Hazbin Hotel Therapist Analysis: Sir Pentious and Redemption!

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so I'm so excited yes we're going to do it we are talking about serenus and his path to Redemption and also his motivations for why he does what he does in the first place who are you who am I I am the great serenus inventor architect of Destruction well if all that's true you'd think I'd have heard of you and that's the worst thing the worst thing is to be forgotten especially when you're trying to make a name for yourself when you're trying to be remembered for something for many people they want to be able to make a mark in this world and remember people will want to do things for good positive reinforcement first but if not they'll take negative attention next and so I think that that's kind of the area that Sur penus Falls in I attacked you literally last week we've done battle like 20 times I also like that Alistair does the little dog head tilt like H don't remember now cow for when I've slain you you the almighty V will finally acknowledge me as their equal and I think that that's the other thing suen just wants to be able to be a part of something be a part of a tribe and for all of us that's very innate a solo human 100,000 years ago didn't have a great chance of survival that's kind of a primal Instinct we are very powerful and we're very successful when there's many of us and for most of our existence that was true thanks for another forgettable experience oh I didn't know that one of the egg boys died there oh well have to crack a few eggs sorry not it's not a good joke you can't make a joke at poor little egg boys I'm sorry thank you for letting your guard down literally serenus will accept a few scraps to be able to consider that a victory I didn't come looking for a fight I uh I heard that you you're helping people people who want to be better he says that like a question not a statement he was forced into doing this by the V he doesn't really want to himself so the question comes out and that happens with people when they're not really sure they're not doing things for the right reason you can sometimes hear the inflection changes in what they're saying like they're almost thinking on the spot you can tell he is not really used to doing this this social construct of lying to people and having to manipulate not really his strength my name's suenes I like to build and despite my stupid egg boys I think I'm very skilled he's so good at it I love that he's such a Keener right like he's doing this just to impressive this is not sincere from him but he still puts everything into what he does and that's often an innate trait in some people some people are really keen and they like to be in involved in whatever it might be and especially for cenus because I believe that that's his want to belong and be a part of something and those are wonderful people to have around because if you start something you do something they'll join in and encourage that and that's a wonderful trait but the problem is is that sometimes that trait can be overly influenced to be involved in something that's nefarious or not that thoughtful and it's hard to leave the tribe to do something against the group that you want to be a part of and so you want to kind of monitor that need to want to belong if there people you really want to belong with hey you who me you look like a kid who could use some Devil's dantu not me I have to go home and study he plays everything up so well so cutely we'll just show a few seconds of it yes Bravo Benes at this rate you'll be redeemed in no time it's a really hard scene to watch again because of the reaction from angel I do a video on Angel and what Angel goes through you can check it out be somewhere on the screen I am so proud of you sir penes that was amazing thank you you like me you really like me and you can tell that that's genuine that this really matters to him to be affirmed by other people and for many people that's what we feed off of that's what we want to be able to be recognized for whatever we do for someone to really see us and to like us not for the things that we can give to someone the way that we look the position that we have the level of things that we can offer them but for our character traits for the things that we bring to the table those are the compliments that mean so much more to us and often are much more healing to that feeling of Safety and Security and a feeling of belonging you're working for the v's I don't know what you're talking about get your aggressively average body off of me he hit love when he does hit I like that you never see him use his stun action at all it seems like it's just an innate response but he never uses it for the rest of the show he doesn't use this technique that he has but it seems like it's kind of like that response that he has like when an octopus inks like it doesn't really happen unless they're so anxious and worried that it kind of just happens innately some of us have that well not people ink but like you know sometimes people might freeze or might attack or might punch sometimes happens without you really thinking you want to be able to monitor that and be able to utilize it when it's beneficial for you because if you have a response that happens when you don't want it to it can actually end up being quite a negative reaction as well agent penious in need of immediate evacuation penious wait you were caught if they don't kill you go ahead and do it yourself you miserable failure I it's such a difficult emotion when you're working so hard to be a part of something and to still be rejected for many of us we have that fear of Abandonment that want to be included in a group to be looked up to and so foren just to do the best that he could but then to be mocked and not only mocked but then to be ridiculed to such a level that we're worthless to someone else it can be really Soul crushing and it it's just such a hurtful thing and for serenus you can tell that he goes through that feeling of it really hurts who he feels he is as a person and kind of ruins that sense of who he might be that he's been working so hard to be looked up to and to be good at something to be feared to be revered and even in this case he still fails and that fear of failure can often drive us sometimes to success but sometimes to not accomplishing the dreams that we could do because it hurts so much for many people they might even quit before they failed because that would be better at least that means that they didn't try and that's one of the main fears that I help people deal with to be able to get over that fear of failure so that you can at least try because if you don't try there's no chance of success at all at least if you try even if you make mistakes you learn something and that's how we improve and grow I just make it quick I guess not that I deserve it oh and you could say is he doing this as a manipulation tactic sometimes people go into the victim in order to make people feel bad for them again I love serpenta so that might color my view but I actually believe that that's how he actually feels about himself that he's now without any of his bravado and he it hurts just so badly that he would just rather not have to deal with this anymore gladly wait PES I love his little eyes the big fat cryy eyes they're so cute it starts with sorry G to Play It Again CU that is my favorite thing because just watch his eye blinks at the music tone it's just so cute starts with sorry simple sorry the beautiful thing with this moment is that this is him at his worst he's always trying to put up this bravado to act like he's big and he's tough and he's doing all of these things for attention but Charlie this is seeing him at his worst when he's just failed when he's been rejected and for someone to be able to accept you at that moment it's so very healing and when Charlie touches his his kind of chest to say that like I see you beyond this and I'm going to accept you even for all of the horrible things that you've done I think that that's those healing unconditional love moments that for many of us is what we hope and dream and seek from others who could forgive a dirt bag like me I don't deserve your and he's just so cute he's such a ham but I love it I love he plays everything up to the nth degree to get as much attention as he can but there's something that I find is so beautiful and wonderful about it I'm really looking forward to shooting the other residents what why everyone is being too nice obviously it must be a lie I can sense they are planning to kill me but when how and it's a really cute scene but people actually do this people often do question especially if they've gone through a sense of betrayal through their lifetime if their family of origin wasn't very safe they're often taught that everyone must be out to get you and so why would anyone be nice to you that the only reason would be because they're planning something or they want to hurt you they want to get something from you so they actually don't really even comprehend that anyone could do something altruistically or because they care about you because they actually care so they're always thinking of trying to have to protect themselves and so thinking what must people be up to what is this ulterior motive that they must have because there's no way that anyone could be that nice you need to get rid of these things What Not My Little Egg boys do you want to stay here and redeem yourself yes then no more eggs all right Eggies you've got to go I can't keep you anymore and often that can cause that attachment injury can often cause you to be overly attached to people actually an anxious attachment that's when people leave you can go through a lot of distress you need them and you can tell that for seenus he really cares about his egg boys he sees them as His Friends his minions the people that he has always around him his secure face okay boss no don't resist this is how it has to be though they don't seem to be that that attached they really kind of are these little perfect soldiers they just do what they're told to do but they don't actually have the same attachment to Sur penus but in his mind they do I don't want to live without my minions nobody catch me damn it and so even though he sometimes mistreats his egg boys or kind of uses them as Aaron boys he does really seem to have this care for them and want to keep them with him and want to keep them safe it's almost like he sees them as his minions but also as his companions and so he does seem to have a genuine care for his little Eggies and the nobody Catch Me part was for serenus he's in so much pain that he wants to hurt and often we do that that we don't really want to go through Sal a lot of times when you see someone in pain you're trying to stop them from going through their pain but sometimes people want to feel that that they need to go through their own process they're grieving and for serenus he's going through the stages of grieving and that's really important also when we mourn something especially a strong loss sometimes we might be at a stage that other people don't want us to be but you need to let people go through their grieving processes they need to grieve also at least you can take a beaten like a champ you did okay L kid really oh well I suppose I did get into a little of the old Rough and Tumble today and uh thank you for pulling me out of there and you can see how that's what matters to penion so he didn't really do particularly good in the fight he didn't really win but that wasn't about it it was that he feels this sense of belonging he's part of a team yes with the dismembered arm yes that was particularly unpleasant I like that part he's now part of a tribe and he's put in time where people appreciate him for the skills that he brings to the table and accept him for who he is he doesn't have to pretend to be this big bad fighter in order to be accept accepted and liked and that's a wonderful thing when you can take off that mask and just be whoever you are and the people around you will accept you for that that's that lovely group of people that you don't have to fake or try to pretend or wear a mask for it's really healing really soothing and it's wonderful to be just recognized and accepted even when you're at your worst or you've made mistakes that's that feeling of trust and those kind of relationships are also really healing for attach injuries where you've gone through not trusting people those are the things that start us to be able to trust people again why don't you give them back to penious really after today I guess I can trust you with them myeg yeah oh it's so good to have you back now go clean my quarters this instant and also a wonderful feeling when you get reunited with those that you really care about even though he still sends them to do the bidding that he has has to do like clean things up but you can also tell that genuine warm feeling that he has to be able to have his troop back and I was not supposed to talk about it oh I'm so sure and maybe you'll meet martians tomorrow but now it's time for sleep good night [Music] eggy I love that he kind of like sleeps with his egg boys if you were thinking that perhaps he doesn't actually care for them I think that that cuddling of them all sleeping together is really sweet but also how he kind of dismisses what they say which often is what we do with children which we shouldn't but it's kind of like yeah yeah yeah how cute you know the unicorns and rainbows will show up tomorrow as well we're kind of dismissing it let's just get on with whatever we have to do I'm going out with Angel and I got to drag your Sor along oh you and me are going out like for fun I I didn't think this would would ever happen what what do I do what what do I wear so you can tell that serenus hasn't had a lot of socialization he hasn't really been with a lot of people that's why he's gathered his egg boys to be his people so he's not alone a lot of people will talk to their stuffies or their plants or their pets sometimes we use that as a secondary form of socialization but he's missed out on all of those what and how in social situations which often if we've been well socialized when we're younger we naturally learned that but for some of us if we're neurode divergent or we have a lot of anxiety or we've been kind of alone or in our own mind we haven't picked up on those Clues and so you can see that serenus actually has a certain amount of this social awkwardness he doesn't really know what to do and what he wants is to be able to get some cues of how to do this so that he does it right he's worried about making a mistake and I could say that he might have a little bit of social anxiety and you'd say there's no way that he has social anxiety because he performed so well in front of people but actually being intimate situations where you actually care and it's you a lot of people with social anxiety can perform because if you don't like the performance it's not them as a person that you don't like it's the performance itself so for some people with social anxiety they're more anxious in front of crowds but for other people they're more anxious when it's intimate small groups of people and it seems that Sur pentius is a little bit worried about being judged or doing the wrong thing which could very well be a certain amount of social anxiety as well miss bom I I I'd like to buy you a drink why didn't you say we're Arch Rivals um uh because I'm buying everyone a drink the thing with when you're drinking a lot of alcohol is that it actually shuts off the part of your brain that deals with judgment so for a lot of people if they drink enough they no longer have any social anxiety and so they can do things and they're less inhibited which can be good because you can feel more comfortable at a certain certain extent but it's also bad because you might do things that you wish you didn't sometimes that part of maybe I shouldn't do it is the right answer shed I bought you a shot because I bought everyone another shot hooray Plus for people with social anxiety it can also become a crutch where you become addicted to lowering your anxiety through alcohol and so you're not going to do it through other means and it can grow an addiction where you need to have alcohol to even do some of the most minor of social situations you would need to have a drink beforehand and so I would say that it's a maladaptive coping mechanism you should really deal with it through going through your own desensitization or cognitive behavioral therapy or any type of therapeutic way to be able to lower your levels of social anxiety cuz you can so I was thinking maybe you would want to um do a sex with me I'm sorry why would we have sex the awkward of the way that he says it it's that cringey moment but I think that for all of us especially when we're really nervous about doing something and it matters a lot it kind of comes out as a word jumble we just say anything and then we'll think about it later and kind of cringe like why did I say it that way remember most people aren't paying attention to what you're saying but the emotions and feelings that you make someone else feel most of us don't really remember even the way that you said something I'm sorry why would we have sex ah ah um because I'm having sex that's with everyone here so that worked out really well in the other situation and so because he's already done it he repeated that behavior again which we can also do but this one ends up really poorly for serenus sometimes you want to take that risk and just be really honest and transparent but it's also hard when you haven't been through lots of social situations to figure out when is a good time to be able to take that risk and when isn't but unfortunately the only way that we get better at that is by practicing looking over things and rationalizing which way would I want to do it if I did it again what in the hell are you supposed to be General penious reporting for Duty I'll turn those rap scallions into soldiers in no time at all thank you pen and so again being that person that kind of goes all in for things he shows up he's got a new outfit he's ready and for a lot of people they might just be doing that as a sign of show in the end it's not really how much emphasis or even how much enthusias someone has but when the chips are down what does someone really do that shows who someone's character really is when times are difficult will they show up there or will they leave you and for sur penus I think that that shows the amount of gravity in his character and also why I find him so very endearing I want to tell you that I I love I'd love to wish you good luck in the battle head and so he wasn't able to say the full thing that he loves her but he gave a really nice genuine compliment have always been a worthy opponent with the most brilliant explosive Contraptions I've ever seen something that isn't just about her looks or her sass but that like he who creates wonderful amazing things he appreciates what she brings to the table what she can create and a lot of times those kind of genuine compliments that are complimenting an area that other people may not see there's actually usually the things that we'll think about afterwards and make us feel warm and appreciated anyway I guess please don't die tomorrow okay bye that escape when your anxiety gets too high and so you have to leave is also really common you go through that fight or flight and for pentius in these social situations where his heart is on the line his anxiety response is flight and we often have the same kind of anxiety response to the same types of situation so we might not always fight or always flight but maybe when it's like our hearts on the line we will more often want to avoid a situation and for serenus that's his common pattern going to last long unless we do something about him of course Miss CH bomb I love you remember me I love that he see he's doing this for his friends that he has to save them that he figures out that this is what he can do this is the contribution that he can make that sacrifice of himself for his friends the things that matter so much to him that he's fought so hard to get is just so beautiful I think that that is that true sign of redemption to be able to sacrifice yourself for the greater good for the things that mean the most to you and that's how you know what matters to someone is what will they give up or do for the people that they care about and the reason he was finally able to say it to Miss Cherry Bomb is cuz he had nothing to lose there was no failure he knows that he may not be coming back and if she rejects him or doesn't it doesn't really matter he's not going to be there odds are and he doesn't want to leave anything unsa he doesn't want to live his life Undead life with any regrets and often when we're going through that fight mode our anxiety levels are down because they're all in action mode fight is a very action oriented response versus anxiety of avoidance is often a inhibitive response and so now he's in full action mode and often in those modes we can do things that we wouldn't normally do activate thrusters and charge the death ray yes sires Target in Rain fire I love that it just reminds me of like Star Tre [Music] fire ah that could have been ugly no no that was such a hard moment I it was such a hard moment CU I was so attached emotionally to serenus to see him just kind of obliterated in um a fraction of a second seemed like such an unjust end yes completely made me angry at Adam so if you watch my Adam video you'll understand why that punch felt so very good where where am I oh hello that made me so happy it was so deserving that makes me wonder where exactly then is Adam going to come back is he going to come back in hell then that would be really interesting for season two but the other thing that I was really sad about I was so happy for S penus but like where were his egg boys do the egg boys not come up as well and hopefully we will see them again only 20% of you have subscribed to the channel and it really does help for reach and for people to be able to see me I would really appreciate it if you wouldn't mind subscribing to the video you can subscribe or you can become a member I appreciate it very much so thank you and you can let me know is it going to be husk or Nifty next or someone else let me know and we'll do the videos together hopefully I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Georgia Dow
Views: 178,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: psychology, psychotherapy, therapy, self help, life coach, psychotherapist, self improvement
Id: wvVKw2TZSa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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