Daniel is Missing at the Lake of Secrets! (Searching for RZ Twin Reveals New Evidence)

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guys I'm really worried about our Z twin I hope she's okay baby okay you guys I've been trying to use twigs levity and I can't contact her at all so I have no idea I can't get through to her just listen to me I'm going in by myself if I don't come back in an hour then you guys can come in after me why well I mean after an hour something bad probably happened oh being realistic but one hour okay don't worry I'll be back before then okay decision thank you where's Daniel it's almost an hour I know he said if he doesn't come here that something happened we need to go search for him what was that thought sadena I don't know do you see em I don't see Daniel that's it guys we have to go find Daniel he's missing right now we're going to the lake a secret hey game after Network right now we are at the lake of secrets in our Ghostbuster disguises because Daniel went missing and we need to go find him and our Z twin who we think might have been reactivated you guys I found me shirt stimulus I left them in the back of the ghost bus okay hardly matter two t-shirts yeah yes let's get out of our disguises and put our gamemaster shirts on we need to find it dance so we're at the lake of Secrets here is the plan we need to all split up and meet back at the Ghostbusters car in ten minutes okay and remember we are searching for Daniel what about our Z twin she might be there too she might have been reactivated we need careful ten minutes you guys we have to meet back because we don't want anyone else to go missing are you guys ready one two three okay okay game master network see you guys know we are in the lake of Secrets it's not very safe here Daniel went in he was supposed to be looking for our seat win comment below if you know where Daniel with Daniel I didn't hear Daniel are you inside those weeds I'm coming for you Daniel three two what okay Sam famine Daniel has to be somewhere around here he's been gone for over an hour where do you think he could have gone do you think he found our Z twin are they together are either of them safe I still don't see him anywhere it's like a hidden cave do you guys think the shining would hide in some place like this this is almost like a house what about agent s and agent Clark I wonder if they're here right now he's not here coming down below if you've seen Daniel that's me in the lake of Secrets somewhere he came in here I mean wait wait a second I'm by myself at the lake of Secrets I've never been here before what if I get lost what if I can't find mine Rebecca I have to meet them in like less than ten minutes comment down below like how I find them like where I should go I have no clue what I'm doing Daniel Daniel the shiny left through the tunnel possibly that means they're at this the lake of Secrets the shiny might be here Rebecca Maddie we safe oh no oh no you guys know in ghostbusters mr. X let go throw into the bodies of agent s and agent Ark are they still working with mr. hex wait what if mr. X is still here I just hope Daniels okay Daniel Daniel oh wait maybe it's Rebecca Oh agent oranges text me saying let's meet up are you home yet he's been ignoring me all the time he hasn't showed up to like any of our dates recently you know what since he was like a ghost and that whole Ghostbuster thing I'm just gonna ghost him we'll see how he likes that give this video a thumbs up if you agree with me ghosting agent are all right I got to get back to trying to find Daniel Daniel no no no this is Daniels beanie daniel's missing did this shining take Daniel everything looks okay I really need to get back to Maddie and Matt it's the lake Daniel might have gone in the lake does that mean that our Z twin and Daniel are safe I'm not sure what happened to Daniel comment down below do you see him anywhere what he just went back through the tunnel he'd found ours each win he took the tunnel back to our house he's prolly back there okay I need to find Rebecca and Maddie you gotta get Daniel back Daniel also who were those people at the end of the Ghostbusters things all those people like in the silver mask I know Rebecca said they're The Shining but like there was so many of them and how did they get into her house I mean I was gone in Australia but I had to come back early I wasn't even gone that long like how much could have happened you see that mr. X in the shining I'm gonna try to see if I can sneak closer so I can spy on them and hear what they're saying we look like it's not the lake of secret do you think maybe if I follow that I'll find Daniel cuz you know he said he was going to though like okay I'm just gonna keep going this way do you think if I just follow this trail here I'll find him I may as well try I have to promote wife now I don't know if it's safe here I found Daniels beanie I don't know if you went back to the house now or what's going on we need to get back to the car so we can go find Daniel it's been almost 10 minutes right now I hope Rebecca and Maddie are okay what's the nails are you following Roberto you will make sure they don't see what we're doing I need you to get me that key go and take it from them the plan will not work without the key did you guys know that the shiny new about us beam in the Ghostbusters car this doesn't seem good I need to get back I need to let Matt and Maddie know hopefully one of them found Daniel I gotta get back hey wait what was that man the lake of Secrets is dirty there's like not even any more water left where could Daniel be wait look dear fam what do you got is is this our Z twins mass why is it broken like is this a clue is she all right what do you think this means which way was the car I don't know which way to go on I'll go this way okay let's go okay I'm nervous this is scary we need to get Daniel he's still missing my home madyun matter okay you need to get to the car where's the car go I really hope I'm going the right direction I didn't find Daniel but I found this this is beanie okay baby the beanie fell off and he wanted to drive it home kids he didn't know we were here we and look guys I found heart of our Z's twins mask man yeah Becca said it this is her mask hey sure yeah I hope she's okay I hope Daniels okay can I have some even worse news I was walking I was spying I saw mr. X talking to the shiny the shiny knew that we were in the Ghostbusters car and he said he'd been spying on us and mr. X wants the key the kid okay oh no the key to the tunnel he wants to be the key map okay what do we do we need to get back home wait but we don't have a car here but you guys remember that there is a tunnel here that leads back to our house yes yes there is Matt thank you open the tunnel that's how the shiny got to our house if it's out on the backyard yeah we can use the tunnel and get back to our house game master Network do you think the tunnel is still unlocked hopefully we can get back to the house okay let's go okay next way okay Barney Rebecca quit slowing down down we gotta get down the tunnels here it should take us back to the house hey Manny tunnel is it open yeah Maddy I was worried it was it I had to use my hair to get open the hell why bring your backyard yeah like crazy I'm just glad it was open yeah so hopefully Daniels back here maybe he found our Z twineth like his secrets and brought her back here so she could be safe that's a Haley okay well let's go inside Daniel said the house would be safe from the EMP after 24 hours it's been 24 hours do you think that him he took everything out in our house all the power find out Daniel it's not turning on it must be from the EMP that Daniel set hold on Oh nothing's working we have no power Rebecca we need to find Daniel I know that if Daniel was here he'd be in the coffee machine this is his favorite love it.we maybe Daniels inside the hacker wait what's a hacker room we have a tunnel system in our story here I'll show you well this line is gone anymore well the lights won't turn on in here either the EMP must have shut down everything that's the only way we could have defeated mr. X I just hope Daniels inside the hacker room did he say something about like your reset or something yeah it's supposed to reset the house so that we can be safe again comment below if you see Daniel and RZ twin are inside the house what's the reset and everything I hope so I don't want Zoe or The Shining or mr. X or the agents taking over our house okay Maddie look at this what a tunnel yeah where are we going Daniel are these way Hey he's not here Matt wait don't touch it don't touch it it's the EMP that's weird you guys notice the lights are on here this might be the reset do you think Daniel was here it looks like it look it there's some blue lights down here and some other stuff turn all right now but he's still missing and hold on me see if I can wasn't looking good wait who is it someone's fault Simon left is this TVC tracking it's not on I think we need to charge it let's get out let's charge the phone maybe we can find out some information about where Daniel what every newbie was home it doesn't make sense Daniel is always on his phone he always has it on him and you wouldn't just leave it here what if that's not Dana's phone gate master network comment below whose phone you think this is let's charge it and turn it on and see what's on the camera roll back of the top all right here what we're back in the movie theater yeah so there's so many more tunnels I have so much to show you Maddie yes let's charge his phone here we go did you charge the phone but it's not gonna work if the powers not reset have to go reset the circuit breaker okay can you do that so we can charge this we need to figure out if this is Daniels phone or not yeah oh we're back the lights were on in the hacker room so all Matt should have to do is reset the circuit breaker and we should have power again in the house I guess we just have to wait game on it came on hold on got it wait this is Cynthia Neil's phone that's Zoe's phone we need to go through the camera rule gamemaster Network comment below we should go through Zoey's camera roll and we get 10,000 subscribers in the next 24 hours we will go through a charter to you guys that got our merch and tagged us on Instagram make sure to check out the video on my channel since we're gonna find out if we are going through Zoey's camera hello Mendon Rebecca I know you you
Channel: Game Master Network
Views: 5,409,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daniel, missing, lake, secrets, searching, rz twin, reveals, new, evidence, found, beanie, mask, rescue, secret meeting, agent, gmi, game master, incorporated, funny, ben azelart, bubble, living, rebecca zamolo, ghost busters, matt and rebecca, 24 hours, car, sidemen, tik tok, challenge, game master network, musical, song, in real life, game master incorporated, game master reveal, game master hacker, exploring game master, cartoon network, comedy, spy, the labrant fam
Id: xBNnkQN2jRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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