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[Music] hi guys welcome back to my channel today's the day layla's going to join me shortly to expect her new ghosts hey how are you good well are you excited so excited and you can't hide it i'm about to lose control and i think i'd like hey let me show you something else before we go in there okay look at this dawn so it's orange your face yeah look at this it's got carbon fiber dash i know we're here for your ghost oh my god it's white yeah look at this i'm thinking hey maybe we can work out a 241 deal today look at this dash honey look at this isn't this gorgeous this has my name all over it right it's gonna get so dirty not when you smoke ah nothing can't be buffed out you promise to quit cigars yes what you should get this car hell no i'll write it smoke cigars and take the bus this is so miami i mean i kind of like your drop head better really yeah what do you think should you keep his drop head or go for this comment look at the driver is 12 13 years old this thing's practically yellow he's not even white anymore yeah it is me but i don't know or the dawn dawn hey why not both come on okay let's go inspect your car forget it okay i brought the boss over there hello again so it's literally a ghost you can't it's a ghost it's 20 21 it's a ghost yeah yeah they just took the car uh to some of the other dealerships yeah uh so we're uh now ghostless but we have the configurator i know i told that i think it's huge you can basically do a 360 on it yep and it's just for the ghost yeah so how we'll do it is you pick kind of a color that you like the the good thing is is you can see what the car looks like it comes up it does a 3d animation it's super cool the only thing is is i can't go crazy on you know customization of excited trends it doesn't do that and and we know that you're going to want that okay because you know yeah maybe well she wants pants right very like yeah you don't want two-toned we can't you could do the hoot though yeah yeah yeah so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna get to one inspiration that goes that they they call an inspiration and it already has things kind of set up and then we can change like for instance we can go here um we'll go to the pure and then we'll configure okay and then i'll ask like hey what do you think of the spirit of ecstasy do you want the clear one i already know do you want that okay oh my god oh you should get gold it's crazy well what's going on in the butterflies so here's the deal you guys can you change the spirit of ecstasy to a barter yeah well here's the thing you know people have tried to do that and they were really they frown on them of course you know like it's their odell beckham yeah the football player yeah he wanted them to he wanted to have a picture of him coming out yeah so i mean it's super cool so for elena it'll be a hairbrush all right so let's start with it exterior color yes i know you like white from the outside to the inside i love white i love my car color right now it's like this beautiful pearlescent finish i don't know what it's called i think it's a adolescent white i believe it's uh yeah it's kind of a pearl essence to it it's not a flat white yeah it's like really beautiful for lesson finish we also have a finish called crystal over white that gives it a really neat uh look too so that's something we can look at and i'll get samples so i can get samples of both okay sure yeah absolutely next order of business i want the crystal spirit of ecstasy okay absolute must we can do we can do crystal spirit of ecstasy right now at the time you guys it's not available anytime we launch a new car they have like three or four things that are available like for in this instance the spirit of ecstasy we can do gold we can do solid silver and we can just do the bright silver that you see um it's not to say that it won't be available we can do it but it'll be a special bespoke feature that we can obviously do for you guys uh right now it's not offered but i'm sure we can do it okay no problem yeah we will make it happen for sure what do you like for the interior okay oh wait wait let's go back coach line do you want to do a coach line do you want to do a two-tone well here's the thing so there's two options there's two ideas i have it's either white and red okay or just the whites with the black piano sort of finish yes yeah i can't decide but i definitely want to have some butterfly elements oh okay so that's going to play very bespoke yeah we can do that um well let's just say we're gonna do red and white so let's see what a red and white would look like so i would think that just the hood would be red and everything else would be white okay let's do that so just the hood right okay the brightest the brightest red lipstick red oh there we go here we go i don't know that's so much red not a red i don't know can we see the front i don't know wait can we throw some wheels on that i love this let me show you i mean i have a whole album yeah i am sure you do i am sure you do i come perfectly i haven't even designed the car you're taking the low rider kind of wheel uh yeah that is not a rolls-royce school not so but i'm sorry well i choked every time you and you know rolls royces i know but which of those reds would it be it would be the top of the top and not the top of the corner and the rear um yeah we can do just the hood yeah we can do the top but yeah absolutely yeah i think you know what i want to keep it pretty monochromatic okay so just yeah a lot of whites i think monochromatic is cool and then we can um just the clean canvas yeah but keep this pin straight and then what we can do well i don't know about the red pinstripe everything white and then a red pinstripe then well you're gonna need some red on the inside of course you're gonna have some red butterflies i think you could butterfly i think you could do some neat things to bring out like right now on this configurator we can't show but on the center cap for the wheel you can do a red cap you can do a white that's cool pin stripe in there you can small just little touches i think are nice and elegant and then you can open the car and then have your customization free yeah for you i agree okay let's see the inside now you guys there is so many there's thousands of different things you can do to this car so what rolls royce did with this configurator is they they put different samples of our set things that you can change you know little things here and there but one of the steering wheel isn't one of them okay all right but uh veneer you know you can do well headliner ceiling you want all white i think yeah we can do light headliner um i mean you can do you can you can do white i like that i have to see it in person though yeah i know and you know what if you guys go to goodwood you would yeah go to that and you would yeah and then you would why wouldn't you go to goodwood i mean you have the opportunity you should you should try to do it you know so i would say pick white for as many options as you have on the interior and then we'll work it but is the base really white like that dawn you showed us out there so yeah that's arctic white that is right what you see right there that the brightest white you see right there manny that that's that's arctic white i love it and then the bottom one is um seashell this one yeah yeah no this one yes wow look at that arctic wait in this imagine some red butterflies honey this is seashell these are probably our two most popular oh it's just like our theater yeah these are you know if you people that want to go too white yeah yeah it's just cleaning that would be such a yeah with the kids maybe but you know my detailer will be it really does clean well they treat the weather really well what can you do what do you what can you do so if you were born on a certain day uh-huh they can find the stars that were out that night and yeah okay yeah they can really do some magnificent things and we've done some pretty crazy you know uh commissions but uh yeah i mean it's your imagination really um is is through it to you okay so on the headrest and the time too what's our options on the headrest so the rolls-royce logo can i put some butterflies around sure so your your headrest is probably one of the more easy things we can do um because it's a small space it's removable so um we can do i mean we've done tiger heads we've done so i want to do butterflies so it'll but how can i see the actual butterflies in the design we will they will design it design it for you and then they'll send it over i mean they'll give us like full you know yeah renderings are really it's pretty neat okay should keep the inside mostly black and white and just throw in a little hint of red which can be like literally the butterflies yeah even the rolls-royce logo could remain in black is it normally black on the base model well if you order it with the with the rr on the headrest yeah or it's black it's it it's really any color if you're at that point if you've done it because you can get them without it right yeah yeah you know but people really want that so we can do them in different if it's a black interior we use we do white if it's a white interior we'll do black contrast no contrast contrast yeah so you don't see it unfortunately but the there's a couple different details in this car oh i see it yeah yeah so it went white again though it was red this stitch can be red this this um piping can be red this can be red that's what i'm saying this can be red yeah all the piping the rr red the buttons had something red now just a little bit yeah it just went in um this stitch can be red this can be white underneath okay and then red stitch with black i mean there's so many really neat things and again this is just an id gives you an idea uh for for the vehicle what it looks like and some of the things you can do but they haven't even scratched the surface of the next possibilities okay what they can do yeah if they if they put every single thing in this program we would yeah i don't think this computer could handle it that plus people would be here for eight hours i love the piping idea though i definitely want to do that we can do that and actually actually we can go do that right now actually yeah we can figure that out do you want to go look at the piping on his computer yeah i can i can build this car on my computer oh no yeah maybe we we have to go uh off camera for a little bit but uh yeah cool yeah yeah let's go let's go just do a quick configuration i think your pc will be more better yeah and i can i can literally go piping this color uh you know stitching this color yeah bottom of dash this color so it makes it a lot nicer okay let's do it all right you guys hey i must say i really enjoy working here you're gonna be we're gonna give you a desk pretty soon manny i know just don't charge me rent all right guys thanks for watching this video we're gonna go inside top secret room to design the rest be safe be well see you next week people always ask me how i made my money you see the bugattis paganis and mclarens i've got it all from doing real estate i've been doing that for 30 years buying selling over 800 million dollars and now i'm here to teach you because you got to learn it to earn it so check out the links below and see you [Music] there
Channel: Manny Khoshbin
Views: 941,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Manny Khosbin, Millionaire, Car Collector, automotive, luxury lifestyle, Manny Khoshbin Car Collection, Manny Khoshbin Garage, Manny Khoshbin Youtube, Manny Khoshbin All Cars, Super Car, Manny Khoshbin cars, Manny Khoshbin Collection, Manny Khoshbin full car collection, Manny Khoshbin new car, 2021 Rolls Royce Ghost, New Rolls Royce, Manny Khoshbin Rolls Royce, Manny Khoshbin Ghost, 2021 Rolls Royce Review
Id: y9iQ_NN2d_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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