Which Youtuber Squad Tried to Break into Our House after Comic Book Party?!

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i think we're making the game after grid again whatever we do we have to make sure he holds on to the memory ball it's not safe here you guys need to get back to your house i'll take care of the game master and meet you there all right you guys heard rz twin it's not safe here we need to get back to the house okay yes go i'll meet you there game master okay yeah you're okay all right let's go you guys yeah i'll meet you guys there all right we are back at the house rz twin the game master and daniel are all going to meet us here soon yes but first bbi we need to thank you for all your help we could not have defeated mr x and made the game master good without your help yeah now do a face reveal i'll do a face reveal if you guys can guess who i am first so you're saying if we can guess who you are we get a face reveal yeah but you only get one guess one guess that's a lot of pressure yeah if we guess who you are that kind of ruins the face reveal all right fine i'll give you two guesses but that's it two guesses everybody up here except for you come on come on okay everybody knows who it is yeah on the count of three just say who you think it is okay three two one zombie zoey connor what's sophie dossier we've never seen zoe and bbi together it definitely has to be zoe right damn fam no there are so many reasons why it's connor you have no idea it has to be sophie dossier i mean zoey and connor do not make sense well maddie what would you know about connor rizzo okay connor's my brother and then zoey's his crush but okay we only get two guesses i think we need to come up with some type of detective board list all the information that we have before we make our guesses i need to make sure that they're telling the truth though okay so what do we do i'm gonna call john who's a professional polygraph examiner and ask some more specific questions about exactly who they are we'll go up and make a detective board we'll come up with a list of all three and then from there we'll make the best decision to figure out who bvi is but stampin we're gonna need your help too yeah it's definitely connor though no it's zoey but come on you guys okay i gotta make a phone call hey wait where are you guys going you're staying with me rebecca i really like your shoes thanks bbi okay same time so this is really important we need to figure out who bbi is so we have a detective board and we need your guys's help we're gonna write down all the clues that we have so we can figure out who bbi is and hopefully we can get a face reveal yeah all right get in here john thanks for coming back bud it's been super integral and trying to figure out what is going on right now are we dancing okay sorry yes wire her up john last time you were here did you get a good feeling yes well maybe we can trust this person we're gonna find out today a feeling that bbi stands for bye bye idiot john coming in with the zingers right now so who is bbi right now we have three suspects and we're gonna put them on the board right now person number one is who matt thinks it is which is cotter i like the dress connor person number two is my guest sophie dossie and finally the third person who i think bbi actually is is zoe the hacker aka my best friend in the friend zone you mean ex-best friends yeah because they're your best friend now no no sophie dossie's my best friend right now i know we've been having a good time and you helped us out a lot you actually did help us out but if you want to join the game master network that's a whole different thing okay we're going to start off with some baseline questions john can you remind us what baseline questions are baseline questions are where we ask questions that we already know the answer in advance to be true that's right so these are easy ones okay baseline question number one is it true that you helped us at the comic book party yes true okay we knew that was true so we'll start out with matt's guest which is connor and we're gonna write down why conor could potentially be bbi one reason why it could be connor is that he has a lot of knowledge about maddie i mean bbi does know a lot about me you're kind of right another reason that it could be connor is because connor has worn a wig before remember when he saved me at the hacker wedding well bbi was awake honor wore awake but one reason it couldn't be connor is bb is a pretty good dancer and i don't think connor really was no offense connor cannot dance zamfam comment below if you think that it is connor connor's a lot taller but matt thinks he's like crouching down yeah oh the red hood spy outfit's so baggy he could be down like this oh you're right okay well besides that are there any other clues that it could be connor wait a second bbi downstairs complimented my shoe rebecca i really like your shoes okay connor gave these shoes to me as a gift these are connor's shoes like he gave them to me so connor complimented the own shoes that he gave to you yeah exactly that's why it could actually be connor oh yeah corner is obsessed with shoes question number two is it true that you don't like to go deep underwater yes okay we do that yes yes baseline question number three is dance moms your least favorite show yes but i do like lily okay all right let's get on to the real questions here right sam fam comment down below if you think that bbi should join the game master network i know that they helped us out a lot but can we really trust them i'm gonna find out right now question number one is bbi your real name no true what whoa bbi is not their real name comment down below who you think it is it could be anybody that could even be conor at the comic book party do you ever see zoey it's not bbi i don't know their real name but did you ever see them at the same time next we have zoe and zamfam i think that the person we should guess is zoe because it definitely has to be her the number one reason is because bbi has bad eyesight and guess what zoe wears glasses she has bad eyesight too i never thought about that oh and baby i can hack which we didn't even know until we were at the red hood spies mansion yeah i didn't even know my best friend was a hacker hacker also bbi is the exact same height as zoe have you guys noticed that it's not sophie dossie's height too but yeah but it's still it just has to be zoey same height and last but not least we have never seen bbi and zoe together at the same time you want to know why because bbi is zoey we've never seen bbi and sophie dossier at the same time either okay true good point and we've never seen bbi and connor at the same time true all right i don't know what to call you now you can still call me ddi but it's not my real name okay fake bbi we don't know your real name i'm gonna find out something super important right now are you a boy or a girl i'm a girl true whoa you know there's times where i didn't think so but yeah now it confirms my suspicion bbi st fam comment down below if you knew that bbi was a girl the whole time she was pretty good at tick tocks all right girl bbi is blue your real hair color no it isn't true is blue anyone's real hair color good point maybe the simpsons right now we're gonna get into the real questions this is what the zamfam has been asking me to ask okay are you related to anybody in the game master network wait a minute it all just shut down okay and the final guess is my guess sophie jossie bbi has to be sophie dossie because they had the same heart necklace that robbie rob had coincidence i think not okay so she was wearing a necklace big deal but that means that the red hood spies we're recruiting them oh zamfam comment below who you think it is we only get two guesses for a face reveal so we have to guess right is there anyone that we're leaving out is there someone maybe we're forgetting this has never happened before your computer just sit down it's black what do you mean john something has taken over the screen john we have a lot of questions left we can't do anything i don't know what to do this has never happened it's totally black you just shut down as if someone manually shut it off look somebody hacked in definitely half job battery strong plugged in everything's fine yeah it's totally plugged in over there john thanks for coming out today i guess bbi okay bbi you might have gotten lucky right here but we're gonna find another way to get the truth out okay take that off we're going to the kitchen next bbi is such a good dancer i mean have you seen bbi do tick tocks killing it every time sophie dossie's gonna dancing too i mean bbi's okay not not quite as good as you know bbi is pretty good pretty good okay fine bibi is a really good dancer and does really good tick tocks fine you're right and i've said it before but bbr sophie dossie same height has to be the same person i don't know i think so zamfam comment below do you think bbi is a boy or a girl sometimes i think bbi is a boy but sometimes a girl i'm not really sure you're right i can't tell i'm nervous though if we don't get this right we're never gonna get a face reveal of bbi and we have to well at least bpi is giving us two chances instead of just one true is there anything else that we are not forgetting anything at all and last but not least just hear me out bbi hates dance moms and what is the rival tv show to dance moms i don't know america's got talent and who's on america's got talent sophie dossier okay and come to think of it now bbi was a really good performer and sophie dossier performed a ton of times yeah see both good performers both probably hate dance moms oh okay comment below do you guys know if sophie dossie likes dance moms i mean do you think it is sophie dossier wait sophie dossie's best friend is nia sue what show was nia on dancehall dance mom so there's no way that sophie doesn't like dance mom but abby lee was so mean to nia maybe that's why she doesn't like the show yeah okay you guys comment below do you think that that makes sense that was so weird i've done so many lie detector tests with john and that has never happened he's never been hacked before well looks like you're just gonna have to trust me speaking of that are you thirsty at all right now no i'm good okay are you hungry i can go for a pickle oh pickles okay um why don't you just stay right here i'll be right back okay same fam light detector mixture apparently bbl likes pickles i hope i have some pickles okay so here's who we think bbi could be is it connor is it zoe or is it sophie dossie you guys comment below who you think it is i mean we only have two guesses to get this right for a face reveal jon just left what's going on maybe matt figured out who bbi is wow that was quick okay we found the pickles we have a couple left uh bbi yeah would you rather just have some pickle juice if we don't have any pickles yeah that works okay dang cause we don't have any pickles left that's unfortunate i know it's unfortunate give me a second i'm trying to scoop out the pickle juice [Music] okay you know what bbi i thought about it i was like i don't want to put this pickle juice inside of a here come on come on i want to put this pickle juice inside of a cup you can just have the whole jar i don't know if you like pickles that much oh i love pickles okay have a drink face reveal tasty all right bbi you had some pickle juice how you feeling amazing awesome i just had a few questions like what's your name i don't want to tell you that why don't you want to tell me that because that'll just ruin the face reveal okay hey hey hey why did john leave john's computer just shut down what do you mean his whole screen just turned black what yeah he thought that he might have got hacked or something bbi it wasn't me i swear okay well what do we do now i mean we need to get the truth from bbi i thought that's how we were doing it we did the detective board we're working on that right now okay well why don't we get some lie detector mixture then bbi will definitely tell the truth yeah or we could just have some pickle juice yeah i love pickle juice yeah that way we just don't tell anybody is this the pickle juice you drink yeah give it to me you want some more yeah don't be shy i think she's had enough wait did you just say shima i did say she so bbi you are she duh so it's not connor the connor man so it definitely has to be zoe or sophie dawson okay so why don't we just use sophie dossier and zoe has our two guesses then we'll get a face reveal are you sure about that rebecca she said why detect your mixture i thought we were sure i thought we were sure too zamfam are you sure should we do it i mean like who else could it be but if we get strong then no face reveal okay bbi what's the likelihood that we're gonna get this right honestly not looking too good come on i need a face reveal so bad or that's just a trick answer i mean even if bbi is telling the truth she could have worded it a certain way to confuse us true what if it's another mystery person we don't know about yet who would that be and how would we be able to guess who it is maybe that was part of her strategy all along bbi how many youtube videos of rebecca's having done all of them all of my youtube videos every single one even like the slime ones those are my favorite oh no what baby i like slime does sophie dossie like slime i mean maybe i mean sophie dossie's done slime videos so i don't know though i don't know if zoe likes slime zambian what do you guys think okay you guys so what should we do okay we know that it's a girl now so it's either sophie dossier or zoey the hacker what if we test their skills to see if they're more like sophie or zoe okay but if we make the wrong guess we'll only have one guess left for a face reveal okay but what if it's a mystery person that we don't even know about yet i mean we won't know until we try okay let's do it all right look what was that someone at the door do you think a red hood spy followed us here go go go go go what was that like that come here what no one's here no one's here man wow let's see check it check it out no one's here the gates open let's close the gate i don't know okay who did this why was the gate open i'll fix it don't worry i'll fix i'm gonna lock it up so nobody can get in actually it can't get out too though well no one's getting out because we're we can't okay okay good okay good cool all right that was weird it couldn't have been bbr you guys it was no one we're just paranoid we had the whole thing with ninja turtles we're okay now okay yeah we need to get a face reveal though we need the truth obviously again did you hear that okay you know what i'm an idea you want us to answer the door answer the torch stop for a second okay uh zamfam who do you think that is at the door do you think it's someone from the red hood spies i hope not what if they were sent to follow us and what is matt doing i don't know he must have some plan but i have no idea but let's just answer the door and just hope it's not a red hood spy okay i really think that somebody's at the house right now you know what i stashed a ninja turtle outfit michelangelo is on the side of the house we just sneak by here it is let me put this on [Music] how do you guys keep barking what what hey i promise the ninja turtles don't need to come out today we've had pizza we don't even know kidding oh my goodness we gotta get you guys scared you're just happy all right guys thanks for coming over really appreciate the merch that's really nice piper happy birthday thank you i'm scared huh feel like what yeah it's okay you're scaring her we're scaring the teenagers i didn't mean to scare you guys at all i'm sorry a little bit but we're kind of like in the middle of something you caught me at a bad time okay but we open up the gate for you guys if you want to get out [Music] i just said that are you kidding me matt i always carry this i'm sorry i'm in the middle of this light detector testing it's getting really intense okay but like we're gonna scare the teenagers they're never gonna come over again wait they're looking stop guys subscribe subscribe okay okay thanks for the subscribe push okay let's let's get back in they can't see bbi you're gonna be scared okay bbi i think you've had enough pickle juice it's time for a few tests maddie hit him with the first one all right test number one bbi do you like using color-coded wires for hacking uh yeah everything's better in color and it's way more organized that way something zoe would say exactly you guys exactly what i was saying test number two bbi we want to see if you can do the splits easy huh can we do something a little harder that so could be sophie dossier i mean look at how flexible she is i mean she's just chilling over there okay sophie dassey would do but zoey could be flexible and we just don't know it i mean a lot of people can do the splits like me and i'm not bbi and you're not that flexible anymore rebecca true i feel like we have no answers right now pbi i have a question remember when we were doing the best tick tock wins challenge how could i forget yeah well what's on the bottom of your shoe i heard it at an rhs meeting and i put it on my shoe so i wouldn't forget it wait matt you never told me there was a coat at the bottom of bbi's shoe oh i kind of forgot to tell you that maddie sorry okay bbi then what is the code for i honestly have no idea you guys she's actually telling the truth lie detector mixture all right bbi show us the code to show us your shoe yeah no not until you let me into the gamemaster network okay well you know what guys i think i'm ready to make her again what really yeah you're sure i'm confident i mean did you see those splits maddie great tick tock to answer same height probably doesn't like dance moms good performer it has to be your sophie dossier absolutely not oh maddie it's wrong now we only have one guest or we won't get a face reveal i'm sorry that's my bad okay so we only have one more guest we now know that bbi is not sophie dossier they might be zoey but wait guys what is that game master are they twin they're here rc twin game master thank you for freeing me and making me good again okay you guys it looks like the game master is finally good thanks to you guys we're gonna need your guys's help to defeat mr x make sure you're subscribed to the gamemaster network yes because we still need your help
Channel: Matt Slays
Views: 3,368,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: which, famous, youtuber, squad, tried, break, into, house, comic, book, party, matt and rebecca, piper rockelle, rebecca, mrbeast, would you, rather, funny, sssniperwolf, tik tok, worst, game master, app, rz, twin, lizzy capri, giant, waterpark, backyard, team edge, dunk, tank, rebecca zamolo, inside out 2, movie, fgteev, weird, gaming, lunch, daniel, first kiss, date, spying, hacker, woohoo, crafty panda, sneak, class, school, learn, lies, gm, games, reality, vlog, clean, 2020, familia diamond, brent rivera, fortnite
Id: cEj58tHpCqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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