Making of PARTY KILLER - Ludum Dare 46

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so once again I decided to make a game for Ludum dari if you don't know Ludum dare is a huge game development competition where you get 48 hours to create a game from scratch using only art and code you make yourself I've participated more than five times now and it's just a blast every single time it's funny how with no sleep constant programming lots of energy drink and a stress factor over 9000 can make for a good weekend I guess that says a lot about us game developers anyway so here's how I made a game in two days but first this video is sponsored by core course the new free game creation platform that lets you create share and play games using the power of Unreal Engine with core no coding or art skills are required you can get started making games right away using their thousands of free high-quality music sound and art assets but if you'd like to get more nerdy with it corstel lets you create your own game logic in newer and build your own levels and art with the easy to use tools best part is you don't need to worry about some of the hassles that normally goes into making games core takes care of the difficult stuff such as multiplayer networking you can build games from scratch or remix and reimagine content shared by other graders and when you're ready to publish your game look alive instantly on the core platform with the click of a button it's completely free so I definitely encourage you to visit Coit Gamescom or click the link in the description now as soon as I woke up I went to the Ludum dare a website to check out the theme for this jam it was keep it alive and inspired by the old Tamagotchi games I immediately came up with the idea to create a card game where you play cards to keep your pet from dying out I was pretty excited about it but for some reason when I sat down to plan the actual gameplay I just couldn't get it to click I think my problem was that I was trying too hard to challenge myself and create something I'd never done before and I realized that I know almost nothing about card games despite quite a few hours in hearthstone and while I think it's important to challenge yourself sometimes if you get overwhelmed it's totally fine to dial down the expectations and change the game to play more towards your strengths so after hours of brainstorming I decided to do something much less comic but my Vishal and fun I came up with the idea of a DJ who is hosting the party of the lifetime but a cup shows up and tries to shut it down in other words the DJ is trying to keep the party alive I really wanted to do something with multiplayer and also I've done a lot of pixel art lately so I was really hoping to get into some 3d modeling instead and that's how party killer was born a top-down one we one shooter with lots of music and neon lights and with that it was time to jump into unity I started by setting up a quick test level threw in some quick lighting to set the mood and created two cymbal player characters one for the DJ and one for the police just pretend that that looks like a police hat and then spend a lot of time trying to get unities new input system to work with multiple controllers I decided to go with gamepad controls since I wanted to give the game a fun casual feel and after lots of time looking at documentation it worked the players were moving around the level and then added shooting with lots of particles and glow and normally I would spend most of the time at this early stage working on the base mechanics but I just felt really inspired to play around with some of the visuals so I started making triggers to spice up the level I created a disco shader that imitated light from a disco ball and a sea of cubes that would rise up and down I would have loved to have these actually react to the music and sound effects but I simply didn't have the time instead I scaled them up and down based on a simple Perlin noise and honestly I think the result turned out pretty great it's definitely not performant the level had over 500 cubed game objects each with their own script but hey it's a game jam it's not meant to be perfect and then made the game restart when a player got hit and at this point the game was fun but it definitely lacked some depth there wasn't much strategy to it it was hard to get better at the game other than by improving your aim so I decided to take a quick nap and come back to it and after lying awake for half an hour thinking about the game I realized that it needed two important things first the bullets should be able to bounce off of walls this would give the game a whole new dimension because you need to really think about how you can use the level to your advantage second the player should be able to hold up to three bullets after shooting your bullets they will slowly recharge one by one this forces the players to be economical with their bullets and to think about whether or not it's best to spend them all at once or save some for later I also added some quick UI to display how many bullets each player has and a joint screen for connecting controllers and right away we were having much more fun playing the game now normally during loading diary we get together a bunch of friends and set up shop in the office over the weekend but this time since everyone was still working from home we hung out in discord instead and man was that fun we constantly shared our screen so we could see what each other were working on and how about if anyone had issues it's always really great to follow each other's progress as you get further into the jam and at this point my game was starting to come together but playing over and over on the same level was getting kind of boring so inspired by multi games in csgo I decided to have the level change every time a player dies for this I chose to go with the same type of level loading that I did in date night where we'd load a level scene with the level layout and obstacles on top of a base scene that had the players camera and game manager and that was pretty much it for day one I went to bed feeling pretty good about what I had so far but there was still a long way to go the next day I jumped right into busca SOI and started working on the music because you can't have a party game without some party music I knew that I wanted to go for something electronic and intense but I wasn't sure exactly what genre I tried my luck with trance then dubstep which I found out was pretty hard to do only using chip tunes and then finally landed on well whatever this is as crazy as it is when I put it into the game it fit perfectly and then it was graphics time of course the game still had only one level but it was graphics time I used a vertex displacement shader to turn the player from a boring sphere into a living incarnation of music or just a weird blob I guess that's a matter of perspective oh and by the way the shader looked super cool if you dialed it up a bunch I would have loved to use that in the game if I'd had more time in fact I just liked the effect so much that I decided to add it to the bullets as well and then jumped into blender and started modeling some obstacles to place around the level I created a long wall a short wall and a square thingy I'm by no means a 3d artist but after adding some glow in unity I think it actually managed to come together pretty well and having run out of excuses of other stuff to do it was time to create some levels and it was actually really fun because with the way the levels were set up with these two rising cubes I could vary the level size and shape on top of just placing around obstacles this gave way for some interesting levels that felt really different when playing I then added a score counter UI that would pop up between levels and got to work on some sound effects for this I used a tool I hadn't tried before called leshy sound effects maker it's a browser-based sound generator that can be used to quickly generate and manipulate electronic sound effects I was really impressed with this tool and after playing around with it for less than an hour I managed to get a good list of sounds that fit the rest of the game finally I added trails to the bullets to make it clear what direction they are traveling and spent the final half-hour creating some more levels in total I ended up with 10 different levels which I was pretty happy with and then after a bunch of play testing I exported the game and submitted it to the event this is me at 5 in the morning tired and happy and that's pretty much it for this video if you enjoyed it make sure to subscribe and bring that notification buzz so don't miss the next one if you want to play and rate the game there's of course a link in the description and I'll make sure to include links to all the cool games created by friends during the jam as well also don't forget to check out court it's completely free just visit court games that come or click the link in the description on that thanks for watching and I will see you in the next video thanks of the awesome patreon supporters who donated in March and especially thanks to Villa Vatanen lost violence love barber ray Samara fight nearly set Nobby ninja gym shoe pop jazz Daniel - sonic dandy Sam Jacob Sanford magnet want yard no kirisaki Gregory Pierce Michael curb of the mighty Zeus oven Cooper as in the fierce Erasmus Richard kaya is mother kusa and serious wall you guys Rock
Channel: Brackeys
Views: 543,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brackeys, unity, unity3d, asset, assets, model, models, beginner, easy, how, to, learn, game, development, develop, games, programming, coding, basic, basics, C#, ludum, dare, ludum dare, LD46, 46, keep it alive, party killer, party, graphics, audio, visuals, making, making of, make, 48h, challenge, jam, gamejam, game jam, gamedev, devlog, theme, how i made, music
Id: AlCJc05nkwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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