I edited another Super Pops episode because it's fun

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[Music] oh you think that'll stop me take [Music] this it's amazing your glitter can be used on bad guys but can also just be so pretty thanks again for hosting this spaceship sleepover Majesty of course I love a good sleepover and besides you can't beat this view Majesty how's Crystal doing she's been on that secret mission for a while I actually just spoke with her today she's great and she's making cookies it's weird being apart from them it feels like we've been a group for so long yeah it feels like just yesterday we all learned we were super pops right wait a second ladies I don't know if the pop Squad at home knews the whole story oh yeah wait that's a good point they probably don't well it all started when I was back in Georgia just a normal high schooler doing normal high school things hey girl okay so I'm trying to pick a theme for my birthday this week is it your birthday birthday in a couple months Chloe you know you have to plan ahead I'm thinking like a prummer pool party at my [Music] Mansion whoa who's that who out the window [Music] she's she's gone GH Chloe are you trying to scare me no there was a woman in all white I GH okay let's just go to class I need to start spreading the word about my bday how was school Miss Covington it was good Charles thank [Music] you wait a second stop the car hello I got home and wanted to just go to sleep and try to shake the feeling I had but I walked into my room and hello Chloe it's you you've been following me are are you a ghost no I'm not a ghost my name is Majesty I'm from avalonia it's another planet so you're an alien OMG I can't breathe okay Chloe I came here to tell you that you're special you have a gift this this is a dream this has got to be a dream I'm dreaming ow okay I can assure you that this is very real no Chloe you'll be leaving your high school and starting at Baywood Academy in Sunnyville California that way I can keep a closer eye on you wait what leave school I can't do that I have I have Homecoming coming up I have Marissa's birthday I'll let you think it over I'll give you 2 minutes to decide hello Emma you're totally going to crush the math Olympics today oh thanks Brian you will too I mean you've been acing all of your Calculus tests I'm sure you'll kill it thanks hey maybe we could even hang out after grab some ice cream or something totally yeah I would love that cool I'll see you around everything was going great I really liked Brian and that was the first date I was ever asked on and then came time for the math Olympics best of luck students on your marks get set [Music] go oh wow this is a tough one okay Emma think time to tap into your brain power wait that's it I know this all right uh first place Emma car Michael is very close and second place Brian Peters Brian Peters what I can't believe this I know so close congratulations so you ready for that ice cream I'm thinking Rocky Road cheated cheated what you're a cheater I don't hang out with cheaters H I just can't believe he would treat me like this maybe I should have just let him win Emma don't ever be a ashamed of who you are you're adopted I have to go to the principal tomorrow what am I going to say you're adopted throughout life you're going to run into bullies just try to get through it know that I love you and you're adopted okay look I'm just going to lay it all out there okay Brian is a jerk I did not cheat I don't know how to prove that I didn't cheat but you can check any camera that wait a second you're not our principal I don't know what happened I'm just really smart I know that Emma Michael you know my name I know everything about you here take this ring okay wo this is incredible oh my gosh the rate at which I just changed defies all scientific theories of this isn't science Emma this is Magic or shall I say Electra Electra w i I like it wow wo Electra I would like you to meet Cosmic hi OMG I love your hair red is definitely your color thanks I like it too but you know it's really hard to know what the perfect color would be I mean there are a thousand levels of Light Dark 100 levels of red green and 100 levels of blue yellow so the total number of colors that we can see so glad you to ladies are getting along but now I have a mission for you I have a girl named Finley PK there she is we've got to confront her uh-huh I hate that class so much hey stop right there we know your secret we know you're a bungler a what she's not but I am Rissa how what are you you know her she was my friend back in Georgia what are you doing here her name is Megan and she's my friend sorry Finley but Chloe's right we used to be friends but then she became a super poop and refus to let me be a part of her club actually I'm not Megan and I'm not Marissa either I'm misery and I'm a bungler and I'm going to steal your powers from myself how many of you are there you don't have much time Finley you are chosen you have magical abilities and we need your help to defeat misery I knew there was a bungalow presence nearby and it turns out it was correct it was misery look I know this is all happening so fast Just Go With It she's going to unfreeze soon you ladies need to band together to defeat her finy flash take this Majesty how do we turn every B decision oh we got to listen so everyone can speak out we got to put our heads together think about each other so everybody doesn't freak out
Channel: flowerpot 1300
Views: 6,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MJQ6_MzE97o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 22sec (502 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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