He Stared Me Down!

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oh I was stuck a skinny you know a lot of my friends skate I always come with them so yesterday we came and they were trying to get me going out in the halfpipe and I was like no I can't do it I can't do it Kyle took me down held my hand then I did it by myself and that just goes to show man you can do anything you put your mind so I walked in that day thinking I couldn't do it walked out going down that [ __ ] multiple times Kyle's still working at it but we're gonna get him to do it today let's see if I can still do it I was such a [ __ ] about this yesterday dude I was so scared now I'm kind of scared again oh [ __ ] dude Kyle I'm [ __ ] scared I got this I got this dude why am I being a [ __ ] about it now dude wondering the other together part of the crew part of the ship alright I'm three okay three two one all right I'll hold your hand I'll hold your hair skating just freeze the mind man when you're up here nothing else matters in the board or the pavement yeah yeah yeah oh really it's my second day so first time for everything right except jogs tell me this kid does not look like he's straight out of skate 3 that is the earliest a three-character oh you have to do it bro we're not walking away today without you doing it yeah I believe in you all it takes is faith that leap is step did you just have to trust me dude I was you yesterday I was being such a [ __ ] about it I was like not to call you a [ __ ] do it for stay bro fully committed baby fully committed you guys noticed me and caller always wearing the same [ __ ] yesterday with Simpson shirts today it's spider-man all right here we go dude I'm always up here and then it's a little bit you're right you're right first try first try I'm gonna give lessons you have the helmet on too you got nothing to worry about all right watch hold my hand stop down you got it bro through the end not stop until he wins no do not take off Carla I'm here how am i honest I'm being a bad influence I better get the next try this is the one oh I kind of counted that kind of count it did when I was a kid I made my very first youtube video actually maybe my not my first be like my fifth I was like nine years old I just skateboard at it to like Usher and it's the worst [ __ ] ever it's literally just me eating [ __ ] I try to act I'm good [Music] nobody can go up that [ __ ] nor come down it watch I bet he's gonna do it straight out of skate three oh now I see what it's used for Oh Oh you want me to help you with this oh you can't all right I'm in George throw it up vapenation fate Nation you babe that'll be good shake it shake it [ __ ] oh really yeah it's better than vapor that's better than babe but hey maybe one day you'll put down scars go sober you know I believe in you I believe in you sorry I'm tired as [ __ ] I barely got any sleep I always say that I look super tired I don't know if you guys have seen venom it's like the spin-off of spider-man speaking of who where's that kid go boom is he here then um dude if we lost so I'm gonna be pissed we found a kid that was wearing the venom shirt the theme song for venom is so funny it's literally ready I'm three count 3 to see for once you know it's a mellow day so I'm not gonna play moans I'm gonna go with the classic film where is the venom kid he's gonna come to the [Music] [Music] ps4 boy I can't he walked up smacking stop aggression aggression it's a salt it's a foul I'll see you and we're not even talking to you man we're looking in the camera what's the problem you stared at us just hear the salt we're playing you want to be our YouTube video you gotta show on the shirt let's go good kid good kid see yes anyone ever tell you you look like Drake it's a compliment that's a good thing not in the end in my feelings God's plan I mean you should have when he touched you should have pulled the venom one where's the place to go said it before and I'll say it in for all my fans I vape set it down go to Walmart what targets the place to go my film we're headed Craig me my films like Thomas I forget I'm tired you're like four hours of sleep last night cuz this [ __ ] actually was my fault just last night I had this joke no one goes to bed til Kyle wants to go to bed he literally washed [ __ ] fan of menace for four hours dude and kept me up dude remember the icarly upside of that yeah only my dad doesn't look like Spencer dude from icarly I'll put it up right my dad looks like so many people my dad looks like Johnny Depp Spencer from icarly kylo Ren [ __ ] you I don't look like caller right who's the guy that you guys always said the fans always say Mark Wahlberg he looks like [ __ ] Iron Man I know you want this for life taking pictures with all my eyes but I can't have no why where's the beers at bro Oh speak of the devil you know what I want to do I want to get [ __ ] up man I want to get buzzed Boop I want to smoke some dope and [ __ ] some beer I want to get Lin I want to get drunk as [ __ ] I want to get [ __ ] up I want to smoke some boof oh yeah yeah do that I don't give a [ __ ] you know why I don't play by the rules yeah [ __ ] freak Nate some kid actually did that like use a little like smoking to see and he was like yeah dude freak babe ha ha [ __ ] you cigarettes only only alright you know what I want to do right now only go to a frat party and I want to [ __ ] some beer I want a drink I'm gonna drink it and shove it up my ass and [ __ ] it I got a comment other day I was like billing for someone that doesn't like cool kids you sure are obsessed them that's all you talk about recently I have update because a lot of cool there's been a lot of cool kids it's starting to take over it really pissed me off you know I don't wanna see my fans flowing that so I'm pushing it hard because I could sit here and every 10 videos like a bad guy I don't do drinks or [ __ ] if you drink but if I'm strong and I come at you hard I'm like [ __ ] drinking then you won't do it you know what I mean sorry sorry I'm making a documentary about sobriety is for positivity I'm gonna get sure honestly oh this aisle is my aisle I want to [ __ ] these beers Oh [ __ ] ghosts increase [ __ ] yeah Oh Corona oh yeah where's the [ __ ] Natty's baby I want to get [ __ ] up Oh what beer is so cool and rad dude some [ __ ] hike get some [ __ ] Heineken dude oh [ __ ] hold on hold on it gets better some [ __ ] Budweiser yeah dude [ __ ] cool I'm Fred I'm so frat and awesome dude I'm Frattin awesome I'm drunk I'm drunk as [ __ ] guess who's drunk me I'm blaze as [ __ ] hold on switch it up I'm blaze I'm cheese do they say that no what's the worst one what's the no what's the know there's there's worse there's worse I'm Zuzu even better than regular weed who knew it could get better than regular weed not me though I'm jumping on I'm jumping on [ __ ] get ready keep going maintain speed is are you even going bro your [ __ ] does not go bargain is volume [ __ ] her right in the [ __ ] all right you ready no this is podracing you have to get on bro alright get on get on oh do we almost [ __ ] that dude shit's dangerous do they need to ban these oh wow I did it you traded captains I'm the black girl you're on the [ __ ] Flying Dutchmen right now let me eat [ __ ] right dude it's gonna blast off on a pole alright that's possible that's possible where's Dylan when you need him dude I can't do this [ __ ] you'll do it now you won't all right guys I was too much of a [ __ ] to do it I'm gonna [ __ ] to I'm just a smart kid I know that bad stuff is gonna happen from this so he's gonna do it alright three two one go you gotta Ram it rabbit rabbit rabbit I think you're gonna ride this is destructive that's just destructive I don't condone that I wow that was destructive as [ __ ] destructive [ __ ] you pick it up [ __ ] pick it up that's littering they said littering what's it called you knocked him down pick him up kiss the most well-behaved out of all of you I like this kid this little [ __ ] pushing carts over and [ __ ] here Benitez when you make a mess you always gotta clean it up it's how we roll how I was trying to tell me that he has a better moan than me and he actually he brought up the question so he's a fan and he walked up inside Kyle do you think you have a better moment Baylin all right we need everyone to judge this okay why don't I talk to us off for that I was like all right guys today we're gonna be all right everyone absolutely like no bias none of this [ __ ] you want to go first I'll literally give it to you first all right actually can I go first yeah so then they [ __ ] get mad and then I did but can do it there's no competition well balance it bouncing yeah got it that's skater boy balance yeah Oh how's everybody everyone's right everybody's on telezart we have your home by the way this [ __ ] 3m and he's watching [ __ ] Phantom Menace I have to stay up for that [ __ ] you only go to bed one time talk about the last two nights last two nights I had a cake Carson booth can we try to get Evan a kiss no we need a practice celibacy if you want to truly obtain your dreams and goals you have to be celibate I've always put a shirt on my head you know when people would question who would act like it's weird look at this you do something long enough it becomes a trendy look at that look at that you do something long enough to people hate on you at first but look at that now it's a revolution look at him oh oh oh [ __ ] you dude I'm gonna try it yeah I don't know if I can do this [ __ ] I'm so unethical another level I can't do this [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no I can't do that I cannot do that how do you do it I don't even know if I can jump it by itself yeah I can't [ __ ] do that there's no way I can do that I can't do it dude I can't I can't I can't do it that's so [ __ ] scary why am I such a [ __ ] don't ever let anybody take what you're supposed to get and I knew what I was supposed to get I was there and that gym to get what I was there to get and I don't care what you said I don't care what you look like I don't care how I look it takes courage to look like a fool you get back up and you get what you are supposed to get [ __ ] this [ __ ] I'm going home I'm going home I know for my brother go join it oh gosh it is just some stores looking at you how I but I bought plus I don't do : it shut your mouth knees go to hit oh good Caliban
Channel: Baylen Levine
Views: 3,296,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baylen levine, Baylen Levine vlogs, baylen, benitez, funny videos, pranks, skate board, messing around in target, messing around, vlogs, prank
Id: UbpF_-HAzNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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