Who is the Most Tragic Hunger Games Character?

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foreign The Hunger Games is a series about tragedy and with that comes many tragic characters if you take a deeper look pretty much every character is tragic but I narrowed that list down to what I think are the five characters that suffered the most heymage Abernathy Annie Cresta Joanna Mason finick Odair and Peter malark in this video I'm going to go over each character's tragic life and as we go I will rank them deciding who is the most tragic Hunger Games character if you enjoy this video please hit that like button it will greatly help with the algorithm meaning I can make more fun videos like this one now let's get the video started hey Mitch Abernathy we'll start with the oldest character Haymitch got a bad handout to him as he was chosen for the second quarter quell which had twice as many tributes meaning Haymitch had even more work cut out for him than most he got badly beaten up in the arena as he was seconds away from Death fighting to keep his intestines inside of his stomach but he won two weeks after being crowned Victor however President Snow killed his mother brother and girlfriend all because he used the force field around the arena to win which the capital felt made them look foolish Heyman had terrible PTSD both from the arena and from losing his family he became paranoid and he basically sentenced himself to solitary confinement eventually leading to severe depression on top of that he turned the alcohol to numb his pain and he was a severe alcoholic he came out once a year for the Hunger Games and he was put in another terrible position he was the only Victor of District 12 meaning he had to Mentor the tributes each year this was incredibly hard as he was forced to get to know the kids on only to watch them die year after year causing even more heartache for heymatch he also had to choose between the kids every year who we should help in the arena and who we should let die a decision that nobody should have to make he eventually stopped helping them unable to deal with any more loss if he didn't help and get to know them it wouldn't hurt as much when they didn't make it back Haymitch ended up helping Katniss and Peta though realizing that they could actually win but he again had to choose who to keep alive and who to Let Die Another impossible decision luckily they both ended up winning but at the price of an angry snow which reminded himach of what snow had done to his loved ones the following year he had the awful chance of going back into the arena 25 years later and he was chosen however Peter volunteered in his place which led to a lot of guilt for hemich when Peta got taken by the capital and was tortured for months Hamish then struggled in District 13 because they had no alcohol and he was forced to go through terrible withdrawal Haymitch ended up having a better ending than a lot of people on this list though as he helped the Rebels win against the capital successfully kept Katniss out of trouble after she killed coin and he spent the rest of his life with Katniss Peta and their kids in District 12. heyman's lived a very awful life for a lot longer than every other character on this list he dealt with loss alcoholism and both physical and emotional pain now we're going to move on to the other characters and as we go we'll see where Haymitch ranks in my own ranking any Cresta Annie was probably affected by The Hunger Games more than most on this list unlike the others it was the games that broke her not everything that happened after after falling in love with Finnick while training for the game she went into the arena and saw a district partner be beheaded which scarred her for Life After winning because she was the only one that could swim long enough to survive she was driven into Insanity she was so messed up in the head that she would laugh at odd times cover her ears or shut her eyes very tightly she did have someone there for her however as she and Finnick got together and he helped her through her tough times however she was forced to watch the man she loved be paraded on television being a womanizer and behind the scenes being a prostitute which was probably incredibly difficult to see for Annie after spending many happy years with Finnick things got flipped upside down when the 75th Hunger Games came around because they were choosing from the existing pool of Victors both she and Finnick were chosen but mags volunteered in her place she was then then forced to watch Finnick in the arena and saw mags give her life which caused immense amount of guilt for Annie knowing that she gave her life to protect her after Katniss blew up the arena Annie was put through even more Agony as she was arrested and taken to the Capitol where she was tortured for months she was eventually rescued though and she came home to Finnick she finally had something good happen as she and Finnick got married and later they got the news that Annie was pregnant however tragedy once again came Annie's way as she watched Finnick leave for a mission where he would of course die she lost the love of her life and the father of her unborn baby meaning she would have to raise the baby on her own without Finnick ultimately though the baby served as a reminder of their father which could be hard for any but could also be good at the same time now as for Annie's ranking I think haymitch's life was more tragic than Annie's though she had a lot of lasting effects from the games Annie had a number of happy years with Finnick and she had somebody there for her as she dealt with her PTSD meanwhile heymitch did not have have this he had no loved ones to help him through his hard times and he was alone for a very long time both of them had semi-happy endings as Haymitch lived his days with Katniss and Peta but never really had loved ones of his own besides them while Annie still had someone there for her even if her child reminded her of the man she lost overall though I think Haymitch had it worse off mainly because of those many many years he spent all alone in depression Joanna Mason after winning her games by tricking everyone into thinking she was weak only to slaughter the remaining tributes President Snow tried to force Joanna into prostitution to benefit the capital's wealth when she refused this snow had her family and loved ones brutally murdered can't hurt me it's not a laugh that I love Joanna like camich locked herself in her house but instead of drinking she built up resentments and anger towards snow that would drive her to a Breaking Point when the 75th Hunger Games came Joanna was the only female Victor from her District meaning she was going in no matter what she joined the Rebellion when the rebels approached her and she was excited to get revenge on snow this of course meant though that she had to go through the Hunger Games again and at the lowest point of this she saw her fellow Victor tribute blight die when he hit the force field all while being in a rainstorm of blood he wasn't much but he was from home when the arena blew up Joanna was taken to the Capitol where she was locked up and horribly tortured they even shaved her head so that her hair wouldn't absorb the electricity they were using on her they tortured her mentally and physically in the most excruciating ways but she did not share any of the information she had on the Rebellion she was eventually rescued and brought to District 13. mowing the hospital of 13 she developed a terrible addiction to the pain medication more fling when the doctors realized how bad it was they cut her Supply back causing Joanna to go through terrible withdrawal on top of that she could not shower as it gave her crippling PTSD from the capital soaking her before electrocuting her the main form of torture she endured while captured when Katniss joined her in the hospital Joanna stole her pain medication so desperate to get rid of the withdrawal when the rebels mission was brought up Joanna wanted to go so she and Katniss trained but this was really hard for Joanna however she pushed through with the help of Katniss and after weeks of training and even moving in with each other the two girls grew Incredibly Close and even got strong enough for the mission they had just one more task but Joanna's challenge was to survive an obstacle course flooded with water and she broke down cower to the floor and began to scream like bloody murder this made them say that Joanna could not go on the mission after all of her hard work and training Katniss said goodbye to Joanna and Joanna made Katniss promise to kill snow Joanna was heartbroken when she learned about finnick's death as she was very close with him and she became angry when she saw Katniss kill coin instead of snow breaking her promise Joanna felt forgotten and betrayed by Katniss who she had grown so close with and who she never saw again she moved back to her district with nobody close to her with a ton of hatred in her heart a terrible addiction to pain medicine and she had a crippling fear of water all of which affected her miserable day-to-day life where she couldn't even bathe herself now going to the ranking for Joanna I think Joanna had a more tragic life than both Hamish and Annie she had a lot in common with Haymitch as they both lost all of their loved ones both of them were alone while dealing with the aftermath of the games and both dealt with substance abuse and withdrawal how however Joanna was put through a lot more not only being captured and locked up but being brutally tortured neither of which heimitch had to deal with this meant that Joanna not only dealt with PTSD from the games but also from her time in the capital and I would even argue that she had the worst PTSD of any character in the series not even being able to clean herself because of her fear of water the only person that comes close is Annie but she of course had somebody to help her through it meanwhile Joanna didn't have anybody on top of that Hamish ended his life with friends while again Joanna ended her life feeling forever betrayed by her friends so for me Joanna definitely takes the top spot when it comes to tragedy so far vinegar dare Finnick was an incredibly young 14 year old when he entered the games and he was the youngest Victor in history at 14 he had to deal with adult Capital citizens drooling over him which was probably incredibly unsettling when Finnick turned 18 President Snow sold him and his body to Capital residence serving him up for prostitution Finnick refused at first but when snow threatened to kill his family just like he did for heymich and Joanna Finnick realized he had no other choice because snow did not play games this brought immense amount of Shame upon him as snow sold him for insane amounts of money which finnig didn't see a scent of or he served finnick's body up as a reward for those who did something for snow Finnick was offered presents jewelry and even money from the buyers most likely to make themselves feel better about the situation but Finnick refused them all instead collecting the darkest and most disturbing Secrets the capital had to offer all of which he used to his Advantage later including the secret that snow Rose to Power by poisoning people the public did not know about Finnick being used for prostitution so we got the reputation as a womanizer because he was seen with so many different people either in the capital or on TV for the district citizens despite all this unwanted affection Finnick later trained antichresta fell in love with her and finally got affection that he truly wanted however this meant that he had to watch her in the arena which was probably Agony not knowing if the woman he loved would come out alive she ended up winning but the woman Finnick loved was a very different person she was driven into Insanity with odd Tendencies which I mentioned earlier in the video Finnick stood by her though and they had many happy years together for the 75th Hunger Games Finnick had to go back in the arena and when Annie was chosen alongside him the love of his life was replaced by mags his former mentor and a mother figure to him Finnick was then forced to watch Max kill herself to save him probably one of the hardest moments of his life and probably caused an immense amount of guilt when Finnick was rescued from the arena snow kidnapped Annie and tortured her this broke Finnick wall in District 13 he was deeply depressed and unhinged only thinking of Annie and what was happening to her after many hard months of this she was finally rescued they were so happy to be back together again and not long after that they got engaged and had a wonderful wedding Finnick became more stable after this and they later got the amazing news that Annie was pregnant however Finnick went on another mission in the capital and he suffered one of the most brutal deaths in the series mutts were tearing at him and he was in absolute agony screaming in pain Katniss took him out of his Misery by blowing them up and Finnick died a horrible death never getting to meet his unborn child and leaving the love of his life behind placing Finnick in this ranking is very hard he did not deal with substance abuse like hey Mitch or Joanna but he did have to deal with being exploited and taken advantage of for many years which in itself is demoralizing and definitely took a toll on his mind we also have to take into account the happy years he had with Annie but thinking about this I feel as though a small portion of those happy times are sort of canceled out by all the worry and TOA took on finnick's mind when she was taken by the capital but overall he did have those happy moments what we really have to think about though is this agonizing death it's a tough call but I think his death pushes him ahead of hey Mitch in the ranking despite the fact that he had happy moments with a loved one which hemich never got to have you have to remember that when comparing the two endings haymitches is so much better however with all that being said I do not think that Finnick can be pushed ahead of Joanna Joanna's torturing is just as bad if not worse than finnick's death because he was at least taken out of his misery while Joanna had to suffer with this PTSD from the torturing for the rest of her life never being the same again and never even being able to bathe herself which I keep harping on because that is just so tragic and if that doesn't convince you that Joanna had it worse off than Finnick I'm going to point out the fact that Finnick had many happy years with the person he loved while Joanna had zero loved ones so Joanna still has the most tragic life in my opinion so before we go to the final character the ranking goes as follows Annie hamitch Finnick and Joanna now let's see where the final character fits in Peter malark Peter grew up with a physically abusive mother which was definitely hard he then went through the horrors of the 74th Hunger Games which included losing one of his legs and getting it replaced with a fake one and this led to a lot of trouble throughout the rest of his life Peta had been in love with Katniss for a long time and he thought that she loved him back after coming out of the games together however he got his heart broken on the train ride home as he discovered that everything she had done was an act to survive and she did not really love him he then had to watch Katniss with Gail which was incredibly hard for him meanwhile he had to keep the charade of their love going making it even more painful this was made even worse as Katniss sort of strung him along getting in bed with him if she had a nightmare and she pretty much used him when she needed something or felt upset giving him false hope Peter went back into the arena for the 75th Hunger Games after he volunteered for haymatch and there Katniss finally fell in love with Peta as well however as soon as he finally got what he wanted he was taken by the capital and was locked up tortured and brainwashed the capital's brainwashing made him a puppet forcing him to say what they wanted him to say in interviews during one interview though Peta fought through the brainwashing and he warned District 13 of a bombing that was coming their way and this led to peacekeepers Knocking him out splattering blood everywhere after that they tortured Peta worse than ever and worst of all they began to use tracker Jacker Venom which in itself is extremely painful and they use that to make him think that Katniss the woman he loved was a danger to him when he was rescued he almost killed Katniss before he was knocked out and he severely injured her Peter then went through a battle with his mind about what was real and what wasn't which in itself is torture it led to a ton of anger mental breakdowns and confusion that would drive anyone crazy then after being used by snow he was later used by coin as she sent him on a mission that he was not ready for this led to him attacking Katniss and killing the soldier that tried to stop him this put Peta into so much turmoil that he told everyone he had to die his lowest of lows they did not do this however and later Katniss was able to bring him out of his brainwashing more than ever they went through some more chaos but came out Victorious when Katniss killed coin instead of snow peta's heart sank when he saw Katniss about to take a nightlock pill to kill herself and he ran to stop her not long after that Peta was sent to Victor's Village in District 12. and there he continued his love story with Katniss as they had two kids and raised their family together now where does PETA fall in the ranking this is another tough call because like Annie Peta had permanent effects from the games as he lost his leg and had to deal with a prosthetic one for the rest of his life which is similar to how the games affected Annie mentally meanwhile like Joanna and Annie Peta was brutally tortured in the capital and like Finnick he was taken advantage of though in a very different way Finnick was served up for prostitution while Peta had his mind infiltrated and changed which honestly might be worse than what Finnick went through also though Annie was tortured as well the brainwashing definitely makes peta's time and the capital worse Annie did not go through that and speaking on that we have to think about the aftermath of the brainwashing in comparison to the aftermath of Joanna's torturing Peta was able to fight through Ed while Joanna was not furthermore Peter had someone there for him to help him fight through these effects while again Joanna did not Peta also had less years of suffering than Hamish did as Haymitch wasted away for years all by himself not only watching his family die but watching all the kids he trained die year after year and another thing to think about is peta's ending though he was put through hell he was one of the few characters in the series that got a truly happy ending that happy ending really pushes Peta back on the tragedy ranking again it's a tough call but even though Annie didn't have Finnick while Peta did have Katniss I think he had a worse life than Annie mainly because of the way the capital infiltrated his mind and because of the way he was used by so many people in his life first by Katniss then by snow and then by coin Peta and Haymitch are where it gets more difficult Peter went through torture and brainwashing while Haymitch went through depression and alcoholism but taking into account how long Hamid suffered with this is what makes me say he had a more tragic life than Peta and if that doesn't convince you that hamit had it worse off we just have to look at their endings peta's ending is far happier than heimach is he got the girl he loved and he got two beautiful children meanwhile James was there on the sidelines and though he was alive safe and well he had to watch Katniss and Peter have what he knew he would never be able to fulfill in his own life so looking at the final ranking we have Annie then Peta then hamich then Finnick and then the most tragic Hunger Games character in my opinion is Joanna it's interesting because I did a poll on Twitter and you guys gave Joanna the least amount of votes completely being the opposite of what I said but let me know your own ranking in the comments below I made this video with the intention of the comment section being there for you guys use it to give your thoughts whether it's on my ranking or somebody else's ranking I think it will lead to a lot of interesting conversations and debates but please let's try to keep it friendly that's all I have for you guys today though again if you liked the video please hit that like button and if you want Stick Around And subscribe I'll see you guys in the next video thank you so much for watching guys I hope you enjoyed the video you can follow me on 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Channel: MovieFlame
Views: 357,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harry Potter, Superhero, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Disney, Hunger Games, details you missed, hidden details, top 10, countdown, easter egg, easter eggs, behind the scenes, facts, explained, life of, review, theory, breakdown, peeta, mellark, johanna, mason, finnick, odair, annie, cresta, haymitch, abernathy, katniss, everdeen, prim, gale, hawthorne, district, panem, snow, corialanus, mockingjay, catching fire, mocking jay, rue, capitol, districts, quarter quell, mags, beetee, wiress, effie, trinket, cinna, clove, cato, thresh
Id: cyoA35Mn9ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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