He Saved The Day!

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last time it was that we didn't have shirts now we don't have shorts you know traveling stuff just kind of gets lost with merch i obviously can just keep getting merch but with shorts we lose it although short merch is coming we're going to buy some shorts because we don't have time to do laundry we're going to prank today so is this like illegal yeah 100 public nudity right technically they could just be like really nice bathing suits i wear shorts to short all the time if rappers sag dude what's the difference you guys have uh shorts thank you so much lacrosse football soccer i'm just joking people get mad at me when i do that i'm not hating on it freshman year high school or sophomore i said i'm starting the black short revolution and everyone laughed at me and now we all wear black shorts and i said i'm starting the tie-dye revolution everyone laughed at me so also wine shorts and new you should get called a grandpa you know i think every one of my friends has had new bounces he's so [ __ ] bad yeah my god some [ __ ] in the comments you harassed uh mannequin that's sexual assault we're gonna leave him like that this little ass crack hanging on dude this is oh we're not filming do you know where the shorts are we're not filming i know we're not filming do you have the dry fit nike shorts i understand but he pointed it right at me oh yeah but we're not filming okay yeah so i can ask you to leave okay can we just get shorts first yeah thank you no we'll be out of your hair we just need some shorts are you medium yeah i think so yeah large also gonna have a corporate letter oh yeah the mayor mr benitez no give me a few all right why are people so weird about the camera dude we're just shopping i mean we did assault the mannequin you think these put them on oh perfect right yeah i'll probably get two yeah we're literally leaving dude and he's still on her dick he's getting [ __ ] jango fett and boba fett to hunt us down i feel like they just give up we're in line we're not really doing anything dude you said no we're not filming like 10 times for his face as roderick once said deny deny deny deny deny deny even if they figure it out never ever admit to anything deny deny deny thank you awesome wow simple as that a while ago we went here and she wouldn't do that not her different workout do you have a sensor on it yeah in the back okay well i'm not gonna take it off i'm sorry okay hello hello hi you like cotton jack strap i love captain jack sparrow i jerked off to him 12 times last night actually poor people dude oh my god dude why is it never [ __ ] open anymore what in the [ __ ] chinese place i'm gonna go check it out for myself it's definitely closed down right [Music] no [ __ ] okay i'll get you still smell the reminiscence hello there could i get a 12-piece chicken nugget medium fry with ranch and a lemonade please [ __ ] no ranch it's okay if i get some ranch yes thank you so much like a [ __ ] ton of it thank you captain oh bro [Applause] give he's six packets we should take it home five second rule does the five second rule still count with corona ranch can take something that's like a five and turn it into a ten ow way back it was payback you started a war that you could not finish in full slap ass war oh my gosh why don't we make these handshakes let's make a handshake dab on them haters yeah sure guys can you play the guitar yeah no you cannot please show me your skills i'm not like not that good though i can't you got it you guys you got it the leg the legs that though [Music] i'm so bad dude like i know how to play piano i can [ __ ] around on the drums but guitar i just can't get it imagine if we learned how to play umpoka logo dude for the longest time in poke loco from like the poco what's it called what's the movie called coco yeah we convinced pj that sebastian's sang um poco logo and he believed it for like a year we'd put it on in the car and he'd be like dude how is sebastian's voice this is good couple months ago we revealed to him that he never sang it and he's like what it sounds like you dude like it actually sounds like you you make me think you keep you can actually sing i say we get sea bass in the studio put a little altitude you don't even need auto-tune dude where'd you get that voice from i don't know i could still see sebastian like at the family resorts like singing yeah like singing in spanish with the guitar you're full of happiness today see that's i love it one thing i love about sea bass is positivity [Music] back in camp when anything bad would happen like sea bass would like eat [ __ ] and trip and he'd be on the floor like he would wipe out i'd be like are you good he's like i'm a positive guy i'm convinced he could like punch in the face i'm a positive guy i don't care i mean i i could get punched in the face i'd just walk off yeah you could give a single f no fricks given no fricks given oh look at little benitos who would have known that that man would become super sea bass this spider-man obsession how's it real look at his wall like dude of course he loves spider-man this is better than what's the most famous painting i think it was the mona lisa yeah this is better than the mona lisa i was actually eating cotton candy in the first one but they didn't want to draw itself remember a blasto maxi a blasto he's not gonna do it i'm just gonna put him what does a palazzo mean um he can do that yeah and that's when seb was born he changed the world forever oh my god he's actually partying i'll protect sea bass with my whole heart man i'm not a fighter but if anyone ever crosses the bass [Music] you're the chosen one thank you so much what's your name thank you abbey [Music] all right let's go see us bye hello ma'am do you need assistance sir do you need help i heard the green goblin is oh [ __ ] you guys if you were spider-man you would be [ __ ] because it takes so long for you to put on this it looks like the snap didn't just make me not feel good did you get the joke if you got the joke then you get one cookie hey do you need any help oh here we go thank you dude you're welcome thank you hello there do you need assistance yes oh hey you look good thanks yeah it could be out of this thing it's hot and it's not even on the right way dude i'd hate to be tobey maguire having to wear this suit for 36 production days or something to require if you're watching this um i applaud you it's our last night in georgia and i really need a haircut sadly tomorrow's closed lights are out and everything so i text him last minute he's like i'm coming this is how good of a haircutter he is the only man i trust with my hair uh what's happening yeah he's like an alternate mr con dude how you doing thanks for coming family family you know the first time i saw me say your family you know i couldn't trust anyone else because i'm out of leave for a long time i drive an hour to get here you know that i drove one hour no you did not yeah oh my gosh thank you so much you think i'll cut my hair in this can i get my haircut in this tomorrow no i'm just joking i don't want to hinder your ability oh bug you got it how the [ __ ] did i get that is that gross don't pick it up with the keys you got a tissue that's probably from the next little restaurant thank you so much for coming tomorrow i needed it you know no one else can touch these locks see all my life i would get haircuts and at the end they'd be like you like it and i would lie and say yes because i didn't want to hurt their feelings but i really didn't like it dude i remember one time fifth grade i had squared in my head the usual the old anakin skywalker cut from episode three you know the drill i'm glad to see you too tomorrow it's always a pleasure the only haircutter that can satisfy me actually at the end i don't have to lie like damn he's like you like it i say yeah 100 honestly everyone in georgia come to world class barbershop he came here he didn't have to he drove an hour to cut my hair because i'm leaving tonight so what is it alfredo georgia yeah tomorrow how did you get so damn good at cutting hair um love what you do yup definitely that's what i always say you got to love what you do if you want to be happy if you don't love what you do you'll never be good and you never do something good for people i couldn't have said it better myself so many people do jobs they don't like and you know they're miserable but you love what you do you're happy yourself you make other people happy you're happy cutting my hair and i'm happy with my hair yeah very important anything in life you don't be positive about it don't just like oh wow i'm here no you're not supposed to just be here you're supposed to want to be there yeah positivity is key you guys gonna be the only good looking guy in florida brother be careful with the girls okay always there's these sharp teeth here they'll chomp it right off yeah that love georgia boys man perfect full tip baby get the uh special signature thank you thank you tamar thank you have a good day love you man you're the best so guys there was no video last week and you know i always wanted to be real with you guys everything you see on camera is what happens off camera every joke every friend everyone that's all genuine that's all real i mean literally when we record i forget the camera's there we just have fun and film it it's just like a normal day but we film it so if my normal day that day is sadness pain i'm not gonna fake something for the camera and go have fun and be happy if i'm not and i'm good now i don't want you guys to think i'm like bad right now or whatever we're in miami we're having fun it really happened like last week that's why there wasn't a video for that week i'm not going to get into the details about it that's not why i wanted to do this i wanted to do this more because i want to turn my struggles and help you guys and i was just thinking about it and i was like you know we always talk about following your dreams you always talk about sobriety i always bring out my morals but i haven't spoken on sadness in depth i want to take my pain and my experience and help you guys because i care about you guys so much and that's one of the main things i love about this is i love that i'm able to be a voice and an influence and teach you guys about life you just gotta know things will always get better when you're sad it's okay to be sad you gotta know life gets better life goes on i always say you gotta be down to be up you know shit's gotta suck for you to be up me getting kicked out of school this is a dick but now look you know that should change my life my breakup i thought that was the end of the world i was [ __ ] up i wasn't sleeping i was really struggling i didn't want to do anything that changed my life too that's when i was like [ __ ] that's when i started traveling life got better it always gets better you gotta keep pushing through you never know when it can all turn around you know [ __ ] could suck tonight and you wake up tomorrow and are feeling on top of the world chickens suck for a week and a week later you're feeling on top of the world you never know that's why you can never give up i'm trying to just cover some of the main things i can think of when i think of pain when i think of sadness you know like having someone that completely betrays you or having someone that you love so much that you know turns on you [ __ ] like that that's heartbreaking that's very hard for anyone you got to try to look at it positively and that's one of the main things i i say is positivity that doesn't mean you know should just happen and you're going to keep a smile on your face that means you got to think long term like in the moment bro to the example i just said this person just betrayed me this person [ __ ] this like what can i do it's over you got to think more okay now this person's out of my life they [ __ ] me over now i can surround myself with people that won't do that that just weeded a problem out of my life you know you gotta look at it positively and it's really hard to do in the moment it's easier said than done and i know how bad it sucks i really just wanted to say that as i understand all you guys you're not alone you know that's what i love about this community too is i see so many fan pages helping each other when they're down and giving each other advice it's not gonna be easy it's just gonna get thrown to you but what you choose to do with that matters so much you can kick down and you can stay down you can get kicked down and make the most of it and most likely wind up way better than you were and don't be afraid bro don't be afraid to lean on friends shoulders a lot of kids dm you with problems and i'm i always try to answer you know obviously i can't do it all for all you guys that are good and your friends are going through it be there for them bro just hugging someone and telling them you love them and and they mean the world to you can change it all and i know that's some cheesy [ __ ] but it's true and like i always said surround yourself with good people surround yourself with positive music positive influences you want to do everything you can to avoid sadness you want to do everything you can to not let events happen that bring you sadness if you can protect your heart and you can protect your mind do everything you can to do that like i always say don't get wrapped up in pleasures in life a lot of people get wrapped up in pleasures a lot of people get wrapped up in drugs or sex or things that are only momentarily pleasure that doesn't last you you got to focus on what truly makes you happy not these little pleasures it's about your heart it's about your mind that's so important i want you guys to take all the steps you can to keep that healthy but sadness sometimes takes place you guys see me i'm i'm happy a lot but when [ __ ] goes down and [ __ ] happens or even when [ __ ] doesn't happen it's just your mind you just wake up that day and you just want to lay in bed and [ __ ] sucks it's very important to accept that and then shoot for the stars and know i can turn it all around you know if i keep pushing it's only going up and i just want to let you guys know you're not alone i also think everything happens for a reason so maybe you know all this went down for me to be like oh [ __ ] you know there's something i can do with this i can help a million kids you know i just thought about it i was like i gotta tell them it's okay it's all okay it's okay to be feeling those emotions it's okay to be emotional but you just can't let it ever get the best of you or you can be on the ground crying screaming it's the end of the world in your eyes but i'm here to tell you it's not it'll only get better life will only move forward you can take whatever it is and become stronger and it may seem impossible but it's so very possible i know i say it all the time but thank you when i am feeling down when i am feeling sad a lot of the times i think about you guys i think about all that's going on damn i don't know where i'd be without that i put on my story that i was feeling down so many dms of love and support and telling me you guys are here for me and i want you to know i'm here for you always never leaving i love you guys [Music] hello friends
Channel: Baylen Levine
Views: 2,693,343
Rating: 4.953135 out of 5
Keywords: baylen levine, baylen levine vlogs, benitez, funny, messing around, best videos, funny videos, pranks, prank
Id: _wd6n0yH6TA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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