The Rise and Fall of Snow Explained | The Hunger Games Explained

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since we talked about the awkward years of Katniss catnip everine I feel like it's my civil obligation to talk about the very uncomfortable and disturbing teenage years of Corola snow if you're tigers and if you're cool you can also call him Coro I'm also going to basically go over the entire history of the rise and the fall of snow do you get it cuz like snow falls to knows this guy right here this would go on to become the future president SL dictator of panm and he would go on to have more beef with Katniss than I do with people who go like hey see you next year when it's New Year's Eve anyway let's start with the early days young cor lenus had it rough to say the least and to say the most around the time of the 10th games he lived in the snow's family Penthouse with Tigress a very talented seamstress and Grandma who is often described as fossilized this right here this place that we're currently in right now it was one of the best pen houses in the capital but the dark days took a toll on it needless to say say it could use some Renovations and back in its Glory Days it was full of elegant furniture and books like a lot of books even picture books of corus's family that he used to look over with his mother the rooms have none of that stuff now in fact most of them barely have any furniture in it and some rooms are as empty as my soul they don't have any furniture because they either had to burn it or trade it over the years for stuff like I don't know food and a lot of it was burned during the sieg's final winter because that was an incredibly cold winter and they ran out of resources and they still had to keep warm and tragically the things that they did end up burning were the snow's Family Photos it's truly the richest or story that we're all inspired by corus was a spinning image of his father crus zanthus snow we're just going to pause this video for a second because I just need to reiterate the fact that Suzanne Collins loves Greek names more than I love telling deck collectors that I'm going to sue them for harassment if they keep calling me the people of each district have names associated with their industry for example the luxury district has more material realistic names like glimmer and gloss and District 4 the fishing district has more aquatic names like Coral or fin Nick and as for the capital they have mostly Greek names crus was most likely named after that one Roman general Marcus linius crus for those who didn't dedicate an entire month to studying the fall of Rome and and annoying their friends about it endlessly Marcus Crassus was known to be one of the richest men in Rome which is fitting because Snow's father Cris used to be an incredibly wealthy munition Tycoon Roman general Marcus Crassus fought in sula's Civil War under Lucius Cornelius Sula a war against the C Marius factions and now I kind of know why the fashion designer who basically created the mocking jay is named C even though this dense war hero was a trust fun baby and simply continuing the family business of selling weapons crus enhanced his legitimacy in the family business by signing up for the military and joining the peacekeepers apparently he was described as a really good head of strategy he had nerves of Steel and a commanding presence as he was quickly climbing the ranks all starting with him stealing The Hunger Games idea from heai bottom you know what everything was going pretty well uh for Crassus for a bit there until he lost the ability to live uh due to the fact that he died losing his life while defending the capital during the first Rebellion we don't know too much about his death other than the fact that it was caused by a rebel bullet and in the film they add the line it was a rebel they say a trap out in the forest in 12 so that's like all the information I'm working with right now the General's life was reduced to one of the many names that we're streaming on TV during December 15th also known as national heroes day and to take a break from all that happiness for a second I feel like it's a good time to talk about today's sponsor better help also known as the world's largest therapy service a therapy service that's 100% online the number one thing that I hear from everyone and their neighbor is that finding the right therapist can be a challenge to say the least so better help having over 30,000 licensed and experienced therapists would probably help with that search better helps out here on a mission to make therapy more affordable and accessible and if I'm being like 27.9% honest with you I really like the online aspect of it that way you know it can fit with my very busy schedule of staying at home all day all you got to do is answer this questionnaire this thing right here specifically talking about your needs and preferences in therapy and then better help over here is going to match you with a personal Iz therapist from their Network and then after that you can talk to your therapist over 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of her were of her next to the Munitions Tycoon husband in the stained glass port portraits mounted above the doorways depicting her and Cris smiling will hold in baby future dictator of panm around the time of the death of crus there was an air raid that immobilized the city which was a really inconvenient thing for Snow's mother mainly because she went into labor and she had to get to the hospital like quick and if you're one of those people that's like hey honey get in here Bryce keeps referring to Snow's mother as Snow's mom and not by her full name and honestly it's freaking me out well Matthew that's going to freak out some Matthew you out there but seriously Emily much like Katniss's mom Snow's mother didn't have a first name they didn't give her a full name in the books not having access to a hospital was especially bad for this woman lacking a first name because she had complications we don't know exactly what the complications were but it was suspected that they were hemorrhages maybe Grandam and the snow's family Cook tried to stop the bleeding and they failed mainly because the snow's family Cook was like I'm just a cook I'm not a doctor I mean my parents wanted me to go to med school but I wanted to pursue my dream of becoming a Norwegian nightclub DJ and when that failed I became a cook meaning I'm twice as unprepared for this situation as a normal cook during this very D moment tigis took snow and brought him out of the room as she didn't want Cory lenus to witness his mother's death that night snow lost his mother and what would have been his sister and for those wondering what Snow's grandfather was up to I I honestly couldn't tell you he didn't really do anything worth noting other than just being one of those people that fights against the districts and that's all the information we have on that Oldtimer let's just take a break from all this happiness so I can introduce the main question that I want to answer in this unnecessarily long video and that would be why is snow the way he is or you know what I can word that better why did Snow decide to turn against Lucy gray like seriously what in the gem of panm was that one moment Snow's in love with the girl and then the next moment he's all like PE PE now I'm not familiar with the young hip Yeet vernacular of today's nihilistic youth but I'm just going to go ahead and assume that what snow did is a big red flag anyway to answer my own question after the war when the remaining snows were no longer occupied with not starving not dying and avoiding cannibals at all costs they were still suffering remember earlier in this video when I mentioned that the Snows played a huge role in the capitals Munitions industry used to be an incredibly wealthy munition well get this the bulk of Snow's family fortune was invested into Munitions Manufacturing in District 13 which was which which at the time was the main military base for the capital but with District 13 starting the first rebellion and then just getting annihilated from starting the first Rebellion 13's entire industry was transferred over to District 2 so people like strabo plinth could make Bank while rebuilding the capitals military in a sense all of Snow's Fortune was taken from the snow family and then just immediately given to the plint during his later teen years Corina spent most of his time in his room cuddling the ever living heck out of the stuffed puppy or spending time at his desk studying and playing the part of an overachiever and by the time he was 18 the rest of his family were being overflooded with overdue notices and threats of losing their penous naturally this was making it harder for Cory lanus to maintain this facade that he was swimming in dough he was pretty successful as you saw at the beginning of song birds and snakes but you know he didn't really have everyone convinced makeshift shirt in your two tight shoes trying desperately to fit but it's fine cuz grandm and tigers were giving snow the support that he needed when he was attending the academy grandm would do stuff like teach Cory lenus how to sing properly and at the end of every single line she would just immediately poke Cory lenus in the ribs with a ruler screaming breathe also that cor lenus could sing the gem of panm at quately during Arachne Crane's funeral in order to enhance his political career everyone in the capital was incredibly judgmental of everyone else it's a society where new is always better so Tigris this person being a talented seamstress went on to renew corus's dad's clothing for reaping day and even though she killed it when arriving at the Academy snow still had to defend himself for the whole renewing his dad's old clothes that's his snazzy shirt what are those buttons Tess needing to remind everyone that his father the general wore that mes dress shirt as part of his outfit that used to be just decked out in medals in times of hardship tiger is often recited the snow's family motto snowlands on top snowlands on top and Grandam was constantly on another plane of existence as she was caught up in The Good Old Glory Days of panm like she was very patriotic she would sing Gem of panm every single morning and according to Cory lenus she was absolute trash perhaps a little sharp today even in the books they claim that she's painfully offkey always missing high notes and slightly behind Tempo the constant Grandma shade and song birds and snakes is unparalleled tone defus aside grandmam is the grandmother of corilanus and Tigris they call her grandmam because the Snows are inherently pretentious they thought that the classics like Grandma and Nana they were just insufficient especially for someone so Imperial the Imperial Grandma had two kids the father of Tigris and the father of corilanus but they all died during Rebellion number one so Grandma the Imperial was left with the task of looking after the grandkids well honestly it it actually ended up kind of being the other way around I mean don't get me wrong corolina is credited his moral and literal survival to his grandmother mainly due to her foresi early in the war she did stuff like breaking the law by hoarding a bunch of lima bean crates that they would go on to hide in the walls of their Penthouse but as previously established the Snows used to have cooks and servants which is why Grandma was as patriotic as the son as she lived such a privileged lifestyle unfortunately this caused her to lack many basic adult skills like how to cook for herself and her family though grandma was burdened with the responsibility of looking after these two lima beans she didn't really know how to do anything meaning at the age of 8 years old Tiger's had to grow up real quick as she had to learn how to operate this puppy so that she could take the really disgusting sounding lima beans cabbage or bread so that she could form it into a stew or soup or watery broth to keep the family alive during the war and all of this peasant food was ironically eaten over Fine China and fast forward a little bit to the Future so tigis wasn't going to University so anyway it was kind of up to Cory lanus to return glory to his family name as time went on Cory lanus would grow to have a lot in common with Kat everine as he was in survival mode his entire life they both had to protect a mother figure and a sister figure while being burdened with poverty starvation and of course the games but we'll talk more about that in a second and speaking of people dressed like uh Mike Tyson's tiger even though tigis is Cory Linus's cousin they still treated each other like brother and sister she was about 3 years older than Coro and she graduated from the same Academy that he was going to tigis was a very talented seamstress and around the time of the 10th games she was working for fabri whatnot a woman who's apparently as ridiculous as her name Tigers didn't care to go to university after graduating from the academy she was more interested in pursuing her dream of becoming a designer tas's apprenticeship for what not not did not pay her a living wage which is why the burden of earning the plinth prize and going to University fell on Coro it was utter trash because whatnot made tigers do things that were not part of her job description like giving whatnot a bunch of foot massages or cleaning clumps of disturbingly long magenta hair out of the drains honestly I don't know which one is worse anyway why is any of this important oh yeah so during the 10th games Tigers gave coralus a small cake of soap that was shaped like a flower and smelled of lavender as well as an old dress of hers that Cory lenus could give to Lucy gray she didn't want Lucy gray to look like some trash can District dweller during her appearance in The Hunger Games a night of interviews we don't know too much about Cory lenus and tigers's relationship after his return to the capital so we don't know a lot about their downfall but we know for certain that from the moment Tigress gave Coro that soap and dress she became the first stylist of the games she would then go on to become an official stylist for future tributes fulfilling a ro like sinos as it becomes her job to make the tri tribute look like metaphorical and sometimes literal fire before sending them into a Death Pit in the most fashionable way possible it's not specified which district tigis was assigned to but it was most likely either districts one or two however at some point in the future tigis eventually got banned from the games by Cory elanus himself snow would kill off anyone he deemed to be a threat or even anyone he thought may be a threat in the future but obviously he still like loved and cared for tigis so he probably thought to himself okay we're not going to do the US ual plan even though they had a falling out he still made sure tigis was okay it's hard to say if snow ruined tigress's entire life or reputation at all but I don't think he did as tigis was still running a shop five blocks from the city Circle which is right next to Snow's Mansion so snow is pretty keen on keeping her close tigress's removal from the games was most likely due to political moral and philosophical differences that she had with Cory lanus the same differences that later caused Tigris to become friends with the capital traditor also known as a propo director cresa and former gay maker plutar Heavens so that she could Aid District 13 during the second Rebellion Tigers was one of the stylists mentioned in the books to have surgically altered themselves to the point of grotesqueness cat is's opinion not mine Tigers became a literal tiger and even when as far as incorporating feedline traits into her verbal communication going on to replicate growls of fierce jungle cats like that of buttercups she would also eat next to nothing well except for raw meat which is really distur in upon seeing her for the first time Katniss viewed tigis as the embodiment of the capital shallowness as Katniss would go on to call her decrepit tiger woman not to her face obviously luckily during this encounter Tigress didn't feed Katniss and the rest of squad 451 raw me but instead she served them has chopped ham and potatoes she also dressed them all up as capital citizens to avoid any detection by peacekeepers tigers was the first one to style Lucy gray and for that reason I think it's fitting that she'd be the last last one to style the remaining Victors during The Unofficial 76 Hunger Games I always asked myself why did tigis make this radical transformation being the first unofficial and official stylist of the games made Tigers somewhat responsible for the shallow culture and over-the-top fashion trends in the capital therefore it makes sense as to why she would be the one to take it to the most extreme point we know that a lot of people involved with the games even game makers like plutar had their ethical differences with the capital and from the beginning tiger didn't fully support the games Tiger's hated goal from the moment clemencia was bit by that rainbow snake mud which is a pretty reasonable reason to hate someone after the arena bombing devoted Capital citizens like grandmam hated the tributes like Lucy gray even though people like Lucy gray went on to go saved coro's life Grandma the imperial's reasoning was that she assumed Lucy gray decided at some point that the peacekeepers would gun her down if she ran and apparently during the same attack Jessup went to go protect Lis EST Strada by throwing his body over her turning himself into one big human shield so tigis would go on to defend these two tributes telling her grandma perhaps the people of District 12 aren't quite as bad as you paint them to be and that both Jessup and Lucy gray have behaved bravely tigis was on Lucy Gay's side from the beginning putting herself in her shoes and imagining how terrified Lucy gray must have been how alone she must have felt and repeatedly pointed out to Cory elanus that Lucy gray was obviously a good person in fact tiger stayed up all night making her bread pudding drizzled in corn syrup and told Coro to take a piece to her because Lucy gray said that she likes sweet things so far we've seen some of the victors even people like Dean honom turned to morphling as a way of coping with their involvement with the games some tributes are even nicknamed after the morling like the morphlings oh right I'm going to address the controversy surrounding the morphlings in my last video I referred to the morphlings as this both of them were bone thin and looking like emo kids in their 30s emo kids in their 30s and some people thought that my use of emo kid in their 30s was derogatory and I just wanted to clarify that it wasn't and that I am in fact an elder emo I am one of you anyway other Victors like haage turned to drinking as a form of coping as well so I feel like tigas made these alterations to herself as an alternative method of coping with the whole aiding in the games and helping the most corrupt person in the capital rise to power at the end of the day maybe she was just expressing herself and Catering towards her own style I try not to judge it's funny how nowadays the artists preaching about being yourself and expressing yourself are usually the ones uh with the most generic lyrics I think it goes without saying at this point that everyone in the capital from evil Santa Claus to the pink dogs they hate I mean they loathe the district born Savages hating them more than I hate having to set my alarm for 7: a.m. when I just got into bed at 4:30 a.m. and I'm hit with the existential dread that I have to go into work the next day and repeat the this Perpetual NeverEnding cycle of monotony and boredom fueling my own personal health at the time tiger showing the district dweller sympathy was an anomaly during the dark days snow is having a bad day he got uh his cabbage stolen from him a peacekeeper bruised his jaw when he mistakenly wandered too close to the president's mansion and then to top it off he collapsed in the street lying unconscious due to the swan flu it's like the swine flu but bird themed when Coro passed out no one stopped to help him then out of the darkness Tigress who was sick with the swan flu herself left their apartment to find Coro and carry him home also in the books it's implied that tigis went through some unspeakable things to provide for her family there's a moment where tigis kind of snapped at cor elanus as he was judging people like Lucy gray for choosing between death and disgrace and tigers over here had to choose the more disgraceful option in order to keep Coro alive at the end of the day all of this stuff strengthened their bond but worsened corus's relationship ship with the rebels AKA all of the districts and especially 12 the rebels were also the reason he has no money or parents so there's that Cory elanus always saw things in black and white he didn't see the gray until he met Lucy gray which brings me to the main point of the video or at least one of the main points of the video which is answering the question did Snow truly love Lucy gray when Lucy gray claims the guards say you get money if you get more people to watch and you say you want to help me which is it I think that was the most important question in the movie well besides the whole questioning the structure of our modern world and the political commentary and criticism of our Western society and blah blah blah blah blah snow answers Lucy Gray's question claiming it's both he wants the money but he also wants to you know take her on a date at the end of the ballot of song birds and snakes the movie cuts to Black and then the voice of the old snow comes in claiming it's the things we love most that destroy us that quote is open to multiple interpretations but the route that I'm going with right now is that Lucy valued trust more than she valued love in a sense and snow valued his reputation and life in the capital more than he valued love I've heard some well actually I've heard a lot of people claim that snow attack and Lucy gray really did just come out of nowhere and let me tell you this buddy for those who think that I I just I disagree throughout the entire film snow is at odds with himself constantly Torn Between Two Worlds or two lives and what should have been a 4our movie there are so many moments hting at Snow's final decision it also helps to read the books uh so we're going to reference the heck out of the books to validate my argument so buckle up it starts with this moment during the first Rebellion the districts that produced the food like districts 49 10 and 11 cut off the fat cats food supply meaning everyone in the capital began starving it was not ideal some Capital residents chose the not shill route of cannibalism and there was a moment where tigers and Cory lus were trying to scavenge some w wooden crates that they spotted in an Alleyway but then they accidentally stumbled onto a horror movie that beginning clip that we see at the beginning of song birds and snakes is of corus watching nuro price a former Titan in the railroad industry pushed to the point where he was willing to eat his fellow citizen this moment was burned into Snow's memory and showed him what lengths civilized people will go to when they are desperate for food and ever since the dark days corilanus had an endless dance with Hunger that defined his life because it says so right there in the books whatever food he could get his grubby little hands on whether it would be food from home or the academy it was never enough by the time he was in his late teens snow was convinced that no one would ever let him have enough and for that reason I find it interesting that former District 2 inhabitant sanis plinth was coro's best friend sanis had everything snowed in it he had the inheritance the clothing the candy and of course the sandwiches everyone in the capital unanimously agreed that the district borns were Savages but Cory is being friends with the supposed Savage really showed off this compassionate side to him according to makeup artist V Neil When developing Snow's look for the first Hunger Games movie and what should have been a Trilogy yeah I think mocking J should have been just one big 4-Hour movie I will die on this hill anyway Neil claimed that they thought the beard made snow look like the devil and Neil made note of Donald Sutherland having these insanely blue eyes stating how bad guys usually have dark eyes but Donald over here has the hugest blue eyes you've ever seen so those piercing blue eyes and that evil look is really a fantastic combination young snow had this golden blonde hair aka the curls just like his father and honestly he was a spitting image of his father grandma would constantly tell him how much his pale blue eyes were just like cres cor Linus never outwardly said this but he wished that he had his mother's eyes which were not pale blue though he often assumed that maybe it was best to take after his father since his mother had not really been tough enough for this world and I feel like that right there this this thing that I'm showing you sums up Snow's internal conflict better than anything else that's shown in the films or written in the book snow wanted to be like his mom the caring compassionate human being but when asked to list something that he had in common with her the only thing that snow could think of was that he and his mom both had this love for music which wasn't entirely true in fact snow did not have her singing capabilities this shows when he performs The Gem of penm at AR rachne Crane's funeral his singing was more like a sustained talking rather than a IC Tor of force snow didn't know his mother too well she died when he was really young all that he had left of her was the stained glass depiction hanging above the doorway this scarf as well as a normal photograph of her holding baby Coro In Her Arms there was also the compact his mother would keep this thing in her handbag at all times but now AR in coro's drawer next to his nightstand in close proximity with the puppy engraved on the silver case of this thing is the poem roses are red love violets are blue birds in the heavens know I love you every time Cory lenus opened the compact he could sense her Presence by taking in the rose scented powder that she wore on her person the scent would envelop him each night like a warm fuzzy security blanket and when it came to other people the compact reminded Dean hiakai bottom of Mrs Snow's vapidness and how she was faded to be a child forever they both had very different opinions when it came to Mrs snow Cory lan' father's death was associated with this fear and vulnerability that Cory elanus had never been able to shake off and the more corus was pushed the more he became like his father think of it this way so the dark days happen we know that corus lost so much and now he's about to lose literally everything however the one thing that can save him and his family would be the plen prize it was a good chunk of cheddar some Scholars would say that it was a lot of monies if snow won the plinth prize it would pay for University as well as make it so that he could keep paying off that Penthouse so for 10 fing years gorus didn't miss a day of school he got perfect grades became a hall monitor probably and he exhaustingly maintained this facade that he was still wealthy doing all of this for a decade only to figure out in like an instant that it's not happening that the plinth prize is no longer being determined by who got the best grades but instead who is the best mentor to their tribute look I know you know all of this but I'm just reiterating these facts so I can remind you of how much snow had on the back burner it put a lot of pressure on him and kept him in the survival mode that's been activated since the dark de he had to turn his tribute into a spectacle something he didn't really know how to do I like that one moment during the reaping where snow jolts out of his seat after watching Lucy put the snake down Mayfair shirt in this moment he subconsciously experiences the effects of watching a good performer how she was able to Captivate the audience including snow himself but don't get me wrong snow still looked at Lucy gray as unfed and unstable but he's still needed to pass his assignment and back in the day in order to publicly display their commitment to the capital the snow family would all travel down to the train station to await cis's return Cory lanus would wear his velvet suit to await his father's return and they kept repeating this until one day his father didn't returned because of the whole dying situation this is where Cory lanus got the idea to greet his tribute at the station a gesture that was much less about Lucy gray and more about his commitment to the capital cause it's funny how snow is assigned to Lucy gray as her Mentor but from the moment she started spitting facts and giving him really good advice Lucy gray became his mentor she saved him in more ways than just rescuing him from the arena under her guidance snow learns how powerful a good show can be throughout song birds and snakes we watch snow on several occasions go out of his way to observe the effect that Lucy Grace's performance has on the audience members around him like when he takes in the reactions of the Academy students and faculty members during reaping day or when he's in the hospital watching the nurses and tiger get swept up by Lucy's ballad or at the end of the 10th games when he fully comprehends how truly powerful putting on a good performance can be as everyone starts chanting Snow's words to free his tribute the tribute that just stole their hearts when snow was asking if Lucy thought their connection was real I think he was asking himself the same question when heaky botom and snow were talking like how people do sometimes snow was like hey buddy why do you hate me so much you were friends with my dad and then heak kite bottom claims I thought I was too but it turns out I was only someone he liked because he could use me gor lenus shares a lot of traits with his dad and this is one of them it's not that gorol lenus didn't care for sanis or Lucy gray but he was definitely drawn towards how he could use them even if he wasn't fully aware of it I think it was more something on a subconscious level like how he got inside information about the plinth prize by being friends with sanis or how he started making an impression on Dr Gul the more that Lucy gray taught him how to properly entertain snow was thinking that he was falling in love with Lucy gray but in reality he was most likely falling in love with what he was getting out of the relationship Crassus used High Bottom's ideas to forward his own position in the capital and his son is doing the same exact thing but with Lucy's ideas plus I think it's a fair comparison to say that snow is his dad because of everything that I just said and sanis is high bottom as both sanis and high bottom were under scrutiny for defending the districts and refusing to conform to the barbaric IDE deals of the capital sanis was constantly freaking out about the games in Professor demig gloss's class and high botom was failing out of Dr gull's class back in the day because he hated her teachings as well snow is being torn apart by the life he always wanted in the capital and sticking with the snakes or living a more passive life than joining the song birds in the trees like Lucy it's fitting that snow gave Lucy gray his mother scarf as she became someone he valued as much if not more than his own mother snow replacing the compact rose scented powder with the rat poison was is also a good indication of that but it was almostly emblematic that Lucy gray is this embodiment of security and compassion the thing that snow is so desperately trying to cling on to I remember when strabo plinth was reflecting on his memory of Mrs snow strabo claimed that she was the very definition of a lady as she was very gracious to Mr plinth even though everyone and I mean everyone hated him because he was from District 2 and then strabo plinth claimed that sanis singled snow out to be his BFF meaning snow did have the compassion of his mother within him and he ideally wanted to explore Lucy Gray's philosophy on life nonetheless Lucy gray and corus's relationship was the literal definition of a tragedy because cor elanus fell victim to the propaganda meant to keep the capital and the districts divided also his parental figures like G and Grandam they did not help grandmam would do quirky stuff like play the same recordings of the anthem Gem of panm on national holidays or just every single freaking morning instilling the sense of patriotism on 5-year-old Cory Elena and 8-year-old Tigress grandmam's hate for the districts was so bad that she didn't care to remember the name of plinth when s Janice's mom came over for a visit regarding The Disappearance of her son like the woman was missing a child and Grandma over here is like well you best be hitting the road on the bright side Snow's grandmother was the first to predict that Cory elanus was going to be president and she kept saying it throughout his youth in fact she claimed that when Cory lanus is President it's going to rain champagne every Tuesday I know this was a joke but I'm over here thinking did Snow actually embrace the idea of champagne Tuesdays I don't know after looking at the capital like one time I'm assuming they did Tigers on the other hand remembered that Mrs plint sent a casser roll over to the Snows after the hole regardless tigis being a known advocate for somebody who doesn't want Cory elanus to turn into his father or his bitter as grandmother she hated people like Dr Gul and what they were doing to Coro in her mind snow is someone who wouldn't Hur a fly and then Gul comes in and forces cor elanus into the arena resulting in corilanus having to kill bobin and I think that Coro liked killing bobin and it felt powerful because it was the first time he stopped putting up this front this shallow facade and tapped into a more animalistic nature it wasn't him wanting to be barbaric it was just the first moment he truly felt in control so in future moments when he feels like he's no longer in control he takes it to the same extreme and fires upon people like Mayfair or even Lucy gray when Cory l was back in district 12 with Lucy gray he was still itching to get back to the capital he wanted her to conform to his way of life not the other way around when Lucy gray mentions the Katniss potato plant in front of snow I think Katniss has a much nicer ring don't you the music swells and everyone in the audience is like whoa that's the main character of the next movie if we're speaking chronologically the first time I saw the scene I thought it was a little cheese it was kind of like when they mentioned JFK and aimer teasing the expanded universe of us poit iCal figures but upon the second viewing I liked it because at this moment highlights Snow's still lingering hatred for the districts and his aversion for adapting to their lifestyle in the books they implied this by using the Mocking Jays snow hated this creature from the second he saw it he's like I don't like that he especially didn't like the sound of the mocking JS repeating The Melody of prisoners getting executed after listening to Lucy gray performed the song Deep In The Meadow snow noticed the lack of jabber Jays and was starting to assume that the mocking JS began reproducing without them this propaganda filled Peacekeeper and nly hated how the mocking jay was getting out of the capital's control so he suggested to his Commander that they use the Mocking Jays as a form of target practice anyway fast forward to after the whole pew pew Mayfair and sanis going like so is Spruce sanis Mayfair and Billy gone snow comes across the last of the evidence connecting him to this Rebellion gone wrong snow thought he would be killed by taking the mayor's daughter out of the equation and conspiring with the rebels when the rebels from the district surrounded the capital Grandam told her grandchildren remember children we are but besieged we have not surrendered and then the capital ended up winning the war so when snow unpacked those weapons I feel like he had a similar thought something within telling him that he didn't need to surrender yet and that there was still hope plus I bottom once said that Snow's mother somehow convinced herself that Cris would give her freedom and love but in the end she would be tossed out of the frying pan and Into the Fire after snow lost Lucy Gray's trust he went out searching for her but all of her tracks led to his mother's orange scarf the scarf was accompanied by a snake to bite him then dozens of mocking jay Snow's least favorite creature began to sing the Hanging Tree this is the last song that snow would ever hear Lucy Gray sing it was about former District 12 coal miner named Arlo chance who was executed for Crime while his occupation was a coal miner Arlo was still fighting the first Rebellion he thought it would hurt the capital by blowing up the mines to stop coal production however when carrying out his plan he accidentally killed three innocent people so chance was executed at the Hanging Tree as was tradition Lucy leaves snow with the song The Hanging Tree to let him know that she pieced together that snow who was responsible for the execution of the pacifist known as s Janice plint creating a whole new meaning to the line they say he murdered three in the ballot of song birds and snakes it's written that snow thought Lucy could fly around District 12 all she liked but her and her mocking JS could never harm him again and even after all these years snow had the same disdain on his face for a new Victor from District 12 rocking a mocking jpen Plus in the film version of song birds and snakes after snow shoots Lucy he picks up a golden earring of hers it's gold just like the mocking jpen so this line what a lovely pen hits so much harder and for that reason it's puzzling to me how if you look very closely at this picture in Snow's office you can spot what looks like a Victorian sketch of nature but it's not a drawing of a creature that lived in Victorian times or any actual times no instead it was the jabber J cr's believe believe that his own military experience as in serving the peacekeepers enhanced his legitimacy in the family business which was selling military weapons even though Cory lanus didn't go into the peacekeepers voluntarily it most certainly boosted his reputation at the University and added legitimacy to his position in his new kind of stepdad's family business in fact when snow was walking through the halls of University other students would look at him with Envy all because he served as a peacekeeper it gave him an edge after this internal struggle of choos the life of a song bird or the life of a snake Cory has finally came to the conclusion that the entire world is an arena and we need the Hunger Games to remind everyone who we truly are people like Lucy gray however chose to see the goodam People by the way this transformation was signified perfectly with the Roses you remember the roses that snow is rocking during the first half of the film at the beginning of the film when Cory elanus is most Capital driven his grandmam gives him a red rose and when greeting Lucy at the train station snow is holding a white rose repr representing his family as this train station was the same place that he waited for his dad and this is also where Lucy gray opens up about her own family when I was little my mama used to bathe me in buttermilk and rose petals and during the games Cory lenus has an orange rose to match Lucy Gray's dress representing how keeping Lucy gay alive was his main priority at that time and we all know by now that snow decided to rock the white roses in the end according to set decorator Larry Diaz the white rose is a symbol of Purity the exact opposite of who snow is an interesting observation I observed while observing the book was how grandman became more uh out of it for lack of a better term specifically becoming more out of it when snow left to become a peacekeeper in the worst District in tigress's letter Grand mam reportedly asked like two times in one day when Coro would be home and if they should wait for him to return for dinner kind of forgetting that the peacekeepers kind of have a 20-year obligation to wherever they get stationed in the districts tiger and corilanus were like who's going to tell cuz it's not going to be me but when snow returns from District 12 Grandam the person who is emblematic of all this blind patriotism towards the capital is suddenly better it's funny how snow Gall and all these other people viewed the district borns as Savages that's why they ruled with the hungry games to display the animalistic nature of humans and remind everyone who they truly are hence keeping the tributes in a monkey cage at the zoo yet the people who they considered Savages and the people who they put in an unprecedented awful surviv situation ended up showing more Humanity than anyone in the capital lamina showed Mercy to Marcus by climbing the rocks and putting him out of his misery just so she can end his punishment of him being publicly displayed like that or Reaper for example as he respectfully laid out the tributes bodies and cover them with a capital flag and all of this is really helping support Lucy Gray's philosophy I don't know maybe tigress's radical transformation of mimicking a tiger to the point of potentially E coli poisoning was symbolic of how the capital citiz were truly the animals here plus it sucks to learn that Lucy claimed that the rat poison was her idea and the compact was her token she took the fall for snow the only reason Cory lenus got caught cheating was due to the initials on his dad's handkerchief that he threw into the snake pit this was an issue because cis's middle name was zanthus and apparently not a lot of people in this Greek themed Society have a middle name that starts with X I guess all that matters is that snow avoided becoming dead in the woods of District 12 unlike his dad by the way the last time we see G she's working on the squid monster mut as well as these very threatening goldfish muts but um but mainly the squid let's focus on the squid we know that Ms was the victor of the 11th Hunger Games and why was that why did she win I'm going to assume that a lot of parts of the arena for the 11th games were submerged in water that's like my theory and those areas of water were most likely accompanied by this aquatic mud and this would explain why Megs being from District 4 also known as known as the District of swimming and fishing skills would be the winner that year as she would have the skill set to take down this very threatening looking creature after his return to the capital snow is taken in by the plinths in the book snow had a much closer relationship with Mr plinth than this nod that they gave you in the film Cory elanus felt the same awkwardness and anxiety around Mr plint that he once felt around his own father so I guess he was given a similar father figure in the end snow would be an heir to the plinth Fortune but he was 18 so even though he's not technically adopted he was debating whether or not to call the ma and PAW but he settled for calling straa plinth sir and in a way snow was reclaiming his father's munition Empire and even though he was consuming the plint Empire snow knew that he would never trade his last name for anything also snow would eventually refer to Mrs plinth as Ma and uh that's just very disturbing strabo bought the snow's apartment so the OG crew like Tigris and grandmam could live there in the proper conditions that they had before the dark days the plint also paid for Snow's tuition a helper for grandmam as well as a cook a brand new cook strabo and Cory lenus were apparently a good fit together strabo was excited to give snow advice and snow is excited to take it I don't mean to ruin SJ janus's life but you could say that snow was the sun strabo plinth always wanted it gets more interesting because apparently snow still viewed strabo as District scum but in the meantime the wealth and the money surprisingly helped Cory elenas focus on his new game maker internship as well as the special honors class and military strategy with Dr Gaul this is where they improved on the games like having more Stakes for people in the districts like everyone receiving a parcel of food if their tribute wins as well as Victor's Village a town with elegant homes specifically made for Victors as the name would suggest Tigers made noow think about just how alone his tribute Lucy gray must have felt that he should show her how much she's valued so he ends up turning the tributes arrival at the capital from this into this during the 70-some years I strongly suspect that snow got got together with Livia cardu as in she became the first lady at one point and for good reason too after dating Lucy gry barard snow didn't like the vulnerability and the stupidity that came with love so he picked someone who he thought had no capable means of ever swaying his heart so Cory lanus chose a girl from The Academy who called him self-absorbed and who tried to get him kicked out of the 10th Hunger Games on several occasions clearly the perfect choice for a spouse and this would explain why snow has a granddaughter uh but I don't know who the heck these people are producer of The Hunger Games Brian enas claimed that Plutarch has a unique understanding of the way in which entertainment can be used to manipulate the masses he is a master at propaganda which is why snow is so willing to take advice from him snow never stopped improving on the games but it was only by listening to people like Lucy gray or Tigress or Plutarch that allowed him to truly perfect it the man who played evil Santa Claus Donald southernland went on to talk about the world snow created it's a society that was created by force it's like it's made of paper it's that fragile one spark can lead to a fire so now that we know how well snow made this very stable Society let's move on to chapter 2 of 57 titled the fall of snow during the time between the 10th games and the 74th games snow took after Dr Gul in a way that he wasn't the front man he left that up to the flickerman or the game makers instead snow would operate from behind the scenes he keeps the capital residents Happy by giving them amazing feasts where if you eat too much you can drink something to make make you violently throw up in the bathroom and then after that shameful 5 minutes of hell you can eloquently return to the party in order to shove more food into your face speaking of that party according to Catching Fire the official Illustrated movie companion the presidential Feast consisted of roughly 200 ft of buffet tables filled with food and food and and a lot of food honestly it was full of anything you could think of and things you could never dream of this shameful Act of gluttony was inspired by a Runway shows Feast production to designer Phil mesina once witnessed but he wanted to make it many times bigger to show off the sheer abundance of food because for practical reasons it was meant to feed over 200 party guests 40 musicians 12 avoxes the fire breathers the presidential guards and a partridge and a pear tree the production of The Hunger Games loved using a lot of extras in the first movie they had about 400 Capital extras and V Neil was helping make sure every single one of them looked perfect the entire team would end up taking 9 and 1/2 hours to to get them all into makeup and wardrobe which is insane the presidential mansion party was filmed at the Swan House An Elegant classical Mansion built in the heart of Atlanta Georgia in 1928 by Edward and Emily Inman The Heirs to a cotton Fortune it's set back from the street by a long driveway and at the end of that long driveway you can find a cascading F A Terrace lawn and gorgeous formal Gardens the inside of the house is as elegant as the exterior set decorator Larry Das described the style of the place as very classic sort of dictatorial snow is surrounded by antiques crystal chandeliers and other finery basically it's a beautiful place with a shameful history but the structure of the house is really perfect for what they needed Elizabeth Banks went on to say that we're imagining a future world but we're basing it on places from the past you can really imagine that this home would survive through hundreds of years of turmoil also the place being named the Swan House was coincidentally A fitting name for a series that has a reoccurring theme of song birds the guests at the party that were still talking about were very important people from artists to bankers and they were all wrapped in overindulgent nonsensical trappings that give me a sever headache from looking at them President Snow rocks a more military aesthetic while staying fashionable and not completely polarizing costume designer judana makovski went on to say that Donald Sutherland is a very elegant man and of course we're going to go with his Elegance we wanted him to be imposing but we didn't want him to look like the rest of the capital with outrageous fashion we thought that he's he's above all that he can do whatever he wants cuz he's a freaking lion a majestic lion and while we're on the topic of just reading out interviews right now I really liked reading V Neil explaining how they designed Snow's look she claimed that I sat and worked for the entire day and after we tried all these things on him I said what if we make your eyebrows all white to match the hair he looks like he's all warm and fuzzy when in fact he's the most evil of them all I don't know whether or not you read the first Hunger Games book in the trilogy but the character of snow was barely in it according to producer Robin Bissell the film's director Gary Ross was talking about the role of snow to Donald southernland Gary was all like okay Donald regarding your role in The Hunger Games you just need to show up to set for like a couple of days you don't really have any screen time all you have to do is show up as the president and make one speech and Donald southernland said no Gary no I really want to do it ble felt that southernland truly understood the character of snow and how he was the embodiment of the capital and southernland saw what he needed to do with the character and when Ross and southernland were in communication with each other Ross had the idea to add two additional scenes with snow and senica crane and I for one love that they added these two scenes cuz in retrospect it kind of shows us how much snow has become like Dr Gul and how he treats his Mes in a similar fashion as her snow and catniss have a lot in common they both hate each other more than anything on panm that's the first thing they have in common and with looking at their individual histories you can find a good amount of commonalities both had similar up bringings I like Katniss had to hunt in the woods to provide for her family even though poaching was illegal snow would have to go on to hide things like crates of dried lima beans throughout his entire apartment because hoarding was illegal and whether it was liab beans or deer they both had to ration their food and find a way to trade it during a little thing called surviving snow hated canis for a lot of reasons the most significant reason however would be that she became the literal symbol for the second Rebellion which was a rebellion meant to tear down his entire Empire and everything he's ever built like ciss Lucy was a tribute from 12 but Snow's War flashbacks to Lucy grey bar didn't stop there the first thing that must have truly reminded snow of Lucy gray was when Katniss sang deep in the meadow to Ru back in the day Lucy sang deep in the meadow to snow and while listening Snow's anxiety started to melt away it was a song that made him appreciate the beautiful nature surrounding him in district 12 and even made him consider giving up wealth and money and power in order to run off into the woods with Lucy gray on to of that listening to Lucy gray Barett perform this song reminded him of his mother singing to him when he was just a little potato why did Snow eventually fall I feel like that's the main point of this video and I just haven't addressed it yet well there's a lot of reasons but one of the main reasons would be plutar Heavens be a master of propaganda flut Tark played a huge role in turning the mocking jay into the main symbol of the second rebellion and you know what knowing how much the Mocking Jays and jabber Jays mock snow after Lucy abandoned him I found it interesting that snow didn't immediately baned the mocking J symbol due to his own personal hatred for the bird and his uncomfortable memories with it I mean why not take after previous mentors like Commander Hoff of District 12's peacekeepers who prohibited anyone from singing the song The Hanging Tree because he deemed it too rebellious snow eventually did ban the mocking J symbol after everyone in the capital was obsessed with it even people like his granddaughter were trying to make herself look more like catniss but by the time he banned the symbol it was too late because of the resistance and stuff you know what but then again I can understand why snow didn't just outright ban the symbol at first because he was a more calculated Leader by the time of the 74th Hunger Games he went from eliminating hitch's family over a stunt that he pulled in the arena to not fully eliminating Katniss's family for the stunt that she pulled in the arena because if District 11 showed us anything it's what bad PR can do snow made the same mistake that the previous higher-ups in the capital mid the capital intended for the jabber Jays aka the Mocking Jays to die out the same way that they wanted song birds like Lucy gray to also die out when it came to gray they took out her CV's ability to travel to sing certain songs and to even keep their family together and even when people like Dr Gul erased the memory of Lucy gray by destroying any copy of the 10th Hunger Games Lucy Gray's songs like deep in the meadow and the Hanging Tree live on because during the second Rebellion Katniss sings deep in the meadow to Ru and we all know what happens in District 11 and in mocking jay katnip sings The Hanging Tree a song that prompts the rebels to blow up the dam empowering the capital oh by the way before Lucy Gray's interview during the 10th games she claims that the show is not over until the mocking jay sings well we don't see Snow's reaction to Katniss sing in the Hanging Tree I'd like to imagine that he thought of Lucy's words when watching this performance if you ask me Snow's fatal flaw was underestimating the resilient nature of the song birds like the mocking jay we don't know a lot of details about how snow got to the position of President SL dictator but we know that Cory lanus definitely got to that position by using the Hunger Game games but also poisoning a lot of people he was willing to take out people who were not just threats but people he thought may be a threat one day in the future possibly after surrounding himself with nothing but yes men and then people telling him what he wants to hear uh that definitely worked against him remember that awkward moment where snow was opening up his Mansion to the refugees for their safety but it was really for Snow's protection because he basically wanted to farm a human shield around his place because if he really wanted to safeguard his citizens he would have just told them to go down into a bunker somewhere and then president coin approved the whole hovercraft with the Seal of the capital dropping bombs disguises emergency rations onto the capital citizens and then Prim shows up and is all like I'm the medic and I'm here to heal people and then everyone was asking themselves hey wait a second what the heck Prim you're only 13 you have to be 14 years old to be a soldier in District 13 as well as asking ourselves what the heck is she doing so close to the capital uh and then we figure out from snow that coin was most likely the one to Grant Prim the title of soldier even though she was too young to receive it because basically coin wanted to record prim's death to show to everyone in the districts especially cadiss everine that evil Snow kicked Prim out of the chat room so that coin could have everyone on her side and then it ended up being successful because the last of Snow's people turned on him you remember that awkward moment well snow would play mind games with catniss because the whole burning hatred for her he would do stuff like leaving white roses in her Victor's village house or outside of 13 he was a real jerk you know but you have to give him credit where credit is due snow never really lied to catniss right dear I think we can make this so much simpler if we agree not to lie to each other what do you think so I guess he really did learn from his mistake with Lucy gray do not lie to me because snow never gave Katniss a reason not to trust the validity of his words giving her every reason to believe that snow was telling the truth when he said that coin was the one who blew up Prim causing Katniss to shoot the arrow into coin thus abolishing The Hunger Games for good so I mean I guess something good came out of his dictatorship
Channel: Bryce Edward Brown
Views: 176,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Hunger Games Explained, The Rise and Fall of Snow, The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, Dean Casca Highbottom, The Guide to The Hunger Games, Dr. Volumnia Gaul, Plutarch Heavensbee, District 12, Katniss Everdeen, hunger games panem, hunger games panem map, hunger games districts, Annie Cresta, Panem, Panem Explained, Coriolanus Snow, Lucy Gray Baird, Tigris, District 13, Crassus Snow, Snow's mom, The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes
Id: DJmZgH1i4V8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 3sec (3183 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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