I FACE MY BIGGEST FEAR! 15 Ways To Escape and Defend Your House! Matt and Rebecca

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I'm getting ready to face my biggest fear right now just in case an RSS member might try to break into our house we have a plan to escape it's pretty high tree it looks like an rhs member is coming through the back tunnel you can't see this you have to shut it down hurry okay thank goodness shut it down pull the plug hide it get the other one hurry we have to hide this before they come they can't know we have this device how much more time Maddie until they get here we have less than a minute wait ah okay this looks like a good spot right here but what are they gonna think when they see this it's a bounce house for a 24-hour challenge our YouTubers we do that all the time the giant bounce house let's get inside the hurry welcome back to the Matt Rebecca Channel right now a red hood spy is trying to break into our house they're not trying to break into our house yet they're just trying to scope out the premises right now yeah that's what they said at the Tea Party wait I have an idea they're here to spy on the how right they don't think that we're here why don't we spy on them spying on us on our house I have a better idea what Maddie do you still have that outfit that BB I gave you uh yeah in the closet give me a few minutes I'm gonna go get in the disguise where are you going I'll be right back you guys saw when we went to the tea party we went undercover in Disguise I went as a red hood spy and I went as a really bad magician fortune teller anyways we found out that the hacker that's rhs leader is working with is going to be breaking into our house yeah and we found out they're all guys and they think girls are weak which obviously is not true and they were even making fun of BBI AKA her sister what are you talking about Matt what are you doing I just went into Skies as the Arches spy I'm gonna make them think that I'm on a scouting Mission too oh like a secret meeting get more information exactly that better happen fast put the mask down because they're coming out I see someone coming out of the tunnel now [Music] you made it tell me someone else is going to be here check my orders from Giuseppe what's Matt saying I can't hear I wish we could go out but then they know we're here yeah we can't go out we have to pretend like no one is here right now everybody told me it's on a need to know basis and I'm pretty sure you probably don't need to know zamfam we still cannot hear what is going on right now comment below any information that Matt is finding out from this red hood spy I wish Matt would go to one of the surveillance cameras so I could hack in oh and then we'd be able to hear that little hat today I decided to go gloveless dude who's coming out Giuseppe said he liked it so I was like yeah I'll do it I'll let it out it is pretty cool here oh wait so I'm here to Scout and do reconnaissance what did you find out so far all doors are locked I can't get inside so no need to look at that did you find a way yeah it's pretty impossible wait a minute oh it's a bounce house it's probably for like a 24-hour challenge you know those YouTubers oh no it's a drone what's Matt doing why are they that's perfect okay come on okay let me pull up the security footage okay you guys well Maddie is hacking and I have a challenge for you guys I want you guys to subscribe turn on notifications we cannot let our house get taken over so we click all in five four three two one if you did it in that time I want you to comment below we are going to beat the Red Hood spy oh I got it I got it perfect they're looking at the camera oh no wait maybe that was part of Matt's plan okay don't worry about those they're they're off anyways nobody's home that's proofing that way we can do all of our planning let's talk about the plans Matt said it's locked which means they're not gonna try to come inside which gives us more time to set up so that we can protect our house oh my eyes I'm gonna put my blue light glasses on have you been on the computer a lot yeah I've been trying to get better at hacking yeah you don't want to look at the screen for too long without blue light glasses oh here let me zoom in real quick how long are they coming by we're gonna have somebody here throughout the day because obviously we can't scope it out once the sun goes down of course who'd want to be here at 3am anyways wait they're gonna be sending redhead spice here all day until the sun goes down if it's until the sun goes down that means no red hood spies will be coming here at night and we have that device that we need to set up in case they come we can escape wait what is he saying you're obviously scouting today but when we take over the house hopefully it's just the girls because the girls are so much what did that record Red Hood say that wait zamfam if you are a girl comment below and you are a strong woman super easy to control exactly that mad guy is so strong I wouldn't want to face him Oh you mean that guy that always wears the dresses did Matt just say that women are easy to control he better not mean that oh man I am so mad right now we are not easy to control we are strong women we can take on the Red Hood spikes ourselves we don't believe guys yeah box damn fam comment below don't these seem like chauvinistic men right now so my blood is boiling he said that he's leaving but another red hood spy is coming soon okay we need to talk to Matt and I am confronting him that was not cool it's not controlling me thank you and the girls make sure they're okay it felt so good you guys see that I handled that red hood spot it's so awesome yeah we heard how you handled it like how you can control us because we're girls wait you heard that I yeah I hacked into the security footage yeah if I did see that you did say that we heard you okay well if I did I was just saying it to agree with the person I don't want to like blow my cover okay so you acted like you're better than a girl just for the cover all right ladies you heard what he said though they're coming back okay first off we're women second off we know we heard two all right ladies I know you think you know how to do some stuff but there's some things that guys know how to do a little bit better oh oh really yeah what are those kinds of things defend the house we know how to defend the house yeah okay do you know how to do Fruit Ninja yeah and we did it in Jumanji obviously okay but you only did it because you were in Daniel's and I spot really hmm comment below if you think that girls are just as strong as boys I cannot believe that you're talking like a red hood spy right now Matt I thought you were better than that I mean you cooked dinner for me every night yeah because I'm a renaissance man okay Matt well I actually came up with an idea you know being a girl and all that I might be smart if we wake up at 3am and we use the device so we can jump off the roof that way no red hood spies are here they don't want to come here after dark that's a good idea 3 A.M that's when all the ghosts are out like a good time to jump out of here because they're all here it's also when there's no red hood spies and we need to get training you guys remember we need to protect the house they cannot get into the house and if something happens we need an Escape Plan exactly we have to learn how to escape okay Maddie face your biggest fear I'm gonna do it too I'm willing to jump from super high heights to get out of here okay it's a great idea and it's a great idea by a woman let's go Fruit Ninja let's go to the man cave outside all right ladies welcome to my outdoor man cave this is where I had a first date not more I took it over it's definitely not a man cave it's just a golf course okay well let me walk you around a little bit this is where I do my Fruit Ninja right here I play a little bit of golf if I need to get like a good workout strong burn I do some some squats and stuff on these I've never seen you use that yeah because it's on the back side of the house you never come out here to the outdoor Community actually I do and the rest of the stuff is hidden okay where is it I don't know if you know this but I don't do yoga you ready for this that's right golf clubs and ninja weapons can we just kind of move this along I mean there's a red hood spy that's gonna be here any minute let's unveil yoga mat number two it's not the yoga challenge soda as you can see there's a wide variety of fruit and water balloons also in the back there's a little something special comment down below what Daniel and I do with that okay ladies let's get your training started Rebecca you're at first water balloon water balloon okay Rebecca all you need to do is just go like this okay I got it I know how to Fruit Ninja three two oh it's actually pretty good yeah because girls can do what guys do maybe even better girl power that's the water balloon okay it's not that much Maddie why don't we move on to fruit we don't have that much time this is for me this is the next place ooh the pretty one wait Matt why'd you give me the weakest item the water balloon well everybody has to start somewhere Rebecca seriously all right Maddie you ready oh yeah no you're not oh he's upside down I knew that I was just testing you slice it down with the downward motion okay all right easy three two one oh like it's nothing did you make it all the way through but you can open it up because that's what guys do oh well you know what girls do you eat the watermelon they take it oh they do that like boys are better than girls when they're obviously not all right Rebecca it's time for you to graduate from water balloon up to watermelon it's super important if somebody comes here you have to know how to do this I know I need ninja training you guys but zamfam we got this we're gonna defeat the Red Hood spies they are not taking over our house and we still need to figure out who that hacker is three and I left it in so I could do that after okay let's see how you did Oh see it's pretty good girls can do anything guys can exactly okay okay fine fine I need to do the do okay get out of here take your watermelon enjoy it I'm gonna show you guys how to do real fruit ninja stuff right now and that is Mountain Dew Maddie can you just hand me the dude why don't you do it yourself fine I will jab emotion right here just like that right there boom you gotta hit it okay here we go three two did it didn't even get wet that's how good I got oh did you do something sorry we were too busy eating watermelon that wasn't that good is my training getting bad you're not taking this seriously enough right now okay I are no no I need to show you girls why we need the Escape Route we're women we're not girls or ladies we're just women it costs equals beautiful women let's go back in the house all right girls I'm gonna show you why we need this Escape Route okay zamfam is he serious right now does he really think that we're not as strong or qualified to protect the house as he is while Philip bbi's outfit with this we'd actually know what a real person looks like when they try to escape did you put toilet paper in that well maybe let's go to the bedroom come on so I'm going to show you exactly why we need to wake up at 3am to test out the crash pad downstairs this is simulating a person right here this is one of us okay so if we tried to run and jump off and escape this is what would happen question why would we be in a red hood spy's outfit well I don't have your outfit okay Smarties crop top or something I could have maybe she should go to rebeccasmola.com and get some merch yourself oh yeah shout out to you guys that got our merch and tag this on Instagram don't worry you won't be doing this okay let's test this out so I'm gonna simulate a red hood spy jumping off of this 30-foot balcony see what happens when they land here we go oh my wig head it came off yeah your head's gonna fall off if you jump off there who would jump off a balcony yeah obviously we'd use a ladder or something we're smarter than that no tonight we're gonna be jumping off about but onto a crush pad right exactly all right now we need to go back downstairs and use that for ninja training let's go zamfam what do you guys think I know you guys heard that conversation last time at the Tea Party it was in Spanish but I don't understand Spanish have you guys gone back and figured out what that conversation was also do you think it's actually gonna work at 3am that we are gonna jump off our balcony and end up on a crash pad oh no I don't think that head's Gonna Last actually it did perfect for a wig keep it for a wig then fine I will I have a lot of disguises okay this is gonna be the last part of ninja training I'm gonna see if you guys are ready for somebody coming in okay any means necessary ninja moves anything you put the head in it's a little bit creepy without it I don't know if it's gonna stay oh it will let a girl do it why don't we have Maddie at first all right right there okay I'm a red hood spy I'm coming in the kitchen come at me yeah where's this where's the key that was okay I would have kicked way harder but probably move on to Rebecca yeah and you said girls are weak I didn't say week did I ever say girls are weak should I do better than Maddie did right that's fine I'm coming in yeah okay oh yeah you got this you got this yeah I mean I'm practicing I'm not going to fall out boom you know like honestly if this doesn't work out I can always protect you I got this like you say I can always protect your phone what wait what are you doing stop going so hard no thanks I can protect myself uh oh we have a problem a rapid spy is coming the alarm just at all thank you we gotta hide it's another red hood spot he's talking on the phone we need to hear what they're saying hold on hold on sounds like it's another language what is that hold on let's listen I think it's Spanish zamfam if you understand what it said comment below you guys know that they're supposed to be taking over our house on Saturday maybe there's information about the Takeover oh no they're gone they're gone coast is clear I think that's enough training you guys did okay enough training yeah we need to have more to sit up we can't let them take over our house we need to wait inside they're gonna be coming back here non-stop okay we can't risk being out here so what do we do we're gonna go back inside hide out till 3am and plan our Escape Plan okay we need to test out that crash pad oh that giant Crash Pad exactly so just wait it out go to sleep and when we wake up at 3am damn fam we are going to be jumping off of our roof I just hope this works it's my biggest fear [Music] yeah yeah it's time to wake up back we have to do this to test out the crashway we have to go move it come on Blackjack go to sleep in my sweats what are you wearing I want to greet Maddie Maddie yeah it's dream come on next one with a cross pad I just slept in my makeup I knew I was waking up nobody wants to be a partner but we have to do this watch your step what you step I can't believe we're doing this at 3am why are all the lights on protection from the rhs if you turn the lights on they'll know we're here I thought they weren't coming after Sundown exactly in case guys right now if an R5 you're gonna clearly see that someone's home they said that they're not coming after dark okay guys here we go come on all right as you guys can see we just set up this Crash Pad back here and now we are about to jump off the balcony oh are you nervous Matt yeah this is my biggest fear by far yeah but if we have to escape this is gonna be the best thing ever we're just jumping off the balcony it's cool Maddie are you scared a little bit paste your biggest feet before we jump you know that I took this from one of the Red Hood spies and I was pretending to be a park ranger Luke barcode samples and it's blank I think there's a secret on side of it I think that the new barcode system has something to do with a black light let's turn off this my head I tried the black light no way I knew it okay zamfam comment down below if you thought that that was true you know what same fam we can't tell anybody about the secrets so don't comment anything about that down below test out this Crash Pad you guys ready to do this I'm excited I mean zamfam if you think this is gonna be so fun and you'd want to do it comment below I'm like Rebecca because I'm kind of excited we should probably check in with Maddie's biggest fear wait what do you mean this is a good idea yes wait no we don't need to do that yeah do you have your phone on you no no I don't have my phone yes we can't do it matters yeah we should just jump one step ahead [Music] so there's no one to ask so we could just we can do this and go and go Maddie it's 3am of course there's ghosts this is like the most haunted time of the whole 24 hours ghosts are you out here with us is this a good idea I don't think there's any ghosts right now Maddie remember when we used it the last time yeah there were so many ghosts but there's no more oh you know why though it's because we are by your room and yeah it's your room in the tunnel system oh see we'll see so we're out here we're out here there's no ghost out okay should I go first you guys yeah I don't want to go first okay Dean is cool why is Daniel Cohen it's 3am okay hold on hey Daniel hey Matt what's up I am right now it's 3 A.M why are you up just checking in on you guys you know I've just seen how you guys were doing you know because the Red Hood spies were there you guys okay yeah we're just fine Daniel we have a couple days you know I was thinking I should come over tomorrow morning that will give us 24 hours just to be able to go around and set up the perimeter and protect the perimeter of your house are you talking about like setting up traps and stuff like that yes of course absolutely Daniel we need to protect the motherboard at all costs you know they're coming Saturday so they'll give us one full day to help set this good point okay I guess I'll see you tomorrow I wish you would have just called me in the morning and said I'm coming over right now I am always happy thanks Daniel I don't know why Daniel was just calling it's 3 A.M yeah I guess when you're a hacker you're just up all the time I mean I can relate she has been hacking more okay you guys I'm gonna go first well Rebecca okay Sam fam I got that far so far okay you guys do not try this at home you're supposedly supposed to do is you're supposed to jump and land on your back on there which is really scary because as you guys can see we are really high up on our balcony we're seeing all those High words Rebecca okay I'm sorry this is not my biggest fear but we are really really high three two one it worked oh my gosh Rebecca you okay yeah I'm okay here Maddie gotta go okay just think that somebody's behind us they're gonna get you oh you're gonna Escape I hope I'm going at this pace oh my gosh man okay just fall straight down is Rebecca vlogging down there oh no you guys Maddie seems really scared I mean it's kind of scary but it's also kind of fun it's actually really fun I liked it a lot but it is scary it actually is the book is 3 A.M quit vlogging actually vlogging at 3 A.M okay not gonna lie I'm pretty scared true oh here goes nothing oh here comes something Maddie okay three two [Music] there we go we did it okay Matt now it's your turn Okay zamfam so Maddie and I just jumped off our balcony at 3am onto the crash pad how was it honestly it was fun it's fun like it's scary at first but then it's actually really fun but now you guys you know Matt is scared of heights it's one of his biggest fears and he is about to face his biggest fear of jumping onto it do you guys think he's gonna do it smash the thumbs up for good luck because he has to be able to do this [Music] [Applause] whoa you okay yeah that was exhilarating but you weren't scared honestly I kind of want to do it again that was awesome we'll do it again but we are not doing it anymore at 3M you guys we need to get back to sleep Daniel's gonna be here in the morning we have to get set up to protect the house that's right guys all right make sure you are subscribed to the Rebecca zamolo Channel yeah because we have 24 hours to defend our home from the Red Hood spikes and there is no way we are letting them get off motherboard
Channel: Matt Slays
Views: 4,083,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matt and rebecca, rebecca zamolo, face, biggest, fear, daniel, heights, 3am, overnight, crash, pad, funny, fruit ninja, ninja, training, spy, spanish, rhs, red, hood, spies, in disguise, jump, the labrant fam, serious, talk, preston, water, slide, challenge, hot vs, cold, ice girl, girl on fire, lucas and marcus, hot, vs, troom troom, select, tent, rope, diy, how to, life hacks, 123 go, woohoo, zamfam, mrbeast, fall guys, jumping, fun, game, master, gadgets, battle royale, lie detector, hack, hacks, vlog, 2020
Id: 7t1-L0DhW-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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