Haymitch Abernathy and His Unfortunate Time In The 50th Hunger Games Explained

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he Mitch abery my second favorite character in The Hunger Games trilogy it goes Buttercup and then he Mitch and then everyone else before cat severine and Peter bread pulled the whole we're going to eat poisonous berries and and you know actually I'm just going to stop myself right there because I feel like there's some of you out there who are probably tragically asking yourselves who in the heck is Buttercup well to waste a lot of your time Buttercup is the world's ugliest cat H Katniss's words not mine and speaking of catniss Buttercup didn't like cat too much and I don't really understand why it's not like Katniss tried drowning Buttercup in a bucket the first time that Prim brought him home oh wait that's exactly what happened besides having the remarkable ability of not drowning this cat has the incredible ability of morphing into a completely different cat after the first Hunger Games movie Buttercup may be Fleet ridden but he's fiercely loyal to Primrose the first time that Prim saw this Majestic tiny lion she immediately fell in love with it and wanted to take it home well on the other hand someone like Katniss this adorable little garbage kitten with a belly swollen with worms and covered in fleas and was like it's the bucket for you canice's reasoning for bucket time was that she didn't want another mouth to feed but Prim was crying and she was like please Katniss let me keep the cat if you don't let me keep this cat you're going to be my 13th reason why so very reluctantly Katniss kept Buttercup alive and Buttercup actually ended up being pretty useful he would scoop up Vermin mice and even sometimes rats I think what somewhat repaired their severely dysfunctional relationship was Katniss feeding Buttercup the inals of whatever she hunted in the woods that day okay you know what I'm going to time stamp the video just in case I go on another incoherent rant before I ruin your day I think it's a good time to talk about today's sponsor betterhelp for those who aren't in the know uh betterhelp is the world's largest therapy service that is 100% online look at it as of recently I really gravitated towards mindfulness and self given the Dow subject matter that I talk about and basically the fact that I'm a content creator so I think therapy is pretty cool and for anyone wanting to seek out a therapist it can be pretty hard finding the right one but don't worry cuz better help is out here with 30,000 licensed and experienced therapist which is that's a really big number better help over here this one this thing their mission is to make therapy more affordable and accessible and the accessibility is pretty great because you can talk to your therapist over text chat video call voice call just whatever you feel in the mood to do and I know some of you out there are probably like wait a second how do you get started it's actually really easy to get started all you have to do is answer this questionnaire talking about what your needs and 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so go check it out anyway who is this video about again not Buttercup but oh yeah hey Mitch abery in the book The Hunger Games the official Illustrated movie companion producer Nina Jacobson talked about the casting for him and's character claiming we wanted a character who felt like he'd seen it all and experienced it all and had that weariness but also that subversive fiery unpredictability we wanted someone who could play the drunk without being really obvious about it who could play that sort of broken down clown but really had the intelligence and the foresight and the strategy to get these two characters through these games so they chose Woody harelson to play this very stoic uh and classy and well put together individual and they never looked back in the same book it's also written that Woody harelson claimed it isn't always the case when you're in a constant state of laughter and merryment on set but it was on this set that has absolutely nothing to do with the point that I'm trying to make right now but I just I like that fact so before cnis and Peter Brad pulled the hole we're going to eat poisonous berries and die in front of ol of P M as a bigu you to the capital forcing president's snow to let two Victors win instead of the usual Uno hitch was the only living Victor of District 12 well besides Lucy grey bar but nobody really knows where she is so let's start with amit's origin when he was 16 years old he Mitch was called into a thing called The Hunger Games to be specific the 50th Hunger Games and to be even more specific the second quarter quell quick refresher for those in the back of the class the quarter quell is just another way for the capital to ruin everyone day every 25 years the quarter quell introduces a Twist to the Hunger Games when they're not being burned by plutar kinby the quarter quells are ritten down on these cards and stored in secret boxes that are kept in this undisclosed location somewhere in the capital when the laws for the games were laid out probably sometime during Snow's game maker internship they would call for a glorified version of the games to make fresh memory of those killed by District Rebels when analyzing this deleted scene of blue tarpo and his usual Shenanigans I decided to dedicate my life to counting the boxes in this very ominous looking room and after 7 hours I counted around 80 boxes meaning they planned out the quarter quells for the next 2,000 years that's just assuming the boxes stop at this point they could keep going people and I'll give them credit the cards are very headache inducing during the first quarter quell the quarter quell twist served as a reminder to the rebels that their children were dying because of their choice to initiate violence so they made every District hold an election and vote on which child would represent it during the second quarter quell also known as the year the hitch was in the games as a reminder that two Rebels died for each Capital citizen every District was required to send twice as many tributes imagine dedicating like all this time to creating hundreds of quarter quell cards and then only three of them get used but plutar did end up burning the third actual card so I guess only two real cards got used at the end of the day hitch was one of the two male Victors selected from District 12 a place where they're buil a better tomorrow except they're really not President Snow really had beef with District 12 for some reason so he kept it in this ongoing 1920s nightmare hitch was partnered up with an unnamed male tribute and an unnamed female tribute it's basically like two tributes that you don't need to care about as they're just normal Canon fodder coming out of 12 but the one that you should care about is M Le Doner remember the pin the Golden Pin the golden mocking J pin that made everyone and their pink dogs lose their freaking minds and how it became the symbol for the second Rebellion well this puppy originally belonged to M undersea who was The Reluctant best friend of Katniss M was the character that was completely forgotten about when they were writing the movies which is weird because she's uh mayor un's daughter and I'm pretty sure we see mayor undee right here and uh an important detail in the reason why I'm talking about M right now is that M's aunt was M Le Donner the best friend of Katniss's mother Miss everine or just a friend I don't know how close they were but miss Everdine was holding the hand of match's crying mother that the time that M Ley was being called up to the stage so I'm assuming they were pretty close the quarter quell twist for the 75th games was that they were going to reap from the pool of Victors so when at the capital eie requested a bunch of tapes of previous Hunger Games so that Katniss Anda could look over them and see what potential Victors they may be facing in the arena it wasn't as straightforward as it was in the movies when heage could just show Katniss and pet all the victors in a slideshow it's with her teeth she had them filed in the Fang so she could rip people's throats out when cat is and P are at this very awkward stage in their relationship they're reviewing the tapes together and then out of nowhere Katniss comes across hey Mitch's tape the Victor from the first quarter quell was most likely dead because it happened so long ago so the only other quarter quell that they got for reference was haage k&p thought that viewing hitch's tape would be a huge invasion of his privacy even though it's a tape uh of a public event that was previously broadcasted to all of panm but they figured when in Rome or in this case when in a Roman inspired dystopian Capital The Reaping remember when like 5 seconds ago I mentioned that the 50th Hunger Games had twice as many tributes Katniss became overwhelmed by the amount of names being called to their Doom she was really going through a roller coaster of emotions because when they called heage she found it hard to admit but she thought he was quite the looker the parade hitch and the other tributes from 12 were dressed in these very stupid looking coal miner outfits and I'm assuming that the Chariot was pretty packed oh my gosh we're here the interviews like catness heage is interviewed by the great the excitable Caesar flickerman he didn't even look that different he was slightly younger and he was rocking dark green hair eyelids but apparently he had different lips so I'm assuming he got plastic surgery to make him look younger because it's a superficial Capital during their interview together flickerman questions hitch so hitch what do you think of the games having 100 more per competitors than usual then heyit trugs and responds I don't see that it makes much difference there'll still be 100% a stupid as usual so I figure my odds will be roughly the same this actually caused the audience to laugh and dare I say find hitch likable everything seemed like it was going okay for haage until the games day one the 47 tributes and hitch rise from the stockyard into the arena in order to be overwhelmed by the most breathtaking Place imaginable imagine the Windows XP background but like 4K Kat is audibly gasped while watching the tape so you can imagine how taking back the tributes were when seeing this arena in person the middle of the Arena where everyone spawned from the tubes that was a Green Meadow that was a few miles in diameter and it was filled with Meadows containing the most gorgeous flowers that the Universe had to offer even the song birds made an appearance the sky kind of looked like how you used to view the sky as a kid before you had to get a job and compete in a dying economy at the center of this circle of plates is the golden Cornucopia when creating the Cornucopia for the 75th games production designer Phil missina claimed that they wanted to make the island aka the Cornucopia an immediate symbol of what the tributes would face something threatening and challenging the Cornucopia and catching fire was inspired by these two abandoned Soviet monuments in fact the architecture for the capital during the time of the 10th Hunger Games looked straight out of the Soviet Union with that knowledge I believe that the cornicopia during the second quarter quell would look something like this one side of the meadow there was woods and on the opposite side of the meadow was a snow covered mountain mountain that was very suspicious and did I mention that everything smelled great when the countdown ends some of the tributes don't even leave their plate as they are so caught off guard by the beauty the puffy white clouds and of course the smells bamage is unimpressed with the show and pulls a pea uh where he runs directly into the woods meanwhile masley makes it out of the Cornucopia with a small batpack and then runs in a similar Direction what's inside the batpack you ask she actually got some pretty good stuff she got a bowl some dried beef and a blow gun with two dozen darts the beef was essential because everything and I mean everything in the arena was poisonous the scent from the flowers if inhaled too closely poisonous the water from the crystallin stream if you drink it poisonous this arena is as toxic as my ex the only thing that you could drink would be the rainwater and the only thing that you could eat would be the food that was already placed at the Cornucopia because if you pick one of those luscious fruits stangle in from the bushes and then you eat it you're going to be done so so the blow darts were actually a perfect weapon for masley to have because she could could just dip the tip of those darts into any of the various poisonous flowers surrounding the arena by the way during this time haage becomes very familiar with using a knife which is why he's completely unfazed when Katniss does this to him later on pass the marmalade that is mahogany moving on to days 2 and three the careers from districts 1 2 and 4 form the largest career pack in the history of The Hunger Games as they all collectively make up a party of 10 and then they all head to the map a mountain that makes me very skeptical for some reason he Mitch staying as far away from the career pack as humanly possible decides to vibe in the woods for a bit unfortunately he runs into a more threatening pack specifically a gang of threatening golden fluffy squirrels and I know what you're thinking but their fluffy exterior does not match their personalities if you see this image in front of you you turn and you run the psychotic squirrels try to eat hitch and then the butterflies join in the attack and they try stabbing hitch with their Stingers which is concerning because just like the tracker jackers from the 74th games the butterfly sting could paralyze you or even make you stop living and now we're on to day four the fourth day the snow covered Mountain the one that I rightfully had my reservations about this entire video that was no ordinary dormant Mountain no sister it was a volcano a volcano that had a proclivity for erupting and it did it erupted in one eruption it took out 12 tributes the career pack that was hanging out a little bit too close to this volcano their numbers got reduced by half so they went from the largest career pack in history to a normal career pack liquid hot magma started to spew into the meadow so the 13 remaining tributes were like well everything around us is burning due to the high volume of lava dispersed throughout the land but the woods that hitch has been residing in this entire time seems like the one safe area where we won't be set a flame so let's go there at this point hitch was trying to leave said woods but there was a maze of Hedges like something out of The Shining that got turned around in so he ended up leaving the woods and then doing a complete 180 back into the woods all you have to know is that by the end of day four all the tributes were in the woods hitch wound up in a battle between two normal tributes and a career tribute he took out the two normies but the third remaining career was about to take him out out of nowhere the resourceful MC Le Doner shows up and she's all like poison covered blowdart and the career tributes like no no surrounded by Fallen tributes m explains to haage that they'd live longer if they work together and from that point they became allies over the next few days they work together they fight together as well this do stuff like Salvage rainwater together share food take turns playing guard while the other rest Etc and they make it to the final day heyit was determined to get to the edge of the arena for some reason so he and masy ended up using a blowtorch taken from a fallen tribute to blowtorch their way through the hedges surrounding the arena they finally get clear of everything and reach a cliff and by this point in the games their only five tributes left and they figured the games were ending soon they thought it was best to split because they didn't want it to just come down to the two of them heage didn't thank masley or even shake her hand not even an awkward high five M Ley just walks away leaving hech in his Cliff when goofing around hech accidentally kicks a pebble off the cliff and about 60 seconds later guess what returns that Pebble he then throws a bigger Rock off the cliff lo and behold that rock flies back up into his hand during his Play Time M Le Doner screams out in pain and a because she just got stabbed in the throat by a huge freaking bird specifically a skewer from a candy pink bird hitch runs to her aid but he's too late and he stays there with her in her final moments after that very depressing encounter one tribute gets eliminated in a tussle with another tribute and then that tribute gets eaten by the pack of fluffy squirrels which is why we do not go near the pack of fluffy squirrels the games come down a hit and a district one tribute mind you this career was massive she was just as fast as he Mitch and much bigger he Mitch and the career battle it out by the end of it the career is missing an eye and he Mitch is disarmed bleeding out having to keep his internal organs from falling outside of his body needless to say he ain't doing so hot haage was making a run for it as the career was stumbling on after him both were moving at a snail's pace but it was still pretty intense the two finally reached the cliff that heage was playing with earlier that day when the career finally catches up to haage he throws an axe in his General Direction in hopes of hitting him but she misses as heage collapses to the floor like the rock the axe returns to the person who threw it returning at the same velocity so this axe uh goes directly back into the career's face the axe is all like hello that nightmare may be over but A New Nightmare continues With hitch's Victory Tour during the prep for the 75th Hunger Games Peta and Katniss were hanging out on the roof of the training center a roof that was surrounded by the same force field that was in the arena of the 50th game as it was placed there to get the tributes back into the arena making sure they couldn't just take themselves out of the equation it was a way of keeping the tributes alive and imprisoned and the capital never intended for this force field to be turned into a weapon apparently hitch's stunt in the arena made the capital looks stupid so 2 weeks after he was crowned Victor hitch's girlfriend his mother and his brother were executed by snow making haage an example for new Victors like Joanna or Finnick to fall in line or else everyone that they care about is is going to die fast forward uh like to the 74th games hamage had been partnered up with the team of the century consisting of Effie Trinket S A and Porsche no one ever talks about Porsche for some reason anyway that's enough about Porsche hitch lives here this place I don't know which house he lives in exactly so let's just say it's this one cuz why not it's called Victor's Village and as the name would suggest it's a place where losers live it's made up of 12 identical houses according to Phil meina they wanted them all to be the same like extravagant workers housing when I said losers I wasn't just being malicious it was my failed attempt to sound even more clever than I am because even though hitch won the games he didn't win the games continued on and this place became his Purgatory oh by the way dness aside when they were trying to find the real life location to film Victor's Village the location Scouts were like we can't find one so the production ended up building the housing exteriors from scratch and then they added green screens to extend the village further out set deer Larry Diaz entered the playing field as he claimed that Katniss's Furniture was hand painted with a lot of Flora and Fauna symbolic of Katniss and her love for the woods it's very formal and elegant but also Hollow at the same time she doesn't really use a lot of the house for peta's house the one that we never got to see they did a more masculine version of Katniss's house and for heit's house well it's as if he dismantled the whole thing over the years since he won the games it's this boozy crazy mess they say that the way you keep your home is a reflection of your mental health and I think that we can make a safe assumption that hitch is doing good heage being one of the only two Victors from 12 in all the 73 years of The Hunger Games and the only non-missing one at the time means that he was instantly thrown into the mentorship program so before Katniss volunteered he spent the past 23 years being forced into this role of Mentor we know that he was really good at it but he just lost hope with President Snow eliminating his family and the love of his life and then forcing him into this lonely ghost town with nothing to do but dwell in wallow in his own misery and self-loathing year after year and the only thing really giving him relief from this toxic environment is when he's dragged back out to the capital to relive past drama and train more tributes to go into the games that he despises you could say that he's become a little bitter so hey MIT ey becomes a little codependent on drinking this is a man who spent his adult life at the bottom of a bottle trying to anesthetize himself against the capital's crimes so when he says this mentoring is very taxing it's his way of venting how he's trained 46 non Victors and failed at keeping them alive we know he Mitch did not really express emotions like it's final goodbye with masy but there probably was a point where he became attached to tributes and maybe formed a bond wanting to give them the proper advice to survive but he's come to realize that there really is no point and the odds are never going to be in their favor so any amount of advice that he gives isn't going to help them according to the Hunger Games tribute guide hitch is often the source of entertainment when when he arrives at the C Capital every year however even though he attracts attention to himself he's not known for getting sponsors for his proteges that was until he started caring again the only friend hch had was chaff the guy from District 11 who has a stump for a hand as he lost it in the arena 30 something years prior to the events of Catching Fire the capital could have easily given him a replacement hand like how they gave Peta a brand new leg after they had an amputate his older one a fact that nobody is talking about I guess chaff wanted a reminder of what happened in the arena well other than the severe psychological trauma cha and hch have a lot in common they both have dark thoughts they love drinking their worries away they have a passion for being loud and making bad jokes at their own expense they are truly perfect besties during the 75th games hmon try to get chaff and Cedar to become allies with Peta and Katniss and when in the arena chaff was killed by Brutus when he was protecting Peta I'm still pretty salty about this one because Brutus and chaff were pretty buddy budddy in the training center when they were throwing Spears together and then when they're in the arena it's like none of that happened anyway the point that I'm trying to make here is that other than chaff heage didn't really have any friends when Katniss came along during the time in the 74th games it reignited some compassion within hitch and it makes sense too because hitch was basically the male version of Katniss everine both were highly intelligent individuals with little to no social skills what the hell is and on top of all of that they both had similar experiences in the arena they both formed alliances with some of that they actually kind of liked and got along with and some may say that Heyman and M Ley weren't a love story like Katniss and Peta but I feel like one of the main reasons why hey Mitch didn't say goodbye to masley was because there was like some romantic tension there and before you go off in the chat lecturing me all about how hey Mitch must have definitely not been feeling that way towards Donner because he had a girlfriend back home well Todd so did Katniss kind of and Katniss still had a thing for bread boy heage could relate to catniss in a way that nobody else could as their experiences in the Rea were so similar heage held masley as she was bleeding out just like K is holding Ru in her arms being unable to save her plus I feel like hitch's connection with masley contributed to the whole crafting the Star Cross lovers act resulting in catniss and Peta both winning the 74th games oh by the way remember like 5 years ago when I stated that President Snow was forced to let Peta and Katniss live well there's a lot of mirroring between the uh the movie The Ballad of song birds and snakes and the first Hunger Games or as George Lucas would put it again it's like poetry sort of they rhym so another case of this poetry or history repeating itself would it be how back in the day snow how to convince Dr volumnia G to let a tribute from 12 live when she really didn't want a tribute from District 12 to live but then fast forward 64 years later snow would end up getting a taste of his own medicine as he has to let two tributes live who are OD tributes from District 12 that is twice as many tributes as G thus earning snow double damage but back to the entire reason we're making this video that's too long for its own good Peta initially got hamage to warm up to his tributes but it was katness who reignited the fire within him in mocking jay the book version Katniss claimed that snow had no leverage to use against hitch until she and Peta came along while it was true hitch didn't acknowledge it heck hitch's face was devoid of emotion when he was watching his BFF chaff step onto the stage to participate in the 75th games in the movies however you see more clear signs of how much he cares like when Katniss is leaving for the arena or one of my favorite moments right here when he's discussing strategy with his tributes heage puts his hand over the glass signaling to the avox that he's good on the drinks he's saying no to the drinks because he wants to keep his mind clear for giving them advice in Catching Fire heage even abstained from his normal consumption levels because he felt he owed it to Peta to remain sober after Peta did the whole I volunteer his tribute I can't let you do that you can't stop me but he's sobriety lasted until they started watching his tape speaking of the 75th games it's interesting to think that hitch was the only Victor to be reaped during two quarter quells but it was a good thing that he wasn't because of the whole uh colluding with District 13 hitch was recruited to join the second Rebellion uh we don't know the exact point in time he was recruited though hch hatched a plan with blue tar kinby and all of District 13 to break Katniss out of the Arena but knowing how great of an actor Katniss was penm today penm tomorrow and with everyone in the nation watching her in the games heage had to keep Katniss out of the loop rightfully keeping her in the dark about this super secret plan but heage promised Katniss that he would look out for PETA but Peta got captured by the capital and instead Katniss was prioritized so Katniss was pretty upset to say the least yes and cnis didn't really speak to hch after that she didn't start speaking to him again until they were getting ready to film The propos but over time Katniss and hch accepted that they both could have done more to save Peta and a line of communication opened back up again he and every single person on the planet realized that Katniss was a terrible actor so he brings in a focus group consisting of greasy SE Gail and other survivors of snow finally letting District 12 have it so that hitch can ask them individually what moment during the past like two years did catniss Inspire them what himage proves by doing this is that Katniss needs to go out into less active areas of the war in order to give her authentic reaction to what's happening within this time haage Becomes Her willing mentor and her coach so if it wasn't for heage the whole mocking jay wouldn't have worked remember that moment in mocking jay part two where coin has a really nice idea where she calls the remaining Victors in for a little meeting uh to vote in favor or against having the Hunger Games reboot with the capitals lima beans well before the meeting of the council kis wanteded to speak to Hitch and be all like uh Hey so like lowkey I think coin uh may have blown up Prim but before she could even get started on that she asks hitch for help but hitch mocks her and goes like are you asking about boy trouble again prompting Katniss to storm out heon tried to get Katniss to come back because he recognized that he was deflecting with humor and that Katniss was trying to be vulnerable any other day hitch would of course vote against the Hunger Games given the everything we've been talking about but he looks at Katniss when she votes yes Kon is aware that hitch is watching her thinks to herself this is the moment then when we find out how exactly alike we are and how much he truly understands me so when hitch votes with the mocking jay he confirmed how much they were alike and how much he truly cared about her Effie and hitch I am ready to talk about Effie and haitch their relationship is a perfect blend of capital and districts they come from very different worlds obviously and this is perfectly represented by their clothing costume designer Trish scherville talked about the way that she wanted to dress haage he's a Victor so he gets his clothes from the capital and they're Chic and they're streamlined we use textural Fabrics to make garments that are modern but with a relaxed feel still there's always something kind of wrinkly about him or his color is not quite button right he's willing to wear these clothes but he's got to do it on his own terms this Vibe even escalates all the way to the top of his head when it comes to the hair designer Linda flowers she commented on hitch's uh hair saying that he was given the District 12 look all grown out like he's not maintaining himself anymore it's scraggly and and longer and a little sad well on the other hand Effie is always looking perfect she is consistently maintaining her looks and makeup even in moments of pure distress and chaos eie is still looking her absolute best as she fully Embraces the overindulgent fashion TRS of the capital F you was someone who was assigned to 12 the worst District she didn't pick it it's an anomaly for someone like CNA to request District 12 because of just how irrelevant it is by the way District 12 so Effie was kind of like the not popular kid trying to become respected and flourished in the capital's culture but she's paired with the laughing stock of panm the first time we see him in the books uh hch is called on to the stage during the reaping and he very drunkenly tries to give a big old hug and In This Moment she's like I hate my life I hate my life and then heage does a quirky thing like uh falling off the stage and then vomiting in front of her this may sound shocking but these two right here these these two people surprisingly disagreed on a lot but when it came to important stuff like doing what's best for their tributes they didn't really question each other for example there was this one moment during the 75th games when all the tributes out to present their special abilities to the game makers and Blu tar and all these other people hman told Effie not to escort Peta and Katniss to the waiting room because it would make them look weak due to the fact that everyone else was an adult by now and they didn't need an escort and Effie was like okay fine I'm not going to do it so they did share some respect for each other by the way apparently Meg's uh special talent that year was taking a nap for 15 minutes Effie never had a Victor from her District so At first she was living her dream she wasn't given just one she was given two Victors and she was so pumped to show them off but then suddenly a year later her Victors are turned back into tributes and are reaped again and then sent into their almost certain death the actor who plays Effie Elizabeth Banks talked about her character in this moment when the quarter quell happens Effie feels robbed of something very close to her heart she's certainly a creature of her world but now she's getting to see it from a different angle and have her eyes open well you both deserved so much better Effie's clothing had to be ridiculous because she was going to be the first capital citizen that we see in the films her clothing represents shallow Lifestyles and dumb fashion trends of the capital but this fashion doesn't reflect the sensitive side of her character especially when Effie's Capital Pride waivers when her two Victors are sent back into the arena Trish shille goes on to add some complexity to eff's character saying that there's this level of her that's really fun and bubbly but there's also this part that suffers for fashion because that's how she deals with being part of the capital she's restricted and not really free to be who she is just to add on to that Effie's clothes are as uncomfortable as they look which speaks to that other side of her character the part of her that can't get comfortable in the capital kind of like how the avoxes the people who are forced to be servants in the capital have these headpieces that give off the appearance of an abstract cage with ghoul makeup underneath emblematic of their imprisonment Plutarch and haage had a really difficult time keeping Effie alive during the war like hitch fought to keep her alive by the end of the second Rebellion Kat prep team was the only team Left Alive even though Fe significantly contributed to the mocking J probos and made them freaking lit coin Rebel leaders and the rest of the higher ups in 13 would appreciate her much less than the rest of us do it's cool to think that like hech truly cared about Effie at the end of the day so I liked how they added the whole hitch and Effie kissing each other at the end of mocking J part two in the Cinematic retelling of the story the war was over and what better way to show a more peaceful merger between Capital residents and District borns than having these two Polar Opposites get together Katniss takes inspiration from her family plant book and begins a project constructing a new book commemorating those who lost their lives during the second Rebellion oh and for those who are out of the loop Katniss had this book of plants that was passed down from generation after generation on her mom's side of the family because they were all herbivores or whatever you call people who run Apothecary shops regardless Katniss began writing this new book talking about the atrocities of the capital The Hunger Games and the lives lost during all of that hitch wanted to contribute to the book by listing the name of every single tribute he was forced to Mentor over those 23 years and when it came to his life after the war hamage joins a few hundred people who returned to District 12 in order to rebuild it and then he goes back to his Victor's Village home and then ends up drinking again putting himself in a similar situation as before but this time he's raising geese when Katniss was making a comment about how well hch was taking care of these geese she claimed that fortunately the geese can take pretty good care of themselves
Channel: Bryce Edward Brown
Views: 220,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Haymitch Abernathy, 50th Hunger Games, Haymitch Abernathy Explained, Hunger Games Explained, First Quarter Quell, Second Quarter Quell, The Hunger Games, Effie Trinket, District 12, Peeta Mellark, Finnick Odair, Annie Cresta, hunger games panem, Plutarch Heavensbee, Dr. Volumnia Gaul, The Guide to The Hunger Games, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, Haymitch's family, Haymitch and Katniss, Catching Fire, 25th Hunger Games, Maysilee Donner
Id: jW43gpTL10k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 31sec (1951 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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