He Threatened Me!

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what's up everyone don't mind me got two phones one for these hoes one for the business i'm kidding i cracked my phone screen and this is the only thing i need to actually do my job decide to buy a new phone so i just have this piece of [ __ ] lying around all right we're remodeling my house because it kind of looks like an old grandma house i wanted to look like neverland like from peter pan check that out it used to say cafe now it says penis all right let's get this show on their own kids baby was this a rug who sent me this oh no way now i get to ditch my stupid-ass normal bland looking rug in my bathroom [ __ ] that rug now look at us we're getting some flavor in the house dude all right so i put my p.o box address out so you guys can send me stuff to decorate my house with i'll put it right here if anyone else wants to send anything else i feel like you guys know exactly what i like i want to collect all these put it up put it up i don't know what's up oh my god kyle have jack snow i forgot bro if you guys have any of these that you don't want anymore please send them my way it doesn't have to just be these like any type of decoration [ __ ] it could be a painting of sea bass and i'll hang it up somewhere this wasn't from a fan i ordered this but it better be in my johnny lauren [ __ ] how do we do it dude that is so [ __ ] sick strike first strike hard no mercy how the [ __ ] did you struggle so much for that sentence he's actually like strike first strike hard i'm buying a case for this today i just hope i don't drop it before i buy the case it feels so sexy though with no case [ __ ] wwe on the table i actually don't give a [ __ ] like if you want to you can why would i do that i don't think you'd get hurt the table would break no it wouldn't bro i don't give a [ __ ] if you break out i'm gonna get rid of it anyways are you gonna sell that yeah you should sell it i bet you you're getting money from that's what i said it's a nice thing all my comments last video when we were throwing the [ __ ] off was like bro you could have sold that for like so much money but hey you can't you can't put a price on memories we had a good time and wall flags are available to all you ladies and gentlemen out there at ben levine.com are we good oh that looks really good bro i feel like this is worth so much gold pj why don't you fart in this and we cap it and then sell it [Laughter] this is barely being pov mmm yum oh let me check my phone oh who texted me oh his ass looks nice oh i need to go to the bathroom and get a quick jerking oh my god it's beautiful this looks straight out of the dojo baby yeah she's a flat tire for sure didn't i literally do this yesterday why are we doing this again we got to get a whole new tire make sure it doesn't leak yeah hey i've been through this so many times see this is the ultimate roderick trick right as they work on the tire i act like i'm gonna go get food so then i don't have to do any work i don't have to work on the tires i'm just kidding i'm not a shitty friend who's going to pay for the tire hi there looking for some food we're not videoing see how peaceful i was man they're like what are you guys doing you can't video man people take one big look at me and see the camera and just assume how are you doing sir what's your name ken good to meet you we're just on the way to the gay strip club you want to come no okay all right good all good okay what's up bro can i try your glasses oh yeah you're nice brother nice i love it when you got me big pop let's get this show on the road kyle it's so hot up here no one told me moving to florida is gonna be 100 degrees yeah you know what i thought i wanted to be up here but it's just too [ __ ] hot oh one of our sails broke off one of your what i'm by sale i mean tire oh yeah it's a flat if you can tell it's a pirate ship not that like it's cool or anything i didn't want you to compliment it but whatever oh a nail gun in our car look right here it takes two hours well we can [ __ ] around walmart for two hours i'll look at kyle with the new balances it's a new balance revolution baby if you don't have crocs new bounces what are you doing playing peach with the crocs so sexy it's so [ __ ] hot it doesn't get hot like this in the caribbean um not just the oil thing in the uh god damn it's hot oh every now and then you just need a breeze man you just need a bruise the bra is hot all right oh dude i wouldn't have known if you didn't see it it's my [ __ ] wallet bro why is it always falling out of my [ __ ] i love this kid man i love this kid he's doing youtube he's blowing up try to reach out to everyone bro i feel like it's so important to reach out to the new cats and give them advice he's so funny he pushes the limits too society's become such [ __ ] and he just doesn't give a [ __ ] so and he's a great kid you know you cannot give a [ __ ] and still be a good person and a nice guy people confuse being a good person with being a [ __ ] sellout [ __ ] right i feel like everyone's become so sensitive you can't make jokes about each other everyone meme on each other and have a good time and it's all good it's all love as long as there's good intention like if you're actually being addicted and that's one thing like me my friends are messing around with each other all the time and it's just it's all love man and i like like all these kids i reach out to are always the same on and off camera like we went out to dinner last night and ricky's like getting up screaming and we're all [ __ ] around at dinner i love that [ __ ] bro a lot of these youtubers fake [ __ ] for the camera it is what it is with us oh my gosh can i touch it yeah that's karma you're not the webb guys are you no no no no guys we see him riding around all the time oh really they live here yeah stay away from them bill levine that one [ __ ] i don't know which one it was kyle johnson painted the car they painted your car a different color now they made it like a pirate ship something like that i know about those guys no they're weird they're crazy they are crazy though they're drug free yeah you don't need drugs right yeah yeah no i heard those guys don't do drugs though i heard they're weird like they have like slap ass ceremonies at night and like there's like two cousins they sleep with each other and like like finger each other's butts well good to meet you sir i love you yeah yeah any words of advice to the youth have fun man don't do drugs at the end of the day that's what that's what it's all about don't do jokes don't get caught up yeah yeah yeah 100 i couldn't agree more happy day kevin oh my god that was so funny i know you actually knew you wrapped your car they're drug free right you're like nah man i don't know what i'm talking about documentary heck yeah yeah on what best snow cones in the area oh you're the best yeah no cone eyes definitely is the best we love coming to ice we love making out also [Music] yeah we love dick thank you thank you thank you oh yeah it's fun oh it's fun i love making out with him he's got the nicest ass ever did you say you love megan yeah no what what what did i miss while i was shaving i don't know what you're talking about i love it not me too i love that ass bro thank you oh my god bro i haven't had something like this in forever um party with me say less you can come over if you want yeah you still doing that little youtube thing just a little bit you still like making the little videos you didn't go to college right i swear he told me he gets it all the time too it doesn't really happen anymore ever since i bought my house but you go home to like family members or like friends parents like you still doing your little you know youtube thing when in reality bro [ __ ] we're literally like ceos of a full-on business but [ __ ] on youtube [ __ ] can't comprehend them that's like the new wave but then like once i announced tour once i bought my house then i feel like the adults started understanding because that's like [ __ ] they know like they know tor like oh [ __ ] it's real your little video prank thing you got going with people on the internet oh it's gonna tip oh they're coming for us they're coming for us they're coming forward you're getting trespassed if you don't get out of the store take me off what do we do dude i see you get out of the store oh i didn't know we couldn't film nah don't touch the camera bro sorry we're just we're just doing our little youtube thing man we're just doing our little youtube he literally thing said it he said get a little youtube thing out of the store get your little youtube thing out sorry bro come on he's literally saying it bro he said it like three times literally what we just talked about oh [ __ ] we don't have a car we don't have a car the cops are coming and we don't have a car all right let's go how do we not have a car bro this [ __ ] is so funny we're about to play crossy roads irl when the cops actually come we don't have a car the people that call the cops on us have our car bro that [ __ ] was so funny all right which one sneak into a hotel or sneak into a movie theater and watch a movie cop showed up we snuck into this snuck into that did this did that i gotta live life a little bit get the caps call on you a little bit think not just a few houses i was like don't touch camera he's like [ __ ] you're gonna do about it i'm like all right bro shut the [ __ ] up how are people such [ __ ] like i don't even think we were that bad all right hopefully [ __ ] victor his cameraman can pick up our car undercover [ __ ] you guys get your little youtube thing the [ __ ] out of here oh yeah it's just a ps4 suck my dick bro you want to actually [ __ ] watch a movie how funny would it be like cops one of the movie theater and the rest of us that's like some ferris wheeler [ __ ] that is hey guys unfortunately you can't be filming it oh no it's all good all right we'll turn it off yeah right over my dead body all right you know what they're gonna call the cops too dude literally every store in this area is gonna call the cops usually bro i don't give a [ __ ] about cops but those [ __ ] are so mad they're gonna make us look so badly and then the cops are gonna have to care who can go the furthest back without falling over oh you're like literally off god [ __ ] why not i'm trying bro i'm putting all my way back oh [ __ ] no no please don't no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my god bro i need no [ __ ] case look at these bracelets i just dropped them unite everyone put them together oh so [ __ ] nice can you read them from here just realize i'm black everybody put their [ __ ] white arms hey baby we're no matter race no matter size we're accepting here at ben levine.com stay sober don't be a [ __ ] i got this idea because when i was younger i went to this yachty concert and they gave me like this tobacco-free bracelet and like i always thought like okay if i have this on i can never break i've got to be sober forever like it had a lot of meaning to me so i want to like recreate that and give you guys something to where like you have this [ __ ] you're at a party everyone's drinking you can look at it and be like all right and the reason why i say don't be a [ __ ] is i'm not literally saying that the kids that do it are [ __ ] i'm saying like if you don't want to do it then don't be a [ __ ] don't give in don't be pressured yeah don't be pressured because you get pressured you're a [ __ ] yeah i mean you gotta stay strong kids are gonna tell your [ __ ] if you don't do it but your [ __ ] if you do it if you don't want to so has a lot of meaning you have this bad boy on you got the goddamn infinity stones nothing can stop you beyond levien.com but i love you so much i love you so much we're cousins bro it's not weird or anything i love you so much i love your nice ass dick come over here and suck it you know are only blood blood presents you know my plan is if i don't ever find a girl that me and kyle like get married but like we just do everything besides the sex [ __ ] like i would have fun watching movies with you going on dinner dates together besides the sexual component of it and then we just adopt a kid and like turn him into a pirate [Music] hi hi what's up chillin chillin what a cute dog pj get on all fours and start barking are we good neighbors we are i think so oh don't give me no problem hell yeah we try we try thank you she said she likes our music ricky and kyle are going to racist he's fastest i don't even have to race because we all know him faster than everyone actually i take that back me and kyle are like even yeah kyle may be a little faster than me actually i don't know but today's not the day i got to find out get her pj get her pj nope rip all right pj go down there they have to tap your hands oh you're racing you guys gotta touch vick's uh hand on your mark get set go oh ricky [ __ ] [ __ ] up winner is ricky oh you want to get on with him yeah can you do this yeah you gotta hold on though other than like oh my [ __ ] god [Music] hi my oh i'm on my [ __ ] [ __ ] baby it's us yeah i know cop no stop [ __ ] just kidding i follow every law i'm a good american i'm a good citizen paid my taxes the same gta fist bump fist bump this one gosh i actually feel like [ __ ] anakin right now this is some back to the future [ __ ] honestly dude we watched jackass one last night so we were getting stupid ass ideas [Music] i know [ __ ] who don't bang but they're fine you [ __ ] johnny cochran when it's time i'ma buy my [ __ ] all right that was fun that was fun nice to cook up some popcorn and watch jackass too for those of you that don't know i am the greatest popcorn maker on planet earth vouch for me kyle that's your specialty the only thing damn right better than movies that are popcorn you're watching a movie with your girl right she comes in you put a [ __ ] bag of popcorn in the microwave she knows you have a small dick you have this bad boy and i'm [ __ ] chefing up kernels are flying and [ __ ] i'm ending my night with a blow job so this is how we get down and dirty at the bella bean residents let's get this show on the road first up we gotta butter the old baby up coconut oil assistant kyle if you wouldn't mind fetching me a spoon there you go thank you kevin i've never shown anyone my recipe you're in on a secret are you sure you want to do this [ __ ] bro [ __ ] it dude my fans are my friends they know everything it on let it heat up shut down what's the number one seven will do kevin oh okay all right so we let that melt in now you don't want it to [ __ ] evaporate or whatever it's called so we're gonna hurry and get the kernels sadly i broke my measuring cup in my rage i chucked a ball and we broke it so we're just gonna have to guess here oh of course we washed our hands before this mm-hmm now i got jacked off just before i did this all right now you spin it we'll say one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and then we don't touch it till it starts popping chef melon before we start you have to get your handy dandy popcorn bowls now we play the wedding any moment now is that a pop yep i believe it is now we start cranking oh here we go here we go oh keep going got that oh i smell it smell that i smell it smells like sex baby come on come on [Music] all right i said we did a pretty damn good job now while the popcorn's still hot you want to get the [ __ ] salt on there so it sticks now i like my popcorn extra salty and then there's a little trick only uh real chef's know you toss it move it around so the salt flows throughout all of it don't worry we'll have r2 clean that up archer good shots out here someone summoned him we named him our two he finally gets our floors clean if you didn't know he had a very big struggle with our floors all right let's get the show on the road r2 yeah trap him in here oh this [ __ ] tastes [ __ ] nice is it awesome bro all right playing r2 watch this he's cleaning it up oh yeah onto eat the popcorn easy money baby and just like that our floors will get cleaned where's the remote brother you know my favorite thing in life is just movies of the boys nothing makes me happier i'll say my happiness goes up 400 hundred percent for watching movies consistently going with the classics jackass two four different types of watches i don't mind you [ __ ] truth be told i don't got time for [ __ ] off the drink we let it fall we not lying [ __ ] my lebron eat your food like hello fans
Channel: Baylen Levine
Views: 3,852,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baylen levine, baylen levine vlogs, benitez, funny videos, pranks, prank, messing around, walmart
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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