he says he's supposed to do okay yeah he treats you right you do your mother right yeah all right I'm kind of torn to be honest I want I I don't I want you to go to jail 100% but now kind of leave your son here by himself on his birthday and boy yeah why don't you just stay here let me talk to my partner real quick turn my back to them yeah how would you have another well he hasn't missing payments on the pond right bonds paid okay so it is the kids birthday he did fight us does he did he show he did mr. sport day right now it's a misdemeanor revote so even for the police it's not a mandatory to even pick him up no it's not a mandatory take for them if we if we let him if we let him go that's on us but it's a misdemeanor he was home but he ran you know but he was hard to find huh it wasn't hard on one today is gonna be where he's gonna be so yeah I don't know he's not a high risk I feel like but I kind of I kind of feel like the Sun is like not like completely mentally confident your knee seems like young right make for a day haze or that treating work well I guess yeah yeah it's a thang a bad just let them go then what come back and come back tomorrow yeah as long as he listen if you check saying yeah follow the schedule yeah he's got the B he's got a bench yeah all right yeah smart yeah that's tough on this one though I don't want to come back I mean this your defendant yeah I mean two weeks later you never know we might be cutting them again yeah yeah yeah alright what's the bond length 10k yeah something small yeah all right all right yeah I agree with you hook him no you can't I hooked him to the chair so they couldn't get help here's I'm gonna do today for you sir a I feel bad for your son I don't want him sitting here alone on his birthday without his father still I'm gonna give you a really big opportunity right now to be a father to your son I'm gonna let you go I'm not gonna charge you with fighting knocking charge you it resistant on a classify you was a dump for this you just pulled all right but here's the deal I want to have with you you have a bench warrant at some point you have to go down to jail and clear that bench warrant you can get reborn it back out but this right here just so you know you could end up with a brand-new charge for this I'm not gonna do that to you because it was easy to find you you were at home but you've done some tough stuff ie putting your son's car for collateral on a bond that you still owe well 5% or whatever of the thousand bucks not much five five hundred dollars how much did you put down okay yeah I assume it's something small because your bonds ten thousand dollars so that means the most you would always a thousand but you're on collateral so you must have put up something lower than the thousand two hundred fifty five hundred something like that sound about right to you yeah yeah because we have to have an understanding here you're gonna have to follow the rules that the bail bondsman puts on your body that means checking it is he on weekly or bi-weekly check-in he's done weekly so you're on weekly check-ins okay call you bail bondsman let them know when you get rebounded the other stand we need to have now is that tomorrow morning you're going to either a turn yourself in or we're gonna come pick you up which you want it to be you want us to ride you down there or you want to go down by yourself you turn yourself in tomorrow yeah we had to clear the bench and then when you go back on bond we'll work with you you know we we're men of opportunity okay we'll give you chances but this is the last chance you get with us you screw this one up you have Creek pallet on a paddle have a repeat what you say it so he knows yeah what's happening right and I wallet you know every bill bondsman company in the greater LA area knows who we are and they will know what you did and when you go to go to turn yourself in or we have to put you down there forcefully you will not get back out on a bond you put up a hundred percent cash bond with the court you understand that so unless you have ten thousand dollars to piss away listen to me very carefully so tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. I want to see you turn yourself down at Rs oh is that understandable and if not what happens right and if you try to run or evade or anything like that what happens we are gonna sit on this house your son and your wife are not gonna have a very good time or wherever you go we'll find you okay make sense you're gonna do that we've got understanding fantastic stand up I didn't want to take them out what move you guys gonna watch tonight what do you want to watch infinity or you can take your son to go see infinity war right you're damn right you are you're gonna go inside you're gonna take a shower you take your son to see infinity war you take him to Applebee's and get a cake or go get a cake at the grocery store something have a cake with them you guys gonna have a nice night together understand we tracking look at me don't you look away from me I'm giving you opportunity this is yeah exactly this is where you say thank you you shake my hand and you apologize don't do it like I'll put you on your face all right I'm sorry sorry's had to happen to you today hope you learned a lesson here don't you see law enforcement arrived at your door don't lie to him okay I understand when a peck to protect your dad it's a natural instinct I get that don't lie on his behalf okay teach your son better you know he's gonna look up to you he's gonna do everything you do he's gonna carbon copy the rest of his life right you want to see him do this when he gets older no right all right all right gentlemen yeah why don't you guys go that way and we're gonna go this way [Music] I feel bad alright guys so basically as you guys can tell by the video he has a 20 he's a 23 year old son the son doesn't act like a 23 year old he acts like you don't wait a younger way younger so we have hearts you know we get feelings to kids birthday yeah it's gonna do a lot of damage that kid he see his dad get roughed up taken down especially a cute baby his mental standing he sees what he thinks are the police or law enforcement someone Authority giving his dad a break and trying to treat him right it's gonna change his perception for the rest of his life would be hopefully all right so we'll give her a big opportunity what this guy wasn't a hard guy to find I don't think he's gonna skip he's gonna run he doesn't rent here they own the house yeah they got cars so I don't think he's gonna run over this it'll just make his life a lot worse and if he does then that's our job yeah talk about that yeah but at the end of the day it's my on the line it's my defendant so uh we'll hope we'll see turned himself in if he doesn't I'll be here at 10:01 I'll be right with you yeah we'll be getting I mean you'll see on the next episode of this went bad yeah so uh that's about it remember we catch a new fugitive like that guy almost every single day I'm petty Mayo it's my partner bounty hunter D let's see you on the next one Hart today I was gonna do that I was going for the man I was going for the cool one another like all patio to white for that I want the light okay you know we save that's why I came around this with and so I'm in the back yeah yeah yeah we - nice
Channel: Patty Mayo
Views: 3,911,160
Rating: 4.8833418 out of 5
Keywords: patty mayo, caught, season 8, dad, son, father and son, birthday
Id: fmSWIRpOjpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 34sec (2314 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2018
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