Adding New Weapons to my Game!

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roses are red violets are blue hey Goomba it's time for Carlson devlog episode 7 I think in the last episode we learned how to make maps and big lights added a boss and whatever this is but this time we're gonna well we're gonna make more maps but we're also gonna add new weapons and make a trailer for the game hello Carlson also where'd the 38 most wishes the game on Steam so make sure the smash wishes out gamers Carlson is currently at a point where I have a lot of mechanics done like movement war running weapons and enemies but there's barely any gameplay because the story isn't complete and there are very few Maps so let's get to work on some story writing so the plots of forest have four chapters do I know what do I know what I'm doing no but do I know how to make a good story no absolutely not I failed my classes at school anyway so here's the story so far our chapter 1 you're in the facility prison area chapter 2 you escaped chapter 3 you're suddenly on the rooftops still escaping chapter 4 I'm out of ideas imagine the sky what's going on so yeah that's the basic story I can't really go into more details because it would probably spoil the game but there will definitely be some juicy Carlson lore anyway since the story for chapter 1 is pretty much complete I got to work on making maps and making lights and if you watch my last video you know I don't like making lights so instead of spending three to four days on a single map I decided to just make one map every single day without much detail or baked lighting to just speed up the process and rather add it later so far I've made about 15 maps for chapter 1 but there will definitely be a few more currently though you only run around with your katana but eventually you reach a map where you unlock the pistol I've also made sure to set up some very helpful tips this way the player knows how to play the game shoot to shoot the pistol yeah you're welcome speaking of the katana whenever you're in the air and melee an enemy you're launched up into the air which is cool and all but sometimes you don't really want that so I've changed it up a bit and it only launches you into the area if you press the melee button otherwise you just slice through the enemies without being launched up another issue is that there is no vaulting in the game if you run into an edge you will smash your face into it and probably die of smashed face disease which make no mistake is a very serious disease instead we want the ability to just vault over the edge and keep going because you don't want to end up with smashed face disease because that's very bad now most games usually stop your speed completely and do a little get up animation but Carlson is all about speed momentum and high-octane gameplay which is totally not an excuse so I don't have to make animations anyway here it is in action and you can now run into edges and if you're close enough to the top you will just slide up and keep going with your speed it was pretty basic to implement and here is really all the code we need for it first we just find a velocity or a player then we do some ray casting to find possible landing positions name with teleport the player's position is found and also desync the camera to compensate for a oh and you can now also bounce on enemy heads like in mario because like mario once said roses are red violets are blue hey Goomba he never said that actually so on my discord server someone named Shep posted some really cool concept art for some weapons in Carlson's so join mine Thank You chef Donnie sends his regards chef did a really good job though and I think these weapon designs would fit Carlson well it's it's just a lot of fun to implement ideas from the community into the game so you guys are also part of making Carlsen anyway here's the result so far I'm probably gonna make it more detailed at a later point and add actual textures but I think for now this works fine also for legal reasons this is totally not an ak-47 because that would be illegal in fact this is the 80-48 which is completely different then I put it into the game and here you can see the the 80-48 in action yeah it's pretty fun to play around with and it's also very easy to add new weapons to Carlson because there is a modular system in place already and now it's time to make a new shotgun model because the current shotgun looks like a piece of [ __ ] so it kind of reminds me of myself actually anyway get it out of here so I started making a new shotgun model still using Shep's concept arts and it turned out pretty cool here you can see it in-game and you can even shoot into the ground while jumping to boost yourself up which is pretty fun to do it's like a like a shotgun jump thing because of three coil and physics and stuff we're just totally realistic so to test the shotgun jump thing in action I put together a quick map freaky Billy where you have to boost yourself up to complete the level it's pretty fun to play around with and opens up for a lot of fun and creative map designs especially for the community to make when I add the map editor tool I think it's also time to upgrade Billy a bit because he is literally just a cube with a scream so I made a brand new Billy model and he's now still a cube with a screen but with some more details also gamers is it just me or is Billy looking kinda normal actually he looks pretty normal to me this new Billy model is inspired by concept art from Panda small on reddit which I thought was really cool his father also makes Billy look really huge and fat which kind of reminds me of your mom actually anyway here's the new Billy in action he's just as dumb as ever and you can bully him just as much he just looks a bit better and then I was like wait my game looks kind of bad I wish it looked better and then unity said what if I told you it kid brah brah bro bro do I added reflections take a look in the mirror what do you see a dumbass but the point is that's a reflection and it makes my game look very pretty which is good and it's very simple to add you just put a circle boy in your map and boom you have reflections and also it such as me or as mirrored Danny looking kind of thing I'm just saying anyway since the shock and jumping was so much fun I added some blue boys which are inspired by bhop mobs I used to play on counter-strike source basically if you shoot them you go woosh he jump which also happens to be big fun this can definitely be used to make some crazy maps and it's just a lot of fun to play around with it speaking of maps currently going between different levels is a bit weird since you're being teleported and it doesn't feel very authentic in a game like for example portal which Carlson is very inspired by you move between levels by using an elevator but more importantly you don't even notice that you enter a new level because the transition is so smooth so I tried replicating this kind of system where you seamlessly move from one level to another you can see it in action here and there's only really one or two frames where you notice that the map is being swapped and implementation is actually very simple all you need is a function for saving the state of the player and function for loading and whatever this is why an enumerator had what even is that more like I don't know what this is get it out of here you know what I'm saying anyway if we just simply add some gates for the hallway you now can't really tell that there's a transition anymore even though we just teleported between two levels this will make the game feel more whole as if you're moving through an entire world instead of just randomly teleporting between maps because that's kind of janky another thing we have to address is the steam page for Carlson smash which this by the way it's a pretty tragic site and the trailer is absolute garbage the fact that this is the 38 most wished listed game on Steam is a goddamn miracle and I'm pretty sure steam hates me and have me on some sort of hit list or something so it's time to pimp up the trailer but a trailer and needs music so I hit up my boy and I was like hey I need some music and he was like okay sure here you go and I was like cool thank you guy and he's uploaded a soundtrack to his YouTube channel with a cheeky exclusive calls and screenshot and it sounds really good so make sure you check it out link in the description down below show her some love like I did to your mom last like if you catch my drift okay I'm gonna stop with the mom jokes nah not really then I recorded all the footage I needed and got to work on the editing now the editing itself didn't take very long but the sound assigned took a lot of time specifically for trailers I think the sound design is extremely important and here's a quick example of a normal clip with just music which doesn't have a a lot of impacts if we then just add a little black out to the video to little sound effects and they cut in a music we get a much more appealing result and after about nine hours the trailer is done and you can see here why this sound design took so long it's it's a goddamn mess if you have headphones though make sure you wear them when you're watching the trailer then I took more screenshots from the game made some gifts and after-effects and put it all together in steam and here is the brand new page it no longer looks like it was made by a five-year-old which is a good thing and hopefully steam put me off their hit list now anyway I'm not gonna keep you waiting any longer roll the trailer hello Carlson you are my prisoner and just subject ha ha ha ha just kidding not really this is your companion Billy your only objective is to get to the milk as fast as you can well good luck and don't die let me introduce you to Billy's brother [Music] if you want to see the full uncut trailer there's a link in the description down below to watch it on my second channel so far I think Carlson is coming together well but there's still a lot of things to do like adding a map editor continuing the multiplayer and finishing all the chapters for a single player but I'm feeling good about it and I'm having a lot of fun working on Carlotta moments one of the biggest issues right now though is I can't really show all the progress I make because I don't want to spoil the entire game for when you guys play it which makes it hard to make these dev vlog videos but if you want to see some more progress in clips and stuff you can follow me on social media like Twitter Facebook Instagram discord Skype myspace runescape you know the drill links down below gamers also make sure to wish this Carlson's we can get on that number one spot anyway a lot of people are asking me why it's taking so long to finish Carlson's so listen up you doofus making a game is actually extremely time consuming and the closer you get to finishing the longer it takes to make progress I'm working really hard on it but the sad fact is in finishing a game like Carlson is no easy task even though it may look like it's easy with these 10 minute videos you have to keep in mind there's a lot of work that goes in behind the scenes and although it looks like 10 minutes of progress with these videos is usually an entire month of hard work compressed into a short video anyway I'm gonna stop complaining now that's gonna be it for me thanks a lot for watching your very epic sir or lady smash like if you like smash dislike if you don't also subscribe for more wacky videos and as always drink your milk wishlist Carlson hit Billy and beat your will [Music] I wanna die
Channel: Dani
Views: 7,501,465
Rating: 4.9470491 out of 5
Keywords: Unity, Unity game dev, Gamedev, indie gamedev, indie game devlog, game devblog, dani, dani 3d game, he said i couldn't make a 3d game, so i made one, making my first 3d game, Making a Game in ONE Day (12 Hours), super hot, mirrors edge, grappling gun, how to make a game, software engineering, computer science, computer programming, tutorial, how to, develop games, karlson, Programming a Boss For my Game, randall, sam hogan, brackeys, dani2, karlson3d, devlog, game, adding weapons, epic
Id: qM7LhN7N7o8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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