How To Build A Koenigsegg - NEW Factory Tour

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[Music] yo get the speaker box loud hitting that stuff to you hearing that [Music] [Music] sound [Music] every visit to the kic Egg Factory is a special occasion but this time felt like an incredible look at the future the new Factory showcases the past the present and the future of kerix egg and what you're about to see is an incredible leap of progress for one of the world's most pioneering hypercar brand we've moved in here uh our transmission and engine shop so here we have 12 stations okay did we lose your call oh there yeah TW 12 stations so uh these three are uh transmission bills for yesco uh one person per station per gearbox per week wow so this room has 12 stations we can do we will also do the yira transmissions and the jir engines in here so when it's fully staffed and fully equipped it's potential of of uh six uh engines and six Transmissions per week being yesco or yamira so that definitely covers our needs that's a big step on then is it in term definitely cover our needs yeah exactly and but but it's also if if we're doing transmission or engines for others as well as it is more than our own needs so it's set up for the future uh we're already I mean the yesco engine and the yesco transmission we're already doing that uh one person a week per unit really so wow that's already happening so have two din down here Bay built then you B build each one yes correct it's fascinating seeing I mean the amount of times that I've probably asked you to explain it to me how this the D clutching works but it's fascinating seeing these yeah there are gear sets there are some beautiful components here that's for sure they are and some interesting pieces let's see what we can find uh yeah I mean this is a pretty cool piece this this is the what is that Crown wheel so this is our active diff here actually in the middle so you put pressure here with hydraulics to get more or less lock up and the the gears are well the metal is like unobtanium and and with DLC coating Diamond like coating for for anti friction and wear it's it's really like jewelry everything it looks like a a prop that you'd find on a Star War set but that's actually real you know the shafts are pretty wild Cy look at that like Hollow and these are all stress tested to deal with crazy amounts of of course course of course yes I mean Str yeah you found the funny part what is that it's a flux capacitor of course of course it is it's it's it's the iny of it yeah it's it's like a Swiss watch right yeah um and and the surface finish and and the details and this this this is like years of figuring out stuff ending up like this um so there's years of R&D in that part I mean we have highp speed rotating shafts transferring 130 bar or maybe more 140 150 bar of hydraulic pressure for the clutches with rotation up to 9,000 RPM uh so there was a bit of innovation when it comes to sealing materials and things like that to make that happen and also design and and and I mean a gear when you put, 1500 Newton met through a gearbox like this m on a m microscopic level it's like a like a jelly bean it's got some Flex yeah I mean everything flexes of course it's designed to flex a little bit that's possible yes but when you put that kind of power through something something's going to move there is a little bit of of of of yell beaning effect so you have to kind of make sure all the tolerance is allowed for that and that the material can take it and and that you don't touch anything and and that it can take that Flex under that load and and that it seals under that load so it's it's it's just a interesting so the challenge variables to end up here are vast I mean to to develop something like this from scratch yes hardly happens sure it's usually like an iteration of something this was not an iterative process this was like how do we rethink a transmission yes and how do we make it work within a reasonable short period of time within a small team in a small company and when when you're done it's kind of obvious what you needed to do but in the middle of the process it's uh you you have to have faith right just send it and hope for the best so describe jumping off a clip with would you have a sewing seing machine and some fabric and some thread and you kind of stitch your parachute on your way down and you need to make it work before you land brilliant it's a shame you don't see these things really you know they um one of the things that I find fascinating about you know Kix egg and the engineering that you're doing here is the irony of of it is half of it or more than half of it you don't ever see right right it's hidden inside of course yes look at it what like what is that it's just wild so here we have one of our seven clutches so we have 3 * three for forward propulsion uhhuh um giving nine gears mhm every time two in compound one gear plus another creates one gear set 3 * 3 becomes nine so and then we have one for reverse with a fewer clutches because we don't have the same torque KN in Reverse right uh what's interesting is we're taking off on these clutches right straight from clut this is like this was sitting on the crankshaft this is our takeoff clutch that's so crazy it's tiny how can that work I don't know you tell me and it works brilliantly and we never overheat them for like traffic jams or anything so well it's hydraulically cooled of course it's inside the gearbox it's not outside the gearbox so it's all wet and cooled like that and it's also uh wet between the discs um but we have a crazy short first gear ratio sure so um the the take of torque is very very low if you have like a long first gear like you can go to 100 km per hour in first you have a big differential speed between the between the input and the output you have a lot of friction going on but when you have a super short gear ratio there is very little Delta speed so you get very little torque and high RPM immediately going into it so so you can have a tiny clutch that doesn't overheat especially when it's cool and and and uh this is this is the biggest diameter flywheel kind of we have that's your largest yeah absolutely I mean well some gears are a little bit bigger like this one yeah so that's a little bit bigger than that clutch actually but that's about the biggest diameter of spinning anything so what what what were the sort of I guess what were the biggest unknowns when you when you were finally ended up with no flywheel well no one has ever done that so uh it's it's like an engine needs a flywheel is the the and and we do have indoor I mean this is all these gears that sits on the primary shaft they are somewhat of a flywheel of course they rotate but they're tiny so to have that small amount of of diameter on the mass has never been tried before but the bigger engine you have the less of a flywheel you need right so that's helpful um and and it's a lot of tradition going into flywheels as well and it also makes the software tuning easier because everything everything becomes more sluggish so you don't need to react fast to catch the engine or not make it over or whatever it does so so you need fast control when you have fast reaction right and as we make our own controllers we can make it you ad to it exactly and then you get this motorcycle feel which I've never experienced in any any car ever it's just different natured the transmission makes the engine behave completely different because we remove the flywheel Mass from the engine the way it it revs is it's just it feels like a motorbike in neutral almost it's it's just it's just so light it's wild experience it's it's it's yeah we we knew it would have an impact on the engine transmission but that it has such a fundamental change of character is is fascinating fabulous so very cool yeah so here we're building yesco Transmissions here we're building test enion and and I think you had a little bit look of our Mees system yes which is uh Hey something we're implementing throughout the company so these are like cloud connected screwdrivers effectively yeah yeah say I just joined I'm here to build my first Kix engine y this is our uh new production system to uh ensure we have quality and traceability in production and to this system we also have connected nutr Runners so the nutr runner and the mes system as we call it are communicating together so in this example here we are titing the cam caps to the cylinder head and they should be tight them to a specific torque which is executed by Electric nutrunner here okay so you've got predefined torque settings which are now set in this we see here we have um this bolt that should be tightened did that did that then automatically start off slowly and then start yeah and that's something that you guys map in exactly there is uh different parameters where we can set speed first torque second torque different tolerance of what we say is approved and you've had to map these across everything that gets fixed they all have their own profile and their toring all uh Tor uh B should be Tor so for example if we um fail this one we say uh so we uh uh red marked so that flashes up that yeah component or stage six in this case hasn't been quite completed to spec yep so from a quality assurance point of VI that's effectively yeah like Hard To Do Wrong basic okay yeah maybe you'll identify over the period of production at a certain stage you might get a red stage and then you can go okay let's inspect that right right the like the amount of info that you get both from the the tools that you're using but also from The Operators that are that are interacting with it yeah can also get a little more information as to why are we lagging over here or why are we always ahead of time over here and it might be that you have new operators that are still learning which means that you will be losing a little bit of time here sure or it might be that you know we've uh when we've set up the whole balance for the entire car it might be that some things take a little bit longer than we expected um might need to be a little might need to add a little bit of leeway for for adjustments K seg we have no other example of things and subjects that we filmed over the years where the comment section is are you cut that segment too early and it was and it'll be like a micro thing and we've just found that there's such an appreciation for this brand that we've got to the stage where we're just like right let's just share everything this is new and for me it's everything that you don't see that goes into the the reality of constructing something of this caliber that we're like okay how do we get here and then sharing things like this and showing The Wider team and all of the sleepless nights it's cool we saw this and we thought we haven't shared this yet it's cool we're in the brand new engine room so uh yeah thanks for your time man I appreciate that thank you man it's really so it's pretty pretty cool connected stuff that gives us a very good traceability and insurance that everything is done proper each time uh we we we have had a very good success rate without it with our super skilled mechanics working here over over time and and really paying attention like most core companies do it still so here we have a yesco engine pretty much finished I still can't get over how compact it all is yeah, 1500 sorry 1600 horsepower and 1500 Newton M and on 91 octane us meaning 95 Swedish uh we did a test how much is the maximum power you can get out on the lowest grade fuel you can kind of Buy in in the market and close to 1300 horsepower on a 5 lit out of just pump gas well not even 98 or 99 or or or or 100 like 95 European 91 us which is about the equivalent it was 90 horsepower something out of a 5 L with Catal converters and exhaust treatment and everything and of course you put 85 you get 65 yes it's it's it's the most power dense power train that is certified for course that I've ever seen that's quite a quote yeah obviously when people think KX EG they think speed right and I understand that but when we went from for a drive in the yesco around town right I think it's as impressive that you can make something with so much power so usable it it's the hidden secrets of of our cars that they have this incredible performance but they're everyday usable so these are your original hangers yeah that's where we started hanger one and then we got into hanger two okay and then three and four that we completely rebuilt there were not two stories or or that facade right uh so they're all now completely Ren ated together with the new facility so now finally we have some space you got lots of space now we been cramped for forever and suddenly we have room to spare this kind of a strange situation going from yeah from very little space to something to grow into what where are you at on the EMP employee family size now yeah I think we're hitting 660 670 employees w wow wow and uh it's like a J curve over the last few years yeah I mean we we've grown from 200 to over 650 in less than three years that's growth so here we have yeah test hey how you doing good hey hey that one how's things you good good so it's four-wheel four-wheel torque vectoring dyo the rare uh is 5 5,500 per unit per unit and less 3,500 so five what you say 5,500 so 11,000 on the rear axle and uh 7,000 on the front so it's like 18,000 Newton me so could you show us the uh the uh hovering function it's pretty cool we can take how much does one of these weigh this is 3.5 tons one unit each one each one 3.5 tons yeah so it's twice the car almost yeah we turn on the compressor okay you know you have those hovercraft going over over to Cal yes yeah we kind of borrow that technology that's how you move it you are kidding me look at this you can move like fing so this is three and a half tons yes that's awesome it's really good that's really good so we can set it up for different cars you have a lift table you have sprinkler systems uh you can connect data logging and then you can heat and cool the room and you control it from in there uh and you can do simulations of uh different tracks top speeds just flooring it flat out that's a that's a big that's a big fan wow and so you've you've effectively had this room custom built to spec we just ripped the space out and have everything custom built so my son Sebastian uh contributed with some design of the back roof with his laser sword looks PR cool yeah and all of this so these are these are kind of the controls on on top of the roof here we have like big coils these are all electric so we we're we're we're taking out this energy from the car sending them into the grid recuperating the energy but we can't always send that much into the grid so as we're talking several megawatts so uh we we can burn some off on the coils on the roof with fans which is excessive so so you're generating enough to to reserve some of the grid yes absolutely yeah or even more so yeah for the building and the grid absolutely and and and the you have one of these on each side these are kind of for intercooler air feeds okay so you can blow air into different fans and things and then for the exhaust you have this kind of thing you can hook up here so uh like a collector for fumes when you when you one of the reasons we love sharing all this stuff is I just think it sets so much context as to what goes into these cars like you know it's not it's everything honestly for me and from what we picked up in the comment section the value is in all of this crazy kit and Innovation that has gone into let's continue yeah yeah because there's so much wild stuff you have one wow wow wow you you see it's a similar setup with these kind of energy collectors so that's one uh dyo for otor inverter and here's another one and here you can see uh dark matter in an aluminium casing in the car it's carbon fiber casing but here it's aluminium so that sits there that's a dark matter with the you can see there are six cables going to the inverter yeah it's a six- face e-motor world's first for automotive use it's like so here we kind of run cider here or something it's a crazy science lab oh there we have a frontal crash test oh yeah wow we we have the we we using the mon Co get actually uh speaker ENC casings which because it's the stiffest area of the car and I haven't seen anyone else do that using the actual monoco so you've got so there's a speaker here there and then of course you have a big subwoofer in the rear and then you have in the doors and in the dashboard but you get that super rigid speaker in casing for for the best possible sound so these are like sort of amp cases for it's it's it's the uh the box where you if you have a home speaker you have a box and you want that as stiff as possible for the best sound so we we what better than a carbon one so we actually had to kind of simulate the crash testing everything with the speakers in place really yeah I I would imagine that was a first right yeah yeah because we've never done this before I don't think anyone else has as far as I'm aware this do you have are the are the tubs different if it's a left hand driver or right hand drive uh there's only a machining difference here because this has to do with the hwac so so um on on on on our previous cing SS we can actually uh con convert left and right hand drive cars after the fact so this one we can't because okay these are kind of machined differently depending on left but the tub tooling is the same oh here we can see a yamira seat actually it's interesting as we have uh this is our polish Department this is a test seat so the retractor actually sits underneath here okay uh and then the belt rolls around the shape of the seat and well this is the kind the trace for the belt so it's it's twisted to follow the curve of the seat um as we don't have any B pillars we needed the belt in the seat but we wanted a lightweight seat so there is one kind of um how should I say maybe compromise that you you can't it's a bucket seat yes so you can't tilt it like this but you can you can tilt the whole thing move it up and down and backwards and forwards and the steering wheel of course so there's a lot of adjustability but what's interesting about this seat it's an air core seat like the wheels so it's hollow inside uh and and we have this core We Lay Up positively so you get the best possible structure uh but also these cores allow us to have um kind of interior walls it's Hollow but you have interior carbon fiber walls stiffening up the seat so we can make it thinner so it's it's it's the second product we have with our airort technology that we developed for the wheels yeah chicken teriyaki time right yeah getting ready for lunch May lunch is on wow I love this cool yeah so this is uh lunch room lunch room it's very cool so when I first started coming here this was the reception area like about here correct yes yes right so you up for some lunch or yeah yeah I'm down for some lunch brilliant awesome great I'll have some great thanks yeah perfect thank you I've been fortunate to walk these Factory halls with Christian over the years but this time was different this family of Engineers is on a journey to a totally different Stratosphere and today was a tangible immersion into the very beginning of the next chapter for comic
Channel: Mr JWW
Views: 781,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrJWW, JWW
Id: 9M_J3iWcMbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 24sec (1344 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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