Ultimate Koenigsegg Factory Tour With Christian Von Koenigsegg

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[Music] [Applause] hmm pretty loud with the door open wow that thing is unbelievable all right welcome back to a very active koenigsegg factory now it's three years to the week since i was last here it was just before they launched yes go to the world at the geneva motor show and today we're back we're catching up with christian we're going to find out what's new hey hey hey james how's things good good to see you welcome how's everything yeah busy busy is it busy i was just saying by pure chance it's three years to the week since i was right here right yeah i was on the dawn of you launching yes well done we have a lot to show you not to show you lots of happen i think we're twice the size of company twice the amount of employees and twice the amount of car projects probably really it is awesome this building i don't think was actually no here when you were here i think there were a private jet and a spitfire airplane in here okay they have to move out so we're amazing we could really expand a little bit yeah also i'm aware i think we've just walked in to your office right yeah so that's that little red car model there it's actually the first uh it's it's painted clay that i modeled together with david crawford back in 1994 as the idea for the first koenigsegg uh yeah this is literally this is where it all started yeah absolutely so it's of course yeah handmade and a bit rough but uh yeah the co the concept is there so you even have the detachable hard top the short overhangs the kind of square package very compact i'm always fascinated on what's on people's shoes right because i always think it's a really interesting insight into you know what inspires you yeah so so here is actually uh the car that probably got me started as a six seven year old it's called the il tempo gigante from the the stop-motion puppet movie from normal norway called uh a pinch cliff grand prix okay so there was a bicycle repairman uh who lived on a norwegian mountain top he built this with his two helpers and raced in a lemon kind of race against the established uh kind of group c cars from the 70s and one with this contraption so you have yeah so the filmmaker's son the filmmaker is no longer with us but his son made a real version of this and uh he knew my story so we we raced with the nigeria or against this game around racetrack wow we had to do two laps that did one lap and we finished simultaneously yeah and here's just some kind of ideas for key holders uh for for our cars um yeah but we ended up doing a little bit differently actually so this is uh what you get with the yes go and jumeirah and we haven't actually shown this to anyone yet this is a a pre pre-production unit so it's uh it's already looking good here yeah so wow here is like the yeah the key are you kidding me for the car so it's like a sort of deconstructed babaji egg almost in a sense yeah so we engineered it and designed it here and it's very much a bespoke unit and it's a snug fit wow in this kind of protective egg you have all our symbols here we have the ghost squadron the koenigsegg logo the shield the customer's name it's an absolute the ghost yes go wow and so will the customer be able to apply different engravings on it yeah we can engrave the name of the customer and then the model of the car and the vin number and things like that and actually the the the customer version of this this is actually a foot as well you can use this to store things but this is going to actually fit here as well so you can have it like that if you want now that's the key that's a key holder that's a key holder right or something like that wow so has the actual key itself it's thinner huh yeah it's it's a little bit of an evolution yeah yeah wow so it's it's got the the leather you can have the leather of the car here it's it's a machined piece of aluminium you have the carbon frame and then you have the leather buttons and wow shape of the koenigsegg logo and it's a bit slimmer to fit in the pocket and it has of course proximity sensing so when you walk up to the car it primes and get ready and and puts the uh this the setting of the driver who had this last okay for mirrors and seats and everything super cool and that'll be for both yes go and jumeirah yes for both for all our course okay right wow that's fantastic we've not even left the man's office yet let's go okay yeah and here we have uh the upright for for the esco it's a pretty beautiful unbelievable machining as lightweight as it possibly can be iterated uh probably 50 times for optimization is i mean it's so is that milled from a single piece it is actually so it's not it's not 3d printed it's milled from a piece but it's very much optimized for the stunning process and it it's too complex to be forged or casted 240 millimeter diameter dual angle contact bearing for maximum stiffness light weights and also to avoid heat at really high speed as you can spread the load over more balls yeah crikey it's just amazing the regiera fence so you have this kind of yes parallelogram effect yeah i wondered how you made that i only noticed that first when we started filming the chronicles series and we managed to get a lens small enough to actually highlight that it was actually an idea from another swedish car originally sobs did this back in the days but not to this level sure we thought it was just a yeah a swedish way of doing events but it's very clean you don't have you don't see the angle so much it's more kind of elegant you have a very nice feel we're we're delivering the absolutely last regulars as we speak yeah next two three weeks that will all be gone wow okay and and uh the jessica is on the line and getting ready to get out exciting happy to show you let's do it so yeah here's engineering office phenomena mechanical engineering transmission engines bodywork chassis carbon fiber simulation electronic software hardware product leading all in the same space just above these guys got the best view in the house yeah so we really want the engineers to be close to the physical parts they develop so you're running into the prototype mechanics and the parts and the vehicles it's all tied together wow so all of this did not exist exactly and we're doing a copy paste almost in the hanger next one then we have the final hangers of the old hangers look at this hey guys can we have a little quick look inside this absolutely yeah so this is an actual this is our uh one of our development dinos okay we can put uh this is a just go engine running right now we have these trolleys so we can quickly in one hour change a three-cylinder trolley to a v8 trolley and run that instead in an hour in another quick turnaround quick connects on everything so you snap it on undo it to put a new engine in so this this can go over 2 000 horsepower and over 2 000 newton meters this dino so it's kind of good for our needs and then we're building next door which will be finished in three four months the world's most extreme four-wheel drive uh four-wheel torque vectoring uh chassis dyno which can go up to 3000 horsepower and spin the wheels up to 540 kilometers per hour and it's also a climatic chamber that you can go down to minus 30 degrees and up to ambient of 60 70 degrees during a test during a test exactly so we can do cold starts and we can do high-speed setups and maximum power for all the models we can conceive for the future i suppose one of the the challenges going forward with dinos is evs generate a huge amount of torque absolutely absolutely so so it is an electric dinos we have these huge uh coils on the roof dissipating the electric heat and stuff like that we're trying to regenerate that into the uh floor heating and stuff so we don't waste time as well okay wow at this this time you can flex fuel now we're running on alcohol here e85 you can run on 100 ethanol or methanol or volcano by just a switch of buttons so you're able to pump in and test different fuels yeah during a test we can run different fuels so we yeah we switch over because it's flex fuel so we're flexing between different fuels and setting that up as well for anyone just tuning in you might have heard the word vault canal there um would you mind just giving us a top line of what that is yeah so it's basically a fancy word word for environmentally friendly co2 neutral methanol that derives from the uh natural co2 emissions from volcanoes that's how they invented it you can basically cork any co2 uh kind of uh chimney and convert to methanol but they invented it taking it out the volcanoes on iceland it's an icelandic patent i think they even got some kind of nobel prize for it and uh it's it's if so you convert natural co2 outflow into methanol so it's completely recycled um and it's a cool name i like honey i'm going to say the fact that it comes out of a volcano makes it like 10 times as cool i love the use of actual accounting pedal box exactly brilliant oh wow [Music] [Applause] pretty loud with the door open wow that thing is unbelievable and we actually have that the whole plate the whole metal plate is on air cushions because i mean we have a two hundred five wires sitting up there vibrating you only hear it very minutely it's so well done but with the door open it yeah it's a different story here here is actually the three cylinder uh the tfg on one of these trolleys i just mentioned yeah so that's ready to slot in when we're done with that it has a lot of test and measurement equipment on it as you can see so this is effectively what will end up in i mean this is a test engine with a lot of extra stuff on it but it looks like a horn i mean like i don't know what it looks like it's like somewhere exactly yeah so uh but but yeah the engine is this will run free valve it is running free well yeah absolutely as you will experience in the car so the building we're in now then uh didn't exist the last time i was here well right the the shell existed as an airplane hangar and there were airplanes in here actually there was a spitfire in here no yes a private guy owning a spitfire and some other planes yeah but they they they found a roof over their head elsewhere so we could move in here and we converted this kind of just open space into what we call our pilot plant where we have our test cars uh and upstairs we have our engineering uh office for for uh mechanical design engine design transmission design electronic software everything combined up there so they're very close to the actual what's going on downstairs here and here we have uh what we call the tc1 jamira this is a massive moment okay so is this the first driving prototype this is the first driving prototype so we started driving this last summer right and we're still driving it and we're building tc2 and tc3 as we speak which will be a little bit more refined so we can say this is the a sample the first version of a driving mirror apart from the show car you have experienced which also drives but it's very much uh incredibly the real car this is fundamentally uh uh very similar to the production car but not fully refined yet so this has battery under this battery on it engine free valve free valve uh four-wheel drive four-wheel drive truck vectoring but it's very much a test car if you look inside it's sure full of testing equipment i'm not sure if this has been shared yet has it i've not seen it no it hasn't we haven't really i mean someone might have caught us here in the valhalla park behind us sure driving around but uh otherwise we haven't really shown it as a moment this is really tangible this is like really happening here you know it's super cold wow and uh yeah it's it's it's it's kind of what you see is what you get here it's mostly test equipment in here of course we are logging everything right kind of close to the the final thing but of course working on refinements sure so we've just installed our own uh e-pass steering rack a new brake system so it's kind of going through the the the motions we're putting in next generation inverters and electrical motors that is closer to the production sure that we unveiled quite well those are now developed and constructed in-house right absolutely and we will have a look at that later today so wow it's all all in-house developed to suit this perfectly david quark and terrier exactly so the terrier is actually not for this the terrier were put together in the press release to show what uh if you combine the six phase output david with two two quarks and two small planetary gears you get the lightest most compact most uh powerful per weight and size electric drive unit we've ever seen so of course we can use that for something fun or we're also offering it potentially to others if they want to use it yeah so how far through its development stage well percentage-wise is difficult to say uh but uh it's becoming more and more close uh to to the real thing basically mechanically it's very very close it's soft software is uh is massive in this car i mean everything is software-based right and we're kind of bringing it up together so right for example the engine is now running and it's propelling the car and it's charging the battery and it's running pretty smoothly uh but but what we will do quite soon is we're revving up to four and a half thousand now in the car we're revving higher in the dyno but we're just kind of stepping that up as we go to its eight and a half thousand max rpm and also kind of bringing that emotion that we can kind of flare it quickly and rev it and with this car as you can disconnect the prop shaft to the front with the hydraulic clutches on the on the front drive unit you can rev it freely uh as you have a let's say as the neutral because it kind of has a neutral have a neutral so um and and when you use the paddles we have different programs to to suit different tastes of driving okay so you can have you can have like a a downshift which means you'd like jumping the equivalent to three four gears and hit seven eight thousand rpm okay or you can just have this super smooth kind of cvt feel if you like because there's no limitation of what you so in one shift you can simulate a jump to yeah you can you can be at 2000. flooring it with a lot of torque and then you pull it and depending on how hard or how long you pull it you will shoot up to a higher rpm and lock it there and go like you know you're in a lower gear wow so so it will have this super exciting engaging direct drive wow which is at least as fun or more fun than a than a gearbox you're really getting a good feel for the scale of these doors yes i think one of my favorite features of the car is no b-pillar right right yeah you can we have a video on our youtube channel where we have two persons which are over or just under two meters tall just walking in to the car from both sides not moving the front seats backwards or forwards while getting in all of them simultaneously so that that that is the beauty of the no b-pillar and accessibility and space inside beautiful isn't it of course if you have a very very low uh garage has it got a it has it has a sensor here right so it would stop earlier and you would have to go around it sure but most garages have this kind of height yeah it's it's not that tall it's like two to 28 meters so it's like under normal roof height yes but it has that opportunity to stop early and you can still easily get in and out even if it's in this angle sure it's just not us wow let's put it like this it's much lower than a tesla model x gullwing door sure yeah yeah of course yes so the perks of the 800 volt isn't just the charging you can make the fundamental system oh yeah all the wires are lighter thinner basically the higher voltage you have the thinner cable you can have with the same amount or let's say power meaning yeah you can have uh the amperage if you have the same amperage as 400 800 basically have double the power so and amperage is what what dictates the gauge of the show of the cable have you had to upgrade the hinges yeah yeah it's a little larger that's great yeah and transformers yeah exactly so i mean the center of gravity of this car is super low but since we don't have since we don't have a a free kind of it it has a frame around here right the reason why we have this kind of more traditional old-school sports car window is because this glass curves so much so you could not roll it down and it would be too big right so we're doing it this way i kind of like it as well yeah kind of a hulk back to all cool mclaren f once and so on but um but it's basically because it's too much roll here which we need for arrow and the shape of the window but that also means that if if you would end up on the roof it's not enough to to crack the glass right i mean you could and then you would have to rip this out it would be a little bit of a headache if you want to open the door sure so we we're also building in explosives into the hinge so and then you have these little blast doors yeah so yeah you have these emergency openers normally just press the button everything is robotized without the skin right but if you're upside down and first of all you can always use that normally as well if you want to but if you're upside down when you pull that there's also a little uh explosive unit going off in the hinge so the door just falls to the side falls off i love how he throws in casual things like normally it's robotized with auto skin right and that will run the screen which maintains its horizon yeah wow look at that that's so cool and this is an early version we have a higher processor speed now in production which smooths it out even more and it's very responsive and oily nice important for the for the feel so uh yeah we have a couple of yes go test cars here going through the paces i mean now we are officially in production in two days and you will see the line but we're still refining some software and things like that and putting learning how to fully service the cars and the service instructions and stuff like that but here you can see a little bit under the skin of course you have the the triplex suspension which is very advanced on the esco to keep the car so this is triplex on the front as well now exactly not the absolute but the the attack version the attack version that's what it's officially called yes so here you can see it wow yeah so with the attack version you if you want to take the roof off you leave it in the garage yeah exactly this is yeah one of the few koenigseggs we i mean the one to one was similar so we sacrifice a big part of the luggage space to accommodate maximum downforce and here you can see this is a test course you have all these strain gauges stuck on here so we can see exact load cases for setup and also double check the structural integrity compared to the load case so we haven't done it over under done right the weight of parts so the difference in the absolute is less downforce yeah so much softer suspension because uh this needs so much uh tougher suspension to hold the car while avoiding it pressing into the ground yeah and of course we do have downforce uh on the absolute it's a couple of hundred kilos instead of a thousand or whatever it is here wow so it's high on this yes it'll be interesting to see what the the final split will be between if people are opting for uh yeah i think i think what we're seeing for the first batch of orders is about one-third okay yeah they're interesting wow it's a hard choice yeah yeah it's right it's very difficult it is yeah that's it it is so if you're just tuning in you make it 125 125 right and you have to make a choice you're going to go for attack or absolute correct okay an attack is more track focused a bit more hardcore driving experience and absolute is i remember you saying it will be your fastest top speed car ever no doubt about you can't see from a from a physics point of view that you can achieve i mean it's much more power and much slipperier than you've ever done with a nine-speed gearbox instead of a seven with with a tighter ratios with a higher taller top gear and easier to get there so yeah i could be interested to hear in the comments would you go absolute top speed or do you go attack yeah yeah you know and the cool thing about the absolute it's going to be super fun on the track yes because little bit softer sprung and a little bit less downforce of course you don't have the same cornering speed but it's very predictable on the limit because it's a little bit less uh on the knife age of course so and and this one has the more extreme tires as well the attack version yeah is the majority of the downfalls downforce or ground effect it's it's it's it's both of course but with this huge wing and this huge front splitter it's it's a lot coming from above but of course we're doing whatever we can underneath as well so uh if you compare to the valkyrie of course it's it's i i don't know maybe 80 20 here it's maybe 50 50. right so but it's much more of a daily driver as well right we're building uh experience the first absolute over here so here you can see the arrows vastly different completely yeah here's a yeah a good example to see how how lightweight and slender these chromolybidinium wishbones are we've been thinking of making carbon fiber wishbones and so on but what's nice about having a steel wishbone is the compliancy in in a in a crash you can bend it a little bit sure so yeah and and it's really lightweight and stiff for these kind of straight tubes with these nodes that are uh partially 3d printed or very extreme machinings the component tree on this is it's it's almost a shame to put the body on it here you can see how compact the transmission is the nine speed transmission i mean the rear part of the tire is around here so it's all within kind of the axle it's nothing sticking out back at all it's super compact and the engine is really far forward and down in the chassis so the nine-speed box that's capable of dealing with torque similar or greater than a single clutch uh yeah i mean we've designed it for uh for 1500 newton meters to talk so that's the highest gearbox or transmission we've ever had yeah but it has the shift speed as well as fast as you want yeah i mean right well actually there is no shift speed because we're never shifting years we're only clutching so it's uh you have three times three clutches and then you and three times three becomes locking them right yeah it becomes nine so it's a compounding effect yeah and then you have your final drive so so when you're shifting between these clutches or when you're choosing between these clutches not shifting really yes uh you're slipping in and out of them but you never lose torque that's a similar thing if you do the right thing in a dct and you shift in the pre-selected gear you don't have to lose torque and we don't have to lose torque between third and seventh if we want because we just choose those instead of those so there's not anything going through or pre-selecting every gear is pre-selected all the time all the time you see what i mean yes it's bonkers so and look at the size difference exactly because in in in in reality there are only six gears three times three right so it's the size of a six speed but you get nine due to compounding and then you don't have any shifting mechanisms because they're not shifting yes clutching gonna have to have a strong cup of coffee after this one it's i mean it is a mind blast it's it's unbelievable so here you can see again uh we don't have the different suspensions exciting here the wishbones are really beautiful and lightweight the uprights are a work of art as well yes yeah you can see them here you can see massive brake cooling yes you have one direct pipe here carbon fiber blasting there you have this shooting from the front air intake and this huge beautiful machining with 240 millimeter dual angle contact bearing the reason why we have the largest bearings in the industry is because the larger bearing you have the less heat you get at high speed because you can divide the uh the load over more uh surface area in the ball bearings and also the the bell housing here because we put in a little bit higher effort than anyone else they're all clocked for each corner because you're only breaking i mean okay when you're reversing you're breaking in reverse but but that is not the same load as continuous pounding forward so sure so this is the forward braking kind of uh material holding against the force and that's the reverse normally you have equal shapes yes uh but then you have uh on the limit on on forward and unnecessarily too much material breaking so we kind of move this material over here to make it lighter crikey and then of course you need one unique for each corner which makes it a bit more expensive but and then we also shaped it if you film in here you can also see on the back side of the bell housing it's a little bit fan shaped and you can see it goes up and out here so we blow air on this surface as well from that side it has a small pinch point yeah so it can release air and then you can see kind of the shoveling effect on the if you look in there on the surface yeah it's almost a fan at the back exactly wow so you can do that when you and these housings are specific to each corner exactly because that if you put that on that side it will be in the wrong direction yes if you put it there it's the wrong disc and they're wrong so therefore you need one for each corner wow okay that's uh that you know the reason why it's it's good to walk around with you is because there was there would be so much injustice if i spoke about these components i was like oh that looks nice [Laughter] we're really going into depth yes and everything and and given let's say the torque the power the capability of the car the features and functions it is as light as it possibly could be there is one kind of uh giveaway away two giveaways we have an amplifier for the stereo system and then we have this unit for the outer skin which adds about with all the hoses and everything adds about five kilos to the hydraulic lifting system and aerodynamics but you it gives you this super nice feature of not having to touch the bonnets and open and close the doors and everything automatically so i think and it is pure theater isn't it yes of course you can rip that out and save five kilos but i think it's five kilos as well yeah that's it and we anyway had the pump we anyway had the the reservoir actuator and the tank and the control systems yes adding that distribution box with some hoses right and and uh wow and that was it so and some software of course sure here is a test gearbox on on a pallet so you can see how compact it is this is an early version with different companies a twin clutch box would i mean if we've done one it's like up here yeah and another 30 40 50 weight yeah and then you would only have seven gears and probably only a thousand meter newton meter torque capability so but on top of that yes in the weight we described you have the starter motor which normally sits on the envelope yeah of course and normally you have a flywheel and clutch but yeah there's whatever is needed of that is inside here all the clutches i mean there are six clutches plaster reverse clutch and there is no flywheel on the car we have to hook it up directly to the crankshaft into the input shaft that's why it's the fastest revving fastest revving combustion production engine in the world so there's no mass it loads my mind have we look at it's it's a work of art yeah it really it's it is the bolts themselves are these are proprietary fitment yes yeah i mean basically we have a design for each position its own bolt yeah pretty much each each position has we designed the bolt in length and stiffness and the waist and material if it's titanium or steel depending on what's needed perfect perfect yeah that's unbelievable well that's yeah that's how you get this exactly the interesting thing about you know what constitutes a hypercar is often the stuff you don't see right right you know it's this stuff which makes them completely next stage you could never go into this level of detailing on anything costing much less it just wouldn't be possible and of course they need to stand out they need to have unique features and functions to be lighter stronger safer yes more exciting somehow uh and and the only way to to achieve that is going into extremes into the depth and extremes in as many areas as possible how do you cultivate that culture and mindset within the company it's i would call it it's or i would say it's just something that happens right walking around talking this is not good enough why did we do this why didn't we do that yes let's just redo it right uh let's aim for higher it eventually just then people come to the mindset become like that i would say yeah so over the years of developing all of this tech have you had any learnings which have been able to get filtered down into other industries or oh your cars or should i say more mass produced so if you're talking about the tfg three cylinder if you talk about our electric motors our control system our ota yeah our transmissions all of these components we are today working with other companies looking to implement for something else and actually it's kind of in a way a little bit disturbing us because we're so busy doing what we need to do anyway yes but we're starting to realize it's crazy not to share this technology in a broader audience when those things actually can be produced at a higher volume or than just having fun with it ourselves and it also enables us of course to even further develop those systems and products that compare it if we only did it for ourselves but in the short term and until now it's more a disturbance right then again but we're thinking long term yes yeah yeah yeah let's go upstairs show you the development environment so this is our engineering landscape we basically have crammed our engineering and development resources into this top floor in this new hangar where we have the pilot plant let's say prototype development downstairs and all the engineering software and electronics uh design up here wow behind us here we have simulation okay it's structural simulation cae cfd for aero thermal simulation and other types of simulations this group of how do you really do everything in-house don't you like a lot of this stuff would be outsourced wouldn't it that wouldn't be that i guess would not be unusual but we really think it's critical and vital to have it in-house this is uh electronic hardware development where we do circuit board uh and then software right behind here ah here we have a prototype of the cup holder look at this how cool is that wow okay it's probably the most extreme yeah cup holder we've seen we've really spent a lot of energy and time in getting this work so it's actually thermally simulated aerodynamically and thermally with our simulation tools maybe boris do you have any more information about it hey this board is better good to meet you electronic design wow so that's our family uh coupled cup holder so we can heat and cool at the same time it's designed to be able to work in dubai just like in finland or sweden this is a prototype so you don't see all the electronics that would be in the car the prototype electronics but that's quite nice and of course it's we don't want people to burn themselves or freeze their fingers to oblivion but it still needs to have a lot of power so we can sense if there's something in there and and put more energy or less energy into the capital what is that when it's there exactly right imagine that there are safety requirements for cupholders well that's definitely the possious set of cup holders i've ever seen and here you can see a little bit under the surface of some control boxes we have really skilled circuit board designers to shrink and and minimize the size and complexity for the outer function this is this is what is controlling the engine the tfg engine wow is it good and uh yeah so it's like a folded uh electronics so we can make it more compact so that's the control board of the engine yeah yeah right mil-spec connectors and this is not this is not standard connector no no this is this is a different wall yeah history-wise they they came from jet fighters so um okay they're using all your european jet fighters you've got jet fighter connectors in your car yeah exactly and and if you compare this uh this engine controller compared to a normal engine controller what would use a hip hop well it's designed to be used in different type of car so either tfg tfg or v12 v8 and this kind of this kind of car so it's very versatile it's a lot of diagnostic it's you can update it over over the years or a lot of tuning capability also so we can tune exactly to our engines super fast multi-core cpu i mean that's the top you can do yes to control an engine and then we of course infuse it with full onboard diagnostics so we can certify the car around the world it's very exciting and it gives us super high degree of freedom and flexibility sure and then all these what we call them nodes these controllers all the nodes are speaking the same language part of the same family and speaks to our cloud and can be updated from our cloud and down into each car worldwide all these controllers they have basically two memory slots right so whether your car is part or out driving when we have an update we download it in the background in one of the two memories which are always available so it's just happening and the whole car simultaneously in the background and when you get the information on your screen it's oh you have an update you click it it happens almost immediately because we just switch the memories and then the other one is available brilliant so so the experience is like whoa that was the same that was a must update yeah it's like wow right there 20g and maybe maybe yeah a few words on the in inverter uh yeah so we are using the latest technology in semiconductor so we are using what is called silicon carbide that's a new way of designing silicon semiconductors for switching high power and high voltage that allows us to raise the battery voltage to what what is needed for for the power that we require and to raise at the same time the the current into the motor and at the same time shrink the whole uh the whole inverter the inverter is what is converting the battery voltage into a motor voltage so three phase motor and uh yeah here you can see inside this is directly technology directly from formula one that we brought with us wow and um that is what is racing now on the uh on the tracks yeah wow incredible this tool's making me feel real basic [Laughter] so this sits in the floor plan actually so it's very compact it's the most power dense to size and weight battery pack in the world the the regierra had the record before and now this takes it to the next level and it's uh using our patented dielectric cooling liquid that we already have in the in the regiera and then we're kind of taking all the lessons learned and taking it to the next level it's all about mixing yeah highest motorsport technology with military technology also sometimes so it's using some sounds highly cool the best taking the best picking the best from everywhere you can each industry and going wow big it's a small pack battery okay it's because we have a hybrid car so we don't need energy yeah but we need crazy power so that's the most powerful battery you could find wow in that especially in that size that's why we have to use components that you don't find on the market normal market i mean the current the density of the current onto the bus bars into the cells and everything is insane it's just insane yeah so from around eight kilowatt hours you can extract uh one megawatt of power seriously yeah it's nice you've done that it's just amazing and the weight of the battery pack is i think 160 kilos well done brilliant thanks very much yes we have this kind of areas here and there where you can sit down and have love yeah yeah very close together got a nice vibe about it here you know so you're testing extremes of minus 40 and plus 80 yes 85 i think we go up to okay and in there is a infotainment system correct this is the controller for the infotainment system the bird's-eye view parking the apple carplay okay climate control right and actually the uh the four and g uh uh motor yeah to communicate for over the air update so right now it is functioning over this cable to this laptop running it and sliding it oh it's actually running it's running as well as doing a temperature exactly at minus 39.5 degrees to see that because of course with with a lot of plastics and soldering so so a lot of movement expands and it's hot so you cycle it up and down and test it that it works in all these different environments start to look good value actually [Music] you
Channel: Mr JWW
Views: 2,394,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrJWW, koenigsegg, jesko, Gemera
Id: 30TFrquvs9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 59sec (2399 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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