Fallout Therapist Analysis: The Ghoul's Humanity

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Cooper Howard the ghoul I think that one of the most interesting psychological aspects is this fall from grace him being this amazing hero that everyone looks up to then becoming someone that is reviled looked down upon and how does he handle that so we're going to be cutting out some of the graphic parts of the video but if you want to catch all of them you can catch them on nebula where we'll have the uncensored version you are a fault dweller but if you're going to survive you need to start acting like a surface dweller the question is will you still want the same things when you have become a different animal altogether and I think that that wraps up this entire interesting psychological evolution of Cooper Howard he starts off as this hero he's Larger than Life everyone loves and Ador him what happens to us psychologically when we go from being this thing this idealized version of ourself that holds these values true and then we have to do whatever we can to be able to survive for anyone that's ever been through that looked at as the best and then fallen from grace in a really strong way it is exceptionally difficult on our ego psychologically but also what parts of our personality do we sometimes lose in that process of having to survive in a really difficult world where it truly is Doge eat dog I don't know if that was too soon sorry dog meat but we end up going through all of these difficulties and I think that that's really pretty fascinating there's an old Mexican eulogy FAL I'll give you two or three on that [Music] front do I really have to kill him Cuts I think that that scene's really important because it shows the sense of Honor that CP has one for himself but also for his image it matters to him what he's projecting and what other people are going to take from it I'm the sheriff right why can't I just arrest a guy like I normally do and that's what I do the audience they want to see that even a good man as yourself can be driven I understand that but that's not really my thing you know a that's not what I do please cuz out here it's just you your gun and your personal code and he wants people to know that has a sense of Honor that he's a sheriff and Sheriff's should mean something they should mean doing the right thing even when it's difficult stop please my dad he he's an overseer he he got taken by Raiders and I need the head to get him back if you help me find him he'll do whatever you want this is a whole different side of Coupe like this is almost the opposite of who he was before so now he's dipping someone into the water not for torture but as bait which I don't know if that's any better or not but I think that it's really interesting it's really easy to judge and we're often in this place of I would do better and these are the wrong things and even in difficult situations I'd make the right decisions the ghoul is there to survive and I think that it's a really hard thing I think that we often are very hypocritical about what we do if we were put into very difficult situations and different cultures different situations have a different set of rules and I think that that's the one thing that Cooper Howard is actually really good at learning to play by the rules so that he can end up winning torture is wrong particular study came out and it said that torturing a person don't do made sense I mean a man hurts me I wouldn't want to do him any favor and yet the practice of torture fail to vanish from this Earth in fact I personally notice her I decided up to you torture actually does not work psychologically to get the truth often people use torture more to break people break their spirits and for a lot of people to be able to unleash their own anger and enjoying hurting others but actually to get viable usable information to torture is has been found to be really ineffective sometimes you get some information that sometimes can be good but it's hard to find out which one's good information and which one is just I'm going to say anything so you stop hurting me then why why are you doing this well I ain't torturing you sweetart I'm using you as bait also the cool thing is is that he's not mindless he's not Thoughtless and he's not cruel for without any reason in this case at least he's doing this to serve a purpose to get something and he's able to debate really analytically thoughtfully when someone speaks to him and I think that that makes a villain the bad guy or the anti-hero in this case much more interesting because it's not just a black or white situation you're intrigued by what are their motivations truly oh I'm sorry I should have just let you use me as bait in a poison River I really like that scene because he's so upset so he just lost the head that he was going for and all of his medication to keep him in in control is broken yet you could tell that he's like you know what she has a little bit of a point and that means that he's just not a coldblooded killer he hasn't lost all of those parts of his Humanity there's still part of Coupe inside of the ghoul it's often this battle when you know that you have to do certain things in order to survive how much does he still know that it's wrong what he's doing how much does he still hold on to his Humanity through all of this you can't treat people like this yeah why is that because of the Colden rule do unto others as you'd have done unto you and I think that this was the first turning point she's now patronizing him with words that were his words he was the poster boy literally for all of these thoughts and rules and so to have it thrown back back at him when he's the one that pretty much started it I think that it causes him a cognitive dissonance of what is the right thing to do and I think it also makes him feel really angry because all of those rules did not serve him he did the right thing and everything still went to hell he's been reviled by all of these rules and use them to make him feel like a bad person probably a lot of that is because he does and he probably has an inner dialogue that questions that those goer do just real slow good time but he's not so upset that he's not still analytical when we get really really angry and frustrated or if you're overly reactive because of something you couldn't have done that analytical math he's upset at her she kind of offended him she insulted him saying that you're not a good enough person you shouldn't do these things yet he was still able to do the math of you know what strategically this is what I have to do and I think that that's one of the coolest parts of the ghoul he's still always thinking of the main objective even though sometimes his emotions may be saying otherwise so he really does have a very strong analytical nature where are we going what about the head I need the head to get my dad's out well the Wasteland has got its own goal in oh what's that th sh get sidetracked by every goddamn time it's just like such a video game comment like it so happens that every time you're trying to do the main quest there's all these side quests that you have to do and for completionists such as me like you really want to get those done too so you're constantly having to do other things and keep in mind all of the other stuff that you have to do sir sir please I need water please please first thing is that was like such a turd blossom move that he did I actually thought to myself before that that he usually did things that were quite analytical that everything pretty much served a purpose and it seems though that his feelings towards Lucy after she started throwing about this hypocrisy and the Golden Rule then now he has one a lesson that he wants to teach her that there's a different Golden Rule here that it is survival of the fittest that you have to be smarter than anything else and sometimes you have to get your hands dirdy and I think that it's interesting that they have the studio tour in the background and we look at the ghoul in the foreground as we have this difference of interplay inside of him and it could also be that feeling of guilt and regret but it seems more to be an animosity towards her trying to flout the things that he once believed himself and to say you're not that different from me water water everywhere and not a drop of drink ain't much stage clean up here vaulty you'll see is that what happened you radiation something like that and definitely not just the radiation but living for 200 years under extreme conditions where it's kill or be killed definitely changes you you have to sometimes put aside different sets of values because if you didn't you might not survive and in a way I think that he's pushing away his Humanity by trying to say don't don't expect anything more than me because once that expectation comes into play I think that it actually will become difficult for him because I don't think that he's changed as much as he would like to believe that he [Music] has you can look into his face and still see that there's a certain amount of pain looking at the past and what he used to represent and how he has to kill it get rid of it it also really hurts us when we have to do things that we no doubt still know that it's wrong if this didn't bother him if he truly had lost all of his feelings of humanity and his ties to the past and there were no regrets he wouldn't have to shoot the face it wouldn't cause him any feelings right or wrong good or bad and that's how you know that something still is a wound for you when bringing it up being reminded of it causes pain makes you want to avoid it or makes you angry you have an emotional reaction and he definitely had an emotional reaction and I could see the pain on his face when he looked at it looked at who he was all the ideals he had to get rid of and who he used to represent on behalf of the whole voltech family we wanted to say how delighted we are that barb could use her connections to get to you you know I've never done an advertisement before in my life but then again my wife has never asked me to yeah okay uh over here I know that's really interesting as well and I think that that's a really important scene because it shows that this is something that he doesn't believe in he doesn't believe in advertising using his brand his name to be able to advertise for things but it also shows that he will put apart his own values for his family for the people that he cares about and I even that's one of the motivating factors for the ghoul my name is my name is Roger hey Raj hey we often try to remind ourselves especially when we feel we're losing parts of ourselves we often use things to remind ourselves tie us to the past to ourselves to our memories and it can be really effective we can use objects sense times but I think it's really sad this repeating of his name in hopes to try to keep remembering his identity and who he is FY seeing you out here you for that Bounty too huh yep he's usually pretty honest and direct with everything that he wants and says he kind of still has a code a sense of Honor that he goes about and rarely does that deal with lying even if it's a really dire situation he pretty much says it as it is how you feeling like what a thoughtful question and I think that for him this is the cautionary tale this is what can happen if he doesn't get his medicine and with all of the medicine being gone that's the urgency that he faces right now but still to be able to ask ask how you're doing when you're going through this situation and you're yourself going through all of this stress but I also think that he's assessing how far Roger is and how far he's going into the process of turning you know it's hard out here thanks is can be so unkind it's interesting because the talking of the Discrimination that they have to go through because of the way that they look we are very judgmental over the ways that things look even small imperfections on fruit that will be the fruit that we don't choose even though it will taste exactly the same it's interesting because psychologically that was a way for us to be able to take a look at possible genetic defects or things that were wrong but we take it way too far but there's definitely some pieces to that that make us have an inherent bias and we have to be really cautious of us being biased and judging someone just on the way that they look it also shows that that follow a little bit more clearly of how Cooper Howard was truly a movie star that everyone looked up to and wanted to talk to and get more information from and just spend time with to someone that is looked at with horror it's like expectational debt when you start off so high you just fall down so low because there's such a huge difference and that can cause a lot of feelings of aggression depression anxiety and a change in our identity of who am I now and what is my place in the world if you actually are used to failing and you're used to not having to deal with people's affection to make you feel good that that's not your dopamine hit losing that doesn't hurt as much failure and not relying on things that are ephemeral who can be taken from you like your looks actually inoculates you against other bad things that can happen it often can make you much more resilient but it doesn't mean that if you have that you're not resilient but you really don't want to rely your feelings of self-esteem or goodness or happiness on things that are not really substantial or internal to you it's a much more stable self-esteem to have intrinsic self-esteem about who you are and your character traits than extrinsic self-esteem how everyone else sees you your money or your title yeah you don't have to have any vs do you just one little puff and I'll be back on my feet you know I'm good for it I'm sorry Roger I'm all loud okay and I love that look that he had to Lucy of like do you see what he's going through the to feel the empathy and that shows his own empathy in this journey and also his understanding of what he's going to have to do and he gets down to his level he doesn't stay standing that's a really important way to be able to show an alliance and a connection empathy for someone else and I think that he looked over to Lucy to say do you kind of get it now I did okay 28 years since I first started showing you've that lasted us all how long since you first started wastelanding a long time it's a lot of vs well I've always been good at making money Roger and that shows how strong his drive for survival is to be able to survive 200 years to be able to get vials to get money and to live in an area where everything is Barren where people are all desperate people people when resources are plentiful are really kind and thoughtful but when resources become scarce that's when people can do whatever they have to to survive and it becomes much more dangerous where people become more dangerous often than the elements you remember how good food used to taste blam coer and cheese ice cream and apple pie a damn apple pie you know my mom me I actually think that that's one of the most beautiful moments for the ghoul I I think that when you first take a look at it it seems like he's just being cruel and he's doing this for jerky I'm just saying it because that's what he called it so that's what it is but really he wanted Roger's last moments to be happiness so he distracted him by thinking about something that brought him joy and only when he didn't look at him when he was able to remember all these happy moments that's when he killed him and so I think that him not allowing him to turn and become this monster is actually a huge kindness that he did he put him out of his suffering and made sure that he was happy and didn't have any fear before he went so I think that that shows a sweetness that the ghoul still has and also you can see how much it bothered him that he was forced to be put in this position to do something that was a difficult thing to do but that he knew was right anyways why' you do that you sick it ain't all canned peaches and marmalade left up here sweetheart sometimes a Fell's got to eat a fell you know my Vault has endured hardship too in the Great Plague of 77 I hate when people do that when they try to you know explain that they also understand difficulties when it's not even close to the same thing and just kind of funny because it shows her naivity of how she really doesn't understand how difficult it is on the surface in comparison into a vault everyone had to quarantine they couldn't work the Farms together people starved my dad dropped 128 lbs and he still refused to do anything like this what what's so funny well as what people say they did and what they really did and that's completely true we create our own narratives to kind of make sure that we don't look that much like the bad guy often we can do it so well that we actually believe it ourselves and everyone even though you may not want to believe it is capable about of doing horrible things horrible things if put into specific enough situations and in Lucy's case it's really ironic her feelings about this I bet your daddy was first in line at cookout I bet he had a bill with a drawing of his neighbors on there how do you live like this [Music] this is the turning point for him where he was annoyed with her and when she was patronizing now that she's being so hypocritical and acting upon her high horse that she is better than this that she would never do it and that she sees him as vile and abhorent that's when he really feels like she needs to learn the hard lessons that you are no better and he has a purpose in his mind that is just as Noble as hers well one good question deserv there's another why am I doing all the work come on vaulty JY don't make itself and I think that that's what that scene is about is about her seeing the harshness the reality of this world the difference between the Vault and to see that she also has to get her hands dirty in order to survive [Music] now you getting how does that Golden Rule Drive what's going through your head right now what are you oh I'm you sweetie you just give it a little time and that's that fight for Humanity right in front because he literally was her just give it a little bit a lot in this case of time that need when we have those innate needs if you've ever been so thirsty that you will drink almost anything that's absolutely true even radioactive water people will drink salt water even though they know that that will make them eventually really sick and other things as well where you think you going you ain't going nowhere there you are you little killer now that right there is the closest time we've had to an honest exchange so far am I the only one that thought he was going to eat it and that kind of thought of this is the way that the world is it's an eye for an eye you do to me you do to someone else which she had said for the Golden Rule do onto others as you would have to do unto you so I think that this was his way of showing that there are different golden rules and right here sometimes you will do horrible things in order to survive two month supply of BS exchange one female men condition near men condition like even that he's honorable he's honest with what he's doing when he goes through something he just says it I like he could have just said like mint condition but he did not want to because that wouldn't have been true you don't get these you turn into one of those that how it works I may end up looking like you I'll never be like you [Music] golden R and that's a really hard thing when you used to hold a certain value and someone else shows you who you used to be how you used to act even though this world is difficult I think that for the ghoul this went a long way to who she is and her character and I think that made him change his mind a little bit about how patronizing she was a little bit earlier that she's different than most of the other people because she's been secluded and been fortunate enough to be able to to do things a little bit differently and keep him safe even though he cut off her finger and then tried to sell her I think that it makes him think of a better time and a better version of him of who he would like to be if he could and so I think that that brings back some of the pieces of his old values also possibly [Applause] [Music] there's no Mexican eulogy I'll give you two out of three on that [Music] front I hope you like the taste of lead you Comm son [Music] of and those reminders is again of who who he was before the fight that he had over killing him or not killing him and that sense of honor and dignity that he used to have and how he's now reflecting upon his behaviors going forward and you see him going through the movements that he went through before it was kind of funny because like he like he felt like that the finger missing but that also works through we go through watching someone else do something we go through the muscle memory of what we did beforeand it kind of activates all of our mirror neurons our neurons of mimicking Behavior so it brings him back to that time and place because he's watching himself movements he's done beforehand and you can see him REM mimicking them but that can also go to linking also belief systems and thought patterns that he used to have and I think that's his turning point of seeing really the ghoul's humanity and I think that I am going to do the other video on a ghoul and his dog instead of a man and his dog because I think that that's a really interesting video and I think that the dog in a lot of ways is kind of the links back to his humanity and if you enjoyed this video it really does go and help support me if you'll just click that button to subscribe I would love to get to 300,000 subscribers so every click does matter to me it does mean a difference so thank you so much for watching the video and hopefully you click subscribe so you can let me know what your thoughts are on the series of Fallout and character the ghoul is he your favorite villain if so why and did I miss any scenes that you wished I'd put in and we will be showing the Gory version of this video on nebula so if you want that check out nebula you'll see the link in the description and hopefully I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Georgia Dow
Views: 79,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: psychology, psychotherapy, therapy, self help, life coach, psychotherapist, self improvement
Id: qak2ylPRXlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 6sec (1626 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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