Hazbin Hotel Live Post-Finale Q&A with Cast and Creator + Season 2 Announcement | Prime Video

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oh hello hi everyone we are live um it's so nice to have everybody here and I'm so excited to kick this off by introducing our amazing cast I am joined by five incredible cast members hey y' and um yeah I uh let's go down the list let's everybody introduce yourselves and who you play Yay hi everyone I'm Erica henningson and I play Charlie Morning Star hi I'm Blake Roman and I play angel dust I'm Amir tilai I play aliser Hey I'm Jessica Vos I play Loot I'm Joelle Perez and I play Valentino amazing um it's it's so amazing to have everybody here obviously I love spending time with you guys and we're having lots of fun so we have a bunch of questions that we will be answering and we will be pulling them out of this lovely Bowl right here we're going it's happening go ahead all right let's let's start all all right okay oh my gosh it's my job to list them so let's see how have you guys felt about the audience reactions so far any favorite memes fan art or anything else you've seen that you really liked oo the one that absolutely uh killed me was at the premiere our whole lineup of the entire cast uh and then somebody literally Drew all of our characters in our outfits that blew my mind that was and it was like the next day yeah that was kind of the beginning of did a at SCF you know all of these incredible students came up and we were all sent art before the panel even started and this is Art that's framable art I mean it's such incredible um artwork and like of of characters even doing random life things um and not like necessarily hasband Hotel things which I also find kind of bad but like uh but it's it's just been it's been so crazy coming from a world of like I played alphaba and you get a lot of fan art of like the green girl but to have all of the hasbin hotel stuff and to see all of everybody's character here plus everybody on the show yeah every day get something new drawn is super cool yeah yeah my favorite reaction so far are all the people that say that they hate Valentino but they love me truly everyone's like we all want Valentino to die but you're great a Nuance I hate to love this character kind of thing there are some hardcore Valentino fans though I know there's some villain fans and Val loves you back baby Lov you back is it mirr what's my favorite meme I don't know man I honestly the the I love the weird I can say of course I can it's has been like the bald Alis is stupid once you see it you can't unse it and then and then I I made a joke about about Alistair does have a tail it the tail goes up the back of his jacket and out here and this is his tail and then someone drew that and it's so stupid and like just I I love when I open my Twitter and see something and my immediate reaction is stupid like brilliant there like bikini Loot and Adam there's like I mean it's really again like on the total like tter bikini Adam yeah like well swimsuit Adam bikini Lo okay you know but I mean amazing who thinks of this it's it's amazing who I love I love anything that is like the family photo of Lucifer Adam and Lilith just cuz I think it's so cool that people are creating their own sort of backstory of what what those Dynamics are like um and I just love any anything that Lilith is in with Lucifer next to her like five in short King short King short King thing uh we going turns take turns oh that's fun yeah do that yeah let's let's have you guys read them yeah we'll go down all right um sorry we weren supposed to what was the most difficult scene for you do you think you're like the character you played in any way is that no is that for just you or anybody has an immediate response I think I think it's a I think it's a journey for all of us the most difficult scene I get like any scene where Charlie has like ideas and lots of them I like kind of almost pass out at the end because we're doing multiple takes and it's like and like it's like when a little kid is hyperventilating CU they're really excited so that's that's not difficult I just go home feeling like why do I feel like I'm going to faint right now Richard a couple times have been like don't Richard's really good Richard's really good at like regular me he's like a guide dog he's like it's too much you need to calm down you need to calm down like lies on top of you going to go for another T well that's on the fight scenes any fight scenes where I had to you know especially like if anybody who's out there who's streamed um season 1 on Prime is like if you get to the last episode and everybody is kind of like I was saying earlier War of the World style you know and so I just remember being in a session and and I think Vivian and and yeah you like let's just go for some sounds and some noises and I just remember being like okay um you know like and those those are the things that took me by surprise at the time because I was like what am I doing but seeing it back now I'm like this is so D It's So Dope I I think for me uh you know the hardest scene was probably the one between Angel and Val specifically just I mean even reading the script for that episode was like Angel is such a strong character and you just see that strength in up until that point and then for it to be turned totally on its side in that way was was was really tough and and uh just I realized that there's just such a an inverse to his personal well his life you know and his situation um so that that was cool and different you know yeah and tough yeah as as valot was complicated cuz episode two he's just sort of like this like fabulous who's just kind of like like you don't really take him that seriously or like why is he so like why are people so scared of him he just seems like he's such a fun fun guy just a fun time uh so then episode 4 was definitely a challenge because having to like dip into that the darker sides of him and that it is about um physical and emotional abuse and really um it was an interesting ter turn for the season in that episode where it becomes about something a bit deeper and I remember after that episode after recording that episode I was just like so sad for like the rest of the day just walking around being like man that was rough and I was like this is this is a cartoon and I'm I feel so sad yeah there was the second part of that question of are you like you like your character I I'm like my character in that uh like I'll have a smile and I'll say something really shitty to someone it's true like I like with people and so I'm like that yeah yeah um I think I'm I'm I'm like Angel in a way that you know I I find myself I don't know you know we're actors we can find ourselves acting sometimes and sometimes I'm just like wait you don't need to be putting on a performance right now Blake like you don't you know um and or any type of a facade who are you most like CU we get this question all the time but like which character are you like that's what I oh fun you can combine I well I I have a bit of myself in all of them so that's that's pretty part for the course I feel like I'm literally I am very much a mix between baggie and Charlie though because like Charlie like all the like obstacles she F like you know people being shitty and people like saying you'll never accomplish this or whatever like that's kind of a common experience for any kind of Creator and I'm I feel like the stubbornness she has is something that I've had to have like just keeping going like you know creating and and and moving forward and and a young woman in the animation world yes yes yeah and uh especially on the internet so it's like ah you know so I relate to Charlie heavily in that instance I feel like I aspire to be more like her though because I feel like she goes even harder for it um but then with vaggie it's it's just the groundedness and like kind of the the easy easily frustrated um because I actually feel very easily frustrated like with just stupid things that happen and stupid people and so I feel like you know that's kind of where she has she's at so I'm like I feel like realistically I'm in mixed of them but there's yeah like I said in all the characters like there's some some little little piece there's a little egg boy in yes the egg boys are my intelligence a little egg boy in me right now wait what that sounded so a little egg go so weird I just merch that's merch that's merch right there what's the next voice Viv we we've known for a while that angel dust's birthday is April 1st yes what are some of the other characters birthdays star when's my birthday yeah when's that oh man I actually I think I do know this I think the funniest thing about angel's birthday is that I didn't even like remember I like well well okay so I apparently said it was a different day and then I was like wait no it's supposed to be April Fool's Day and so there was a whole like fight on Twitter about it so because of that I don't want to make any birthdays because God forbid I said a different one at one point and there'll be another Twitter war wow about which the characters's birthdays are they all have them oh I wonder like what I I guess like I wonder what sign you would think you are based on your persona right like like go like like I can see that Taurus I can see that yeah maybe like a little Scorpio Taurus Scorpio full cancer like like type sign you know like a I'm a cancer I'm like a Charlie wait that makes so much sense now a Libra I'm a Libra in real life think a lib a Libra look at the tangent we've gotone on astrology how am I sitting okay here we go in next are you my NE yeah okay would you hold my beverage no hold this this okay aside from the character you voice oh who do you want to learn more oh what Erica oh I have to think about some other me aside from the character new voice who do you want to learn more about in the show my line no do I mean I really I mean I need to know I need to learn more about Susan Su suan really I need like a Susan bottle episode that's just about Susan in cannibal Town everyone the whole like an anthology episode seeing her bother everyone everyone yeah uh M mine's loot actually yeah like you want to know why she got like why how she get there yeah cuz there's a depth to loot that I feel like we've only sort of scratched the surface of so far and so I want to know what's behind that what led up to this and then what's going to happen you know interestingly enough so do I so do I it's actually a thrill we were talking about this too it's sort of like we we're going into season two and and remember how they said someone other than you though this is why we can't sit next to each other this is like accurate this is what I'm like we are kind of this you just alised you just Al smile shitty shitty comment with a big smile what's the name of um um who sings um Darren Chris's character um I'd like to know a little more about velvet hund I'd be hundo hundo yeah oh oh oh oh um the guy who talks in like Shakespearean I to know about Echo effect on his voice is the was cool that was something the the sound editor did and I was like oh that's cool yeah cuz I I was like I want him to have some kind of reever some kind of effect well like what what what made you think of that because he's ancient and creepy and I was like I think it would make him feel more demonic and it did yeah the scene of him and Alis walking down the street together and everyone everyone being like yeah yeah I really like that no you could feel like what the at at least the New York screening everybody's body is kind of like tends up in certain moments of certain parts of episod it's very cool very cool my turn your James kills it this is a long one who someone wrote anay okay wow hell yeah as a demisexual oh it means a lot to me that Alistair has become an ace icon Amir also mentioned he learned what Arrow Ace is through the fans what are his thoughts on being part of the ace rep through Alistair and much love to the writers for Ace in the Hole thank you yeah what are your thoughts on being part of the ace rep through Alistair you know what's interesting is I I I still don't feel like I have a deep understanding of what it means to be Arrow or Ace or Arrow Ace uh I have a a b basic understanding of it which is that um you don't necessarily have romantic feelings or you don't have sexual feelings um or they're much less than what is typical right you may have zero or you may have very very little um I can't relate to that obviously uh but but it means a lot to mean a lot to people do you know what I mean like I think that I think that we all relate in some way to to feeling like an outsider to feeling not seen um and uh and I think that there have been times when I've seen um something portrayed on screen and in that moment felt very seen right um and for someone who doesn't have that experience right for for for a for a straight white American man um who's able-bodied they they'll never have the sense of like finally right of going oh finally that's that's how I feel right um and um and that's really special and and and so having people who are AO Ace reach out to me and thank me as though I I created the character I mean they know that I have it but but I I think what it is is that they appreciate that Vivian's created the character and that um and that I've taken to the character and that I repres present something fun and exting and I think that that's a big part of it is that like if you're Arrow Ace that doesn't mean you're lame right that doesn't mean you're uninteresting it just means there's a part of you that is different from what is typical yeah but that's actually and then you were curious to engage and ask I that is what I love that I really love that you that you were like I learned don't know I think it's very cool and yeah I think I mean I think what's what's interesting is a lot of people are like how how has that affected your portrayal of him so far and it's like well it hasn't right like I haven't delved deeply into it enough because there hasn't been anything in the script it's like why are you why don't you why aren't you having sex with blah blah blah well because I'm I'm asexual you know I mean well something unique about Alistair and the way we write him and and why the ace and the whole joke exists is that that you know it's comment that Rosie makes because it's something Rosie knows about aliser but he doesn't even quite comprehend it because you know it's it's just not you know it's it's who he is but it's not like a label that he like actively understands and works under you know cuz it's also like and that's a reality too like there are so many people who have um an orientation or or a preference or or whatever it is that they don't even know that there's a word for you know um I mean that's happened to me like I there's been labels that I'm like oh that that make that fits me but like you know it's like whoa like I didn't know that existed until like you know whenever I found it stumbled into it so I think there's also that element too of Alistair which I think is is fun is that he exists as this um as this character and that's just you know he just is a character that's fun and engaging and I'm really glad for for people to have a character like him to represent and I think what's what's particularly different is that he's not just AAS coded right he may have been but but once she said urin in the it it allows people to be like okay so that's real that's not something that's not something I'm head cannoning it's not something me and my friends have talked about it's like no that's real and and that's I think that the label can actually be useful in a way to make people feel seen in a very concrete kind especially since a lot of like especially with Ace characters it it can be very like coded and very like I'm I see this character as this but yeah confirming it I just I just felt like it was an important thing to do and also a nice like nod within the characters too because we could have that moment where we we get alistair's authentic like self in that moment right yeah yeah it's great it's great that you labeled it without him going well I'm a which wouldn't make sense but it's kind of nice to hear you say that that when you were asked if it whether or not it informed what it is that you do or how you changed it you said it doesn't because it's not like that is why Alistair is right you know what I'm saying it's like this idea that he's from New Orleans right is like how has that informed your portrayal of him in season 1 well it hasn't it doesn't come up in any way and so there's no need that's that's very refreshing like there's actress who will make a book about their character before they start doing it right just intense bio syney just did an interview about this she's like I I write this diary and it's like that helps her process great that's not [Applause] no I mean sh it's amazing I would just never do it I mean your preparation for the for a you guys didn't write a journal before we recorded right up here sis right up I have a question for Vi sorry ins SPO behind each character's name oh oh this is a fun one um the angel dust is that I just I thought it would be fun because it sounds like both a drag name and a porn star name so I was like it just fit it just makes sense um and then plus the the there is like bigger themes of of drugs in his storyline so it just kind of just fit very perfectly Alistair was one that obviously he he's existed for a very long time so I think it was just like probably at that age I was like looking in a like a book of names and I was like that one looks cool that's probably what it is cuz it's just Co the sounding and and there is also like I believe there are a couple like actual in in demonology there are a couple alers so I just it makes sense um and then um loot is funny because I didn't know what to name her for the longest time so she was always the lieutenant and I don't know much about um yeah I don't know much military Place placements yeah so I just assumed the lieutenant was really high so she is really high she's the second in command but I don't know if that's how it actually works like so it's it's kind of just um and then I for a while I was like I need a name for this character I need like a cool badass name for this character I need a name and then loot just stuck cuz it was like Lieutenant loot I just keep calling her that for now and it was a temp name that then I just like was like no it kind of fits totally works totally works and it's very simple and it's sharp you know so but it's funny because it was just a t name that I was like this character needs an actual name at some point which sometimes happens double play on like loot l u t and then l o o t like like she goes in she like loots through how takes you know my personal grammatical head cannon that is not true sometimes sometimes the temp names are like the ones that just stick the best cuz another one funny enough that was a temp name was fizer in my other series which I am still like I'm like that's probably the most genius name I've ever come I love that um I love that name now but it was it was temp for a while this sounds dumb and now now it's it's a perfect clown name so it's awesome and then um for Valentino it's a kind of mix of of cute and sad um my cat we named him Valentino like my old cat he's he's dead now but he was our family cat and I just really loved that name and so it stuck with me and I was always like I should name a character this and then it just made sense for the character of Valentino it's kind of like a very fancy fancy name and it's also just very like it's kind of vaguely Latin sounding I'm like I love this name it's great did that Inspire the like valentine heart stuff like yeah well that's all like that's all like just cuz the name Valentino just makes me think of the Valentine's stuff and bread and yeah like highend yeah it's like yeah it's fancy that's why it's so stylish do my best did we Charlie Morning Star oh Char Charlie oh well Charlie oh that's a fun yeah Charlie I just I've always loved the name Charlie for a like as a female name it's just the cutest thing and so I just I liked that and then Morning Star obviously is like the the classic like name for for Lucifer and for for that side so it just made sense what would your character's favorite candy bar be o bonus question oh oh bonus question to the question I have a question and a comment or fruit wow yeah I feel like Charlie just wants straight sugar so it would be like fun dip or like a baby bottle pop wa you know like where it's just like old school just sugar and she's yeah and she's a little old school like so it's just she just dips it straight in it's like okay we're back I don't know you can we don't have to go down the line yeah I can't think of anything funny so I'm going to skip well I don't know I feel like Wow Pass even on fruit yep really who you're kind of deer based I mean is there I remember there being a candy bar a big daddy or something oh sugar daddy daddy daddy I see that well I mean I feel like that that would be Valentino the sugar no I think Valentino's favorite candy is like a Tootsie Pop oh yeah wow fixated and then his favorite fruit is like a really juicy mango see that's why I skipped cuz he has a journal that's the character Journal answer right there what are the um loots would be like the red hot you know [Applause] like no no the ball the the Fireball the little fire but she's just like right right and like and nothing affects nothing like it's just not that hot she's just trying to feel something yeah she's just trying to feel something and that's just never it's a never amazing what's a duet you like to see in future Seasons oh oh aler and Nifty I'm just I'm just obsessed with them actually yes that's a yes for me too and I know a lot of fans want to see that too want some more Nifty and and like well they ship the two of you in their own sweet I haven't even seen that I don't know if it's like like like that but it's just like they like the two of you yeah they like the the combination I I do too I really I really love alistair's relationship with he ised by only that mind she's very fun to him I want you know what I want I want to do what I want to loot solo I want to like I want to get deep in loots and and like know what's going on there do you know what I mean yes yes it's actually hard to get a lot of solos in the show because well because we're in them have to serve a very important you know narrative purpose in the episode toally but it is really nice when we get those opportunities to do solo songs yes so we'll definitely see more of [Applause] them yeah I want to do like a up bow and Angel Dust song yes that's for sure for sure yes I mean I will say though I do I do love an ensemble number my numers in the show finale finale is a very special I love that yeah the combination of everybody is awesome and definitely and there's a lot of opportunity for that because there's so many characters so fun too yeah I'm like hearing it now I'm uh finally uh Charlie and Lilith yes that I feel like that's got to hands down hands down down I want that um for air and everyone it's genius everyone if they feel like it look you guys can talk if you want yeah that's like I really liked Amir and everyone everyone else so uh what music do you think Alistair listens to Jazz next wow yeah we can he knows character Journal that was the only thing I wrote in my journal that was the most yes and Jazz done I second that I want to what is every cast member's favorite flaw and favorite strength in the character they play Oh favorite flaw and favorite strength that sounds like a that sounds like a that sounds like a a question like no like the end the end of a book in high school when like they have all the questions that they want you to think about um my favorite I feel like cuz I also like this so I see it very clearly in both of us is that she thinks Charlie feels like she can do everything on her own and she doesn't realize that she is surrounded by people who want to help her and who she desperately needs so cuz I am very much like that where I'm like I can figure this out like I don't need not because I want to shut people out I'm just like I don't I I'll do it I'll figure it out I I'm I am woman so I just like do it on my own but that's like my favorite flaw of hers because it comes from a place of like I can make this happen but that is the most beautiful thing I think in the finale episode that I was so moved by seeing everybody come together and I just thought oh this is so tender we need everybody yeah tender tender is tender so that's my fla that I like I think I think um loot what was it what was the first onew strength strength strength is that I mean she really is a has the ability to be a a badass boss lady right and I I love that because I I do um empathize and understand that feeling because you know like I like to be a badass boss lady and so she has that ability whether or not she uses it for good is is on her and and flaw wise which I think all of us have I know I certainly do is just so many walls up with with so many people and the inability to allow them to come down and show any vulnerability however I will say in the last episode of the Season there's that the Wall comes down in that scene with Adam and that you know and and it's just just sort of like I actually got upset when I was watching it the first time like you know without a m you know you see this person's face and his face and it's just sort of like something happens where you're like of of course that that means the most to you and this is just taken away from you so it's the I mean obviously hasmin hotel is so deep for so many reasons and people see themselves in all of all of these characters but it's kind of cool to think that's a great question what about you what about you uh I think Val's biggest flaw might be his temper I think he's just very hotheaded and probably doesn't think things through but and I think one of his strengths is his Charisma I think he's very he's very likable even though you don't even though you're not supposed to yeah which is very it's it's it makes him really complicated it's fun mhm it's I'm like just watching you talk I'm like you're the perfect person for this because when you smile it's just like so I'm just like I'm so drawn to you yeah right like it's of course oh are you what is yours you can switch um I think my favorite flaw for Angel is he he doesn't want to get invested like he he diffuses the situation before he lets too much of his emotional investment get into something you know um I think he spends a lot of time trying to convince himself he's not in as bad of a predicament as he is and so it's hard for him to extend that to other people I think it's also a matter of of trusting other people having a difficult time doing that and so that's a very integral flaw to his character and but my favorite my favorite um thing about him his his strength is that once he does allow that wall to come down as well like he's a fierce friend you know you've got him he's a ride or die yeah yeah yeah abolutely Old Tommy Gun what's that you want to answer oh yeah sure uh one my favorite strength of alist is that he's he's clever and that he he doesn't have to look at things in one way he can come at things from different angles and like the idea that like the smile is a tool um is clever uh and and I like that he doesn't feel the need to um wear his hard on his sleeve right uh uh I I that cleverness is is very appealing to me um I don't I don't know I don't know that I could put my finger on a weakness of his yet so all right all right all right stay tuned see you in season 7 in 2064 can will you do this too you don't have to but can you I can try can you each sing a few lines Acappella specifically Acappella don't worry guys I'm not asking for a full orchestration that's not my guitar your favorite season 1 song oh my god do you have one um we never make we we never make they jump they jump around I feel like the ones I really like are the hardest to say um do we'll do backup okay um well everyone chooses Los their baby so I think I'm gonna do just cuz I like it I think it's cute I like it starts with sorry I don't remember the words oh my God my favorite is when pencha sings in that yes that's that's the part that like when we were when we were working on it on production and like we have to hear these a million times so the only reason that I'm less familiar with the music is that I listen to them for like straight for like 2 and a half years like when like the production I listened to them cuz I was like I have these songs and nobody else has these songs funny enough now that everyone has these songs I haven't heard them in a little bit I'm like I'm like I'm like this is nice like everyone's enjoying these songs and singing them but like I don't need to anymore cuz we're not working on it so like but they also are like authentically great like they're all in my Spotify it's more just like I haven't like been spamming them the way you know the audience has been I was going to say they're in everybody's Spotify is everybody so we need we need karaoke versions cuz like I also notoriously bad at memory lyrics and stuff even if a song's playing on the radio I'll sing along to it and I'll get the lyrics wrong I'm like so what's nice about karaoke is it's right in front of you so no that's such a great idea yeah yeah I sorry I'm just I'm blasted back to when we did karaoke with Richard sing boheman did karaoke in New York it was amazing next time we're back like when Richard is there need guys I've never done karaoke it's fun do it now been karaoke now to the karaoke you need to we'll let you know do it do the do the my f okay everybody I've asked everybody to do like a little clap along but also I feel like we can all sing like the uh yeah um this is my favorite I me not and yes I get to sing it's so so egotistical of flute I'm sorry six seven what are we even talking about some crack or who up already he was shot like a in his mouth this discussion is senseless and Petty there's no question to [Applause] Unholy I sing that one line so much I was telling like I think I was telling that I got I posted it on my Instagram when it came out and that whole like hey BL like the in his mouth my agent wrote me after I put it up she was like Jessica vosque and I said what do you expect from me she goes not that and now I have it stuck in my head and so and and and there in lies like the magic has all earworms oh the eorm that that now is back in my head is um in the finale it's so it's l like S Andrew are so bugged up they go so uh so we say okay let's join the flesh Brigade [Applause] oh [Applause] and I also like the counter point we can do we can do [Music] this it was cool that that I love I didn't know cuz we didn't record that y'all recorded that and then I recorded my Counterpoint and then seeing it go together was the Japanese Stephanie too is loser baby but my second favorite is is Alex just totally tears it up hell is forever you like it or not and and when like the Clapping starts to come in and he and he's like walking down the cloud so good that one was really fun to work the repre of that in the courtroom [Applause] scene do I actually I was like watching that I I was like doing it they're doing it and that's like that's also just like really great like musical theater writing it's that's why was so I remember like hearing it for the first time I was like oh my God you guys and women singing In Harmony always SNS it's like so exciting you're just like a voice Like You full Charlie right now I I love I mean it's we all like love the moment in like Wicked when like they sing together like the first time they do like everybody's like also something cool about this show is that I was listening to I was listening to a bunch of songs today on our break because I was because I no because I was I was it's not PL to I was putting Instagram stories I was putting Instagram stories up but I was like oh what song can I put with this Instagram story right and uh something so incredibly smart like you were saying musical theater Cannon and all that kind of stuff is that you hear themes throughout every single song in this season and and that's what makes it so cool that when you hear it again people I think the reason they're so ear wormy and memorable on top of just being great songs is that the themes sort of like listening to a fud or a classical piece or something that's Orest it's it's like that it comes back speaking of shout out to not just Sam and Andrew but also the score folks yeah when you and uh and and and and Keith David's character which is namk thank you uh at the bar and there's that sort of moment between you and and version of loser baby is playing in the back so your favorite line from loser baby cuz I like okay so um I sold my soul to a psychopathic freak and you think that makes you unique get out of here man we're both losers baby we're losers it's okay to be a c up sucking ho baby that's fine by me and with that everyone has sung a song um was that her last one no I think so I I don't know okay we have more time oh great time great your do you you didn't say I say the repr uh okay okay okay okay what is the relationship between Valentino Vox and velvet Vox and Val are clearly dating clearly clearly dating um but velvet question mark is she the cool friend question this is a fun one the fun one so Vox and Val are technically not dating they're the way you I see it and the way these characters are at least in this point in the story is that they're chaotic and they're villains and they've got a lot of going on but clearly they have a connection with each other and they're like they're like the weird on again off again relationship situationship whatever that so so they they absolutely have like immense sexual tension that they experience but um I I would not confirm that they are actually like actually dating but their relationship is one that I'm really excited to like get into because obviously like both characters are such unique villains in such fun ways and they're also really fun like characters together like the Charisma and everything um so I'm really excited um because you know obviously we'll see more of them in the next season and I'm really excited for people to get to see more of like what that relationship's like and then with velvet you know her Dynamic with them I kind of go like it's funny cuz I've literally seen it be like pulled and debated and like to me both kind of work um which is that in some ways um like if I think if you look at it from an outsider what it looks like is that Valentino and and Vox are like her gay dads and then um but like I think in reality it's more like yeah she they're like like these like like just a chaotic like queer friendship like they're like she's like the third wheel that's like filming them being embarrassing and stuff like like we saw in the first season like that's the dynamic the dynamic is they both um value her a lot though and I'm very excited for that too because like she's kind of in a lot of ways the kind of brains of that she's the brains behind right she's the glue that keeps the chaos from unraveling ex that's the yeah that's the dynamic is that she's like the glue between these two like incredibly like egotistical and kind of uh chaotic like villainous men yeah yeah all right what you got in there you want a long one or a short one let's do a long one okay this is longish out of every character in season 1 which one would you have as a roommate like like who do you think you'd get along with the most reading Nifty very clean very clean loved the character that you just did of the ask her really loved it no question husk BOS okay Nifty husk husk is just like still like you can have a conversation but he's not like he's not constant like this one right so many fun activities love being my roommate uh would call you on your right but not make a big deal out of it uhhuh true true true I'd I'd say probably um I'd probably try no no sincerely Charlie because like I need that man I need to come home and then just like me either that or um uh you guys do trust fall right now 5 6 seven8 go that far away oh my mic just fell out that far away from you we could we could have done it we could have done harder we at least they at least they know I think baggie would be a great super just stable yeah not not too crazy like have crazy parties it's just going to yeah and when you come home and have a bad day it's like she would help you out if on the and like the opposite of that is a Carmela Karma like like I wouldn't want you know what I mean like she's almost the one who like would tell you like just drink at home like you could drink at you know like but just stay here and stay BL her feet are kniv you know I I like danger imagine the furniture imagine the furniture e our knives amazing or Susan the real the best answer all right do we have time for anymore I think we're out of time out of time trust we man because this one was really good but um but no absolutely this has been amazing thank you guys so much um and then just real fast oh yeah um well it I'm excited to get to like officially announce um that we have begun recording for season 2 Y and everybody here is going to be in it so in way still waiting to hear and there's also I'm very excited there's going to be obviously like tons of characters coming back and new characters and all those things new characters characters so cool season two as long as it doesn't decrease my screen time absolutely and then the we're all thinking that's yeah and then obviously um you can watch the full season on Amazon Prime it is all out now if you've already watched it you should watch it again do all those things enjoy it you'll see more the second time we threw in a lot of there's little things can we sing them out can we sing them out with a song yeah no could [Applause] for can we just solo that's by byee
Channel: Prime Video
Views: 773,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hazbin hotel, hazbin hotel trust, hazbin hotel season 1, hazbin hotel prime video, hazbin hotel alastor, animated series, charlie hazbin hotel, hazbin hotel musical, prime video, vivienne medrano, charlie morningstar, vivziepop, amazon prime video, amazon prime, amazon, prime, hazbin hotel cast, hazbin hotel cast interview, keith david, stephanie beatriz, michael kovach, elsie lovelock, amir talai, jeremy jordan, hazbin hotel season 2, hazbin hotel season 2 announcement
Id: rQOwHIBdE_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 39sec (2739 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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