Lie Detector Test on Best Friend for Face Reveal! Rebecca Zamolo

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we have a face reveal of a red hood spy and we're about to have it explode daddy is bringing someone here who we think is her best friend it better not be bbi who is part of the red hood spot yeah it better be connor oh no it's cracking it's cracking red hood spy is about to explode oh no that's okay i got this that's what you get bbi we'll see if you're coming over today hey sam fam it's rebecca zamolo and today is the day where maddie is finally gonna talk to me after she has been ignoring me and we've been in a huge fight but she said that she's bringing somebody and it might be bbi from the red hood spies who we think is her new best friend there is no way that this right here is her best friend and anyways i don't think she's bringing that person i think she's bringing her brother connor well if it is bbi you know i'm gonna give that person a lie detector test oh no she's here oh no i'm so nervous i don't know what to do i haven't talked to maddie i mean we've been fighting for a long time and she's been ignoring me what do i do just answer the door rebecca oh oh yeah damn fam smash the thumbs up button wish me good luck i'm really nervous right now i'm really nervous you got this rebecca you've been so mad at me well she's here now okay oh this plate cool hey maddie hey rebecca it's good to see you i like the zamfam merch it was the only thing clean that you said you're bringing someone maddie i did you're just shy come on don't be shy no wait this is a joke this is a prank they really want to join the gmn what no way the game master network no no absolutely not there's no way a red hood spy is joining the game master network yeah you know what fine we'll leave no no no no wait wait here come come in we'll talk about this just come in come on here maddie why don't you just take your bag upstairs get comfortable um just stay no no no just stay there yeah quit stepping in like that come on we'll be right back you better not do anything to them that's my best friend what now what do we do we can't let a red hood spy join the game master network but i don't want maddie to leave again yeah i feel like they're just trying to trick maddie right now so they can get information you know what we need to call john and get a lie detector test going on here protector test oh yeah damn fam you guys remember john we have done a ton of lie detector tests with him he's a professional polygraph examiner let me see if i can call him you still have his number yeah of course he's in the zambian for the shirt hey john it's rebecca zamolo the zamfam really needs you right now there's someone here and we need to have them take a lie detector test okay great can can you be here in the next 15 minutes yeah bring all your stuff thank you john bye okay damn fam this is perfect john is gonna be over here so we can have this red hood spy who is called bbi take a lie detector test so we can finally get information comment down below some questions that you think we should ask this red hood spy john's on his way over what do we do in the meantime we need to separate i'll go talk to maddie you talk to this red hood spy get information i mean maddie and i have been in a fight and she's been ignoring me so we have to talk a few things out i need to make sure that she's actually forgiving me hey what are they doing hey get out of the plan mommy looks like i'm gonna have my hands full on this one i'm gonna go up and get maddie okay zamfam so maddie is inside you guys know we have been in a fight and she has been ignoring me but hopefully she's going to talk to me today and we can smooth everything out because i miss my cousin maddie hey can i come in real quick hey hey bbi you're shorter than i thought but i have a lot of questions for you right now well i have a lot of questions from you okay let's go to the backyard it's uh nice to have you back here in your room yeah but you took down all my robbie rob photos yeah i uh i didn't know if you were coming back and i didn't want to be reminded that you might not come back so i took them down oh well thanks i mean i never really had the time to take them down but is that why you didn't take them down really okay bb we're in the backyard now what are you doing at our house oh i came out with my best friend if you're gonna stay here you have to take a lie detector test how's it been with your new best friend it's been good they would never lie to me or keep secrets from me or take my phone without asking okay you know what maddie i'm sorry okay i've apologized i shouldn't have lied to you about robbie robb they told me to lie and i did it and i shouldn't have i'm i'm sorry i shouldn't lie to my cousin or my friend or anything but to be honest i i've missed you this whole time and the zamfam has missed you and we want you to come back what's that it's a watermelon why is my name on it what the heck don't worry about bbi are you scared i'm not scared i'm confused are you scared well you should be what okay you can kick me but you better not hurt maddie to make sure she doesn't get hurt i mean if we're being honest i've missed you too really the new best friends not taking the place of me right i mean no one can ever take your place but they are my new best friend i don't know how i feel about this new best friend but i don't want you to leave again i miss you i miss you too and if you don't lie to me again i won't leave okay well can we just promise not to fight anymore okay okay okay okay no fighting right zambia ah you'll never lie to me right i'll never lie to you what was that oh doorbell wait wait who's who's coming here is it robbie rob i think matt called someone oh or doorbell i wonder who that could be were you expecting anybody uh we'll just say you better be prepared to tell the truth hey wait who is that that's john grogan yeah he's a professional polygraph examiner yeah you said you want your friend to join the game master network yeah that's the only way i'm staying well they're gonna have to take a lie detector test no no way that is not happening what i mean if it's your best friend what do they have to hide i got this maddie i have nothing to hide uh are you sure yeah of course let me go get john are you sure you want to do this yeah they're sure they can take a lie detector test yeah i got this i'll do anything for my best friend what seriously john hey john i'm here to help the zam pam catch some liars come on in hey john thank you so much for coming you're welcome so we have someone that kind of wants to join our game master network but we're not exactly sure if we can trust them we will know soon yeah john this person supposedly was with the red hood spies there are hackers that are trying to take over this ant fan we won't let any bad get through thank you john pbi are you sure about this i don't know how to handle a lie detector test trust me all right bbi time for you to have a seat right here yep john do you want to explain exactly what is going on right now i'm going to be reading microscopic changes to the blood sweat and breathing as this person answers yes or no questions i don't know what that means that means you can't lie or we'll know about it easy-peasy who says easy-peasy now i'm going to wire you up hope you're not nervous i'm fine john is it a boy or girl it's a girl no way really gender reveal i don't have to reveal that right now is that it john yes guess it's time to explain the rules of this lie detector test now okay zam fam so we are about to do the lie detector test on the red hood spy but there is a twist the way this works is if the red hood spy gets three answers wrong which means they lie three times we get to do a face reveal no no no no no that was not part of this at all you guys just made that up you can't just add that in do you want to be a part of the game master network yeah then you have to agree to our terms three lies gets a face reveal if you get four wrong you have to leave you're no longer in the game master network you'll never will be no i don't want bbi to leave if i get zero wrong can i stay here tonight no that's not part of the agreement but if you get anything over three you have to leave there's just no way that you can be in the game master network if you lie more than three times no worries i got this john are you ready to go rudy zamfam let's get this lie detector test started all right bbi so we are going to start with some baseline questions john can you explain what baseline questions are they're questions that we already know the person is telling the truth to so we can calibrate to that baseline question number one are you wearing the color red yes that's true good but it's a baseline question i mean these are easy question number two is maddie your best friend yes true oh we are best friends i guess you're best friends you can't even high five you got a lot of work to do i'll be honest at least it's not robbie rob right now and the final baseline question bbi is dance mom's your favorite show that's a weird baseline question what no that's true all right i guess it's time to start the questions john do you think it's okay to start asking the questions ready let's do this damn fam question number one is it true that the red hood spies don't know you're here yes that's true wait how do you know that the red hood spies don't know she's here i mean it was it's just a te i mean a question but we were just asking for the lie detector test we weren't sure that was kind of specific okay moving on question number two remember zamfam if bbi lies three times we get a face reveal bbi do you still work for the red hood spies no that's a lie here to spy on us this is a trick this is a trap to get information from us no no technically i do still work for them but only to get information for you guys see we can trust them i'm not convinced i mean you just lied john do you do you trust them no whoa it was one question i have two more yeah two more before a face reveal not happening but you're still lying to us they're not lying moving on question number three of this lie detector test have you spied on the game master network yes that's true you can spying on us the last time i did they had me fly a drone to spawn you guys for the eating only red food challenge come here come here try to make sure she's not lying anymore did you hear that remember that drone yeah we were eating only red food for 24 hours that was bbi there is no way that we can trust them and they know how to fly a drone yeah um yeah they can help us we can trust bbi just trust me oh okay this is your best friend yet your best friend has been spying on us yeah that person's already lied we're like not even like a quarter of the way through this i can't believe you want them to join the game master network this is crazy they're a liar crazy they're not a liar let's just keep going they're looking at us i can hear you let's go sorry about that next question why do you want to join the game master network because i feel like i have a strong connection with you guys what that's true best friends no okay bbi did you help save robbie rob after inside out yes i did it's true uh hold up how did you guys know that they helped save robbie rob after inside out it was just a question we weren't but that was very specific how would you have known that i mean i was the only person who knew about bbi and robbie rob that day it was just a guess no it wasn't just again i almost had to do an emotional goodbye i mean bbi is the reason that robbie rob is still with us so you're admitting that it's true yeah but i'm questioning why you guys know that that's kind of like a big secret man yeah not a sp really we're going to talk about keeping secrets okay now matt can i talk to you really quick i'm sorry john i just we need a second really quick matt we need to tell them about the best friend tess that we saw that video no no we have to keep it from remember okay but zamfam you guys know that the questions that they asked in that video the answers are matching the same ones here exactly okay we need to ask more questions get more information because i don't trust bbi i feel like maddie might be acting suspicious too why is she defending bb i have no idea okay we need to get back we need to get as many questions as possible while john is here bbi why did you become best friends with my cousin maddie because i know i can trust her that's true okay but that doesn't mean you should become best friends with them and it's more of a question if maddie can trust you not if you can trust maddie rebecca rebecca speaking of maddie where's maddie oh no where's maddie bbi i don't know okay okay well maybe she went to the bathroom let's just keep going with this we need to get as many questions as we can we don't have jon for that long [Music] becca i don't trust bbi okay i think they know where maddie went okay well what do you want to do i mean we have to do the lie detector test okay you stay here i'm gonna go search for maddie and xavier you guys know that three lies equals a face reveal we've already had one line definitely bbi is going to be lying more yeah we're going to do a face reveal today i cannot wait okay xantham you all saw that maddie is acting super suspicious right now i don't know what she's thinking that she's going upstairs for just went in the studio why does he have a piece of paper and a pen same thing so weird thought i saw maddie come over here but maybe she went in our bedroom i don't know okay same thing comment down below if you saw her all right bbi it's just me now and i think we're gonna switch things up a little bit okay i'm gonna be asking some questions and you're gonna have to answer them not just with yes or no but with actual answers first question bbi what is your biggest fear going deep underwater it's true that's true i appreciate your candor being honest but i actually would be okay if you lie maybe a little bit so we could get a face reveal i'm not gonna lie okay well we'll see if that happens maybe maddie's in the closet she's not here she's just writing my closet same thing comment down below if you think maddie's in my closet yeah here we go bbi why do you want to betray the rhs because i don't like what they're doing to you guys that's a lie it's a lie when you lie to the zam fam you're lying to america how about i put you in a jail cell for a year we'll get the truth out of you i guess some of the things they do to you guys are kind of funny you think what the red hood spies do to us is funny not all of it but some okay just have a seat and by the way that is the second lie one more lie and we get a face reveal today right after this lie detector test okay maybe i was just seeing things but i'll be honest maddie's acting super suspicious right now samfam comment down below why is maddie acting so suspicious probably buying this curtain we just had these curtains installed nope not there okay okay maybe she's not behind the curtains who's that what is that [Music] bbi is mr x part of the red hood spies he's joined horses but he's not part of the society society that's true okay so mr x isn't a part of the red hood spies but he's joined forces is mr x leading the red hood spies he gets ordered for now but he answers to someone bigger true baker zamfam who is that someone bigger than mr x what are you doing folks you saw that where did she go okay zamfam you saw that right i didn't just see that myself do we have somebody like a ghost living in our house right now and maybe here oh hold on she's mapping out all of the tunnels you saw that she had like a little pen and a paper i'm gonna follow her just to confirm that same thing if you think that maddie is sneaking into our tunnels and acting super suspicious give this video a thumbs up did you hear that bbi said that mr x is not the biggest person in the red hood spice there's a leader that is bigger who do you think that is and what do they look like do you think we've seen them before comment below also are there any questions i'm leaving out for this slide detector test we need to get as much information as possible right now and hopefully we get a face reveal [Music] okay bbi when did you join the rhs easy right before stranger things true stranger wait how did you know we did stranger things in real life what do you think took rz twin in the upside down was that you of course true you put rs20 in the upside down how could you you say you want to be part of the game master network i have my reason i mean that where where's matt where's daddy i'm going inside the phone oh what is that oh my god tell rebecca i'm gonna admit something to you you might be maddie hey wait you're talking about maddie what about maddie what happened right now okay hey what do you want to do what what happened what are you in the the questioning i don't know do you want to ask something yeah i do i want to ask a lot of things right now go ahead you can take the next question bbi how did you get to join the rhs i got an invitation to a private party true true oh did you go to the party yet how else do you think that became a random spy true true rebecca this isn't working we need to ask some bigger questions hey what if we ask what the red hood spies want to do like what is their plan yes absolutely yes okay zamfam comment below if you think that that is a good idea i think that's big if they can reveal the plan then we can be one step ahead bbi right now you have said two lies and i'm about to ask you a very important question if you answer it wrong we get to do a face reveal so you might not want to lie about this one okay ready john are you ready ready bbi what is the red hood spy's ultimate plan i don't know face reveal now we get to do an interview what is going on three lies mean that we get to do a face reveal that's what we agreed on no no face reveal you guys didn't let me finish what do you mean we didn't let you finish we asked you a question i wasn't lying i don't know but i can find out that's true oh see they're willing to help no no that's it i'm sorry john has been here he's been a huge help but i do not trust dvi you need to get out i'm sorry guys you're acting suspicious i don't know why and i don't trust you you need to if you need to leave my house right now we do not trust you what i know where the memory ball is and i can help you guys find it you know where mr x's memory ball is there's no way see they can help okay damn fam what should we do should we let bbi join the game master network he or she knows where the memory ball is and we need that so we can keep the game master good yes let them join make sure you're subscribed with notifications on shout out to you guys that played our app and got the highest score make sure to download the game master network app because there are devices that mr accepted and we need to find them
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 6,892,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lie detector, test, best, friend, face, reveal, in real life, 24 hours, rebecca zamolo, pawzam dogs, first, blind, date, 123 go, challenge, diy, game, crafty panda, pranks, funny, norris nuts, celebrities, 24 hrs, troom troom, sneak, movies, friends, matt and rebecca, spy, detective, liar, john, maddie, matt, daniel, zamfam, tik toks, tiktok, win, most, tickets, geometric, shapes, spying, learn, lies, food, gm, games, reality, vlog, clean, 2020, familia diamond, labrant fam
Id: iYaXzzHrGvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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