He Bought All THREE Bugatti World Record Editions!

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so now you're talking about way more G than that and what I do know from the numbers when we did our 490 or 304 mile an hour run at that speed the tire has a constant tearing Force this way yes of seven thousand kilo seven tons to try and get your head right what does that even mean you know what's a seven ton process oh yeah okay so imagine taking the rim out of the tire so now you've just got the tire and you get a nice big steel chain through the tire you're then talking about picking up three and a half Shear on off the ground and that is the constant load at that speed on the tires special days should start at special locations across this week-long road trip tablet hotels and the Michelin guide have unlocked access to some hidden gems like the Grand Hotel dulak on the shores of Lake Le Mans it's day three of our adventure and we have been invited to one of the most exclusive hyper car handles in the world for the sing collection hold on to your seats you've never seen a Handover like this one [Music] foreign this is the first time that I've had the GT3 on the road since the new interior so to be inside the car that feels so familiar but entirely new it's very exciting indeed anyway speaking of excitement uh one of the major perks of partnering with people like chub is that they can open to incredibly exclusive things and like that in a tunnel and today is one of those such days as the title of this video would suggest we're on our way to Bugatti to see one of the most impressive Collections and handovers of record Edition Bugattis that I think I'm actually aware of in private ownership so stay tuned it's about to get hyper cool thank you so this is pretty cool look at this it's really funny because the gates for the entrance to the Bugatti Chateau are pretty unassuming I mean they are the original Gates and then you drive under this original wall straight through in front of the main Chateau and outside there is a collection of record Edition Bugattis all owned by one guy he's also brought down his Divo I think there is a um Daytona sp3 here as well yes there you go sp3 and a monster we're here for the sing collection to share with you a truly historic moment of privately owned Bugattis gathered outside the Bugatti Chateau for a celebratory Handover of not one but all three world record Edition cars with some special Ferraris thrown in for good measure [Music] okay welcome to the iconic Bugatti Chateau now today we have none other than Bugatti development driver Andy Wallace with us great to see you again buddy yeah and um behind us we have all three world record Edition Bugattis and there's no man better place to set context as to why these three are so special shall we start where it started yeah so when you were developing these cars you were all ready the world's fastest production car and you thought I'll tell you what we'll do let's let's make it faster so how does that journey start yeah I mean obviously when you want to do a speed record one of the things you want to reduce is the drag so when they came out with the the Super Sport well first of all I had another 200 horsepower less drag in fact piano drove this to the world speed record at that point which was 431 kilometers an hour which is 168 miles an hour it's it's seriously seriously fast and you can see it's got the NACA ducks on the top yes just it's very very slippery what were the challenges of of adding because creating 200 horsepower in the Realms of mere mortals is is usually an acceptable program to extract another 200 horsepower out of a car with such huge horsepower already were there any challenges in terms of cooling or induction or anything like that well of course if you yeah if you create more power you're going to create more heat I mean the engine itself to be honest is pretty bulletproof yes I think you could keep on turning it up but eventually of course you can't put the power down and one of the things that's unique to all of these for that is is that actually all the power that you've got all these crazy numbers you can put it down onto the road and certainly when you when you talk about this year on Supersport with 1 600 horsepower and 1 600 newton meters there is no wheel speed in first gear once you've got Tire temperature what's well it kind of rips your face off doesn't it and it's in it that's what's really cool about it yeah so I think of course the original Veyron had a thousand and one horsepower then we went to 1200 with this it was probably for the for the Very Room chassis it was probably getting a bit close to as much as you could put down right um but they still did a fantastic job and and it's an incredibly drivable car very very slippery yes um and of course it was probably the first crazy car in yeah I mean the Veyron was crazy but the Super Sport went to another level just incredible I I remember when the Veyron launched it was like that's it that's Peak you know done and the fact that well ultimately we ended up here which we'll speak about shortly what were some of the challenges from an aero point of view because what's the sort of basic formula in terms of the faster you go the more friction it almost J curves right it's a square of the speed yeah so yeah an exponential increase and that's um that's the load on anything that's rotating that's the Aero loads so if you were going let's say 250 miles an hour even if the car had zero lift and zero downforce on the front and the same on the back that's actually not what's happening what's happening is it's being sucked down with an enormous Force Under and on the top it's being lifted up so the whole car is actually trying to be torn apart so everything you do every single body panel everything has to be so secure and so it's not flexing or moving or changing shape yes because you get yourself into trouble do you remember the um when Jensen button was Formula One World Champion he drove the brawn yes and the brawn straight out of the box in the year was very good yes it had a double diffuser okay interesting so it was within the rules somehow but nobody else had thought about it so this is in fact a double diffuser yeah and I only I just again you know I I just was walking past I went oh yeah was that the first time I've actually noticed that but it's beautifully done and of course yes it's very very effective wow I mean sculpturally it doesn't matter how many times you see photos of these things it's not until you get up close to them they are magnificent things aren't they they are well when you consider the Veyron itself was conceived what 20 years ago yes getting close to 20 years ago and you look at the car now it doesn't look like a 20 year old car no no it's just a Timeless awesome thing isn't it yeah and that's such a an art to do that yeah [Music] okay so so taking fundamentally a similar platform 1200 horsepower quad Turbo I mean first of all I was majorly impressed because historically twin clutch boxes have never been that conducive to dealing with that much talk the engineering required for that gearbox which was Savage yeah well I mean actually the this was the first double clutch gearbox on a hyper car Supercar wasn't it back in the day but you're right it's got an enormous amount of torque this is 1 500 newton meters and 1200 horsepower the configuration of the engine so so in English we say Double U okay in French okay so in fact what it is it's two V8s together on a common crank so the two V8s themselves are in a 90 degree angle okay the two side V8s are only 15 degree angle okay wow so in fact what you have you have four Banks of four yes but you only have two cylinder heads because the 15 degree angle is so narrow that you can do it with one hand I'll do it with one hand wow so you end up with a it's not a light engine but you end up with a quite a short engine yeah despite its size it's actually a packaging Masterpiece because as a unit it's pretty huge but actually when you say it like that it's quite impressive isn't it yeah and you I mean when you look at the car when you see the engine on a plinth yes you go well that's enormous and then you look at it how did you pack that in there no exactly brilliant so obviously with this car it's sort of USP as it were is that you can be the world's fastest road legal human with the roof off so yeah from me through this I suppose taking the roof out of a car typically compromises it's it's its torsional strength were there any challenges in over coming now yeah it certainly does but because the Veyron chassis is incredibly stiff to begin with it was less of a problem than it would normally have been I mean generally you have to strengthen all the bulkheads and doing all enormous amount of work so it wasn't quite that bad with this car so in order to be a Bugatti it has to be you know incredible quality you don't I was going to say your hair wouldn't blow but I don't have any hair but you know your hair should stay in place right um there shouldn't be any horrible noise at 300 kilometers an hour and that's exactly what they've achieved which is amazing when you take the roof off this piece which is hidden in the front boot there yeah you actually clip it on what happens this piece in the middle a Vortex is created on either side of that which is how to rotate in right and that cancels out the noise so in fact you can I mean you raise your voice a little bit of course you do you're in an open car yes but you can talk at very high speed um without shouting your lungs out is amazing and then because of the air intakes being pretty close to urea yes the wastegate sound in this car is just like no other wow it's really incredible what are they a relatively normal conversation at close to 300 is pretty wild it is amazing and you know it's so good yes in there and so sort of you know you're in an open car you've got all the lovely sounds and everything yeah that you forget how much air is actually whizzing around so if you make the mistake of putting your hand up yeah you've got to be very quickly pull it back down again yes you know I learned that a couple times in open top LMP cars you know if you get a problem you normally put your hand out of course if you don't do it at 300 kilometers an hour but it feels so calm in there yeah that you you kind of don't realize how much hairs was in past it's incredible isn't that awesome right [Music] [Music] all of the modern Bugatti's have got so much torque that that actually and a lot of grip from the tire surface so that the wheel itself can spin relative to the tire because it can actually spin with inside yeah yeah and it's not something you want to do because once you start that process it'll polish right and it'll it'll do it more and more back in the day you would say well okay if the if the tire does spin you can have a balance issue because you know it's a wheel's balance yes but the the Michelin tires are so well balanced I know this from the race cars too what they do is balance the wheel yes and then when they add new sets of tires on they don't even bother boiler balancing them because they're so perfect so it's not so much that but it's it's still undesirable so what they did they came up and this is the Pax run flat system they came up with uh the solution which is you fit the wheel and tire together so tightly that it can't spin but that meant that there was only two machines in the world that couldn't change the tires serious seriously so yeah so that's why I used to have to send them away and that's why they ended up being very expensive so the solution on the shearon is we just glue them on okay so it's literally bonded to it yeah but it's a special glue that breaks very easily when you when you break the seals takatar off but it won't just let it spin radially right so I mean on the subject of tires I recall when when I had my first test drive with you those years back I think we were Jebel half feet Yes the original Chiron I mentioned to me it was amazing what a stretch of tarmac but there were some stats from there that just I think it's the small details that actually set context to the entire car run through again the re-engineering you had to do of the Schrader valve based on the amount of G it was typically subject to at higher speed but if we get down here um to the wheel so the numbers I'm going to give you are actually for 420 kilometers an hour which is 261 and of course now these cars we've lifted the limit up yeah the Super Sport to 440 and and this model the the 300 plus to 445 but let's go with 420. so the further away you go from the center line of the wheel when it's rotating yes the more the G increases by the time you get to where the valve is it's already at 420 it's already reached 3000g it sounds ridiculous isn't it so this two and a half gram cap yes weighs seven and a half kilos at 420. so and that's still a square of the speed so by the time you get the four four five it's four I don't know exactly how much more but that thing I mean there's one thing annoyingly we can't convey on camera which is weight but believe me there is none to that so this thing here which way is absolutely zero right now becomes seven and a half kilograms yes and it's seven and a half kilograms trying to go away fine as well yeah so you had to re-engine it I mean these are problems which typically don't exist yeah that's right so you you go to a new performance area and then you create a problem which then you solve and so on and so on okay so so can you imagine so this is going through that so what was happening was the stalk was bending at high speed and then some air was escaping seriously so you don't think about things like that do you this is something that's on every car and there isn't an issue so it's easy it's been fixed um it's been modified so that that solves that problem now the uh on the back of there you've got a temperature and pressure sensor which weighs 44 grams so that's 132 kilos at 420. just Madness it's just things you don't even think about no and it's trying to go away so and then and this is at the wheel Rim side so when you get to the tire yes so now you're talking about way more G than that and what I do know from the numbers when we did our 490 or 304 mile an hour run at that speed the tire has a constant tearing Force this way yes of 7 000 kilo seven tons to try and get your head up what does that even mean you know what's a seven ton yeah okay so imagine taking the rim out of the tire so now you've just got the tire and you get a nice big steel chain through the tire you're then talking about picking up three and a half Shear on off the ground and that is the constant load at that speed on the tires crazy right I love this stuff it just I think that it's those engineering stories of such extremes which I think underpins just why these things are so special yeah and it also goes to be a lesson like don't build something like that in your shed right it needs to be properly engineered sure yeah yeah Bugatti are always making sure that they have Headroom everywhere on the performance so in fact this tire if you really decide it's a bg2 okay so this is a tire that's specially made for the Super Sport and the 300 plus okay wow so the standard tire which was a bg-1 yes um it was still a Pilot Sport cut too they did all their testing on the rig in the US which is the rig they use to test the space shuttle tires back in the day right and although they said okay it can do the speed the rough speed that we thought we would do for mixing it was too close to the edge so what they did they um before the last layer of rubber goes on there are some metal radially around the tires some metal strands that go around which try to hold the tire in shape at speed they replaced that with a stronger but no heavier material wow before the last layer of rubber went on so now this is the homologated tire for the Super Sport and that's what we had available for the high speed run that is a nice tire so it's yeah it's wow it's an incredible tire so that's just one area of it so and that's probably the first area that you think about when you're trying to do a high speed run but the second one probably less obvious is well the car's got to stay on the ground so which is not as easy as it sounds so um just generally when a wheel is spinning in the wheel Arch some pressure is created together with the air that's going under the car at the front and you do get a packup of pressure in the wheel Arch which if you don't release that pressure it finds its way under the car and of course you're trying to create a low pressure under the car to hold it down so what you need to do is you need to vent the the wheel Arch so at the top we've got this lovely throwback from the eb-110 yes and although that looks like it doesn't go through it does the air is coming up under there right you're also venting at the back pulling it out and then down the almost at ground level you're venting there so you're trying to get rid of all this air that's out the front so this is air extraction to reduce lift to reduce lift exactly wow yeah yeah I would imagine at that at that speed the pressure in there would build fairly High yeah it certainly can do and it's it's not helping you at all um we've also got a slightly bigger area here okay I would say so just to help the nose yeah tip down a notch adjusting the yeah because the Aero balance is incredibly important and of course at the back it's very easy you can just change the wing angle yes so then in talking of the back if we go around to the back this has now got 1 600 horsepower instead of the 1500 of the standard shiron right still 1 600 newton meters but by elongating the car it's uh 23 centimeters longer okay so effectively a long tail it does have a little long tail on it hasn't it it does yeah but one of the great benefits of that so the diffuser starts in the same place but because the car's longer yes the slope brings the exit of the diffuser higher off the ground which then brings it closer to the top back of the body so if you reduce this Dimension you reduce the drag okay so I mean effectively if you went back another couple of meters and it went to a point yes that would be the ideal but of course a bit of a nightmare to park so but this is a great solution so yes so you get as you speed the air up under under the car faster air has less pressure right so it's pulling the car down so the whole thing's working and it's very very efficient in terms of drag if you can create that from underneath yeah so then on the top the rear wing itself too is closer to the top of the diffuser it has more of an effect of pulling the air out than it is so it's a win-win-win when you're going at that speed I'm sure you can't just lift up can you what's the sort of technique for slowing it down I know it's everyone's focused on this getting to the top speed yeah I've always been interested in what happens after that I can answer it straightforward but I mean I would say if you found yourself a clear bit of Autobahn and you were you were going along pretty fast yeah um and perhaps there was a Bend coming up in the Autobahn um you wouldn't just let snap the throttle shut would you yeah and hump on the brakes because you're going to get a lot of weight transfer forward but more importantly you're going to shift the Aero balance forward and so the the back of the car will become a little bit unstable but if you just do it gently you can calm everything down and it's and it's fine the only thing is we're doing it gently when you're doing over 300 miles an hour and the banking at the other end is coming towards you you do So eventually there's only so much gently you can do sure um and in fact in my case they said to me look uh when you get to the other end before you approach the banking we need to get you back down to 220 kilometers an hour so I'm traveling at 490. and uh you know when you um you slow down on the autobot and you go to an exit and you think you've slowed down quite a lot and actually when you try to make the turn at the end you realize you have to go really Swift yeah so on the screen we had the GPS readout and you know 490 yeah it's all great and I lifted off gently I put the brake on slowed it all down then I pressed a bit harder and I really felt like I'd reduced a lot of speed I'm almost at the banking and I look at the display and it says 362. what so then I humped on it for all I was stamped on it yeah probably got it down to about 240 or so Ronaldo entered and it was fine but um it just goes to show and just while we're at the back another interesting thing so These are 3D printed titanium exhaust tips and if you can see the design there is like an air channel around it so what that enables us to do it's difficult to make that you can only do it with 3D printed but you can make the carbon very very close to the exhaust without it setting fire to the carbon wow and that just gives you a bigger area for the diffuser love it wow and also there isn't there is an extra set of exhaust underneath here isn't that yes which blow into the diffuser wow so you effectively have a blown diffuser on this yeah I mean I think you need to be at very high RPM for it to be coming out faster than the road speed but it does have an effect and it does reduce the pressure wow in the diffuser how trick is that brilliant [Music] foreign [Music] if you achieve that say 100 kilometers an hour 200 kilometers an hour that doesn't necessarily mean that you will as you go faster so generally what happens you get more lift at the front and more downforce on the back as you as you go faster so you can only using only the pieces that are active on the standard Road car this is all we did so there's two flaps in the front diffuser that can change hydraulically rear wing angle can change we've probably had something like 300 kilos of lift on the front and a couple hundred kilos of downfalls on the back but it's still not more than the static weight so it's not going to take off okay but just to get that in your mind the numbers we were talking about if it were zero zero and you were doing 300 miles an hour You've Got 2 000 kilos of suction under the car if you like and then you've got 2 000 kilos of lift over the top surface and those two cancel each other out so that's to create a a neutral amount of downforce on the tire yeah I mean that's just that's physically what's actually happening so even if you're measuring the loads and you said oh look we're really clever we've got no downforce we've only got the static weight front and rear but actually what's happening is you've got the whole car is being ripped apart four tons of ripping force in order to neutralize it yeah so it's something you don't think of because you think of zero down for just zero sure it's running through the air so you know it's great the more you think about it and the more you talk about all these different things it's engineering Journeys massive it's amazing it's amazing it's absolutely amazing wow very special you know things like with the air brake and stuff like that so yes you're talking about okay car is perhaps unstable at very high speed but the air brake does a really good job of steadying it all down so I don't think you could get into trouble right to be honest the other thing to say is that every car car that's ever been made will if you go fast enough take off so it's just go to where that speed is and generally most cars don't have enough power to get to the point where they take off but sure um so you know eventually let's say somebody said okay well let's give it more power and we can now go 50 miles an hour faster at that point you probably are reaching the point where it would take off so you'd have to do another arrow New Era yeah yeah you would I think the context of that is super important because when you see cars like this Top Line you either just giving it some more horsepower it goes faster yeah it's not the case is it no because it creates a lot of other problems and actually that's a really good point is it what's fantastic from from my side from I'm just a driver right so but it's great to work with really really clever people people who are at the top of their field yes and work with them and and you can solve pretty much anything if you put your mind to it so extreme I just love that you've found problems which don't exist until you push things so far yeah no it's it's a complete package beautifully engineered and it's you know what makes it such a special car so in terms of cooling I remember you know Sharon having a lot of Radiators have you gone more on this less for weight yeah I believe it's still 12. if you if you include all of them yeah all of the water radiators the oil coolers gearbox coolers intercoolers yes that's some surface area isn't it but even to say that this thing has 12 radiators never mind a massive engine and drive train at it I mean what this thing must look like with its skin off must be incredible and you see lots of actually beautifully manufactured pieces which you don't normally see yeah and you think that's a shame really yeah why would they bother to make that look so nice well because it's a Bugatti right sure that's yeah what do you do I've been almost 13 years at Bugatti now and I have never seen one engine failure and all the time I've been here it just doesn't happen wow so phenomenal you know they're unburstable yes one of the things that did strike me when driving one was the effortless nature of it you'd be forgiven for reading these stats on paper and thinking this thing must be an animal and actually you can you can just waft along in it if you want to yeah you can and it's it's funny with stats I mean stats are important of course they are but um I I know some people who've you know picked up the stats of the shield and they'd say okay it's you know it's 1950 kilos or whatever and it's got all this horsepower and Well it can't be any good to drive because it weighs nearly two tons but then that's just plain wrong sure you know you jump in the car well it does but also center of gravity is very low yeah the steering feel is amazing for for a car that's nearly two tons and it just the whole package makes the car and you can't just have one standout crazy stat on a car and say well that's it that's a great car sure I'm I'm always impressed how fast you can stop from let's say you know let's say you're doing 200 miles an hour which is you know that's faster than anybody's book yes you can stop this car from 200 miles an hour just just that in incredible stability yeah um which is Andy thank you so much every every time I'm next to you on camera I'm always I always go away with a little bit of a headache because the numbers are so fantastic so uh yeah it's a real honor and um hopefully we'll we'll catch up soon and at some point we'll get into a car again yeah which would be fun that's it yeah yeah brilliant listen thank you so much thank you pleasure okay so I know we've just focused on the three record Edition cars but the owner has brought down all five of his Bugattis for this very special moment I mean that's impressive isn't it that is absolutely incredible but really in order to achieve that what a journey he's been on as well just incredible also I'm not aware of anyone else who owns all three record Edition cars if you are aware comments below I'm not that's incredible there's one thing owning these incredible cars but what about living with them the securing and ensuring and considerations you simply don't have to think about with conventional cars we've got an exclusive insight into exactly that with the man who takes care of it all we just got me thinking I don't know of another brand who has a literal Chateau as their age inside there yeah there's some incredible art yeah artifacts and I was thinking there's one thing ensuring that well first of all how do you go about ensuring something like this I mean we won't speak about value because I think it's a big group but yeah anyone can research this and it's unbelievable yeah well you've got value and insane power and all sorts of risk here yeah but the reality is what as an insurer we're concerned about is who the owner is um so our biggest thing is who owns them how long have they been driving these style of cars what's their experience like you know accidents length of license right and then how they look after the cars so parking outside the Bugatti Chateau on a sunny day is fine it's great it's great yeah ideal but then when they take them home you know the garage facility is it large enough for them all to be have they got good exits okay good fire protection good security um and that's that's our biggest concern and then of course how they're using them and I think that's that's the good thing is we ensure a lot of people don't have more than one car so the use is a bit bit lower um but yeah that's those are the sort of things we're concerned about who is it what are they doing with them how are they storing them if they're stored in the Right End environment I suppose it's okay to have them all under one roof or you prefer a split um I mean a split is is preferable if possible but it's not possible for everyone to do and actually this client for example might want to have all of them in the same for Aesthetics and that's fine yeah yeah so that's absolutely fine there's no issue at all as long as they've got the right Protections in place yes and even thinking about okay which one's most valuable here I'll park that closest to the exit get that out first really there's a fire yeah yeah yeah now risk appraisal will go chat to the client talk them through like how best to what else is stored in the garage yes next to the garage yeah um okay it's not always at home if it's a facility somewhere yeah sure what's next to that facility those sorts of things are the the questions we want to know what's it built of the garage itself okay so we're obviously as you know we're in the process of building our new garage now yeah we'd love to get your guys in to just really because the in the insurance side of it from our previous experience has been a nightmare yeah and so one of the things is as well we are putting our stuff on camera and we're saying it's here which is probably the opposite of this sort of thing yeah yeah so how do you go about that I mean first of all is that okay it's fine yeah it's actually fine otherwise yeah I know it's fine as long as you've got the right Protections in place their facility so we'll send out a risk appraiser who's a security specialist they'll understand what protections you can have yeah and how best to protect it so it might be that you have raising bollards sure so at night when you lock and leave yes no one can drive the cars out sure yeah absolutely and then some fire suppressants Etc fire suppressants yeah really important but also the locality like how close you are to the closest fire station yes um that's an important point so how do they get there yeah we sometimes will ask uh kids yeah yeah it's not far away yeah yeah I'm all about the risk but no in all seriousness get in the fire brigade in doing a salvage attack and Salvage plan it's a brilliant thing to do yeah for insurers you know it really helps us gives us Comfort okay and something we regularly recommend we're really on a journey of taking these guys along thank you [Music] this is amazing how unreal is that look at the ACT look at the hinges look at this thing it's incredible unreal so the whole case is carbon the hinges look like Billet and the entire bottle is carbon fiber insane isn't that mad you don't get a better bowl of champagne than that one as well it's wonderful really yeah what I love on the back there is a little dial that tells you the temperature of that too so that's important temperature so uh they thought of everything yeah so so the uh gent who owns the car outside has also taken delivery I never thought you'd take delivery of a champagne bottle no but I never thought I'd see a carbon form either champagne no now when I first saw the photos of this I didn't realize the scale of it because it wasn't next to anything I thought it was like you know this size normalish it's massive no super cool it's a proper Bugatti bottle of champagne I won't disclose the figure of this I know the figure of this yep so feel free to Google it if you want yeah but but because this is so Niche yeah how do you go about appraising this or or like well you know I mean is that a class that's being kept safe because it's in a carbon cage absolutely yeah yeah no so it it would pretty much just be I stand a bit of valuable articles cover for us so right we'd ensure the client's house and everything that's in it and he would tell his broker that I've bought you know this or something similar I mean there's all sorts of amazing things and now they're on and you know send us maybe a copy of the receipt not that we particularly need that um but yeah there was a way we can we can comfortably and similar to the garage do you do the same thing what's the fire suppressant like what's yeah yeah when we insure someone every household I'm sure she'll do an appraisal we do that as well to make sure the actual value is correct right so if it were to burn to the ground which we never want we can rebuild it there's no questions asked like it doesn't matter if the sum were wrong for some reason they'll rebuild it for you uh just sort of creating that peace of mind for clients um yeah and with all their valuables they're on agreed value okay yeah wow [Music] well that was above average I mean it's um funny that there's one thing when you see them out in the wild like owners meets and events like car shows and the Festival of speed and things like that but for one guy sing collection to have them all there for a very special Handover and to be part of that and importantly thank you so much to the singing collection for ultimately allowing us behind those doors to share it with you it doesn't take me to tell you that that's not the kind of thing that happens every day and uh I just can't thank everyone at Bugatti and the whole team involved in that enough for allowing us access and to get out of these cameras so thanks very much let me know in the comments below what you thought of that experience and uh we'll see you next time ciao [Music]
Channel: Mr JWW
Views: 526,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrJWW, JWW, Bugatti
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 3sec (2163 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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